Showing 182 of total 182 results (show query)
scales:Scale Functions for Visualization
Graphical scales map data to aesthetics, and provide methods for automatically determining breaks and labels for axes and legends.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 5 months ago.
418 stars 19.90 score 88k scripts 8.0k dependentsthomasp85
patchwork:The Composer of Plots
The 'ggplot2' package provides a strong API for sequentially building up a plot, but does not concern itself with composition of multiple plots. 'patchwork' is a package that expands the API to allow for arbitrarily complex composition of plots by, among others, providing mathematical operators for combining multiple plots. Other packages that try to address this need (but with a different approach) are 'gridExtra' and 'cowplot'.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 3 days ago.
2.5k stars 19.83 score 82k scripts 657 dependentsplotly
plotly:Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'
Create interactive web graphics from 'ggplot2' graphs and/or a custom interface to the (MIT-licensed) JavaScript library 'plotly.js' inspired by the grammar of graphics.
Maintained by Carson Sievert. Last updated 3 months ago.
2.6k stars 19.43 score 93k scripts 797 dependentsslowkow
ggrepel:Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with 'ggplot2'
Provides text and label geoms for 'ggplot2' that help to avoid overlapping text labels. Labels repel away from each other and away from the data points.
Maintained by Kamil Slowikowski. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.2k stars 19.20 score 37k scripts 1.2k dependentsnanxstats
ggsci:Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for 'ggplot2'
A collection of 'ggplot2' color palettes inspired by plots in scientific journals, data visualization libraries, science fiction movies, and TV shows.
Maintained by Nan Xiao. Last updated 9 months ago.
680 stars 18.00 score 26k scripts 438 dependentsthomasp85
ggraph:An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks
The grammar of graphics as implemented in ggplot2 is a poor fit for graph and network visualizations due to its reliance on tabular data input. ggraph is an extension of the ggplot2 API tailored to graph visualizations and provides the same flexible approach to building up plots layer by layer.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.1k stars 16.96 score 9.2k scripts 111 dependentsconst-ae
ggsignif:Significance Brackets for 'ggplot2'
Enrich your 'ggplots' with group-wise comparisons. This package provides an easy way to indicate if two groups are significantly different. Commonly this is shown by a bracket on top connecting the groups of interest which itself is annotated with the level of significance (NS, *, **, ***). The package provides a single layer (geom_signif()) that takes the groups for comparison and the test (t.test(), wilcox.text() etc.) as arguments and adds the annotation to the plot.
Maintained by Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze. Last updated 8 months ago.
601 stars 16.89 score 3.6k scripts 417 dependentsbioc
ggtree:an R package for visualization of tree and annotation data
'ggtree' extends the 'ggplot2' plotting system which implemented the grammar of graphics. 'ggtree' is designed for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees and other tree-like structures with their annotation data.
Maintained by Guangchuang Yu. Last updated 5 months ago.
864 stars 16.86 score 5.1k scripts 109 dependentsstan-dev
bayesplot:Plotting for Bayesian Models
Plotting functions for posterior analysis, MCMC diagnostics, prior and posterior predictive checks, and other visualizations to support the applied Bayesian workflow advocated in Gabry, Simpson, Vehtari, Betancourt, and Gelman (2019) <doi:10.1111/rssa.12378>. The package is designed not only to provide convenient functionality for users, but also a common set of functions that can be easily used by developers working on a variety of R packages for Bayesian modeling, particularly (but not exclusively) packages interfacing with 'Stan'.
Maintained by Jonah Gabry. Last updated 2 months ago.
436 stars 16.69 score 6.5k scripts 98 dependentsjrnold
ggthemes:Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'
Some extra themes, geoms, and scales for 'ggplot2'. Provides 'ggplot2' themes and scales that replicate the look of plots by Edward Tufte, Stephen Few, 'Fivethirtyeight', 'The Economist', 'Stata', 'Excel', and 'The Wall Street Journal', among others. Provides 'geoms' for Tufte's box plot and range frame.
Maintained by Jeffrey B. Arnold. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.3k stars 16.17 score 40k scripts 102 dependentsthomasp85
ggforce:Accelerating 'ggplot2'
The aim of 'ggplot2' is to aid in visual data investigations. This focus has led to a lack of facilities for composing specialised plots. 'ggforce' aims to be a collection of mainly new stats and geoms that fills this gap. All additional functionality is aimed to come through the official extension system so using 'ggforce' should be a stable experience.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 3 days ago.
929 stars 15.98 score 9.3k scripts 298 dependentsnjtierney
naniar:Data Structures, Summaries, and Visualisations for Missing Data
Missing values are ubiquitous in data and need to be explored and handled in the initial stages of analysis. 'naniar' provides data structures and functions that facilitate the plotting of missing values and examination of imputations. This allows missing data dependencies to be explored with minimal deviation from the common work patterns of 'ggplot2' and tidy data. The work is fully discussed at Tierney & Cook (2023) <doi:10.18637/jss.v105.i07>.
Maintained by Nicholas Tierney. Last updated 15 days ago.
657 stars 15.63 score 5.1k scripts 9 dependentsthomasp85
gganimate:A Grammar of Animated Graphics
The grammar of graphics as implemented in the 'ggplot2' package has been successful in providing a powerful API for creating static visualisation. In order to extend the API for animated graphics this package provides a completely new set of grammar, fully compatible with 'ggplot2' for specifying transitions and animations in a flexible and extensible way.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 3 days ago.
2.0k stars 15.53 score 13k scripts 24 dependentshms-dbmi
UpSetR:A More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for Visualizing Intersecting Sets
Creates visualizations of intersecting sets using a novel matrix design, along with visualizations of several common set, element and attribute related tasks (Conway 2017) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx364>.
Maintained by Jake Conway. Last updated 4 years ago.
781 stars 15.33 score 4.8k scripts 42 dependentsmjskay
ggdist:Visualizations of Distributions and Uncertainty
Provides primitives for visualizing distributions using 'ggplot2' that are particularly tuned for visualizing uncertainty in either a frequentist or Bayesian mode. Both analytical distributions (such as frequentist confidence distributions or Bayesian priors) and distributions represented as samples (such as bootstrap distributions or Bayesian posterior samples) are easily visualized. Visualization primitives include but are not limited to: points with multiple uncertainty intervals, eye plots (Spiegelhalter D., 1999) <>, density plots, gradient plots, dot plots (Wilkinson L., 1999) <doi:10.1080/00031305.1999.10474474>, quantile dot plots (Kay M., Kola T., Hullman J., Munson S., 2016) <doi:10.1145/2858036.2858558>, complementary cumulative distribution function barplots (Fernandes M., Walls L., Munson S., Hullman J., Kay M., 2018) <doi:10.1145/3173574.3173718>, and fit curves with multiple uncertainty ribbons.
Maintained by Matthew Kay. Last updated 4 months ago.
859 stars 14.95 score 3.1k scripts 62 dependentsmjskay
tidybayes:Tidy Data and 'Geoms' for Bayesian Models
Compose data for and extract, manipulate, and visualize posterior draws from Bayesian models ('JAGS', 'Stan', 'rstanarm', 'brms', 'MCMCglmm', 'coda', ...) in a tidy data format. Functions are provided to help extract tidy data frames of draws from Bayesian models and that generate point summaries and intervals in a tidy format. In addition, 'ggplot2' 'geoms' and 'stats' are provided for common visualization primitives like points with multiple uncertainty intervals, eye plots (intervals plus densities), and fit curves with multiple, arbitrary uncertainty bands.
Maintained by Matthew Kay. Last updated 6 months ago.
733 stars 14.72 score 7.3k scripts 20 dependentstalgalili
heatmaply:Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly' and 'ggplot2'
Create interactive cluster 'heatmaps' that can be saved as a stand- alone HTML file, embedded in 'R Markdown' documents or in a 'Shiny' app, and available in the 'RStudio' viewer pane. Hover the mouse pointer over a cell to show details or drag a rectangle to zoom. A 'heatmap' is a popular graphical method for visualizing high-dimensional data, in which a table of numbers are encoded as a grid of colored cells. The rows and columns of the matrix are ordered to highlight patterns and are often accompanied by 'dendrograms'. 'Heatmaps' are used in many fields for visualizing observations, correlations, missing values patterns, and more. Interactive 'heatmaps' allow the inspection of specific value by hovering the mouse over a cell, as well as zooming into a region of the 'heatmap' by dragging a rectangle around the relevant area. This work is based on the 'ggplot2' and 'plotly.js' engine. It produces similar 'heatmaps' to 'heatmap.2' with the advantage of speed ('plotly.js' is able to handle larger size matrix), the ability to zoom from the 'dendrogram' panes, and the placing of factor variables in the sides of the 'heatmap'.
Maintained by Tal Galili. Last updated 9 months ago.
386 stars 14.21 score 2.0k scripts 45 dependentseliocamp
ggnewscale:Multiple Fill and Colour Scales in 'ggplot2'
Use multiple fill and colour scales in 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Elio Campitelli. Last updated 1 months ago.
414 stars 14.18 score 4.9k scripts 136 dependentscorybrunson
ggalluvial:Alluvial Plots in 'ggplot2'
Alluvial plots use variable-width ribbons and stacked bar plots to represent multi-dimensional or repeated-measures data with categorical or ordinal variables; see Riehmann, Hanfler, and Froehlich (2005) <doi:10.1109/INFVIS.2005.1532152> and Rosvall and Bergstrom (2010) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008694>. Alluvial plots are statistical graphics in the sense of Wilkinson (2006) <doi:10.1007/0-387-28695-0>; they share elements with Sankey diagrams and parallel sets plots but are uniquely determined from the data and a small set of parameters. This package extends Wickham's (2010) <doi:10.1198/jcgs.2009.07098> layered grammar of graphics to generate alluvial plots from tidy data.
