Showing 69 of total 69 results (show query)
twitteR:R Based Twitter Client
Provides an interface to the Twitter web API.
Maintained by Jeff Gentry. Last updated 9 years ago.
89.7 match 254 stars 10.18 score 2.0k scripts 1 dependentsevan-l-munson
saotd:Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
This analytic is an in initial foray into sentiment analysis. This analytic will allow a user to access the Twitter API (once they create their own developer account), ingest tweets of their interest, clean / tidy data, perform topic modeling if interested, compute sentiment scores utilizing the Bing Lexicon, and output visualizations.
Maintained by Evan Munson. Last updated 7 months ago.
53.7 match 12 stars 6.33 score 118 scriptscjbarrie
academictwitteR:Access the Twitter Academic Research Product Track V2 API Endpoint
Package to query the Twitter Academic Research Product Track, providing access to full-archive search and other v2 API endpoints. Functions are written with academic research in mind. They provide flexibility in how the user wishes to store collected data, and encourage regular storage of data to mitigate loss when collecting large volumes of tweets. They also provide workarounds to manage and reshape the format in which data is provided on the client side.
Maintained by Christopher Barrie. Last updated 2 years ago.
27.2 match 275 stars 8.94 score 177 scriptstrinker
sentimentr:Calculate Text Polarity Sentiment
Calculate text polarity sentiment at the sentence level and optionally aggregate by rows or grouping variable(s).
Maintained by Tyler Rinker. Last updated 3 years ago.
15.6 match 432 stars 9.43 score 680 scripts 2 dependentskwb-r
kwb.twitter:Simplify Access to Twitter Messages
Simplify access to Twitter messages.
Maintained by Hauke Sonnenberg. Last updated 3 years ago.
53.6 match 2.70 scoreabuchmueller
Twitmo:Twitter Topic Modeling and Visualization for R
Tailored for topic modeling with tweets and fit for visualization tasks in R. Collect, pre-process and analyze the contents of tweets using LDA and structural topic models (STM). Comes with visualizing capabilities like tweet and hashtag maps and built-in support for 'LDAvis'.
Maintained by Andreas Buchmueller. Last updated 3 years ago.
23.2 match 20 stars 4.69 score 49 scriptsvgherard
sbo:Text Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram Models
Utilities for training and evaluating text predictors based on Stupid Back-Off N-gram models (Brants et al., 2007, <>).
Maintained by Valerio Gherardi. Last updated 4 years ago.
18.3 match 10 stars 4.78 score 12 scriptseu-ecdc
epitweetr:Early Detection of Public Health Threats from 'Twitter' Data
It allows you to automatically monitor trends of tweets by time, place and topic aiming at detecting public health threats early through the detection of signals (e.g. an unusual increase in the number of tweets). It was designed to focus on infectious diseases, and it can be extended to all hazards or other fields of study by modifying the topics and keywords. More information is available in the 'epitweetr' peer-review publication (doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.39.2200177).
Maintained by Laura Espinosa. Last updated 1 years ago.
13.9 match 56 stars 5.98 score 86 scriptsjohncoene
graphTweets:Visualise Twitter Interactions
Allows building an edge table from data frame of tweets, also provides function to build nodes and another create a temporal graph.
Maintained by John Coene. Last updated 5 years ago.
14.3 match 46 stars 5.49 score 67 scriptsggobi
GGally:Extension to 'ggplot2'
The R package 'ggplot2' is a plotting system based on the grammar of graphics. 'GGally' extends 'ggplot2' by adding several functions to reduce the complexity of combining geometric objects with transformed data. Some of these functions include a pairwise plot matrix, a two group pairwise plot matrix, a parallel coordinates plot, a survival plot, and several functions to plot networks.
Maintained by Barret Schloerke. Last updated 10 months ago.
4.5 match 597 stars 16.15 score 17k scripts 154 dependentsguivo
twitterwidget:Render a Twitter Status in R Markdown Pages
Include the Twitter status widgets in HTML pages created using R markdown. The package uses the Twitter javascript APIs to embed in your document Twitter cards associated to specific statuses. The main targets are regular HTML pages or dashboards.
