Showing 55 of total 55 results (show query)
magrittr:A Forward-Pipe Operator for R
Provides a mechanism for chaining commands with a new forward-pipe operator, %>%. This operator will forward a value, or the result of an expression, into the next function call/expression. There is flexible support for the type of right-hand side expressions. For more information, see package vignette. To quote Rene Magritte, "Ceci n'est pas un pipe."
Maintained by Lionel Henry. Last updated 2 years ago.
62.2 match 961 stars 21.06 score 82k scripts 14k dependentsgdemin
maditr:Fast Data Aggregation, Modification, and Filtering with Pipes and 'data.table'
Provides pipe-style interface for 'data.table'. Package preserves all 'data.table' features without significant impact on performance. 'let' and 'take' functions are simplified interfaces for most common data manipulation tasks. For example, you can write 'take(mtcars, mean(mpg), by = am)' for aggregation or 'let(mtcars, hp_wt = hp/wt, hp_wt_mpg = hp_wt/mpg)' for modification. Use 'take_if/let_if' for conditional aggregation/modification. Additionally there are some conveniences such as automatic 'data.frame' conversion to 'data.table'.
Maintained by Gregory Demin. Last updated 4 months ago.
11.0 match 61 stars 8.98 score 248 scripts 7 dependentsrossellhayes
incase:Pipe-Friendly Vector Replacement with Case Statements
Offers a pipe-friendly alternative to the 'dplyr' functions case_when() and if_else(), as well as a number of user-friendly simplifications for common use cases. These functions accept a vector as an optional first argument, allowing conditional statements to be built using the 'magrittr' dot operator. The functions also coerce all outputs to the same type, meaning you no longer have to worry about using specific typed variants of NA or explicitly declaring integer outputs, and evaluate outputs somewhat lazily, so you don't waste time on long operations that won't be used.
Maintained by Alexander Rossell Hayes. Last updated 8 months ago.
19.0 match 7 stars 3.85 score 9 scriptsdmurdoch
rgl:3D Visualization Using OpenGL
Provides medium to high level functions for 3D interactive graphics, including functions modelled on base graphics (plot3d(), etc.) as well as functions for constructing representations of geometric objects (cube3d(), etc.). Output may be on screen using OpenGL, or to various standard 3D file formats including WebGL, PLY, OBJ, STL as well as 2D image formats, including PNG, Postscript, SVG, PGF.
Maintained by Duncan Murdoch. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.5 match 91 stars 17.49 score 7.3k scripts 300 dependentsr-lib
lintr:A 'Linter' for R Code
Checks adherence to a given style, syntax errors and possible semantic issues. Supports on the fly checking of R code edited with 'RStudio IDE', 'Emacs', 'Vim', 'Sublime Text', 'Atom' and 'Visual Studio Code'.
Maintained by Michael Chirico. Last updated 8 days ago.
3.6 match 1.2k stars 17.00 score 916 scripts 33 dependentsdaranzolin
ViewPipeSteps:Create View Tabs of Pipe Chains
Debugging pipe chains often consists of viewing the output after each step. This package adds RStudio addins and two functions that allow outputing each or select steps in a convenient way.
Maintained by David Ranzolin. Last updated 3 years ago.
11.0 match 246 stars 5.49 score 25 scriptsigraph
igraph:Network Analysis and Visualization
Routines for simple graphs and network analysis. It can handle large graphs very well and provides functions for generating random and regular graphs, graph visualization, centrality methods and much more.
Maintained by Kirill Müller. Last updated 9 hours ago.
2.3 match 582 stars 21.11 score 31k scripts 1.9k dependentsr-lib
usethis:Automate Package and Project Setup
Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise performed manually. This includes setting up unit testing, test coverage, continuous integration, Git, 'GitHub', licenses, 'Rcpp', 'RStudio' projects, and more.
Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 11 days ago.
