Showing 200 of total 1608 results (show query)
httr:Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP
Useful tools for working with HTTP organised by HTTP verbs (GET(), POST(), etc). Configuration functions make it easy to control additional request components (authenticate(), add_headers() and so on).
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 1 years ago.
17.3 match 989 stars 20.56 score 29k scripts 4.3k dependentstopepo
C50:C5.0 Decision Trees and Rule-Based Models
C5.0 decision trees and rule-based models for pattern recognition that extend the work of Quinlan (1993, ISBN:1-55860-238-0).
Maintained by Max Kuhn. Last updated 2 years ago.
26.0 match 50 stars 11.99 score 1.3k scripts 13 dependentsstuart-lab
Signac:Analysis of Single-Cell Chromatin Data
A framework for the analysis and exploration of single-cell chromatin data. The 'Signac' package contains functions for quantifying single-cell chromatin data, computing per-cell quality control metrics, dimension reduction and normalization, visualization, and DNA sequence motif analysis. Reference: Stuart et al. (2021) <doi:10.1038/s41592-021-01282-5>.
Maintained by Tim Stuart. Last updated 7 months ago.
20.5 match 349 stars 12.19 score 3.7k scripts 1 dependentsbiomodhub
biomod2:Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Modeling
Functions for species distribution modeling, calibration and evaluation, ensemble of models, ensemble forecasting and visualization. The package permits to run consistently up to 10 single models on a presence/absences (resp presences/pseudo-absences) dataset and to combine them in ensemble models and ensemble projections. Some bench of other evaluation and visualisation tools are also available within the package.
Maintained by Maya Gueguen. Last updated 5 days ago.
16.9 match 95 stars 13.88 score 536 scripts 7 dependentsbusiness-science
tidyquant:Tidy Quantitative Financial Analysis
Bringing business and financial analysis to the 'tidyverse'. The 'tidyquant' package provides a convenient wrapper to various 'xts', 'zoo', 'quantmod', 'TTR' and 'PerformanceAnalytics' package functions and returns the objects in the tidy 'tibble' format. The main advantage is being able to use quantitative functions with the 'tidyverse' functions including 'purrr', 'dplyr', 'tidyr', 'ggplot2', 'lubridate', etc. See the 'tidyquant' website for more information, documentation and examples.
Maintained by Matt Dancho. Last updated 1 months ago.
17.0 match 872 stars 13.34 score 5.2k scriptsutiligize
CNAIM:Common Network Asset Indices Methodology (CNAIM)
Implementation of the CNAIM standard in R. Contains a series of algorithms which determine the probability of failure, consequences of failure and monetary risk associated with electricity distribution companies' assets such as transformers and cables. Results are visualized in an easy-to-understand risk matrix.
Maintained by Mohsin Vindhani. Last updated 3 years ago.
34.4 match 5 stars 6.17 score 85 scriptsjbdorey
BeeBDC:Occurrence Data Cleaning
Flags and checks occurrence data that are in Darwin Core format. The package includes generic functions and data as well as some that are specific to bees. This package is meant to build upon and be complimentary to other excellent occurrence cleaning packages, including 'bdc' and 'CoordinateCleaner'. This package uses datasets from several sources and particularly from the Discover Life Website, created by Ascher and Pickering (2020). For further information, please see the original publication and package website. Publication - Dorey et al. (2023) <doi:10.1101/2023.06.30.547152> and package website - Dorey et al. (2023) <>.
Maintained by James B. Dorey. Last updated 4 months ago.
28.4 match 3 stars 5.68 score 7 scriptstvganesh
QCSimulator:5 Qubit Quantum Computing Simulator
This package simulates a 5 qubit Quantum Computer.
Maintained by Tinniam V Ganesh. Last updated 9 years ago.
33.8 match 5 stars 4.20 score 64 scriptsricharddmorey
BayesFactor:Computation of Bayes Factors for Common Designs
A suite of functions for computing various Bayes factors for simple designs, including contingency tables, one- and two-sample designs, one-way designs, general ANOVA designs, and linear regression.
Maintained by Richard D. Morey. Last updated 1 years ago.
9.6 match 133 stars 13.70 score 1.7k scripts 21 dependentscvxgrp
CVXR:Disciplined Convex Optimization
An object-oriented modeling language for disciplined convex programming (DCP) as described in Fu, Narasimhan, and Boyd (2020, <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i14>). It allows the user to formulate convex optimization problems in a natural way following mathematical convention and DCP rules. The system analyzes the problem, verifies its convexity, converts it into a canonical form, and hands it off to an appropriate solver to obtain the solution. Interfaces to solvers on CRAN and elsewhere are provided, both commercial and open source.
Maintained by Anqi Fu. Last updated 4 months ago.
8.8 match 207 stars 12.89 score 768 scripts 51 dependentsbioc
PharmacoGx:Analysis of Large-Scale Pharmacogenomic Data
Contains a set of functions to perform large-scale analysis of pharmaco-genomic data. These include the PharmacoSet object for storing the results of pharmacogenomic experiments, as well as a number of functions for computing common summaries of drug-dose response and correlating them with the molecular features in a cancer cell-line.
Maintained by Benjamin Haibe-Kains. Last updated 2 months ago.
9.7 match 68 stars 11.39 score 442 scripts 3 dependentsrstudio
keras3:R Interface to 'Keras'
Interface to 'Keras' <>, a high-level neural networks API. 'Keras' was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation, supports both convolution based networks and recurrent networks (as well as combinations of the two), and runs seamlessly on both CPU and GPU devices.
Maintained by Tomasz Kalinowski. Last updated 4 days ago.
8.1 match 845 stars 13.57 score 264 scripts 2 dependentsrdatatable
data.table:Extension of `data.frame`
Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies at all, list columns, friendly and fast character-separated-value read/write. Offers a natural and flexible syntax, for faster development.
Maintained by Tyson Barrett. Last updated 4 hours ago.
4.7 match 3.7k stars 23.52 score 230k scripts 4.6k dependentssvmiller
peacesciencer:Tools and Data for Quantitative Peace Science Research
These are useful tools and data sets for the study of quantitative peace science. The goal for this package is to include tools and data sets for doing original research that mimics well what a user would have to previously get from a software package that may not be well-sourced or well-supported. Those software bundles were useful the extent to which they encourage replications of long-standing analyses by starting the data-generating process from scratch. However, a lot of the functionality can be done relatively quickly and more transparently in the R programming language.
Maintained by Steve Miller. Last updated 3 days ago.
19.8 match 29 stars 5.49 score 211 scriptsr-lib
backports:Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0
Functions introduced or changed since R v3.0.0 are re-implemented in this package. The backports are conditionally exported in order to let R resolve the function name to either the implemented backport, or the respective base version, if available. Package developers can make use of new functions or arguments by selectively importing specific backports to support older installations.
Maintained by Michel Lang. Last updated 7 months ago.
8.2 match 66 stars 13.11 score 174 scripts 3.3k dependentskwb-r
kwb.pilot:Importing, Aggregating and Visualising Data From KWB Pilot Plants
Collects, aggregates and visualises operational and analytical data from water suppliers (including a standardised reporting document).
Maintained by Michael Rustler. Last updated 2 years ago.
24.7 match 1 stars 4.01 score 17 scriptstidyverse
dbplyr:A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases
A 'dplyr' back end for databases that allows you to work with remote database tables as if they are in-memory data frames. Basic features works with any database that has a 'DBI' back end; more advanced features require 'SQL' translation to be provided by the package author.
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 3 months ago.
5.0 match 481 stars 19.72 score 5.2k scripts 736 dependentsr-lib
scales:Scale Functions for Visualization
Graphical scales map data to aesthetics, and provide methods for automatically determining breaks and labels for axes and legends.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.9 match 419 stars 19.88 score 88k scripts 7.9k dependentsbioc
puma:Propagating Uncertainty in Microarray Analysis(including Affymetrix tranditional 3' arrays and exon arrays and Human Transcriptome Array 2.0)
Most analyses of Affymetrix GeneChip data (including tranditional 3' arrays and exon arrays and Human Transcriptome Array 2.0) are based on point estimates of expression levels and ignore the uncertainty of such estimates. By propagating uncertainty to downstream analyses we can improve results from microarray analyses. For the first time, the puma package makes a suite of uncertainty propagation methods available to a general audience. In additon to calculte gene expression from Affymetrix 3' arrays, puma also provides methods to process exon arrays and produces gene and isoform expression for alternative splicing study. puma also offers improvements in terms of scope and speed of execution over previously available uncertainty propagation methods. Included are summarisation, differential expression detection, clustering and PCA methods, together with useful plotting functions.
Maintained by Xuejun Liu. Last updated 5 months ago.
21.4 match 4.53 score 17 scriptsropensci
getCRUCLdata:'CRU' 'CL' v. 2.0 Climatology Client
Provides functions that automate downloading and importing University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit ('CRU') 'CL' v. 2.0 climatology data, facilitates the calculation of minimum temperature and maximum temperature and formats the data into a data.table object or a list of 'terra' 'rast' objects for use. 'CRU' 'CL' v. 2.0 data are a gridded climatology of 1961-1990 monthly means released in 2002 and cover all land areas (excluding Antarctica) at 10 arc minutes (0.1666667 degree) resolution. For more information see the description of the data provided by the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit, <>.
Maintained by Adam H. Sparks. Last updated 11 days ago.
14.2 match 18 stars 6.83 score 18 scriptsklausherrmann
multIntTestFunc:Provides Test Functions for Multivariate Integration
Provides implementations of functions that can be used to test multivariate integration routines. The package covers six different integration domains (unit hypercube, unit ball, unit sphere, standard simplex, non-negative real numbers and R^n). For each domain several functions with different properties (smooth, non-differentiable, ...) are available. The functions are available in all dimensions n >= 1. For each function the exact value of the integral is known and implemented to allow testing the accuracy of multivariate integration routines. Details on the available test functions can be found at on the development website.
Maintained by Klaus Herrmann. Last updated 6 months ago.
22.2 match 4.30 score 1 scriptsbjw34032
waveslim:Basic Wavelet Routines for One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Signal Processing
Basic wavelet routines for time series (1D), image (2D) and array (3D) analysis. The code provided here is based on wavelet methodology developed in Percival and Walden (2000); Gencay, Selcuk and Whitcher (2001); the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) from Kingsbury (1999, 2001) as implemented by Selesnick; and Hilbert wavelet pairs (Selesnick 2001, 2002). All figures in chapters 4-7 of GSW (2001) are reproducible using this package and R code available at the book website(s) below.
Maintained by Brandon Whitcher. Last updated 10 months ago.
12.0 match 3 stars 7.88 score 108 scripts 23 dependentsrstudio
tfprobability:Interface to 'TensorFlow Probability'
Interface to 'TensorFlow Probability', a 'Python' library built on 'TensorFlow' that makes it easy to combine probabilistic models and deep learning on modern hardware ('TPU', 'GPU'). 'TensorFlow Probability' includes a wide selection of probability distributions and bijectors, probabilistic layers, variational inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo, and optimizers such as Nelder-Mead, BFGS, and SGLD.
Maintained by Tomasz Kalinowski. Last updated 3 years ago.
10.8 match 54 stars 8.63 score 221 scripts 3 dependentsdchristop
inflection:Finds the Inflection Point of a Curve
Implementation of methods Extremum Surface Estimator (ESE) and Extremum Distance Estimator (EDE) to identify the inflection point of a curve . Christopoulos, DT (2014) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1206.5478> . Christopoulos, DT (2016) <> . Christopoulos, DT (2016) <doi:10.2139/ssrn.3043076> .
Maintained by Demetris T. Christopoulos. Last updated 3 years ago.
