Showing 99 of total 99 results (show query)
Rcpp:Seamless R and C++ Integration
The 'Rcpp' package provides R functions as well as C++ classes which offer a seamless integration of R and C++. Many R data types and objects can be mapped back and forth to C++ equivalents which facilitates both writing of new code as well as easier integration of third-party libraries. Documentation about 'Rcpp' is provided by several vignettes included in this package, via the 'Rcpp Gallery' site at <>, the paper by Eddelbuettel and Francois (2011, <doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i08>), the book by Eddelbuettel (2013, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6868-4>) and the paper by Eddelbuettel and Balamuta (2018, <doi:10.1080/00031305.2017.1375990>); see 'citation("Rcpp")' for details.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 2 days ago.
755 stars 22.62 score 11k scripts 13k dependentsrcppcore
RcppArmadillo:'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Armadillo' Templated Linear Algebra Library
'Armadillo' is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by Conrad Sanderson) that aims towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries. The 'RcppArmadillo' package includes the header files from the templated 'Armadillo' library. Thus users do not need to install 'Armadillo' itself in order to use 'RcppArmadillo'. From release 7.800.0 on, 'Armadillo' is licensed under Apache License 2; previous releases were under licensed as MPL 2.0 from version 3.800.0 onwards and LGPL-3 prior to that; 'RcppArmadillo' (the 'Rcpp' bindings/bridge to Armadillo) is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of 'Rcpp'.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 2 hours ago.
200 stars 18.85 score 1.9k scripts 3.4k dependentseddelbuettel
anytime:Anything to 'POSIXct' or 'Date' Converter
Convert input in any one of character, integer, numeric, factor, or ordered type into 'POSIXct' (or 'Date') objects, using one of a number of predefined formats, and relying on Boost facilities for date and time parsing.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 16 days ago.
165 stars 13.91 score 1.4k scripts 99 dependentsknausb
vcfR:Manipulate and Visualize VCF Data
Facilitates easy manipulation of variant call format (VCF) data. Functions are provided to rapidly read from and write to VCF files. Once VCF data is read into R a parser function extracts matrices of data. This information can then be used for quality control or other purposes. Additional functions provide visualization of genomic data. Once processing is complete data may be written to a VCF file (*.vcf.gz). It also may be converted into other popular R objects (e.g., genlight, DNAbin). VcfR provides a link between VCF data and familiar R software.
Maintained by Brian J. Knaus. Last updated 1 months ago.
256 stars 13.66 score 3.1k scripts 19 dependentseddelbuettel
inline:Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R
Functionality to dynamically define R functions and S4 methods with 'inlined' C, C++ or Fortran code supporting the .C and .Call calling conventions.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 2 months ago.
43 stars 13.11 score 576 scripts 333 dependentskforner
RcppProgress:An Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in R Packages
Allows to display a progress bar in the R console for long running computations taking place in C++ code, and support for interrupting those computations even in multithreaded code, typically using OpenMP.
Maintained by Karl Forner. Last updated 10 months ago.
27 stars 12.90 score 175 scripts 451 dependentsspedygiorgio
markovchain:Easy Handling Discrete Time Markov Chains
Functions and S4 methods to create and manage discrete time Markov chains more easily. In addition functions to perform statistical (fitting and drawing random variates) and probabilistic (analysis of their structural proprieties) analysis are provided. See Spedicato (2017) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2017-036>. Some functions for continuous times Markov chains depend on the suggested ctmcd package.
Maintained by Giorgio Alfredo Spedicato. Last updated 5 months ago.
104 stars 12.78 score 712 scripts 4 dependentsbnosac
udpipe:Tokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization and Dependency Parsing with the 'UDPipe' 'NLP' Toolkit
This natural language processing toolkit provides language-agnostic 'tokenization', 'parts of speech tagging', 'lemmatization' and 'dependency parsing' of raw text. Next to text parsing, the package also allows you to train annotation models based on data of 'treebanks' in 'CoNLL-U' format as provided at <>. The techniques are explained in detail in the paper: 'Tokenizing, POS Tagging, Lemmatizing and Parsing UD 2.0 with UDPipe', available at <doi:10.18653/v1/K17-3009>. The toolkit also contains functionalities for commonly used data manipulations on texts which are enriched with the output of the parser. Namely functionalities and algorithms for collocations, token co-occurrence, document term matrix handling, term frequency inverse document frequency calculations, information retrieval metrics (Okapi BM25), handling of multi-word expressions, keyword detection (Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction, noun phrase extraction, syntactical patterns) sentiment scoring and semantic similarity analysis.
Maintained by Jan Wijffels. Last updated 2 years ago.
215 stars 11.83 score 1.2k scripts 9 dependentstwolodzko
extraDistr:Additional Univariate and Multivariate Distributions
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for a number of univariate and multivariate distributions. This package implements the following distributions: Bernoulli, beta-binomial, beta-negative binomial, beta prime, Bhattacharjee, Birnbaum-Saunders, bivariate normal, bivariate Poisson, categorical, Dirichlet, Dirichlet-multinomial, discrete gamma, discrete Laplace, discrete normal, discrete uniform, discrete Weibull, Frechet, gamma-Poisson, generalized extreme value, Gompertz, generalized Pareto, Gumbel, half-Cauchy, half-normal, half-t, Huber density, inverse chi-squared, inverse-gamma, Kumaraswamy, Laplace, location-scale t, logarithmic, Lomax, multivariate hypergeometric, multinomial, negative hypergeometric, non-standard beta, normal mixture, Poisson mixture, Pareto, power, reparametrized beta, Rayleigh, shifted Gompertz, Skellam, slash, triangular, truncated binomial, truncated normal, truncated Poisson, Tukey lambda, Wald, zero-inflated binomial, zero-inflated negative binomial, zero-inflated Poisson.
Maintained by Tymoteusz Wolodzko. Last updated 23 days ago.
