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elevatr:Access Elevation Data from Various APIs
Several web services are available that provide access to elevation data. This package provides access to many of those services and returns elevation data either as an 'sf' simple features object from point elevation services or as a 'raster' object from raster elevation services. In future versions, 'elevatr' will drop support for 'raster' and will instead return 'terra' objects. Currently, the package supports access to the Amazon Web Services Terrain Tiles <>, the Open Topography Global Datasets API <>, and the USGS Elevation Point Query Service <>.
Maintained by Jeffrey Hollister. Last updated 6 months ago.
72.9 match 206 stars 11.11 score 1.3k scripts 3 dependentselipousson
getdata:Get Easy Access to Tabular and Spatial Data
Download and format spatial and non-spatial data with simple filtering by location.
Maintained by Eli Pousson. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.7 match 12 stars 4.46 score 18 scripts 3 dependentsalbandelavenne
transfR:Transfer of Hydrograph from Gauged to Ungauged Catchments
A geomorphology-based hydrological modelling for transferring streamflow measurements from gauged to ungauged catchments. Inverse modelling enables to estimate net rainfall from streamflow measurements following Boudhraâ et al. (2018) <doi:10.1080/02626667.2018.1425801>. Resulting net rainfall is then estimated on the ungauged catchments by spatial interpolation in order to finally simulate streamflow following de Lavenne et al. (2016) <doi:10.1002/2016WR018716>.
Maintained by Alban de Lavenne. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.2 match 3.18 score 6 scripts