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ggraptR:Allows Interactive Visualization of Data Through a Web Browser GUI
Intended for both technical and non-technical users to create interactive data visualizations through a web browser GUI without writing any code.
Maintained by Eugene Dubossarsky. Last updated 5 years ago.
9.0 match 76 stars 6.88 score 66 scriptssvmiller
peacesciencer:Tools and Data for Quantitative Peace Science Research
These are useful tools and data sets for the study of quantitative peace science. The goal for this package is to include tools and data sets for doing original research that mimics well what a user would have to previously get from a software package that may not be well-sourced or well-supported. Those software bundles were useful the extent to which they encourage replications of long-standing analyses by starting the data-generating process from scratch. However, a lot of the functionality can be done relatively quickly and more transparently in the R programming language.
Maintained by Steve Miller. Last updated 4 days ago.
10.0 match 29 stars 5.49 score 211 scriptsegnha
gestalt:Tools for Making and Combining Functions
Provides a suite of function-building tools centered around a (forward) composition operator, %>>>%, which extends the semantics of the 'magrittr' %>% operator and supports 'Tidyverse' quasiquotation. It enables you to construct composite functions that can be inspected and transformed as list-like objects. In conjunction with %>>>%, a compact function constructor, fn(), and a partial-application constructor, partial(), are also provided; both support quasiquotation.
Maintained by Eugene Ha. Last updated 3 years ago.
9.4 match 38 stars 5.53 score 18 scriptsegnha
valaddin:Functional Input Validation
A set of basic tools to transform functions into functions with input validation checks, in a manner suitable for both programmatic and interactive use.
Maintained by Eugene Ha. Last updated 1 years ago.
9.4 match 33 stars 5.39 score 15 scriptsegnha
nofrills:Low-Cost Anonymous Functions
Provides a compact variation of the usual syntax of function declaration, in order to support tidyverse-style quasiquotation of a function's arguments and body.
Maintained by Eugene Ha. Last updated 3 years ago.
9.4 match 40 stars 4.30 score 7 scriptsegnha
dub:Unpacking Assignment for Lists via Pattern Matching
Provides an operator for assigning nested components of a list to names via a concise pattern matching syntax. This is especially convenient for assigning individual names to the multiple values that a function may return in the form of a list, and for extracting deeply nested list components.
Maintained by Eugene Ha. Last updated 6 years ago.
9.4 match 10 stars 3.70 score 4 scriptscran Wrapper for '' API
An R wrapper for '' <> which provides users capabilities to work with '' using the R environment. Users can create Bayesian network models from scratch or import existing models in R and export to '' cloud or local API for calculations. Note: running calculations requires a valid '' API license (past the initial trial period of the local API).
Maintained by Eugene Dementiev. Last updated 1 years ago.
9.1 match 3.54 scoreyihui
formatR:Format R Code Automatically
Provides a function tidy_source() to format R source code. Spaces and indent will be added to the code automatically, and comments will be preserved under certain conditions, so that R code will be more human-readable and tidy. There is also a Shiny app as a user interface in this package (see tidy_app()).
Maintained by Yihui Xie. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.6 match 259 stars 15.07 score 1.4k scripts 1.2k dependentsimmunomind
immunarch:Bioinformatics Analysis of T-Cell and B-Cell Immune Repertoires
A comprehensive framework for bioinformatics exploratory analysis of bulk and single-cell T-cell receptor and antibody repertoires. It provides seamless data loading, analysis and visualisation for AIRR (Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire) data, both bulk immunosequencing (RepSeq) and single-cell sequencing (scRNAseq). Immunarch implements most of the widely used AIRR analysis methods, such as: clonality analysis, estimation of repertoire similarities in distribution of clonotypes and gene segments, repertoire diversity analysis, annotation of clonotypes using external immune receptor databases and clonotype tracking in vaccination and cancer studies. A successor to our previously published 'tcR' immunoinformatics package (Nazarov 2015) <doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0613-1>.
Maintained by Vadim I. Nazarov. Last updated 12 months ago.
1.5 match 315 stars 9.49 score 203 scriptscran
bibliometrixData:Bibliometrix Example Datasets
It contains some example datasets used in 'bibliometrix'. The data are bibliographic datasets exported from the 'SCOPUS' (<>) and 'Clarivate Analytics Web of Science' (<>) databases. They can be used to test the different features of the package 'bibliometrix' (<>).
Maintained by Massimo Aria. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.0 match 2.92 score 3 dependentstimothy-barry
ondisc:Algorithms and data structures for large single-cell expression matrices
Single-cell datasets are growing in size, posing challenges as well as opportunities for genomics researchers. `ondisc` is an R package that facilitates analysis of large-scale single-cell data out-of-core on a laptop or distributed across tens to hundreds processors on a cluster or cloud. In both of these settings, `ondisc` requires only a few gigabytes of memory, even if the input data are tens of gigabytes in size. `ondisc` mainly is oriented toward single-cell CRISPR screen analysis, but ondisc also can be used for single-cell differential expression and single-cell co-expression analyses. ondisc is powered by several new, efficient algorithms for manipulating and querying large, sparse expression matrices.
