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glamr:SI Utilities Package

Provides a series of base functions useful to the GH OHA SI team. This includes project setup, pulling from DATIM, and key functions for working with the MSD.

Maintained by Aaron Chafetz. Last updated 6 months ago.

21.8 match 2 stars 7.28 score 1.3k scripts 1 dependents


twitteR:R Based Twitter Client

Provides an interface to the Twitter web API.

Maintained by Jeff Gentry. Last updated 9 years ago.

5.2 match 254 stars 10.18 score 2.0k scripts 1 dependents


restfulr:R Interface to RESTful Web Services

Models a RESTful service as if it were a nested R list.

Maintained by Michael Lawrence. Last updated 3 years ago.

6.0 match 2 stars 6.90 score 8 scripts 482 dependents


hRvstAPI:This is a wrapper for the Harvest REST API v2.

The foremost function of this package is to act as a *convenient* wrapper around the Harvest REST API v2. To that end, the package handles credentials either through the system keyring using the `keyring` package (preferred), or through environment variables written to a local `.Renviron` file. Credential handling can be initiated explicitly, but otherwise happens automatically upon making an API request. This package tries to make accessing the Harvest API as easy as possible. While it does allow some tweaking of the actual HTTP request via function arguments, the primary method for accessing API data is to simply select which resource to query (e.g. "users" will download all users data). *Note, that the default is to only download "active" records.* The reason for this mode of access is that a request usually isn't very big and the typical user will probably want to manipulate the data in a more sophisticated manner for some downstream visualization or other analysis. Building on this premise, the secondary function of this package is to manage the long term storage of API data to minimize remote requests. This is achieved by storing API data in a local SQLite database, for which this package also provides a straightforward way of accessing and updating with new data. There is a companion Shiny application (hRvst) which utilizes this wrapper for Harvest API data access, and perhaps slightly enhances this package.

Maintained by Eric Hunt. Last updated 2 years ago.

11.7 match 1.70 score 1 scripts


hipercow:High Performance Computing

Set up cluster environments and jobs. Moo.

Maintained by Rich FitzJohn. Last updated 12 days ago.

2.0 match 1 stars 6.53 score 45 scripts 1 dependents


manhattanly:Interactive Q-Q and Manhattan Plots Using 'plotly.js'

Create interactive manhattan, Q-Q and volcano plots that are usable from the R console, in 'Dash' apps, in the 'RStudio' viewer pane, in 'R Markdown' documents, and in 'Shiny' apps. Hover the mouse pointer over a point to show details or drag a rectangle to zoom. A manhattan plot is a popular graphical method for visualizing results from high-dimensional data analysis such as a (epi)genome wide association study (GWAS or EWAS), in which p-values, Z-scores, test statistics are plotted on a scatter plot against their genomic position. Manhattan plots are used for visualizing potential regions of interest in the genome that are associated with a phenotype. Interactive manhattan plots allow the inspection of specific value (e.g. rs number or gene name) by hovering the mouse over a cell, as well as zooming into a region of the genome (e.g. a chromosome) by dragging a rectangle around the relevant area. This work is based on the 'qqman' package and the 'plotly.js' engine. It produces similar manhattan and Q-Q plots as the 'manhattan' and 'qq' functions in the 'qqman' package, with the advantage of including extra annotation information and interactive web-based visualizations directly from R. Once uploaded to a 'plotly' account, 'plotly' graphs (and the data behind them) can be viewed and modified in a web browser.

Maintained by Sahir Bhatnagar. Last updated 4 years ago.

1.2 match 60 stars 7.15 score 78 scripts


tweetrbot:Functions for a Twitter bot

Functions to allow retrieve, store and retweet regularly.

Maintained by Sebastien Rochette. Last updated 2 years ago.

1.5 match 3 stars 3.48 score 4 scripts


wubik:Helpful R Functions for Databricks at WashU

This package provides helpful functions for using R on Databricks at WashU.

Maintained by Matthew Schuelke. Last updated 9 months ago.

2.0 match 1.70 score 1 scripts