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readxl:Read Excel Files
Import excel files into R. Supports '.xls' via the embedded 'libxls' C library <> and '.xlsx' via the embedded 'RapidXML' C++ library <>. Works on Windows, Mac and Linux without external dependencies.
Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 8 days ago.
12.9 match 734 stars 20.85 score 160k scripts 815 dependentstidyverse
googlesheets4:Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4
Interact with Google Sheets through the Sheets API v4 <>. "API" is an acronym for "application programming interface"; the Sheets API allows users to interact with Google Sheets programmatically, instead of via a web browser. The "v4" refers to the fact that the Sheets API is currently at version 4. This package can read and write both the metadata and the cell data in a Sheet.
Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 8 months ago.
14.6 match 363 stars 14.55 score 7.0k scripts 144 dependentsnacnudus
tidyxl:Read Untidy Excel Files
Imports non-tabular from Excel files into R. Exposes cell content, position and formatting in a tidy structure for further manipulation. Tokenizes Excel formulas. Supports '.xlsx' and '.xlsm' via the embedded 'RapidXML' C++ library <>. Does not support '.xlsb' or '.xls'.
Maintained by Duncan Garmonsway. Last updated 1 years ago.
15.8 match 251 stars 10.69 score 382 scripts 13 dependentsnacnudus
unpivotr:Unpivot Complex and Irregular Data Layouts
Tools for converting data from complex or irregular layouts to a columnar structure. For example, tables with multilevel column or row headers, or spreadsheets. Header and data cells are selected by their contents and position, as well as formatting and comments where available, and are associated with one other by their proximity in given directions. Functions for data frames and HTML tables are provided.
Maintained by Duncan Garmonsway. Last updated 1 months ago.
15.8 match 186 stars 10.35 score 368 scripts 3 dependentssjentsch
jmvReadWrite:Read and Write 'jamovi' Files ('.omv')
The free and open a statistical spreadsheet 'jamovi' (<>) aims to make statistical analyses easy and intuitive. 'jamovi' produces syntax that can directly be used in R (in connection with the R-package 'jmv'). Having import / export routines for the data files 'jamovi' produces ('.omv') permits an easy transfer of data and analyses between 'jamovi' and R.
Maintained by Sebastian Jentschke. Last updated 27 days ago.
26.3 match 5 stars 6.08 score 32 scriptsbest-practice-and-impact
aftables:Create Spreadsheet Publications Following Best Practice
Generate spreadsheet publications that follow best practice guidance from the UK government's Analysis Function, available at <>, with a focus on accessibility. See also the 'Python' package 'gptables'.
Maintained by Olivia Box Power. Last updated 24 days ago.
18.5 match 44 stars 6.72 score 4 scriptsmattcowgill
readabs:Download and Tidy Time Series Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Downloads, imports, and tidies time series data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics <>.
Maintained by Matt Cowgill. Last updated 14 days ago.
9.5 match 104 stars 8.85 score 180 scriptsluisdva
forgts:Convert Formatted Spreadsheets to Presentation-Ready Display Tables
Reads cell contents plus formatting from a spreadsheet file and creates an editable 'gt' object with the same data and formatting. Supports the most commonly-used cell and text styles including colors, fills, font weights and decorations, and borders.
Maintained by Luis D. Verde Arregoitia. Last updated 1 months ago.
11.2 match 18 stars 5.56 score 3 scriptsmattkerlogue
tidyods:Read cells from ODS files
Import cells from ODS files. Identify a cell's postion, value types and formulas, and provide methods to "rectify" cells back to a 2-dimensional data.frame.
Maintained by Matt Kerlogue. Last updated 2 years ago.
18.5 match 4 stars 3.30 score 5 scriptseoda-dev
rtabulator:R Bindings for 'Tabulator JS'
Provides R bindings for 'Tabulator JS' <>. Makes it a breeze to create highly customizable interactive tables in 'rmarkdown' documents and 'shiny' applications. It includes filtering, grouping, editing, input validation, history recording, column formatters, packaged themes and more.
Maintained by Stefan Kuethe. Last updated 4 months ago.
12.8 match 11 stars 4.44 score 9 scriptscolearendt
xlsx:Read, Write, Format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 Files
Provide R functions to read/write/format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 file formats.
Maintained by Cole Arendt. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.8 match 85 stars 14.40 score 14k scripts 35 dependentsomarashkar
GIFTr:GIFT Questions Format Generator from Dataframes
A framework and functions to create 'MOODLE' quizzes. 'GIFTr' takes dataframe of questions of four types: multiple choices, numerical, true or false and short answer questions, and exports a text file formatted in 'MOODLE' GIFT format. You can prepare a spreadsheet in any software and import it into R to generate any number of questions with 'HTML', 'markdown' and 'LaTeX' support.
Maintained by Omar I. Elashkar. Last updated 5 years ago.
13.6 match 1 stars 3.70 score 3 scriptsgdemin
expss:Tables, Labels and Some Useful Functions from Spreadsheets and 'SPSS' Statistics
Package computes and displays tables with support for 'SPSS'-style labels, multiple and nested banners, weights, multiple-response variables and significance testing. There are facilities for nice output of tables in 'knitr', 'Shiny', '*.xlsx' files, R and 'Jupyter' notebooks. Methods for labelled variables add value labels support to base R functions and to some functions from other packages. Additionally, the package brings popular data transformation functions from 'SPSS' Statistics and 'Excel': 'RECODE', 'COUNT', 'COUNTIF', 'VLOOKUP' and etc. These functions are very useful for data processing in marketing research surveys. Package intended to help people to move data processing from 'Excel' and 'SPSS' to R.
