Showing 6 of total 6 results (show query)
PTXQC:Quality Report Generation for MaxQuant and mzTab Results
Generates Proteomics (PTX) quality control (QC) reports for shotgun LC-MS data analyzed with the MaxQuant software suite (from .txt files) or mzTab files (ideally from OpenMS 'QualityControl' tool). Reports are customizable (target thresholds, subsetting) and available in HTML or PDF format. Published in J. Proteome Res., Proteomics Quality Control: Quality Control Software for MaxQuant Results (2015) <doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00780>.
Maintained by Chris Bielow. Last updated 1 years ago.
10.5 match 42 stars 9.35 score 105 scripts 1 dependentsrickhelmus
patRoon:Workflows for Mass-Spectrometry Based Non-Target Analysis
Provides an easy-to-use interface to a mass spectrometry based non-target analysis workflow. Various (open-source) tools are combined which provide algorithms for extraction and grouping of features, extraction of MS and MS/MS data, automatic formula and compound annotation and grouping related features to components. In addition, various tools are provided for e.g. data preparation and cleanup, plotting results and automatic reporting.
Maintained by Rick Helmus. Last updated 10 days ago.
7.4 match 65 stars 6.22 score 43 scriptsbioc
MSstatsTMT:Protein Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments with tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling
The package provides statistical tools for detecting differentially abundant proteins in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments with tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling. It provides multiple functionalities, including aata visualization, protein quantification and normalization, and statistical modeling and inference. Furthermore, it is inter-operable with other data processing tools, such as Proteome Discoverer, MaxQuant, OpenMS and SpectroMine.
Maintained by Devon Kohler. Last updated 10 days ago.
5.7 match 6.60 score 35 scripts 3 dependentsbioc
MSstatsConvert:Import Data from Various Mass Spectrometry Signal Processing Tools to MSstats Format
MSstatsConvert provides tools for importing reports of Mass Spectrometry data processing tools into R format suitable for statistical analysis using the MSstats and MSstatsTMT packages.
Maintained by Mateusz Staniak. Last updated 3 months ago.
2.0 match 6.37 score 25 scripts 7 dependentsbioc
IsoBayes:IsoBayes: Single Isoform protein inference Method via Bayesian Analyses
IsoBayes is a Bayesian method to perform inference on single protein isoforms. Our approach infers the presence/absence of protein isoforms, and also estimates their abundance; additionally, it provides a measure of the uncertainty of these estimates, via: i) the posterior probability that a protein isoform is present in the sample; ii) a posterior credible interval of its abundance. IsoBayes inputs liquid cromatography mass spectrometry (MS) data, and can work with both PSM counts, and intensities. When available, trascript isoform abundances (i.e., TPMs) are also incorporated: TPMs are used to formulate an informative prior for the respective protein isoform relative abundance. We further identify isoforms where the relative abundance of proteins and transcripts significantly differ. We use a two-layer latent variable approach to model two sources of uncertainty typical of MS data: i) peptides may be erroneously detected (even when absent); ii) many peptides are compatible with multiple protein isoforms. In the first layer, we sample the presence/absence of each peptide based on its estimated probability of being mistakenly detected, also known as PEP (i.e., posterior error probability). In the second layer, for peptides that were estimated as being present, we allocate their abundance across the protein isoforms they map to. These two steps allow us to recover the presence and abundance of each protein isoform.
Maintained by Simone Tiberi. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.3 match 7 stars 5.39 score 10 scripts