Showing 200 of total 607 results (show query)


desc:Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files

Tools to read, write, create, and manipulate DESCRIPTION files. It is intended for packages that create or manipulate other packages.

Maintained by Gábor Csárdi. Last updated 1 months ago.

13.2 match 123 stars 14.68 score 409 scripts 1.1k dependents


xfun:Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'

Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by 'Yihui Xie'.

Maintained by Yihui Xie. Last updated 3 days ago.

7.7 match 145 stars 18.18 score 916 scripts 4.4k dependents


R.utils:Various Programming Utilities

Utility functions useful when programming and developing R packages.

Maintained by Henrik Bengtsson. Last updated 1 years ago.

9.1 match 63 stars 13.74 score 5.7k scripts 814 dependents


riskmetric:Risk Metrics to Evaluating R Packages

Facilities for assessing R packages against a number of metrics to help quantify their robustness.

Maintained by Eli Miller. Last updated 9 days ago.

10.5 match 167 stars 8.89 score 43 scripts


rStrava:Access the 'Strava' API

Functions to access data from the 'Strava v3 API' <>.

Maintained by Marcus W. Beck. Last updated 5 months ago.

10.8 match 155 stars 7.15 score 57 scripts


xopen:Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything

Cross platform solution to open files, directories or 'URLs' with their associated programs.

Maintained by Gábor Csárdi. Last updated 4 months ago.

5.4 match 31 stars 10.00 score 40 scripts 161 dependents


rex:Friendly Regular Expressions

A friendly interface for the construction of regular expressions.

Maintained by Kevin Ushey. Last updated 1 years ago.

3.8 match 335 stars 14.17 score 178 scripts 95 dependents


igvR:igvR: integrative genomics viewer

Access to igv.js, the Integrative Genomics Viewer running in a web browser.

Maintained by Arkadiusz Gladki. Last updated 5 months ago.


6.2 match 43 stars 8.31 score 118 scripts


icesSAG:Stock Assessment Graphs Database Web Services

R interface to access the web services of the ICES Stock Assessment Graphs database <>.

Maintained by Colin Millar. Last updated 5 months ago.

6.3 match 11 stars 6.24 score 131 scripts 2 dependents


gdalraster:Bindings to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' Raster API

Interface to the Raster API of the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL', <>). Bindings are implemented in an exposed C++ class encapsulating a 'GDALDataset' and its raster band objects, along with several stand-alone functions. These support manual creation of uninitialized datasets, creation from existing raster as template, read/set dataset parameters, low level I/O, color tables, raster attribute tables, virtual raster (VRT), and 'gdalwarp' wrapper for reprojection and mosaicing. Includes 'GDAL' algorithms ('dem_proc()', 'polygonize()', 'rasterize()', etc.), and functions for coordinate transformation and spatial reference systems. Calling signatures resemble the native C, C++ and Python APIs provided by the 'GDAL' project. Includes raster 'calc()' to evaluate a given R expression on a layer or stack of layers, with pixel x/y available as variables in the expression; and raster 'combine()' to identify and count unique pixel combinations across multiple input layers, with optional output of the pixel-level combination IDs. Provides raster display using base 'graphics'. Bindings to a subset of the 'OGR' API are also included for managing vector data sources. Bindings to a subset of the Virtual Systems Interface ('VSI') are also included to support operations on 'GDAL' virtual file systems. These are general utility functions that abstract file system operations on URLs, cloud storage services, 'Zip'/'GZip'/'7z'/'RAR' archives, and in-memory files. 'gdalraster' may be useful in applications that need scalable, low-level I/O, or prefer a direct 'GDAL' API.

Maintained by Chris Toney. Last updated 3 hours ago.


4.0 match 42 stars 9.52 score 32 scripts 3 dependents


rstudioapi:Safely Access the RStudio API

Access the RStudio API (if available) and provide informative error messages when it's not.

Maintained by Kevin Ushey. Last updated 4 months ago.

2.0 match 172 stars 18.81 score 3.6k scripts 2.1k dependents


htmltools:Tools for HTML

Tools for HTML generation and output.

Maintained by Carson Sievert. Last updated 10 months ago.