Maintained by Jason Cory Brunson. Last updated 8 months ago.
507 stars 14.14 score 3.0k scripts 21 dependentsteunbrand
ggh4x:Hacks for 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' extension that does a variety of little helpful things. The package extends 'ggplot2' facets through customisation, by setting individual scales per panel, resizing panels and providing nested facets. Also allows multiple colour and fill scales per plot. Also hosts a smaller collection of stats, geoms and axis guides.
Maintained by Teun van den Brand. Last updated 9 days ago.
617 stars 14.06 score 4.4k scripts 21 dependentshrbrmstr
hrbrthemes:Additional Themes, Theme Components and Utilities for 'ggplot2'
A compilation of extra 'ggplot2' themes, scales and utilities, including a spell check function for plot label fields and an overall emphasis on typography. A copy of the 'Google' font 'Roboto Condensed' is also included.
Maintained by Bob Rudis. Last updated 14 days ago.
1.3k stars 13.92 score 13k scripts 15 dependentsandrie
ggdendro:Create Dendrograms and Tree Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'
This is a set of tools for dendrograms and tree plots using 'ggplot2'. The 'ggplot2' philosophy is to clearly separate data from the presentation. Unfortunately the plot method for dendrograms plots directly to a plot device without exposing the data. The 'ggdendro' package resolves this by making available functions that extract the dendrogram plot data. The package provides implementations for 'tree', 'rpart', as well as diana and agnes (from 'cluster') diagrams.
Maintained by Andrie de Vries. Last updated 4 months ago.
86 stars 13.54 score 3.9k scripts 62 dependentsdaattali
ggExtra:Add Marginal Histograms to 'ggplot2', and More 'ggplot2' Enhancements
Collection of functions and layers to enhance 'ggplot2'. The flagship function is 'ggMarginal()', which can be used to add marginal histograms/boxplots/density plots to 'ggplot2' scatterplots.
Maintained by Dean Attali. Last updated 10 months ago.
387 stars 13.45 score 3.3k scripts 28 dependentsdreamrs
esquisse:Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively
A 'shiny' gadget to create 'ggplot2' figures interactively with drag-and-drop to map your variables to different aesthetics. You can quickly visualize your data accordingly to their type, export in various formats, and retrieve the code to reproduce the plot.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.8k stars 13.31 score 1.1k scripts 1 dependentseasystats
see:Model Visualisation Toolbox for 'easystats' and 'ggplot2'
Provides plotting utilities supporting packages in the 'easystats' ecosystem (<>) and some extra themes, geoms, and scales for 'ggplot2'. Color scales are based on <>. References: Lüdecke et al. (2021) <doi:10.21105/joss.03393>.
Maintained by Indrajeet Patil. Last updated 17 days ago.
902 stars 13.22 score 2.0k scripts 3 dependentsguangchuangyu
ggplotify:Convert Plot to 'grob' or 'ggplot' Object
Convert plot function call (using expression or formula) to 'grob' or 'ggplot' object that compatible to the 'grid' and 'ggplot2' ecosystem. With this package, we are able to e.g. using 'cowplot' to align plots produced by 'base' graphics, 'ComplexHeatmap', 'eulerr', 'grid', 'lattice', 'magick', 'pheatmap', 'vcd' etc. by converting them to 'ggplot' objects.
Maintained by Guangchuang Yu. Last updated 1 years ago.
109 stars 13.17 score 2.0k scripts 169 dependentsstefano-meschiari
latex2exp:Use LaTeX Expressions in Plots
Parses and converts LaTeX math formulas to R's plotmath expressions, used to enter mathematical formulas and symbols to be rendered as text, axis labels, etc. throughout R's plotting system.
Maintained by Stefano Meschiari. Last updated 7 months ago.
189 stars 13.04 score 9.7k scripts 45 dependentsgavinsimpson
gratia:Graceful 'ggplot'-Based Graphics and Other Functions for GAMs Fitted Using 'mgcv'
Graceful 'ggplot'-based graphics and utility functions for working with generalized additive models (GAMs) fitted using the 'mgcv' package. Provides a reimplementation of the plot() method for GAMs that 'mgcv' provides, as well as 'tidyverse' compatible representations of estimated smooths.
Maintained by Gavin L. Simpson. Last updated 12 days ago.
217 stars 12.99 score 1.6k scripts 2 dependentshrbrmstr
ggalt:Extra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations, Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2'
A compendium of new geometries, coordinate systems, statistical transformations, scales and fonts for 'ggplot2', including splines, 1d and 2d densities, univariate average shifted histograms, a new map coordinate system based on the 'PROJ.4'-library along with geom_cartogram() that mimics the original functionality of geom_map(), formatters for "bytes", a stat_stepribbon() function, increased 'plotly' compatibility and the 'StateFace' open source font 'ProPublica'. Further new functionality includes lollipop charts, dumbbell charts, the ability to encircle points and coordinate-system-based text annotations.
Maintained by Bob Rudis. Last updated 2 years ago.
676 stars 12.60 score 2.3k scripts 7 dependentswilkox
treemapify:Draw Treemaps in 'ggplot2'
Provides 'ggplot2' geoms for drawing treemaps.
Maintained by David Wilkins. Last updated 10 months ago.
215 stars 12.58 score 1.6k scripts 9 dependentseasystats
modelbased:Estimation of Model-Based Predictions, Contrasts and Means
Implements a general interface for model-based estimations for a wide variety of models, used in the computation of marginal means, contrast analysis and predictions. For a list of supported models, see 'insight::supported_models()'.
Maintained by Dominique Makowski. Last updated 1 hours ago.
244 stars 12.44 score 315 scripts 4 dependentseliocamp
metR:Tools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological Fields
Many useful functions and extensions for dealing with meteorological data in the tidy data framework. Extends 'ggplot2' for better plotting of scalar and vector fields and provides commonly used analysis methods in the atmospheric sciences.
Maintained by Elio Campitelli. Last updated 9 days ago.
146 stars 12.30 score 1000 scripts 22 dependentsstefanedwards
lemon:Freshing Up your 'ggplot2' Plots
Functions for working with legends and axis lines of 'ggplot2', facets that repeat axis lines on all panels, and some 'knitr' extensions.
Maintained by Stefan McKinnon Edwards. Last updated 5 months ago.
190 stars 11.98 score 1.7k scripts 4 dependentsguangchuangyu
hexSticker:Create Hexagon Sticker in R
Helper functions for creating reproducible hexagon sticker purely in R.
Maintained by Guangchuang Yu. Last updated 2 months ago.
769 stars 11.94 score 1.3k scripts 8 dependentsxfim
ggmcmc:Tools for Analyzing MCMC Simulations from Bayesian Inference
Tools for assessing and diagnosing convergence of Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations, as well as for graphically display results from full MCMC analysis. The package also facilitates the graphical interpretation of models by providing flexible functions to plot the results against observed variables, and functions to work with hierarchical/multilevel batches of parameters (Fernández-i-Marín, 2016 <doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i09>).
Maintained by Xavier Fernández i Marín. Last updated 2 years ago.
111 stars 11.94 score 1.6k scripts 8 dependentsbriatte
ggnetwork:Geometries to Plot Networks with 'ggplot2'
Geometries to plot network objects with 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by François Briatte. Last updated 9 months ago.
149 stars 11.74 score 766 scripts 15 dependentsjthomasmock
gtExtras:Extending 'gt' for Beautiful HTML Tables
Provides additional functions for creating beautiful tables with 'gt'. The functions are generally wrappers around boilerplate or adding opinionated niche capabilities and helpers functions.
Maintained by Thomas Mock. Last updated 12 months ago.
199 stars 11.45 score 2.4k scripts 3 dependentsyanlinlin82
ggvenn:Draw Venn Diagram by 'ggplot2'
An easy-to-use way to draw pretty venn diagram by 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Linlin Yan. Last updated 2 months ago.
170 stars 11.34 score 1.8k scripts 8 dependentsguangchuangyu
ggimage:Use Image in 'ggplot2'
Supports image files and graphic objects to be visualized in 'ggplot2' graphic system.
Maintained by Guangchuang Yu. Last updated 1 years ago.
172 stars 11.16 score 2.4k scripts 20 dependentswilkox
ggfittext:Fit Text Inside a Box in 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' extension to fit text into a box by growing, shrinking or wrapping the text.
Maintained by David Wilkins. Last updated 1 years ago.
306 stars 11.08 score 234 scripts 33 dependentsuupharmacometrics
xpose:Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models
Diagnostics for non-linear mixed-effects (population) models from 'NONMEM' <>. 'xpose' facilitates data import, creation of numerical run summary and provide 'ggplot2'-based graphics for data exploration and model diagnostics.
Maintained by Benjamin Guiastrennec. Last updated 3 months ago.
62 stars 11.02 score 183 scripts 6 dependentserocoar
gghalves:Compose Half-Half Plots Using Your Favourite Geoms
A 'ggplot2' extension for easy plotting of half-half geom combinations. Think half boxplot and half jitterplot, or half violinplot and half dotplot.
Maintained by Frederik Tiedemann. Last updated 2 years ago.