1.9 match 869 stars 17.54 score 5.6k scripts 336 dependentsdatastorm-open
visNetwork:Network Visualization using 'vis.js' Library
Provides an R interface to the 'vis.js' JavaScript charting library. It allows an interactive visualization of networks.
Maintained by Benoit Thieurmel. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.0 match 549 stars 15.14 score 4.1k scripts 195 dependentsyihui
formatR:Format R Code Automatically
Provides a function tidy_source() to format R source code. Spaces and indent will be added to the code automatically, and comments will be preserved under certain conditions, so that R code will be more human-readable and tidy. There is also a Shiny app as a user interface in this package (see tidy_app()).
Maintained by Yihui Xie. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.7 match 259 stars 15.07 score 1.4k scripts 1.2k dependentsrstudio
blastula:Easily Send HTML Email Messages
Compose and send out responsive HTML email messages that render perfectly across a range of email clients and device sizes. Helper functions let the user insert embedded images, web link buttons, and 'ggplot2' plot objects into the message body. Messages can be sent through an 'SMTP' server, through the 'Posit Connect' service, or through the 'Mailgun' API service <>.
Maintained by Richard Iannone. Last updated 8 months ago.
2.3 match 552 stars 10.27 score 348 scripts 5 dependentsjakobbossek
grapherator:A Modular Multi-Step Graph Generator
Set of functions for step-wise generation of (weighted) graphs. Aimed for research in the field of single- and multi-objective combinatorial optimization. Graphs are generated adding nodes, edges and weights. Each step may be repeated multiple times with different predefined and custom generators resulting in high flexibility regarding the graph topology and structure of edge weights.
Maintained by Jakob Bossek. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.3 match 9 stars 6.04 score 27 scripts 1 dependentsropensci
robotstxt:A 'robots.txt' Parser and 'Webbot'/'Spider'/'Crawler' Permissions Checker
Provides functions to download and parse 'robots.txt' files. Ultimately the package makes it easy to check if bots (spiders, crawler, scrapers, ...) are allowed to access specific resources on a domain.
Maintained by Jordan Bradford. Last updated 4 months ago.
1.8 match 68 stars 10.43 score 414 scripts 7 dependentslarmarange
labelled:Manipulating Labelled Data
Work with labelled data imported from 'SPSS' or 'Stata' with 'haven' or 'foreign'. This package provides useful functions to deal with "haven_labelled" and "haven_labelled_spss" classes introduced by 'haven' package.
Maintained by Joseph Larmarange. Last updated 26 days ago.
1.3 match 76 stars 15.02 score 2.4k scripts 96 dependentserictleung
hp:Pipe a function into help()
After using autocomplete on a function, instead of scrolling to the front of the function to use the question mark to access the help page, this package allows you to pipe the function into a wrapper help function for easier access.
Maintained by Eric Leung. Last updated 4 years ago.
11.0 match 1.70 score 7 scriptsbioc
MOFA2:Multi-Omics Factor Analysis v2
The MOFA2 package contains a collection of tools for training and analysing multi-omic factor analysis (MOFA). MOFA is a probabilistic factor model that aims to identify principal axes of variation from data sets that can comprise multiple omic layers and/or groups of samples. Additional time or space information on the samples can be incorporated using the MEFISTO framework, which is part of MOFA2. Downstream analysis functions to inspect molecular features underlying each factor, vizualisation, imputation etc are available.
Maintained by Ricard Argelaguet. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.7 match 319 stars 10.02 score 502 scriptsflyaflya
causact:Fast, Easy, and Visual Bayesian Inference
Accelerate Bayesian analytics workflows in 'R' through interactive modelling, visualization, and inference. Define probabilistic graphical models using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) as a unifying language for business stakeholders, statisticians, and programmers. This package relies on interfacing with the 'numpyro' python package.