53 stars 11.60 score 1.5k scripts 107 dependentswenjie2wang
splines2:Regression Spline Functions and Classes
Constructs basis functions of B-splines, M-splines, I-splines, convex splines (C-splines), periodic splines, natural cubic splines, generalized Bernstein polynomials, their derivatives, and integrals (except C-splines) by closed-form recursive formulas. It also contains a C++ head-only library integrated with Rcpp. See Wang and Yan (2021) <doi:10.6339/21-JDS1020> for details.
Maintained by Wenjie Wang. Last updated 23 days ago.
43 stars 11.46 score 394 scripts 34 dependentseddelbuettel
RcppGSL:'Rcpp' Integration for 'GNU GSL' Vectors and Matrices
'Rcpp' integration for 'GNU GSL' vectors and matrices The 'GNU Scientific Library' (or 'GSL') is a collection of numerical routines for scientific computing. It is particularly useful for C and C++ programs as it provides a standard C interface to a wide range of mathematical routines. There are over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite. The 'RcppGSL' package provides an easy-to-use interface between 'GSL' data structures and R using concepts from 'Rcpp' which is itself a package that eases the interfaces between R and C++. This package also serves as a prime example of how to build a package that uses 'Rcpp' to connect to another third-party library. The 'autoconf' script, 'inline' plugin and example package can all be used as a stanza to write a similar package against another library.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 5 months ago.
31 stars 10.89 score 88 scripts 116 dependentsnacnudus
tidyxl:Read Untidy Excel Files
Imports non-tabular from Excel files into R. Exposes cell content, position and formatting in a tidy structure for further manipulation. Tokenizes Excel formulas. Supports '.xlsx' and '.xlsm' via the embedded 'RapidXML' C++ library <>. Does not support '.xlsb' or '.xls'.
Maintained by Duncan Garmonsway. Last updated 1 years ago.
251 stars 10.76 score 382 scripts 14 dependentsdcooley
sfheaders:Converts Between R Objects and Simple Feature Objects
Converts between R and Simple Feature 'sf' objects, without depending on the Simple Feature library. Conversion functions are available at both the R level, and through 'Rcpp'.
Maintained by David Cooley. Last updated 8 months ago.
74 stars 10.69 score 370 scripts 154 dependentszdebruine
RcppML:Rcpp Machine Learning Library
Fast machine learning algorithms including matrix factorization and divisive clustering for large sparse and dense matrices.
Maintained by Zach DeBruine. Last updated 2 years ago.
107 stars 10.66 score 125 scripts 50 dependentsnorskregnesentral
shapr:Prediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley Values
Complex machine learning models are often hard to interpret. However, in many situations it is crucial to understand and explain why a model made a specific prediction. Shapley values is the only method for such prediction explanation framework with a solid theoretical foundation. Previously known methods for estimating the Shapley values do, however, assume feature independence. This package implements methods which accounts for any feature dependence, and thereby produces more accurate estimates of the true Shapley values. An accompanying 'Python' wrapper ('shaprpy') is available through the GitHub repository.
Maintained by Martin Jullum. Last updated 1 days ago.
154 stars 10.59 score 175 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
BASiCS:Bayesian Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing data
Single-cell mRNA sequencing can uncover novel cell-to-cell heterogeneity in gene expression levels in seemingly homogeneous populations of cells. However, these experiments are prone to high levels of technical noise, creating new challenges for identifying genes that show genuine heterogeneous expression within the population of cells under study. BASiCS (Bayesian Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing data) is an integrated Bayesian hierarchical model to perform statistical analyses of single-cell RNA sequencing datasets in the context of supervised experiments (where the groups of cells of interest are known a priori, e.g. experimental conditions or cell types). BASiCS performs built-in data normalisation (global scaling) and technical noise quantification (based on spike-in genes). BASiCS provides an intuitive detection criterion for highly (or lowly) variable genes within a single group of cells. Additionally, BASiCS can compare gene expression patterns between two or more pre-specified groups of cells. Unlike traditional differential expression tools, BASiCS quantifies changes in expression that lie beyond comparisons of means, also allowing the study of changes in cell-to-cell heterogeneity. The latter can be quantified via a biological over-dispersion parameter that measures the excess of variability that is observed with respect to Poisson sampling noise, after normalisation and technical noise removal. Due to the strong mean/over-dispersion confounding that is typically observed for scRNA-seq datasets, BASiCS also tests for changes in residual over-dispersion, defined by residual values with respect to a global mean/over-dispersion trend.
Maintained by Catalina Vallejos. Last updated 5 months ago.
83 stars 10.26 score 368 scripts 1 dependentshypertidy
fasterize:Fast Polygon to Raster Conversion
Provides a drop-in replacement for rasterize() from the 'raster' package that takes polygon vector or data frame objects, and is much faster. There is support for the main options provided by the rasterize() function, including setting the field used and background value, and options for aggregating multi-layer rasters. Uses the scan line algorithm attributed to Wylie et al. (1967) <doi:10.1145/1465611.1465619>. Note that repository originally was hosted at 'Github' 'ecohealthalliance/fasterize' but was migrated to 'hypertidy/fasterize' in March 2025, and can be found indexed on 'R universe' <>.
Maintained by Michael Sumner. Last updated 20 days ago.
182 stars 10.05 score 14 dependentsjlmelville
RcppHNSW:'Rcpp' Bindings for 'hnswlib', a Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
'Hnswlib' is a C++ library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors. This package provides a minimal R interface by relying on the 'Rcpp' package. See <> for more on 'hnswlib'. 'hnswlib' is released under Version 2.0 of the Apache License.
Maintained by James Melville. Last updated 3 months ago.
36 stars 9.82 score 63 scripts 79 dependentsjasonjfoster
roll:Rolling and Expanding Statistics
Fast and efficient computation of rolling and expanding statistics for time-series data.
Maintained by Jason Foster. Last updated 2 months ago.