Maintained by Guido Volpi. Last updated 4 years ago.
16.7 match 6 stars 3.56 score 12 scriptsmiyamot0
fxl:'fxl' Single Case Design Charting Package
The 'fxl' Charting package is used to prepare and design single case design figures that are typically prepared in spreadsheet software. With 'fxl', there is no need to leave the R environment to prepare these works and many of the more unique conventions in single case experimental designs can be performed without the need for physically constructing features of plots (e.g., drawing annotations across plots). Support is provided for various different plotting arrangements (e.g., multiple baseline), annotations (e.g., brackets, arrows), and output formats (e.g., svg, rasters).
Maintained by Shawn Gilroy. Last updated 3 months ago.
10.8 match 8 stars 5.46 score 24 scriptsvosonlab
voson.tcn:Twitter Conversation Networks and Analysis
Collects tweets and metadata for threaded conversations and generates networks.
Maintained by Bryan Gertzel. Last updated 1 years ago.
15.9 match 8 stars 3.64 score 11 scriptsvosonlab
vosonSML:Collecting Social Media Data and Generating Networks for Analysis
A suite of easy to use functions for collecting social media data and generating networks for analysis. Supports Mastodon, YouTube, Reddit and Web 1.0 data sources.
Maintained by Bryan Gertzel. Last updated 8 months ago.
7.5 match 79 stars 7.67 score 66 scripts 1 dependentspablobarbera
streamR:Access to Twitter Streaming API via R
Functions to access Twitter's filter, sample, and user streams, and to parse the output into data frames.
Maintained by Pablo Barbera. Last updated 6 years ago.
10.2 match 5.00 score 343 scripts 6 dependentshakkisabah
tsentiment:Fetching Tweet Data for Sentiment Analysis
Which uses Twitter APIs for the necessary data in sentiment analysis, acts as a middleware with the approved Twitter Application. A special access key is given to users who subscribe to the application with their Twitter account. With this special access key, the user defined keyword for sentiment analysis can be searched in twitter recent searches and results can be obtained( more information <> ). In addition, a service named tsentiment-services has been developed to provide all these operations ( for more information <> ). After the successful results obtained and in line with the permissions given by the user, the results of the analysis of the word cloud and bar graph saved in the user folder directory can be seen. In each analysis performed, the previous analysis visual result is deleted and this is the basic information you need to know as a practice rule. 'tsentiment' package provides a free service that acts as a middleware for easy data extraction from Twitter, and in return, the user rate limit is reduced by 30 requests from the total limit and the remaining requests are used. These 30 requests are reserved for use in application analytics. For information about endpoints, you can refer to the limit information in the "GET search/tweets" row in the Endpoints column in the list at <>.
Maintained by Hakki Sabah. Last updated 2 years ago.
18.7 match 1 stars 2.70 scorelazappi
clamour:Website for Twitter analysis results
clamour provides a template for setting up a website to display the results of analysis of Twitter hashtags.
Maintained by Luke Zappia. Last updated 5 years ago.
14.7 match 5 stars 3.40 score 2 scriptsjeroen
jsonlite:A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R
A reasonably fast JSON parser and generator, optimized for statistical data and the web. Offers simple, flexible tools for working with JSON in R, and is particularly powerful for building pipelines and interacting with a web API. The implementation is based on the mapping described in the vignette (Ooms, 2014). In addition to converting JSON data from/to R objects, 'jsonlite' contains functions to stream, validate, and prettify JSON data. The unit tests included with the package verify that all edge cases are encoded and decoded consistently for use with dynamic data in systems and applications.
Maintained by Jeroen Ooms. Last updated 22 days ago.
2.2 match 384 stars 21.15 score 27k scripts 8.6k dependentsjoelkilty
MMAC:Data for Mathematical Modeling and Applied Calculus
Contains the data sets for the textbook "Mathematical Modeling and Applied Calculus" by Joel Kilty and Alex M. McAllister. The book will be published by Oxford University Press in 2018 with ISBN-13: 978-019882472.
