Showing 57 of total 57 results (show query)
urlshorteneR:R Wrapper for the '' and ''/'' URL Shortening Services
Allows using two URL shortening services, which also provide expanding and analytic functions. Specifically developed for '' (which requires OAuth 2.0) and '' (no API key).
Maintained by John Malc. Last updated 28 days ago.
31.0 match 21 stars 6.70 score 53 scripts 1 dependentsbczernecki
climate:Interface to Download Meteorological (and Hydrological) Datasets
Automatize downloading of meteorological and hydrological data from publicly available repositories: OGIMET (<>), University of Wyoming - atmospheric vertical profiling data (<>), Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (<>), and National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This package also allows for searching geographical coordinates for each observation and calculate distances to the nearest stations.
Maintained by Bartosz Czernecki. Last updated 10 days ago.
10.1 match 88 stars 7.61 score 38 scriptskwb-r
kwb.utils:General Utility Functions Developed at KWB
This package contains some small helper functions that aim at improving the quality of code developed at Kompetenzzentrum Wasser gGmbH (KWB).
Maintained by Hauke Sonnenberg. Last updated 12 months ago.
6.7 match 8 stars 7.33 score 12 scripts 78 dependentstherneau
survival:Survival Analysis
Contains the core survival analysis routines, including definition of Surv objects, Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen (multi-state) curves, Cox models, and parametric accelerated failure time models.
Maintained by Terry M Therneau. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.8 match 400 stars 20.43 score 29k scripts 3.9k dependentscardiomoon
autoReg:Automatic Linear and Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis
Make summary tables for descriptive statistics and select explanatory variables automatically in various regression models. Support linear models, generalized linear models and cox-proportional hazard models. Generate publication-ready tables summarizing result of regression analysis and plots. The tables and plots can be exported in "HTML", "pdf('LaTex')", "docx('MS Word')" and "pptx('MS Powerpoint')" documents.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.2 match 47 stars 7.00 score 69 scriptssteve-the-bayesian
bsts:Bayesian Structural Time Series
Time series regression using dynamic linear models fit using MCMC. See Scott and Varian (2014) <DOI:10.1504/IJMMNO.2014.059942>, among many other sources.
Maintained by Steven L. Scott. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.3 match 33 stars 6.54 score 338 scripts 3 dependentshrbrmstr
longurl:Expand Short 'URLs'
Tools are provided to expand vectors of short URLs into long 'URLs'. No 'API' services are used, which may mean that this operates more slowly than 'API' services do (since they usually cache results of expansions that every user of the service requests). You can setup your own caching layer with the 'memoise' package if you wish to have a speedup during single sessions or add larger dependencies, such as 'Redis', to gain a longer-term performance boost at the expense of added complexity.
Maintained by Bob Rudis. Last updated 5 years ago.
7.5 match 33 stars 4.56 score 22 scriptslrberge
stringmagic:Character String Operations and Interpolation, Magic Edition
Performs complex string operations compactly and efficiently. Supports string interpolation jointly with over 50 string operations. Also enhances regular string functions (like grep() and co). See an introduction at <>.
Maintained by Laurent R Berge. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.6 match 15 stars 10.56 score 37 scripts 33 dependentsbioc
TRONCO:TRONCO, an R package for TRanslational ONCOlogy
The TRONCO (TRanslational ONCOlogy) R package collects algorithms to infer progression models via the approach of Suppes-Bayes Causal Network, both from an ensemble of tumors (cross-sectional samples) and within an individual patient (multi-region or single-cell samples). The package provides parallel implementation of algorithms that process binary matrices where each row represents a tumor sample and each column a single-nucleotide or a structural variant driving the progression; a 0/1 value models the absence/presence of that alteration in the sample. The tool can import data from plain, MAF or GISTIC format files, and can fetch it from the cBioPortal for cancer genomics. Functions for data manipulation and visualization are provided, as well as functions to import/export such data to other bioinformatics tools for, e.g, clustering or detection of mutually exclusive alterations. Inferred models can be visualized and tested for their confidence via bootstrap and cross-validation. TRONCO is used for the implementation of the Pipeline for Cancer Inference (PICNIC).
