Showing 107 of total 107 results (show query)
esquisse:Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively
A 'shiny' gadget to create 'ggplot2' figures interactively with drag-and-drop to map your variables to different aesthetics. You can quickly visualize your data accordingly to their type, export in various formats, and retrieve the code to reproduce the plot.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 23 days ago.
21.5 match 1.8k stars 13.23 score 1.1k scripts 1 dependentsjinseob2kim
jsmodule:'RStudio' Addins and 'Shiny' Modules for Medical Research
'RStudio' addins and 'Shiny' modules for descriptive statistics, regression and survival analysis.
Maintained by Jinseob Kim. Last updated 2 days ago.
29.8 match 21 stars 8.68 score 61 scriptspredictiveecology
SpaDES.addins:Development Tools for 'SpaDES' and 'SpaDES' Modules
Provides 'RStudio' addins for 'SpaDES' packages and 'SpaDES' module development. See '?SpaDES.addins' for an overview of the tools provided.
Maintained by Alex M Chubaty. Last updated 4 months ago.
50.2 match 1 stars 3.30 scoremichelnivard
gptstudio:Use Large Language Models Directly in your Development Environment
Large language models are readily accessible via API. This package lowers the barrier to use the API inside of your development environment. For more on the API, see <>.
Maintained by James Wade. Last updated 5 days ago.
13.5 match 924 stars 10.83 score 43 scripts 1 dependentsdokato
todor:Find All TODO Comments and More
This is a simple addin to 'RStudio' that finds all 'TODO', 'FIX ME', 'CHANGED' etc. comments in your project and shows them as a markers list.
Maintained by Dominik Krzemiński. Last updated 1 years ago.
18.4 match 253 stars 7.07 score 52 scripts 1 dependentsdaattali
colourpicker:A Colour Picker Tool for Shiny and for Selecting Colours in Plots
A colour picker that can be used as an input in 'Shiny' apps or Rmarkdown documents. The colour picker supports alpha opacity, custom colour palettes, and many more options. A Plot Colour Helper tool is available as an 'RStudio' Addin, which helps you pick colours to use in your plots. A more generic Colour Picker 'RStudio' Addin is also provided to let you select colours to use in your R code.
Maintained by Dean Attali. Last updated 7 months ago.
8.3 match 221 stars 11.71 score 936 scripts 113 dependentss-fleck
testthis:Utils and 'RStudio' Addins to Make Testing Even More Fun
Utility functions and 'RStudio' addins for writing, running and organizing automated tests. Integrates tightly with the packages 'testthat', 'devtools' and 'usethis'. Hotkeys can be assigned to the 'RStudio' addins for running tests in a single file or to switch between a source file and the associated test file. In addition, testthis provides function to manage and run tests in subdirectories of the test/testthat directory.
Maintained by Stefan Fleck. Last updated 3 years ago.
18.6 match 33 stars 5.12 score 20 scriptsnetique
buildr:Organize & Run Build Scripts Comfortably
Working with reproducible reports or any other similar projects often require to run the script that builds the output file in a specified way. 'buildr' can help you organize, modify and comfortably run those scripts. The package provides a set of functions that interactively guides you through the process and that are available as 'RStudio' Addin, meaning you can set up the keyboard shortcuts, enabling you to choose and run the desired build script with one keystroke anywhere anytime.
Maintained by Jan Netik. Last updated 11 months ago.
19.0 match 15 stars 4.88 score 8 scriptsjameshwade
gpttools:Extensions and Tools for gptstudio
gpttools is an R package that provides extensions to gptstudio to provide devtools-like functionality using the latest natural language processing (NLP) models. It is designed to make package development easier by providing a range of tools and functions that can be used to improve the quality of your package's documentation, testing, and maybe even functionality.
Maintained by James Wade. Last updated 7 months ago.
13.0 match 293 stars 7.06 score 14 scriptsmnist91
origin:Explicitly Qualifying Namespaces by Automatically Adding 'pkg::' to Functions
Automatically adding 'pkg::' to a function, i.e. mutate() becomes dplyr::mutate(). It is up to the user to determine which packages should be used explicitly, whether to include base R packages or use the functionality on selected text, a file, or a complete directory. User friendly logging is provided in the 'RStudio' Markers pane. Lives in the spirit of 'lintr' and 'styler'. Can also be used for checking which packages are actually used in a project.
Maintained by Matthias Nistler. Last updated 4 months ago.
14.8 match 10 stars 6.00 score 4 scriptsjcrodriguez1989
chatgpt:Interface to 'ChatGPT' from R
'OpenAI's 'ChatGPT' <> coding assistant for 'RStudio'. A set of functions and 'RStudio' addins that aim to help the R developer in tedious coding tasks.
Maintained by Juan Cruz Rodriguez. Last updated 3 months ago.
11.5 match 321 stars 6.81 score 50 scriptslindeloev
job:Run Code as an RStudio Job - Free Your Console
Call job::job({<code here>}) to run R code as an RStudio job and keep your console free in the meantime. This allows for a productive workflow while testing (multiple) long-running chunks of code. It can also be used to organize results using the RStudio Jobs GUI or to test code in a clean environment. Two RStudio Addins can be used to run selected code as a job.
Maintained by Jonas Kristoffer Lindeløv. Last updated 6 months ago.