Maintained by Timothy Barry. Last updated 11 months ago.
1.6 match 11 stars 5.13 score 62 scriptscyrillagger
scDiffCom:Differential Analysis of Intercellular Communication from scRNA-Seq Data
Analysis tools to investigate changes in intercellular communication from scRNA-seq data. Using a Seurat object as input, the package infers which cell-cell interactions are present in the dataset and how these interactions change between two conditions of interest (e.g. young vs old). It relies on an internal database of ligand-receptor interactions (available for human, mouse and rat) that have been gathered from several published studies. Detection and differential analyses rely on permutation tests. The package also contains several tools to perform over-representation analysis and visualize the results. See Lagger, C. et al. (2023) <doi:10.1038/s43587-023-00514-x> for a full description of the methodology.
Maintained by Cyril Lagger. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.6 match 21 stars 4.25 score 17 scriptsanttsou
qmj:Quality Scores for the Russell 3000
Produces quality scores for each of the US companies from the Russell 3000, following the approach described in "Quality Minus Junk" (Asness, Frazzini, & Pedersen, 2013) <>. The package includes datasets for users who wish to view the most recently uploaded quality scores. It also provides tools to automatically gather relevant financials and stock price information, allowing users to update their data and customize their universe for further analysis.
Maintained by Yanrong Song. Last updated 26 days ago.
1.6 match 9 stars 4.03 score 2 scriptsrcurtin
mlpack:'Rcpp' Integration for the 'mlpack' Library
A fast, flexible machine learning library, written in C++, that aims to provide fast, extensible implementations of cutting-edge machine learning algorithms. See also Curtin et al. (2023) <doi:10.21105/joss.05026>.
Maintained by Ryan Curtin. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.5 match 3.71 score 20 scripts 8 dependentsr-forge
RobExtremes:Optimally Robust Estimation for Extreme Value Distributions
Optimally robust estimation for extreme value distributions using S4 classes and methods (based on packages 'distr', 'distrEx', 'distrMod', 'RobAStBase', and 'ROptEst'); the underlying theoretic results can be found in Ruckdeschel and Horbenko, (2013 and 2012), \doi{10.1080/02331888.2011.628022} and \doi{10.1007/s00184-011-0366-4}.
Maintained by Peter Ruckdeschel. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.5 match 3.67 score 39 scriptsr-forge
RobAStRDA:Interpolation Grids for Packages of the 'RobASt' - Family of Packages
Includes 'sysdata.rda' file for packages of the 'RobASt' - family of packages; is currently used by package 'RobExtremes' only.
Maintained by Peter Ruckdeschel. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.5 match 3.56 score 1 dependentsdkimstatlab
SynchWave:Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform
The synchrosqueezed wavelet transform is implemented. The package is a translation of MATLAB Synchrosqueezing Toolbox, version 1.1 originally developed by Eugene Brevdo (2012). The C code for curve_ext was authored by Jianfeng Lu, and translated to Fortran by Dongik Jang. Synchrosqueezing is based on the papers: [1] Daubechies, I., Lu, J. and Wu, H. T. (2011) Synchrosqueezed wavelet transforms: An empirical mode decomposition-like tool. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 30. 243-261. [2] Thakur, G., Brevdo, E., Fukar, N. S. and Wu, H-T. (2013) The Synchrosqueezing algorithm for time-varying spectral analysis: Robustness properties and new paleoclimate applications. Signal Processing, 93, 1079-1094.
Maintained by Donghoh Kim. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.1 match 2 stars 2.08 score 20 scripts 1 dependentsbuybnb
GIC:A General Iterative Clustering Algorithm
An iterative algorithm that improves the proximity matrix (PM) from a random forest (RF) and the resulting clusters as measured by the silhouette score.
Maintained by Ziqiang Lin. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.7 match 1.70 scorecran
csn:Closed Skew-Normal Distribution
Provides functions for computing the density and the log-likelihood function of closed-skew normal variates, and for generating random vectors sampled from this distribution. See Gonzalez-Farias, G., Dominguez-Molina, J., and Gupta, A. (2004). The closed skew normal distribution, Skew-elliptical distributions and their applications: a journey beyond normality, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 25-42.
Maintained by Dmitry Pavlyuk. Last updated 10 years ago.
1.9 match 1.00 scorecran
CRWRM:Changing the Reference Group without Re-Running the Model
To re-calculate the coefficients and the standard deviation when changing the reference group.
Maintained by Ziqiang Lin. Last updated 6 years ago.
1.6 match 1.00 score