Maintained by Joel Kilty. Last updated 7 years ago.
18.0 match 2.50 score 63 scriptsebailey78
shinyBS:Extra Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
Adds easy access to additional Twitter Bootstrap components to Shiny.
Maintained by Eric Bailey. Last updated 9 years ago.
3.6 match 183 stars 12.19 score 3.1k scripts 101 dependentsmanalytics
opitools:Analyzing the Opinions in a Big Text Document
Designed for performing impact analysis of opinions in a digital text document (DTD). The package allows a user to assess the extent to which a theme or subject within a document impacts the overall opinion expressed in the document. The package can be applied to a wide range of opinion-based DTD, including commentaries on social media platforms (such as 'Facebook', 'Twitter' and 'Youtube'), online products reviews, and so on. The utility of 'opitools' was originally demonstrated in Adepeju and Jimoh (2021) <doi:10.31235/> in the assessment of COVID-19 impacts on neighbourhood policing using Twitter data. Further examples can be found in the vignette of the package.
Maintained by Monsuru Adepeju. Last updated 2 years ago.
8.0 match 12 stars 5.30 score 11 scriptshaozhu233
kableExtra:Construct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax
Build complex HTML or 'LaTeX' tables using 'kable()' from 'knitr' and the piping syntax from 'magrittr'. Function 'kable()' is a light weight table generator coming from 'knitr'. This package simplifies the way to manipulate the HTML or 'LaTeX' codes generated by 'kable()' and allows users to construct complex tables and customize styles using a readable syntax.
Maintained by Hao Zhu. Last updated 10 days ago.
1.8 match 702 stars 19.35 score 55k scripts 163 dependentsrstudio
rmarkdown:Dynamic Documents for R
Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats.
Maintained by Yihui Xie. Last updated 4 months ago.
1.5 match 2.9k stars 21.79 score 14k scripts 3.7k dependentsrstudio
shiny:Web Application Framework for R
Makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R. Automatic "reactive" binding between inputs and outputs and extensive prebuilt widgets make it possible to build beautiful, responsive, and powerful applications with minimal effort.
Maintained by Winston Chang. Last updated 13 days ago.
1.5 match 5.4k stars 21.28 score 108k scripts 1.8k dependentsbusiness-science
anomalize:Tidy Anomaly Detection
The 'anomalize' package enables a "tidy" workflow for detecting anomalies in data. The main functions are time_decompose(), anomalize(), and time_recompose(). When combined, it's quite simple to decompose time series, detect anomalies, and create bands separating the "normal" data from the anomalous data at scale (i.e. for multiple time series). Time series decomposition is used to remove trend and seasonal components via the time_decompose() function and methods include seasonal decomposition of time series by Loess ("stl") and seasonal decomposition by piecewise medians ("twitter"). The anomalize() function implements two methods for anomaly detection of residuals including using an inner quartile range ("iqr") and generalized extreme studentized deviation ("gesd"). These methods are based on those used in the 'forecast' package and the Twitter 'AnomalyDetection' package. Refer to the associated functions for specific references for these methods.
Maintained by Matt Dancho. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.2 match 339 stars 9.56 score 332 scriptspablosanmar
twitteradsR:Get Twitter Ads Data via the '' API
Collect your data on digital marketing campaigns from Twitter Ads using the '' API <>.
Maintained by Pablo Sanchez. Last updated 2 years ago.
11.5 match 2.70 score 3 scriptspursuitofdatascience
ggDoubleHeat:A Heatmap-Like Visualization Tool
A data visualization design that provides comparison between two (Double) data sources (usually on a par with each other) on one reformed heatmap, while inheriting 'ggplot2' features.
Maintained by Youzhi Yu. Last updated 2 years ago.
6.9 match 14 stars 4.12 score 19 scriptsrstudio
bslib:Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'
Simplifies custom 'CSS' styling of both 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' via 'Bootstrap' 'Sass'. Supports 'Bootstrap' 3, 4 and 5 as well as their various 'Bootswatch' themes. An interactive widget is also provided for previewing themes in real time.
Maintained by Carson Sievert. Last updated 11 days ago.
