Showing 36 of total 36 results (show query)
academictwitteR:Access the Twitter Academic Research Product Track V2 API Endpoint
Package to query the Twitter Academic Research Product Track, providing access to full-archive search and other v2 API endpoints. Functions are written with academic research in mind. They provide flexibility in how the user wishes to store collected data, and encourage regular storage of data to mitigate loss when collecting large volumes of tweets. They also provide workarounds to manage and reshape the format in which data is provided on the client side.
Maintained by Christopher Barrie. Last updated 2 years ago.
18.1 match 275 stars 8.94 score 177 scriptstrinker
sentimentr:Calculate Text Polarity Sentiment
Calculate text polarity sentiment at the sentence level and optionally aggregate by rows or grouping variable(s).
Maintained by Tyler Rinker. Last updated 3 years ago.
15.6 match 432 stars 9.43 score 680 scripts 2 dependentsevan-l-munson
saotd:Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
This analytic is an in initial foray into sentiment analysis. This analytic will allow a user to access the Twitter API (once they create their own developer account), ingest tweets of their interest, clean / tidy data, perform topic modeling if interested, compute sentiment scores utilizing the Bing Lexicon, and output visualizations.
Maintained by Evan Munson. Last updated 7 months ago.
14.8 match 12 stars 6.33 score 118 scriptsgeoffjentry
twitteR:R Based Twitter Client
Provides an interface to the Twitter web API.
Maintained by Jeff Gentry. Last updated 9 years ago.
8.7 match 254 stars 10.18 score 2.0k scripts 1 dependentsabuchmueller
Twitmo:Twitter Topic Modeling and Visualization for R
Tailored for topic modeling with tweets and fit for visualization tasks in R. Collect, pre-process and analyze the contents of tweets using LDA and structural topic models (STM). Comes with visualizing capabilities like tweet and hashtag maps and built-in support for 'LDAvis'.
Maintained by Andreas Buchmueller. Last updated 3 years ago.
14.2 match 20 stars 4.69 score 49 scriptsgadenbuie
tweetrmd:Embed Tweets in R Markdown
Easily embed Tweets anywhere R Markdown turns plain text into HTML.
Maintained by Garrick Aden-Buie. Last updated 2 years ago.
12.1 match 102 stars 5.04 score 215 scriptsstatnmap
tweetrbot:Functions for a Twitter bot
Functions to allow retrieve, store and retweet regularly.
Maintained by Sebastien Rochette. Last updated 2 years ago.
15.4 match 3 stars 3.48 score 4 scriptsrudeboybert
fivethirtyeight:Data and Code Behind the Stories and Interactives at 'FiveThirtyEight'
Datasets and code published by the data journalism website 'FiveThirtyEight' available at <>. Note that while we received guidance from editors at 'FiveThirtyEight', this package is not officially published by 'FiveThirtyEight'.
Maintained by Albert Y. Kim. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.6 match 453 stars 10.98 score 1.7k scriptspablobarbera
streamR:Access to Twitter Streaming API via R
Functions to access Twitter's filter, sample, and user streams, and to parse the output into data frames.
Maintained by Pablo Barbera. Last updated 6 years ago.
7.1 match 5.00 score 343 scripts 6 dependentsjoeornstein
promptr:Format and Complete Few-Shot LLM Prompts
Format and submit few-shot prompts to OpenAI's Large Language Models (LLMs). Designed to be particularly useful for text classification problems in the social sciences. Methods are described in Ornstein, Blasingame, and Truscott (2024) <>.
Maintained by Joe Ornstein. Last updated 2 months ago.
7.0 match 14 stars 4.54 score 2 scriptsvosonlab
voson.tcn:Twitter Conversation Networks and Analysis
Collects tweets and metadata for threaded conversations and generates networks.
Maintained by Bryan Gertzel. Last updated 1 years ago.
8.4 match 8 stars 3.64 score 11 scriptsgesistsa
oolong:Create Validation Tests for Automated Content Analysis
Intended to create standard human-in-the-loop validity tests for typical automated content analysis such as topic modeling and dictionary-based methods. This package offers a standard workflow with functions to prepare, administer and evaluate a human-in-the-loop validity test. This package provides functions for validating topic models using word intrusion, topic intrusion (Chang et al. 2009, <>) and word set intrusion (Ying et al. 2021) <doi:10.1017/pan.2021.33> tests. This package also provides functions for generating gold-standard data which are useful for validating dictionary-based methods. The default settings of all generated tests match those suggested in Chang et al. (2009) and Song et al. (2020) <doi:10.1080/10584609.2020.1723752>.
Maintained by Chung-hong Chan. Last updated 20 days ago.
4.0 match 54 stars 7.57 score 23 scriptswurli
tweetcheck:Parse and Validate Tweet Text
An interface to 'twitter-text', a 'JavaScript' library which is responsible for determining the length/validity of a tweet and identifying/linking any URLs or special tags (e.g. mentions or hashtags) which may be present.
Maintained by Jacob Scott. Last updated 2 years ago.