Maintained by Luca De Sano. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.0 match 30 stars 6.50 score 38 scriptsmiddleton-lab
abd:The Analysis of Biological Data
The abd package contains data sets and sample code for The Analysis of Biological Data by Michael Whitlock and Dolph Schluter (2009; Roberts & Company Publishers).
Maintained by Kevin M. Middleton. Last updated 11 months ago.
4.5 match 6 stars 5.53 score 182 scripts 1 dependentsberndbischl
BBmisc:Miscellaneous Helper Functions for B. Bischl
Miscellaneous helper functions for and from B. Bischl and some other guys, mainly for package development.
Maintained by Bernd Bischl. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.9 match 20 stars 10.59 score 980 scripts 69 dependentskollerma
robustlmm:Robust Linear Mixed Effects Models
Implements the Robust Scoring Equations estimator to fit linear mixed effects models robustly. Robustness is achieved by modification of the scoring equations combined with the Design Adaptive Scale approach.
Maintained by Manuel Koller. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 28 stars 8.79 score 138 scriptspauljohn32
kutils:Project Management Tools
Tools for data importation, recoding, and inspection. There are functions to create new project folders, R code templates, create uniquely named output directories, and to quickly obtain a visual summary for each variable in a data frame. The main feature here is the systematic implementation of the "variable key" framework for data importation and recoding. We are eager to have community feedback about the variable key and the vignette about it. In version 1.7, the function 'semTable' is removed. It was deprecated since 1.67. That is provided in a separate package, 'semTable'.
Maintained by Paul Johnson. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.3 match 5.85 score 110 scripts 20 dependentsgeoffjentry
twitteR:R Based Twitter Client
Provides an interface to the Twitter web API.
Maintained by Jeff Gentry. Last updated 9 years ago.
1.9 match 254 stars 10.18 score 2.0k scripts 1 dependentsrepboxr
repboxUtils:Utility functions shared by several repbox packages
Utility functions shared by several repbox packages
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 30 days ago.
4.5 match 4.21 score 9 dependentsironholds
olctools:Open Location Code Handling in R
'Open Location Codes' ( are a Google- created standard for identifying geographic locations. olctools provides utilities for validating, encoding and decoding entries that follow this standard.
Maintained by Oliver Keyes. Last updated 9 years ago.
3.5 match 13 stars 5.16 score 11 scriptsplangfelder
WGCNA:Weighted Correlation Network Analysis
Functions necessary to perform Weighted Correlation Network Analysis on high-dimensional data as originally described in Horvath and Zhang (2005) <doi:10.2202/1544-6115.1128> and Langfelder and Horvath (2008) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-559>. Includes functions for rudimentary data cleaning, construction of correlation networks, module identification, summarization, and relating of variables and modules to sample traits. Also includes a number of utility functions for data manipulation and visualization.
Maintained by Peter Langfelder. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.7 match 54 stars 9.65 score 5.3k scripts 32 dependentscbielow
PTXQC:Quality Report Generation for MaxQuant and mzTab Results
Generates Proteomics (PTX) quality control (QC) reports for shotgun LC-MS data analyzed with the MaxQuant software suite (from .txt files) or mzTab files (ideally from OpenMS 'QualityControl' tool). Reports are customizable (target thresholds, subsetting) and available in HTML or PDF format. Published in J. Proteome Res., Proteomics Quality Control: Quality Control Software for MaxQuant Results (2015) <doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00780>.