1.5 match 511 stars 18.02 score 5.1k scripts 4.3k dependentsyihui
MSG:Data and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics
A companion to the Chinese book ``Modern Statistical Graphics''.
Maintained by Yihui Xie. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.8 match 37 stars 6.99 score 133 scriptsgvegayon
rgexf:Build, Import, and Export GEXF Graph Files
Create, read, and write 'GEXF' (Graph Exchange 'XML' Format) graph files (used in 'Gephi' and others). Using the 'XML' package, rgexf allows reading and writing GEXF files, including attributes, 'GEXF' visual attributes (such as color, size, and position), network dynamics (for both edges and nodes), and edges' weights. Users can build/handle graphs element-by-element or massively through data frames, visualize the graph on a web browser through 'gexf-js' (a 'javascript' library), and interact with the 'igraph' package.
Maintained by George Vega Yon. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.5 match 27 stars 7.35 score 199 scriptsr-lib
covr:Test Coverage for Packages
Track and report code coverage for your package and (optionally) upload the results to a coverage service like 'Codecov' <> or 'Coveralls' <>. Code coverage is a measure of the amount of code being exercised by a set of tests. It is an indirect measure of test quality and completeness. This package is compatible with any testing methodology or framework and tracks coverage of both R code and compiled C/C++/FORTRAN code.
Maintained by Jim Hester. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.5 match 337 stars 15.25 score 2.3k scripts 9 dependentsfschaffner
websearchr:Access Domains and Search Popular Websites
Functions for accessing domains and a number of search engines.
Maintained by Florian S. Schaffner. Last updated 5 years ago.
5.6 match 11 stars 4.04 score 20 scriptsrstudio
crosstalk:Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets
Provides building blocks for allowing HTML widgets to communicate with each other, with Shiny or without (i.e. static .html files). Currently supports linked brushing and filtering.
Maintained by Carson Sievert. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.5 match 292 stars 14.69 score 1.6k scripts 1.5k dependentskosukeimai
emIRT:EM Algorithms for Estimating Item Response Theory Models
Various Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithms are implemented for item response theory (IRT) models. The package includes IRT models for binary and ordinal responses, along with dynamic and hierarchical IRT models with binary responses. The latter two models are fitted using variational EM. The package also includes variational network and text scaling models. The algorithms are described in Imai, Lo, and Olmsted (2016) <DOI:10.1017/S000305541600037X>.
Maintained by Kosuke Imai. Last updated 9 months ago.
3.6 match 26 stars 5.43 score 26 scriptsadamspannbauer
lexRankr:Extractive Summarization of Text with the LexRank Algorithm
An R implementation of the LexRank algorithm described by G. Erkan and D. R. Radev (2004) <DOI:10.1613/jair.1523>.
Maintained by Adam Spannbauer. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.3 match 21 stars 5.81 score 61 scriptschris31415926535
storywranglr:Explore Twitter Trends with the 'Storywrangler' API
An interface to explore trends in Twitter data using the 'Storywrangler' Application Programming Interface (API), which can be found here: <>.
Maintained by Christopher Belanger. Last updated 4 years ago.
7.0 match 2.70 score 3 scriptskeithmcnulty
onadata:Data Sets for Keith McNulty's Handbook of Graphs and Networks in People Analytics
Data sets for network analysis related to People Analytics. Contains various data sets from the book 'Handbook of Graphs and Networks in People Analytics' by Keith McNulty (2021).
Maintained by Keith McNulty. Last updated 3 years ago.
7.0 match 2.70 score 2 scriptsdreamrs
fresh:Create Custom 'Bootstrap' Themes to Use in 'Shiny'
Customize 'Bootstrap' and 'Bootswatch' themes, like colors, fonts, grid layout, to use in 'Shiny' applications, 'rmarkdown' documents and 'flexdashboard'.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.5 match 228 stars 11.99 score 546 scripts 47 dependentswikimedia
WikidataQueryServiceR:API Client Library for 'Wikidata Query Service'
An API client for the 'Wikidata Query Service' <>.