243 stars 10.78 score 872 scripts 7 dependentsr-lib
vdiffr:Visual Regression Testing and Graphical Diffing
An extension to the 'testthat' package that makes it easy to add graphical unit tests. It provides a Shiny application to manage the test cases.
Maintained by Lionel Henry. Last updated 5 months ago.
190 stars 10.77 score 254 scripts 5 dependentsropengov
giscoR:Download Map Data from GISCO API - Eurostat
Tools to download data from the GISCO (Geographic Information System of the Commission) Eurostat database <>. Global and European map data available. This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by Eurostat.
Maintained by Diego Hernangómez. Last updated 2 days ago.
75 stars 10.70 score 424 scripts 5 dependentswilkox
gggenes:Draw Gene Arrow Maps in 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' extension for drawing gene arrow maps.
Maintained by David Wilkins. Last updated 2 years ago.
527 stars 10.69 score 372 scripts 2 dependentsrempsyc
rempsyc:Convenience Functions for Psychology
Make your workflow faster and easier. Easily customizable plots (via 'ggplot2'), nice APA tables (following the style of the *American Psychological Association*) exportable to Word (via 'flextable'), easily run statistical tests or check assumptions, and automatize various other tasks.
Maintained by Rémi Thériault. Last updated 2 months ago.
43 stars 10.68 score 214 scripts 2 dependentshrbrmstr
waffle:Create Waffle Chart Visualizations
Square pie charts (a.k.a. waffle charts) can be used to communicate parts of a whole for categorical quantities. To emulate the percentage view of a pie chart, a 10x10 grid should be used with each square representing 1% of the total. Modern uses of waffle charts do not necessarily adhere to this rule and can be created with a grid of any rectangular shape. Best practices suggest keeping the number of categories small, just as should be done when creating pie charts. Tools are provided to create waffle charts as well as stitch them together, and to use glyphs for making isotype pictograms.
Maintained by Bob Rudis. Last updated 1 years ago.
777 stars 10.62 score 1.3k scripts 5 dependentscsdaw
ggprism:A 'ggplot2' Extension Inspired by 'GraphPad Prism'
Provides various themes, palettes, and other functions that are used to customise ggplots to look like they were made in 'GraphPad Prism'. The 'Prism'-look is achieved with theme_prism() and scale_fill|colour_prism(), axes can be changed with custom guides like guide_prism_minor(), and significance indicators added with add_pvalue().
Maintained by Charlotte Dawson. Last updated 1 years ago.
175 stars 10.56 score 1.1k scripts 5 dependentswillgearty
deeptime:Plotting Tools for Anyone Working in Deep Time
Extends the functionality of other plotting packages (notably 'ggplot2') to help facilitate the plotting of data over long time intervals, including, but not limited to, geological, evolutionary, and ecological data. The primary goal of 'deeptime' is to enable users to add highly customizable timescales to their visualizations. Other functions are also included to assist with other areas of deep time visualization.
Maintained by William Gearty. Last updated 3 months ago.
92 stars 10.46 score 207 scripts 3 dependentsbleutner
RStoolbox:Remote Sensing Data Analysis
Toolbox for remote sensing image processing and analysis such as calculating spectral indexes, principal component transformation, unsupervised and supervised classification or fractional cover analyses.
Maintained by Konstantin Mueller. Last updated 2 months ago.
275 stars 10.10 score 1.1k scriptsyulab-smu
ggbreak:Set Axis Break for 'ggplot2'
An implementation of scale functions for setting axis breaks of a 'gg' plot (S Xu (2021) <doi:10.3389/fgene.2021.774846>).
Maintained by Guangchuang Yu. Last updated 2 months ago.
137 stars 9.81 score 956 scripts 1 dependentshafen
geofacet:'ggplot2' Faceting Utilities for Geographical Data
Provides geographical faceting functionality for 'ggplot2'. Geographical faceting arranges a sequence of plots of data for different geographical entities into a grid that preserves some of the geographical orientation.
Maintained by Ryan Hafen. Last updated 7 months ago.
339 stars 9.79 score 1.5k scripts 4 dependentsthackl
gggenomes:A Grammar of Graphics for Comparative Genomics
An extension of 'ggplot2' for creating complex genomic maps. It builds on the power of 'ggplot2' and 'tidyverse' adding new 'ggplot2'-style geoms & positions and 'dplyr'-style verbs to manipulate the underlying data. It implements a layout concept inspired by 'ggraph' and introduces tracks to bring tidiness to the mess that is genomics data.
Maintained by Thomas Hackl. Last updated 2 months ago.
650 stars 9.56 score 123 scriptskrassowski
ComplexUpset:Create Complex UpSet Plots Using 'ggplot2' Components
UpSet plots are an improvement over Venn Diagram for set overlap visualizations. Striving to bring the best of the 'UpSetR' and 'ggplot2', this package offers a way to create complex overlap visualisations, using simple and familiar tools, i.e. geoms of 'ggplot2'. For introduction to UpSet concept, see Lex et al. (2014) <doi:10.1109/TVCG.2014.2346248>.
Maintained by Michał Krassowski. Last updated 1 years ago.
491 stars 9.54 score 554 scripts 4 dependentsstemangiola
tidyseurat:Brings Seurat to the Tidyverse
It creates an invisible layer that allow to see the 'Seurat' object as tibble and interact seamlessly with the tidyverse.
Maintained by Stefano Mangiola. Last updated 8 months ago.
159 stars 9.48 score 398 scripts 1 dependentsmlr-org
mlr3viz:Visualizations for 'mlr3'
Visualization package of the 'mlr3' ecosystem. It features plots for mlr3 objects such as tasks, learners, predictions, benchmark results, tuning instances and filters via the 'autoplot()' generic of 'ggplot2'. The package draws plots with the 'viridis' color palette and applies the minimal theme. Visualizations include barplots, boxplots, histograms, ROC curves, and Precision-Recall curves.
Maintained by Marc Becker. Last updated 5 months ago.
45 stars 9.45 score 364 scripts 4 dependentslkremer
ggpointdensity:A Cross Between a 2D Density Plot and a Scatter Plot
A cross between a 2D density plot and a scatter plot, implemented as a 'ggplot2' geom. Points in the scatter plot are colored by the number of neighboring points. This is useful to visualize the 2D-distribution of points in case of overplotting.
Maintained by Lukas P. M. Kremer. Last updated 11 months ago.
424 stars 9.30 score 1.1k scripts 4 dependentspalaeoverse
rphylopic:Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic
Work with the PhyloPic Web Service (<>) to fetch silhouette images of organisms. Includes functions for adding silhouettes to both base R plots and ggplot2 plots.
Maintained by William Gearty. Last updated 6 months ago.
91 stars 9.13 score 272 scriptsthomasp85
ggfx:Pixel Filters for 'ggplot2' and 'grid'
Provides a range of filters that can be applied to layers from the 'ggplot2' package and its extensions, along with other graphic elements such as guides and theme elements. The filters are applied at render time and thus uses the exact pixel dimensions needed.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 3 years ago.
170 stars 9.10 score 452 scripts 3 dependentsropenspain
mapSpain:Administrative Boundaries of Spain
Administrative Boundaries of Spain at several levels (Autonomous Communities, Provinces, Municipalities) based on the 'GISCO' 'Eurostat' database <> and 'CartoBase SIANE' from 'Instituto Geografico Nacional' <>. It also provides a 'leaflet' plugin and the ability of downloading and processing static tiles.
Maintained by Diego Hernangómez. Last updated 10 days ago.
42 stars 8.88 score 244 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
tidySingleCellExperiment:Brings SingleCellExperiment to the Tidyverse
'tidySingleCellExperiment' is an adapter that abstracts the 'SingleCellExperiment' container in the form of a 'tibble'. This allows *tidy* data manipulation, nesting, and plotting. For example, a 'tidySingleCellExperiment' is directly compatible with functions from 'tidyverse' packages `dplyr` and `tidyr`, as well as plotting with `ggplot2` and `plotly`. In addition, the package provides various utility functions specific to single-cell omics data analysis (e.g., aggregation of cell-level data to pseudobulks).
Maintained by Stefano Mangiola. Last updated 5 months ago.
36 stars 8.86 score 125 scripts 2 dependentsenblacar
SCpubr:Generate Publication Ready Visualizations of Single Cell Transcriptomics Data
A system that provides a streamlined way of generating publication ready plots for known Single-Cell transcriptomics data in a “publication ready” format. This is, the goal is to automatically generate plots with the highest quality possible, that can be used right away or with minimal modifications for a research article.
Maintained by Enrique Blanco-Carmona. Last updated 1 months ago.
178 stars 8.71 score 194 scriptsnowosad
rcartocolor:'CARTOColors' Palettes
Provides color schemes for maps and other graphics designed by 'CARTO' as described at <>. It includes four types of palettes: aggregation, diverging, qualitative, and quantitative.
Maintained by Jakub Nowosad. Last updated 6 months ago.
111 stars 8.64 score 1.4k scripts 1 dependentsthomas-neitmann
ggcharts:Get You to Your Desired Plot Faster
Streamlines the creation of common charts by taking care of a lot of data preprocessing and plot customization for the user. Provides a high-level interface for creating plots using 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Thomas Neitmann. Last updated 3 years ago.
291 stars 8.49 score 119 scripts 1 dependentsguangchuangyu
emojifont:Emoji and Font Awesome in Graphics
An implementation of using emoji and fontawesome for using in both base and 'ggplot2' graphics.
Maintained by Guangchuang Yu. Last updated 4 years ago.