Maintained by Gregory Demin. Last updated 11 months ago.
4.5 match 84 stars 11.00 score 1.8k scripts 4 dependentsrsheets
cellranger:Translate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns
Helper functions to work with spreadsheets and the "A1:D10" style of cell range specification.
Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 7 years ago.
3.5 match 51 stars 13.84 score 80 scripts 843 dependentsluisdva
unheadr:Handle Data with Messy Header Rows and Broken Values
Verb-like functions to work with messy data, often derived from spreadsheets or parsed PDF tables. Includes functions for unwrapping values broken up across rows, relocating embedded grouping values, and to annotate meaningful formatting in spreadsheet files.
Maintained by Luis D. Verde Arregoitia. Last updated 10 months ago.
6.8 match 61 stars 6.44 score 45 scriptskwb-r
kwb.readxl:Read Data From Excel Files
This package is based on the package readxl. It provides functions that read all Excel sheets as pure text and then try to split each sheet into a set of line ranges that are assumed to represent single tables.
Maintained by Hauke Sonnenberg. Last updated 5 years ago.
12.4 match 3.48 score 1 scripts 1 dependentshidef-aerial-surveying
stochLAB:Stochastic Collision Risk Model
Collision Risk Models for avian fauna (seabird and migratory birds) at offshore wind farms. The base deterministic model is derived from Band (2012) <>. This was further expanded on by Masden (2015) <doi:10.7489/1659-1> and code used here is heavily derived from this work with input from Dr A. Cook at the British Trust for Ornithology. These collision risk models are useful for marine ornithologists who are working in the offshore wind industry, particularly in UK waters. However, many of the species included in the stochastic collision risk models (stoch_crm) can also be found in the North Atlantic in the United States and Canada, and could be applied there.
Maintained by Grant Humphries. Last updated 2 years ago.
6.6 match 6 stars 4.78 score 10 scriptskwb-r
kwb.lca:Functions to Be Used in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Projects
This package contains a function to read LCA. parameters from an Excel file that was sent to and received from a project partner. The parameters are read into a data frame. Another function can be used to write the dataframe into an Excel file with different sheets and data.
Maintained by Hauke Sonnenberg. Last updated 5 years ago.
10.0 match 2 stars 3.00 score 1 scriptsjanmarvin
openxlsx2:Read, Write and Edit 'xlsx' Files
Simplifies the creation of 'xlsx' files by providing a high level interface to writing, styling and editing worksheets.
Maintained by Jan Marvin Garbuszus. Last updated 16 hours ago.
1.9 match 138 stars 13.67 score 194 scripts 11 dependentsropensci
qcoder:Lightweight Qualitative Coding
A free, lightweight, open source option for analyzing text-based qualitative data. Enables analysis of interview transcripts, observation notes, memos, and other sources. Supports the work of social scientists, historians, humanists, and other researchers who use qualitative methods. Addresses the unique challenges faced in analyzing qualitative data analysis. Provides opportunities for researchers who otherwise might not develop software to build software development skills.
Maintained by Elin Waring. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.9 match 134 stars 5.05 score 13 scriptskwb-r
kwb.geosalz:R Package for Documenting Workflow Used in Project "geosalz"
R Package for Documenting Workflow Used in Project "geosalz".
Maintained by Michael Rustler. Last updated 12 months ago.
10.0 match 2.30 score 3 scriptsdbosak01
fmtr:Easily Apply Formats to Data
Contains a set of functions that can be used to apply formats to data frames or vectors. The package aims to provide functionality similar to that of SAS® formats. Formats are assigned to the format attribute on data frame columns. Then when the fdata() function is called, a new data frame is created with the column data formatted as specified. The package also contains a value() function to create a user-defined format, similar to a SAS® user-defined format.
Maintained by David Bosak. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.5 match 12 stars 8.84 score 111 scripts 5 dependentswinvector
wrapr:Wrap R Tools for Debugging and Parametric Programming
Tools for writing and debugging R code. Provides: '%.>%' dot-pipe (an 'S3' configurable pipe), unpack/to (R style multiple assignment/return), 'build_frame()'/'draw_frame()' ('data.frame' example tools), 'qc()' (quoting concatenate), ':=' (named map builder), 'let()' (converts non-standard evaluation interfaces to parametric standard evaluation interfaces, inspired by 'gtools::strmacro()' and 'base::bquote()'), and more.
Maintained by John Mount. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.8 match 137 stars 11.11 score 390 scripts 12 dependentsmassbays-tech
MassWateR:Quality Control and Analysis of Massachusetts Water Quality Data
Methods for quality control and exploratory analysis of surface water quality data collected in Massachusetts, USA. Functions are developed to facilitate data formatting for the Water Quality Exchange Network <> and reporting of data quality objectives to state agencies. Quality control methods are from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (2020) <>.
Maintained by Marcus Beck. Last updated 10 days ago.
