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mirai:Minimalist Async Evaluation Framework for R
Designed for simplicity, a 'mirai' evaluates an R expression asynchronously in a parallel process, locally or distributed over the network. The result is automatically available upon completion. Modern networking and concurrency, built on 'nanonext' and 'NNG' (Nanomsg Next Gen), ensures reliable and efficient scheduling over fast inter-process communications or TCP/IP secured by TLS. Distributed computing can launch remote resources via SSH or cluster managers. An inherently queued architecture handles many more tasks than available processes, and requires no storage on the file system. Innovative features include support for otherwise non-exportable reference objects, event-driven promises, and asynchronous parallel map.
Maintained by Charlie Gao. Last updated 2 days ago.
10.5 match 217 stars 11.94 score 130 scripts 7 dependentsshikokuchuo
nanonext:NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library
R binding for NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen), a successor to ZeroMQ. NNG is a socket library for reliable, high-performance messaging over in-process, IPC, TCP, WebSocket and secure TLS transports. Implements 'Scalability Protocols', a standard for common communications patterns including publish/subscribe, request/reply and service discovery. As its own threaded concurrency framework, provides a toolkit for asynchronous programming and distributed computing. Intuitive 'aio' objects resolve automatically when asynchronous operations complete, and synchronisation primitives allow R to wait upon events signalled by concurrent threads.
Maintained by Charlie Gao. Last updated 1 days ago.
12.3 match 60 stars 9.81 score 28 scripts 9 dependentsstatnet
ergm:Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks
An integrated set of tools to analyze and simulate networks based on exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs). 'ergm' is a part of the Statnet suite of packages for network analysis. See Hunter, Handcock, Butts, Goodreau, and Morris (2008) <doi:10.18637/jss.v024.i03> and Krivitsky, Hunter, Morris, and Klumb (2023) <doi:10.18637/jss.v105.i06>.
Maintained by Pavel N. Krivitsky. Last updated 6 days ago.
7.4 match 100 stars 15.36 score 1.4k scripts 36 dependentszhaoyi1026
cfma:Causal Functional Mediation Analysis
Performs causal functional mediation analysis (CFMA) for functional treatment, functional mediator, and functional outcome. This package includes two functional mediation model types: (1) a concurrent mediation model and (2) a historical influence mediation model. See Zhao et al. (2018), Functional Mediation Analysis with an Application to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data, <arXiv:1805.06923> for details.
Maintained by Yi Zhao. Last updated 5 years ago.
15.5 match 3 stars 3.18 score 8 scriptsjeroen
curl:A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R
Bindings to 'libcurl' <> for performing fully configurable HTTP/FTP requests where responses can be processed in memory, on disk, or streaming via the callback or connection interfaces. Some knowledge of 'libcurl' is recommended; for a more-user-friendly web client see the 'httr2' package which builds on this package with http specific tools and logic.
Maintained by Jeroen Ooms. Last updated 22 days ago.
2.0 match 225 stars 19.95 score 4.0k scripts 5.8k dependentsfunctionaldata
fdaconcur:Concurrent Regression and History Index Models for Functional Data
Provides an implementation of concurrent or varying coefficient regression methods for functional data. The implementations are done for both dense and sparsely observed functional data. Pointwise confidence bands can be constructed for each case. Further, the influence of past predictor values are modeled by a smooth history index function, while the effects on the response are described by smooth varying coefficient functions, which are very useful in analyzing real data such as COVID data. References: Yao, F., Müller, H.G., Wang, J.L. (2005) <doi: 10.1214/009053605000000660>. Sentürk, D., Müller, H.G. (2010) <doi: 10.1198/jasa.2010.tm09228>.
Maintained by Su I Iao. Last updated 1 years ago.
13.4 match 2.48 score 1 scriptspavlakrotka
NCC:Simulation and Analysis of Platform Trials with Non-Concurrent Controls
Design and analysis of flexible platform trials with non-concurrent controls. Functions for data generation, analysis, visualization and running simulation studies are provided. The implemented analysis methods are described in: Bofill Roig et al. (2022) <doi:10.1186/s12874-022-01683-w>, Saville et al. (2022) <doi:10.1177/17407745221112013> and Schmidli et al. (2014) <doi:10.1111/biom.12242>.
Maintained by Pavla Krotka. Last updated 6 days ago.