67 stars 8.47 score 900 scripts 3 dependentssamuel-marsh
scCustomize:Custom Visualizations & Functions for Streamlined Analyses of Single Cell Sequencing
Collection of functions created and/or curated to aid in the visualization and analysis of single-cell data using 'R'. 'scCustomize' aims to provide 1) Customized visualizations for aid in ease of use and to create more aesthetic and functional visuals. 2) Improve speed/reproducibility of common tasks/pieces of code in scRNA-seq analysis with a single or group of functions. For citation please use: Marsh SE (2021) "Custom Visualizations & Functions for Streamlined Analyses of Single Cell Sequencing" <doi:10.5281/zenodo.5706430> RRID:SCR_024675.
Maintained by Samuel Marsh. Last updated 3 months ago.
246 stars 8.45 score 1.1k scriptsewenme
ghibli:Studio Ghibli Colour Palettes
Colour palettes inspired by Studio Ghibli <> films, ported to R for your enjoyment.
Maintained by Ewen Henderson. Last updated 1 years ago.
427 stars 8.44 score 324 scriptsdavidhodge931
ggblanket:Simplify 'ggplot2' Visualisation
Simplify 'ggplot2' visualisation with 'ggblanket' wrapper functions.
Maintained by David Hodge. Last updated 10 days ago.
173 stars 8.42 score 45 scriptsnhs-r-community
NHSRplotthedots:Draw XmR Charts for NHSE/I 'Making Data Count' Programme
Provides tools for drawing Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts. This package supports the NHSE/I programme 'Making Data Count', and allows users to draw XmR charts, use change points and apply rules with summary indicators for when rules are breached.
Maintained by Christopher Reading. Last updated 2 months ago.
49 stars 8.35 score 58 scriptsrrrlw
TDAstats:Pipeline for Topological Data Analysis
A comprehensive toolset for any useR conducting topological data analysis, specifically via the calculation of persistent homology in a Vietoris-Rips complex. The tools this package currently provides can be conveniently split into three main sections: (1) calculating persistent homology; (2) conducting statistical inference on persistent homology calculations; (3) visualizing persistent homology and statistical inference. The published form of TDAstats can be found in Wadhwa et al. (2018) <doi:10.21105/joss.00860>. For a general background on computing persistent homology for topological data analysis, see Otter et al. (2017) <doi:10.1140/epjds/s13688-017-0109-5>. To learn more about how the permutation test is used for nonparametric statistical inference in topological data analysis, read Robinson & Turner (2017) <doi:10.1007/s41468-017-0008-7>. To learn more about how TDAstats calculates persistent homology, you can visit the GitHub repository for Ripser, the software that works behind the scenes at <>. This package has been published as Wadhwa et al. (2018) <doi:10.21105/joss.00860>.
Maintained by Raoul Wadhwa. Last updated 3 years ago.
40 stars 8.30 score 46 scripts 4 dependentsropengov
geofi:Access Finnish Geospatial Data
Designed to simplify geospatial data access from the Statistics Finland Web Feature Service API <>, the geofi package offers researchers and analysts a set of tools to obtain and harmonize administrative spatial data for a wide range of applications, from urban planning to environmental research. The package contains annually updated time series of municipality key datasets that can be used for data aggregation and language translations.
Maintained by Markus Kainu. Last updated 2 months ago.
20 stars 8.17 score 61 scriptsbioc
ggkegg:Analyzing and visualizing KEGG information using the grammar of graphics
This package aims to import, parse, and analyze KEGG data such as KEGG PATHWAY and KEGG MODULE. The package supports visualizing KEGG information using ggplot2 and ggraph through using the grammar of graphics. The package enables the direct visualization of the results from various omics analysis packages.
Maintained by Noriaki Sato. Last updated 2 months ago.
224 stars 8.12 score 30 scripts 1 dependentssportsdataverse
sportyR:Plot Scaled 'ggplot' Representations of Sports Playing Surfaces
Create scaled 'ggplot' representations of playing surfaces. Playing surfaces are drawn pursuant to rule-book specifications. This package should be used as a baseline plot for displaying any type of tracking data.
Maintained by Ross Drucker. Last updated 2 months ago.
104 stars 8.08 score 97 scriptsyonicd
ggedit:Interactive 'ggplot2' Layer and Theme Aesthetic Editor
Interactively edit 'ggplot2' layer and theme aesthetics definitions.
Maintained by Jonathan Sidi. Last updated 11 months ago.
250 stars 7.95 score 116 scripts 3 dependentsteunbrand
legendry:Extended Legends and Axes for 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' extension that focusses on expanding the plotter's arsenal of guides. Guides in 'ggplot2' include axes and legends. 'legendry' offers new axes and annotation options, as well as new legends and colour displays.
Maintained by Teun van den Brand. Last updated 23 days ago.
227 stars 7.83 score 29 scripts 2 dependentsspsanderson
TidyDensity:Functions for Tidy Analysis and Generation of Random Data
To make it easy to generate random numbers based upon the underlying stats distribution functions. All data is returned in a tidy and structured format making working with the data simple and straight forward. Given that the data is returned in a tidy 'tibble' it lends itself to working with the rest of the 'tidyverse'.
Maintained by Steven Sanderson. Last updated 5 months ago.
34 stars 7.73 score 66 scripts 1 dependentstorvaney
ggsoccer:Plot Soccer Event Data
The 'ggplot2' package provides a powerful set of tools for visualising and investigating data. The 'ggsoccer' package provides a set of functions for elegantly displaying and exploring soccer event data with 'ggplot2'. Providing extensible layers and themes, it is designed to work smoothly with a variety of popular sports data providers.
Maintained by Ben Torvaney. Last updated 6 months ago.
184 stars 7.63 score 128 scripts 1 dependentsflr
ggplotFL:Using ggplot2 in FLR
Using ggplot2 for FLR. Provides (1) overloaded ggplot methods for various FLR classes, (2) ggplot-based versions of standard plots in the FLCore package, and (3) new geoms for using FLR objects.
Maintained by Iago Mosqueira. Last updated 2 months ago.
4 stars 7.60 score 458 scripts 12 dependentstidymodels
modeldb:Fits Models Inside the Database
Uses 'dplyr' and 'tidyeval' to fit statistical models inside the database. It currently supports KMeans and linear regression models.
Maintained by Max Kuhn. Last updated 1 years ago.
79 stars 7.59 score 62 scriptsspsanderson
healthyR.ts:The Time Series Modeling Companion to 'healthyR'
Hospital time series data analysis workflow tools, modeling, and automations. This library provides many useful tools to review common administrative time series hospital data. Some of these include average length of stay, and readmission rates. The aim is to provide a simple and consistent verb framework that takes the guesswork out of everything.
Maintained by Steven Sanderson. Last updated 6 months ago.
19 stars 7.58 score 56 scripts 1 dependentsmccarthy-m-g
palettes:Methods for Colour Vectors and Colour Palettes
Provides a comprehensive library for colour vectors and colour palettes using a new family of colour classes (palettes_colour and palettes_palette) that always print as hex codes with colour previews. Capabilities include: formatting, casting and coercion, extraction and updating of components, plotting, colour mixing arithmetic, and colour interpolation.
Maintained by Michael McCarthy. Last updated 6 months ago.
25 stars 7.58 score 42 scripts 1 dependentsmikeblazanin
gcplyr:Wrangle and Analyze Growth Curve Data
Easy wrangling and model-free analysis of microbial growth curve data, as commonly output by plate readers. Tools for reshaping common plate reader outputs into 'tidy' formats and merging them with design information, making data easy to work with using 'gcplyr' and other packages. Also streamlines common growth curve processing steps, like smoothing and calculating derivatives, and facilitates model-free characterization and analysis of growth data. See methods at <>.
Maintained by Mike Blazanin. Last updated 2 months ago.
30 stars 7.53 score 75 scriptsemilhvitfeldt
ggpage:Creates Page Layout Visualizations
Facilitates the creation of page layout visualizations in which words are represented as rectangles with sizes relating to the length of the words. Which then is divided in lines and pages for easy overview of up to quite large texts.
Maintained by Emil Hvitfeldt. Last updated 6 years ago.
339 stars 7.53 score 66 scriptskoenderks
aRtsy:Generative Art with 'ggplot2'
Provides algorithms for creating artworks in the 'ggplot2' language that incorporate some form of randomness.
Maintained by Koen Derks. Last updated 12 hours ago.
174 stars 7.47 score 59 scriptsamices
ggmice:Visualizations for 'mice' with 'ggplot2'
Enhance a 'mice' imputation workflow with visualizations for incomplete and/or imputed data. The plotting functions produce 'ggplot' objects which may be easily manipulated or extended. Use 'ggmice' to inspect missing data, develop imputation models, evaluate algorithmic convergence, or compare observed versus imputed data.
Maintained by Hanne Oberman. Last updated 8 months ago.
32 stars 7.42 score 165 scriptsnsgrantham
ggdark:Dark Mode for 'ggplot2' Themes
Activate dark mode on your favorite 'ggplot2' theme with dark_mode() or use the dark versions of 'ggplot2' themes, including dark_theme_gray(), dark_theme_minimal(), and others. When a dark theme is applied, all geom color and geom fill defaults are changed to make them visible against a dark background. To restore the defaults to their original values, use invert_geom_defaults().
Maintained by Neal Grantham. Last updated 6 years ago.
200 stars 7.37 score 788 scripts 1 dependentsryo-n7
tvthemes:TV Show Themes and Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' Graphics
Contains various 'ggplot2' themes and color palettes based on TV shows such as 'Game of Thrones', 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine', 'Avatar: The Last Airbender', 'Spongebob Squarepants', and more.