3.5 match 13 stars 5.26 score 10 scriptscranhaven
rock:Reproducible Open Coding Kit
The Reproducible Open Coding Kit ('ROCK', and this package, 'rock') was developed to facilitate reproducible and open coding, specifically geared towards qualitative research methods. Although it is a general-purpose toolkit, three specific applications have been implemented, specifically an interface to the 'rENA' package that implements Epistemic Network Analysis ('ENA'), means to process notes from Cognitive Interviews ('CIs'), and means to work with decentralized construct taxonomies ('DCTs'). The 'ROCK' and this 'rock' package are described in the ROCK book <> and more information, such as tutorials, is available at <>.
Maintained by Gjalt-Jorn Peters. Last updated 7 days ago.
5.3 match 5 stars 3.40 scoreframverse
xldiff:Compare excel sheets
`xldiff` provides tools to compare excel sheets, broadly inspired by "diff"-type functions. Provided functions can read sheets of two excel files and produce a third file that highlights cells that have changed. In the case of numeric changes, the direction of change is highlighted. These tools do not account for structural changes in the sheets (e.g., the addition of a column), but are useful in tracking changed values in tables or parameter files. Utility functions developed to streamline formatting output files are also more broadly useful in programmatically formatting excel files using openxlsx.
Maintained by Collin Edwards. Last updated 1 days ago.
5.5 match 3.02 score 1 dependentstbates
umx:Structural Equation Modeling and Twin Modeling in R
Quickly create, run, and report structural equation models, and twin models. See '?umx' for help, and umx_open_CRAN_page("umx") for NEWS. Timothy C. Bates, Michael C. Neale, Hermine H. Maes, (2019). umx: A library for Structural Equation and Twin Modelling in R. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22, 27-41. <doi:10.1017/thg.2019.2>.
Maintained by Timothy C. Bates. Last updated 1 days ago.
1.7 match 44 stars 9.45 score 472 scriptsajrgodfrey
BrailleR:Improved Access for Blind Users
Blind users do not have access to the graphical output from R without printing the content of graphics windows to an embosser of some kind. This is not as immediate as is required for efficient access to statistical output. The functions here are created so that blind people can make even better use of R. This includes the text descriptions of graphs, convenience functions to replace the functionality offered in many GUI front ends, and experimental functionality for optimising graphical content to prepare it for embossing as tactile images.
Maintained by A. Jonathan R. Godfrey. Last updated 11 months ago.
1.8 match 123 stars 8.90 score 143 scriptsjosesamos
tab2xml:XML Generation from Tables
Converting structured data from tables into XML format using predefined templates ensures consistency and flexibility, making it ideal for data exchange, reporting, and automated workflows.
Maintained by Jose Samos. Last updated 17 days ago.
3.9 match 4.00 score 4 scriptsms609
TreeTools:Create, Modify and Analyse Phylogenetic Trees
Efficient implementations of functions for the creation, modification and analysis of phylogenetic trees. Applications include: generation of trees with specified shapes; tree rearrangement; analysis of tree shape; rooting of trees and extraction of subtrees; calculation and depiction of split support; plotting the position of rogue taxa (Klopfstein & Spasojevic 2019) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0212942>; calculation of ancestor-descendant relationships, of 'stemwardness' (Asher & Smith, 2022) <doi:10.1093/sysbio/syab072>, and of tree balance (Mir et al. 2013, Lemant et al. 2022) <doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2012.10.005>, <doi:10.1093/sysbio/syac027>; artificial extinction (Asher & Smith, 2022) <doi:10.1093/sysbio/syab072>; import and export of trees from Newick, Nexus (Maddison et al. 1997) <doi:10.1093/sysbio/46.4.590>, and TNT <> formats; and analysis of splits and cladistic information.
Maintained by Martin R. Smith. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.5 match 21 stars 9.92 score 124 scripts 10 dependentsmitchelloharawild
vitae:Curriculum Vitae for R Markdown
Provides templates and functions to simplify the production and maintenance of curriculum vitae.
Maintained by Mitchell OHara-Wild. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.3 match 1.2k stars 10.78 score 556 scriptsblue-matter
MSEtool:Management Strategy Evaluation Toolkit
Development, simulation testing, and implementation of management procedures for fisheries (see Carruthers & Hordyk (2018) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13081>).
Maintained by Adrian Hordyk. Last updated 25 days ago.
1.8 match 8 stars 7.69 score 163 scripts 3 dependentsjranke
mkin:Kinetic Evaluation of Chemical Degradation Data
Calculation routines based on the FOCUS Kinetics Report (2006, 2014). Includes a function for conveniently defining differential equation models, model solution based on eigenvalues if possible or using numerical solvers. If a C compiler (on windows: 'Rtools') is installed, differential equation models are solved using automatically generated C functions. Non-constant errors can be taken into account using variance by variable or two-component error models <doi:10.3390/environments6120124>. Hierarchical degradation models can be fitted using nonlinear mixed-effects model packages as a back end <doi:10.3390/environments8080071>. Please note that no warranty is implied for correctness of results or fitness for a particular purpose.
Maintained by Johannes Ranke. Last updated 30 days ago.