Maintained by Chris Bielow. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.7 match 42 stars 9.35 score 105 scripts 1 dependentsbenwiseman
roperators:Additional Operators to Help you Write Cleaner R Code
Provides string arithmetic, reassignment operators, logical operators that handle missing values, and extra logical operators such as floating point equality and all or nothing. The intent is to allow R users to write code that is easier to read, write, and maintain while providing a friendlier experience to new R users from other language backgrounds (such as 'Python') who are used to concepts such as x += 1 and 'foo' + 'bar'. Includes operators for not in, easy floating point comparisons, === equivalent, and SQL-like like operations (), etc. We also added in some extra helper functions, such as OS checks, pasting in Oxford comma format, and functions to get the first, last, nth, or most common element of a vector or word in a string.
Maintained by Ben Wiseman. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.7 match 4 stars 5.77 score 49 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
gDRutils:A package with helper functions for processing drug response data
This package contains utility functions used throughout the gDR platform to fit data, manipulate data, and convert and validate data structures. This package also has the necessary default constants for gDR platform. Many of the functions are utilized by the gDRcore package.
Maintained by Arkadiusz Gladki. Last updated 4 days ago.
2.0 match 2 stars 7.40 score 3 scripts 3 dependentspik-piam
mip:Comparison of multi-model runs
Package contains generic functions to produce comparison plots of multi-model runs.
Maintained by David Klein. Last updated 26 days ago.
1.8 match 1 stars 8.08 score 70 scripts 20 dependentsalarm-redist
redistmetrics:Redistricting Metrics
Reliable and flexible tools for scoring redistricting plans using common measures and metrics. These functions provide key direct access to tools useful for non-simulation analyses of redistricting plans, such as for measuring compactness or partisan fairness. Tools are designed to work with the 'redist' package seamlessly.
Maintained by Christopher T. Kenny. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.9 match 10 stars 7.57 score 23 scripts 2 dependentsnealrichardson
httptest2:Test Helpers for 'httr2'
Testing and documenting code that communicates with remote servers can be painful. This package helps with writing tests for packages that use 'httr2'. It enables testing all of the logic on the R sides of the API without requiring access to the remote service, and it also allows recording real API responses to use as test fixtures. The ability to save responses and load them offline also enables writing vignettes and other dynamic documents that can be distributed without access to a live server.
Maintained by Neal Richardson. Last updated 8 months ago.
1.5 match 33 stars 9.37 score 95 scripts 1 dependentstomasfryda
h2o:R Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform
R interface for 'H2O', the scalable open source machine learning platform that offers parallelized implementations of many supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Gradient Boosting Machines (including XGBoost), Random Forests, Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning), Stacked Ensembles, Naive Bayes, Generalized Additive Models (GAM), ANOVA GLM, Cox Proportional Hazards, K-Means, PCA, ModelSelection, Word2Vec, as well as a fully automatic machine learning algorithm (H2O AutoML).
Maintained by Tomas Fryda. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.7 match 3 stars 8.20 score 7.8k scripts 11 dependentspdalgd
ISwR:Introductory Statistics with R
Data sets and scripts for text examples and exercises in P. Dalgaard (2008), `Introductory Statistics with R', 2nd ed., Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-0387790534.
Maintained by Peter Dalgaard. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.0 match 3.31 score 300 scriptsbeckerbenj
eatGADS:Data Management of Large Hierarchical Data
Import 'SPSS' data, handle and change 'SPSS' meta data, store and access large hierarchical data in 'SQLite' data bases.
Maintained by Benjamin Becker. Last updated 23 days ago.
1.7 match 1 stars 7.36 score 34 scripts 1 dependentsandybega
states:Create Panels of Independent States
Create panel data consisting of independent states from 1816 to the present. The package includes the Gleditsch & Ward (G&W) and Correlates of War (COW) lists of independent states, as well as helper functions for working with state panel data and standardizing other data sources to create country-year/month/etc. data.
Maintained by Andreas Beger. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.0 match 14 stars 6.08 score 86 scriptsdeepankardatta
blandr:Bland-Altman Method Comparison
Carries out Bland Altman analyses (also known as a Tukey mean-difference plot) as described by JM Bland and DG Altman in 1986 <doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(86)90837-8>. This package was created in 2015 as existing Bland-Altman analysis functions did not calculate confidence intervals. This package was created to rectify this, and create reproducible plots. This package is also available as a module for the 'jamovi' statistical spreadsheet (see <> for more information).