Maintained by Mikhail Popov. Last updated 5 years ago.
1.7 match 28 stars 7.67 score 73 scripts 31 dependentsadamspannbauer
rPackedBar:Packed Bar Charts with 'plotly'
Packed bar charts are a variation of treemaps for visualizing skewed data. The concept was introduced by Xan Gregg at 'JMP'.
Maintained by Adam Spannbauer. Last updated 6 years ago.
3.0 match 3 stars 4.18 score 5 scriptsstatnmap
tweetrbot:Functions for a Twitter bot
Functions to allow retrieve, store and retweet regularly.
Maintained by Sebastien Rochette. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.3 match 3 stars 3.48 score 4 scriptsvandomed
dvmisc:Convenience Functions, Moving Window Statistics, and Graphics
Collection of functions for running and summarizing statistical simulation studies, creating visualizations (e.g. CART Shiny app, histograms with fitted probability mass/density functions), calculating moving-window statistics efficiently, and performing common computations.
Maintained by Dane R. Van Domelen. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.7 match 1 stars 6.18 score 125 scripts 8 dependentssportsdataverse
sportyR:Plot Scaled 'ggplot' Representations of Sports Playing Surfaces
Create scaled 'ggplot' representations of playing surfaces. Playing surfaces are drawn pursuant to rule-book specifications. This package should be used as a baseline plot for displaying any type of tracking data.
Maintained by Ross Drucker. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.2 match 104 stars 8.08 score 97 scriptscorneliusfritz
bigergm:Fit, Simulate, and Diagnose Hierarchical Exponential-Family Models for Big Networks
A toolbox for analyzing and simulating large networks based on hierarchical exponential-family random graph models (HERGMs).'bigergm' implements the estimation for large networks efficiently building on the 'lighthergm' and 'hergm' packages. Moreover, the package contains tools for simulating networks with local dependence to assess the goodness-of-fit.
Maintained by Cornelius Fritz. Last updated 20 days ago.
3.4 match 2.60 score 4 scriptsbearloga
MLPUGS:Multi-Label Prediction Using Gibbs Sampling (and Classifier Chains)
An implementation of classifier chains (CC's) for multi-label prediction. Users can employ an external package (e.g. 'randomForest', 'C50'), or supply their own. The package can train a single set of CC's or train an ensemble of CC's -- in parallel if running in a multi-core environment. New observations are classified using a Gibbs sampler since each unobserved label is conditioned on the others. The package includes methods for evaluating the predictions for accuracy and aggregating across iterations and models to produce binary or probabilistic classifications.
Maintained by Mikhail Popov. Last updated 5 years ago.
1.8 match 11 stars 4.74 score 6 scriptseddelbuettel
dang:'Dang' Associated New Goodies
A collection of utility functions.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.8 match 11 stars 4.52 score 5 scriptsnteetor
cascadess:A Style Pronoun for 'htmltools' Tags
Apply styles to tag elements directly and with the .style pronoun. Using the pronoun, styles are created within the context of a tag element. Change borders, backgrounds, text, margins, layouts, and more.
Maintained by Nathan Teetor. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.6 match 19 stars 4.82 score 4 scriptsdipterix
shidashi:A Shiny Dashboard Template System
A template system based on 'AdminLTE3' (<>) theme. Comes with default theme that can be easily customized. Developers can upload modified templates on 'Github', and users can easily download templates with 'RStudio' project wizard. The key features of the default template include light and dark theme switcher, resizing graphs, synchronizing inputs across sessions, new notification system, fancy progress bars, and card-like flip panels with back sides, as well as various of 'HTML' tool widgets.
Maintained by Zhengjia Wang. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.5 match 10 stars 4.72 score 35 scripts 1 dependentsmukul13
rechonest:R Interface to Echo Nest API
The 'Echo nest' <> is the industry's leading music intelligence company, providing developer with deepest understanding of music content and music fans. This package can be used to access artist's data including songs, blogs, news, reviews etc. Song's data including audio summary, style, danceability, tempo etc can also be accessed.
Maintained by Mukul Chaware. Last updated 9 years ago.