Maintained by Adam Fleischhacker. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.3 match 45 stars 7.15 score 52 scriptspbiecek
archivist:Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects
Data exploration and modelling is a process in which a lot of data artifacts are produced. Artifacts like: subsets, data aggregates, plots, statistical models, different versions of data sets and different versions of results. The more projects we work with the more artifacts are produced and the harder it is to manage these artifacts. Archivist helps to store and manage artifacts created in R. Archivist allows you to store selected artifacts as a binary files together with their metadata and relations. Archivist allows to share artifacts with others, either through shared folder or github. Archivist allows to look for already created artifacts by using it's class, name, date of the creation or other properties. Makes it easy to restore such artifacts. Archivist allows to check if new artifact is the exact copy that was produced some time ago. That might be useful either for testing or caching.
Maintained by Przemyslaw Biecek. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 74 stars 8.81 score 105 scripts 2 dependentsnutterb
pixiedust:Tables so Beautifully Fine-Tuned You Will Believe It's Magic
The introduction of the 'broom' package has made converting model objects into data frames as simple as a single function. While the 'broom' package focuses on providing tidy data frames that can be used in advanced analysis, it deliberately stops short of providing functionality for reporting models in publication-ready tables. 'pixiedust' provides this functionality with a programming interface intended to be similar to 'ggplot2's system of layers with fine tuned control over each cell of the table. Options for output include printing to the console and to the common markdown formats (markdown, HTML, and LaTeX). With a little 'pixiedust' (and happy thoughts) tables can really fly.
Maintained by Benjamin Nutter. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.9 match 180 stars 8.01 score 94 scriptsekstroem
MESS:Miscellaneous Esoteric Statistical Scripts
A mixed collection of useful and semi-useful diverse statistical functions, some of which may even be referenced in The R Primer book. See Ekstrøm, C. T. (2016). The R Primer. 2nd edition. Chapman & Hall.
Maintained by Claus Thorn Ekstrøm. Last updated 29 days ago.
1.8 match 4 stars 7.76 score 328 scripts 13 dependentsbioc
karyoploteR:Plot customizable linear genomes displaying arbitrary data
karyoploteR creates karyotype plots of arbitrary genomes and offers a complete set of functions to plot arbitrary data on them. It mimicks many R base graphics functions coupling them with a coordinate change function automatically mapping the chromosome and data coordinates into the plot coordinates. In addition to the provided data plotting functions, it is easy to add new ones.
Maintained by Bernat Gel. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.2 match 306 stars 11.22 score 656 scripts 4 dependentsropensci
CoordinateCleaner:Automated Cleaning of Occurrence Records from Biological Collections
Automated flagging of common spatial and temporal errors in biological and paleontological collection data, for the use in conservation, ecology and paleontology. Includes automated tests to easily flag (and exclude) records assigned to country or province centroid, the open ocean, the headquarters of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, urban areas or the location of biodiversity institutions (museums, zoos, botanical gardens, universities). Furthermore identifies per species outlier coordinates, zero coordinates, identical latitude/longitude and invalid coordinates. Also implements an algorithm to identify data sets with a significant proportion of rounded coordinates. Especially suited for large data sets. The reference for the methodology is: Zizka et al. (2019) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13152>.
Maintained by Alexander Zizka. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.2 match 82 stars 10.93 score 306 scripts 3 dependentscran
multipanelfigure:Infrastructure to Assemble Multi-Panel Figures (from Grobs)
Tools to create a layout for figures made of multiple panels, and to fill the panels with base, 'lattice', 'ggplot2' and 'ComplexHeatmap' plots, grobs, as well as content from all image formats supported by 'ImageMagick' (accessed through 'magick').
Maintained by Johannes Graumann. Last updated 11 months ago.
3.7 match 3 stars 3.48 scoretylermorganwall
skpr:Design of Experiments Suite: Generate and Evaluate Optimal Designs
Generates and evaluates D, I, A, Alias, E, T, and G optimal designs. Supports generation and evaluation of blocked and split/split-split/.../N-split plot designs. Includes parametric and Monte Carlo power evaluation functions, and supports calculating power for censored responses. Provides a framework to evaluate power using functions provided in other packages or written by the user. Includes a Shiny graphical user interface that displays the underlying code used to create and evaluate the design to improve ease-of-use and make analyses more reproducible. For details, see Morgan-Wall et al. (2021) <doi:10.18637/jss.v099.i01>.
