Showing 200 of total 610 results (show query)


MolgenisArmadillo:Armadillo Client for the Armadillo Service

A set of functions to manage data shared on a 'MOLGENIS Armadillo' server.

Maintained by Mariska Slofstra. Last updated 17 days ago.


19.2 match 3 stars 7.51 score 28 scripts


naomi.resources:Data dependencies for Naomi output generation

Makes data for Naomi output generation as an R package.

Maintained by Rachel Esra. Last updated 1 years ago.

39.4 match 2.18 score 1 scripts


rmarkdown:Dynamic Documents for R

Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats.

Maintained by Yihui Xie. Last updated 4 months ago.


3.7 match 2.9k stars 21.79 score 14k scripts 3.7k dependents



Find, subset, and retrive geospatial data by AOI.

Maintained by Mike Johnson. Last updated 3 months ago.


9.1 match 187 stars 8.74 score 156 scripts 1 dependents


rstudioapi:Safely Access the RStudio API

Access the RStudio API (if available) and provide informative error messages when it's not.

Maintained by Kevin Ushey. Last updated 4 months ago.

3.6 match 172 stars 18.81 score 3.6k scripts 2.1k dependents


brglm2:Bias Reduction in Generalized Linear Models

Estimation and inference from generalized linear models based on various methods for bias reduction and maximum penalized likelihood with powers of the Jeffreys prior as penalty. The 'brglmFit' fitting method can achieve reduction of estimation bias by solving either the mean bias-reducing adjusted score equations in Firth (1993) <doi:10.1093/biomet/80.1.27> and Kosmidis and Firth (2009) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asp055>, or the median bias-reduction adjusted score equations in Kenne et al. (2017) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asx046>, or through the direct subtraction of an estimate of the bias of the maximum likelihood estimator from the maximum likelihood estimates as in Cordeiro and McCullagh (1991) <>. See Kosmidis et al (2020) <doi:10.1007/s11222-019-09860-6> for more details. Estimation in all cases takes place via a quasi Fisher scoring algorithm, and S3 methods for the construction of of confidence intervals for the reduced-bias estimates are provided. In the special case of generalized linear models for binomial and multinomial responses (both ordinal and nominal), the adjusted score approaches to mean and media bias reduction have been found to return estimates with improved frequentist properties, that are also always finite, even in cases where the maximum likelihood estimates are infinite (e.g. complete and quasi-complete separation; see Kosmidis and Firth, 2020 <doi:10.1093/biomet/asaa052>, for a proof for mean bias reduction in logistic regression).

Maintained by Ioannis Kosmidis. Last updated 6 months ago.


6.5 match 32 stars 10.41 score 106 scripts 10 dependents


HSClientR:A HydroShare API client for R

A RESTful API wrapper for accessing <> data in R.

Maintained by Justin Singh-Mohudpur. Last updated 4 years ago.


23.2 match 4 stars 2.30 score 2 scripts


simmer.bricks:Helper Methods for 'simmer' Trajectories

Provides wrappers for common activity patterns in 'simmer' trajectories.

Maintained by Iñaki Ucar. Last updated 2 years ago.


8.0 match 6 stars 5.64 score 49 scripts 1 dependents


opendatatoronto:Access the City of Toronto Open Data Portal

Access data from the "City of Toronto Open Data Portal" (<>) directly from R.

Maintained by Sharla Gelfand. Last updated 3 years ago.

5.7 match 63 stars 7.49 score 486 scripts


processmapR:Construct Process Maps Using Event Data

Visualize event logs using directed graphs, i.e. process maps. Part of the 'bupaR' framework.

Maintained by Gert Janssenswillen. Last updated 7 months ago.


4.5 match 9 stars 7.70 score 169 scripts 3 dependents


hipercow:High Performance Computing

Set up cluster environments and jobs. Moo.

Maintained by Rich FitzJohn. Last updated 12 days ago.

5.0 match 1 stars 6.53 score 45 scripts 1 dependents


cleancall:C Resource Cleanup via Exit Handlers

Wrapper of .Call() that runs exit handlers to clean up C resources. Helps managing C (non-R) resources while using the R API.

Maintained by Gábor Csárdi. Last updated 4 months ago.

5.5 match 19 stars 5.53 score 1 scripts 2 dependents


googledrive:An Interface to Google Drive

Manage Google Drive files from R.

Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 7 months ago.


2.0 match 329 stars 14.97 score 2.1k scripts 164 dependents


stplanr:Sustainable Transport Planning

Tools for transport planning with an emphasis on spatial transport data and non-motorized modes. The package was originally developed to support the 'Propensity to Cycle Tool', a publicly available strategic cycle network planning tool (Lovelace et al. 2017) <doi:10.5198/jtlu.2016.862>, but has since been extended to support public transport routing and accessibility analysis (Moreno-Monroy et al. 2017) <doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2017.08.012> and routing with locally hosted routing engines such as 'OSRM' (Lowans et al. 2023) <doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117337>. The main functions are for creating and manipulating geographic "desire lines" from origin-destination (OD) data (building on the 'od' package); calculating routes on the transport network locally and via interfaces to routing services such as <> (Desjardins et al. 2021) <doi:10.1007/s11116-021-10197-1>; and calculating route segment attributes such as bearing. The package implements the 'travel flow aggregration' method described in Morgan and Lovelace (2020) <doi:10.1177/2399808320942779> and the 'OD jittering' method described in Lovelace et al. (2022) <doi:10.32866/001c.33873>. Further information on the package's aim and scope can be found in the vignettes and in a paper in the R Journal (Lovelace and Ellison 2018) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-053>, and in a paper outlining the landscape of open source software for geographic methods in transport planning (Lovelace, 2021) <doi:10.1007/s10109-020-00342-2>.

Maintained by Robin Lovelace. Last updated 7 months ago.


2.0 match 427 stars 12.31 score 684 scripts 3 dependents


weatherOz:An API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources

Provides automated downloading, parsing and formatting of weather data for Australia through API endpoints provided by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development ('DPIRD') of Western Australia and by the Science and Technology Division of the Queensland Government's Department of Environment and Science ('DES'). As well as the Bureau of Meteorology ('BOM') of the Australian government precis and coastal forecasts, and downloading and importing radar and satellite imagery files. 'DPIRD' weather data are accessed through public 'APIs' provided by 'DPIRD', <>, providing access to weather station data from the 'DPIRD' weather station network. Australia-wide weather data are based on data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology ('BOM') data and accessed through 'SILO' (Scientific Information for Land Owners) Jeffrey et al. (2001) <doi:10.1016/S1364-8152(01)00008-1>. 'DPIRD' data are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence (CC BY 3.0 AU) license <>. SILO data are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0) <>. 'BOM' data are (c) Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology and released under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 3.0 licence or Public Access Licence ('PAL') as appropriate, see <> for further details.

Maintained by Rodrigo Pires. Last updated 20 days ago.


2.9 match 32 stars 8.54 score 40 scripts


tm:Text Mining Package

A framework for text mining applications within R.

Maintained by Kurt Hornik. Last updated 26 days ago.


1.9 match 12.96 score 14k scripts 101 dependents


igvR:igvR: integrative genomics viewer

Access to igv.js, the Integrative Genomics Viewer running in a web browser.

Maintained by Arkadiusz Gladki. Last updated 5 months ago.


2.4 match 43 stars 8.31 score 118 scripts


reschola:The Schola Empirica Package

A collection of utilies, themes and templates for data analysis at Schola Empirica.

Maintained by Jan Netík. Last updated 5 months ago.

4.0 match 4 stars 4.83 score 14 scripts