116 stars 9.76 score 318 scripts 13 dependentscoatless-rpkg
sitmo:Parallel Pseudo Random Number Generator (PPRNG) 'sitmo' Header Files
Provided within are two high quality and fast PPRNGs that may be used in an 'OpenMP' parallel environment. In addition, there is a generator for one dimensional low-discrepancy sequence. The objective of this library to consolidate the distribution of the 'sitmo' (C++98 & C++11), 'threefry' and 'vandercorput' (C++11-only) engines on CRAN by enabling others to link to the header files inside of 'sitmo' instead of including a copy of each engine within their individual package. Lastly, the package contains example implementations using the 'sitmo' package and three accompanying vignette that provide additional information.
Maintained by James Balamuta. Last updated 1 years ago.
7 stars 9.75 score 15 scripts 201 dependentsrblp
Rblpapi:R Interface to 'Bloomberg'
An R Interface to 'Bloomberg' is provided via the 'Blp API'.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 12 days ago.
169 stars 9.41 score 115 scriptseddelbuettel
RcppZiggurat:'Rcpp' Integration of Different "Ziggurat" Normal RNG Implementations
The Ziggurat generator for normally distributed random numbers, originally proposed by Marsaglia and Tsang (2000, <doi:10.18637/jss.v005.i08>) has been improved upon a few times starting with Leong et al (2005, <doi:10.18637/jss.v012.i07>). This package provides an aggregation in order to compare different implementations in order to provide a 'faster but good enough' alternative for use with R and C++ code. See the 'zigg' package for a lighter implementation for much easier use in other packages.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 21 hours ago.
12 stars 9.02 score 73 scripts 8 dependentsyixuan
RcppNumerical:'Rcpp' Integration for Numerical Computing Libraries
A collection of open source libraries for numerical computing (numerical integration, optimization, etc.) and their integration with 'Rcpp'.
Maintained by Yixuan Qiu. Last updated 2 years ago.
54 stars 9.00 score 21 scripts 33 dependentsgraemeleehickey
joineRML:Joint Modelling of Multivariate Longitudinal Data and Time-to-Event Outcomes
Fits the joint model proposed by Henderson and colleagues (2000) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/1.4.465>, but extended to the case of multiple continuous longitudinal measures. The time-to-event data is modelled using a Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-varying covariates. The multiple longitudinal outcomes are modelled using a multivariate version of the Laird and Ware linear mixed model. The association is captured by a multivariate latent Gaussian process. The model is estimated using a Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization algorithm. This project was funded by the Medical Research Council (Grant number MR/M013227/1).
Maintained by Graeme L. Hickey. Last updated 2 months ago.
30 stars 8.93 score 146 scripts 1 dependentseddelbuettel
RcppSpdlog:R and C++ Interfaces to 'spdlog' C++ Header Library for Logging
The mature and widely-used C++ logging library 'spdlog' by Gabi Melman provides many desirable features. This package bundles these header files for easy use by R packages from both their R and C or C++ code. Explicit use via 'LinkingTo:' is also supported. Also see the 'spdl' package which enhanced this package with a consistent R and C++ interface.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 2 months ago.
16 stars 8.36 score 6 scripts 13 dependentsmi2-warsaw
FSelectorRcpp:'Rcpp' Implementation of 'FSelector' Entropy-Based Feature Selection Algorithms with a Sparse Matrix Support
'Rcpp' (free of 'Java'/'Weka') implementation of 'FSelector' entropy-based feature selection algorithms based on an MDL discretization (Fayyad U. M., Irani K. B.: Multi-Interval Discretization of Continuous-Valued Attributes for Classification Learning. In 13'th International Joint Conference on Uncertainly in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI93), pages 1022-1029, Chambery, France, 1993.) <> with a sparse matrix support.
Maintained by Zygmunt Zawadzki. Last updated 6 months ago.
35 stars 8.22 score 78 scripts 1 dependentseddelbuettel
RcppCCTZ:'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library
'Rcpp' Access to the 'CCTZ' timezone library is provided. 'CCTZ' is a C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times using the rules of a time zone. The 'CCTZ' source code, released under the Apache 2.0 License, is included in this package. See <> for more details.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 18 days ago.
22 stars 8.21 score 17 scripts 18 dependentsepiverse-trace
finalsize:Calculate the Final Size of an Epidemic
Calculate the final size of a susceptible-infectious-recovered epidemic in a population with demographic variation in contact patterns and susceptibility to disease, as discussed in Miller (2012) <doi:10.1007/s11538-012-9749-6>.
Maintained by Rosalind Eggo. Last updated 1 months ago.
11 stars 8.11 score 46 scriptseddelbuettel
RcppRedis:'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Redis' using the 'hiredis' Library
Connection to the 'Redis' key/value store using the C-language client library 'hiredis' (included as a fallback) with 'MsgPack' encoding provided via 'RcppMsgPack' headers. It now also includes the pub/sub functions from the 'rredis' package.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 13 hours ago.
52 stars 8.01 score 41 scriptsvlarmet
cppRouting:Algorithms for Routing and Solving the Traffic Assignment Problem
Calculation of distances, shortest paths and isochrones on weighted graphs using several variants of Dijkstra algorithm. Proposed algorithms are unidirectional Dijkstra (Dijkstra, E. W. (1959) <doi:10.1007/BF01386390>), bidirectional Dijkstra (Goldberg, Andrew & Fonseca F. Werneck, Renato (2005) <>), A* search (P. E. Hart, N. J. Nilsson et B. Raphael (1968) <doi:10.1109/TSSC.1968.300136>), new bidirectional A* (Pijls & Post (2009) <>), Contraction hierarchies (R. Geisberger, P. Sanders, D. Schultes and D. Delling (2008) <doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68552-4_24>), PHAST (D. Delling, A.Goldberg, A. Nowatzyk, R. Werneck (2011) <doi:10.1016/j.jpdc.2012.02.007>). Algorithms for solving the traffic assignment problem are All-or-Nothing assignment, Method of Successive Averages, Frank-Wolfe algorithm (M. Fukushima (1984) <doi:10.1016/0191-2615(84)90029-8>), Conjugate and Bi-Conjugate Frank-Wolfe algorithms (M. Mitradjieva, P. O. Lindberg (2012) <doi:10.1287/trsc.1120.0409>), Algorithm-B (R. B. Dial (2006) <doi:10.1016/j.trb.2006.02.008>).