9.9 match 1 stars 2.70 score 3 scriptsnicolarighetti
CooRTweet:Coordinated Networks Detection on Social Media
Detects a variety of coordinated actions on social media and outputs the network of coordinated users along with related information.
Maintained by Nicola Righetti. Last updated 2 days ago.
3.6 match 41 stars 6.96 score 11 scriptsgesistsa
grafzahl:Supervised Machine Learning for Textual Data Using Transformers and 'Quanteda'
Duct tape the 'quanteda' ecosystem (Benoit et al., 2018) <doi:10.21105/joss.00774> to modern Transformer-based text classification models (Wolf et al., 2020) <doi:10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-demos.6>, in order to facilitate supervised machine learning for textual data. This package mimics the behaviors of 'quanteda.textmodels' and provides a function to setup the 'Python' environment to use the pretrained models from 'Hugging Face' <>. More information: <doi:10.5117/CCR2023.1.003.CHAN>.
Maintained by Chung-hong Chan. Last updated 26 days ago.
3.8 match 41 stars 5.91 score 3 scriptslaresbernardo
lares:Analytics & Machine Learning Sidekick
Auxiliary package for better/faster analytics, visualization, data mining, and machine learning tasks. With a wide variety of family functions, like Machine Learning, Data Wrangling, Marketing Mix Modeling (Robyn), Exploratory, API, and Scrapper, it helps the analyst or data scientist to get quick and robust results, without the need of repetitive coding or advanced R programming skills.
Maintained by Bernardo Lares. Last updated 24 days ago.
2.3 match 233 stars 9.84 score 185 scripts 1 dependentshakkisabah
tsentiment:Fetching Tweet Data for Sentiment Analysis
Which uses Twitter APIs for the necessary data in sentiment analysis, acts as a middleware with the approved Twitter Application. A special access key is given to users who subscribe to the application with their Twitter account. With this special access key, the user defined keyword for sentiment analysis can be searched in twitter recent searches and results can be obtained( more information <> ). In addition, a service named tsentiment-services has been developed to provide all these operations ( for more information <> ). After the successful results obtained and in line with the permissions given by the user, the results of the analysis of the word cloud and bar graph saved in the user folder directory can be seen. In each analysis performed, the previous analysis visual result is deleted and this is the basic information you need to know as a practice rule. 'tsentiment' package provides a free service that acts as a middleware for easy data extraction from Twitter, and in return, the user rate limit is reduced by 30 requests from the total limit and the remaining requests are used. These 30 requests are reserved for use in application analytics. For information about endpoints, you can refer to the limit information in the "GET search/tweets" row in the Endpoints column in the list at <>.
Maintained by Hakki Sabah. Last updated 2 years ago.
8.0 match 1 stars 2.70 scorecran
dslabs:Data Science Labs
Datasets and functions that can be used for data analysis practice, homework and projects in data science courses and workshops. 26 datasets are available for case studies in data visualization, statistical inference, modeling, linear regression, data wrangling and machine learning.
Maintained by Rafael A. Irizarry. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.6 match 3.56 score 2 dependentszahiernasrudin
malaytextr:Text Mining for Bahasa Malaysia
It is designed to work with text written in Bahasa Malaysia. We provide functions and data sets that will make working with Bahasa Malaysia text much easier. For word stemming in particular, we will look up the Malay words in a dictionary and then proceed to remove "extra suffix" as explained in Khan, Rehman Ullah, Fitri Suraya Mohamad, Muh Inam UlHaq, Shahren Ahmad Zadi Adruce, Philip Nuli Anding, Sajjad Nawaz Khan, and Abdulrazak Yahya Saleh Al-Hababi (2017) <> . This package includes a dictionary of Malay words that may be used to perform word stemming, a dataset of Malay stop words, a dataset of sentiment words and a dataset of normalized words.
Maintained by Zahier Nasrudin. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.4 match 4 stars 4.30 score 4 scriptspursuitofdatascience
tidyEmoji:Discovers Emoji from Text
Unicodes are not friendly to work with, and not all Unicodes are Emoji per se, making obtaining Emoji statistics a difficult task. This tool can help your experience of working with Emoji as smooth as possible, as it has the 'tidyverse' style.
Maintained by Youzhi Yu. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.6 match 2 stars 4.00 score 7 scriptslucasgodeiro
TwitterAutomatedTrading:Automated Trading Using Tweets
Provides an integration to the 'metatrader 5'. The functionalities carry out automated trading using sentiment indexes computed from 'twitter' and/or 'stockwits'. The sentiment indexes are based on the ph.d. dissertation "Essays on Economic Forecasting Models" (Godeiro,2018) <> The integration between the 'R' and the 'metatrader 5' allows sending buy/sell orders to the brokerage.
Maintained by Lucas Godeiro. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.1 match 7 stars 4.54 score 4 scriptskwb-r
kwb.twitter:Simplify Access to Twitter Messages
Simplify access to Twitter messages.