16.0 match 5.30 score 52 scripts 6 dependentsstevenmmortimer
salesforcer:An Implementation of 'Salesforce' APIs Using Tidy Principles
Functions connecting to the 'Salesforce' Platform APIs (REST, SOAP, Bulk 1.0, Bulk 2.0, Metadata, Reports and Dashboards) <>. "API" is an acronym for "application programming interface". Most all calls from these APIs are supported as they use CSV, XML or JSON data that can be parsed into R data structures. For more details please see the 'Salesforce' API documentation and this package's website <> for more information, documentation, and examples.
Maintained by Steven M. Mortimer. Last updated 4 months ago.
9.1 match 82 stars 9.27 score 191 scriptsstan-dev
loo:Efficient Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and WAIC for Bayesian Models
Efficient approximate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO) for Bayesian models fit using Markov chain Monte Carlo, as described in Vehtari, Gelman, and Gabry (2017) <doi:10.1007/s11222-016-9696-4>. The approximation uses Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS), a new procedure for regularizing importance weights. As a byproduct of the calculations, we also obtain approximate standard errors for estimated predictive errors and for the comparison of predictive errors between models. The package also provides methods for using stacking and other model weighting techniques to average Bayesian predictive distributions.
Maintained by Jonah Gabry. Last updated 3 days ago.
4.8 match 152 stars 17.30 score 2.6k scripts 297 dependentsmlverse
torch:Tensors and Neural Networks with 'GPU' Acceleration
Provides functionality to define and train neural networks similar to 'PyTorch' by Paszke et al (2019) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1912.01703> but written entirely in R using the 'libtorch' library. Also supports low-level tensor operations and 'GPU' acceleration.
Maintained by Daniel Falbel. Last updated 6 days ago.
5.0 match 520 stars 16.52 score 1.4k scripts 38 dependentsmrc-ide
EpiEstim:Estimate Time Varying Reproduction Numbers from Epidemic Curves
Tools to quantify transmissibility throughout an epidemic from the analysis of time series of incidence as described in Cori et al. (2013) <doi:10.1093/aje/kwt133> and Wallinga and Teunis (2004) <doi:10.1093/aje/kwh255>.
Maintained by Anne Cori. Last updated 7 months ago.
6.9 match 95 stars 12.00 score 1.0k scripts 7 dependentsr-lib
rlang:Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
A toolbox for working with base types, core R features like the condition system, and core 'Tidyverse' features like tidy evaluation.
Maintained by Lionel Henry. Last updated 20 days ago.
4.0 match 517 stars 20.53 score 9.8k scripts 15k dependentsbluefoxr
COINr:Composite Indicator Construction and Analysis
A comprehensive high-level package, for composite indicator construction and analysis. It is a "development environment" for composite indicators and scoreboards, which includes utilities for construction (indicator selection, denomination, imputation, data treatment, normalisation, weighting and aggregation) and analysis (multivariate analysis, correlation plotting, short cuts for principal component analysis, global sensitivity analysis, and more). A composite indicator is completely encapsulated inside a single hierarchical list called a "coin". This allows a fast and efficient work flow, as well as making quick copies, testing methodological variations and making comparisons. It also includes many plotting options, both statistical (scatter plots, distribution plots) as well as for presenting results.
Maintained by William Becker. Last updated 2 months ago.
8.8 match 26 stars 9.07 score 73 scripts 1 dependentsr-lib
gitcreds:Query 'git' Credentials from 'R'
Query, set, delete credentials from the 'git' credential store. Manage 'GitHub' tokens and other 'git' credentials. This package is to be used by other packages that need to authenticate to 'GitHub' and/or other 'git' repositories.
Maintained by Gábor Csárdi. Last updated 7 months ago.
5.6 match 28 stars 13.28 score 372 scripts 405 dependentsrolkra
explore:Simplifies Exploratory Data Analysis
Interactive data exploration with one line of code, automated reporting or use an easy to remember set of tidy functions for low code exploratory data analysis.
Maintained by Roland Krasser. Last updated 3 months ago.
6.5 match 228 stars 11.43 score 221 scripts 1 dependentsrstudio
pins:Pin, Discover, and Share Resources
Publish data sets, models, and other R objects, making it easy to share them across projects and with your colleagues. You can pin objects to a variety of "boards", including local folders (to share on a networked drive or with 'DropBox'), 'Posit Connect', 'AWS S3', and more.
Maintained by Julia Silge. Last updated 1 months ago.
5.3 match 321 stars 14.17 score 1.9k scripts 17 dependentsd-score
childdevdata:Child Development Data
Measuring child development starts by collecting responses to developmental milestones, such as "able to sit" or "says two words". There are many ways to combine such responses into summaries. The package bundles publicly available datasets with individual milestone data for children aged 0-5 years, with the aim of supporting the construction, evaluation, validation and interpretation of methodologies that aggregate milestone data into informative measures of child development.
Maintained by Stef van Buuren. Last updated 2 years ago.
23.4 match 3 stars 3.18 score 8 scriptsusepa
tcpl:ToxCast Data Analysis Pipeline
The ToxCast Data Analysis Pipeline ('tcpl') is an R package that manages, curve-fits, plots, and stores ToxCast data to populate its linked MySQL database, 'invitrodb'. The package was developed for the chemical screening data curated by the US EPA's Toxicity Forecaster (ToxCast) program, but 'tcpl' can be used to support diverse chemical screening efforts.
Maintained by Jason Brown. Last updated 3 days ago.
7.7 match 36 stars 9.41 score 90 scriptscbielow
PTXQC:Quality Report Generation for MaxQuant and mzTab Results
Generates Proteomics (PTX) quality control (QC) reports for shotgun LC-MS data analyzed with the MaxQuant software suite (from .txt files) or mzTab files (ideally from OpenMS 'QualityControl' tool). Reports are customizable (target thresholds, subsetting) and available in HTML or PDF format. Published in J. Proteome Res., Proteomics Quality Control: Quality Control Software for MaxQuant Results (2015) <doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00780>.
Maintained by Chris Bielow. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.7 match 42 stars 9.35 score 105 scripts 1 dependentsstatnet
ergm:Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks
An integrated set of tools to analyze and simulate networks based on exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs). 'ergm' is a part of the Statnet suite of packages for network analysis. See Hunter, Handcock, Butts, Goodreau, and Morris (2008) <doi:10.18637/jss.v024.i03> and Krivitsky, Hunter, Morris, and Klumb (2023) <doi:10.18637/jss.v105.i06>.
Maintained by Pavel N. Krivitsky. Last updated 7 days ago.
4.5 match 100 stars 15.36 score 1.4k scripts 36 dependentsmartin3141
spant:MR Spectroscopy Analysis Tools
Tools for reading, visualising and processing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data. The package includes methods for spectral fitting: Wilson (2021) <DOI:10.1002/mrm.28385> and spectral alignment: Wilson (2018) <DOI:10.1002/mrm.27605>.
Maintained by Martin Wilson. Last updated 30 days ago.
8.1 match 25 stars 8.52 score 81 scriptsbioc
enrichViewNet:From functional enrichment results to biological networks
This package enables the visualization of functional enrichment results as network graphs. First the package enables the visualization of enrichment results, in a format corresponding to the one generated by gprofiler2, as a customizable Cytoscape network. In those networks, both gene datasets (GO terms/pathways/protein complexes) and genes associated to the datasets are represented as nodes. While the edges connect each gene to its dataset(s). The package also provides the option to create enrichment maps from functional enrichment results. Enrichment maps enable the visualization of enriched terms into a network with edges connecting overlapping genes.
Maintained by Astrid Deschênes. Last updated 5 months ago.
12.3 match 5 stars 5.54 score 6 scriptswilkelab
cowplot:Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2'
Provides various features that help with creating publication-quality figures with 'ggplot2', such as a set of themes, functions to align plots and arrange them into complex compound figures, and functions that make it easy to annotate plots and or mix plots with images. The package was originally written for internal use in the Wilke lab, hence the name (Claus O. Wilke's plot package). It has also been used extensively in the book Fundamentals of Data Visualization.
Maintained by Claus O. Wilke. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.6 match 714 stars 18.83 score 75k scripts 1.4k dependentsbioc
OmnipathR:OmniPath web service client and more
A client for the OmniPath web service ( and many other resources. It also includes functions to transform and pretty print some of the downloaded data, functions to access a number of other resources such as BioPlex, ConsensusPathDB, EVEX, Gene Ontology, Guide to Pharmacology (IUPHAR/BPS), Harmonizome, HTRIdb, Human Phenotype Ontology, InWeb InBioMap, KEGG Pathway, Pathway Commons, Ramilowski et al. 2015, RegNetwork, ReMap, TF census, TRRUST and Vinayagam et al. 2011. Furthermore, OmnipathR features a close integration with the NicheNet method for ligand activity prediction from transcriptomics data, and its R implementation `nichenetr` (available only on github).
Maintained by Denes Turei. Last updated 19 days ago.
6.8 match 126 stars 9.90 score 226 scripts 2 dependentsbrodieg
vetr:Trust, but Verify
Declarative template-based framework for verifying that objects meet structural requirements, and auto-composing error messages when they do not.
Maintained by Brodie Gaslam. Last updated 9 months ago.
9.0 match 79 stars 7.50 score 67 scripts 1 dependentsalexkowa
EnvStats:Package for Environmental Statistics, Including US EPA Guidance
Graphical and statistical analyses of environmental data, with focus on analyzing chemical concentrations and physical parameters, usually in the context of mandated environmental monitoring. Major environmental statistical methods found in the literature and regulatory guidance documents, with extensive help that explains what these methods do, how to use them, and where to find them in the literature. Numerous built-in data sets from regulatory guidance documents and environmental statistics literature. Includes scripts reproducing analyses presented in the book "EnvStats: An R Package for Environmental Statistics" (Millard, 2013, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-8455-4, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-8456-1>).
Maintained by Alexander Kowarik. Last updated 17 days ago.
5.2 match 26 stars 12.80 score 2.4k scripts 46 dependentsstephens999
ashr:Methods for Adaptive Shrinkage, using Empirical Bayes
The R package 'ashr' implements an Empirical Bayes approach for large-scale hypothesis testing and false discovery rate (FDR) estimation based on the methods proposed in M. Stephens, 2016, "False discovery rates: a new deal", <DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxw041>. These methods can be applied whenever two sets of summary statistics---estimated effects and standard errors---are available, just as 'qvalue' can be applied to previously computed p-values. Two main interfaces are provided: ash(), which is more user-friendly; and ash.workhorse(), which has more options and is geared toward advanced users. The ash() and ash.workhorse() also provides a flexible modeling interface that can accommodate a variety of likelihoods (e.g., normal, Poisson) and mixture priors (e.g., uniform, normal).
Maintained by Peter Carbonetto. Last updated 10 months ago.
5.2 match 82 stars 12.10 score 780 scripts 15 dependentshubverse-org
hubUtils:Core 'hubverse' Utilities
Core set of low-level utilities common across the 'hubverse'. Used to interact with 'hubverse' schema, Hub configuration files and model outputs and designed to be primarily used internally by other 'hubverse' packages. See Reich et al. (2022) <doi:10.2105/AJPH.2022.306831> for an overview of Collaborative Hubs.
Maintained by Anna Krystalli. Last updated 4 days ago.
8.6 match 6 stars 7.22 score 49 scripts 7 dependentspharmaverse
admiral:ADaM in R Asset Library
A toolbox for programming Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) compliant Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets in R. ADaM datasets are a mandatory part of any New Drug or Biologics License Application submitted to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Analysis derivations are implemented in accordance with the "Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide" (CDISC Analysis Data Model Team, 2021, <>).
Maintained by Ben Straub. Last updated 4 days ago.
4.4 match 236 stars 13.89 score 486 scripts 4 dependentsdankelley
oce:Analysis of Oceanographic Data
Supports the analysis of Oceanographic data, including 'ADCP' measurements, measurements made with 'argo' floats, 'CTD' measurements, sectional data, sea-level time series, coastline and topographic data, etc. Provides specialized functions for calculating seawater properties such as potential temperature in either the 'UNESCO' or 'TEOS-10' equation of state. Produces graphical displays that conform to the conventions of the Oceanographic literature. This package is discussed extensively by Kelley (2018) "Oceanographic Analysis with R" <doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-8844-0>.
