Showing 23 of total 23 results (show query)
donut:Nearest Neighbour Search with Variables on a Torus
Finds the k nearest neighbours in a dataset of specified points, adding the option to wrap certain variables on a torus. The user chooses the algorithm to use to find the nearest neighbours. Two such algorithms, provided by the packages 'RANN' <>, and 'nabor' <>, are suggested.
Maintained by Paul J. Northrop. Last updated 2 years ago.
71.5 match 1 stars 4.18 score 5 scripts 1 dependentsshowteeth
ggpie:Pie, Donut and Rose Pie Plots
Create pie, donut and rose pie plot with 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Yabing Song. Last updated 2 years ago.
21.7 match 48 stars 6.28 score 80 scriptsdreamrs
billboarder:Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'Billboard' Library
Provides an 'htmlwidgets' interface to 'billboard.js', a re-usable easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on D3 v4+. Chart types include line charts, scatterplots, bar/lollipop charts, histogram/density plots, pie/donut charts and gauge charts. All charts are interactive, and a proxy method is implemented to smoothly update a chart without rendering it again in 'shiny' apps.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 5 months ago.
5.7 match 174 stars 9.74 score 96 scripts 4 dependentsdkibalnikov
donutsk:Construct Advanced Donut Charts
Build donut/pie charts with 'ggplot2' layer by layer, exploiting the advantages of polar symmetry. Leverage layouts to distribute labels effectively. Connect labels to donut segments using pins. Streamline annotation and highlighting.
Maintained by Dmitry Kibalnikov. Last updated 11 months ago.
9.4 match 6 stars 5.18 score 2 scriptscardiomoon
ggiraphExtra:Make Interactive 'ggplot2'. Extension to 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph'
Collection of functions to enhance 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph'. Provides functions for exploratory plots. All plot can be a 'static' plot or an 'interactive' plot using 'ggiraph'.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 4 years ago.
5.1 match 48 stars 8.93 score 402 scripts 3 dependentsmoderndive
moderndive:Tidyverse-Friendly Introductory Linear Regression
Datasets and wrapper functions for tidyverse-friendly introductory linear regression, used in "Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse" available at <>.
Maintained by Albert Y. Kim. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.8 match 88 stars 11.35 score 1.8k scriptskassambara
ggpubr:'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready Plots
The 'ggplot2' package is excellent and flexible for elegant data visualization in R. However the default generated plots requires some formatting before we can send them for publication. Furthermore, to customize a 'ggplot', the syntax is opaque and this raises the level of difficulty for researchers with no advanced R programming skills. 'ggpubr' provides some easy-to-use functions for creating and customizing 'ggplot2'- based publication ready plots.
Maintained by Alboukadel Kassambara. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.3 match 1.2k stars 16.68 score 65k scripts 409 dependentspachadotdev
d3po:Fast and Beautiful Interactive Visualization for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'
Apache licensed alternative to 'Highcharter' which provides functions for both fast and beautiful interactive visualization for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'.
Maintained by Mauricio Vargas Sepulveda. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.5 match 43 stars 6.31 score 24 scriptsdaya6489
SmartEDA:Summarize and Explore the Data
Exploratory analysis on any input data describing the structure and the relationships present in the data. The package automatically select the variable and does related descriptive statistics. Analyzing information value, weight of evidence, custom tables, summary statistics, graphical techniques will be performed for both numeric and categorical predictors.
Maintained by Dayanand Ubrangala. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.4 match 42 stars 7.25 score 214 scriptsbioc
GenomicInteractions:Utilities for handling genomic interaction data
Utilities for handling genomic interaction data such as ChIA-PET or Hi-C, annotating genomic features with interaction information, and producing plots and summary statistics.
Maintained by Liz Ing-Simmons. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.4 match 7 stars 9.39 score 162 scripts 6 dependentsmrjoh3
c3:'C3.js' Chart Library
Create interactive charts with the 'C3.js' <> charting library. All plot types in 'C3.js' are available and include line, bar, scatter, and mixed geometry plots. Plot annotations, labels and axis are highly adjustable. Interactive web based charts can be embedded in R Markdown documents or Shiny web applications.
Maintained by Matt Johnson. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.8 match 39 stars 6.45 score 72 scriptsinsileco
graphicsutils:Collection of graphics utilities
A collection of functions to easily customize graphics-based plots.
Maintained by Kevin Cazelles. Last updated 3 years ago.