Maintained by Ryo Nakagawara. Last updated 1 years ago.
140 stars 7.34 score 103 scriptskanaries
GWalkR:Interactive Exploratory Data Analysis Tool
Simplify your R data analysis and data visualization workflow by turning your data frame into an interactive 'Tableau'-like interface, leveraging the 'graphic-walker' JavaScript library and the 'htmlwidgets' package.
Maintained by Yue Yu. Last updated 9 hours ago.
462 stars 7.31 score 45 scriptsatlas-aai
ratlas:ATLAS Formatting Functions and Templates
Provides templates, formatting tools, and 'ggplot2' themes tailored for the Accessible Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Systems (ATLAS) organization. These templates facilitate the creation of topic guides and technical reports, while the formatting functions enable users to customize numbers and tables to meet specific requirements. Additionally, the themes ensure a uniform visual style across graphics.
Maintained by W. Jake Thompson. Last updated 5 months ago.
29 stars 7.28 score 20 scriptsludvigolsen
rearrr:Rearranging Data
Arrange data by a set of methods. Use rearrangers to reorder data points and mutators to change their values. From basic utilities, to centering the greatest value, to swirling in 3-dimensional space, 'rearrr' enables creativity when plotting and experimenting with data.
Maintained by Ludvig Renbo Olsen. Last updated 22 days ago.
24 stars 7.26 score 128 scripts 8 dependentsdeepankardatta
blandr:Bland-Altman Method Comparison
Carries out Bland Altman analyses (also known as a Tukey mean-difference plot) as described by JM Bland and DG Altman in 1986 <doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(86)90837-8>. This package was created in 2015 as existing Bland-Altman analysis functions did not calculate confidence intervals. This package was created to rectify this, and create reproducible plots. This package is also available as a module for the 'jamovi' statistical spreadsheet (see <> for more information).
Maintained by Deepankar Datta. Last updated 10 months ago.
22 stars 7.22 score 75 scriptsteunbrand
ggarrow:Arrows for 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' extension that adds specialised arrow geometry layers. It offers more arrow options than the standard 'grid' arrows that are built-in many line-based geom layers.
Maintained by Teun van den Brand. Last updated 10 months ago.
54 stars 7.17 score 61 scripts 1 dependentssmin95
smplot2:Create Standalone and Composite Plots in 'ggplot2' for Publications
Provides functions for creating and annotating a composite plot in 'ggplot2'. Offers background themes and shortcut plotting functions that produce figures that are appropriate for the format of scientific journals. Some methods are described in Min and Zhou (2021) <doi:10.3389/fgene.2021.802894>.
Maintained by Seung Hyun Min. Last updated 2 months ago.
24 stars 7.08 score 288 scripts 1 dependentsyunuuuu
ggalign:A 'ggplot2' Extension for Consistent Axis Alignment
A 'ggplot2' extension offers various tools the creation of complex, multi-plot visualizations. Built on the familiar grammar of graphics, it provides intuitive tools to align and organize plots, making it ideal for complex visualizations. It excels in multi-omics research—such as genomics and microbiomes—by simplifying the visualization of intricate relationships between datasets, for example, linking genes to pathways. Whether you need to stack plots, arrange them around a central figure, or create a circular layout, 'ggalign' delivers flexibility and accuracy with minimal effort.
Maintained by Yun Peng. Last updated 12 days ago.
267 stars 7.08 score 27 scriptserocoar
ggpol:Visualizing Social Science Data with 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' extension for implementing parliament charts and several other useful visualizations.
Maintained by Frederik Tiedemann. Last updated 3 years ago.
104 stars 7.00 score 212 scripts 1 dependentspepijn-devries
ggsankeyfier:Create Sankey and Alluvial Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'
Sankey and alluvial diagrams visualise flows of quantities across stages in stacked bars. This package makes it easy to create such diagrams using 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Pepijn de Vries. Last updated 7 months ago.
17 stars 7.00 score 59 scriptsrivasiker
ggHoriPlot:Horizon Plots for 'ggplot2'
A user-friendly, highly customizable R package for building horizon plots in the 'ggplot2' environment.
Maintained by Iker Rivas-González. Last updated 9 months ago.
144 stars 6.96 score 63 scriptsstemangiola
tidygate:Interactively Gate Points
Interactively gate points on a scatter plot. Interactively drawn gates are recorded and can be applied programmatically to reproduce results exactly. Programmatic gating is based on the package gatepoints by Wajid Jawaid (who is also an author of this package).
Maintained by Stefano Mangiola. Last updated 6 months ago.
23 stars 6.89 score 14 scripts 1 dependentskenithgrey
ggQC:Quality Control Charts for 'ggplot'
Plot single and faceted type quality control charts for 'ggplot'.
Maintained by Kenith Grey. Last updated 6 years ago.
46 stars 6.74 score 119 scriptsjaredhuling
jcolors:Colors Palettes for R and 'ggplot2', Additional Themes for 'ggplot2'
Contains a selection of color palettes and 'ggplot2' themes designed by the package author.
Maintained by Jared Huling. Last updated 1 years ago.
25 stars 6.66 score 368 scriptscgoo4
ggfoundry:Shape Foundry & Geom for 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' extension that supports arbitrary hand-crafted colourable & fillable shapes. New shapes may be feature requested via a Github issue.
Maintained by Carl Goodwin. Last updated 9 months ago.
17 stars 6.64 score 64 scriptsjmgirard
circumplex:Analysis and Visualization of Circular Data
Circumplex models, which organize constructs in a circle around two underlying dimensions, are popular for studying interpersonal functioning, mood/affect, and vocational preferences/environments. This package provides tools for analyzing and visualizing circular data, including scoring functions for relevant instruments and a generalization of the bootstrapped structural summary method from Zimmermann & Wright (2017) <doi:10.1177/1073191115621795> and functions for creating publication-ready tables and figures from the results.
Maintained by Jeffrey Girard. Last updated 5 months ago.
11 stars 6.54 score 52 scriptscollinerickson
ContourFunctions:Create Contour Plots from Data or a Function
Provides functions for making contour plots. The contour plot can be created from grid data, a function, or a data set. If non-grid data is given, then a Gaussian process is fit to the data and used to create the contour plot.
Maintained by Collin Erickson. Last updated 7 months ago.
8 stars 6.46 score 27 scripts 3 dependentsropenspain
tidyBdE:Download Data from Bank of Spain
Tools to download data series from 'Banco de España' ('BdE') on 'tibble' format. 'Banco de España' is the national central bank and, within the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism ('SSM'), the supervisor of the Spanish banking system along with the European Central Bank. This package is in no way sponsored endorsed or administered by 'Banco de España'.
Maintained by Diego H. Herrero. Last updated 10 days ago.
11 stars 6.44 score 14 scriptsunhcr-dataviz
unhcrthemes:UNHCR 'ggplot2' Theme and Colour Palettes
A 'ggplot2' theme and color palettes following the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Data Visualization Guidelines recommendations.
Maintained by Cédric Vidonne. Last updated 2 months ago.
27 stars 6.44 score 102 scriptsshowteeth
ggpie:Pie, Donut and Rose Pie Plots
Create pie, donut and rose pie plot with 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Yabing Song. Last updated 2 years ago.
48 stars 6.28 score 80 scriptsmarcmenem
ggshadow:Shadow and Glow Geoms for 'ggplot2'
A collection of Geoms for R's 'ggplot2' library. GeomShadowLine, GeomShadowPath, GeomShadowPoint, and GeomShadowStep support drawing a shadow below lines or around points to make busy plots more aesthetically pleasing. GeomGlowLine, GeomGlowPath, GeomGlowPoint, and GeomGlowStep support adding neon glow around lines or points to get a steampunk style.
Maintained by Marc Menem. Last updated 1 years ago.
60 stars 6.27 score 62 scriptscidm-ph
ggmapinset:Add Inset Panels to Maps
Helper to add insets based on geom_sf() from 'ggplot2'. This package gives you a drop-in replacement for geom_sf() that supports adding a zoomed inset map without having to create and embed a separate plot.
Maintained by Carl Suster. Last updated 3 months ago.
36 stars 6.21 score 9 scripts 1 dependentsswarchal
platetools:Tools and Plots for Multi-Well Plates
Collection of functions for working with multi-well microtitre plates, mainly 96, 384 and 1536 well plates.
Maintained by Scott Warchal. Last updated 1 years ago.
54 stars 6.20 score 146 scriptsbhaskarvk
colormap:Color Palettes using Colormaps Node Module
Allows to generate colors from palettes defined in the colormap module of 'Node.js'. (see <> for more information). In total it provides 44 distinct palettes made from sequential and/or diverging colors. In addition to the pre defined palettes you can also specify your own set of colors. There are also scale functions that can be used with 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Bhaskar Karambelkar. Last updated 3 years ago.
58 stars 6.12 score 225 scriptsaqlt
ggdemetra:'ggplot2' Extension for Seasonal and Trading Day Adjustment with 'RJDemetra'
Provides 'ggplot2' functions to return the results of seasonal and trading day adjustment made by 'RJDemetra'. 'RJDemetra' is an 'R' interface around 'JDemetra+' (<>), the seasonal adjustment software officially recommended to the members of the European Statistical System and the European System of Central Banks.
Maintained by Alain Quartier-la-Tente. Last updated 8 months ago.