Maintained by Tyler Morgan-Wall. Last updated 9 days ago.
1.8 match 118 stars 6.89 score 35 scriptsndphillips
FFTrees:Generate, Visualise, and Evaluate Fast-and-Frugal Decision Trees
Create, visualize, and test fast-and-frugal decision trees (FFTs) using the algorithms and methods described by Phillips, Neth, Woike & Gaissmaier (2017), <doi:10.1017/S1930297500006239>. FFTs are simple and transparent decision trees for solving binary classification problems. FFTs can be preferable to more complex algorithms because they require very little information, are easy to understand and communicate, and are robust against overfitting.
Maintained by Hansjoerg Neth. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.2 match 135 stars 9.58 score 144 scriptscole-brokamp
automagic:Automagically Document and Install Packages Necessary to Run R Code
Parse R code in a given directory for R packages and attempt to install them from CRAN or GitHub. Optionally use a dependencies file for tighter control over which package versions to install.
Maintained by Cole Brokamp. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.0 match 57 stars 5.61 score 12 scripts 2 dependentsthomaschln
linevis:Interactive Time Series Visualizations
Create interactive time series visualizations. 'linevis' includes an extensive API to manipulate time series after creation, and supports getting data out of the visualization. Based on the 'timevis' package and the 'vis.js' Timeline 'JavaScript' library <>.
Maintained by Thomas Charlon. Last updated 24 days ago.
2.5 match 4.40 scorebioc
HIPPO:Heterogeneity-Induced Pre-Processing tOol
For scRNA-seq data, it selects features and clusters the cells simultaneously for single-cell UMI data. It has a novel feature selection method using the zero inflation instead of gene variance, and computationally faster than other existing methods since it only relies on PCA+Kmeans rather than graph-clustering or consensus clustering.
Maintained by Tae Kim. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.8 match 18 stars 6.16 score 4 scriptsthinkr-open
arpr:Advanced R Pipes
Provides convenience functions for programming with 'magrittr' pipes. Conditional pipes, a string prefixer and a function to pipe the given object into a specific argument given by character name are currently supported. It is named after the dadaist Hans Arp, a friend of Rene Magritte.
Maintained by Sébastien Rochette. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.5 match 7 stars 4.32 score 5 scripts 2 dependentsskgrange
rmweather:Tools to Conduct Meteorological Normalisation and Counterfactual Modelling for Air Quality Data
An integrated set of tools to allow data users to conduct meteorological normalisation and counterfactual modelling for air quality data. The meteorological normalisation technique uses predictive random forest models to remove variation of pollutant concentrations so trends and interventions can be explored in a robust way. For examples, see Grange et al. (2018) <doi:10.5194/acp-18-6223-2018> and Grange and Carslaw (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.344>. The random forest models can also be used for counterfactual or business as usual (BAU) modelling by using the models to predict, from the model's perspective, the future. For an example, see Grange et al. (2021) <doi:10.5194/acp-2020-1171>.
Maintained by Stuart K. Grange. Last updated 24 days ago.
1.7 match 49 stars 6.24 score 239 scriptshaozhu233
kableExtra:Construct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax
Build complex HTML or 'LaTeX' tables using 'kable()' from 'knitr' and the piping syntax from 'magrittr'. Function 'kable()' is a light weight table generator coming from 'knitr'. This package simplifies the way to manipulate the HTML or 'LaTeX' codes generated by 'kable()' and allows users to construct complex tables and customize styles using a readable syntax.
Maintained by Hao Zhu. Last updated 10 days ago.
0.5 match 702 stars 19.35 score 55k scripts 163 dependentslchansson
rKolada:Access Data from the 'Kolada' Database
Methods for downloading and processing data and metadata from 'Kolada', the official Swedish regions and municipalities database <>.
