Showing 108 of total 108 results (show query)


memoise:'Memoisation' of Functions

Cache the results of a function so that when you call it again with the same arguments it returns the previously computed value.

Maintained by Winston Chang. Last updated 1 years ago.


2.6 match 319 stars 15.67 score 824 scripts 5.3k dependents


sagemaker.common:R6sagemaker lower level api calls

`R6sagemaker` lower level api calls.

Maintained by Dyfan Jones. Last updated 3 years ago.


12.7 match 2.78 score 4 dependents


sits:Satellite Image Time Series Analysis for Earth Observation Data Cubes

An end-to-end toolkit for land use and land cover classification using big Earth observation data, based on machine learning methods applied to satellite image data cubes, as described in Simoes et al (2021) <doi:10.3390/rs13132428>. Builds regular data cubes from collections in AWS, Microsoft Planetary Computer, Brazil Data Cube, Copernicus Data Space Environment (CDSE), Digital Earth Africa, Digital Earth Australia, NASA HLS using the Spatio-temporal Asset Catalog (STAC) protocol (<>) and the 'gdalcubes' R package developed by Appel and Pebesma (2019) <doi:10.3390/data4030092>. Supports visualization methods for images and time series and smoothing filters for dealing with noisy time series. Includes functions for quality assessment of training samples using self-organized maps as presented by Santos et al (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.04.014>. Includes methods to reduce training samples imbalance proposed by Chawla et al (2002) <doi:10.1613/jair.953>. Provides machine learning methods including support vector machines, random forests, extreme gradient boosting, multi-layer perceptrons, temporal convolutional neural networks proposed by Pelletier et al (2019) <doi:10.3390/rs11050523>, and temporal attention encoders by Garnot and Landrieu (2020) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2007.00586>. Supports GPU processing of deep learning models using torch <>. Performs efficient classification of big Earth observation data cubes and includes functions for post-classification smoothing based on Bayesian inference as described by Camara et al (2024) <doi:10.3390/rs16234572>, and methods for active learning and uncertainty assessment. Supports region-based time series analysis using package supercells <>. Enables best practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change as recommended by Olofsson et al (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.02.015>. Minimum recommended requirements: 16 GB RAM and 4 CPU dual-core.

Maintained by Gilberto Camara. Last updated 1 months ago.


3.4 match 494 stars 9.50 score 384 scripts


odbc:Connect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)

A DBI-compatible interface to ODBC databases.

Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 12 days ago.


1.5 match 396 stars 16.22 score 2.9k scripts 22 dependents


tigerData:GC Statistics Datasets

A small, informal collection of datasets useful in undergraduate statistics courses.

Maintained by Homer White. Last updated 1 months ago.

3.8 match 2.18 score 6 scripts


sagemaker.workflow:sagemaker pipeline and workflows

`sagemaker` pipeline and workflows.

Maintained by Dyfan Jones. Last updated 3 years ago.

3.6 match 2.18 score 1 dependents


aws.ec2metadata:Get EC2 Instance Metadata

Retrieve Amazon EC2 instance metadata from within the running instance.

Maintained by Jonathan Stott. Last updated 6 years ago.


0.6 match 12 stars 6.04 score 60 scripts 1 dependents


aws.polly:Client for AWS Polly

A client for AWS Polly <>, a speech synthesis service.

Maintained by Antoine Sachet. Last updated 3 years ago.


0.5 match 23 stars 4.95 score 13 scripts


SensusR:Sensus Analytics

Provides access and analytic functions for Sensus data.

Maintained by Matthew S. Gerber. Last updated 6 years ago.

1.8 match 1.48 score 30 scripts