12 stars 6.06 score 16 scripts 1 dependentsrnabioco
ggtrace:Trace and Highlight Groups of Data Points
Provides 'ggplot2' geoms that allow groups of data points to be outlined or highlighted for emphasis. This is particularly useful when working with dense datasets that are prone to overplotting.
Maintained by Ryan Sheridan. Last updated 1 years ago.
15 stars 6.06 score 38 scriptsterrytangyuan
autoplotly:Automatic Generation of Interactive Visualizations for Statistical Results
Functionalities to automatically generate interactive visualizations for statistical results supported by 'ggfortify', such as time series, PCA, clustering and survival analysis, with 'plotly.js' <> and 'ggplot2' style. The generated visualizations can also be easily extended using 'ggplot2' and 'plotly' syntax while staying interactive.
Maintained by Yuan Tang. Last updated 2 years ago.
88 stars 6.01 score 23 scriptscamdenk
mlbplotR:Create 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League Baseball Logos
Tools to help visualize Major League Baseball analysis in 'ggplot2' and 'gt'. You provide team/player information and 'mlbplotR' will transform that information into team colors, logos, or player headshots for graphics.
Maintained by Camden Kay. Last updated 4 months ago.
21 stars 5.97 score 111 scriptsstefan-schroedl
plotluck:'ggplot2' Version of "I'm Feeling Lucky!"
Examines the characteristics of a data frame and a formula to automatically choose the most suitable type of plot out of the following supported options: scatter, violin, box, bar, density, hexagon bin, spine plot, and heat map. The aim of the package is to let the user focus on what to plot, rather than on the "how" during exploratory data analysis. It also automates handling of observation weights, logarithmic axis scaling, reordering of factor levels, and overlaying smoothing curves and median lines. Plots are drawn using 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Stefan Schroedl. Last updated 2 years ago.
52 stars 5.96 score 35 scriptsmarcosci
layer:Tilt your Maps and Turn Them into 'ggplot' Plots
Simplifies the whole process of creating stacked tilted maps, that are often used in scientific publications to show different environmental layers for a geographical region. Tilting maps and layering them allows to easily draw visual correlations between these environmental layers.
Maintained by Egor Kotov. Last updated 2 months ago.
125 stars 5.88 scorejimjam-slam
ggflags:Plot flags of the world in ggplot2
A ggplot2 extension that allows you to plot the flags of the world. It functions essentially as geom_point does, requiring, at minimum, a two-letter lowercase country code for the country aesthetic, and x and y aesthetics. You can also adjust the size.
Maintained by Baptiste Auguie. Last updated 1 years ago.
96 stars 5.84 score 364 scriptskbelisar
ggcorset:The Corset Plot
Corset plots are a visualization technique used strictly to visualize repeat measures at 2 time points (such as pre- and post- data). The distribution of measurements are visualized at each time point, whilst the trajectories of individual change are visualized by connecting the pre- and post- values linearly. These lines can be coloured to represent the magnitude of change, or other user-defined value. This method of visualization is ideal for showing the heterogeneity of data, including differences by sub-groups. The package relies on 'ggplot2' allowing for easy integration so that users can customize their visualizations as required. Users can create corset plots using data in either wide or long format using the functions gg_corset() or gg_corset_elongated(), respectively.
Maintained by Kyla Belisario. Last updated 7 months ago.
34 stars 5.83 score 4 scriptsflying-sheep
ggplot.multistats:Multiple Summary Statistics for Binned Stats/Geometries
Provides the ggplot binning layer stat_summaries_hex(), which functions similar to its singular form, but allows the use of multiple statistics per bin. Those statistics can be mapped to multiple bin aesthetics.
Maintained by Philipp Angerer. Last updated 6 months ago.
10 stars 5.76 score 16 scripts 2 dependentsmaraab23
ggseqplot:Render Sequence Plots using 'ggplot2'
A set of wrapper functions that mainly re-produces most of the sequence plots rendered with TraMineR::seqplot(). Whereas 'TraMineR' uses base R to produce the plots this library draws on 'ggplot2'. The plots are produced on the basis of a sequence object defined with TraMineR::seqdef(). The package automates the reshaping and plotting of sequence data. Resulting plots are of class 'ggplot', i.e. components can be added and tweaked using '+' and regular 'ggplot2' functions.
Maintained by Marcel Raab. Last updated 4 months ago.
14 stars 5.70 score 18 scriptsmitchelloharawild
ggquiver:Quiver Plots for 'ggplot2'
An extension of 'ggplot2' to provide quiver plots to visualise vector fields. This functionality is implemented using a geom to produce a new graphical layer, which allows aesthetic options. This layer can be overlaid on a map to improve visualisation of mapped data.
Maintained by Mitchell OHara-Wild. Last updated 1 years ago.
52 stars 5.57 score 48 scripts 1 dependentspwwang
plotthis:High-Level Plotting Built Upon 'ggplot2' and Other Plotting Packages
Provides high-level API and a wide range of options to create stunning, publication-quality plots effortlessly. It is built upon 'ggplot2' and other plotting packages, and is designed to be easy to use and to work seamlessly with 'ggplot2' objects. It is particularly useful for creating complex plots with multiple layers, facets, and annotations. It also provides a set of functions to create plots for specific types of data, such as Venn diagrams, alluvial diagrams, and phylogenetic trees. The package is designed to be flexible and customizable, and to work well with the 'ggplot2' ecosystem. The API can be found at <>.
Maintained by Panwen Wang. Last updated 12 days ago.
36 stars 5.51 score 2 scriptsdavidchall
ggip:Data Visualization for IP Addresses and Networks
A 'ggplot2' extension that enables visualization of IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and networks. The address space is mapped onto the Cartesian coordinate system using a space-filling curve. Offers full support for both IPv4 and IPv6 (Internet Protocol versions 4 and 6) address spaces.
Maintained by David Hall. Last updated 2 years ago.
27 stars 5.51 score 12 scriptsnathansam
gameR:Color Palettes Inspired by Video Games
Palettes based on video games.
Maintained by Nathan Constantine-Cooke. Last updated 4 months ago.
7 stars 5.50 score 15 scriptsel-meyer
airship:Visualization of Simulated Datasets with Multiple Simulation Input Dimensions
Plots simulation results of clinical trials. Its main feature is allowing users to simultaneously investigate the impact of several simulation input dimensions through dynamic filtering of the simulation results. A more detailed description of the app can be found in Meyer et al. <DOI:10.1016/j.softx.2023.101347> or the vignettes on 'GitHub'.
Maintained by Elias Laurin Meyer. Last updated 4 months ago.
3 stars 5.48 score 2 scriptstombeesley
eyetools:Analyse Eye Data
Enables the automation of actions across the pipeline, including initial steps of transforming binocular data and gap repair to event-based processing such as fixations, saccades, and entry/duration in Areas of Interest (AOIs). It also offers visualisation of eye movement and AOI entries. These tools take relatively raw (trial, time, x, and y form) data and can be used to return fixations, saccades, and AOI entries and time spent in AOIs. As the tools rely on this basic data format, the functions can work with data from any eye tracking device. Implements fixation and saccade detection using methods proposed by Salvucci and Goldberg (2000) <doi:10.1145/355017.355028>.
Maintained by Tom Beesley. Last updated 3 months ago.
4 stars 5.45 score 8 scriptswjschne
ggdiagram:Object-Oriented Diagram Plots with ggplot2
The ggdiagram package creates path diagrams with an object-oriented approach and plots diagrams with ggplot2.
Maintained by W. Joel Schneider. Last updated 5 days ago.
32 stars 5.43 scoreturtletopia
gglgbtq:Show Pride on 'ggplot2' Plots
Provides multiple palettes based on pride flags with tailored themes.
Maintained by Laura Bakala. Last updated 9 months ago.
16 stars 5.41 score 16 scriptsbradyajohnston
figpatch:Easily Arrange External Figures with Patchwork Alongside 'ggplot2' Figures
For including external figures into an assembled {patchwork}. This enables the creation of more complex figures that include images alongside plots.
Maintained by Brady Johnston. Last updated 2 months ago.
77 stars 5.37 score 61 scriptsashenoy-cmbi
grafify:Easy Graphs for Data Visualisation and Linear Models for ANOVA
Easily explore data by plotting graphs with a few lines of code. Use these ggplot() wrappers to quickly draw graphs of scatter/dots with box-whiskers, violins or SD error bars, data distributions, before-after graphs, factorial ANOVA and more. Customise graphs in many ways, for example, by choosing from colour blind-friendly palettes (12 discreet, 3 continuous and 2 divergent palettes). Use the simple code for ANOVA as ordinary (lm()) or mixed-effects linear models (lmer()), including randomised-block or repeated-measures designs, and fit non-linear outcomes as a generalised additive model (gam) using mgcv(). Obtain estimated marginal means and perform post-hoc comparisons on fitted models (via emmeans()). Also includes small datasets for practising code and teaching basics before users move on to more complex designs. See vignettes for details on usage <>. Citation: <doi:10.5281/zenodo.5136508>.
Maintained by Avinash R Shenoy. Last updated 13 days ago.
48 stars 5.31 score 107 scriptscararthompson
monochromeR:Easily Create, View and Use Monochrome Colour Palettes
Generate a monochrome palette from a starting colour for a specified number of colours. The package can also be used to display colour palettes in the plot window, with or without hex codes and colour labels.
Maintained by Cara Thompson. Last updated 2 years ago.