Maintained by Love Hansson. Last updated 10 months ago.
1.8 match 4 stars 5.30 score 5 scriptsgegznav
spAddins:RStudio Add-ins to Format R Markdown files (RETIRED PACKAGE)
The development of `spAddins` ended in 2018 as the package retired in favor of packages `addins.rmd` and ``. ... RStudio Add-ins to Format Text and Insert Operators ... A set of RStudio addins that are designed to be used in combination with user-defined RStudio keyboard shortcuts. These addins either: 1) insert text at a cursor position (e.g. insert operators %>%, <<-, %$%, etc.), 2) replace symbols in selected pieces of text (e.g., convert backslashes to forward slashes which results in stings like "c:\data\" converted into "c:/data/") or 3) enclose text with special symbols (e.g., converts "bold" into "**bold**") which is convenient for editing R Markdown files.
Maintained by Vilmantas Gegzna. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.0 match 8 stars 4.60 score 8 scriptsedpeyton
pkgdepR:Statically Determine Function Dependencies Between Packages
Statically determine and visualize the function dependencies within and across packages. This may be useful for managing function dependencies across a code base of multiple R packages.
Maintained by Ed Peyton. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.8 match 11 stars 4.36 score 14 scriptstysonstanley
MarginalMediation:Marginal Mediation
Provides the ability to perform "Marginal Mediation"--mediation wherein the indirect and direct effects are in terms of the average marginal effects (Bartus, 2005, <>). The style of the average marginal effects stems from Thomas Leeper's work on the "margins" package. This framework allows the use of categorical mediators and outcomes with little change in interpretation from the continuous mediators/outcomes. See <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.18465.92001> for more details on the method.
Maintained by Tyson S Barrett. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.8 match 3 stars 4.29 score 13 scriptspetermeissner
crossword.r:Generating Crosswords from Word Lists
Generate crosswords from a list of words.
Maintained by Peter Meissner. Last updated 6 years ago.
1.8 match 28 stars 4.15 score 8 scriptsbioc
xcore:xcore expression regulators inference
xcore is an R package for transcription factor activity modeling based on known molecular signatures and user's gene expression data. Accompanying xcoredata package provides a collection of molecular signatures, constructed from publicly available ChiP-seq experiments. xcore use ridge regression to model changes in expression as a linear combination of molecular signatures and find their unknown activities. Obtained, estimates can be further tested for significance to select molecular signatures with the highest predicted effect on the observed expression changes.
Maintained by Maciej Migdał. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.8 match 4.00 score 8 scriptsjlilienthal
TLMoments:Calculate TL-Moments and Convert Them to Distribution Parameters
Calculates empirical TL-moments (trimmed L-moments) of arbitrary order and trimming, and converts them to distribution parameters.
Maintained by Jona Lilienthal. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.5 match 4.79 score 29 scripts 22 dependentsskgrange
saqgetr:Import Air Quality Monitoring Data in a Fast and Easy Way
A collection of tools to access prepared air quality monitoring data files from web servers with ease and speed. Air quality data are sourced from open and publicly accessible repositories and can be found in these locations: <> and <>. The web server space has been provided by Ricardo Energy & Environment.
Maintained by Stuart K. Grange. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.7 match 9 stars 3.65 score 9 scriptsgogonzo
ox:Shorthand if-Else
Short hand if-else function to easily switch the values depending on a logical condition.
Maintained by Dawid Kałędkowski. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.3 match 4 stars 4.60 score 6 scriptsdipterix
rutabaga:Simple R Tools for Analysis and Visualizations
Provides functions (R, C++) to speed up array calculations. Includes various tools for prettier visualizations via R base plots.
Maintained by Zhengjia Wang. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.6 match 1.70 score 2 scriptsmarkvanderloo
simputation:Simple Imputation
Easy to use interfaces to a number of imputation methods that fit in the not-a-pipe operator of the 'magrittr' package.
Maintained by Mark van der Loo. Last updated 8 months ago.