4.6 match 5 stars 6.64 score 29 scriptsjenniniku
gllvm:Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models
Analysis of multivariate data using generalized linear latent variable models (gllvm). Estimation is performed using either the Laplace method, variational approximations, or extended variational approximations, implemented via TMB (Kristensen et al. (2016), <doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i05>).
Maintained by Jenni Niku. Last updated 2 days ago.
2.8 match 51 stars 10.52 score 176 scripts 1 dependentscran
RCurl:General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R
A wrapper for 'libcurl' <> Provides functions to allow one to compose general HTTP requests and provides convenient functions to fetch URIs, get & post forms, etc. and process the results returned by the Web server. This provides a great deal of control over the HTTP/FTP/... connection and the form of the request while providing a higher-level interface than is available just using R socket connections. Additionally, the underlying implementation is robust and extensive, supporting FTP/FTPS/TFTP (uploads and downloads), SSL/HTTPS, telnet, dict, ldap, and also supports cookies, redirects, authentication, etc.
Maintained by CRAN Team. Last updated 8 months ago.
3.5 match 2 stars 8.13 score 1.0k dependentsramhiser
itertools2:Iterators for efficient looping
A port of Python's excellent itertools module to R for efficient looping.
Maintained by John A. Ramey. Last updated 9 years ago.
5.3 match 12 stars 5.10 score 35 scripts 2 dependentsr-forge
SpatialExtremes:Modelling Spatial Extremes
Tools for the statistical modelling of spatial extremes using max-stable processes, copula or Bayesian hierarchical models. More precisely, this package allows (conditional) simulations from various parametric max-stable models, analysis of the extremal spatial dependence, the fitting of such processes using composite likelihoods or least square (simple max-stable processes only), model checking and selection and prediction. Other approaches (although not completely in agreement with the extreme value theory) are available such as the use of (spatial) copula and Bayesian hierarchical models assuming the so-called conditional assumptions. The latter approaches is handled through an (efficient) Gibbs sampler. Some key references: Davison et al. (2012) <doi:10.1214/11-STS376>, Padoan et al. (2010) <doi:10.1198/jasa.2009.tm08577>, Dombry et al. (2013) <doi:10.1093/biomet/ass067>.
Maintained by Mathieu Ribatet. Last updated 11 months ago.
4.7 match 5.36 score 189 scripts 2 dependentsandrew-leroux
fcr:Functional Concurrent Regression for Sparse Data
Dynamic prediction in functional concurrent regression with an application to child growth. Extends the pffr() function from the 'refund' package to handle the scenario where the functional response and concurrently measured functional predictor are irregularly measured. Leroux et al. (2017), Statistics in Medicine, <doi:10.1002/sim.7582>.
Maintained by Andrew Leroux. Last updated 7 years ago.
11.4 match 2.15 score 14 scriptsjwood000
RcppAlgos:High Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics
Provides optimized functions and flexible iterators implemented in C++ for solving problems in combinatorics and computational mathematics. Handles various combinatorial objects including combinations, permutations, integer partitions and compositions, Cartesian products, unordered Cartesian products, and partition of groups. Utilizes the RMatrix class from 'RcppParallel' for thread safety. The combination and permutation functions contain constraint parameters that allow for generation of all results of a vector meeting specific criteria (e.g. finding all combinations such that the sum is between two bounds). Capable of ranking/unranking combinatorial objects efficiently (e.g. retrieve only the nth lexicographical result) which sets up nicely for parallelization as well as random sampling. Gmp support permits exploration where the total number of results is large (e.g. comboSample(10000, 500, n = 4)). Additionally, there are several high performance number theoretic functions that are useful for problems common in computational mathematics. Some of these functions make use of the fast integer division library 'libdivide'. The primeSieve function is based on the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes implementation by Kim Walisch. It is also efficient for large numbers by using the cache friendly improvements originally developed by Tomás Oliveira. Finally, there is a prime counting function that implements Legendre's formula based on the work of Kim Walisch.
Maintained by Joseph Wood. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.9 match 45 stars 10.04 score 153 scripts 12 dependentsweberse2
OncoBayes2:Bayesian Logistic Regression for Oncology Dose-Escalation Trials
Bayesian logistic regression model with optional EXchangeability-NonEXchangeability parameter modelling for flexible borrowing from historical or concurrent data-sources. The safety model can guide dose-escalation decisions for adaptive oncology Phase I dose-escalation trials which involve an arbitrary number of drugs. Please refer to Neuenschwander et al. (2008) <doi:10.1002/sim.3230> and Neuenschwander et al. (2016) <doi:10.1080/19466315.2016.1174149> for details on the methodology.