Maintained by Vincent Larmet. Last updated 11 days ago.
113 stars 7.72 score 39 scripts 4 dependentssmac-group
simts:Time Series Analysis Tools
A system contains easy-to-use tools as a support for time series analysis courses. In particular, it incorporates a technique called Generalized Method of Wavelet Moments (GMWM) as well as its robust implementation for fast and robust parameter estimation of time series models which is described, for example, in Guerrier et al. (2013) <doi: 10.1080/01621459.2013.799920>. More details can also be found in the paper linked to via the URL below.
Maintained by Stéphane Guerrier. Last updated 2 years ago.
15 stars 7.68 score 59 scripts 4 dependentscoatless-rpkg
RcppEnsmallen:Header-Only C++ Mathematical Optimization Library for 'Armadillo'
'Ensmallen' is a templated C++ mathematical optimization library (by the 'MLPACK' team) that provides a simple set of abstractions for writing an objective function to optimize. Provided within are various standard and cutting-edge optimizers that include full-batch gradient descent techniques, small-batch techniques, gradient-free optimizers, and constrained optimization. The 'RcppEnsmallen' package includes the header files from the 'Ensmallen' library and pairs the appropriate header files from 'armadillo' through the 'RcppArmadillo' package. Therefore, users do not need to install 'Ensmallen' nor 'Armadillo' to use 'RcppEnsmallen'. Note that 'Ensmallen' is licensed under 3-Clause BSD, 'Armadillo' starting from 7.800.0 is licensed under Apache License 2, 'RcppArmadillo' (the 'Rcpp' bindings/bridge to 'Armadillo') is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later. Thus, 'RcppEnsmallen' is also licensed under similar terms. Note that 'Ensmallen' requires a compiler that supports 'C++14' and 'Armadillo' 10.8.2 or later.
Maintained by James Joseph Balamuta. Last updated 4 months ago.
31 stars 7.67 score 1 scripts 14 dependentsmlampros
textTinyR:Text Processing for Small or Big Data Files
It offers functions for splitting, parsing, tokenizing and creating a vocabulary for big text data files. Moreover, it includes functions for building a document-term matrix and extracting information from those (term-associations, most frequent terms). It also embodies functions for calculating token statistics (collocations, look-up tables, string dissimilarities) and functions to work with sparse matrices. Lastly, it includes functions for Word Vector Representations (i.e. 'GloVe', 'fasttext') and incorporates functions for the calculation of (pairwise) text document dissimilarities. The source code is based on 'C++11' and exported in R through the 'Rcpp', 'RcppArmadillo' and 'BH' packages.
Maintained by Lampros Mouselimis. Last updated 1 years ago.
39 stars 7.64 score 244 scripts 1 dependentssymbolixau
colourvalues:Assigns Colours to Values
Maps one of the viridis colour palettes, or a user-specified palette to values. Viridis colour maps are created by Stéfan van der Walt and Nathaniel Smith, and were set as the default palette for the 'Python' 'Matplotlib' library <>. Other palettes available in this library have been derived from 'RColorBrewer' <> and 'colorspace' <> packages.
Maintained by David Cooley. Last updated 8 days ago.
46 stars 7.53 score 122 scripts 6 dependentsepiverse-trace
epidemics:Composable Epidemic Scenario Modelling
A library of compartmental epidemic models taken from the published literature, and classes to represent affected populations, public health response measures including non-pharmaceutical interventions on social contacts, non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical interventions that affect disease transmissibility, vaccination regimes, and disease seasonality, which can be combined to compose epidemic scenario models.
Maintained by Rosalind Eggo. Last updated 10 months ago.
9 stars 7.48 score 59 scriptspaulnorthrop
revdbayes:Ratio-of-Uniforms Sampling for Bayesian Extreme Value Analysis
Provides functions for the Bayesian analysis of extreme value models. The 'rust' package <> is used to simulate a random sample from the required posterior distribution. The functionality of 'revdbayes' is similar to the 'evdbayes' package <>, which uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo ('MCMC') methods for posterior simulation. In addition, there are functions for making inferences about the extremal index, using the models for threshold inter-exceedance times of Suveges and Davison (2010) <doi:10.1214/09-AOAS292> and Holesovsky and Fusek (2020) <doi:10.1007/s10687-020-00374-3>. Also provided are d,p,q,r functions for the Generalised Extreme Value ('GEV') and Generalised Pareto ('GP') distributions that deal appropriately with cases where the shape parameter is very close to zero.
Maintained by Paul J. Northrop. Last updated 7 months ago.
4 stars 7.41 score 58 scripts 4 dependentsaidanmorales
rTwig:Realistic Quantitative Structure Models
Real Twig is a method to correct branch overestimation in quantitative structure models. Overestimated cylinders are correctly tapered using measured twig diameters of corresponding tree species. Supported quantitative structure modeling software includes 'TreeQSM', 'SimpleForest', 'Treegraph', and 'aRchi'. Also included is a novel database of twig diameters and tools for fractal analysis of point clouds.
Maintained by Aidan Morales. Last updated 25 days ago.
8 stars 7.10 score 13 scriptsypan1988
roptim:General Purpose Optimization in R using C++
Perform general purpose optimization in R using C++. A unified wrapper interface is provided to call C functions of the five optimization algorithms ('Nelder-Mead', 'BFGS', 'CG', 'L-BFGS-B' and 'SANN') underlying optim().
Maintained by Yi Pan. Last updated 3 years ago.
20 stars 6.93 score 15 scripts 12 dependentsm-jahn
WeightedTreemaps:Generate and Plot Voronoi or Sunburst Treemaps from Hierarchical Data
Treemaps are a visually appealing graphical representation of numerical data using a space-filling approach. A plane or 'map' is subdivided into smaller areas called cells. The cells in the map are scaled according to an underlying metric which allows to grasp the hierarchical organization and relative importance of many objects at once. This package contains two different implementations of treemaps, Voronoi treemaps and Sunburst treemaps. The Voronoi treemap function subdivides the plot area in polygonal cells according to the highest hierarchical level, then continues to subdivide those parental cells on the next lower hierarchical level, and so on. The Sunburst treemap is a computationally less demanding treemap that does not require iterative refinement, but simply generates circle sectors that are sized according to predefined weights. The Voronoi tesselation is based on functions from Paul Murrell (2012) <>.