1.9 match 4 stars 3.82 score 33 scriptschrmongeau
repec:Access RePEc Data Through API
Utilities for accessing RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) through a RESTful API. You can request a code and get detailed information at the following page: <>.
Maintained by Christian Alexander Mongeau Ospina. Last updated 7 years ago.
2.0 match 3 stars 3.38 score 16 scriptswurli
tweetcheck:Parse and Validate Tweet Text
An interface to 'twitter-text', a 'JavaScript' library which is responsible for determining the length/validity of a tweet and identifying/linking any URLs or special tags (e.g. mentions or hashtags) which may be present.
Maintained by Jacob Scott. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.2 match 1 stars 2.70 score 3 scriptsvineetbansal
pyMTurkR:A Client for the 'MTurk' Requester API
Provides access to the latest 'Amazon Mechanical Turk' ('MTurk') <> Requester API (version '2017–01–17'), replacing the now deprecated 'MTurkR' package.
Maintained by Vineet Bansal. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.5 match 3.78 score 7 scripts 1 dependentsfweber144
shinybrms:Graphical User Interface ('shiny' App) for 'brms'
A graphical user interface (GUI) for fitting Bayesian regression models using the package 'brms' which in turn relies on 'Stan' (<>). The 'shinybrms' GUI is a 'shiny' app.
Maintained by Frank Weber. Last updated 11 months ago.
1.5 match 10 stars 3.70 score 3 scriptskjhealy
gssrdoc:Document General Social Survey Variable
The General Social Survey (GSS) is a long-running, mostly annual survey of US households. It is administered by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). This package contains the a tibble with information on the survey variables, together with every variable documented as an R help page. For more information on the GSS see \url{}.
Maintained by Kieran Healy. Last updated 11 months ago.
2.3 match 2.28 score 38 scriptsamarkos
idm:Incremental Decomposition Methods
Incremental Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Principal Component Analysis.
Maintained by Angelos Markos. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.0 match 1.11 score 13 scriptscoatless-rpkg
searcher:Query Search Interfaces
Provides a search interface to look up terms on 'Google', 'Bing', 'DuckDuckGo', 'Startpage', 'Ecosia', 'rseek', 'Twitter', 'StackOverflow', 'RStudio Community', 'GitHub', and 'BitBucket'. Upon searching, a browser window will open with the aforementioned search results.
Maintained by James Balamuta. Last updated 6 months ago.
0.5 match 72 stars 7.69 score 19 scripts 3 dependentsjohncoene
firebase:Integrates 'Google Firebase' Authentication Storage, and 'Analytics' with 'Shiny'
Authenticate users in 'Shiny' applications using 'Google Firebase' with any of the many methods provided; email and password, email link, or using a third-party provider such as 'Github', 'Twitter', or 'Google'. Use 'Firebase Storage' to store files securely, and leverage 'Firebase Analytics' to easily log events and better understand your audience.
Maintained by David Munoz Tord. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 169 stars 6.88 score 74 scripts 1 dependentsgormleyi
MEclustnet:Fit the Mixture of Experts Latent Position Cluster Model to Network Data
Functions to facilitate model-based clustering of nodes in a network in a mixture of experts setting, which incorporates covariate information on the nodes in the modelling process. Isobel Claire Gormley and Thomas Brendan Murphy (2010) <doi:10.1016/j.stamet.2010.01.002>.
Maintained by Isobel Claire Gormley. Last updated 5 years ago.
3.3 match 1.04 score 11 scriptsbnosac
BTM:Biterm Topic Models for Short Text
Biterm Topic Models find topics in collections of short texts. It is a word co-occurrence based topic model that learns topics by modeling word-word co-occurrences patterns which are called biterms. This in contrast to traditional topic models like Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis which are word-document co-occurrence topic models. A biterm consists of two words co-occurring in the same short text window. This context window can for example be a twitter message, a short answer on a survey, a sentence of a text or a document identifier. The techniques are explained in detail in the paper 'A Biterm Topic Model For Short Text' by Xiaohui Yan, Jiafeng Guo, Yanyan Lan, Xueqi Cheng (2013) <>.