Maintained by Dan Kelley. Last updated 1 days ago.
3.9 match 146 stars 15.42 score 4.2k scripts 18 dependentsvinhdizzo
IRexamples:Collection of Practical Institutional Research Examples and Tutorials
Provides examples of code for analyzing data or accomplishing tasks that may be useful to institutional or educational researchers.
Maintained by Vinh Nguyen. Last updated 2 years ago.
12.1 match 4 stars 5.00 score 4 scriptsamsantac
geospt:Geostatistical Analysis and Design of Optimal Spatial Sampling Networks
Estimation of the variogram through trimmed mean, radial basis functions (optimization, prediction and cross-validation), summary statistics from cross-validation, pocket plot, and design of optimal sampling networks through sequential and simultaneous points methods.
Maintained by Ali Santacruz. Last updated 6 days ago.
13.2 match 4 stars 4.56 score 30 scripts 1 dependentsdmurdoch
plotrix:Various Plotting Functions
Lots of plots, various labeling, axis and color scaling functions. The author/maintainer died in September 2023.
Maintained by Duncan Murdoch. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.1 match 5 stars 11.31 score 9.2k scripts 361 dependentsr-lib
vctrs:Vector Helpers
Defines new notions of prototype and size that are used to provide tools for consistent and well-founded type-coercion and size-recycling, and are in turn connected to ideas of type- and size-stability useful for analysing function interfaces.
Maintained by Davis Vaughan. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.0 match 290 stars 18.97 score 1.1k scripts 13k dependentsbioc
mirTarRnaSeq R package can be used for interactive mRNA miRNA sequencing statistical analysis. This package utilizes expression or differential expression mRNA and miRNA sequencing results and performs interactive correlation and various GLMs (Regular GLM, Multivariate GLM, and Interaction GLMs ) analysis between mRNA and miRNA expriments. These experiments can be time point experiments, and or condition expriments.
Maintained by Mercedeh Movassagh. Last updated 5 months ago.
14.2 match 4.00 score 9 scriptstimelyportfolio
sunburstR:Sunburst 'Htmlwidget'
Make interactive 'd3.js' sequence sunburst diagrams in R with the convenience and infrastructure of an 'htmlwidget'.
Maintained by Kent Russell. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.6 match 210 stars 10.02 score 310 scripts 4 dependentsmbtyers
riverdist:River Network Distance Computation and Applications
Reads river network shape files and computes network distances. Also included are a variety of computation and graphical tools designed for fisheries telemetry research, such as minimum home range, kernel density estimation, and clustering analysis using empirical k-functions with a bootstrap envelope. Tools are also provided for editing the river networks, meaning there is no reliance on external software.
Maintained by Matt Tyers. Last updated 4 months ago.
7.5 match 26 stars 7.50 score 96 scriptsryo-n7
tvthemes:TV Show Themes and Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' Graphics
Contains various 'ggplot2' themes and color palettes based on TV shows such as 'Game of Thrones', 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine', 'Avatar: The Last Airbender', 'Spongebob Squarepants', and more.
Maintained by Ryo Nakagawara. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.6 match 140 stars 7.34 score 103 scriptsklmr
box:Write Reusable, Composable and Modular R Code
A modern module system for R. Organise code into hierarchical, composable, reusable modules, and use it effortlessly across projects via a flexible, declarative dependency loading syntax.
Maintained by Konrad Rudolph. Last updated 13 days ago.
4.4 match 888 stars 12.39 score 47 scripts 4 dependentsr-forge
copula:Multivariate Dependence with Copulas
Classes (S4) of commonly used elliptical, Archimedean, extreme-value and other copula families, as well as their rotations, mixtures and asymmetrizations. Nested Archimedean copulas, related tools and special functions. Methods for density, distribution, random number generation, bivariate dependence measures, Rosenblatt transform, Kendall distribution function, perspective and contour plots. Fitting of copula models with potentially partly fixed parameters, including standard errors. Serial independence tests, copula specification tests (independence, exchangeability, radial symmetry, extreme-value dependence, goodness-of-fit) and model selection based on cross-validation. Empirical copula, smoothed versions, and non-parametric estimators of the Pickands dependence function.
Maintained by Martin Maechler. Last updated 11 days ago.
4.6 match 11.83 score 1.2k scripts 86 dependentsr-lib
gargle:Utilities for Working with Google APIs
Provides utilities for working with Google APIs <>. This includes functions and classes for handling common credential types and for preparing, executing, and processing HTTP requests.
Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.6 match 113 stars 14.88 score 266 scripts 192 dependentstalgalili
heatmaply:Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly' and 'ggplot2'
Create interactive cluster 'heatmaps' that can be saved as a stand- alone HTML file, embedded in 'R Markdown' documents or in a 'Shiny' app, and available in the 'RStudio' viewer pane. Hover the mouse pointer over a cell to show details or drag a rectangle to zoom. A 'heatmap' is a popular graphical method for visualizing high-dimensional data, in which a table of numbers are encoded as a grid of colored cells. The rows and columns of the matrix are ordered to highlight patterns and are often accompanied by 'dendrograms'. 'Heatmaps' are used in many fields for visualizing observations, correlations, missing values patterns, and more. Interactive 'heatmaps' allow the inspection of specific value by hovering the mouse over a cell, as well as zooming into a region of the 'heatmap' by dragging a rectangle around the relevant area. This work is based on the 'ggplot2' and 'plotly.js' engine. It produces similar 'heatmaps' to 'heatmap.2' with the advantage of speed ('plotly.js' is able to handle larger size matrix), the ability to zoom from the 'dendrogram' panes, and the placing of factor variables in the sides of the 'heatmap'.
Maintained by Tal Galili. Last updated 8 months ago.
3.6 match 386 stars 14.21 score 2.0k scripts 45 dependentscran
autoRasch:Semi-Automated Rasch Analysis
Performs Rasch analysis (semi-)automatically, which has been shown to be comparable with the standard Rasch analysis (Feri Wijayanto et al. (2021) <doi:10.1111/bmsp.12218>, Feri Wijayanto et al. (2022) <doi:10.3758/s13428-022-01947-9>, Feri Wijayanto et al. (2022) <doi:10.1177/01466216221125178>).
Maintained by Feri Wijayanto. Last updated 2 years ago.
17.1 match 3.00 scoreneonscience
neonUtilities:Utilities for Working with NEON Data
NEON data packages can be accessed through the NEON Data Portal <> or through the NEON Data API (see <> for documentation). Data delivered from the Data Portal are provided as monthly zip files packaged within a parent zip file, while individual files can be accessed from the API. This package provides tools that aid in discovering, downloading, and reformatting data prior to use in analyses. This includes downloading data via the API, merging data tables by type, and converting formats. For more information, see the readme file at <>.
Maintained by Claire Lunch. Last updated 1 months ago.
4.8 match 57 stars 10.66 score 944 scripts 15 dependentsbusiness-science
timetk:A Tool Kit for Working with Time Series
Easy visualization, wrangling, and feature engineering of time series data for forecasting and machine learning prediction. Consolidates and extends time series functionality from packages including 'dplyr', 'stats', 'xts', 'forecast', 'slider', 'padr', 'recipes', and 'rsample'.
Maintained by Matt Dancho. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.6 match 625 stars 14.15 score 4.0k scripts 16 dependentshusson
FactoMineR:Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining
Exploratory data analysis methods to summarize, visualize and describe datasets. The main principal component methods are available, those with the largest potential in terms of applications: principal component analysis (PCA) when variables are quantitative, correspondence analysis (CA) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) when variables are categorical, Multiple Factor Analysis when variables are structured in groups, etc. and hierarchical cluster analysis. F. Husson, S. Le and J. Pages (2017).
Maintained by Francois Husson. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.3 match 47 stars 14.71 score 5.6k scripts 112 dependentsajsmit
RmarineHeatWaves:Detect Marine Heat Waves and Marine Cold Spells
Given a time series of daily temperatures, the package provides tools to detect extreme thermal events, including marine heat waves, and to calculate the exceedances above or below specified threshold values. It outputs the properties of all detected events and exceedances.
Maintained by Albertus J. Smit. Last updated 6 years ago.
10.0 match 9 stars 4.88 score 17 scriptseriqande
CKMRpop:Forward-in-Time Simulation and Tallying of Pairwise Relationships
Provides an R wrapper around the program 'spip' (<>), a C program for the simulation of pedigrees within age-structured populations with user-specified life histories. Also includes a variety of functions to parse 'spip' output to compile information about related pairs amongst simulated, sampled individuals, to assess the feasibility and potential accuracy of close-kin mark-recapture (CKMR). Full documentation and vignettes are mirrored at <> and can be read online there.
Maintained by Eric C. Anderson. Last updated 1 years ago.
9.1 match 4 stars 5.38 score 24 scriptssqyu
genscore:Generalized Score Matching Estimators
Implementation of the Generalized Score Matching estimator in Yu et al. (2019) <> for non-negative graphical models (truncated Gaussian, exponential square-root, gamma, a-b models) and univariate truncated Gaussian distributions. Also includes the original estimator for untruncated Gaussian graphical models from Lin et al. (2016) <doi:10.1214/16-EJS1126>, with the addition of a diagonal multiplier.
Maintained by Shiqing Yu. Last updated 5 years ago.
11.5 match 1 stars 4.18 score 3 scripts 1 dependentstalgalili
dendextend:Extending 'dendrogram' Functionality in R
Offers a set of functions for extending 'dendrogram' objects in R, letting you visualize and compare trees of 'hierarchical clusterings'. You can (1) Adjust a tree's graphical parameters - the color, size, type, etc of its branches, nodes and labels. (2) Visually and statistically compare different 'dendrograms' to one another.
Maintained by Tal Galili. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.8 match 154 stars 17.02 score 6.0k scripts 164 dependentsamalan-constat
fitODBOD:Modeling Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data Using BMD and ABD
Contains Probability Mass Functions, Cumulative Mass Functions, Negative Log Likelihood value, parameter estimation and modeling data using Binomial Mixture Distributions (BMD) (Manoj et al (2013) <doi:10.5539/ijsp.v2n2p24>) and Alternate Binomial Distributions (ABD) (Paul (1985) <doi:10.1080/03610928508828990>), also Journal article to use the package(<doi:10.21105/joss.01505>).
Maintained by Amalan Mahendran. Last updated 4 months ago.
10.8 match 1 stars 4.44 score 139 scriptstomasfryda
h2o:R Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform
R interface for 'H2O', the scalable open source machine learning platform that offers parallelized implementations of many supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Gradient Boosting Machines (including XGBoost), Random Forests, Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning), Stacked Ensembles, Naive Bayes, Generalized Additive Models (GAM), ANOVA GLM, Cox Proportional Hazards, K-Means, PCA, ModelSelection, Word2Vec, as well as a fully automatic machine learning algorithm (H2O AutoML).
Maintained by Tomas Fryda. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.8 match 3 stars 8.20 score 7.8k scripts 11 dependentssherrillmix
taxonomizr:Functions to Work with NCBI Accessions and Taxonomy
Functions for assigning taxonomy to NCBI accession numbers and taxon IDs based on NCBI's accession2taxid and taxdump files. This package allows the user to download NCBI data dumps and create a local database for fast and local taxonomic assignment.
Maintained by Scott Sherrill-Mix. Last updated 4 days ago.
5.3 match 72 stars 8.85 score 255 scripts 2 dependentsropensci
rix:Reproducible Data Science Environments with 'Nix'
Simplifies the creation of reproducible data science environments using the 'Nix' package manager, as described in Dolstra (2006) <ISBN 90-393-4130-3>. The included `rix()` function generates a complete description of the environment as a `default.nix` file, which can then be built using 'Nix'. This results in project specific software environments with pinned versions of R, packages, linked system dependencies, and other tools. Additional helpers make it easy to run R code in 'Nix' software environments for testing and production.