Maintained by Michael Jahn. Last updated 4 months ago.
50 stars 6.73 score 18 scriptsserkor1
SLmetrics:Machine Learning Performance Evaluation on Steroids
Performance evaluation metrics for supervised and unsupervised machine learning, statistical learning and artificial intelligence applications. Core computations are implemented in 'C++' for scalability and efficiency.
Maintained by Serkan Korkmaz. Last updated 1 days ago.
22 stars 6.56 scorepaulnorthrop
rust:Ratio-of-Uniforms Simulation with Transformation
Uses the generalized ratio-of-uniforms (RU) method to simulate from univariate and (low-dimensional) multivariate continuous distributions. The user specifies the log-density, up to an additive constant. The RU algorithm is applied after relocation of mode of the density to zero, and the user can choose a tuning parameter r. For details see Wakefield, Gelfand and Smith (1991) <DOI:10.1007/BF01889987>, Efficient generation of random variates via the ratio-of-uniforms method, Statistics and Computing (1991) 1, 129-133. A Box-Cox variable transformation can be used to make the input density suitable for the RU method and to improve efficiency. In the multivariate case rotation of axes can also be used to improve efficiency. From version 1.2.0 the 'Rcpp' package <> can be used to improve efficiency.
Maintained by Paul J. Northrop. Last updated 7 months ago.
6.53 score 36 scripts 7 dependentskeyatm
keyATM:Keyword Assisted Topic Models
Fits keyword assisted topic models (keyATM) using collapsed Gibbs samplers. The keyATM combines the latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) models with a small number of keywords selected by researchers in order to improve the interpretability and topic classification of the LDA. The keyATM can also incorporate covariates and directly model time trends. The keyATM is proposed in Eshima, Imai, and Sasaki (2024) <doi:10.1111/ajps.12779>.
Maintained by Shusei Eshima. Last updated 11 months ago.
106 stars 6.30 score 63 scriptstdaverse
ripserr:Calculate Persistent Homology with Ripser-Based Engines
Ports the Ripser <> and Cubical Ripser <> persistent homology calculation engines from C++. Can be used as a rapid calculation tool in topological data analysis pipelines.
Maintained by Jason Cory Brunson. Last updated 12 days ago.
7 stars 5.98 score 6 scriptsenchufa2
RcppXPtrUtils:XPtr Add-Ons for 'Rcpp'
Provides the means to compile user-supplied C++ functions with 'Rcpp' and retrieve an 'XPtr' that can be passed to other C++ components.
Maintained by Iñaki Ucar. Last updated 6 months ago.
20 stars 5.98 score 45 scripts 7 dependentsjameel-institute
daedalus:Model Health, Social, and Economic Costs of a Pandemic
Model the health, education, and economic costs of directly transmitted respiratory virus pandemics, under different scenarios of prior vaccine investment and reactive interventions, using the 'DAEDALUS' integrated health-economics model adapted from Haw et al. (2022) <>.
Maintained by Pratik Gupte. Last updated 1 hours ago.
4 stars 5.95 score 8 scriptspolkas
miceFast:Fast Imputations Using 'Rcpp' and 'Armadillo'
Fast imputations under the object-oriented programming paradigm. Moreover there are offered a few functions built to work with popular R packages such as 'data.table' or 'dplyr'. The biggest improvement in time performance could be achieve for a calculation where a grouping variable have to be used. A single evaluation of a quantitative model for the multiple imputations is another major enhancement. A new major improvement is one of the fastest predictive mean matching in the R world because of presorting and binary search.
Maintained by Maciej Nasinski. Last updated 2 months ago.
20 stars 5.94 score 29 scriptstmsalab
hmcdm:Hidden Markov Cognitive Diagnosis Models for Learning
Fitting hidden Markov models of learning under the cognitive diagnosis framework. The estimation of the hidden Markov diagnostic classification model, the first order hidden Markov model, the reduced-reparameterized unified learning model, and the joint learning model for responses and response times.
Maintained by Sunbeom Kwon. Last updated 2 years ago.
7 stars 5.70 score 12 scriptsmiraisolutions
rTRNG:Advanced and Parallel Random Number Generation via 'TRNG'
Embeds sources and headers from Tina's Random Number Generator ('TRNG') C++ library. Exposes some functionality for easier access, testing and benchmarking into R. Provides examples of how to use parallel RNG with 'RcppParallel'. The methods and techniques behind 'TRNG' are illustrated in the package vignettes and examples. Full documentation is available in Bauke (2021) <>.
Maintained by Riccardo Porreca. Last updated 1 years ago.
19 stars 5.63 score 15 scriptseddelbuettel
RcppExamples:Examples using 'Rcpp' to Interface R and C++
Examples for Seamless R and C++ integration The 'Rcpp' package contains a C++ library that facilitates the integration of R and C++ in various ways. This package provides some usage examples. Note that the documentation in this package currently does not cover all the features in the package. The site <> regroups a large number of examples for 'Rcpp'.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 11 days ago.
47 stars 5.58 score 7 scriptscoatless-rpkg
rgen:Random Sampling Distribution C++ Routines for Armadillo
Provides popular sampling distributions C++ routines based in armadillo through a header file approach.
Maintained by James Joseph Balamuta. Last updated 1 years ago.
4 stars 5.38 score 1 scripts 4 dependentsrcppsmc
RcppSMC:Rcpp Bindings for Sequential Monte Carlo
R access to the Sequential Monte Carlo Template Classes by Johansen <doi:10.18637/jss.v030.i06> is provided. At present, four additional examples have been added, and the first example from the JSS paper has been extended. Further integration and extensions are planned.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 3 months ago.