0.5 match 92 stars 8.38 score 350 scriptsfastverse
fastverse:A Suite of High-Performance Packages for Statistics and Data Manipulation
Easy installation, loading and management, of high-performance packages for statistical computing and data manipulation in R. The core 'fastverse' consists of 4 packages: 'data.table', 'collapse', 'kit' and 'magrittr', that jointly only depend on 'Rcpp'. The 'fastverse' can be freely and permanently extended with additional packages, both globally or for individual projects. Separate package verses can also be created. Fast packages for many common tasks such as time series, dates and times, strings, spatial data, statistics, data serialization, larger-than-memory processing, and compilation of R code are listed in the README file: <>.
Maintained by Sebastian Krantz. Last updated 25 days ago.
0.5 match 264 stars 8.90 score 222 scriptscertara
tidyvpc:VPC Percentiles and Prediction Intervals
Perform a Visual Predictive Check (VPC), while accounting for stratification, censoring, and prediction correction. Using piping from 'magrittr', the intuitive syntax gives users a flexible and powerful method to generate VPCs using both traditional binning and a new binless approach Jamsen et al. (2018) <doi:10.1002/psp4.12319> with Additive Quantile Regression (AQR) and Locally Estimated Scatterplot Smoothing (LOESS) prediction correction.
Maintained by James Craig. Last updated 4 months ago.
0.5 match 11 stars 7.81 score 47 scripts 1 dependentssahilseth
pipefittr:Convert Nested Functions to Pipes
To take nested function calls and convert them to a more readable form using pipes from package 'magrittr'.
Maintained by Sahil Seth. Last updated 9 years ago.
2.3 match 1.70 score 3 scriptsegnha
gestalt:Tools for Making and Combining Functions
Provides a suite of function-building tools centered around a (forward) composition operator, %>>>%, which extends the semantics of the 'magrittr' %>% operator and supports 'Tidyverse' quasiquotation. It enables you to construct composite functions that can be inspected and transformed as list-like objects. In conjunction with %>>>%, a compact function constructor, fn(), and a partial-application constructor, partial(), are also provided; both support quasiquotation.
Maintained by Eugene Ha. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 38 stars 5.53 score 18 scriptsdecisionpatterns
backpipe:Backward Pipe (Right-to-Left) Operator
Provides a backward-pipe operator for 'magrittr' (%<%) or 'pipeR' (%<<%) that allows for a performing operations from right-to-left. This allows writing more legible code where right-to-left ordering is natural. This is common with hierarchies and nested structures such as trees, directories or markup languages (e.g. HTML and XML). The package also includes a R-Studio add-in that can be bound to a keyboard shortcut.
Maintained by Christopher Brown. Last updated 7 years ago.
0.5 match 30 stars 5.18 score 3 scriptsswang87
fc:Function Composition in R
Provides a way to compose functions in R, and allows for chaining commands using the magrittr-esque forward-pipe operator, %>%.
Maintained by Xiaofei (Susan) Wang. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.5 match 3.74 score 11 scriptsxiaoran831213
fcp:Function Composition
A function composition operator to chain a series of calls into a single function, mimicking the math notion of (f o g o h)(x) = h(g(f(x))). Inspired by 'pipeOp' ('|>') since R4.1 and 'magrittr pipe' ('%>%'), the operator build a pipe without putting data through, which is best for anonymous function accepted by utilities such as apply() and lapply().
Maintained by Xiaoran Tong. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 2.00 score 3 scriptsbvancil
multimeter:Inspect Data Pipelines
Inspect data pipelines (especially magrittr pipelines) for before-after changes during tricky operations.
Maintained by Brian Vancil. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.6 match 1.70 scorecran
regexPipes:Wrappers Around 'base::grep()' for Use with Pipes
Provides wrappers around base::grep() where the first argument is standardized to take the data object. This makes it less of a pain to use regular expressions with 'magrittr' or other pipe operators.
Maintained by Billy Buchanan. Last updated 9 years ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 1.70 score