80 stars 5.31 score 51 scriptspaolodalena
tastypie:Easy Pie Charts
You only need to type 'why pie charts are bad' on Google to find thousands of articles full of (valid) reasons why other types of charts should be preferred over this one. Therefore, because of the little use due to the reasons already mentioned, making pie charts (and related) in R is not straightforward, so other functions are needed to simplify things. In this R package there are useful functions to make 'tasty' pie charts immediately by exploiting the many cool templates provided.
Maintained by Paolo Dalena. Last updated 2 years ago.
15 stars 5.24 score 23 scriptsinbo
INBOtheme:Themes for ggplot2
Several themes for the ggplot2 package. Among others themes complying with the style guide for the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) and Elsevier journals.
Maintained by Thierry Onkelinx. Last updated 4 days ago.
3 stars 5.20 score 356 scriptswenjie1991
ggfigdone:Manage & Modify 'ggplot' Figures using 'ggfigdone'
When you prepare a presentation or a report, you often need to manage a large number of 'ggplot' figures. You need to change the figure size, modify the title, label, themes, etc. It is inconvenient to go back to the original code to make these changes. This package provides a simple way to manage 'ggplot' figures. You can easily add the figure to the database and update them later using CLI (command line interface) or GUI (graphical user interface).
Maintained by Wenjie SUN. Last updated 3 months ago.
32 stars 5.20 score 4 scriptsopenbiox
contribution:A Tiny Contribution Table Generator Based on 'ggplot2'
Contribution table for credit assignment based on 'ggplot2'. This can improve the author contribution information in academic journals and personal CV.
Maintained by Shixiang Wang. Last updated 2 years ago.
11 stars 5.20 score 29 scriptsjjchern
gglorenz:Plotting Lorenz Curve with the Blessing of 'ggplot2'
Provides statistical transformations for plotting empirical ordinary Lorenz curve (Lorenz 1905) <doi:10.2307/2276207> and generalized Lorenz curve (Shorrocks 1983) <doi:10.2307/2554117>.
Maintained by JJ Chen. Last updated 5 years ago.
31 stars 5.13 score 88 scriptsjohnmackintosh
cusumcharter:Easier CUSUM Control Charts
Create CUSUM (cumulative sum) statistics from a vector or dataframe. Also create single or faceted CUSUM control charts, with or without control limits. Accepts vector, dataframe, tibble or data.table inputs.
Maintained by John MacKintosh. Last updated 4 months ago.
26 stars 5.11 score 9 scriptsnicolash2
ggbrace:Curly Braces for 'ggplot2'
Provides curly braces in 'ggplot2' plus matching text. stat_brace() plots braces partially in the confines of data so that the brace is set apart from it. stat_bracetext() plots corresponding text, fitting to the braces from stat_brace().
Maintained by Nicolas Huber. Last updated 1 years ago.
13 stars 5.08 score 93 scriptscidm-ph
ggautomap:Create Maps from a Column of Place Names
Mapping tools that convert place names to coordinates on the fly. These 'ggplot2' extensions make maps from a data frame where one of the columns contains place names, without having to directly work with the underlying geospatial data and tools. The corresponding map data must be registered with 'cartographer' either by the user or by another package.
Maintained by Carl Suster. Last updated 1 years ago.
24 stars 5.08 score 5 scriptsrsquaredacademy
vistributions:Visualize Probability Distributions
Visualize and compute percentiles/probabilities of normal, t, f, chi square and binomial distributions.
Maintained by Aravind Hebbali. Last updated 5 months ago.
12 stars 5.08 score 20 scriptscraig-parylo
plotor:Produces an Odds Ratio Plot from a Logistic Regression Model
Produces an Odds Ratio (OR) Plot to visualise the result of a logistic regression analysis. Provide it with a binomial regression model produced by 'glm()' and it will convert the estimates to odds ratios with a 95% confidence interval and plot the results using 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Craig Parylo. Last updated 12 days ago.
2 stars 5.04 score 7 scriptsgiocomai
ganttrify:Create beautiful Gantt charts with ggplot2
'ganttrify' facilitates the creation of nice-looking Gantt charts, commonly used in project proposals and project management.
Maintained by Giorgio Comai (OBCT/CCI). Last updated 1 years ago.
676 stars 5.03 score 32 scriptsrethomics
ggetho:Visualisation of High-Throughput Behavioural (i.e. Ethomics) Data
Extension of 'ggplot2' providing layers, scales and preprocessing functions useful to represent behavioural variables that are recorded over multiple animals and days. This package is part of the 'rethomics' framework <>.
Maintained by Quentin Geissmann. Last updated 2 years ago.
9 stars 4.98 score 71 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
plotGrouper:Shiny app GUI wrapper for ggplot with built-in statistical analysis
A shiny app-based GUI wrapper for ggplot with built-in statistical analysis. Import data from file and use dropdown menus and checkboxes to specify the plotting variables, graph type, and look of your plots. Once created, plots can be saved independently or stored in a report that can be saved as a pdf. If new data are added to the file, the report can be refreshed to include new data. Statistical tests can be selected and added to the graphs. Analysis of flow cytometry data is especially integrated with plotGrouper. Count data can be transformed to return the absolute number of cells in a sample (this feature requires inclusion of the number of beads per sample and information about any dilution performed).
Maintained by John D. Gagnon. Last updated 5 months ago.
6 stars 4.78 score 10 scriptskatelyndiaz
ggRtsy:Add Some Van Gogh Colors and Overlay Colors on Your 'ggplot()'
Works with 'ggplot2' to add a Van Gogh color palette to the user’s repertoire. It also has a function that work alongside 'ggplot2' to create more interesting data visualizations and add contextual information to the user’s plots.
Maintained by Katelyn Diaz. Last updated 1 years ago.
2 stars 4.60 score 6 scriptsmeghansaha
artpack:Creates Generative Art Data
Create data that displays generative art when mapped into a 'ggplot2' plot. Functionality includes specialized data frame creation for geometric shapes, tools that define artistic color palettes, tools for geometrically transforming data, and other miscellaneous tools that are helpful when using 'ggplot2' for generative art.
Maintained by Meghan Harris. Last updated 2 years ago.
5 stars 4.57 score 15 scriptskaiaragaki
gplate:A Grammar of Plates
`gplate` attempts to provide a succinct yet powerful grammar to describe common microwell layouts to aide in both plotting and tidying.
Maintained by Kai Aragaki. Last updated 7 months ago.
4 stars 4.56 score 9 scripts 3 dependentsartod83
netmap:Represent Network Objects on a Map
Represent 'network' or 'igraph' objects whose vertices can be represented by features in an 'sf' object as a network graph surmising a 'sf' plot. Fits into 'ggplot2' grammar.
Maintained by Matteo Dimai. Last updated 1 years ago.
7 stars 4.54 score 9 scriptsjonocarroll
ggghost:Capture the Spirit of Your 'ggplot2' Calls
Creates a reproducible 'ggplot2' object by storing the data and calls.
Maintained by Jonathan Carroll. Last updated 7 years ago.
50 stars 4.54 score 14 scriptsselbosh
ggChernoff:Chernoff Faces for 'ggplot2'
Provides a Chernoff face geom for 'ggplot2'. Maps multivariate data to human-like faces. Inspired by Chernoff (1973) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1973.10482434>.
Maintained by David Selby. Last updated 2 years ago.
36 stars 4.51 score 18 scriptssergejruff
Virusparies:Visualize and Process Output from 'VirusHunterGatherer'
A collection of tools for downstream analysis of 'VirusHunterGatherer' output. Processing of hittables and plotting of results, enabling better interpretation, is made easier with the provided functions.
Maintained by Ruff Sergej. Last updated 3 months ago.
1 stars 4.49 score 28 scriptsyannabraham
cytofan:Plot Fan Plots for Cytometry Data using 'ggplot2'
An implementation of Fan plots for cytometry data in 'ggplot2'. For reference see Britton, E.; Fisher, P. & J. Whitley (1998) The Inflation Report Projections: Understanding the Fan Chart <>).
Maintained by Yann Abraham. Last updated 5 years ago.
3 stars 4.48 score 20 scriptsokgreece
gginference:Visualise the Results of Inferential Statistics using 'ggplot2'
Visualise the results of F test to compare two variances, Student's t-test, test of equal or given proportions, Pearson's chi-squared test for count data and test for association/correlation between paired samples.
Maintained by Kleanthis Koupidis. Last updated 2 years ago.
13 stars 4.44 score 42 scriptssvmiller
stevethemes:Steve's 'ggplot2' Themes and Related Theme Elements
This is a compilation of my preferred themes and related theme elements for 'ggplot2'. I believe these themes and theme elements are aesthetically pleasing, both for pedagogical instruction and for the presentation of applied statistical research to a wide audience. These themes imply routine use of easily obtained/free fonts, simple forms of which are included in this package.
Maintained by Steve Miller. Last updated 2 years ago.
13 stars 4.40 score 39 scriptscortinah
hockeystick:Download and Visualize Essential Climate Change Data
Provides easy access to essential climate change datasets to non-climate experts. Users can download the latest raw data from authoritative sources and view it via pre-defined 'ggplot2' charts. Datasets include atmospheric CO2, methane, emissions, instrumental and proxy temperature records, sea levels, Arctic/Antarctic sea-ice, Hurricanes, and Paleoclimate data. Sources include: NOAA Mauna Loa Laboratory <>, Global Carbon Project <>, NASA GISTEMP <>, National Snow and Sea Ice Data Center <>, CSIRO <>, NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry <> and HURDAT Atlantic Hurricane Database <>, Vostok Paleo carbon dioxide and temperature data: <doi:10.3334/CDIAC/ATG.009>.