1.7 match 11 stars 8.06 score 78 scripts 1 dependentsmages
ChainLadder:Statistical Methods and Models for Claims Reserving in General Insurance
Various statistical methods and models which are typically used for the estimation of outstanding claims reserves in general insurance, including those to estimate the claims development result as required under Solvency II.
Maintained by Markus Gesmann. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.3 match 82 stars 10.04 score 196 scripts 2 dependentscjvanlissa
tidySEM:Tidy Structural Equation Modeling
A tidy workflow for generating, estimating, reporting, and plotting structural equation models using 'lavaan', 'OpenMx', or 'Mplus'. Throughout this workflow, elements of syntax, results, and graphs are represented as 'tidy' data, making them easy to customize. Includes functionality to estimate latent class analyses, and to plot 'dagitty' and 'igraph' objects.
Maintained by Caspar J. van Lissa. Last updated 7 days ago.
1.3 match 58 stars 10.69 score 330 scripts 1 dependentsomarashkar
PKbioanalysis:Pharmacokinetic Bioanalysis Experiments Design and Exploration
Automate pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic bioanalytical procedures based on best practices and regulatory recommendations. The package impose regulatory constrains and sanity checking for common bioanalytical procedures. Additionally, 'PKbioanalysis' provides a relational infrastructure for plate management and injection sequence.
Maintained by Omar Elashkar. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.0 match 4.40 score 4 scriptsdreanod
knitxl:Generates a Spreadsheet Report from an 'rmarkdown' File
Convert an R Markdown documents into an '.xlsx' spreadsheet reports with the knitxl() function, which works similarly to knit() from the 'knitr' package. The generated report can be opened in 'Excel' or similar software for further analysis and presentation.
Maintained by Denis Dreano. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.5 match 8 stars 3.60 score 7 scriptsuzh-peg
dmdScheme:Domain Specific MetaData Scheme
Forms the core for developing own domain specific metadata schemes. It contains the basic functionality needed for all metadata schemes based on the 'dmdScheme'. See R.M. Krug and O.L. Petchey (2019) <DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3581970>.
Maintained by Rainer M. Krug. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.3 match 2 stars 2.78 score 15 scriptscran
reportRmd:Tidy Presentation of Clinical Reporting
Streamlined statistical reporting in 'Rmarkdown' environments. Facilitates the automated reporting of descriptive statistics, multiple univariate models, multivariable models and tables combining these outputs. Plotting functions include customisable survival curves, forest plots from logistic and ordinal regression and bivariate comparison plots.
Maintained by Lisa Avery. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.4 match 3.45 score 19 scripts 1 dependentsantalk2
gnumeric:Read Data from Files Readable by 'gnumeric'
Read data files readable by 'gnumeric' into 'R'. Can read whole sheet or a range, from several file formats, including the native format of 'gnumeric'. Reading is done by using 'ssconvert' (a file converter utility included in the 'gnumeric' distribution <>) to convert the requested part to CSV. From 'gnumeric' files (but not other formats) can list sheet names and sheet sizes or read all sheets.
Maintained by Karoly Antal. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.1 match 2.30 score 8 scriptskwb-r Reporting Tool for Water Suppliers
Collects, aggregates and visualises operational and analytical data from water suppliers (including a standardised reporting document).
Maintained by Michael Rustler. Last updated 6 years ago.
2.9 match 4.01 score 23 scriptskwb-r
kwb.pilot:Importing, Aggregating and Visualising Data From KWB Pilot Plants
Collects, aggregates and visualises operational and analytical data from water suppliers (including a standardised reporting document).
Maintained by Michael Rustler. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.9 match 1 stars 4.01 score 17 scriptsframverse
TAMMsupport:Streamline working with Terminal Area Management Modules
A convenient tool for interfacing with Terminal Area Manamagement Modules (TAMMs) in R environments.
Maintained by Collin Edwards. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.4 match 3 stars 3.35 score 5 scriptscran
eatDB:Spreadsheet Interface for Relational Databases
Use 'SQLite3' as a database system via a complete SQL free R interface, treating the data as if it was a single spreadsheet.
Maintained by Benjamin Becker. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.7 match 2.48 score 2 dependentscct-datascience
datadrivencv:Templates and helper functions for building a CV with spreadsheets
Separates the CV format from the content using spreadsheets, RMarkdown, and Pagedown. Built to allow easy out-of-the-box behavior, but also to allow you to go beyond the defaults with customization and lack of lock-in to a given format.
Maintained by Nick Strayer. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.4 match 2.59 score 39 scriptsrjdverse
rjd3providers:Interface to 'JDemetra+ 3.x' time series analysis software.
Interface to 'JDemetra+ 3.x' (<>) time series analysis software. It offers full acces to txt, csv, xml and spreadsheets files whicha are meant to be read by JDemetra+ Graphical User Interface.
Maintained by Alessandro Piovani. Last updated 8 months ago.
2.4 match 1 stars 3.68 score 2 scripts 1 dependentsdboslab
expowo:An R package for mining global plant diversity and distribution data
Produces diversity estimates and species lists with associated global distribution for any vascular plant family and genus from 'Plants of the World Online' database <>, by interacting with the source code of each plant taxon page. It also creates global maps of species richness, graphics of species discoveries and nomenclatural changes over time. For more details
Maintained by Debora Zuanny. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.1 match 8 stars 7.36 score 64 scriptsr-forge
RHRV:Heart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG Data
Allows users to import data files containing heartbeat positions in the most broadly used formats, to remove outliers or points with unacceptable physiological values present in the time series, to plot HRV data, and to perform time domain, frequency domain and nonlinear HRV analysis. See Garcia et al. (2017) <DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-65355-6>.