Maintained by Deepankar Datta. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.7 match 22 stars 7.22 score 75 scriptsdevrekerd
TTAinterfaceTrendAnalysis:Temporal Trend Analysis Graphical Interface
This interface was created to develop a standard procedure to analyse temporal trend in the framework of the OSPAR convention. The analysis process run through 4 successive steps : 1) manipulate your data, 2) select the parameters you want to analyse, 3) build your regulated time series, 4) perform diagnosis and analysis and 5) read the results. Statistical analysis call other package function such as Kendall tests or cusum() function.
Maintained by David DEVREKER. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.3 match 3.36 score 2 scriptsmthrun
GeneralizedUmatrix:Credible Visualization for Two-Dimensional Projections of Data
Projections are common dimensionality reduction methods, which represent high-dimensional data in a two-dimensional space. However, when restricting the output space to two dimensions, which results in a two dimensional scatter plot (projection) of the data, low dimensional similarities do not represent high dimensional distances coercively [Thrun, 2018] <DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-20540-9>. This could lead to a misleading interpretation of the underlying structures [Thrun, 2018]. By means of the 3D topographic map the generalized Umatrix is able to depict errors of these two-dimensional scatter plots. The package is derived from the book of Thrun, M.C.: "Projection Based Clustering through Self-Organization and Swarm Intelligence" (2018) <DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-20540-9> and the main algorithm called simplified self-organizing map for dimensionality reduction methods is published in <DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.101093>.
Maintained by Michael Thrun. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.8 match 1 stars 5.97 score 52 scripts 6 dependentscran
NISTunits:Fundamental Physical Constants and Unit Conversions from NIST
Fundamental physical constants (Quantity, Value, Uncertainty, Unit) for SI (International System of Units) and non-SI units, plus unit conversions Based on the data from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
Maintained by Jose Gama. Last updated 9 years ago.
3.6 match 2.85 score 10 dependentsholgerschw
scrime:Analysis of High-Dimensional Categorical Data Such as SNP Data
Tools for the analysis of high-dimensional data developed/implemented at the group "Statistical Complexity Reduction In Molecular Epidemiology" (SCRIME). Main focus is on SNP data. But most of the functions can also be applied to other types of categorical data.
Maintained by Holger Schwender. Last updated 6 years ago.
2.0 match 4.98 score 53 scripts 34 dependentsgagolews
stringx:Replacements for Base String Functions Powered by 'stringi'
English is the native language for only 5% of the World population. Also, only 17% of us can understand this text. Moreover, the Latin alphabet is the main one for merely 36% of the total. The early computer era, now a very long time ago, was dominated by the US. Due to the proliferation of the internet, smartphones, social media, and other technologies and communication platforms, this is no longer the case. This package replaces base R string functions (such as grep(), tolower(), sprintf(), and strptime()) with ones that fully support the Unicode standards related to natural language and date-time processing. It also fixes some long-standing inconsistencies, and introduces some new, useful features. Thanks to 'ICU' (International Components for Unicode) and 'stringi', they are fast, reliable, and portable across different platforms.
Maintained by Marek Gagolewski. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.9 match 28 stars 4.75 score 1 scriptsdgkf
parttime:Partial Datetime Handling
Datetimes and timestamps are invariably an imprecise notation, with any partial representation implying some amount of uncertainty. To handle this, 'parttime' provides classes for embedding partial missingness as a central part of its datetime classes. This central feature allows for more ergonomic use of datetimes for challenging datetime computation, including calculations of overlapping date ranges, imputations, and more thoughtful handling of ambiguity that arises from uncertain time zones. This package was developed first and foremost with pharmaceutical applications in mind, but aims to be agnostic to application to accommodate general use cases just as conveniently.