Maintained by Bruno Rodrigues. Last updated 5 days ago.
4.5 match 235 stars 10.54 score 67 scriptspbs-software
PBSmodelling:GUI Tools Made Easy: Interact with Models and Explore Data
Provides software to facilitate the design, testing, and operation of computer models. It focuses particularly on tools that make it easy to construct and edit a customized graphical user interface ('GUI'). Although our simplified 'GUI' language depends heavily on the R interface to the 'Tcl/Tk' package, a user does not need to know 'Tcl/Tk'. Examples illustrate models built with other R packages, including 'PBSmapping', 'PBSddesolve', and 'BRugs'. A complete user's guide 'PBSmodelling-UG.pdf' shows how to use this package effectively.
Maintained by Rowan Haigh. Last updated 4 months ago.
6.9 match 2 stars 6.76 score 120 scripts 4 dependentsmarkedmondson1234
googleAuthR:Authenticate and Create Google APIs
Create R functions that interact with OAuth2 Google APIs <> easily, with auto-refresh and Shiny compatibility.
Maintained by Erik Grönroos. Last updated 10 months ago.
3.6 match 178 stars 12.84 score 804 scripts 13 dependentsr-forge
DPQ:Density, Probability, Quantile ('DPQ') Computations
Computations for approximations and alternatives for the 'DPQ' (Density (pdf), Probability (cdf) and Quantile) functions for probability distributions in R. Primary focus is on (central and non-central) beta, gamma and related distributions such as the chi-squared, F, and t. -- For several distribution functions, provide functions implementing formulas from Johnson, Kotz, and Kemp (1992) <doi:10.1002/bimj.4710360207> and Johnson, Kotz, and Balakrishnan (1995) for discrete or continuous distributions respectively. This is for the use of researchers in these numerical approximation implementations, notably for my own use in order to improve standard R pbeta(), qgamma(), ..., etc: {'"dpq"'-functions}.
Maintained by Martin Maechler. Last updated 1 months ago.
7.9 match 5.75 score 43 scripts 1 dependentstorewentzel-larsen
crossrun:Joint Distribution of Number of Crossings and Longest Run
Joint distribution of number of crossings and the longest run in a series of independent Bernoulli trials. The computations uses an iterative procedure where computations are based on results from shorter series. The procedure conditions on the start value and partitions by further conditioning on the position of the first crossing (or none).
Maintained by Tore Wentzel-Larsen. Last updated 3 years ago.
10.2 match 4.45 score 14 scriptsfriendly
matlib:Matrix Functions for Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra and Multivariate Statistics
A collection of matrix functions for teaching and learning matrix linear algebra as used in multivariate statistical methods. Many of these functions are designed for tutorial purposes in learning matrix algebra ideas using R. In some cases, functions are provided for concepts available elsewhere in R, but where the function call or name is not obvious. In other cases, functions are provided to show or demonstrate an algorithm. In addition, a collection of functions are provided for drawing vector diagrams in 2D and 3D and for rendering matrix expressions and equations in LaTeX.
Maintained by Michael Friendly. Last updated 2 days ago.
3.5 match 65 stars 12.89 score 900 scripts 11 dependentsbluegreen-labs
hwsdr:Interface to the 'HWSD' Web Services
Programmatic interface to the Harmonized World Soil Database 'HWSD' web services (<>). Allows for easy downloads of 'HWSD' soil data directly to your R workspace or your computer. Routines for both single pixel data downloads and gridded data are provided.
Maintained by Koen Hufkens. Last updated 10 months ago.
8.7 match 16 stars 5.20 score 8 scriptsbioc
gCrisprTools:Suite of Functions for Pooled Crispr Screen QC and Analysis
Set of tools for evaluating pooled high-throughput screening experiments, typically employing CRISPR/Cas9 or shRNA expression cassettes. Contains methods for interrogating library and cassette behavior within an experiment, identifying differentially abundant cassettes, aggregating signals to identify candidate targets for empirical validation, hypothesis testing, and comprehensive reporting. Version 2.0 extends these applications to include a variety of tools for contextualizing and integrating signals across many experiments, incorporates extended signal enrichment methodologies via the "sparrow" package, and streamlines many formal requirements to aid in interpretablity.
Maintained by Russell Bainer. Last updated 5 months ago.
9.2 match 4.78 score 8 scriptstidyverse
tidyr:Tidy Messy Data
Tools to help to create tidy data, where each column is a variable, each row is an observation, and each cell contains a single value. 'tidyr' contains tools for changing the shape (pivoting) and hierarchy (nesting and 'unnesting') of a dataset, turning deeply nested lists into rectangular data frames ('rectangling'), and extracting values out of string columns. It also includes tools for working with missing values (both implicit and explicit).
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 13 days ago.
1.9 match 1.4k stars 22.88 score 168k scripts 5.5k dependentsjayanilakshika
cardinalR:Collection of Data Structures
A collection of simple simulation datasets designed for generating Nonlinear Dimension Reduction representations techniques such as t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding, and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection. These datasets serve as a valuable resource for understanding the reliability of Nonlinear Dimension Reduction representations in various contexts.
Maintained by Jayani P.G. Lakshika. Last updated 12 days ago.
9.6 match 4.54 scoreproject-gen3sis
gen3sis:General Engine for Eco-Evolutionary Simulations
Contains an engine for spatially-explicit eco-evolutionary mechanistic models with a modular implementation and several support functions. It allows exploring the consequences of ecological and macroevolutionary processes across realistic or theoretical spatio-temporal landscapes on biodiversity patterns as a general term. Reference: Oskar Hagen, Benjamin Flueck, Fabian Fopp, Juliano S. Cabral, Florian Hartig, Mikael Pontarp, Thiago F. Rangel, Loic Pellissier (2021) "gen3sis: A general engine for eco-evolutionary simulations of the processes that shape Earth's biodiversity" <doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3001340>.
Maintained by Oskar Hagen. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.7 match 29 stars 7.56 score 69 scriptsbioc
satuRn:Scalable Analysis of Differential Transcript Usage for Bulk and Single-Cell RNA-sequencing Applications
satuRn provides a higly performant and scalable framework for performing differential transcript usage analyses. The package consists of three main functions. The first function, fitDTU, fits quasi-binomial generalized linear models that model transcript usage in different groups of interest. The second function, testDTU, tests for differential usage of transcripts between groups of interest. Finally, plotDTU visualizes the usage profiles of transcripts in groups of interest.
Maintained by Jeroen Gilis. Last updated 5 months ago.
6.1 match 21 stars 6.97 score 74 scripts 1 dependentsbeirnaert
speaq:Tools for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra Alignment, Peak Based Processing, Quantitative Analysis and Visualizations
Makes Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR spectroscopy) data analysis as easy as possible by only requiring a small set of functions to perform an entire analysis. 'speaq' offers the possibility of raw spectra alignment and quantitation but also an analysis based on features whereby the spectra are converted to peaks which are then grouped and turned into features. These features can be processed with any number of statistical tools either included in 'speaq' or available elsewhere on CRAN. More details can be found in Vu et al. (2011) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-405> and Beirnaert et al. (2018) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006018>.
Maintained by Charlie Beirnaert. Last updated 3 years ago.
6.0 match 9 stars 7.02 score 26 scripts 3 dependentshughjonesd
santoku:A Versatile Cutting Tool
A tool for cutting data into intervals. Allows singleton intervals. Always includes the whole range of data by default. Flexible labelling. Convenience functions for cutting by quantiles etc. Handles dates, times, units and other vectors.
Maintained by David Hugh-Jones. Last updated 10 months ago.
5.3 match 138 stars 8.00 score 108 scripts 2 dependentsropenspain
climaemet:Climate AEMET Tools
Tools to download the climatic data of the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) directly from R using their API and create scientific graphs (climate charts, trend analysis of climate time series, temperature and precipitation anomalies maps, warming stripes graphics, climatograms, etc.).
Maintained by Diego Hernangómez. Last updated 1 months ago.
5.0 match 43 stars 8.32 score 59 scriptsdistancedevelopment
mrds:Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling
Animal abundance estimation via conventional, multiple covariate and mark-recapture distance sampling (CDS/MCDS/MRDS). Detection function fitting is performed via maximum likelihood. Also included are diagnostics and plotting for fitted detection functions. Abundance estimation is via a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator.
Maintained by Laura Marshall. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.2 match 4 stars 8.05 score 78 scripts 7 dependentsmcguinlu
robvis:Visualize the Results of Risk-of-Bias (ROB) Assessments
Helps users in quickly visualizing risk-of-bias assessments performed as part of a systematic review. It allows users to create weighted bar-plots of the distribution of risk-of-bias judgments within each bias domain, in addition to traffic-light plots of the specific domain-level judgments for each study. The resulting figures are of publication quality and are formatted according the risk-of-bias assessment tool use to perform the assessments. Currently, the supported tools are ROB2.0 (for randomized controlled trials; Sterne et al (2019) <doi:10.1136/bmj.l4898>), ROBINS-I (for non-randomised studies of interventions; Sterne (2016) <doi:10.1136/bmj.i4919>), and Quality & Applicability of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies V2 (Whiting et al (2011) <doi:10.7326/0003-4819-155-8-201110180-00009>), and QUIPS (Hayden et al (2013) <doi:10.7326/0003-4819-158-4-201302190-00009>.
Maintained by Luke McGuinness. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.2 match 59 stars 7.99 score 67 scriptsadwolfer
santaR:Short Asynchronous Time-Series Analysis
A graphical and automated pipeline for the analysis of short time-series in R ('santaR'). This approach is designed to accommodate asynchronous time sampling (i.e. different time points for different individuals), inter-individual variability, noisy measurements and large numbers of variables. Based on a smoothing splines functional model, 'santaR' is able to detect variables highlighting significantly different temporal trajectories between study groups. Designed initially for metabolic phenotyping, 'santaR' is also suited for other Systems Biology disciplines. Command line and graphical analysis (via a 'shiny' application) enable fast and parallel automated analysis and reporting, intuitive visualisation and comprehensive plotting options for non-specialist users.
Maintained by Arnaud Wolfer. Last updated 1 years ago.
6.3 match 11 stars 6.44 score 63 scriptsinlabru-org
inlabru:Bayesian Latent Gaussian Modelling using INLA and Extensions
Facilitates spatial and general latent Gaussian modeling using integrated nested Laplace approximation via the INLA package (<>). Additionally, extends the GAM-like model class to more general nonlinear predictor expressions, and implements a log Gaussian Cox process likelihood for modeling univariate and spatial point processes based on ecological survey data. Model components are specified with general inputs and mapping methods to the latent variables, and the predictors are specified via general R expressions, with separate expressions for each observation likelihood model in multi-likelihood models. A prediction method based on fast Monte Carlo sampling allows posterior prediction of general expressions of the latent variables. Ecology-focused introduction in Bachl, Lindgren, Borchers, and Illian (2019) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13168>.
Maintained by Finn Lindgren. Last updated 4 days ago.
3.2 match 96 stars 12.62 score 832 scripts 6 dependentsadw96
breakaway:Species Richness Estimation and Modeling
Understanding the drivers of microbial diversity is an important frontier of microbial ecology, and investigating the diversity of samples from microbial ecosystems is a common step in any microbiome analysis. 'breakaway' is the premier package for statistical analysis of microbial diversity. 'breakaway' implements the latest and greatest estimates of species richness, described in Willis and Bunge (2015) <doi:10.1111/biom.12332>, Willis et al. (2017) <doi:10.1111/rssc.12206>, and Willis (2016) <arXiv:1604.02598>, as well as the most commonly used estimates, including the objective Bayes approach described in Barger and Bunge (2010) <doi:10.1214/10-BA527>.
