Showing 5 of total 5 results (show query)
shiny.reglog:Optional Login and Registration Module System for ShinyApps
RegLog system provides a set of shiny modules to handle register procedure for your users, alongside with login, edit credentials and password reset functionality. It provides support for popular SQL databases and optionally googlesheet-based database for easy setup. For email sending it provides support for 'emayili' and 'gmailr' backends. Architecture makes customizing usability pretty straightforward. The authentication system created with shiny.reglog is designed to be optional: user don't need to be logged-in to access your application, but when logged-in the user data can be used to read from and write to relational databases.
Maintained by Michal Kosinski. Last updated 3 years ago.
13.5 match 14 stars 6.45 score 20 scriptsgbganalyst
bulkreadr:The Ultimate Tool for Reading Data in Bulk
Designed to simplify and streamline the process of reading and processing large volumes of data in R, this package offers a collection of functions tailored for bulk data operations. It enables users to efficiently read multiple sheets from Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets workbooks, as well as various CSV files from a directory. The data is returned as organized data frames, facilitating further analysis and manipulation. Ideal for handling extensive data sets or batch processing tasks, bulkreadr empowers users to manage data in bulk effortlessly, saving time and effort in data preparation workflows. Additionally, the package seamlessly works with labelled data from SPSS and Stata.
Maintained by Ezekiel Ogundepo. Last updated 6 months ago.
10.0 match 12 stars 5.94 score 12 scriptsdreamrs
datamods:Modules to Import and Manipulate Data in 'Shiny'
'Shiny' modules to import data into an application or 'addin' from various sources, and to manipulate them after that.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 11 days ago.
4.0 match 144 stars 12.03 score 174 scripts 7 dependentsfhdsl
metricminer:Mine Metrics from Common Places on the Web
Mine metrics on common places on the web through the power of their APIs (application programming interfaces). It also helps make the data in a format that is easily used for a dashboard or other purposes. There is an associated dashboard template and tutorials that are underdevelopment that help you fully utilize 'metricminer'.
Maintained by Candace Savonen. Last updated 3 days ago.
2.0 match 2 stars 6.13 score 21 scriptsdillonhammill
DataEditR:An Interactive Editor for Viewing, Entering, Filtering & Editing Data
An interactive editor built on 'rhandsontable' to allow the interactive viewing, entering, filtering and editing of data in R <>.
Maintained by Dillon Hammill. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.3 match 385 stars 7.31 score 106 scripts