Showing 30 of total 30 results (show query)
eurostat:Tools for Eurostat Open Data
Tools to download data from the Eurostat database <> together with search and manipulation utilities.
Maintained by Leo Lahti. Last updated 28 days ago.
108.5 match 239 stars 11.09 score 892 scripts 5 dependentseurostat
restatapi:Search and Retrieve Data from Eurostat Database
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union and provides high quality statistics for Europe. Large set of the data is disseminated through the Eurostat database (<>). The tools are using the REST API with the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) Web Services (<>) to search and download data from the Eurostat database using the SDMX standard.
Maintained by Mátyás Mészáros. Last updated 2 months ago.
44.4 match 25 stars 6.61 score 146 scripts 1 dependentsropengov
giscoR:Download Map Data from GISCO API - Eurostat
Tools to download data from the GISCO (Geographic Information System of the Commission) Eurostat database <>. Global and European map data available. This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by Eurostat.
Maintained by Diego Hernangómez. Last updated 30 days ago.
22.4 match 75 stars 10.70 score 424 scripts 5 dependentseurostat
correspondenceTables:Creating Correspondence Tables Between Two Statistical Classifications
A candidate correspondence table between two classifications can be created when there are correspondence tables leading from the first classification to the second one via intermediate 'pivot' classifications. The correspondence table between two statistical classifications can be updated when one of the classifications gets updated to a new version.
Maintained by Mátyás Mészáros. Last updated 2 months ago.
33.0 match 7 stars 3.85 score 4 scriptseurostat
hicp:Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
The Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) is the key economic figure to measure inflation in the euro area. The methodology underlying the HICP is documented in the HICP Methodological Manual (<>). Based on the manual, this package provides functions to access and work with HICP data from Eurostat's public database (<>).
Maintained by Sebastian Weinand. Last updated 8 months ago.
22.9 match 2 stars 4.60 score 6 scriptsropensci
nuts:Convert European Regional Data
Motivated by changing administrative boundaries over time, the 'nuts' package can convert European regional data with NUTS codes between versions (2006, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2021) and levels (NUTS 1, NUTS 2 and NUTS 3). The package uses spatial interpolation as in Lam (1983) <doi:10.1559/152304083783914958> based on granular (100m x 100m) area, population and land use data provided by the European Commission's Joint Research Center.
Maintained by Moritz Hennicke. Last updated 5 months ago.
14.4 match 8 stars 5.86 score 3 scriptsalekrutkowski
eurodata:Fast and Easy Eurostat Data Import and Search
Interface to Eurostat’s API (SDMX 2.1) with fast data.table-based import of data, labels, and metadata. On top of the core functionality, data search and data description/comparison functions are also provided. Use <> — a point-and-click app for rapid and easy generation of richly-commented R code — to import a Eurostat dataset or its subset (based on the eurodata::importData() function).
Maintained by Aleksander Rutkowski. Last updated 4 months ago.
19.6 match 11 stars 3.74 score 7 scriptspbiecek
SmarterPoland:Tools for Accessing Various Datasets Developed by the Foundation
Tools for accessing and processing datasets prepared by the Foundation Among all: access to API of Google Maps, Central Statistical Office of Poland, MojePanstwo, Eurostat, WHO and other sources.
Maintained by Przemyslaw Biecek. Last updated 2 years ago.
9.9 match 8 stars 5.67 score 196 scripts 2 dependentsfederico-m-stefanini
convergEU:Monitoring Convergence of EU Countries
Indicators and measures by country and time describe what happens at economic and social levels. This package provides functions to calculate several measures of convergence after imputing missing values. The automated downloading of Eurostat data, followed by the production of country fiches and indicator fiches, makes possible to produce automated reports. The Eurofound report (<doi:10.2806/68012>) "Upward convergence in the EU: Concepts, measurements and indicators", 2018, is a detailed presentation of convergence.
Maintained by Federico M. Stefanini. Last updated 2 years ago.
8.8 match 1 stars 4.95 score 89 scriptspik-piam
mrcommons:MadRat commons Input Data Library
Provides useful functions and a common structure to all the input data required to run models like MAgPIE and REMIND of model input data.
Maintained by Jan Philipp Dietrich. Last updated 3 days ago.
5.5 match 1 stars 6.67 score 16 scripts 15 dependentsedjnet
tidywikidatar:Explore 'Wikidata' Through Tidy Data Frames
Query 'Wikidata' API <> with ease, get tidy data frames in response, and cache data in a local database.
Maintained by Giorgio Comai. Last updated 8 months ago.
3.3 match 26 stars 7.86 score 46 scripts 2 dependentsmcomas
coda.base:A Basic Set of Functions for Compositional Data Analysis
A minimum set of functions to perform compositional data analysis using the log-ratio approach introduced by John Aitchison (1982). Main functions have been implemented in c++ for better performance.
Maintained by Marc Comas-Cufí. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.8 match 7 stars 6.93 score 81 scriptsabielr
pdfetch:Fetch Economic and Financial Time Series Data from Public Sources
Download economic and financial time series from public sources, including the St Louis Fed's FRED system, Yahoo Finance, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US Energy Information Administration, the World Bank, Eurostat, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the UK's Office of National Statistics, Deutsche Bundesbank, and INSEE.
Maintained by Abiel Reinhart. Last updated 3 months ago.
4.4 match 16 stars 5.80 score 113 scriptssvmiller
stevedata:Steve's Toy Data for Teaching About a Variety of Methodological, Social, and Political Topics
This is a collection of various kinds of data with broad uses for teaching. My students, and academics like me who teach the same topics I teach, should find this useful if their teaching workflow is also built around the R programming language. The applications are multiple but mostly cluster on topics of statistical methodology, international relations, and political economy.
Maintained by Steve Miller. Last updated 4 days ago.