Maintained by Leandro Rodriguez-Linares. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.2 match 6.79 score 63 scripts 1 dependentsdatabrary
databraryr:Interact with the '' API
'' is a restricted access repository for research data, especially video and audio. This package provides commands to interact with the data stored on ''.
Maintained by Rick O. Gilmore. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.9 match 2 stars 4.32 score 14 scriptsssa-statistical-team-projects
povmap:Extension to the 'emdi' Package
The R package 'povmap' supports small area estimation of means and poverty headcount rates. It adds several new features to the 'emdi' package (see "The R Package emdi for Estimating and Mapping Regionally Disaggregated Indicators" by Kreutzmann et al. (2019) <doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i07>). These include new options for incorporating survey weights, ex-post benchmarking of estimates, two additional transformations, several new convenient functions to assist with reporting results, and a wrapper function to facilitate access from 'Stata'.
Maintained by Ifeanyi Edochie. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.8 match 1 stars 4.60 score 10 scriptsg6t
cloudfs:Streamlined Interface to Interact with Cloud Storage Platforms
A unified interface for simplifying cloud storage interactions, including uploading, downloading, reading, and writing files, with functions for both 'Google Drive' (<>) and 'Amazon S3' (<>).
Maintained by Iaroslav Domin. Last updated 10 months ago.
1.8 match 2 stars 4.30 score 3 scriptsbioc
This package helps users to work with TF metadata from various sources. Significant catalogs of TFs and classifications thereof are made available. Tools for working with motif scans are also provided.
Maintained by Vincent Carey. Last updated 4 months ago.
1.6 match 4.80 score 21 scriptsropensci
readODS:Read and Write ODS Files
Read ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) into R as data frame. Also support writing data frame into ODS file.
Maintained by Chung-hong Chan. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 55 stars 12.74 score 808 scripts 26 dependentsdesiquintans
novelqualcodes:Visualise the Path to a Stopping Point in Qualitative Interviews Based on Novel Codes
In semi-structured interviews that use the 'framework' method, it is not always clear how refinements to interview questions affect the decision of when to stop interviews. The trend of 'novel' and 'duplicate' interview codes (novel codes are information that other interviewees have not previously mentioned) provides insight into the richness of qualitative information. This package provides tools to visualise when refinements occur and how that affects the trends of novel and duplicate codes. These visualisations, when used progressively as new interviews are finished, can help the researcher to decide on a stopping point for their interviews.
Maintained by Desi Quintans. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.8 match 3.70 score 3 scriptsbioc
MVCClass:Model-View-Controller (MVC) Classes
Creates classes used in model-view-controller (MVC) design
Maintained by Elizabeth Whalen. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.8 match 3.78 score 1 dependentsmaxconway
gsheet:Download Google Sheets Using Just the URL
Simple package to download Google Sheets using just the sharing link. Spreadsheets can be downloaded as a data frame, or as plain text to parse manually. Google Sheets is the new name for Google Docs Spreadsheets <>.
Maintained by Max Conway. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.8 match 55 stars 7.86 score 1.3k scripts 4 dependentsswechhya
excelR:A Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'jExcel'
An R interface to 'jExcel' library to create web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with 'Excel' or any other spreadsheet software.
Maintained by Swechhya Bista. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.9 match 153 stars 6.62 score 45 scripts 2 dependentsr-forge
tframePlus:Time Frame Coding Kernel Extensions
Extensions and additional 'tframe' utilities.
Maintained by Paul Gilbert. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.8 match 3.00 score 9 scriptsjamovi
jmv:The 'jamovi' Analyses
A suite of common statistical methods such as descriptives, t-tests, ANOVAs, regression, correlation matrices, proportion tests, contingency tables, and factor analysis. This package is also useable from the 'jamovi' statistical spreadsheet (see <> for more information).
Maintained by Jonathon Love. Last updated 13 days ago.
0.5 match 59 stars 9.58 score 440 scriptsmarcschwartz
WriteXLS:Cross-Platform Perl Based R Function to Create Excel 2003 (XLS) and Excel 2007 (XLSX) Files
Cross-platform Perl based R function to create Excel 2003 (XLS) and Excel 2007 (XLSX) files from one or more data frames. Each data frame will be written to a separate named worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet. The worksheet name will be the name of the data frame it contains or can be specified by the user.
Maintained by Marc Schwartz. Last updated 8 months ago.
0.5 match 19 stars 8.59 score 758 scripts 22 dependentscran
zoomGroupStats:Analyze Text, Audio, and Video from 'Zoom' Meetings
Provides utilities for processing and analyzing the files that are exported from a recorded 'Zoom' Meeting. This includes analyzing data captured through video cameras and microphones, the text-based chat, and meta-data. You can analyze aspects of the conversation among meeting participants and their emotional expressions throughout the meeting.