Maintained by Hernando Cortina. Last updated 4 months ago.
50 stars 4.40 score 8 scriptsmsberends
plot2:A Plotting Assistant for Fast 'ggplot2' Visualisations
A streamlined extension of 'ggplot2' designed to simplify and accelerate the creation of data visualisations. 'plot2' automates common tasks such as axis handling, plot type selection, and data transformation, allowing users to create complex, publication-ready plots with minimal code. It integrates seamlessly with the tidyverse and retains full compatibility with 'ggplot2', while offering additional conveniences like enhanced sorting, faceting, and custom theming.
Maintained by Matthijs S. Berends. Last updated 19 days ago.
1 stars 4.32 score 8 scripts 1 dependentsflrd
ggpointless:Additional Geometries and Stats for 'ggplot2'
An (aspirational) collection of additional geometries and statistics for 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Markus Döring. Last updated 8 months ago.
2 stars 4.30 score 9 scriptsvinhtantran
monoClust:Perform Monothetic Clustering with Extensions to Circular Data
Implementation of the Monothetic Clustering algorithm (Chavent, 1998 <doi:10.1016/S0167-8655(98)00087-7>) on continuous data sets. A lot of extensions are included in the package, including applying Monothetic clustering on data sets with circular variables, visualizations with the results, and permutation and cross-validation based tests to support the decision on the number of clusters.
Maintained by Tan Tran. Last updated 4 years ago.
1 stars 4.18 score 7 scripts 1 dependentsdtm2451
dittoViz:User Friendly Data Visualization
A comprehensive visualization toolkit built with coders of all skill levels and color-vision impaired audiences in mind. It allows creation of finely-tuned, publication-quality figures from single function calls. Visualizations include scatter plots, compositional bar plots, violin, box, and ridge plots, and more. Customization ranges from size and title adjustments to discrete-group circling and labeling, hidden data overlay upon cursor hovering via ggplotly() conversion, and many more, all with simple, discrete inputs. Color blindness friendliness is powered by legend adjustments (enlarged keys), and by allowing the use of shapes or letter-overlay in addition to the carefully selected dittoColors().
Maintained by Daniel Bunis. Last updated 1 months ago.
9 stars 4.13 score 10 scriptsjimjam-slam
stickylabeller:Sticky Labeller
Create facet labels for ggplot2 using the glue package. Also includes some helpers for sequentially labelling your facets.
Maintained by James Goldie. Last updated 3 years ago.
66 stars 4.06 score 35 scriptsjohnmackintosh
rockthemes:Colour palettes based on classic rock album covers
Colour palettes, scales and fills based on classic rock album covers.
Maintained by John MacKintosh. Last updated 1 years ago.
35 stars 4.02 score 7 scriptspwwang
gglogger:Track 'ggplot2' Calls
Provides a way to log 'ggplot' component calls, which can be useful for debugging and understanding how 'ggplot' objects are created. The logged calls can be printed, saved, and re-executed to reproduce the original 'ggplot' object.
Maintained by Panwen Wang. Last updated 5 months ago.
3 stars 3.95 score 4 scriptsschochastics
Rokemon:Pokemon Style Plotting And Data
This package implements several themes for ggplot to bring your data into the world of Pokemon.
Maintained by David Schoch. Last updated 3 years ago.
94 stars 3.90 score 17 scriptspachadotdev
tintin:Tintin Palette Generator
Palettes generated from Tintin covers. There is one palette per cover, with a total of 24 palettes of 5 colours each. Includes functions to interpolate colors in order to create more colors based on the provided palettes. The data is based on Cyr, et al. (2004) <doi:10.1503/cmaj.1041405> and Wikipedia <>.
Maintained by Mauricio Vargas Sepulveda. Last updated 7 months ago.
7 stars 3.85 score 5 scriptsryninho
mekko:Variable Width Bar Charts: Bar Mekko
Create variable width bar charts i.e. "bar mekko" charts to include important quantitative context. Closely related to mosaic, spine (or spinogram), matrix, submarine, olympic, Mondrian or product plots and tree maps.
Maintained by Eric Rynerson. Last updated 7 years ago.
10 stars 3.74 score 11 scriptsspacecowboy-71
xadmix:Subsetting and Plotting Optimized for Admixture Data
A few functions which provide a quick way of subsetting genomic admixture data and generating customizable stacked barplots.
Maintained by Lukas Schönmann. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.70 score 6 scriptsalexvpickering
shinydlplot:Add a Download Button to a 'shiny' Plot or 'plotly'
Add a download button to a 'shiny' plot or 'plotly' that appears when the plot is hovered. A tooltip, styled to resemble 'plotly' buttons, is displayed on hover of the download button. The download button can be used to allow users to download the dataset used for a plot.
Maintained by Alex Pickering. Last updated 2 years ago.
8 stars 3.60 score 7 scriptshriebl
ggnuplot:Make 'ggplot2' Look Like 'gnuplot'
Provides a theme, a discrete color palette, and continuous scales to make 'ggplot2' look like 'gnuplot'. This may be helpful if you use both 'ggplot2' and 'gnuplot' in one project.
Maintained by Hannes Riebl. Last updated 5 years ago.
6 stars 3.48 score 4 scriptsanthonynorth
snapbox:GGPlot Mapbox Basemap
Static mapbox basemap for ggplot2.
Maintained by Anthony North. Last updated 3 years ago.
40 stars 3.41 score 13 scriptselipousson
maplayer:Make Map Layers With ggplot2
Make map-making with ggplot2 and sf more convenient with layers that subset by location.
Maintained by Eli Pousson. Last updated 7 months ago.
9 stars 3.26 score 7 scriptscmoralesmx
gggap:Define Segments in y-Axis for 'ggplot2'
It is not very easy to define segments for y-axis in a 'ggplot2' plot. The gggap() function in this package can carry it out.
Maintained by Carlos Morales. Last updated 4 years ago.
3 stars 3.18 score 2 scriptscerte-medical-epidemiology
certeplot2:A Certe R Package for Convenient Plotting
A Certe R Package for fast and convenient plotting based on 'plot2', by providing wrappers around 'tidyverse' packages such as 'ggplot2', while also providing plotting in the Certe organisational style. This package is part of the 'certedata' universe.
Maintained by Matthijs S. Berends. Last updated 4 months ago.
3 stars 3.08 score 4 scriptseliocamp
ggdatasaver:Automatically save data associated with a 'ggplot2' plot
Automatically create a file with the data used to create a 'ggplot2' plot. Each layer's data is saved in its own csv file inside a compressed file. These files can then be published as supplemental material so that other people can re-do your plots without the need of digitising them. Because the only data that is saved is the one that is shown in the plot, there are fewer privacy concerns.
Maintained by Elio Campitelli. Last updated 2 years ago.
23 stars 3.06 score 2 scriptsethanbass
ggtukey:Compact Letter Displays for Multiple Comparisons in 'ggplot2'
Provides a simple interface to visualize paired comparisons in 'ggplot2' by adding compact letter displays (i.e. Tukey letters).
Maintained by Ethan Bass. Last updated 2 years ago.
2 stars 3.00 score 3 scriptsmatbou85
ggScatRidges:Scatter Plot Combined with Ridgelines in 'ggplot2'
The function combines a scatter plot with ridgelines to better visualise the distribution between sample groups. The plot is created with 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Matthieu Bourgery. Last updated 1 years ago.
2 stars 3.00 score 2 scriptsyjunechoe
ggcolormeter:Colormeter Guide Extension
A 'ggplot2' guide extension for fill and color scales in the style of a dashboard meter. The dashboard legend maps onto continuous aesthetics and can be customized for its dimensions and the style of its various components including the labels and frames. Fine-grained control over the positioning of dashboard components is possible via an option to expose the legend-internal coordinate system.
Maintained by June Choe. Last updated 6 months ago.
19 stars 2.98 score 2 scriptsjohnmackintosh
metallicaRt:Colour palettes based on Metallica studio album covers
Colour palettes based on Metallica studio album covers.
Maintained by John MacKintosh. Last updated 1 years ago.
19 stars 2.98 score 3 scriptshongyuanjia
ggpsychro:A 'ggplot2' Extension for Making Pyschrometric Charts
A 'ggplot2' extension for making pyschrometric charts.
Maintained by Hongyuan Jia. Last updated 4 years ago.
15 stars 2.88 score 2 scriptsjohnmackintosh
popthemes:colour palettes from some 90s pop album covers
colour palettes based on pop album and single covers. Contains a mix of sequential and qualitative palettes.
Maintained by John MacKintosh. Last updated 4 years ago.
14 stars 2.85 score 4 scriptstinyheero
cofeatureR:Generate Cofeature Matrices
Generate cofeature (feature by sample) matrices. The package utilizes ggplot2::geom_tile() to generate the matrix allowing for easy additions from the base matrix.
Maintained by Fong Chun Chan. Last updated 7 years ago.
2.70 score 2 scriptsjongbinjung
ggbuildr:Save Incremental Builds of Plots
Saves a 'ggplot' object into multiple files, each with a layer added incrementally. Generally to be used in presentation slides. Flexible enough to allow different file types for the final complete plot, and intermediate builds.
Maintained by Jongbin Jung. Last updated 7 years ago.
1 stars 2.70 score 5 scriptsbradyajohnston
chromr:Read and Plot FPLC Chromatograms
For reading files from BioRad QuadTec machines and making plots of the charomatograms.
Maintained by Brady Johnston. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.70 score