Maintained by Doug Kelkhoff. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 17 stars 3.93 score 3 scriptslanl
NEONiso:Tools to Calibrate and Work with NEON Atmospheric Isotope Data
Functions for downloading, calibrating, and analyzing atmospheric isotope data bundled into the eddy covariance data products of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) <>. Calibration tools are provided for carbon and water isotope products. Carbon isotope calibration details are found in Fiorella et al. (2021) <doi:10.1029/2020JG005862>, and the readme file at <>. Tools for calibrating water isotope products have been added as of 0.6.0, but have known deficiencies and should be considered experimental and unsupported.
Maintained by Rich Fiorella. Last updated 19 days ago.
1.6 match 2 stars 5.08 score 6 scriptsdaniel-jg
ontologyPlot:Visualising Sets of Ontological Terms
Create R plots visualising ontological terms and the relationships between them with various graphical options - Greene et al. 2017 <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw763>.
Maintained by Daniel Greene. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.7 match 4.48 score 50 scripts 5 dependentsmasterclm
mclm:Mastering Corpus Linguistics Methods
Read, inspect and process corpus files for quantitative corpus linguistics. Obtain concordances via regular expressions, tokenize texts, and compute frequencies and association measures. Useful for collocation analysis, keywords analysis and variationist studies (comparison of linguistic variants and of linguistic varieties).
Maintained by Mariana Montes. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.3 match 1 stars 3.24 score 35 scriptstim-salabim
remote:Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections in R
Empirical orthogonal teleconnections in R. 'remote' is short for 'R(-based) EMpirical Orthogonal TEleconnections'. It implements a collection of functions to facilitate empirical orthogonal teleconnection analysis. Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections (EOTs) denote a regression based approach to decompose spatio-temporal fields into a set of independent orthogonal patterns. They are quite similar to Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) with EOTs producing less abstract results. In contrast to EOFs, which are orthogonal in both space and time, EOT analysis produces patterns that are orthogonal in either space or time.
Maintained by Tim Appelhans. Last updated 8 years ago.
2.3 match 2.79 score 100 scriptsrepboxr
repboxStata:Repbox analysis of stata scripts in reproduction packages
Repbox analysis of stata scripts in reproduction packages
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 30 days ago.
2.3 match 2.73 score 4 scripts 2 dependentsrepboxr
repboxRfun:Repbox functions called by code injections into R scripts
Try to use as little special dependencies as reasonably possible
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 2.18 score 1 dependentsikosmidis
semnar:Constructing and Interacting with Databases of Presentations
Provides methods for constructing and maintaining a database of presentations in R. The presentations are either ones that the user gives or gave or presentations at a particular event or event series. The package also provides a plot method for the interactive mapping of the presentations using 'leaflet' by grouping them according to country, city, year and other presentation attributes. The markers on the map come with popups providing presentation details (title, institution, event, links to materials and events, and so on).
Maintained by Ioannis Kosmidis. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 2.70 scorewernerstahel
plgraphics:User Oriented Plotting Functions
Plots with high flexibility and easy handling, including informative regression diagnostics for many models.
Maintained by Werner A. Stahel. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 2.08 score 12 scriptswernerstahel
relevance:Calculate Relevance and Significance Measures
Calculates relevance and significance values for simple models and for many types of regression models. These are introduced in 'Stahel, Werner A.' (2021) "Measuring Significance and Relevance instead of p-values." <>. These notions are also applied to replication studies, as described in the manuscript 'Stahel, Werner A.' (2022) "'Replicability': Terminology, Measuring Success, and Strategy" available in the documentation.
Maintained by Werner A. Stahel. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 2.00 score 3 scriptsamlinz
OTUtable:North Temperate Lakes - Microbial Observatory 16S Time Series Data and Functions
Analyses of OTU tables produced by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, as well as example data. It contains the data and scripts used in the paper Linz, et al. (2017) "Bacterial community composition and dynamics spanning five years in freshwater bog lakes," <doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00169-17>.