25 stars 5.35 score 7 scriptsjunhewk
RcppMeCab:'rcpp' Wrapper for 'mecab' Library
R package based on 'Rcpp' for 'MeCab': Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer. The purpose of this package is providing a seamless developing and analyzing environment for CJK texts. This package utilizes parallel programming for providing highly efficient text preprocessing 'posParallel()' function. For installation, please refer to file.
Maintained by Junhewk Kim. Last updated 6 months ago.
25 stars 5.30 score 40 scriptsberrij
rcpptimer:'Rcpp' Tic-Toc Timer with 'OpenMP' Support
Provides 'Rcpp' bindings for 'cpptimer', a simple tic-toc timer class for benchmarking 'C++' code <>. It's not just simple, it's blazing fast! This sleek tic-toc timer class supports overlapping timers as well as 'OpenMP' parallelism <>. It boasts a nanosecond-level time resolution. We did not find any overhead of the timer itself at this resolution. Results (with summary statistics) are automatically passed back to 'R' as a data frame.
Maintained by Jonathan Berrisch. Last updated 6 months ago.
5.18 score 1 scripts 1 dependentspaithiov909
gibasa:An Alternative 'Rcpp' Wrapper of 'MeCab'
A plain 'Rcpp' wrapper for 'MeCab' that can segment Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text into tokens. The main goal of this package is to provide an alternative to 'tidytext' using morphological analysis.
Maintained by Akiru Kato. Last updated 10 days ago.
15 stars 5.02 score 3 scriptseddelbuettel
RcppFastFloat:'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'fast_float' Header-Only Library for Number Parsing
Converting ascii text into (floating-point) numeric values is a very common problem. The 'fast_float' header-only C++ library by Daniel Lemire does it very well and very fast at up to or over to 1 gigabyte per second as described in more detail in <doi:10.1002/spe.2984>. 'fast_float' is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and provided here for use by other R packages via a simple 'LinkingTo:' statement.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 2 months ago.
19 stars 4.98 score 6 scriptstmsalab
simcdm:Simulate Cognitive Diagnostic Model ('CDM') Data
Provides efficient R and 'C++' routines to simulate cognitive diagnostic model data for Deterministic Input, Noisy "And" Gate ('DINA') and reduced Reparameterized Unified Model ('rRUM') from Culpepper and Hudson (2017) <doi: 10.1177/0146621617707511>, Culpepper (2015) <doi:10.3102/1076998615595403>, and de la Torre (2009) <doi:10.3102/1076998607309474>.
Maintained by James Joseph Balamuta. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.95 score 15 scripts 2 dependentsmlysy
rdoxygen:Create Doxygen Documentation for Source Code
Create 'doxygen' documentation for source code in R packages, and optionally make it accessible as an R vignette. Includes a 'RStudio' Addin to easily trigger the doxygenize process.
Maintained by Clemens Schmid. Last updated 6 years ago.
17 stars 4.93 score 6 scriptsmazamascience
MazamaRollUtils:Efficient Rolling Functions
A suite of compiled functions calculating rolling mins, means, maxes and other statistics. This package is designed to meet the needs of data processing systems for environmental time series.
Maintained by Jonathan Callahan. Last updated 4 months ago.
1 stars 4.84 score 23 scripts 2 dependentsmiserman
lingmatch:Linguistic Matching and Accommodation
Measure similarity between texts. Offers a variety of processing tools and similarity metrics to facilitate flexible representation of texts and matching. Implements forms of Language Style Matching (Ireland & Pennebaker, 2010) <doi:10.1037/a0020386> and Latent Semantic Analysis (Landauer & Dumais, 1997) <doi:10.1037/0033-295X.104.2.211>.
Maintained by Micah Iserman. Last updated 1 months ago.
11 stars 4.80 score 23 scriptsalexiosg
RcppBessel:Bessel Functions Rcpp Interface
Exports an 'Rcpp' interface for the Bessel functions in the 'Bessel' package, which can then be called from the 'C++' code of other packages. For the original 'Fortran' implementation of these functions see Amos (1995) <doi:10.1145/212066.212078>.
Maintained by Alexios Galanos. Last updated 7 months ago.
1 stars 4.65 score 4 scripts 1 dependentscadam00
scoredec:S-Core Graph Decomposition
S-Core Graph Decomposition algorithm for graphs. This is a method for decomposition of a weighted graph, as proposed by Eidsaa and Almaas (2013) <doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.062819>. The high speed and the low memory usage make it suitable for large graphs.
Maintained by Christos Adam. Last updated 4 months ago.
1 stars 4.65 score 3 scriptsstla
EigenR:Complex Matrix Algebra with 'Eigen'
Matrix algebra using the 'Eigen' C++ library: determinant, rank, inverse, pseudo-inverse, kernel and image, QR decomposition, Cholesky decomposition, Schur decomposition, Hessenberg decomposition, linear least-squares problems. Also provides matrix functions such as exponential, logarithm, power, sine and cosine. Complex matrices are supported.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 11 months ago.
5 stars 4.61 score 27 scripts 1 dependentswatanabe-j
qfratio:Moments and Distributions of Ratios of Quadratic Forms Using Recursion
Evaluates moments of ratios (and products) of quadratic forms in normal variables, specifically using recursive algorithms developed by Bao and Kan (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2013.03.002> and Hillier et al. (2014) <doi:10.1017/S0266466613000364>. Also provides distribution, quantile, and probability density functions of simple ratios of quadratic forms in normal variables with several algorithms. Originally developed as a supplement to Watanabe (2023) <doi:10.1007/s00285-023-01930-8> for evaluating average evolvability measures in evolutionary quantitative genetics, but can be used for a broader class of statistics. Generating functions for these moments are also closely related to the top-order zonal and invariant polynomials of matrix arguments.
Maintained by Junya Watanabe. Last updated 6 months ago.
1 stars 4.60 score 5 scriptspeekxc
simplextree:Provides Tools for Working with General Simplicial Complexes
Provides an interface to a Simplex Tree data structure, which is a data structure aimed at enabling efficient manipulation of simplicial complexes of any dimension. The Simplex Tree data structure was originally introduced by Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Clément Maria (2014) <doi:10.1007/s00453-014-9887-3>.
