Showing 28 of total 28 results (show query)
gmp:Multiple Precision Arithmetic
Multiple Precision Arithmetic (big integers and rationals, prime number tests, matrix computation), "arithmetic without limitations" using the C library GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic).
Maintained by Antoine Lucas. Last updated 7 months ago.
94.3 match 7.69 score 530 scripts 317 dependentsr-forge
Rmpfr:Interface R to MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable
Arithmetic (via S4 classes and methods) for arbitrary precision floating point numbers, including transcendental ("special") functions. To this end, the package interfaces to the 'LGPL' licensed 'MPFR' (Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable) Library which itself is based on the 'GMP' (GNU Multiple Precision) Library.
Maintained by Martin Maechler. Last updated 4 months ago.
35.4 match 11.30 score 316 scripts 141 dependentsjwood000
RcppAlgos:High Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics
Provides optimized functions and flexible iterators implemented in C++ for solving problems in combinatorics and computational mathematics. Handles various combinatorial objects including combinations, permutations, integer partitions and compositions, Cartesian products, unordered Cartesian products, and partition of groups. Utilizes the RMatrix class from 'RcppParallel' for thread safety. The combination and permutation functions contain constraint parameters that allow for generation of all results of a vector meeting specific criteria (e.g. finding all combinations such that the sum is between two bounds). Capable of ranking/unranking combinatorial objects efficiently (e.g. retrieve only the nth lexicographical result) which sets up nicely for parallelization as well as random sampling. Gmp support permits exploration where the total number of results is large (e.g. comboSample(10000, 500, n = 4)). Additionally, there are several high performance number theoretic functions that are useful for problems common in computational mathematics. Some of these functions make use of the fast integer division library 'libdivide'. The primeSieve function is based on the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes implementation by Kim Walisch. It is also efficient for large numbers by using the cache friendly improvements originally developed by Tomás Oliveira. Finally, there is a prime counting function that implements Legendre's formula based on the work of Kim Walisch.
Maintained by Joseph Wood. Last updated 1 months ago.
36.3 match 45 stars 10.04 score 153 scripts 12 dependentssymengine
symengine:Interface to the 'SymEngine' Library
Provides an R interface to 'SymEngine' <>, a standalone 'C++' library for fast symbolic manipulation. The package has functionalities for symbolic computation like calculating exact mathematical expressions, solving systems of linear equations and code generation.
Maintained by Jialin Ma. Last updated 1 years ago.
33.0 match 26 stars 8.20 score 33 scripts 10 dependentsrandy3k
arrangements:Fast Generators and Iterators for Permutations, Combinations, Integer Partitions and Compositions
Fast generators and iterators for permutations, combinations, integer partitions and compositions. The arrangements are in lexicographical order and generated iteratively in a memory efficient manner. It has been demonstrated that 'arrangements' outperforms most existing packages of similar kind. Benchmarks could be found at <>.
Maintained by Randy Lai. Last updated 2 years ago.
33.0 match 52 stars 7.89 score 118 scripts 23 dependentsjkim82133
TDA:Statistical Tools for Topological Data Analysis
Tools for Topological Data Analysis. The package focuses on statistical analysis of persistent homology and density clustering. For that, this package provides an R interface for the efficient algorithms of the C++ libraries 'GUDHI' <>, 'Dionysus' <>, and 'PHAT' <>. This package also implements methods from Fasy et al. (2014) <doi:10.1214/14-AOS1252> and Chazal et al. (2015) <doi:10.20382/jocg.v6i2a8> for analyzing the statistical significance of persistent homology features.
Maintained by Jisu Kim. Last updated 1 months ago.
33.0 match 9 stars 7.18 score 204 scripts 5 dependentsstla
qspray:Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
Symbolic calculation and evaluation of multivariate polynomials with rational coefficients. This package is strongly inspired by the 'spray' package. It provides a function to compute Gröbner bases (reference <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16721-3>). It also includes some features for symmetric polynomials, such as the Hall inner product. The header file of the C++ code can be used by other packages. It provides the templated class 'Qspray' that can be used to represent and to deal with multivariate polynomials with another type of coefficients.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 7 months ago.
33.0 match 4 stars 6.89 score 152 scripts 5 dependentscran
rcdd:Computational Geometry
R interface to (some of) cddlib (<>). Converts back and forth between two representations of a convex polytope: as solution of a set of linear equalities and inequalities and as convex hull of set of points and rays. Also does linear programming and redundant generator elimination (for example, convex hull in n dimensions). All functions can use exact infinite-precision rational arithmetic.