10.5 match 252 stars 7.31 score 134 scripts 1 dependentsgadenbuie
shrtcts:Make Anything an RStudio Shortcut
An easily customizable method for creating RStudio addins from arbitrary R code. Use your own functions or call functions from other packages. Your shortcuts are stored in a YAML file in your home directory.
Maintained by Garrick Aden-Buie. Last updated 2 months ago.
15.5 match 117 stars 4.77 score 3 scriptscardiomoon
editData:'RStudio' Addin for Editing a 'data.frame'
An 'RStudio' addin for editing a 'data.frame' or a 'tibble'. You can delete, add or update a 'data.frame' without coding. You can get resultant data as a 'data.frame'. In the package, modularized 'shiny' app codes are provided. These modules are intended for reuse across applications.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 4 years ago.
10.0 match 33 stars 7.34 score 63 scripts 4 dependentsjuba
questionr:Functions to Make Surveys Processing Easier
Set of functions to make the processing and analysis of surveys easier : interactive shiny apps and addins for data recoding, contingency tables, dataset metadata handling, and several convenience functions.
Maintained by Julien Barnier. Last updated 7 hours ago.
5.8 match 83 stars 12.62 score 1.1k scripts 19 dependentscalote
addinsOutline:'RStudio' Addins for Show Outline of a R Markdown/'LaTeX' Project
'RStudio' allows to show and navigate for the outline of a R Markdown file, but not for R Markdown projects with multiple files. For this reason, I have developed several 'RStudio' addins capable of show project outline. Each addin is specialized in showing projects of different types: R Markdown project, 'bookdown' package project and 'LaTeX' project. There is a configuration file that allows you to customize additional searches.
Maintained by Pedro L. Luque-Calvo. Last updated 5 years ago.
18.9 match 3.78 score 12 scriptsnanxstats
liftr:Containerize R Markdown Documents for Continuous Reproducibility
Persistent reproducible reporting by containerization of R Markdown documents.
Maintained by Nan Xiao. Last updated 1 years ago.
9.8 match 172 stars 7.03 score 21 scriptsstla
prettifyAddins:'RStudio' Addins to Prettify 'JavaScript', 'C++', 'Python', and More
Provides 'RStudio' addins to prettify 'HTML', 'CSS', 'SCSS', 'JavaScript', 'JSX', 'Markdown', 'C(++)', 'LaTeX', 'Python', 'Julia', 'XML', 'Java', 'JSON', 'Ruby', and to reindent 'C(++)', 'Fortran', 'Java', 'Julia', 'Python', 'SAS', 'Scala', 'Shell', 'SQL' and "TypeScript". Two kinds of addins are provided: 'Prettify' and 'Indent'. The 'Indent' addins only reindent the code, while the 'Prettify' addins also modify the code, e.g. trailing semi-colons are added to 'JavaScript' code when they are missing.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
13.6 match 21 stars 4.38 score 23 scriptsskranz
RTutor:Interactive R problem sets with automatic testing of solutions and automatic hints
Interactive R problem sets with automatic testing of solutions and automatic hints
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 1 years ago.
9.7 match 205 stars 5.83 score 111 scripts 1 dependentsschochastics
snahelper:'RStudio' Addin for Network Analysis and Visualization
'RStudio' addin which provides a GUI to visualize and analyse networks. After finishing a session, the code to produce the plot is inserted in the current script. Alternatively, the function SNAhelperGadget() can be used directly from the console. Additional addins include the Netreader() for reading network files, Netbuilder() to create small networks via point and click, and the Componentlayouter() to layout networks with many components manually.
Maintained by David Schoch. Last updated 3 months ago.
11.3 match 90 stars 4.65 score 9 scriptsdaattali
addinslist:Discover and Install Useful RStudio Addins
Browse through a continuously updated list of existing RStudio addins and install/uninstall their corresponding packages.
Maintained by Dean Attali. Last updated 7 months ago.
6.7 match 848 stars 7.73 score 18 scriptsropensci
baRcodeR:Label Creation for Tracking and Collecting Data from Biological Samples
Tools to generate unique identifier codes and printable barcoded labels for the management of biological samples. The creation of unique ID codes and printable PDF files can be initiated by standard commands, user prompts, or through a GUI addin for R Studio. Biologically informative codes can be included for hierarchically structured sampling designs.
Maintained by Robert Colautti. Last updated 1 years ago.
6.7 match 36 stars 6.95 score 49 scriptsrhoinc
CRANsearcher:RStudio Addin for Searching Packages in CRAN Database Based on Keywords
One of the strengths of R is its vast package ecosystem. Indeed, R packages extend from visualization to Bayesian inference and from spatial analyses to pharmacokinetics (<>). There is probably not an area of quantitative research that isn't represented by at least one R package. At the time of this writing, there are more than 10,000 active CRAN packages. Because of this massive ecosystem, it is important to have tools to search and learn about packages related to your personal R needs. For this reason, we developed an RStudio addin capable of searching available CRAN packages directly within RStudio.
Maintained by Agustin Calatroni. Last updated 7 years ago.
10.8 match 34 stars 4.23 score 2 scriptsgadenbuie
regexplain:Rstudio Addin to Explain, Test and Build Regular Expressions
A set of RStudio Addins to help interactively test and build regular expressions. Provides a Shiny gadget interface for interactively constructing the regular expression and viewing the results from common string-searching functions. The gadget interface includes a helpful regex syntax reference sheet and a library of common patterns.