Maintained by Amy D Willis. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.9 match 68 stars 8.18 score 211 scriptsbioc
flowWorkspace:Infrastructure for representing and interacting with gated and ungated cytometry data sets.
This package is designed to facilitate comparison of automated gating methods against manual gating done in flowJo. This package allows you to import basic flowJo workspaces into BioConductor and replicate the gating from flowJo using the flowCore functionality. Gating hierarchies, groups of samples, compensation, and transformation are performed so that the output matches the flowJo analysis.
Maintained by Greg Finak. Last updated 10 days ago.
5.1 match 7.89 score 576 scripts 10 dependentsdynverse
dynutils:Common Functionality for the 'dynverse' Packages
Provides common functionality for the 'dynverse' packages. 'dynverse' is created to support the development, execution, and benchmarking of trajectory inference methods. For more information, check out <>.
Maintained by Robrecht Cannoodt. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.8 match 3 stars 6.89 score 109 scripts 8 dependentsbioc
affy:Methods for Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Arrays
The package contains functions for exploratory oligonucleotide array analysis. The dependence on tkWidgets only concerns few convenience functions. 'affy' is fully functional without it.
Maintained by Robert D. Shear. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.6 match 11.12 score 2.5k scripts 98 dependentsbioc
GenVisR:Genomic Visualizations in R
Produce highly customizable publication quality graphics for genomic data primarily at the cohort level.
Maintained by Zachary Skidmore. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.0 match 215 stars 9.87 score 76 scriptsjamiemkass
ENMeval:Automated Tuning and Evaluations of Ecological Niche Models
Runs ecological niche models over all combinations of user-defined settings (i.e., tuning), performs cross validation to evaluate models, and returns data tables to aid in selection of optimal model settings that balance goodness-of-fit and model complexity. Also has functions to partition data spatially (or not) for cross validation, to plot multiple visualizations of results, to run null models to estimate significance and effect sizes of performance metrics, and to calculate range overlap between model predictions, among others. The package was originally built for Maxent models (Phillips et al. 2006, Phillips et al. 2017), but the current version allows possible extensions for any modeling algorithm. The extensive vignette, which guides users through most package functionality but unfortunately has a file size too big for CRAN, can be found here on the package's Github Pages website: <>.
Maintained by Jamie M. Kass. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.5 match 49 stars 11.25 score 332 scripts 2 dependentsiembry
ie2miscdata:Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Data Collection
A collection of Irucka Embry's miscellaneous USGS data sets (USGS Parameter codes with fixed values, USGS global time zone codes, and US Air Force Global Engineering Weather Data). Irucka created these data sets while a Cherokee Nation Technology Solutions (CNTS) United States Geological Survey (USGS) Contractor and/or USGS employee.
Maintained by Irucka Embry. Last updated 2 years ago.
9.8 match 4.00 scorecynkra
dm:Relational Data Models
Provides tools for working with multiple related tables, stored as data frames or in a relational database. Multiple tables (data and metadata) are stored in a compound object, which can then be manipulated with a pipe-friendly syntax.
Maintained by Kirill Müller. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.6 match 511 stars 14.81 score 410 scripts 8 dependentshughparsonage
hutils:Miscellaneous R Functions and Aliases
Provides utility functions for, and drawing on, the 'data.table' package. The package also collates useful miscellaneous functions extending base R not available elsewhere. The name is a portmanteau of 'utils' and the author.
Maintained by Hugh Parsonage. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.0 match 12 stars 7.76 score 219 scripts 8 dependentskwb-r Reporting Tool for Water Suppliers
Collects, aggregates and visualises operational and analytical data from water suppliers (including a standardised reporting document).
Maintained by Michael Rustler. Last updated 6 years ago.
9.5 match 4.01 score 23 scriptsishidamgm
TreeRingShape:Recording Tree-Ring Shapes of Tree Disks with Manual Digitizing and Interpolating Model
Record all tree-ring Shapefile of tree disk with GIS soft ('Qgis'<>) and interpolating model from high resolution tree disk image.
Maintained by Megumi ISHIDA. Last updated 4 months ago.
8.5 match 4.48 scorepbourkey
polymapR:Linkage Analysis in Outcrossing Polyploids
Creation of linkage maps in polyploid species from marker dosage scores of an F1 cross from two heterozygous parents. Currently works for outcrossing diploid, autotriploid, autotetraploid and autohexaploid species, as well as segmental allotetraploids. Methods are described in a manuscript of Bourke et al. (2018) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty371>. Since version 1.1.0, both discrete and probabilistic genotypes are acceptable input; for more details on the latter see Liao et al. (2021) <doi:10.1007/s00122-021-03834-x>.
Maintained by Peter Bourke. Last updated 10 months ago.
9.4 match 1 stars 4.03 score 54 scriptspendy05
vDiveR:Visualization of Viral Protein Sequence Diversity Dynamics
To ease the visualization of outputs from Diversity Motif Analyser ('DiMA'; <>). 'vDiveR' allows visualization of the diversity motifs (index and its variants – major, minor and unique) for elucidation of the underlying inherent dynamics. Please refer <> for more information.
Maintained by Pendy Tok. Last updated 1 months ago.
10.0 match 3.78 score 4 scriptsbenrwoodard
adobeanalyticsr:R Client for 'Adobe Analytics' API 2.0
Connect to the 'Adobe Analytics' API v2.0 <> which powers 'Analysis Workspace'. The package was developed with the analyst in mind, and it will continue to be developed with the guiding principles of iterative, repeatable, timely analysis.
Maintained by Ben Woodard. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.3 match 18 stars 7.02 score 39 scriptsicarda-git
QBMS:Query the Breeding Management System(s)
This R package assists breeders in linking data systems with their analytic pipelines, a crucial step in digitizing breeding processes. It supports querying and retrieving phenotypic and genotypic data from systems like 'EBS' <>, 'BMS' <>, 'BreedBase' <>, and 'GIGWA' <> (using 'BrAPI' <> calls). Extra helper functions support environmental data sources, including 'TerraClimate' <> and 'FAO' 'HWSDv2' <> soil database.
Maintained by Khaled Al-Shamaa. Last updated 6 months ago.
4.7 match 8 stars 7.85 score 33 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
ggbio:Visualization tools for genomic data
The ggbio package extends and specializes the grammar of graphics for biological data. The graphics are designed to answer common scientific questions, in particular those often asked of high throughput genomics data. All core Bioconductor data structures are supported, where appropriate. The package supports detailed views of particular genomic regions, as well as genome-wide overviews. Supported overviews include ideograms and grand linear views. High-level plots include sequence fragment length, edge-linked interval to data view, mismatch pileup, and several splicing summaries.
Maintained by Michael Lawrence. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.0 match 111 stars 12.26 score 734 scripts 17 dependentsr-lib
webfakes:Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing
Create a web app that makes it easier to test web clients without using the internet. It includes a web app framework with path matching, parameters and templates. Can parse various 'HTTP' request bodies. Can send 'JSON' data or files from the disk. Includes a web app that implements the '' web service.
Maintained by Gábor Csárdi. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.0 match 63 stars 7.37 score 15 scripts 1 dependentszachmayer
caretEnsemble:Ensembles of Caret Models
Functions for creating ensembles of caret models: caretList() and caretStack(). caretList() is a convenience function for fitting multiple caret::train() models to the same dataset. caretStack() will make linear or non-linear combinations of these models, using a caret::train() model as a meta-model.
Maintained by Zachary A. Deane-Mayer. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.0 match 226 stars 11.92 score 780 scripts 1 dependentskbroman
broman:Karl Broman's R Code
Miscellaneous R functions, including functions related to graphics (mostly for base graphics), permutation tests, running mean/median, and general utilities.
Maintained by Karl W Broman. Last updated 10 months ago.
4.0 match 183 stars 8.80 score 648 scripts 1 dependentsteos-10
gsw:Gibbs Sea Water Functions
Provides an interface to the Gibbs 'SeaWater' ('TEOS-10') C library, version 3.06-16-0 (commit '657216dd4f5ea079b5f0e021a4163e2d26893371', dated 2022-10-11, available at <>, which stems from 'Matlab' and other code written by members of Working Group 127 of 'SCOR'/'IAPSO' (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research / International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans).
Maintained by Dan Kelley. Last updated 8 days ago.
4.1 match 8 stars 8.53 score 286 scripts 19 dependentsbnaras
cubature:Adaptive Multivariate Integration over Hypercubes
R wrappers around the cubature C library of Steven G. Johnson for adaptive multivariate integration over hypercubes and the Cuba C library of Thomas Hahn for deterministic and Monte Carlo integration. Scalar and vector interfaces for cubature and Cuba routines are provided; the vector interfaces are highly recommended as demonstrated in the package vignette.
Maintained by Balasubramanian Narasimhan. Last updated 8 months ago.
3.1 match 12 stars 11.08 score 488 scripts 162 dependentsr-forge
GNE:Computation of Generalized Nash Equilibria
Compute standard and generalized Nash Equilibria of non-cooperative games. Optimization methods available are nonsmooth reformulation, fixed-point formulation, minimization problem and constrained-equation reformulation. See e.g. Kanzow and Facchinei (2010), <doi:10.1007/s10479-009-0653-x>.
Maintained by Christophe Dutang. Last updated 2 months ago.
6.1 match 1 stars 5.65 score 14 scriptspepijn-devries
adfExplorer:Access and Manipulate Amiga Disk Files
Amiga Disk Files (ADF) are virtual representations of 3.5 inch floppy disks for the Commodore Amiga. Most disk drives from other systems (including modern drives) are not able to read these disks. The 'adfExplorer' package enables you to establish R connections to files on such virtual DOS-formatted disks, which can be use to read from and write to those files.
Maintained by Pepijn de Vries. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.7 match 3 stars 5.94 score 36 scriptsbioc
BiocStyle:Standard styles for vignettes and other Bioconductor documents
Provides standard formatting styles for Bioconductor PDF and HTML documents. Package vignettes illustrate use and functionality.
Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.0 match 12 stars 11.33 score 1.2k scripts 47 dependentsusaid-mozambique
sonata:Interagir com MozART 2.0
Provides a set of utilities and functions for connecting, querying, and analyzing data from the Mozambique MozART 2.0 database.
Maintained by Joe Lara. Last updated 2 days ago.
8.1 match 4.08 scorer-barnes
dggridR:Discrete Global Grids
Spatial analyses involving binning require that every bin have the same area, but this is impossible using a rectangular grid laid over the Earth or over any projection of the Earth. Discrete global grids use hexagons, triangles, and diamonds to overcome this issue, overlaying the Earth with equally-sized bins. This package provides utilities for working with discrete global grids, along with utilities to aid in plotting such data.
Maintained by Sebastian Krantz. Last updated 6 months ago.
3.5 match 168 stars 9.37 score 388 scripts 1 dependentsjapal
MALDIrppa:MALDI Mass Spectrometry Data Robust Pre-Processing and Analysis
Provides methods for quality control and robust pre-processing and analysis of MALDI mass spectrometry data (Palarea-Albaladejo et al. (2018) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx628>).
Maintained by Javier Palarea-Albaladejo. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.4 match 2 stars 6.06 score 32 scripts 1 dependentshojsgaard
gRbase:A Package for Graphical Modelling in R
The 'gRbase' package provides graphical modelling features used by e.g. the packages 'gRain', 'gRim' and 'gRc'. 'gRbase' implements graph algorithms including (i) maximum cardinality search (for marked and unmarked graphs). (ii) moralization, (iii) triangulation, (iv) creation of junction tree. 'gRbase' facilitates array operations, 'gRbase' implements functions for testing for conditional independence. 'gRbase' illustrates how hierarchical log-linear models may be implemented and describes concept of graphical meta data. The facilities of the package are documented in the book by Højsgaard, Edwards and Lauritzen (2012, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-2299-0>) and in the paper by Dethlefsen and Højsgaard, (2005, <doi:10.18637/jss.v014.i17>). Please see 'citation("gRbase")' for citation details.