4.0 match 8 stars 5.97 score 178 scriptsropengov
regions:Processing Regional Statistics
Validating sub-national statistical typologies, re-coding across standard typologies of sub-national statistics, and making valid aggregate level imputation, re-aggregation, re-weighting and projection down to lower hierarchical levels to create meaningful data panels and time series.
Maintained by Daniel Antal. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.5 match 12 stars 8.81 score 67 scripts 5 dependentsgiocomai
latlon2map:Facilitates matching lat/lon data with administrative units and other geographic shapes
Facilitates matching lat/lon data with administrative units and other geographic shapes
Maintained by Giorgio Comai. Last updated 5 months ago.
5.2 match 10 stars 3.70 scorepik-piam
mrtransport:Input data generation for the EDGE-Transport model
The mrtransport package contains data preprocessing for the EDGE-Transport model.
Maintained by Johanna Hoppe. Last updated 7 days ago.
3.7 match 4.84 score 3 dependentscran
REAT:Regional Economic Analysis Toolbox
Collection of models and analysis methods used in regional and urban economics and (quantitative) economic geography, e.g. measures of inequality, regional disparities and convergence, regional specialization as well as accessibility and spatial interaction models.
Maintained by Thomas Wieland. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.5 match 3 stars 3.62 score 140 scriptspik-piam
mrremind:MadRat REMIND Input Data Package
The mrremind packages contains data preprocessing for the REMIND model.
Maintained by Lavinia Baumstark. Last updated 3 days ago.
1.7 match 4 stars 6.25 score 15 scripts 1 dependentstdhock
nc:Named Capture to Data Tables
User-friendly functions for extracting a data table (row for each match, column for each group) from non-tabular text data using regular expressions, and for melting columns that match a regular expression. Patterns are defined using a readable syntax that makes it easy to build complex patterns in terms of simpler, re-usable sub-patterns. Named R arguments are translated to column names in the output; capture groups without names are used internally in order to provide a standard interface to three regular expression 'C' libraries ('PCRE', 'RE2', 'ICU'). Output can also include numeric columns via user-specified type conversion functions.
Maintained by Toby Hocking. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.3 match 16 stars 6.85 score 46 scriptsstatisticsnorway
PxWebApiData:PX-Web Data by API
Function to read PX-Web data into R via API. The example code reads data from the three national statistical institutes, Statistics Norway, Statistics Sweden and Statistics Finland.
Maintained by Øyvind Langsrud. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.5 match 4 stars 5.30 score 100 scriptspik-piam
mredgebuildings:Prepare data to be used by the EDGE-Buildings model
Prepare data to be used by the EDGE-Buildings model.
Maintained by Robin Hasse. Last updated 2 days ago.
1.9 match 3.72 scoreropenspain
mapSpain:Administrative Boundaries of Spain
Administrative Boundaries of Spain at several levels (Autonomous Communities, Provinces, Municipalities) based on the 'GISCO' 'Eurostat' database <> and 'CartoBase SIANE' from 'Instituto Geografico Nacional' <>. It also provides a 'leaflet' plugin and the ability of downloading and processing static tiles.
Maintained by Diego Hernangómez. Last updated 1 months ago.
0.8 match 42 stars 8.83 score 244 scripts 2 dependentscran
datasetsICR:Datasets from the Book "An Introduction to Clustering with R"
Companion to the book "An Introduction to Clustering with R" by P. Giordani, M.B. Ferraro and F. Martella (Springer, Singapore, 2020). The datasets are used in some case studies throughout the text.
Maintained by Paolo Giordani. Last updated 5 years ago.
4.5 match 1.00 scorecran
qPRAentry:Quantitative Pest Risk Assessment at the Entry Step
Supports risk assessors in performing the entry step of the quantitative Pest Risk Assessment. It allows the estimation of the amount of a plant pest entering a risk assessment area (in terms of founder populations) through the calculation of the imported commodities that could be potential pathways of pest entry, and the development of a pathway model. Two 'Shiny' apps based on the functionalities of the package are included, that simplify the process of assessing the risk of entry of plant pests. The approach is based on the work of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA PLH Panel et al., 2018) <doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5350>.
Maintained by Martina Cendoya. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.1 match 2.70 scorematthiasgomolka
sdcLog:Tools for Statistical Disclosure Control in Research Data Centers
Tools for researchers to explicitly show that their results comply to rules for statistical disclosure control imposed by research data centers. These tools help in checking descriptive statistics and models and in calculating extreme values that are not individual data. Also included is a simple function to create log files. The methods used here are described in the "Guidelines for the checking of output based on microdata research" by Bond, Brandt, and de Wolf (2015) <>.
Maintained by Matthias Gomolka. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 3 stars 5.21 score 12 scriptsedwindj
sdcSpatial:Statistical Disclosure Control for Spatial Data
Privacy protected raster maps can be created from spatial point data. Protection methods include smoothing of dichotomous variables by de Jonge and de Wolf (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45381-1_9>, continuous variables by de Wolf and de Jonge (2018) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99771-1_23>, suppressing revealing values and a generalization of the quad tree method by Suñé, Rovira, Ibáñez and Farré (2017) <doi:10.2901/EUROSTAT.C2017.001>.
Maintained by Edwin de Jonge. Last updated 2 days ago.
0.5 match 8 stars 4.75 score 14 scriptsmmatyi
flagr:Implementation of Flag Aggregation
Three methods are implemented in R to facilitate the aggregations of flags in official statistics. From the underlying flags the highest in the hierarchy, the most frequent, or with the highest total weight is propagated to the flag(s) for EU or other aggregates. Below there are some reference documents for the topic: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>.
Maintained by Mátyás Mészáros. Last updated 6 years ago.
0.5 match 2.74 score 11 scripts