Maintained by Garrick Aden-Buie. Last updated 4 years ago.
10.9 match 486 stars 4.07 score 12 scriptsdaranzolin
ViewPipeSteps:Create View Tabs of Pipe Chains
Debugging pipe chains often consists of viewing the output after each step. This package adds RStudio addins and two functions that allow outputing each or select steps in a convenient way.
Maintained by David Ranzolin. Last updated 3 years ago.
8.0 match 246 stars 5.49 score 25 scriptsthinkr-open
remedy:'RStudio' Addins to Simplify 'Markdown' Writing
An 'RStudio' addin providing shortcuts for writing in 'Markdown'. This package provides a series of functions that allow the user to be more efficient when using 'Markdown'. For example, you can select a word, and put it in bold or in italics, or change the alignment of elements inside you Rmd. The idea is to map all the functionalities from 'remedy' on keyboard shortcuts, so that it provides an interface close to what you can find in any other text editor.
Maintained by Colin Fay. Last updated 5 years ago.
5.3 match 452 stars 7.83 score 50 scriptsstla
pasteAsComment:'RStudio' Addin to Paste the Clipboard as a Comment Block or a 'roxygen' Block
Provides a 'RStudio' addin allowing to paste the content of the clipboard as a comment block or as 'roxygen' lines. This is very useful to insert an example in the 'roxygen' block.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.8 match 9 stars 3.65 scoremlysy
rdoxygen:Create Doxygen Documentation for Source Code
Create 'doxygen' documentation for source code in R packages, and optionally make it accessible as an R vignette. Includes a 'RStudio' Addin to easily trigger the doxygenize process.
Maintained by Clemens Schmid. Last updated 6 years ago.
8.0 match 17 stars 4.93 score 6 scriptsgadenbuie
lorem:Generate Lorem Ipsum Text
Quickly generate lorem ipsum placeholder text. Easy to integrate in 'R Markdown' documents and 'Shiny' apps. Includes an 'RStudio' addin to insert lorem ipsum into the current document.
Maintained by Garrick Aden-Buie. Last updated 2 years ago.
8.0 match 32 stars 4.88 score 47 scriptsgegznav
spAddins:RStudio Add-ins to Format R Markdown files (RETIRED PACKAGE)
The development of `spAddins` ended in 2018 as the package retired in favor of packages `addins.rmd` and ``. ... RStudio Add-ins to Format Text and Insert Operators ... A set of RStudio addins that are designed to be used in combination with user-defined RStudio keyboard shortcuts. These addins either: 1) insert text at a cursor position (e.g. insert operators %>%, <<-, %$%, etc.), 2) replace symbols in selected pieces of text (e.g., convert backslashes to forward slashes which results in stings like "c:\data\" converted into "c:/data/") or 3) enclose text with special symbols (e.g., converts "bold" into "**bold**") which is convenient for editing R Markdown files.
Maintained by Vilmantas Gegzna. Last updated 4 years ago.
8.5 match 8 stars 4.60 score 8 scriptsmatt-dray
quartostamp:RStudio Addin to Insert Quarto Helpers
An RStudio Addin to insert ('stamp') pre-written classes and divs into your Quarto documents.
Maintained by Matt Dray. Last updated 2 years ago.
11.1 match 59 stars 3.47 scoregk-crop
raddins:Some helper Addins for rstudio
Provides some addins for RStudio.
Maintained by Gunther Krauss. Last updated 3 years ago.
21.5 match 1.70 score 1 scriptsnotplancha
settingsSync:'Rstudio' Addin to Sync Settings and Keymaps
Provides a 'Rstudio' addin to download, merge and upload 'Rstudio' settings and keymaps, essentially 'syncing them' at will. It uses 'Google Drive' as a cloud storage to keep the settings and keymaps files.
Maintained by André Plancha. Last updated 9 months ago.
11.0 match 2 stars 3.30 scoremoodymudskipper
flow:View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams
Visualize as flow diagrams the logic of functions, expressions or scripts in a static way or when running a call, visualize the dependencies between functions or between modules in a shiny app, and more.
Maintained by Antoine Fabri. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.3 match 405 stars 10.84 score 61 scriptsstla
JSconsole:A 'RStudio' Addin to Send 'JavaScript' Code to the 'V8' Console
Provides a 'RStudio' addin to send some 'JavaScript' code to the 'V8' console. The user can send an entire 'JavaScript' file or only some selected lines. This is useful to test the code.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 4 years ago.
13.1 match 1 stars 2.70 scorextreamsrl
tsviz:Easy and Interactive Time Series Visualization
An 'RStudio' add-in to visualize time series. Time series are searched in the global environment as data.frame objects with a column of type date and a column of type numeric. Interactive charts are produced using 'plotly' package.
Maintained by Emanuele Fabbiani. Last updated 4 years ago.
7.5 match 44 stars 4.64 score 9 scriptsmatt-dray
blogsnip:Misc RStudio Addins to Help R Markdown
Assorted RStudio addins for personal use that insert code snippets to help me write R Markdown documents, particularly {blogdown} posts.
Maintained by Matt Dray. Last updated 3 years ago.
10.9 match 3 stars 3.18 scoregadenbuie
ermoji:RStudio Addin to Search and Copy Emoji
RStudio addin to search through emoji and copy the emoji name, unicode string or glyph to the clipboard.