Maintained by Andrew Knight. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.3 match 3.30 score 10 scriptssticsrpacks
SticsRFiles:Read and Modify 'STICS' Input/Output Files
Manipulating input and output files of the 'STICS' crop model. Files are either 'JavaSTICS' XML files or text files used by the model 'fortran' executable. Most basic functionalities are reading or writing parameter names and values in both XML or text input files, and getting data from output files. Advanced functionalities include XML files generation from XML templates and/or spreadsheets, or text files generation from XML files by using 'xslt' transformation.
Maintained by Patrice Lecharpentier. Last updated 17 days ago.
0.5 match 4 stars 8.27 score 124 scriptsjonathon-love
jmvconnect:Connect to the 'jamovi' Statistical Spreadsheet
Methods to access data sets from the 'jamovi' statistical spreadsheet (see <> for more information) from R.
Maintained by Jonathon Love. Last updated 8 months ago.
3.7 match 1 stars 1.04 score 11 scriptsdeepankardatta
blandr:Bland-Altman Method Comparison
Carries out Bland Altman analyses (also known as a Tukey mean-difference plot) as described by JM Bland and DG Altman in 1986 <doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(86)90837-8>. This package was created in 2015 as existing Bland-Altman analysis functions did not calculate confidence intervals. This package was created to rectify this, and create reproducible plots. This package is also available as a module for the 'jamovi' statistical spreadsheet (see <> for more information).
Maintained by Deepankar Datta. Last updated 9 months ago.
0.5 match 22 stars 7.22 score 75 scriptspaulklemm
rvisidata:Wrapper for 'Visidata', an Interactive Multitool for Tabular Data
Open any data frame with 'visidata', a terminal-based spreadsheet application <>.
Maintained by Paul Klemm. Last updated 10 months ago.
0.5 match 32 stars 6.26 score 19 scriptslucianea
AHPWR:Compute Analytic Hierarchy Process
Compute a tree level hierarchy, judgment matrix, consistency index and ratio, priority vectors, hierarchic synthesis and rank. Based on the book entitled "Models, Methods, Concepts and Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process" by Saaty and Vargas (2012, ISBN 978-1-4614-3597-6).
Maintained by Luciane Ferreira Alcoforado. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.6 match 2.00 score 3 scriptsjosesamos
rolap:Obtaining Star Databases from Flat Tables
Data in multidimensional systems is obtained from operational systems and is transformed to adapt it to the new structure. Frequently, the operations to be performed aim to transform a flat table into a ROLAP (Relational On-Line Analytical Processing) star database. The main objective of the package is to allow the definition of these transformations easily. The implementation of the multidimensional database obtained can be exported to work with multidimensional analysis tools on spreadsheets or relational databases.
Maintained by Jose Samos. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 5 stars 6.12 score 25 scripts 1 dependentsrntq472
RBNZ:Download Data from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Website
Provides a convenient way of accessing data published by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) on their website, <>. A range of financial and economic data is provided in spreadsheet format including exchange and interest rates, commercial lending statistics, Reserve Bank market operations, financial institution statistics, household financial data, New Zealand debt security information, and economic indicators. This package provides a method to download those spreadsheets and read them directly into R.
Maintained by Jasper Watson. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.8 match 2 stars 4.00 score 4 scriptsjrvarma
jrvFinance:Basic Finance; NPV/IRR/Annuities/Bond-Pricing; Black Scholes
Implements the basic financial analysis functions similar to (but not identical to) what is available in most spreadsheet software. This includes finding the IRR and NPV of regularly spaced cash flows and annuities. Bond pricing and YTM calculations are included. In addition, Black Scholes option pricing and Greeks are also provided.
Maintained by Jayanth Varma. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 11 stars 5.90 score 48 scripts 1 dependentscidm-ph
cartographer:Turn Place Names into Map Data
A tool for easily matching spatial data when you have a list of place/region names. You might have a data frame that came from a spreadsheet tracking some data by suburb or state. This package can convert it into a spatial data frame ready for plotting. The actual map data is provided by other packages (or your own code).
Maintained by Carl Suster. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 3 stars 5.43 score 15 scripts 2 dependentsmiyamot0
fxl:'fxl' Single Case Design Charting Package
The 'fxl' Charting package is used to prepare and design single case design figures that are typically prepared in spreadsheet software. With 'fxl', there is no need to leave the R environment to prepare these works and many of the more unique conventions in single case experimental designs can be performed without the need for physically constructing features of plots (e.g., drawing annotations across plots). Support is provided for various different plotting arrangements (e.g., multiple baseline), annotations (e.g., brackets, arrows), and output formats (e.g., svg, rasters).
Maintained by Shawn Gilroy. Last updated 3 months ago.
0.5 match 8 stars 5.46 score 24 scriptsmcanouil
insane:INsulin Secretion ANalysEr
A user-friendly interface, using Shiny, to analyse glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) assays in pancreatic beta cells or islets. The package allows the user to import several sets of experiments from different spreadsheets and to perform subsequent steps: summarise in a tidy format, visualise data quality and compare experimental conditions without omitting to account for technical confounders such as the date of the experiment or the technician. Together, insane is a comprehensive method that optimises pre-processing and analyses of GSIS experiments in a friendly-user interface. The Shiny App was initially designed for EndoC-betaH1 cell line following method described in Ndiaye et al., 2017 (<doi:10.1016/j.molmet.2017.03.011>).