Maintained by Søren Højsgaard. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.5 match 3 stars 9.24 score 241 scripts 20 dependentsdelosh653
mwshiny:'Shiny' for Multiple Windows
A simple function, mwsApp(), that runs a 'shiny' app spanning multiple, connected windows. This uses all standard 'shiny' conventions, and depends only on the 'shiny' package.
Maintained by Hannah De los Santos. Last updated 5 years ago.
5.5 match 25 stars 5.83 score 27 scriptscanmod
macpan2:Fast and Flexible Compartmental Modelling
Fast and flexible compartmental modelling with Template Model Builder.
Maintained by Steve Walker. Last updated 2 days ago.
3.6 match 4 stars 8.89 score 246 scripts 1 dependentsmatthieu-bruneaux
isotracer:Isotopic Tracer Analysis Using MCMC
Implements Bayesian models to analyze data from tracer addition experiments. The implemented method was originally described in the article "A New Method to Reconstruct Quantitative Food Webs and Nutrient Flows from Isotope Tracer Addition Experiments" by López-Sepulcre et al. (2020) <doi:10.1086/708546>.
Maintained by Matthieu Bruneaux. Last updated 4 months ago.
5.3 match 5.92 score 60 scriptsazure
AzureStor:Storage Management in 'Azure'
Manage storage in Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud: <>. On the admin side, 'AzureStor' includes features to create, modify and delete storage accounts. On the client side, it includes an interface to blob storage, file storage, and 'Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2': upload and download files and blobs; list containers and files/blobs; create containers; and so on. Authenticated access to storage is supported, via either a shared access key or a shared access signature (SAS). Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Maintained by Hong Ooi. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.9 match 64 stars 10.72 score 298 scripts 4 dependentsbioc
This package helps users to work with TF metadata from various sources. Significant catalogs of TFs and classifications thereof are made available. Tools for working with motif scans are also provided.
Maintained by Vincent Carey. Last updated 4 months ago.
6.5 match 4.80 score 21 scriptsrinterface
shinydashboardPlus:Add More 'AdminLTE2' Components to 'shinydashboard'
Extend 'shinydashboard' with 'AdminLTE2' components. 'AdminLTE2' is a free 'Bootstrap 3' dashboard template available at <>. Customize boxes, add timelines and a lot more.
Maintained by David Granjon. Last updated 8 months ago.
2.3 match 459 stars 13.79 score 1.1k scripts 28 dependentssfirke
janitor:Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data
The main janitor functions can: perfectly format data.frame column names; provide quick counts of variable combinations (i.e., frequency tables and crosstabs); and explore duplicate records. Other janitor functions nicely format the tabulation results. These tabulate-and-report functions approximate popular features of SPSS and Microsoft Excel. This package follows the principles of the "tidyverse" and works well with the pipe function %>%. janitor was built with beginning-to-intermediate R users in mind and is optimized for user-friendliness.
Maintained by Sam Firke. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.6 match 1.4k stars 19.15 score 35k scripts 231 dependentszhenkewu
baker:"Nested Partially Latent Class Models"
Provides functions to specify, fit and visualize nested partially-latent class models ( Wu, Deloria-Knoll, Hammitt, and Zeger (2016) <doi:10.1111/rssc.12101>; Wu, Deloria-Knoll, and Zeger (2017) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxw037>; Wu and Chen (2021) <doi:10.1002/sim.8804>) for inference of population disease etiology and individual diagnosis. In the motivating Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study, because both quantities of interest sum to one hundred percent, the PERCH scientists frequently refer to them as population etiology pie and individual etiology pie, hence the name of the package.
Maintained by Zhenke Wu. Last updated 11 months ago.
5.2 match 8 stars 6.00 score 21 scriptsguillaumepressiat
pmeasyr:Donnees PMSI avec R
Import de donnees PMSI. Gestion des archives. Formats depuis 2011. Connexion et interface avec une db. requetr. Valorisation des rsa, des rapss.
Maintained by Guillaume Pressiat. Last updated 13 days ago.
4.6 match 20 stars 6.76 score 53 scriptspmartr
pmartR:Panomics Marketplace - Quality Control and Statistical Analysis for Panomics Data
Provides functionality for quality control processing and statistical analysis of mass spectrometry (MS) omics data, in particular proteomic (either at the peptide or the protein level), lipidomic, and metabolomic data, as well as RNA-seq based count data and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data. This includes data transformation, specification of groups that are to be compared against each other, filtering of features and/or samples, data normalization, data summarization (correlation, PCA), and statistical comparisons between defined groups. Implements methods described in: Webb-Robertson et al. (2014) <doi:10.1074/mcp.M113.030932>. Webb-Robertson et al. (2011) <doi:10.1002/pmic.201100078>. Matzke et al. (2011) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr479>. Matzke et al. (2013) <doi:10.1002/pmic.201200269>. Polpitiya et al. (2008) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btn217>. Webb-Robertson et al. (2010) <doi:10.1021/pr1005247>.
Maintained by Lisa Bramer. Last updated 3 days ago.
4.0 match 40 stars 7.69 score 144 scriptspharmar
riskmetric:Risk Metrics to Evaluating R Packages
Facilities for assessing R packages against a number of metrics to help quantify their robustness.
Maintained by Eli Miller. Last updated 9 days ago.
3.4 match 167 stars 8.89 score 43 scriptsbioinformatics-ptp
detectRUNS:Detect Runs of Homozygosity and Runs of Heterozygosity in Diploid Genomes
Detection of runs of homozygosity and of heterozygosity in diploid genomes using two methods: sliding windows (Purcell et al (2007) <doi:10.1086/519795>) and consecutive runs (Marras et al (2015) <doi:10.1111/age.12259>).
Maintained by Filippo Biscarini. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.7 match 9 stars 6.50 score 35 scriptsbioc
destiny:Creates diffusion maps
Create and plot diffusion maps.
Maintained by Philipp Angerer. Last updated 4 months ago.
2.8 match 81 stars 10.94 score 792 scriptsropensci
rdhs:API Client and Dataset Management for the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Data
Provides a client for (1) querying the DHS API for survey indicators and metadata (<>), (2) identifying surveys and datasets for analysis, (3) downloading survey datasets from the DHS website, (4) loading datasets and associate metadata into R, and (5) extracting variables and combining datasets for pooled analysis.
Maintained by OJ Watson. Last updated 17 days ago.
3.0 match 35 stars 10.07 score 286 scripts 3 dependentscardiomoon
ggiraphExtra:Make Interactive 'ggplot2'. Extension to 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph'
Collection of functions to enhance 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph'. Provides functions for exploratory plots. All plot can be a 'static' plot or an 'interactive' plot using 'ggiraph'.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.4 match 48 stars 8.93 score 402 scripts 3 dependentslindsayevanslee
whomds:Calculate Results from WHO Model Disability Survey Data
The Model Disability Survey (MDS) <> is a World Health Organization (WHO) general population survey instrument to assess the distribution of disability within a country or region, grounded in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health <>. This package provides fit-for-purpose functions for calculating and presenting the results from this survey, as used by the WHO. The package primarily provides functions for implementing Rasch Analysis (see Andrich (2011) <doi:10.1586/erp.11.59>) to calculate a metric scale for disability.
Maintained by Lindsay Lee. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.4 match 4 stars 5.56 score 15 scriptsresplab
cumulcalib:Cumulative Calibration Assessment for Prediction Models
Tools for visualization of, and inference on, the calibration of prediction models on the cumulative domain. This provides a method for evaluating calibration of risk prediction models without having to group the data or use tuning parameters (e.g., loess bandwidth). This package implements the methodology described in Sadatsafavi and Patkau (2024) <doi:10.1002/sim.10138>. The core of the package is cumulcalib(), which takes in vectors of binary responses and predicted risks. The plot() and summary() methods are implemented for the results returned by cumulcalib().
Maintained by Mohsen Sadatsafavi. Last updated 9 months ago.
6.5 match 2 stars 4.60 score 8 scriptshelske
Rlibeemd:Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Its Complete Variant (CEEMDAN)
An R interface for libeemd (Luukko, Helske, Räsänen, 2016) <doi:10.1007/s00180-015-0603-9>, a C library of highly efficient parallelizable functions for performing the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), its complete variant (CEEMDAN), the regular empirical mode decomposition (EMD), and bivariate EMD (BEMD). Due to the possible portability issues CRAN version no longer supports OpenMP, you can install OpenMP-supported version from GitHub: <>.
Maintained by Jouni Helske. Last updated 2 years ago.
4.9 match 39 stars 6.14 score 17 scripts 14 dependentsausgis
geocomplexity:Mitigating Spatial Bias Through Geographical Complexity
The geographical complexity of individual variables can be characterized by the differences in local attribute variables, while the common geographical complexity of multiple variables can be represented by fluctuations in the similarity of vectors composed of multiple variables. In spatial regression tasks, the goodness of fit can be improved by incorporating a geographical complexity representation vector during modeling, using a geographical complexity-weighted spatial weight matrix, or employing local geographical complexity kernel density. Similarly, in spatial sampling tasks, samples can be selected more effectively by using a method that weights based on geographical complexity. By optimizing performance in spatial regression and spatial sampling tasks, the spatial bias of the model can be effectively reduced.
Maintained by Wenbo Lv. Last updated 4 months ago.
4.5 match 19 stars 6.53 score 12 scriptsbcgov
bcdata:Search and Retrieve Data from the BC Data Catalogue
Search, query, and download tabular and 'geospatial' data from the British Columbia Data Catalogue (<>). Search catalogue data records based on keywords, data licence, sector, data format, and B.C. government organization. View metadata directly in R, download many data formats, and query 'geospatial' data available via the B.C. government Web Feature Service ('WFS') using 'dplyr' syntax.
Maintained by Andy Teucher. Last updated 1 months ago.
2.9 match 83 stars 10.29 score 186 scripts 4 dependentscran
VFP:Variance Function Program
Variance function estimation for models proposed by W. Sadler in his variance function program ('VFP', Here, the idea is to fit multiple variance functions to a data set and consequently assess which function reflects the relationship 'Var ~ Mean' best. For 'in-vitro diagnostic' ('IVD') assays modeling this relationship is of great importance when individual test-results are used for defining follow-up treatment of patients.
Maintained by Andre Schuetzenmeister. Last updated 2 months ago.
9.8 match 3.01 score 17 scriptsybrugnara
dataresqc:C3S Quality Control Tools for Historical Climate Data
Quality control and formatting tools developed for the Copernicus Data Rescue Service. The package includes functions to handle the Station Exchange Format (SEF), various statistical tests for climate data at daily and sub-daily resolution, as well as functions to plot the data. For more information and documentation see <>.
Maintained by Yuri Brugnara. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.8 match 2.70 score 7 scriptsrinterface
bs4Dash:A 'Bootstrap 4' Version of 'shinydashboard'
Make 'Bootstrap 4' Shiny dashboards. Use the full power of 'AdminLTE3', a dashboard template built on top of 'Bootstrap 4' <>.
Maintained by David Granjon. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.3 match 442 stars 12.87 score 1.2k scripts 15 dependentsbioc
CINdex:Chromosome Instability Index
The CINdex package addresses important area of high-throughput genomic analysis. It allows the automated processing and analysis of the experimental DNA copy number data generated by Affymetrix SNP 6.0 arrays or similar high throughput technologies. It calculates the chromosome instability (CIN) index that allows to quantitatively characterize genome-wide DNA copy number alterations as a measure of chromosomal instability. This package calculates not only overall genomic instability, but also instability in terms of copy number gains and losses separately at the chromosome and cytoband level.
Maintained by Yuriy Gusev. Last updated 5 months ago.