Maintained by Garrick Aden-Buie. Last updated 4 years ago.
11.0 match 26 stars 3.11 score 1 scriptsmatt-dray
snorkel:RStudio Addin To Help Format 'roxygen2'
Insert, or replace text with, formatting code for 'roxygen2' function documentation in a package, like making text bold, inserting a URL, or linking to functions in other packages.
Maintained by Matt Dray. Last updated 3 years ago.
10.5 match 32 stars 3.20 scorer-lib
styler:Non-Invasive Pretty Printing of R Code
Pretty-prints R code without changing the user's formatting intent.
Maintained by Lorenz Walthert. Last updated 1 months ago.
2.0 match 754 stars 16.15 score 940 scripts 62 dependentscrew102
hippie:Hippie Code Completion in 'RStudio'
An 'RStudio' Addin for Hippie Expand (AKA Hippie Code Completion or Cyclic Expand Word). This type of completion searches for matching tokens within the user's current source editor file, regardless of file type. By searching only within the current source file, 'hippie' offers a fast way to identify and insert completions that appear around the user's cursor.
Maintained by Christopher Baker. Last updated 6 months ago.
8.0 match 20 stars 4.00 score 3 scriptsyonicd
sinew:Package Development Documentation and Namespace Management
Manage package documentation and namespaces from the command line. Programmatically attach namespaces in R and Rmd script, populates Roxygen2 skeletons with information scraped from within functions and populate the Imports field of the DESCRIPTION file.
Maintained by Jonathan Sidi. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.8 match 166 stars 8.54 score 88 scriptsr-lib
usethis:Automate Package and Project Setup
Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise performed manually. This includes setting up unit testing, test coverage, continuous integration, Git, 'GitHub', licenses, 'Rcpp', 'RStudio' projects, and more.
Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 11 days ago.
1.8 match 869 stars 17.54 score 5.6k scripts 336 dependentsjakubsob
r6methods:Make Methods for R6 Classes
Generate boilerplate code for R6 classes. Given R6 class create getters and/or setters for selected class fields or use RStudio addins to insert methods straight into class definition.
Maintained by Jakub Sobolewski. Last updated 3 years ago.
8.0 match 12 stars 3.82 score 11 scriptstidymodels
parsnip:A Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions
A common interface is provided to allow users to specify a model without having to remember the different argument names across different functions or computational engines (e.g. 'R', 'Spark', 'Stan', 'H2O', etc).
Maintained by Max Kuhn. Last updated 3 days ago.
1.7 match 612 stars 16.37 score 3.4k scripts 69 dependentssimonpcouch
chores:A Collection of Large Language Model Assistants
Provides a collection of ergonomic large language model assistants designed to help you complete repetitive, hard-to-automate tasks quickly. After selecting some code, press the keyboard shortcut you've chosen to trigger the package app, select an assistant, and watch your chore be carried out. While the package ships with a number of chore helpers for R package development, users can create custom helpers just by writing some instructions in a markdown file.
Maintained by Simon Couch. Last updated 22 days ago.
3.5 match 90 stars 7.91 score 6 scriptsthinkr-open
golem:A Framework for Robust Shiny Applications
An opinionated framework for building a production-ready 'Shiny' application. This package contains a series of tools for building a robust 'Shiny' application from start to finish.
Maintained by Colin Fay. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.9 match 921 stars 14.23 score 167 scripts 62 dependentsoobianom
quickcode:Quick and Essential 'R' Tricks for Better Scripts
The NOT functions, 'R' tricks and a compilation of some simple quick plus often used 'R' codes to improve your scripts. Improve the quality and reproducibility of 'R' scripts.
Maintained by Obinna Obianom. Last updated 13 days ago.
3.4 match 5 stars 7.76 score 7 scripts 6 dependentsstla
cppcheckR:Check 'C' and 'C++' Files using 'Cppcheck'
Allow to run 'Cppcheck' (<>) on 'C' and 'C++' files with a 'R' command or a 'RStudio' addin. The report appears in the 'RStudio' viewer pane as a formatted 'HTML' file. It is also possible to get this report with a 'shiny' application. 'Cppcheck' can spot many error types and it can also give some recommendations on the code.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 3 years ago.
8.0 match 4 stars 3.30 score 4 scriptsrstudio
tfruns:Training Run Tools for 'TensorFlow'
Create and manage unique directories for each 'TensorFlow' training run. Provides a unique, time stamped directory for each run along with functions to retrieve the directory of the latest run or latest several runs.
Maintained by Tomasz Kalinowski. Last updated 11 months ago.
2.2 match 34 stars 11.80 score 325 scripts 77 dependentsvgherard
scribblr:A Notepad Inside RStudio
A project aware notepad inside RStudio, for taking quick project-related notes without distractions. RStudio addin.
Maintained by Valerio Gherardi. Last updated 1 years ago.
8.0 match 19 stars 2.98 score 1 scriptsstla
jsonNormalize:Normalization of 'JSON' Strings
Provides a function allowing to normalize a 'JSON' string, for example by adding double quotes around the keys when they are missing. Also provides 'RStudio' addins for the same purpose.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
8.0 match 1 stars 2.70 score 4 scriptsludvigolsen
xpectr:Generates Expectations for 'testthat' Unit Testing
Helps systematize and ease the process of building unit tests with the 'testthat' package by providing tools for generating expectations.