Maintained by Sebastian Weber. Last updated 14 days ago.
8.6 match 2.18 score 15 scriptsr-lidar
lasR:Fast and Pipeable Airborne LiDAR Data Tools
Fast and pipeable airborne lidar processing tools. Read/write 'las' and 'laz' files, computation of metrics in area based approach, point filtering, normalization, individual tree segmentation and other manipulations in a powerful and versatile processing chain.
Maintained by Jean-Romain Roussel. Last updated 21 days ago.
2.7 match 17 stars 6.76 score 26 scriptsschnorr
starvz:R-Based Visualization Techniques for Task-Based Applications
Performance analysis workflow that combines the power of the R language (and the tidyverse realm) and many auxiliary tools to provide a consistent, flexible, extensible, fast, and versatile framework for the performance analysis of task-based applications that run on top of the StarPU runtime (with its MPI (Message Passing Interface) layer for multi-node support). Its goal is to provide a fruitful prototypical environment to conduct performance analysis hypothesis-checking for task-based applications that run on heterogeneous (multi-GPU, multi-core) multi-node HPC (High-performance computing) platforms.
Maintained by Lucas Leandro Nesi. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.5 match 13 stars 4.94 score 27 scriptsrsetienne
DAISIE:Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction
Simulates and computes the (maximum) likelihood of a dynamical model of island biota assembly through speciation, immigration and extinction. See Valente et al. (2015) <doi:10.1111/ele.12461>.
Maintained by Rampal S. Etienne. Last updated 1 months ago.
2.0 match 9 stars 8.59 score 55 scripts 1 dependentsfcharte
mldr:Exploratory Data Analysis and Manipulation of Multi-Label Data Sets
Exploratory data analysis and manipulation functions for multi- label data sets along with an interactive Shiny application to ease their use.
Maintained by David Charte. Last updated 5 years ago.
1.9 match 23 stars 7.07 score 168 scripts 2 dependentsarchaeostat
ArchaeoPhases:Post-Processing of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations for Chronological Modelling
Statistical analysis of archaeological dates and groups of dates. This package allows to post-process Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations from 'ChronoModel' <>, 'Oxcal' <> or 'BCal' <>. It provides functions for the study of rhythms of the long term from the posterior distribution of a series of dates (tempo and activity plot). It also allows the estimation and visualization of time ranges from the posterior distribution of groups of dates (e.g. duration, transition and hiatus between successive phases) as described in Philippe and Vibet (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.c01>.
Maintained by Anne Philippe. Last updated 11 months ago.
1.8 match 10 stars 6.90 score 66 scriptscran
notebookutils:Dummy R APIs Used in 'Azure Synapse Analytics' for Local Developments
This is a pure dummy interfaces package which mirrors 'MsSparkUtils' APIs <> of 'Azure Synapse Analytics' <> for R users, customer of Azure Synapse can download this package from CRAN for local development.
Maintained by runtimeexp. Last updated 11 months ago.
5.0 match 2.36 score 23 scriptsemcramer
CHOIRBM:Plots the CHOIR Body Map
Collection of utility functions for visualizing body map data collected with the Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry.
Maintained by Eric Cramer. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.0 match 5 stars 5.51 score 26 scriptsbernice0321
OrdNor:Concurrent Generation of Ordinal and Normal Data with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions
Implementation of a procedure for generating samples from a mixed distribution of ordinal and normal random variables with a pre-specified correlation matrix and marginal distributions. The details of the method are explained in Demirtas et al. (2015) <DOI:10.1080/10543406.2014.920868>.
Maintained by Ran Gao. Last updated 4 years ago.
4.4 match 2 stars 2.38 score 9 scripts 4 dependentscrowding
iterors:Fast, Compact Iterators and Tools
A fresh take on iterators in R. Designed to be cross-compatible with the 'iterators' package, but using the 'nextOr' method will offer better performance as well as more compact code. With batteries included: includes a collection of iterator constructors and combinators ported and refined from the 'iterators', 'itertools', and 'itertools2' packages.