2.0 match 218 stars 17.61 score 10k scripts 4.5k dependents


weburl:Parse Urls

What the package does (one paragraph).

Maintained by Dyfan Jones. Last updated 6 months ago.


12.3 match 4 stars 2.60 score 10 scripts



Find, subset, and retrive geospatial data by AOI.

Maintained by Mike Johnson. Last updated 3 months ago.


3.6 match 187 stars 8.74 score 156 scripts 1 dependents


ralger:Easy Web Scraping

The goal of 'ralger' is to facilitate web scraping in R.

Maintained by Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden. Last updated 8 months ago.


3.8 match 155 stars 7.41 score 33 scripts


aiRly:R Wrapper for 'Airly' API

Get information about air quality using 'Airly' <> API through R.

Maintained by Piotr Janus. Last updated 5 years ago.

9.7 match 2.70 score 2 scripts


webshot:Take Screenshots of Web Pages

Takes screenshots of web pages, including Shiny applications and R Markdown documents.

Maintained by Winston Chang. Last updated 2 years ago.

2.0 match 230 stars 12.29 score 2.3k scripts 71 dependents


shinythemes:Themes for Shiny

Themes for use with Shiny. Includes several Bootstrap themes from <>, which are packaged for use with Shiny applications.

Maintained by Winston Chang. Last updated 3 years ago.

1.9 match 155 stars 13.06 score 8.5k scripts 124 dependents


RKernel:Yet another R kernel for Jupyter

Provides a kernel for Jupyter.

Maintained by Martin Elff. Last updated 15 days ago.


5.3 match 38 stars 4.60 score


RedditExtractoR:Reddit Data Extraction Toolkit

A collection of tools for extracting structured data from <>.

Maintained by Ivan Rivera. Last updated 2 years ago.


3.7 match 92 stars 5.93 score 153 scripts


nflreadr:Download 'nflverse' Data

A minimal package for downloading data from 'GitHub' repositories of the 'nflverse' project.

Maintained by Tan Ho. Last updated 4 months ago.


1.7 match 66 stars 12.46 score 476 scripts 10 dependents


denguedatahub:A Tidy Format Datasets of Dengue by Country

Provides a weekly, monthly, yearly summary of dengue cases by state/ province/ country.

Maintained by Thiyanga S. Talagala. Last updated 1 months ago.


4.0 match 11 stars 5.12 score 34 scripts


nectar:A Framework for Web API Packages

An opinionated framework for use within api-wrapping R packages.

Maintained by Jon Harmon. Last updated 1 months ago.

4.1 match 15 stars 4.86 score 1 scripts 4 dependents


SCANVIS:SCANVIS - a tool for SCoring, ANnotating and VISualizing splice junctions

SCANVIS is a set of annotation-dependent tools for analyzing splice junctions and their read support as predetermined by an alignment tool of choice (for example, STAR aligner). SCANVIS assesses each junction's relative read support (RRS) by relating to the context of local split reads aligning to annotated transcripts. SCANVIS also annotates each splice junction by indicating whether the junction is supported by annotation or not, and if not, what type of junction it is (e.g. exon skipping, alternative 5' or 3' events, Novel Exons). Unannotated junctions are also futher annotated by indicating whether it induces a frame shift or not. SCANVIS includes a visualization function to generate static sashimi-style plots depicting relative read support and number of split reads using arc thickness and arc heights, making it easy for users to spot well-supported junctions. These plots also clearly delineate unannotated junctions from annotated ones using designated color schemes, and users can also highlight splice junctions of choice. Variants and/or a read profile are also incoroporated into the plot if the user supplies variants in bed format and/or the BAM file. One further feature of the visualization function is that users can submit multiple samples of a certain disease or cohort to generate a single plot - this occurs via a "merge" function wherein junction details over multiple samples are merged to generate a single sashimi plot, which is useful when contrasting cohorots (eg. disease vs control).

Maintained by Phaedra Agius. Last updated 5 months ago.


4.9 match 4.00 score 2 scripts


twitteR:R Based Twitter Client

Provides an interface to the Twitter web API.

Maintained by Jeff Gentry. Last updated 9 years ago.

1.9 match 254 stars 10.18 score 2.0k scripts 1 dependents