Maintained by Ludvig Renbo Olsen. Last updated 10 days ago.
3.5 match 37 stars 6.06 score 62 scriptserictleung
pyblack:Style Python code blocks with black
RStudio addin to help format and style Python code in RMarkdown and Quarto documents with the Python code formatter, black.
Maintained by Eric Leung. Last updated 9 months ago.
8.0 match 8 stars 2.60 scorecardiomoon
ggplotAssist:'RStudio' Addin for Teaching and Learning 'ggplot2'
An 'RStudio' addin for teaching and learning making plot using the 'ggplot2' package. You can learn each steps of making plot by clicking your mouse without coding. You can get resultant code for the plot.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 7 years ago.
3.5 match 79 stars 5.85 score 18 scriptserictleung
unnestIfElse:Tidy up nested ifelse statements
Convert nested `ifelse()` statements to `case_when()`
Maintained by Eric Leung. Last updated 5 years ago.
7.5 match 7 stars 2.54 scorevnijs
gitgadget:'Rstudio' Addin for Version Control and Assignment Management using Git
An 'Rstudio' addin for version control that allows users to clone repositories, create and delete branches, and sync forks on GitHub, GitLab, etc. Furthermore, the addin uses the GitLab API to allow instructors to create forks and merge requests for all students/teams with one click of a button.
Maintained by Vincent Nijs. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.6 match 17 stars 4.93 score 2 scriptsmartinschobben
oceanexplorer:Explore Our Planet's Oceans with NOAA
Provides tools for easy exploration of the world ocean atlas of the US agency National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It includes functions to extract NetCDF data from the repository and code to visualize several physical and chemical parameters of the ocean. A Shiny app further allows interactive exploration of the data. The methods for data collecting and quality checks are described in several papers, which can be found here: <>.
Maintained by Martin Schobben. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.5 match 9 stars 5.01 score 23 scriptscalligross
ggThemeAssist:Add-in to Customize 'ggplot2' Themes
Rstudio add-in that delivers a graphical interface for editing 'ggplot2' theme elements.
Maintained by Calli Gross. Last updated 6 years ago.
2.3 match 493 stars 7.27 score 251 scriptspredictiveecology
SpaDES:Develop and Run Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation Models
Metapackage for implementing a variety of event-based models, with a focus on spatially explicit models. These include raster-based, event-based, and agent-based models. The core simulation components (provided by 'SpaDES.core') are built upon a discrete event simulation (DES; see Matloff (2011) ch 7.8.3 <>) framework that facilitates modularity, and easily enables the user to include additional functionality by running user-built simulation modules (see also ''). Included are numerous tools to visualize rasters and other maps (via 'quickPlot'), and caching methods for reproducible simulations (via 'reproducible'). Tools for running simulation experiments are provided by 'SpaDES.experiment'. Additional functionality is provided by the 'SpaDES.addins' and 'SpaDES.shiny' packages.
Maintained by Alex M Chubaty. Last updated 4 months ago.
1.8 match 55 stars 8.87 score 227 scriptsdaattali
ggExtra:Add Marginal Histograms to 'ggplot2', and More 'ggplot2' Enhancements
Collection of functions and layers to enhance 'ggplot2'. The flagship function is 'ggMarginal()', which can be used to add marginal histograms/boxplots/density plots to 'ggplot2' scatterplots.
Maintained by Dean Attali. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.2 match 387 stars 13.45 score 3.3k scripts 28 dependentscardiomoon
dplyrAssist:RStudio Addin for Teaching and Learning Data Manipulation Using 'dplyr'
An RStudio addin for teaching and learning data manipulation using the 'dplyr' package. You can learn each steps of data manipulation by clicking your mouse without coding. You can get resultant data (as a 'tibble') and the code for data manipulation.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 7 years ago.
3.3 match 12 stars 4.78 score 7 scriptsr-hub
pkgsearch:Search and Query CRAN R Packages
Search CRAN metadata about packages by keyword, popularity, recent activity, package name and more. Uses the 'R-hub' search server, see <> and the CRAN metadata database, that contains information about CRAN packages. Note that this is _not_ a CRAN project.
Maintained by Gábor Csárdi. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.8 match 109 stars 8.62 score 64 scripts 10 dependentsskranz
RStudioStataConsole:RStudio addin that facilitates running Stata in RStudio's termial.
If you like to use Stata interactively on a web server (or in a docker container), you could access the Stata console version using a Terminal in an RStudio Server session in the browser. This small packages has three short addins that simplify this process. It is assumed that the Stata is installed and the `stata` command is on the path.
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 3 years ago.
9.1 match 1.70 scoredmkaplan2000
knitrdata:Data Language Engine for 'knitr' / 'rmarkdown'
Implements a data language engine for incorporating data directly in 'rmarkdown' documents so that they can be made completely standalone.
Maintained by David M. Kaplan. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.9 match 7 stars 4.75 score 16 scriptsmatt-dray
backtick:Insert Backticks And Backtick Structures
Insert into an R script a backtick; surround text with backticks; or surround text with backticks to demarcate inline or chunked R code in an R Markdown document. Intended for use as an RStudio Addin.
Maintained by Matt Dray. Last updated 3 years ago.