7.1 match 4.08 score 2 scriptsropensci
readODS:Read and Write ODS Files
Read ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) into R as data frame. Also support writing data frame into ODS file.
Maintained by Chung-hong Chan. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.3 match 55 stars 12.74 score 808 scripts 26 dependentstidymodels
parsnip:A Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions
A common interface is provided to allow users to specify a model without having to remember the different argument names across different functions or computational engines (e.g. 'R', 'Spark', 'Stan', 'H2O', etc).
Maintained by Max Kuhn. Last updated 4 days ago.
1.8 match 612 stars 16.37 score 3.4k scripts 69 dependentscrlsierra
SoilR:Models of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition
Functions for modeling Soil Organic Matter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems with linear and nonlinear systems of differential equations. The package implements models according to the compartmental system representation described in Sierra and others (2012) <doi:10.5194/gmd-5-1045-2012> and Sierra and others (2014) <doi:10.5194/gmd-7-1919-2014>.
Maintained by Carlos A. Sierra. Last updated 1 years ago.
9.9 match 5 stars 2.88 score 153 scriptsstocnet
goldfish:Statistical Network Models for Dynamic Network Data
Tools for fitting statistical network models to dynamic network data. Can be used for fitting both dynamic network actor models ('DyNAMs') and relational event models ('REMs'). Stadtfeld, Hollway, and Block (2017a) <doi:10.1177/0081175017709295>, Stadtfeld, Hollway, and Block (2017b) <doi:10.1177/0081175017733457>, Stadtfeld and Block (2017) <doi:10.15195/v4.a14>, Hoffman et al. (2020) <doi:10.1017/nws.2020.3>.
Maintained by Alvaro Uzaheta. Last updated 7 months ago.
3.6 match 61 stars 7.91 score 44 scriptsthinkr-open
golem:A Framework for Robust Shiny Applications
An opinionated framework for building a production-ready 'Shiny' application. This package contains a series of tools for building a robust 'Shiny' application from start to finish.
Maintained by Colin Fay. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.0 match 921 stars 14.23 score 167 scripts 62 dependentsbioc
LACE:Longitudinal Analysis of Cancer Evolution (LACE)
LACE is an algorithmic framework that processes single-cell somatic mutation profiles from cancer samples collected at different time points and in distinct experimental settings, to produce longitudinal models of cancer evolution. The approach solves a Boolean Matrix Factorization problem with phylogenetic constraints, by maximizing a weighed likelihood function computed on multiple time points.
Maintained by Davide Maspero. Last updated 2 days ago.
3.7 match 15 stars 7.75 score 3 scriptsr-lib
lintr:A 'Linter' for R Code
Checks adherence to a given style, syntax errors and possible semantic issues. Supports on the fly checking of R code edited with 'RStudio IDE', 'Emacs', 'Vim', 'Sublime Text', 'Atom' and 'Visual Studio Code'.
Maintained by Michael Chirico. Last updated 9 days ago.
1.7 match 1.2k stars 17.00 score 916 scripts 33 dependentsworkflowr
workflowr:A Framework for Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science
Provides a workflow for your analysis projects by combining literate programming ('knitr' and 'rmarkdown') and version control ('Git', via 'git2r') to generate a website containing time-stamped, versioned, and documented results.
Maintained by John Blischak. Last updated 4 months ago.
2.4 match 845 stars 11.83 score 566 scriptsopenanalytics
inTextSummaryTable:Creation of in-Text Summary Table
Creation of tables of summary statistics or counts for clinical data (for 'TLFs'). These tables can be exported as in-text table (with the 'flextable' package) for a Clinical Study Report (Word format) or a 'topline' presentation (PowerPoint format), or as interactive table (with the 'DT' package) to an html document for clinical data review.
Maintained by Laure Cougnaud. Last updated 9 months ago.
5.1 match 1 stars 5.52 score 47 scriptsstatnet
tergm:Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based on Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
An integrated set of extensions to the 'ergm' package to analyze and simulate network evolution based on exponential-family random graph models (ERGM). 'tergm' is a part of the 'statnet' suite of packages for network analysis. See Krivitsky and Handcock (2014) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12014> and Carnegie, Krivitsky, Hunter, and Goodreau (2015) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2014.903087>.
Maintained by Pavel N. Krivitsky. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.0 match 27 stars 9.29 score 78 scripts 3 dependentsjpgattuso
seacarb:Seawater Carbonate Chemistry
Calculates parameters of the seawater carbonate system and assists the design of ocean acidification perturbation experiments.
Maintained by Jean-Pierre Gattuso. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.3 match 8 stars 8.27 score 350 scripts 5 dependentsfemiguez
nlraa:Nonlinear Regression for Agricultural Applications
Additional nonlinear regression functions using self-start (SS) algorithms. One of the functions is the Beta growth function proposed by Yin et al. (2003) <doi:10.1093/aob/mcg029>. There are several other functions with breakpoints (e.g. linear-plateau, plateau-linear, exponential-plateau, plateau-exponential, quadratic-plateau, plateau-quadratic and bilinear), a non-rectangular hyperbola and a bell-shaped curve. Twenty eight (28) new self-start (SS) functions in total. This package also supports the publication 'Nonlinear regression Models and applications in agricultural research' by Archontoulis and Miguez (2015) <doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0506>, a book chapter with similar material <doi:10.2134/appliedstatistics.2016.0003.c15> and a publication by Oddi et. al. (2019) in Ecology and Evolution <doi:10.1002/ece3.5543>. The function 'nlsLMList' uses 'nlsLM' for fitting, but it is otherwise almost identical to 'nlme::nlsList'.In addition, this release of the package provides functions for conducting simulations for 'nlme' and 'gnls' objects as well as bootstrapping. These functions are intended to work with the modeling framework of the 'nlme' package. It also provides four vignettes with extended examples.
Maintained by Fernando Miguez. Last updated 10 months ago.
3.3 match 23 stars 8.19 score 112 scripts 2 dependentsaphalo
photobiology:Photobiological Calculations
Definitions of classes, methods, operators and functions for use in photobiology and radiation meteorology and climatology. Calculation of effective (weighted) and not-weighted irradiances/doses, fluence rates, transmittance, reflectance, absorptance, absorbance and diverse ratios and other derived quantities from spectral data. Local maxima and minima: peaks, valleys and spikes. Conversion between energy-and photon-based units. Wavelength interpolation. Astronomical calculations related solar angles and day length. Colours and vision. This package is part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo, P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Maintained by Pedro J. Aphalo. Last updated 3 days ago.
2.9 match 4 stars 9.35 score 604 scripts 12 dependentsrichardli
surveyPrev:Mapping the Prevalence of Binary Indicators using Survey Data in Small Areas
Provides a pipeline to perform small area estimation and prevalence mapping of binary indicators using health and demographic survey data, described in Fuglstad et al. (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2110.09576> and Wakefield et al. (2020) <doi:10.1111/insr.12400>.
Maintained by Qianyu Dong. Last updated 5 days ago.
4.7 match 1 stars 5.76 score 11 scriptsmfasiolo
mgcViz:Visualisations for Generalized Additive Models
Extension of the 'mgcv' package, providing visual tools for Generalized Additive Models that exploit the additive structure of such models, scale to large data sets and can be used in conjunction with a wide range of response distributions. The focus is providing visual methods for better understanding the model output and for aiding model checking and development beyond simple exponential family regression. The graphical framework is based on the layering system provided by 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Matteo Fasiolo. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.9 match 77 stars 9.38 score 1000 scriptsazure
AzureAuth:Authentication Services for Azure Active Directory
Provides Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication functionality for R users of Microsoft's 'Azure' cloud <>. Use this package to obtain 'OAuth' 2.0 tokens for services including Azure Resource Manager, Azure Storage and others. It supports both AAD v1.0 and v2.0, as well as multiple authentication methods, including device code and resource owner grant. Tokens are cached in a user-specific directory obtained using the 'rappdirs' package. The interface is based on the 'OAuth' framework in the 'httr' package, but customised and streamlined for Azure. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Maintained by Hong Ooi. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.6 match 44 stars 10.42 score 57 scripts 23 dependentsjonathan-g
datafsm:Estimating Finite State Machine Models from Data
Automatic generation of finite state machine models of dynamic decision-making that both have strong predictive power and are interpretable in human terms. We use an efficient model representation and a genetic algorithm-based estimation process to generate simple deterministic approximations that explain most of the structure of complex stochastic processes. We have applied the software to empirical data, and demonstrated it's ability to recover known data-generating processes by simulating data with agent-based models and correctly deriving the underlying decision models for multiple agent models and degrees of stochasticity.
Maintained by Jonathan M. Gilligan. Last updated 4 years ago.
4.9 match 11 stars 5.52 score 30 scriptscjvanlissa
worcs:Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science
Create reproducible and transparent research projects in 'R'. This package is based on the Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science (WORCS), a step-by-step procedure based on best practices for Open Science. It includes an 'RStudio' project template, several convenience functions, and all dependencies required to make your project reproducible and transparent. WORCS is explained in the tutorial paper by Van Lissa, Brandmaier, Brinkman, Lamprecht, Struiksma, & Vreede (2021). <doi:10.3233/DS-210031>.
Maintained by Caspar J. Van Lissa. Last updated 11 days ago.
2.9 match 83 stars 9.26 score 59 scriptslbbe-software
rbioacc:Inference and Prediction of ToxicoKinetic (TK) Models
The MOSAICbioacc application is a turnkey package providing bioaccumulation factors (BCF/BMF/BSAF) from a toxicokinetic (TK) model fitted to accumulation-depuration data. It is designed to fulfil the requirements of regulators when examining applications for market authorization of active substances. See Ratier et al. (2021) <doi:10.1101/2021.09.08.459421>.
Maintained by Virgile Baudrot. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.7 match 4.78 score 8 scriptsnickreich
coarseDataTools:Analysis of Coarsely Observed Data
Functions to analyze coarse data. Specifically, it contains functions to (1) fit parametric accelerated failure time models to interval-censored survival time data, and (2) estimate the case-fatality ratio in scenarios with under-reporting. This package's development was motivated by applications to infectious disease: in particular, problems with estimating the incubation period and the case fatality ratio of a given disease. Sample data files are included in the package. See Reich et al. (2009) <doi:10.1002/sim.3659>, Reich et al. (2012) <doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01709.x>, and Lessler et al. (2009) <doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(09)70069-6>.
Maintained by Nicholas G. Reich. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.3 match 9 stars 8.07 score 37 scripts 8 dependentstongzhou2017
itol.toolkit:Helper Functions for 'Interactive Tree Of Life'
The 'Interactive Tree Of Life' <> online server can edit and annotate trees interactively. The 'itol.toolkit' package can support all types of annotation templates.
Maintained by Tong Zhou. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.5 match 167 stars 7.48 score 60 scriptsmikejareds
hermiter:Efficient Sequential and Batch Estimation of Univariate and Bivariate Probability Density Functions and Cumulative Distribution Functions along with Quantiles (Univariate) and Nonparametric Correlation (Bivariate)
Facilitates estimation of full univariate and bivariate probability density functions and cumulative distribution functions along with full quantile functions (univariate) and nonparametric correlation (bivariate) using Hermite series based estimators. These estimators are particularly useful in the sequential setting (both stationary and non-stationary) and one-pass batch estimation setting for large data sets. Based on: Stephanou, Michael, Varughese, Melvin and Macdonald, Iain. "Sequential quantiles via Hermite series density estimation." Electronic Journal of Statistics 11.1 (2017): 570-607 <doi:10.1214/17-EJS1245>, Stephanou, Michael and Varughese, Melvin. "On the properties of Hermite series based distribution function estimators." Metrika (2020) <doi:10.1007/s00184-020-00785-z> and Stephanou, Michael and Varughese, Melvin. "Sequential estimation of Spearman rank correlation using Hermite series estimators." Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2021.104783>.
Maintained by Michael Stephanou. Last updated 7 months ago.