Maintained by Jan Wijffels. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 96 stars 6.25 score 74 scriptsuribo
suryulib:Shinya Uryu's Personal R Packages
More about what it does (maybe more than one line) Use four spaces when indenting paragraphs within the Description.
Maintained by Shinya Uryu. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.8 match 1.70 scorecarlosyanez
customthemes:custom theming for ggplot, for personal use
Collection of (ggplot) theming options for personal use.
Maintained by Carlos Yanez Santibanez. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.7 match 1 stars 1.70 score 1 scriptscran
needmining:A Simple Needmining Implementation
Showcasing needmining (the semi-automatic extraction of customer needs from social media data) with Twitter data. It uses the handling of the Twitter API provided by the package 'rtweet' and the textmining algorithms provided by the package 'tm'. Niklas Kuehl (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32689-4_14> wrote an introduction to the topic of needmining.
Maintained by Dorian Proksch. Last updated 6 years ago.
2.8 match 1.00 score 7 scriptsoobianom
r2social:Seamless Integration of Sharing and Connect Buttons in Markdown and Apps
Implementation of 'JQuery' <> and 'CSS' styles to allow easy incorporation of various social media elements on a page. The elements include addition of share buttons or connect with us buttons or hyperlink buttons to 'Shiny' applications or dashboards and 'Rmarkdown' documents.Sharing capability on social media platforms including 'Facebook' <>, 'Linkedin' <>, 'X/Twitter' <>, 'Tumblr' <>, 'Pinterest' <>, 'Whatsapp' <>, 'Reddit' <>, 'Baidu' <>, 'Blogger' <>, 'Weibo' <>, 'Instagram' <>, 'Telegram' <>, 'Youtube' <>.
Maintained by Obinna Obianom. Last updated 8 months ago.
0.5 match 6 stars 5.42 score 29 scriptslucasgodeiro
TwitterAutomatedTrading:Automated Trading Using Tweets
Provides an integration to the 'metatrader 5'. The functionalities carry out automated trading using sentiment indexes computed from 'twitter' and/or 'stockwits'. The sentiment indexes are based on the ph.d. dissertation "Essays on Economic Forecasting Models" (Godeiro,2018) <> The integration between the 'R' and the 'metatrader 5' allows sending buy/sell orders to the brokerage.
Maintained by Lucas Godeiro. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 7 stars 4.54 score 4 scriptsmkirch
covfefe:Covfefy Any Word, Sentence or Speech
Converts any word, sentence or speech into Trump's infamous "covfefe" format. Reference: <>. Inspiration thanks to: <>.
Maintained by Michael Kirchner. Last updated 8 years ago.
0.5 match 32 stars 4.20 score 5 scriptseddelbuettel
safy:Show the Global Environment Some Appreciation
In times as trying as these, some extra care is sorely needed for the treatment of one's global variables. A constructive suggestion was made in <>, and this package aims to pblige.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.5 match 5 stars 2.40 score 1 scriptsqingyuanzhao
seismic:Predict Information Cascade by Self-Exciting Point Process
An implementation of self-exciting point process model for information cascades, which occurs when many people engage in the same acts after observing the actions of others (e.g. post resharings on Facebook or Twitter). It provides functions to estimate the infectiousness of an information cascade and predict its popularity given the observed history. See for more information and datasets.
Maintained by Qingyuan Zhao. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 2.00 score 6 scriptsnalimilan
RcmdrPlugin.temis:Graphical Integrated Text Mining Solution
An 'R Commander' plug-in providing an integrated solution to perform a series of text mining tasks such as importing and cleaning a corpus, and analyses like terms and documents counts, vocabulary tables, terms co-occurrences and documents similarity measures, time series analysis, correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering. Corpora can be imported from spreadsheet-like files, directories of raw text files, 'Twitter' queries, as well as from 'Dow Jones Factiva', 'LexisNexis', 'Europresse' and 'Alceste' files.
Maintained by Milan Bouchet-Valat. Last updated 7 years ago.
0.5 match 1.00 score 7 scripts