8.0 match 1 stars 1.70 scoretjmahr
WrapRmd:RStudio Addin for Wrapping RMarkdown Paragraphs
Provides an RStudio addin for wrapping paragraphs in an RMarkdown document without inserting linebreaks into spans of inline R code.
Maintained by Tristan Mahr. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.5 match 104 stars 3.72 score 3 scriptsropensci
roadoi:Find Free Versions of Scholarly Publications via Unpaywall
This web client interfaces Unpaywall <>, formerly oaDOI, a service finding free full-texts of academic papers by linking DOIs with open access journals and repositories. It provides unified access to various data sources for open access full-text links including Crossref and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). API usage is free and no registration is required.
Maintained by Najko Jahn. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.8 match 65 stars 7.25 score 69 scriptscran
ShinyQuickStarter:'RStudio' Addin for Building Shiny Apps per Drag & Drop
This 'RStudio' addin makes the creation of 'Shiny' and 'ShinyDashboard' apps more efficient. Besides the necessary folder structure, entire apps can be created using a drag and drop interface and customized with respect to a specific use case. The addin allows the export of the required user interface and server code at any time. By allowing the creation of modules, the addin can be used throughout the entire app development process.
Maintained by Leon Binder. Last updated 4 years ago.
7.3 match 6 stars 1.78 scorevimc
orderly.rstudio:RStudio addins for orderly
RStudio addins for orderly.
Maintained by Robert Ashton. Last updated 4 years ago.
7.6 match 1 stars 1.70 score 1 scriptssimonpcouch
gander:High Performance, Low Friction Large Language Model Chat
Introduces a 'Copilot'-like completion experience, but it knows how to talk to the objects in your R environment. 'ellmer' chats are integrated directly into your 'RStudio' and 'Positron' sessions, automatically incorporating relevant context from surrounding lines of code and your global environment (like data frame columns and types). Open the package dialog box with a keyboard shortcut, type your request, and the assistant will stream its response directly into your documents.
Maintained by Simon Couch. Last updated 24 days ago.
2.0 match 55 stars 6.39 score 1 scriptsbnosac
cronR:Schedule R Scripts and Processes with the 'cron' Job Scheduler
Create, edit, and remove 'cron' jobs on your unix-alike system. The package provides a set of easy-to-use wrappers to 'crontab'. It also provides an RStudio add-in to easily launch and schedule your scripts.
Maintained by Jan Wijffels. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.7 match 291 stars 7.17 score 167 scriptspharmaverse
logrx:A Logging Utility Focus on Clinical Trial Programming Workflows
A utility to facilitate the logging and review of R programs in clinical trial programming workflows.
Maintained by Nathan Kosiba. Last updated 9 days ago.
1.5 match 41 stars 7.60 score 15 scriptsjacobkap
asciiSetupReader:Reads Fixed-Width ASCII Data Files (.txt or .dat) that Have Accompanying Setup Files (.sps or .sas)
Lets you open a fixed-width ASCII file (.txt or .dat) that has an accompanying setup file (.sps or .sas). These file combinations are sometimes referred to as .txt+.sps,, .dat+.sps, or This will only run in a txt-sps or txt-sas pair in which the setup file contains instructions to open that text file. It will NOT open other text files, .sav, .sas, or .por data files. Fixed-width ASCII files with setup files are common in older (pre-2000) government data.
Maintained by Jacob Kaplan. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 11 stars 6.34 score 22 scripts 1 dependentstzerk
RLumShiny:'Shiny' Applications for the R Package 'Luminescence'
A collection of 'shiny' applications for the R package 'Luminescence'. These mainly, but not exclusively, include applications for plotting chronometric data from e.g. luminescence or radiocarbon dating. It further provides access to bootstraps tooltip and popover functionality and contains the 'jscolor.js' library with a custom 'shiny' output binding.
Maintained by Christoph Burow. Last updated 13 days ago.
2.0 match 7 stars 5.45 score 67 scripts 1 dependentsmatt-dray
r2eng:Translate R Code To An English Sentence
Take an R expression and convert it to English by matching recognised symbols with an opinionated list of English 'translations'. Inspired By Amelia McNamara's useR! 2020 conference talk.
Maintained by Matt Dray. Last updated 11 months ago.
3.5 match 17 stars 2.93 score 6 scriptstomroh
fitur:Fit Univariate Distributions
Wrapper for computing parameters for univariate distributions using MLE. It creates an object that stores d, p, q, r functions as well as parameters and statistics for diagnostics. Currently supports automated fitting from base and actuar packages. A manually fitting distribution fitting function is included to support directly specifying parameters for any distribution from ancillary packages.
Maintained by Thomas Roh. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.9 match 4 stars 5.32 score 35 scriptsjohnaponte
repana:Repeatable Analysis in R
Set of utilities to facilitate the reproduction of analysis in R. It allow to make_structure(), clean_structure(), and run and log programs in a predefined order to allow secondary files, analysis and reports be constructed in an ordered and reproducible form.
Maintained by John J. Aponte. Last updated 22 days ago.
1.7 match 5 stars 5.98 score 19 scriptsalan-y
objectremover:'RStudio' Addin for Removing Objects from the Global Environment Based on Patterns and Object Type
An 'RStudio' addin to assist with removing objects from the global environment. Features include removing objects according to name patterns and object type. During the course of an analysis, temporary objects are often created and this tool assists with removing them quickly. This can be useful when memory management within 'R' is important.