Maintained by Charles J. Geyer. Last updated 1 years ago.
38.7 match 4.63 score 35 dependentscorels
corels:R Binding for the 'Certifiably Optimal RulE ListS (Corels)' Learner
The 'Certifiably Optimal RulE ListS (Corels)' learner by Angelino et al described in <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1704.01701> provides interpretable decision rules with an optimality guarantee, and is made available to R with this package. See the file 'AUTHORS' for a list of copyright holders and contributors.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 3 months ago.
33.0 match 48 stars 5.10 score 13 scriptsstla
ratioOfQsprays:Fractions of Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
Based on the 'qspray' package, this package introduces the new type 'ratioOfQsprays'. An object of type 'qspray' represents a multivariate polynomial with rational coefficients while an object of type 'ratioOfQsprays', defined by two 'qspray' objects, represents a fraction of two multivariate polynomials with rational coefficients. Arithmetic operations for these objects are available, and they always return irreducible fractions. Other features include: differentiation, evaluation, conversion to a function, and fine control of the way to print a 'ratioOfQsprays' object. The 'C++' library 'CGAL' is used to make the fractions irreducible.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 7 months ago.
33.0 match 4.73 score 20 scripts 2 dependentsstla
jack:Jack, Zonal, Schur, and Other Symmetric Polynomials
Schur polynomials appear in combinatorics and zonal polynomials appear in random matrix theory. They are particular cases of Jack polynomials. This package allows to compute these polynomials and other symmetric multivariate polynomials: flagged Schur polynomials, factorial Schur polynomials, t-Schur polynomials, Hall-Littlewood polynomials, Green polynomials, Macdonald polynomials, and modified Macdonald polynomials. In addition, it can compute the Kostka-Jack numbers, the Kostka-Foulkes polynomials, the Kostka-Macdonald polynomials, and the Hall polynomials. Mainly based on Demmel & Koev's paper (2006) <doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-05-01780-1> and Macdonald's book (1995) <doi:10.1093/oso/9780198534891.003.0001>.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 7 months ago.
33.0 match 1 stars 4.71 score 41 scriptsjwood000
RcppBigIntAlgos:Factor Big Integers with the Parallel Quadratic Sieve
Features the multiple polynomial quadratic sieve (MPQS) algorithm for factoring large integers and a vectorized factoring function that returns the complete factorization of an integer. The MPQS is based off of the seminal work of Carl Pomerance (1984) <doi:10.1007/3-540-39757-4_17> along with the modification of multiple polynomials introduced by Peter Montgomery and J. Davis as outlined by Robert D. Silverman (1987) <doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-1987-0866119-8>. Utilizes the C library GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic). For smaller integers, a simple Elliptic Curve algorithm is attempted followed by a constrained version of Pollard's rho algorithm. The Pollard's rho algorithm is the same algorithm used by the factorize function in the 'gmp' package.
Maintained by Joseph Wood. Last updated 9 months ago.
37.5 match 13 stars 3.81 score 8 scriptsstla
symbolicQspray:Multivariate Polynomials with Symbolic Parameters in their Coefficients
Introduces the 'symbolicQspray' objects. Such an object represents a multivariate polynomial whose coefficients are fractions of multivariate polynomials with rational coefficients. The package allows arithmetic on such polynomials. It is based on the 'qspray' and 'ratioOfQsprays' packages. Some functions for 'qspray' polynomials have their counterpart for 'symbolicQspray' polynomials. A 'symbolicQspray' polynomial should not be seen as a polynomial on the field of fractions of rational polynomials, but should rather be seen as a polynomial with rational coefficients depending on some parameters, symbolically represented, with a dependence given by fractions of rational polynomials.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 8 months ago.
33.0 match 4.33 score 18 scripts 1 dependentsstla
resultant:Utilities for Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
Computation of resultant, subresultants, greatest common divisor, integral division (aka division without remainder) of two multivariate polynomials with rational coefficients, Sturm-Habicht sequence and square-free factorization of a multivariate polynomial with rational coefficients. The computations are performed by the 'C++' library 'CGAL' (<>). Resultants have applications in polynomial systems solving, number theory, and algebraic geometry. The package also contains some functions computing the number of real roots of a univariate polynomial with rational coefficients, and a function computing the division with remainder of two univariate polynomials with rational coefficients.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 8 months ago.