Maintained by Matt Piekenbrock. Last updated 1 years ago.
15 stars 4.56 score 16 scripts 1 dependentsgvegayon
ABCoptim:Implementation of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Optimization
An implementation of Karaboga (2005) Artificial Bee Colony Optimization algorithm <>. This was developed upon the basic version programmed in C and available at the algorithm's official website.
Maintained by George Vega Yon. Last updated 2 years ago.
30 stars 4.54 score 23 scriptsstla
RcppColors:Color Mappings and 'C++' Header Files for Color Conversion
Provides 'C++' header files to deal with color conversion from some color spaces to hexadecimal with 'Rcpp', and exports some color mapping functions for usage in R. Also exports functions to convert colors from the 'HSLuv' color space for usage in R. 'HSLuv' is a human-friendly alternative to HSL.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 1 years ago.
8 stars 4.53 score 85 scriptsmdequeljoe
readsdmx:Read SDMX-XML Data
Read Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) XML data. This the main transmission format used in official statistics. Data can be imported from local SDMX-ML files or a SDMX web-service and will be read in 'as is' into a dataframe object. The 'RapidXML' C++ library <> is used to parse the XML data.
Maintained by Matthew de Queljoe. Last updated 2 years ago.
14 stars 4.53 score 16 scripts 1 dependentsseborinos
NCutYX:Clustering of Omics Data of Multiple Types with a Multilayer Network Representation
Omics data come in different forms: gene expression, methylation, copy number, protein measurements and more. 'NCutYX' allows clustering of variables, of samples, and both variables and samples (biclustering), while incorporating the dependencies across multiple types of Omics data. (SJ Teran Hidalgo et al (2017), <doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3990-1>).
Maintained by Sebastian J. Teran Hidalgo. Last updated 7 years ago.
4 stars 4.48 score 15 scriptsstla
HypergeoMat:Hypergeometric Function of a Matrix Argument
Evaluates the hypergeometric functions of a matrix argument, which appear in random matrix theory. This is an implementation of Koev & Edelman's algorithm (2006) <doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-06-01824-2>.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 8 months ago.
3 stars 4.41 score 17 scriptstimbeechey
clubpro:Classification Using Binary Procrustes Rotation
Implements a classification method described by Grice (2011, ISBN:978-0-12-385194-9) using binary procrustes rotation; a simplified version of procrustes rotation.
Maintained by Timothy Beechey. Last updated 10 months ago.
4.30 score 2 scriptskonrad1991
paropt:Parameter Optimizing of ODE-Systems
Enable optimization of parameters of ordinary differential equations. Therefore, using 'SUNDIALS' to solve the ODE-System (see Hindmarsh, Alan C., Peter N. Brown, Keith E. Grant, Steven L. Lee, Radu Serban, Dan E. Shumaker, and Carol S. Woodward. (2005) <doi:10.1145/1089014.1089020>). Furthermore, for optimization the particle swarm algorithm is used (see: Akman, Devin, Olcay Akman, and Elsa Schaefer. (2018) <doi:10.1155/2018/9160793> and Sengupta, Saptarshi, Sanchita Basak, and Richard Peters. (2018) <doi:10.3390/make1010010>).
Maintained by Krämer Konrad. Last updated 9 months ago.
3 stars 4.26 score 12 scriptscadam00
lightAUC:Fast AUC Computation
Fast calculation of Area Under Curve (AUC) metric of a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, using the algorithm of Fawcett (2006) <doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2005.10.010>. Therefore it is appropriate for large-scale AUC metric calculations.
Maintained by Christos Adam. Last updated 2 months ago.
4.18 scoredselivanov
sparsepp:'Rcpp' Interface to 'sparsepp'
Provides interface to 'sparsepp' - fast, memory efficient hash map. It is derived from Google's excellent 'sparsehash' implementation. We believe 'sparsepp' provides an unparalleled combination of performance and memory usage, and will outperform your compiler's unordered_map on both counts. Only Google's 'dense_hash_map' is consistently faster, at the cost of much greater memory usage (especially when the final size of the map is not known in advance).
Maintained by Dmitriy Selivanov. Last updated 7 years ago.
11 stars 4.04 score 2 scriptsstla
RationalMatrix:Exact Matrix Algebra for Rational Matrices
Provides functions to deal with matrix algebra for matrices with rational entries: determinant, rank, image and kernel, inverse, Cholesky decomposition. All computations are exact.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
4.03 score 12 scripts 6 dependentsstla
OwenQ:Owen Q-Function
Evaluates the Owen Q-function for an integer value of the degrees of freedom, by applying Owen's algorithm (1965) <doi:10.1093/biomet/52.3-4.437>. It is useful for the calculation of the power of equivalence tests.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
4.00 score 9 scriptsjonclayden
RcppArray:'Rcpp' Meets 'C++' Arrays
Interoperability between 'Rcpp' and the 'C++11' array and tuple types. Linking to this package allows fixed-length 'std::array' objects to be converted to and from equivalent R vectors, and 'std::tuple' objects converted to lists, via the as() and wrap() functions. There is also experimental support for 'std::span' from 'C++20'.
Maintained by Jon Clayden. Last updated 3 months ago.
5 stars 3.88 score 5 scriptstmsalab
dina:Bayesian Estimation of DINA Model
Estimate the Deterministic Input, Noisy "And" Gate (DINA) cognitive diagnostic model parameters using the Gibbs sampler described by Culpepper (2015) <doi:10.3102/1076998615595403>.
Maintained by James Joseph Balamuta. Last updated 5 years ago.
14 stars 3.85 score 3 scriptstimbeechey
opa:An Implementation of Ordinal Pattern Analysis
Quantifies hypothesis to data fit for repeated measures and longitudinal data, as described by Thorngate (1987) <doi:10.1016/S0166-4115(08)60083-7> and Grice et al., (2015) <doi:10.1177/2158244015604192>. Hypothesis and data are encoded as pairwise relative orderings which are then compared to determine the percentage of orderings in the data that are matched by the hypothesis.