Maintained by Hauke Sonnenberg. Last updated 3 years ago.
5.0 match 2.70 scoreyonicd
carbonate:Interact with 'carbon.js'
Create beautiful images of source code using 'carbon.js'<>.
Maintained by Jonathan Sidi. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.8 match 212 stars 6.83 score 32 scriptscmu-delphi
epidatr:Client for Delphi's 'Epidata' API
The Delphi 'Epidata' API provides real-time access to epidemiological surveillance data for influenza, 'COVID-19', and other diseases for the USA at various geographical resolutions, both from official government sources such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Google Trends and private partners such as Facebook and Change 'Healthcare'. It is built and maintained by the Carnegie Mellon University Delphi research group. To cite this API: David C. Farrow, Logan C. Brooks, Aaron 'Rumack', Ryan J. 'Tibshirani', 'Roni' 'Rosenfeld' (2015). Delphi 'Epidata' API. <>.
Maintained by David Weber. Last updated 4 months ago.
1.8 match 5 stars 6.14 score 114 scriptsbenwiseman Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning
Sentiment Analysis via deep learning and gradient boosting models with a lot of the underlying hassle taken care of to make the process as simple as possible. In addition to out-performing traditional, lexicon-based sentiment analysis (see <>), it also allows the user to create embedding vectors for text which can be used in other analyses. GPU acceleration is supported on Windows and Linux.
Maintained by Ben Wiseman. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.0 match 2.70 score 7 scriptscran
needmining:A Simple Needmining Implementation
Showcasing needmining (the semi-automatic extraction of customer needs from social media data) with Twitter data. It uses the handling of the Twitter API provided by the package 'rtweet' and the textmining algorithms provided by the package 'tm'. Niklas Kuehl (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32689-4_14> wrote an introduction to the topic of needmining.
Maintained by Dorian Proksch. Last updated 6 years ago.
9.4 match 1.00 score 7 scriptssmbartell
MapGAM:Mapping Smoothed Effect Estimates from Individual-Level Data
Contains functions for mapping odds ratios, hazard ratios, or other effect estimates using individual-level data such as case-control study data, using generalized additive models (GAMs) or Cox models for smoothing with a two-dimensional predictor (e.g., geolocation or exposure to chemical mixtures) while adjusting linearly for confounding variables, using methods described by Kelsall and Diggle (1998), Webster at al. (2006), and Bai et al. (2020). Includes convenient functions for mapping point estimates and confidence intervals, efficient control sampling, and permutation tests for the null hypothesis that the two-dimensional predictor is not associated with the outcome variable (adjusting for confounders).
Maintained by Scott Bartell. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.8 match 1 stars 2.37 score 26 scripts 1 dependentslazappi
clamour:Website for Twitter analysis results
clamour provides a template for setting up a website to display the results of analysis of Twitter hashtags.
Maintained by Luke Zappia. Last updated 5 years ago.
2.3 match 5 stars 3.40 score 2 scriptsdanielkovtun
rpredictit:Interface to the 'PredictIt' API
Wrapper to retrieve market data, explore available markets, and plot historical price data from the 'PredictIt' public API (<>). The package comes with a demo 'shiny' application for illustrating example use cases. License to use data made available via the API is for non-commercial use and 'PredictIt' is the sole source of such data.
Maintained by Daniel Kovtun. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.8 match 4 stars 4.30 score 8 scriptsmatt-dray
blogsnip:Misc RStudio Addins to Help R Markdown
Assorted RStudio addins for personal use that insert code snippets to help me write R Markdown documents, particularly {blogdown} posts.
Maintained by Matt Dray. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.3 match 3 stars 3.18 scoreuribo
suryulib:Shinya Uryu's Personal R Packages
More about what it does (maybe more than one line) Use four spaces when indenting paragraphs within the Description.
Maintained by Shinya Uryu. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.5 match 1.70 scoresimmieyungie
texter:An Easy Text and Sentiment Analysis Library
Implement text and sentiment analysis with 'texter'. Generate sentiment scores on text data and also visualize sentiments. 'texter' allows you to quickly generate insights on your data. It includes support for lexicons such as 'NRC' and 'Bing'.
Maintained by Simi Kafaru. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.8 match 2 stars 3.00 score 4 scriptseu-ecdc
epitweetr:Early Detection of Public Health Threats from 'Twitter' Data
It allows you to automatically monitor trends of tweets by time, place and topic aiming at detecting public health threats early through the detection of signals (e.g. an unusual increase in the number of tweets). It was designed to focus on infectious diseases, and it can be extended to all hazards or other fields of study by modifying the topics and keywords. More information is available in the 'epitweetr' peer-review publication (doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.39.2200177).
Maintained by Laura Espinosa. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.8 match 56 stars 5.98 score 86 scriptsjohncoene
graphTweets:Visualise Twitter Interactions
Allows building an edge table from data frame of tweets, also provides function to build nodes and another create a temporal graph.
Maintained by John Coene. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.5 match 46 stars 5.49 score 67 scripts