33.0 match 4.23 score 42 scriptsstla
RationalMatrix:Exact Matrix Algebra for Rational Matrices
Provides functions to deal with matrix algebra for matrices with rational entries: determinant, rank, image and kernel, inverse, Cholesky decomposition. All computations are exact.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
33.0 match 4.03 score 12 scripts 6 dependentsprioritizr
prepr:Automatic Repair of Spatial Polygons
Automatically repair broken spatial polygons using constrained triangulation. The computational methodology is derived from Ledoux et al. (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2014.01.009>.
Maintained by Jeffrey O Hanson. Last updated 3 months ago.
33.0 match 6 stars 4.01 score 17 scriptszhuxr11
hypergeo2:Generalized Hypergeometric Function with Tunable High Precision
Computation of generalized hypergeometric function with tunable high precision in a vectorized manner, with the floating-point datatypes from 'mpfr' or 'gmp' library. The computation is limited to real numbers.
Maintained by Xiurui Zhu. Last updated 5 months ago.
33.5 match 3.65 score 3 scripts 1 dependentsstla
interpolation:Interpolation of Bivariate Functions
Provides two different methods, linear and nonlinear, to interpolate a bivariate function, scalar-valued or vector-valued. The interpolated data are not necessarily gridded. The algorithms are performed by the 'C++' library 'CGAL' (<>).
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 1 years ago.
33.0 match 2 stars 3.48 score 5 scripts 1 dependentsj-ll
GeoFIS:Spatial Data Processing for Decision Making
Methods for processing spatial data for decision-making. This package is an R implementation of methods provided by the open source software GeoFIS <> (Leroux et al. 2018) <doi:10.3390/agriculture8060073>. The main functionalities are the management zone delineation (Pedroso et al. 2010) <doi:10.1016/j.compag.2009.10.007> and data aggregation (Mora-Herrera et al. 2020) <doi:10.1016/j.compag.2020.105624>.
Maintained by Jean-Luc Lablée. Last updated 3 months ago.
33.0 match 3.30 score 8 scriptsstla
Apollonius:2D Apollonius Graphs
Computation of the Apollonius diagram of given 2D points and its dual the Apollonius graph, also known as the additively weighted Voronoï diagram, and which is a generalization of the classical Voronoï diagram. For references, see the bibliography in the CGAL documentation at <>.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 1 years ago.
33.0 match 3 stars 3.18 score 5 scriptshongyuy
sbrl:Scalable Bayesian Rule Lists Model
An efficient implementation of Scalable Bayesian Rule Lists Algorithm, a competitor algorithm for decision tree algorithms; see Hongyu Yang, Cynthia Rudin, Margo Seltzer (2017) <>. It builds from pre-mined association rules and have a logical structure identical to a decision list or one-sided decision tree. Fully optimized over rule lists, this algorithm strikes practical balance between accuracy, interpretability, and computational speed.
Maintained by Hongyu Yang. Last updated 11 months ago.
33.0 match 4 stars 2.11 score 16 scriptsstla
gmpoly:Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
Symbolic calculation (addition or multiplication) and evaluation of multivariate polynomials with rational coefficients.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 3 years ago.
11.0 match 2.85 score 14 scriptsmdbahadur
rhcoclust:Robust Hierarchical Co-Clustering to Identify Significant Co-Cluster
Here we performs robust hierarchical co-clustering between row and column entities of a data matrix in absence and presence of outlying observations. It can be used to explore important co-clusters consisting of important samples and their regulatory significant features. Please see Hasan, Badsha and Mollah (2020) <doi:10.1101/2020.05.13.094946>.
Maintained by Md. Bahadur Badsha. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.4 match 2.70 score 9 scriptsr-forge
DPQmpfr:DPQ (Density, Probability, Quantile) Distribution Computations using MPFR
An extension to the 'DPQ' package with computations for 'DPQ' (Density (pdf), Probability (cdf) and Quantile) functions, where the functions here partly use the 'Rmpfr' package and hence the underlying 'MPFR' and 'GMP' C libraries.
Maintained by Martin Maechler. Last updated 1 months ago.
0.5 match 3.04 score 1 scriptskisungyou
Zseq:Integer Sequence Generator
Generates well-known integer sequences. 'gmp' package is adopted for computing with arbitrarily large numbers. Every function has hyperlink to its corresponding item in OEIS (The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences) in the function help page. For interested readers, see Sloane and Plouffe (1995, ISBN:978-0125586306).
Maintained by Kisung You. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 2.62 score 42 scripts