4.7 match 15 stars 5.58 score 17 scriptsbioc
MOSim:Multi-Omics Simulation (MOSim)
MOSim package simulates multi-omic experiments that mimic regulatory mechanisms within the cell, allowing flexible experimental design including time course and multiple groups.
Maintained by Sonia Tarazona. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.5 match 9 stars 7.46 score 11 scriptss3alfisc
fwildclusterboot:Fast Wild Cluster Bootstrap Inference for Linear Models
Implementation of fast algorithms for wild cluster bootstrap inference developed in 'Roodman et al' (2019, 'STATA' Journal, <doi:10.1177/1536867X19830877>) and 'MacKinnon et al' (2022), which makes it feasible to quickly calculate bootstrap test statistics based on a large number of bootstrap draws even for large samples. Multiple bootstrap types as described in 'MacKinnon, Nielsen & Webb' (2022) are supported. Further, 'multiway' clustering, regression weights, bootstrap weights, fixed effects and 'subcluster' bootstrapping are supported. Further, both restricted ('WCR') and unrestricted ('WCU') bootstrap are supported. Methods are provided for a variety of fitted models, including 'lm()', 'feols()' (from package 'fixest') and 'felm()' (from package 'lfe'). Additionally implements a 'heteroskedasticity-robust' ('HC1') wild bootstrap. Last, the package provides an R binding to 'WildBootTests.jl', which provides additional speed gains and functionality, including the 'WRE' bootstrap for instrumental variable models (based on models of type 'ivreg()' from package 'ivreg') and hypotheses with q > 1.
Maintained by Alexander Fischer. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.9 match 24 stars 6.67 score 109 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
BgeeDB:Annotation and gene expression data retrieval from Bgee database. TopAnat, an anatomical entities Enrichment Analysis tool for UBERON ontology
A package for the annotation and gene expression data download from Bgee database, and TopAnat analysis: GO-like enrichment of anatomical terms, mapped to genes by expression patterns.
Maintained by Julien Wollbrett. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.0 match 15 stars 8.46 score 19 scripts 1 dependentseasystats
datawizard:Easy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformations
A lightweight package to assist in key steps involved in any data analysis workflow: (1) wrangling the raw data to get it in the needed form, (2) applying preprocessing steps and statistical transformations, and (3) compute statistical summaries of data properties and distributions. It is also the data wrangling backend for packages in 'easystats' ecosystem. References: Patil et al. (2022) <doi:10.21105/joss.04684>.
Maintained by Etienne Bacher. Last updated 10 days ago.
1.8 match 222 stars 14.71 score 436 scripts 119 dependentsdominiquemaucieri
quadcleanR:Cleanup and Visualization of Quadrat Data
A tool that can be customized to aid in the clean up of ecological data collected using quadrats and can crop quadrats to ensure comparability between quadrats collected under different methodologies.
Maintained by Dominique Maucieri. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.8 match 4.45 score 14 scriptswatanabe-j
qfratio:Moments and Distributions of Ratios of Quadratic Forms Using Recursion
Evaluates moments of ratios (and products) of quadratic forms in normal variables, specifically using recursive algorithms developed by Bao and Kan (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2013.03.002> and Hillier et al. (2014) <doi:10.1017/S0266466613000364>. Also provides distribution, quantile, and probability density functions of simple ratios of quadratic forms in normal variables with several algorithms. Originally developed as a supplement to Watanabe (2023) <doi:10.1007/s00285-023-01930-8> for evaluating average evolvability measures in evolutionary quantitative genetics, but can be used for a broader class of statistics. Generating functions for these moments are also closely related to the top-order zonal and invariant polynomials of matrix arguments.
Maintained by Junya Watanabe. Last updated 6 months ago.
5.6 match 1 stars 4.60 score 5 scriptsbioc
crlmm:Genotype Calling (CRLMM) and Copy Number Analysis tool for Affymetrix SNP 5.0 and 6.0 and Illumina arrays
Faster implementation of CRLMM specific to SNP 5.0 and 6.0 arrays, as well as a copy number tool specific to 5.0, 6.0, and Illumina platforms.
Maintained by Benilton S Carvalho. Last updated 12 days ago.
5.4 match 4.78 score 37 scripts 3 dependentssparklyr
sparklyr:R Interface to Apache Spark
R interface to Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for big data processing, see <>. This package supports connecting to local and remote Apache Spark clusters, provides a 'dplyr' compatible back-end, and provides an interface to Spark's built-in machine learning algorithms.
Maintained by Edgar Ruiz. Last updated 10 days ago.
1.7 match 959 stars 15.16 score 4.0k scripts 21 dependentsrte-antares-rpackage
antaresEditObject:Edit an 'Antares' Simulation
Edit an 'Antares' simulation before running it : create new areas, links, thermal clusters or binding constraints or edit existing ones. Update 'Antares' general & optimization settings. 'Antares' is an open source power system generator, more information available here : <>.
Maintained by Tatiana Vargas. Last updated 28 days ago.
2.9 match 8 stars 8.76 score 101 scriptsthomasp85
ggraph:An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks
The grammar of graphics as implemented in ggplot2 is a poor fit for graph and network visualizations due to its reliance on tabular data input. ggraph is an extension of the ggplot2 API tailored to graph visualizations and provides the same flexible approach to building up plots layer by layer.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.5 match 1.1k stars 16.96 score 9.2k scripts 111 dependentspablo14
funModeling:Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Preparation Tool-Box
Around 10% of almost any predictive modeling project is spent in predictive modeling, 'funModeling' and the book Data Science Live Book (<>) are intended to cover remaining 90%: data preparation, profiling, selecting best variables 'dataViz', assessing model performance and other functions.
Maintained by Pablo Casas. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.0 match 100 stars 8.57 score 654 scriptsr-forge
Rmpfr:Interface R to MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable
Arithmetic (via S4 classes and methods) for arbitrary precision floating point numbers, including transcendental ("special") functions. To this end, the package interfaces to the 'LGPL' licensed 'MPFR' (Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable) Library which itself is based on the 'GMP' (GNU Multiple Precision) Library.
Maintained by Martin Maechler. Last updated 4 months ago.
2.3 match 11.30 score 316 scripts 141 dependentsropensci
rsi:Efficiently Retrieve and Process Satellite Imagery
Downloads spatial data from spatiotemporal asset catalogs ('STAC'), computes standard spectral indices from the Awesome Spectral Indices project (Montero et al. (2023) <doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02096-0>) against raster data, and glues the outputs together into predictor bricks. Methods focus on interoperability with the broader spatial ecosystem; function arguments and outputs use classes from 'sf' and 'terra', and data downloading functions support complex 'CQL2' queries using 'rstac'.
Maintained by Michael Mahoney. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.5 match 49 stars 7.20 score 38 scriptsaidanmorales
rTwig:Realistic Quantitative Structure Models
Real Twig is a method to correct branch overestimation in quantitative structure models. Overestimated cylinders are correctly tapered using measured twig diameters of corresponding tree species. Supported quantitative structure modeling software includes 'TreeQSM', 'SimpleForest', 'Treegraph', and 'aRchi'. Also included is a novel database of twig diameters and tools for fractal analysis of point clouds.
Maintained by Aidan Morales. Last updated 13 days ago.
3.6 match 8 stars 7.10 score 13 scriptsegenn
rtemis:Machine Learning and Visualization
Advanced Machine Learning and Visualization. Unsupervised Learning (Clustering, Decomposition), Supervised Learning (Classification, Regression), Cross-Decomposition, Bagging, Boosting, Meta-models. Static and interactive graphics.
Maintained by E.D. Gennatas. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.6 match 145 stars 7.09 score 50 scripts 2 dependentshneth
riskyr:Rendering Risk Literacy more Transparent
Risk-related information (like the prevalence of conditions, the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests, or the effectiveness of interventions or treatments) can be expressed in terms of frequencies or probabilities. By providing a toolbox of corresponding metrics and representations, 'riskyr' computes, translates, and visualizes risk-related information in a variety of ways. Adopting multiple complementary perspectives provides insights into the interplay between key parameters and renders teaching and training programs on risk literacy more transparent.
Maintained by Hansjoerg Neth. Last updated 10 months ago.
3.4 match 19 stars 7.36 score 80 scriptsstatisticsnorway
easySdcTable:Easy Interface to the Statistical Disclosure Control Package 'sdcTable' Extended with Own Implementation of 'GaussSuppression'
The main function, ProtectTable(), performs table suppression according to a frequency rule with a data set as the only required input. Within this function, protectTable(), protect_linked_tables() or runArgusBatchFile() in package 'sdcTable' is called. Lists of level-hierarchy (parameter 'dimList') and other required input to these functions are created automatically. The suppression method Gauss (default) is implemented independently of 'sdcTable'. The function, PTgui(), starts a graphical user interface based on the 'shiny' package.
Maintained by Øyvind Langsrud. Last updated 2 years ago.
6.0 match 1 stars 4.20 score 16 scriptstidymodels
dials:Tools for Creating Tuning Parameter Values
Many models contain tuning parameters (i.e. parameters that cannot be directly estimated from the data). These tools can be used to define objects for creating, simulating, or validating values for such parameters.
Maintained by Hannah Frick. Last updated 30 days ago.
1.8 match 114 stars 14.31 score 426 scripts 52 dependentscollinerickson
TestFunctions:Test Functions for Simulation Experiments and Evaluating Optimization and Emulation Algorithms
Test functions are often used to test computer code. They are used in optimization to test algorithms and in metamodeling to evaluate model predictions. This package provides test functions that can be used for any purpose.
Maintained by Collin Erickson. Last updated 6 months ago.
4.8 match 5.16 score 48 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
xCell2:A Tool for Generic Cell Type Enrichment Analysis
xCell2 provides methods for cell type enrichment analysis using cell type signatures. It includes three main functions - 1. xCell2Train for training custom references objects from bulk or single-cell RNA-seq datasets. 2. xCell2Analysis for conducting the cell type enrichment analysis using the custom reference. 3. xCell2GetLineage for identifying dependencies between different cell types using ontology.
Maintained by Almog Angel. Last updated 16 hours ago.
4.0 match 6 stars 6.16 score 15 scriptsrenkun-ken
rlist:A Toolbox for Non-Tabular Data Manipulation
Provides a set of functions for data manipulation with list objects, including mapping, filtering, grouping, sorting, updating, searching, and other useful functions. Most functions are designed to be pipeline friendly so that data processing with lists can be chained.
Maintained by Kun Ren. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.8 match 206 stars 13.73 score 2.2k scripts 123 dependentsbioc
missMethyl:Analysing Illumina HumanMethylation BeadChip Data
Normalisation, testing for differential variability and differential methylation and gene set testing for data from Illumina's Infinium HumanMethylation arrays. The normalisation procedure is subset-quantile within-array normalisation (SWAN), which allows Infinium I and II type probes on a single array to be normalised together. The test for differential variability is based on an empirical Bayes version of Levene's test. Differential methylation testing is performed using RUV, which can adjust for systematic errors of unknown origin in high-dimensional data by using negative control probes. Gene ontology analysis is performed by taking into account the number of probes per gene on the array, as well as taking into account multi-gene associated probes.
Maintained by Belinda Phipson. Last updated 14 days ago.
3.4 match 7.24 score 300 scripts 1 dependentsdrg-123
NSM3:Functions and Datasets to Accompany Hollander, Wolfe, and Chicken - Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Third Edition
Designed to replace the tables which were in the back of the first two editions of Hollander and Wolfe - Nonparametric Statistical Methods. Exact procedures are performed when computationally possible. Monte Carlo and Asymptotic procedures are performed otherwise. For those procedures included in the base packages, our code simply provides a wrapper to standardize the output with the other procedures in the package.
Maintained by Grant Schneider. Last updated 4 months ago.
6.5 match 1 stars 3.77 score 115 scripts 1 dependents