Maintained by Mickaël Canouil. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 3 stars 5.48 score 4 scriptssaryace
infiltrodiscR:Minidisc Infiltrometer Data Management
A set of functions for the modeling of data derived from the Minidisc Infiltrometer device. It calculates cumulative infiltration and square root of time. Also, it calculates the A parameter based on soil physical properties.
Maintained by Sara E. Acevedo. Last updated 8 months ago.
1.6 match 1.70 scoreopenplantpathology
hagis:Analysis of Plant Pathogen Pathotype Complexities, Distributions and Diversity
Analysis of plant pathogen pathotype survey data. Functions provided calculate distribution of susceptibilities, distribution of complexities with statistics, pathotype frequency distribution, as well as diversity indices for pathotypes. This package is meant to be a direct replacement for Herrmann, Löwer and Schachtel's (1999) <doi:10.1046/j.1365-3059.1999.00325.x> Habgood-Gilmour Spreadsheet, 'HaGiS', previously used for pathotype analysis.
Maintained by Adam H. Sparks. Last updated 10 days ago.
plant-pathologypathotypepathogen-surveyvirulence analysisdifferential setassessment scalepathotype-complexitiesplant-diseasepopulation-diversities
0.5 match 1 stars 5.26 score 8 scriptsdbosak01
defineR:Creates Define XML Documents
Creates 'define.xml' documents used for regulatory submissions based on spreadsheet metadata. Can also help create metadata and generate HTML data explorer.
Maintained by David Bosak. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 10 stars 5.00 score 3 scriptsnalimilan
R.temis:Integrated Text Mining Solution
An integrated solution to perform a series of text mining tasks such as importing and cleaning a corpus, and analyses like terms and documents counts, lexical summary, terms co-occurrences and documents similarity measures, graphs of terms, correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering. Corpora can be imported from spreadsheet-like files, directories of raw text files, as well as from 'Dow Jones Factiva', 'LexisNexis', 'Europresse' and 'Alceste' files.
Maintained by Milan Bouchet-Valat. Last updated 16 days ago.
0.5 match 27 stars 4.99 score 24 scriptsstruckma
dataquieR:Data Quality in Epidemiological Research
Data quality assessments guided by a 'data quality framework introduced by Schmidt and colleagues, 2021' <doi:10.1186/s12874-021-01252-7> target the data quality dimensions integrity, completeness, consistency, and accuracy. The scope of applicable functions rests on the availability of extensive metadata which can be provided in spreadsheet tables. Either standardized (e.g. as 'html5' reports) or individually tailored reports can be generated. For an introduction into the specification of corresponding metadata, please refer to the 'package website' <>.
Maintained by Stephan Struckmann. Last updated 5 days ago.
0.5 match 4.90 score 9 scriptstimothyvigers
cgmanalysis:Clean and Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor Data
This code provides several different functions for cleaning and analyzing continuous glucose monitor data. Currently it works with 'Dexcom', 'iPro 2', 'Diasend', 'Libre', or 'Carelink' data. The cleandata() function takes a directory of CGM data files and prepares them for analysis. cgmvariables() iterates through a directory of cleaned CGM data files and produces a single spreadsheet with data for each file in either rows or columns. The column format of this spreadsheet is compatible with REDCap data upload. cgmreport() also iterates through a directory of cleaned data, and produces PDFs of individual and aggregate AGP plots. Please visit <> to download the new-user guide.
Maintained by Tim Vigers. Last updated 1 months ago.
0.8 match 4 stars 2.77 score 37 scriptsjsugarelli
shinyfilter:Use Interdependent Filters on Table Columns in Shiny Apps
Allows to connect 'selectizeInputs' widgets as filters to a 'reactable' table. As known from spreadsheet applications, column filters are interdependent, so each filter only shows the values that are really available at the moment based on the current selection in other filters. Filter values currently not available (and also those being available) can be shown via popovers or tooltips.
Maintained by Joachim Zuckarelli. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.5 match 17 stars 4.13 score 16 scriptsslabaverse
mabacR:Assisting Decision Makers
Easy implementation of the MABAC multi-criteria decision method, that was introduced by Pamučar and Ćirović in the work entitled: "The selection of transport and handling resources in logistics centers using Multi-Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison (MABAC)" - <doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2014.11.057> - which aimed to choose implements for logistics centers. This package receives data, preferably in a spreadsheet, reads it and applies the mathematical algorithms inherent to the MABAC method to generate a ranking with the optimal solution according to the established criteria, weights and type of criteria. The data will be normalized, weighted by the weights, the border area will be determined, the distances to this border area will be calculated and finally a ranking with the optimal option will be generated.
Maintained by Adam Slabadack. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.5 match 4.00 score 6 scriptsagroscope-ch
OpenFoodTox:EFSA OpenFoodTox Data Made Accessible as an R Package
Provides convenient access to data extracted from some of the spreadsheet files made available by the chemical hazards database of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), accessible via <>.
Maintained by Johannes Ranke. Last updated 8 months ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 3.48 score 2 scriptsiembry
ie2misc:Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Functions
A collection of Irucka Embry's miscellaneous USGS functions (processing .exp and .psf files, statistical error functions, "+" dyadic operator for use with NA, creating ADAPS and QW spreadsheet files, calculating saturated enthalpy). Irucka created these functions while a Cherokee Nation Technology Solutions (CNTS) United States Geological Survey (USGS) Contractor and/or USGS employee.