Maintained by Peter Meilstrup. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.7 match 4 stars 6.02 score 21 scriptscivisanalytics
civis:R Client for the 'Civis Platform API'
A convenient interface for making requests directly to the 'Civis Platform API' <>. Full documentation available 'here' <>.
Maintained by Peter Cooman. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.3 match 16 stars 7.84 score 144 scriptsbernice0321
BinOrdNonNor:Concurrent Generation of Binary, Ordinal and Continuous Data
Generation of samples from a mix of binary, ordinal and continuous random variables with a pre-specified correlation matrix and marginal distributions. The details of the method are explained in Demirtas et al. (2012) <DOI:10.1002/sim.5362>.
Maintained by Ran Gao. Last updated 4 years ago.
4.7 match 2.00 score 11 scripts 3 dependentsrefunders
refund.shiny:Interactive Plotting for Functional Data Analyses
Produces Shiny applications for different types of popular functional data analyses. The functional data analyses are implemented in the refund package, then refund.shiny reads in the refund object and implements an object-specific set of plots based on the object class using S3.
Maintained by Julia Wrobel. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.8 match 4 stars 4.91 score 45 scriptssndmrc
BasketballAnalyzeR:Analysis and Visualization of Basketball Data
Contains data and code to accompany the book P. Zuccolotto and M. Manisera (2020) Basketball Data Science. Applications with R. CRC Press. ISBN 9781138600799.
Maintained by Marco Sandri. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.7 match 35 stars 4.83 score 39 scriptsjwood000
RcppBigIntAlgos:Factor Big Integers with the Parallel Quadratic Sieve
Features the multiple polynomial quadratic sieve (MPQS) algorithm for factoring large integers and a vectorized factoring function that returns the complete factorization of an integer. The MPQS is based off of the seminal work of Carl Pomerance (1984) <doi:10.1007/3-540-39757-4_17> along with the modification of multiple polynomials introduced by Peter Montgomery and J. Davis as outlined by Robert D. Silverman (1987) <doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-1987-0866119-8>. Utilizes the C library GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic). For smaller integers, a simple Elliptic Curve algorithm is attempted followed by a constrained version of Pollard's rho algorithm. The Pollard's rho algorithm is the same algorithm used by the factorize function in the 'gmp' package.
Maintained by Joseph Wood. Last updated 10 months ago.
1.9 match 13 stars 3.81 score 8 scriptsdoer0
ibd:Incomplete Block Designs
A collection of several utility functions related to binary incomplete block designs. Contains function to generate A- and D-efficient binary incomplete block designs with given numbers of treatments, number of blocks and block size. Contains function to generate an incomplete block design with specified concurrence matrix. There are functions to generate balanced treatment incomplete block designs and incomplete block designs for test versus control treatments comparisons with specified concurrence matrix. Allows performing analysis of variance of data and computing estimated marginal means of factors from experiments using a connected incomplete block design. Tests of hypothesis of treatment contrasts in incomplete block design set up is supported.
Maintained by B N Mandal. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.4 match 2.95 score 33 scripts 3 dependentskwstat
connected:Visualize and Improve Connectedness of Factors in Tables
Visualize the connectedness of factors in two-way tables. Perform two-way filtering to improve the degree of connectedness. See Weeks & Williams (1964) <doi:10.1080/00401706.1964.10490188>.
Maintained by Kevin Wright. Last updated 12 days ago.
1.7 match 4.18 scorepaolo-vergo
conformalInference.fd:Tools for Conformal Inference for Regression in Multivariate Functional Setting
It computes full conformal, split conformal and multi split conformal prediction regions when the response has functional nature. Moreover, the package also contain a plot function to visualize the output of the split conformal. To guarantee consistency, the package structure mimics the univariate 'conformalInference' package of professor Ryan Tibshirani. The main references for the code are: Diquigiovanni, Fontana, and Vantini (2021) <arXiv:2102.06746>, Diquigiovanni, Fontana, and Vantini (2021) <arXiv:2106.01792>, Solari, and Djordjilovic (2021) <arXiv:2103.00627>.
Maintained by Paolo Vergottini. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.9 match 1.36 score 23 scriptsr-lib
coro:'Coroutines' for R
Provides 'coroutines' for R, a family of functions that can be suspended and resumed later on. This includes 'async' functions (which await) and generators (which yield). 'Async' functions are based on the concurrency framework of the 'promises' package. Generators are based on a dependency free iteration protocol defined in 'coro' and are compatible with iterators from the 'reticulate' package.