Maintained by Alan Yeung. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.3 match 2 stars 3.00 score 1 scriptsleslie-lu
createAddins:Create commonly used Addins in RStudio
Create commonly used Addins in RStudio, including '%<>%'.
Maintained by Zhen Lu. Last updated 10 months ago.
3.6 match 2.70 score 3 scriptsstla
pylintR:Lint 'Python' Files with a R Command or a 'RStudio' Addin
Allow to run 'pylint' on Python files with a R command or a 'RStudio' addin. The report appears in the RStudio viewer pane as a formatted HTML file.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.4 match 2.70 scorethinkr-open
togglr:'' Api for 'Rstudio'
Use the <> time tracker api through R.
Maintained by Vincent Guyader. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.3 match 49 stars 6.81 score 33 scriptsrorynolan
exampletestr:Help for Writing Unit Tests Based on Function Examples
Take the examples written in your documentation of functions and use them to create shells (skeletons which must be manually completed by the user) of test files to be tested with the 'testthat' package. Sort of like python 'doctests' for R.
Maintained by Rory Nolan. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.3 match 37 stars 6.63 score 8 scriptsskranz
mygpt:Customize your own ChatGPT RStudio Addins.
See for details
Maintained by You. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.1 match 7 stars 2.54 scoretjpalanca
settings.sync:RStudio Settings Sync
RStudio addin that allows settings to be synced to GitHub Gists.
Maintained by Troy James Palanca. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.8 match 8 stars 2.60 scoregabrielkaiserqfin
groqR:A Coding Assistant using the Fast AI Inference 'Groq'
A comprehensive suite of functions and 'RStudio' Add-ins leveraging the capabilities of open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) to support R developers. These functions offer a range of utilities, including text rewriting, translation, and general query capabilities. Additionally, the programming-focused functions provide assistance with debugging, translating, commenting, documenting, and unit testing code, as well as suggesting variable and function names, thereby streamlining the development process.
Maintained by Gabriel Kaiser. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.9 match 1 stars 3.60 score 1 scriptsdreamrs
datamods:Modules to Import and Manipulate Data in 'Shiny'
'Shiny' modules to import data into an application or 'addin' from various sources, and to manipulate them after that.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 11 days ago.
0.6 match 144 stars 12.03 score 174 scripts 7 dependentsskranz
umlaute:RStudio addin to replace German Umlaute
RStudio addin to replace German Umlaute
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.6 match 1.70 scoresigbertklinke
mmstat4:Access to Teaching Materials from a ZIP File or GitHub
Provides access to teaching materials for various statistics courses, including R and Python programs, Shiny apps, data, and PDF/HTML documents. These materials are stored on the Internet as a ZIP file (e.g., in a GitHub repository) and can be downloaded and displayed or run locally. The content of the ZIP file is temporarily or permanently stored. By default, the package uses the GitHub repository 'sigbertklinke/' Additionally, the package includes 'association_measures.R' from the archived package 'ryouready' by Mark Heckman and some auxiliary functions.
Maintained by Sigbert Klinke. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.5 match 4.00 score 1 scriptsjacqueline-98
mergenstudio:'Mergen' Studio: An 'RStudio' Addin Wrapper for the 'Mergen' Package
An 'RStudio' Addin wrapper for the 'mergen' package. This package employs artificial intelligence to convert data analysis questions into executable code, explanations, and algorithms. This package makes it easier to use Large Language Models in your development environment by providing a chat-like interface, while also allowing you to inspect and execute the returned code.
Maintained by Jacqueline Jansen. Last updated 8 months ago.
3.4 match 1.70 score 1 scriptsjimbrig
jimstools:Tools for R
What the package does (one paragraph).
Maintained by Jimmy Briggs. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.9 match 2 stars 3.00 score 2 scriptsjcval94
shortcuts:Useful Shortcuts to Interact with 'RStudio' Scripts
Integrates clipboard copied data in R Studio, loads and installs libraries within a R script and returns all valid arguments of a selected function.
Maintained by José Carlos Del Valle. Last updated 5 years ago.
1.6 match 2 stars 3.00 score 1 scriptsoobianom
r2dictionary:A Mini-Dictionary for 'Shiny' and 'Rmarkdown' Documents
Despite the predominant use of R for data manipulation and various robust statistical calculations, in recent years, more people from various disciplines are beginning to use R for other purposes. A critical milestone that has enabled large influx of users in the R community is the development of the Tidyverse family of packages and Rmarkdown. With the latter, one can write all kinds of documents and produce output in formats such html and pdf very easily. In doing this seemlessly, further tools are needed for such users to easily and freely write in R for all kinds of purposes. The r2dictionary introduces a means for users to directly search for definitions of terms within the R environment.
Maintained by Obinna Obianom. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.2 match 2 stars 4.00 score 3 scriptsrubenarslan
codebook:Automatic Codebooks from Metadata Encoded in Dataset Attributes
Easily automate the following tasks to describe data frames: Summarise the distributions, and labelled missings of variables graphically and using descriptive statistics. For surveys, compute and summarise reliabilities (internal consistencies, retest, multilevel) for psychological scales. Combine this information with metadata (such as item labels and labelled values) that is derived from R attributes. To do so, the package relies on 'rmarkdown' partials, so you can generate HTML, PDF, and Word documents. Codebooks are also available as tables (CSV, Excel, etc.) and in JSON-LD, so that search engines can find your data and index the metadata. The metadata are also available at your fingertips via RStudio Addins.