Maintained by Timothy Beechey. Last updated 1 years ago.
1 stars 3.70 score 2 scriptsstla
gfiExtremes:Generalized Fiducial Inference for Extremes
Fiducial framework to perform inference on the quantiles for a generalized Pareto distribution model and on the parameters of the Pareto exceedance distribution, assuming the exceedance threshold is a known or unknown parameter. Reference: Damian V. Wandler & Jan Hannig (2012) <doi:10.1007/s10687-011-0127-9>.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.70 score 8 scriptsmatrix-profile-foundation
matrixprofiler:Matrix Profile for R
This is the core functions needed by the 'tsmp' package. The low level and carefully checked mathematical functions are here. These are implementations of the Matrix Profile concept that was created by CS-UCR <>.
Maintained by Francisco Bischoff. Last updated 3 years ago.
10 stars 3.70 score 2 scriptsstla
jsonStrings:Manipulation of JSON Strings
Fast manipulation of JSON strings. Allows to extract or delete an element in a JSON string, merge two JSON strings, and more.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
7 stars 3.54 score 3 scriptspaithiov909
shikakusphere:Miscellaneous Functions for Japanese Mahjong
A collection of miscellaneous functions for Japanese mahjong that wraps C++ sources of 'shanten-number' <> and 'cmajiang' <>.
Maintained by Akiru Kato. Last updated 27 days ago.
4 stars 3.41 score 5 scriptsegpivo
QuantRegGLasso:Adaptively Weighted Group Lasso for Semiparametric Quantile Regression Models
Implements an adaptively weighted group Lasso procedure for simultaneous variable selection and structure identification in varying coefficient quantile regression models and additive quantile regression models with ultra-high dimensional covariates. The methodology, grounded in a strong sparsity condition, establishes selection consistency under certain weight conditions. To address the challenge of tuning parameter selection in practice, a BIC-type criterion named high-dimensional information criterion (HDIC) is proposed. The Lasso procedure, guided by HDIC-determined tuning parameters, maintains selection consistency. Theoretical findings are strongly supported by simulation studies. (Toshio Honda, Ching-Kang Ing, Wei-Ying Wu, 2019, <DOI:10.3150/18-BEJ1091>).
Maintained by Wen-Ting Wang. Last updated 5 months ago.
2 stars 3.30 score 2 scriptsstla
Apollonius:2D Apollonius Graphs
Computation of the Apollonius diagram of given 2D points and its dual the Apollonius graph, also known as the additively weighted Voronoï diagram, and which is a generalization of the classical Voronoï diagram. For references, see the bibliography in the CGAL documentation at <>.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 1 years ago.
3 stars 3.18 score 5 scriptsstla
qsplines:Quaternions Splines
Provides routines to create some quaternions splines: Barry-Goldman algorithm, De Casteljau algorithm, and Kochanek-Bartels algorithm. The implementations are based on the Python library 'splines'. Quaternions splines allow to construct spherical curves. References: Barry and Goldman <doi:10.1145/54852.378511>, Kochanek and Bartels <doi:10.1145/800031.808575>.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
2 stars 3.08 score 12 scriptsstla
boodist:Some Distributions from the 'Boost' Library and More
Make some distributions from the 'C++' library 'Boost' available in 'R'. In addition, the normal-inverse Gaussian distribution and the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution are provided. The distributions are represented by 'R6' classes. The method to sample from the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution is the one given in "Random variate generation for the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution" Luc Devroye (2012) <doi:10.1007/s11222-012-9367-z>.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.04 score 22 scriptstmsalab
iccbeta:Multilevel Model Intraclass Correlation for Slope Heterogeneity
A function and vignettes for computing an intraclass correlation described in Aguinis & Culpepper (2015) <doi:10.1177/1094428114563618>. This package quantifies the share of variance in a dependent variable that is attributed to group heterogeneity in slopes.
Maintained by Steven Andrew Culpepper. Last updated 5 years ago.
2 stars 3.00 score 5 scriptscalbertsen
covafillr:Local Polynomial Regression of State Dependent Covariates in State-Space Models
Facilitates local polynomial regression for state dependent covariates in state-space models. The functionality can also be used from 'C++' based model builder tools such as 'Rcpp'/'inline', 'TMB', or 'JAGS'.
Maintained by Christoffer Moesgaard Albertsen. Last updated 5 years ago.
1 stars 3.00 score 20 scriptsjasonjfoster
rollshap:Rolling Shapley Values
Analytical computation of rolling Shapley values for time-series data.
Maintained by Jason Foster. Last updated 2 months ago.
3 stars 2.78 score 1 scriptsjasonjfoster
rolleigen:Rolling Eigenanalysis
Fast and efficient computation of rolling and expanding eigenanalysis for time-series data.
Maintained by Jason Foster. Last updated 2 months ago.
3 stars 2.78 score 4 scriptsstla
interpolators:Some Interpolation Methods
Some interpolation methods taken from 'Boost': barycentric rational interpolation, modified Akima interpolation, PCHIP (piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial) interpolation, and Catmull-Rom splines.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.70 score 9 scriptstmsalab
fourPNO:Bayesian 4 Parameter Item Response Model
Estimate Barton & Lord's (1981) <doi:10.1002/j.2333-8504.1981.tb01255.x> four parameter IRT model with lower and upper asymptotes using Bayesian formulation described by Culpepper (2016) <doi:10.1007/s11336-015-9477-6>.
Maintained by Steven Andrew Culpepper. Last updated 5 years ago.
1 stars 2.70 score 5 scriptsjasonjfoster
rolloptim:Rolling Optimizations
Analytical computation of rolling optimizations for time-series data.
Maintained by Jason Foster. Last updated 2 months ago.
4 stars 2.60 score 4 scriptseddelbuettel
ldlasb:Lies, Damned Lies, and Selective Benchmarks
Correcting two very selectively chosen benchmarks in order to set a record straight.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 4 years ago.
6 stars 2.48 score 3 scripts