5.6 match 4 stars 3.90 score 20 scriptsbioc
extraChIPs:Additional functions for working with ChIP-Seq data
This package builds on existing tools and adds some simple but extremely useful capabilities for working wth ChIP-Seq data. The focus is on detecting differential binding windows/regions. One set of functions focusses on set-operations retaining mcols for GRanges objects, whilst another group of functions are to aid visualisation of results. Coercion to tibble objects is also implemented.
Maintained by Stevie Pederson. Last updated 16 days ago.
3.1 match 7 stars 6.67 score 25 scriptsadrianantico
AutoPlots:Creating Echarts Visualizations as Easy as Possible
Create beautiful and interactive visualizations in a single function call. The 'data.table' package is utilized to perform the data wrangling necessary to prepare your data for the plot types you wish to build, along with allowing fast processing for big data. There are two broad classes of plots available: standard plots and machine learning evaluation plots. There are lots of parameters available in each plot type function for customizing the plots (such as faceting) and data wrangling (such as variable transformations and aggregation).
Maintained by Adrian Antico. Last updated 10 months ago.
4.5 match 21 stars 4.32 scorejbengler
tidyplots:Tidy Plots for Scientific Papers
The goal of 'tidyplots' is to streamline the creation of publication-ready plots for scientific papers. It allows to gradually add, remove and adjust plot components using a consistent and intuitive syntax.
Maintained by Jan Broder Engler. Last updated 4 days ago.
1.9 match 482 stars 9.40 score 85 scriptseddelbuettel
rfoaas:R Interface to 'FOAAS'
R access to the 'FOAAS' (F... Off As A Service) web service is provided.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.3 match 28 stars 5.23 score 6 scriptsabdoulma
ggtricks:Create Sector and Other Charts Easily Using Grammar of Graphics
A collection of several geoms to create graphics, using 'ggplot2' and the Cartesian coordinate system. You use the familiar mapping 'Grammar of Graphics' without the need to do another transformation into polar coordinates.
Maintained by Abdoul ISSA BIDA. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.4 match 8 stars 3.60 score 8 scriptsdreamrs
apexcharter:Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'ApexCharts' Library
Provides an 'htmlwidgets' interface to 'apexcharts.js'. 'Apexcharts' is a modern JavaScript charting library to build interactive charts and visualizations with simple API. 'Apexcharts' examples and documentation are available here: <>.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 26 days ago.
1.3 match 144 stars 8.51 score 247 scriptsjuba
robservable:Import an Observable Notebook as HTML Widget
Allows loading and displaying an Observable notebook (online JavaScript notebooks powered by <>) as an HTML Widget in an R session, 'shiny' application or 'rmarkdown' document.
Maintained by Julien Barnier. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.3 match 165 stars 7.00 score 40 scriptskisungyou
T4cluster:Tools for Cluster Analysis
Cluster analysis is one of the most fundamental problems in data science. We provide a variety of algorithms from clustering to the learning on the space of partitions. See Hennig, Meila, and Rocci (2016, ISBN:9781466551886) for general exposition to cluster analysis.
Maintained by Kisung You. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.0 match 6 stars 4.26 score 9 scripts 2 dependentsmaikol-solis
spatgeom:Geometric Spatial Point Analysis
The implementation to perform the geometric spatial point analysis developed in Hernández & Solís (2022) <doi:10.1007/s00180-022-01244-1>. It estimates the geometric goodness-of-fit index for a set of variables against a response one based on the 'sf' package. The package has methods to print and plot the results.
Maintained by Maikol Solís. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.3 match 3.18 score 1 scriptsdanielturek
nimbleSCR:Spatial Capture-Recapture (SCR) Methods Using 'nimble'
Provides utility functions, distributions, and fitting methods for Bayesian Spatial Capture-Recapture (SCR) and Open Population Spatial Capture-Recapture (OPSCR) modelling using the nimble package (de Valpine et al. 2017 <doi:10.1080/10618600.2016.1172487 >). Development of the package was motivated primarily by the need for flexible and efficient analysis of large-scale SCR data (Bischof et al. 2020 <doi:10.1073/pnas.2011383117 >). Computational methods and techniques implemented in nimbleSCR include those discussed in Turek et al. 2021 <doi:10.1002/ecs2.3385>; among others. For a recent application of nimbleSCR, see Milleret et al. (2021) <doi:10.1098/rsbl.2021.0128>.
Maintained by Daniel Turek. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.3 match 4.29 score 388 scripts