Maintained by Ruben Arslan. Last updated 3 months ago.
0.5 match 142 stars 8.31 score 229 scriptsandrisignorell
DescToolsAddIns:Interactive Functions to be Used as Shortcuts in 'RStudio'
'RStudio' as of recently offers the option to define addins and assign shortcuts to them. This package contains addins for a few most frequently used functions in a data scientist's (at least mine) daily work (like str(), example(), plot(), head(), view(), Desc()). Most of these functions will use the current selection in the editor window and send the specific command to the console while instantly executing it. Assigning shortcuts to these addins will save you quite a few keystrokes.
Maintained by Andri Signorell. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.9 match 4 stars 4.24 score 2 scripts 1 dependentspjoao266
addinsJoaoMelo:Addins Made of Joao Melo
Provide addins for 'RStudio'. It currently contains 3 addins. The first to add a shortcut for the double pipe. The second is to add a shortcut for the same operator. And the third to simplify the creation of vectors from texts pasted from the computer transfer area.
Maintained by Joao Melo. Last updated 5 years ago.
3.9 match 1.00 scoreixpantia
ixplorer:Easy DataOps for R Users
Create and view tickets in 'gitea', a self-hosted git service <>, using an 'RStudio' addin, and use helper functions to publish documentation and use git.
Maintained by Frans van Dunne. Last updated 4 months ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 5.94 score 5 scriptsdylanpieper
batchLLM:Batch Process LLM Text Completions Using a Data Frame
Batch process large language model (LLM) text completions using data frame rows, with support for OpenAI's 'GPT' (<>), Anthropic's 'Claude' (<>), and Google's 'Gemini' (<>). Includes features such as local storage, metadata logging, API rate limiting delays, and a 'shiny' app addin.
Maintained by Dylan Pieper. Last updated 1 months ago.
0.5 match 11 stars 4.85 score 6 scriptsstla
swipeR:Carousels using the 'JavaScript' Library 'Swiper'
Create carousels using the 'JavaScript' library 'Swiper' and the package 'htmlwidgets'. The carousels can be displayed in the 'RStudio' viewer pane, in 'Shiny' applications and in 'R markdown' documents. The package also provides a 'RStudio' addin allowing to choose image files and to display them in the viewer pane.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 11 stars 4.14 score 25 scriptskumes
deepRstudio:Seamless Language Translation in 'RStudio' using 'DeepL' API and 'Rstudioapi'
Enhancing cross-language compatibility within the 'RStudio' environment and supporting seamless language understanding, the 'deepRstudio' package leverages the power of the 'DeepL' API (see <>) to enable seamless, fast, accurate, and affordable translation of code comments, documents, and text. This package offers the ability to translate selected text into English (EN), as well as from English into various languages, namely Japanese (JA), Chinese (ZH), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Russian (RU), Portuguese (PT), and Indonesian (ID). With much of the text being written in English, the emphasis is on compatibility from English. It is also designed for developers working on multilingual projects and data analysts collaborating with international teams, simplifying the translation process and making code more accessible and comprehensible to people with diverse language backgrounds. This package uses the 'rstudioapi' package and 'DeepL' API, and is simply implemented, executed from addins or via shortcuts on 'RStudio'. With just a few steps, content can be translated between supported languages, promoting better collaboration and expanding the global reach of work. The functionality of this package works only on 'RStudio' using 'rstudioapi'.
Maintained by Satoshi Kume. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 3.48 score 4 scripts 1 dependentsmilesmcbain
rmdocs:Open R help files in RMarkdown format
Open R Help files in RMarkdown format in a new editor tab. Includes an RStudio addin to do this for the current selection or word cursor is on. Compatible with RStudio and VSCode.
Maintained by Miles McBain. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 20 stars 3.30 score 2 scriptsfkeck
quickview:Open datasets in a View tab and external softwares
RStudio addin to quickly inspect data in a View tab or open them with default CSV/text editor softwares.
Maintained by Francois Keck. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 30 stars 3.18 scorestla
jshintr:Lint 'JavaScript' Files
Allow to run 'jshint' on 'JavaScript' files with a 'R' command or a 'RStudio' addin. The report appears in the 'RStudio' viewer pane.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 3.00 scoreskranz
gpt4r:ChatGPT templates for use in R and via mygpt in RStudio.
Tools to use ChatGPT via YAML templates Typically used with mygpt to create customized RStudio Addins User can experiment with Chat-GPT inclusion by adapting YAML templates. By default ChatGPT usage will be logged in a local folder. Originally inspired by
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 7 stars 3.02 score 2 scripts 1 dependentssellorm
qsimage:Easy Saving and Loading of Sessions with `qs`
RStudio Addin for Saving and Loading a Session with `qs`.
Maintained by Mark Sellors. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.6 match 1.70 scoreasrserver
DatastreamDSWS2R:Provides a Link Between the 'LSEG Datastream' System and R
Provides a set of functions and a class to connect, extract and upload information from the 'LSEG Datastream' database. This package uses the 'DSWS' API and server used by the 'Datastream DFO addin'. Details of this API are available at <>. Please report issues at <>.
Maintained by Charles Cara. Last updated 6 months ago.
0.5 match 1.70 score 3 scripts