Maintained by Alexandra Linz. Last updated 7 years ago.
1.8 match 2.20 score 53 scriptscjgeyer
glmbb:All Hierarchical or Graphical Models for Generalized Linear Model
Find all hierarchical models of specified generalized linear model with information criterion (AIC, BIC, or AICc) within specified cutoff of minimum value. Alternatively, find all such graphical models. Use branch and bound algorithm so we do not have to fit all models.
Maintained by Charles J. Geyer. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.0 match 1.73 score 54 scriptswagner-s
MultIS:Reconstruction of Clones from Integration Site Readouts and Visualization
Tools necessary to reconstruct clonal affiliations from temporally and/or spatially separated measurements of viral integration sites. For this means it utilizes correlations present in the relative readouts of the integration sites. Furthermore, facilities for filtering of the data and visualization of different steps in the pipeline are provided with the package.
Maintained by Sebastian Wagner. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.7 match 2.00 score 1 scriptscran
sazedR:Parameter-Free Domain-Agnostic Season Length Detection in Time Series
Spectral and Average Autocorrelation Zero Distance Density ('sazed') is a method for estimating the season length of a seasonal time series. 'sazed' is aimed at practitioners, as it employs only domain-agnostic preprocessing and does not depend on parameter tuning or empirical constants. The computation of 'sazed' relies on the efficient autocorrelation computation methods suggested by Thibauld Nion (2012, URL: <>) and by Bob Carpenter (2012, URL: <>).
Maintained by Tiago Santos. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.0 match 1.70 scoremaximeherve
RVAideMemoire:Testing and Plotting Procedures for Biostatistics
Contains miscellaneous functions useful in biostatistics, mostly univariate and multivariate testing procedures with a special emphasis on permutation tests. Many functions intend to simplify user's life by shortening existing procedures or by implementing plotting functions that can be used with as many methods from different packages as possible.
Maintained by Maxime HERVE. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 8 stars 5.31 score 632 scriptsrainers48
tsapp:Time Series, Analysis and Application
Accompanies the book Rainer Schlittgen and Cristina Sattarhoff (2020) <> "Angewandte Zeitreihenanalyse mit R, 4. Auflage" . The package contains the time series and functions used therein. It was developed over many years teaching courses about time series analysis.
Maintained by Rainer Schlittgen. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.6 match 1.00 score 1 scriptsinsileco
refR:An R package to get and manage BibTeX/YAML/JSON references
The package \textbf{refR} retrieves author references from Scopus Search and Crossref APIs and returns references as BibTeX files (function \code{\link[refR]{getRefs}}). It also allows to convert BibTeX files in more readable formats (i.e. YAML and JSON) by calling the software pandoc-citeproc (functions \code{\link[refR]{getRefs}} and \code{\link[refR]{bib2yaml}}). Information in references files can be cleaned using the function \code{\link[refR]{cleanRefs}}. This function translates special characters (accented characters and other LaTeX tags) and also cleans author names (detection of particle in family names, removal of uppercase except for each first letter of family and given names, and shorten given name).
Maintained by Nicolas Casajus. Last updated 6 years ago.
0.5 match 5 stars 2.40 score 2 scriptsjingzhuzhuzhu
bfboinet:Backfill Bayesian Optimal Interval Design Using Efficacy and Toxicity
The backfill Bayesian optimal interval design using efficacy and toxicity outcomes for dose optimization (BF-BOIN-ET) design is a novel clinical trial design to allow patients to be backfilled at lower doses during a dose-finding trial while prioritizing the dose-escalation cohort to explore a higher dose. The advantages compared to the other designs in terms of the percentage of correct optimal dose (OD) selection, reducing the sample size, and shortening the duration of the trial, in various realistic setting.
Maintained by Jing Zhu. Last updated 1 months ago.
0.5 match 1.30 score