Maintained by Irucka Embry. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 3.43 score 54 scriptsifellows
Deducer:A Data Analysis GUI for R
An intuitive, cross-platform graphical data analysis system. It uses menus and dialogs to guide the user efficiently through the data manipulation and analysis process, and has an excel like spreadsheet for easy data frame visualization and editing. Deducer works best when used with the Java based R GUI JGR, but the dialogs can be called from the command line. Dialogs have also been integrated into the Windows Rgui.
Maintained by Ian Fellows. Last updated 9 years ago.
0.5 match 3.44 score 91 scripts 1 dependentsashipunov
shipunov:Miscellaneous Functions from Alexey Shipunov
A collection of functions for data manipulation, plotting and statistical computing, to use separately or with the book "Visual Statistics. Use R!": Shipunov (2020) <>. Dr Alexey Shipunov died in December 2022. Most useful functions: Bclust(), Jclust() and BootA() which bootstrap hierarchical clustering; Recode() which does multiple recoding in a fast, simple and flexible way; Misclass() which outputs confusion matrix even if classes are not concerted; Overlap() which measures group separation on any projection; Biarrows() which converts any scatterplot into biplot; and Pleiad() which is fast and flexible correlogram.
Maintained by ORPHANED. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.8 match 1.00 score 9 scriptslcbc-uio
noasr:NOAS convenience functions
Functions created to work well with LCBC's Nephew of All Spreadsheet data.
Maintained by Athanasia Mo Mowinckel. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.6 match 3.00 score 4 scriptsmatt-dray
tide:Manually Edit A Dataframe, Get Code to Reproduce It
Adjust a data.frame manually with R's inbuilt spreadsheet-like data editor and have simple base-R code returned that reproduces the changes.
Maintained by Matt Dray. Last updated 8 months ago.
0.5 match 8 stars 2.60 score 3 scriptscran
varitas:Variant Calling in Targeted Analysis Sequencing Data
Multi-caller variant analysis pipeline for targeted analysis sequencing (TAS) data. Features a modular, automated workflow that can start with raw reads and produces a user-friendly PDF summary and a spreadsheet containing consensus variant information.
Maintained by Adam Mills. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.5 match 2.30 scoreenvironmentalscienceassociates
tbsa:Turbine Blade Strike Analysis
R implementation of spreadsheet model provided by the USFWS for performing leading-edge blade strike analysis of hydropower turbines on fish.
Maintained by Travis Hinkelman. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 1.70 score 1 scriptsryantmoore
muRL:Mailmerge using R, LaTeX, and the Web
Provides mailmerge methods for reading spreadsheets of addresses and other relevant information to create standardized but customizable letters. Provides a method for mapping US ZIP codes, including those of letter recipients. Provides a method for parsing and processing html code from online job postings of the American Political Science Association.
Maintained by Ryan T. Moore. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 1.70 score 7 scriptsmicbtz
fsia:Import and Analysis of OMR Data from FormScanner
Import data of tests and questionnaires from FormScanner. FormScanner is an open source software that converts scanned images to data using optical mark recognition (OMR) and it can be downloaded from <>. The spreadsheet file created by FormScanner is imported in a convenient format to perform the analyses provided by the package. These analyses include the conversion of multiple responses to binary (correct/incorrect) data, the computation of the number of corrected responses for each subject or item, scoring using weights,the computation and the graphical representation of the frequencies of the responses to each item and the report of the responses of a few subjects.
Maintained by Michela Battauz. Last updated 8 years ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 1.18 score 15 scriptscran
HYDROCAL:Hydraulic Roughness Calculator
Estimates frictional constants for hydraulic analysis of rivers. This HYDRaulic ROughness CALculator (HYDROCAL) was previously developed as a spreadsheet tool and accompanying documentation by McKay and Fischenich (2011, <>).
Maintained by Colton Shaw. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 1.00 scorenalimilan
RcmdrPlugin.temis:Graphical Integrated Text Mining Solution
An 'R Commander' plug-in providing an integrated solution to perform a series of text mining tasks such as importing and cleaning a corpus, and analyses like terms and documents counts, vocabulary tables, terms co-occurrences and documents similarity measures, time series analysis, correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering. Corpora can be imported from spreadsheet-like files, directories of raw text files, 'Twitter' queries, as well as from 'Dow Jones Factiva', 'LexisNexis', 'Europresse' and 'Alceste' files.
Maintained by Milan Bouchet-Valat. Last updated 7 years ago.
0.5 match 1.00 score 7 scriptsmomut1
lucas:Package to Download and Create the DB of LUCAS Data Harmonized
Reproduces the harmonized DB of the ESTAT survey of the same name. The survey data is served as separate spreadsheets with noticeable differences in the collected attributes. The tool here presented carries out a series of instructions that harmonize the attributes in terms of name, meaning, and occurrence, while also introducing a series of new variables, instrumental to adding value to the product. Outputs include one harmonized table with all the years, and three separate geometries, corresponding to the theoretical point, the gps location where the measurement was made and the 250m east-facing transect.
Maintained by Momchil Yordanov. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.5 match 1.00 score