Maintained by Lionel Henry. Last updated 20 days ago.
0.5 match 166 stars 11.88 score 105 scripts 50 dependentsjohndharrison
RSauceLabs:R Wrapper for 'SauceLabs' REST API
Retrieve, update, delete job information from <>. Poll the 'SauceLabs' services current status and access supported platforms. Send and retrieve files from 'SauceLabs' and manage tunnels associated with 'SauceConnect'.
Maintained by John Harrison. Last updated 8 years ago.
1.9 match 3.20 score 32 scriptscvandergeugten
TimeVarConcurrentModel:Concurrent Multivariate Models with Time-Varying Coefficients
Provides a hypothesis test and variable selection algorithm for use in time-varying, concurrent regression models. The hypothesis test function is also accompanied by a plotting function which will show the estimated beta(s) and confidence band(s) from the hypothesis test. The hypothesis test function helps the user identify significant covariates within the scope of a time-varying concurrent model. The plots will show the amount of area that falls outside the confidence band(s) which is used for the test statistic within the hypothesis test.
Maintained by Chance Vandergeugten. Last updated 3 years ago.
5.4 match 1.00 scorer-lib
urlchecker:Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions
Provide the URL checking tools available in R 4.1+ as a package for earlier versions of R. Also uses concurrent requests so can be much faster than the serial versions.
Maintained by Gábor Csárdi. Last updated 7 months ago.
0.5 match 47 stars 10.00 score 15 scripts 151 dependentsjenfb
bkmr:Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression
Implementation of a statistical approach for estimating the joint health effects of multiple concurrent exposures, as described in Bobb et al (2015) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxu058>.
Maintained by Jennifer F. Bobb. Last updated 4 months ago.
0.5 match 55 stars 7.03 score 182 scripts 1 dependentsrstudio
shinyloadtest:Load Test Shiny Applications
Assesses the number of concurrent users 'shiny' applications are capable of supporting, and for directing application changes in order to support a higher number of users. Provides facilities for recording 'shiny' application sessions, playing recorded sessions against a target server at load, and analyzing the resulting metrics.
Maintained by Barret Schloerke. Last updated 7 months ago.
0.5 match 112 stars 7.14 score 61 scriptsalexpkeil1
bkmrhat:Parallel Chain Tools for Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression
Bayesian kernel machine regression (from the 'bkmr' package) is a Bayesian semi-parametric generalized linear model approach under identity and probit links. There are a number of functions in this package that extend Bayesian kernel machine regression fits to allow multiple-chain inference and diagnostics, which leverage functions from the 'future', 'rstan', and 'coda' packages. Reference: Bobb, J. F., Henn, B. C., Valeri, L., & Coull, B. A. (2018). Statistical software for analyzing the health effects of multiple concurrent exposures via Bayesian kernel machine regression. ; <doi:10.1186/s12940-018-0413-y>.
Maintained by Alexander Keil. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 7 stars 4.54 score 10 scriptscran
EDISON:Network Reconstruction and Changepoint Detection
Package EDISON (Estimation of Directed Interactions from Sequences Of Non-homogeneous gene expression) runs an MCMC simulation to reconstruct networks from time series data, using a non-homogeneous, time-varying dynamic Bayesian network. Networks segments and changepoints are inferred concurrently, and information sharing priors provide a reduction of the inference uncertainty.
Maintained by Frank Dondelinger. Last updated 9 years ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 2.62 score 1 dependentsdiegogallardo87
PScr:Estimation for the Power Series Cure Rate Model
Provide estimation for particular cases of the power series cure rate model <doi:10.1080/03610918.2011.639971>. For the distribution of the concurrent causes the alternative models are the Poisson, logarithmic, negative binomial and Bernoulli (which are includes in the original work), the polylogarithm model <doi:10.1080/00949655.2018.1451850> and the Flory-Schulz <doi:10.3390/math10244643>. The estimation procedure is based on the EM algorithm discussed in <doi:10.1080/03610918.2016.1202276>. For the distribution of the time-to-event the alternative models are slash half-normal, Weibull, gamma and Birnbaum-Saunders distributions.
Maintained by Diego Gallardo. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 1.00 score