Showing 200 of total 645 results (show query)
agridat:Agricultural Datasets
Datasets from books, papers, and websites related to agriculture. Example graphics and analyses are included. Data come from small-plot trials, multi-environment trials, uniformity trials, yield monitors, and more.
Maintained by Kevin Wright. Last updated 27 days ago.
722.2 match 125 stars 11.02 score 1.7k scripts 2 dependentsrfhb
ctrdata:Retrieve and Analyze Clinical Trials in Public Registers
A system for querying, retrieving and analyzing protocol- and results-related information on clinical trials from four public registers, the 'European Union Clinical Trials Register' ('EUCTR', <>), '' (<> and also translating queries the retired classic interface), the 'ISRCTN' (<>) and the 'European Union Clinical Trials Information System' ('CTIS', <>). Trial information is downloaded, converted and stored in a database ('PostgreSQL', 'SQLite', 'DuckDB' or 'MongoDB'; via package 'nodbi'). Documents in registers associated with trials can also be downloaded. Other functions implement trial concepts canonically across registers, identify deduplicated records, easily find and extract variables (fields) of interest even from complex nested data as used by the registers, merge variables and update queries. The package can be used for meta-analysis and trend-analysis of the design and conduct as well as of the results of clinical trials across registers.
Maintained by Ralf Herold. Last updated 8 hours ago.
54.1 match 45 stars 7.92 score 32 scriptsthevaachandereng
bayesCT:Simulation and Analysis of Adaptive Bayesian Clinical Trials
Simulation and analysis of Bayesian adaptive clinical trials for binomial, continuous, and time-to-event data types, incorporates historical data and allows early stopping for futility or early success. The package uses novel and efficient Monte Carlo methods for estimating Bayesian posterior probabilities, evaluation of loss to follow up, and imputation of incomplete data. The package has the functionality for dynamically incorporating historical data into the analysis via the power prior or non-informative priors.
Maintained by Thevaa Chandereng. Last updated 5 years ago.
54.3 match 14 stars 6.30 score 36 scriptscausal-lda
TrialEmulation:Causal Analysis of Observational Time-to-Event Data
Implements target trial emulation methods to apply randomized clinical trial design and analysis in an observational setting. Using marginal structural models, it can estimate intention-to-treat and per-protocol effects in emulated trials using electronic health records. A description and application of the method can be found in Danaei et al (2013) <doi:10.1177/0962280211403603>.
Maintained by Isaac Gravestock. Last updated 23 days ago.
32.2 match 25 stars 7.72 score 29 scriptshta-pharma
maicplus:Matching Adjusted Indirect Comparison
Facilitates performing matching adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) analysis where the endpoint of interest is either time-to-event (e.g. overall survival) or binary (e.g. objective tumor response). The method is described by Signorovitch et al (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.jval.2012.05.004>.
Maintained by Isaac Gravestock. Last updated 23 days ago.
31.8 match 5 stars 7.37 score 16 scriptsmedianasoft
MedianaDesigner:Power and Sample Size Calculations for Clinical Trials
Efficient simulation-based power and sample size calculations are supported for a broad class of late-stage clinical trials. The following modules are included in the package: Adaptive designs with data-driven sample size or event count re-estimation, Adaptive designs with data-driven treatment selection, Adaptive designs with data-driven population selection, Optimal selection of a futility stopping rule, Event prediction in event-driven trials, Adaptive trials with response-adaptive randomization (experimental module), Traditional trials with multiple objectives (experimental module). Traditional trials with cluster-randomized designs (experimental module).
Maintained by Alex Dmitrienko. Last updated 2 years ago.
55.3 match 20 stars 3.79 score 31 scriptszxw834
BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend:Simulate and Analyse Bayesian Platform Trial with Time Trend
Simulating the sequential multi-arm multi-stage or platform trial with Bayesian approach using the 'rstan' package, which provides the R interface for the Stan. This package supports fixed ratio and Bayesian adaptive randomization approaches for randomization. Additionally, it allows for the study of time trend problems in platform trials. There are demos available for a multi-arm multi-stage trial with two different null scenarios, as well as for Bayesian trial cutoff screening. The Bayesian adaptive randomisation approaches are described in: Trippa et al. (2012) <doi:10.1200/JCO.2011.39.8420> and Wathen et al. (2017) <doi:10.1177/1740774517692302>. The randomisation algorithm is described in: Zhao W <doi:10.1016/j.cct.2015.06.008>. The analysis methods of time trend effect in platform trial are described in: Saville et al. (2022) <doi:10.1177/17407745221112013> and Bofill Roig et al. (2022) <doi:10.1186/s12874-022-01683-w>.
Maintained by Ziyan Wang. Last updated 1 years ago.
44.8 match 4.38 score 12 scriptscran
MASS:Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS
Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley, "Modern Applied Statistics with S" (4th edition, 2002).
Maintained by Brian Ripley. Last updated 16 days ago.
18.4 match 19 stars 10.53 score 11k dependentsrpact-com
rpact:Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis
Design and analysis of confirmatory adaptive clinical trials with continuous, binary, and survival endpoints according to the methods described in the monograph by Wassmer and Brannath (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32562-0>. This includes classical group sequential as well as multi-stage adaptive hypotheses tests that are based on the combination testing principle.
Maintained by Friedrich Pahlke. Last updated 10 days ago.
24.0 match 25 stars 7.98 score 110 scripts 1 dependentssmartdata-analysis-and-statistics
SimTOST:Sample Size Estimation for Bio-Equivalence Trials Through Simulation
Sample size estimation for bio-equivalence trials is supported through a simulation-based approach that extends the Two One-Sided Tests (TOST) procedure. The methodology provides flexibility in hypothesis testing, accommodates multiple treatment comparisons, and accounts for correlated endpoints. Users can model complex trial scenarios, including parallel and crossover designs, intra-subject variability, and different equivalence margins. Monte Carlo simulations enable accurate estimation of power and type I error rates, ensuring well-calibrated study designs. The statistical framework builds on established methods for equivalence testing and multiple hypothesis testing in bio-equivalence studies, as described in Schuirmann (1987) <doi:10.1007/BF01068419>, Mielke et al. (2018) <doi:10.1080/19466315.2017.1371071>, Shieh (2022) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269128>, and Sozu et al. (2015) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22005-5>. Comprehensive documentation and vignettes guide users through implementation and interpretation of results.
Maintained by Thomas Debray. Last updated 26 days ago.
29.3 match 2 stars 6.47 score 7 scriptspavlakrotka
NCC:Simulation and Analysis of Platform Trials with Non-Concurrent Controls
Design and analysis of flexible platform trials with non-concurrent controls. Functions for data generation, analysis, visualization and running simulation studies are provided. The implemented analysis methods are described in: Bofill Roig et al. (2022) <doi:10.1186/s12874-022-01683-w>, Saville et al. (2022) <doi:10.1177/17407745221112013> and Schmidli et al. (2014) <doi:10.1111/biom.12242>.
Maintained by Pavla Krotka. Last updated 6 days ago.
27.9 match 5 stars 6.64 score 29 scriptskeaven
gsDesign:Group Sequential Design
Derives group sequential clinical trial designs and describes their properties. Particular focus on time-to-event, binary, and continuous outcomes. Largely based on methods described in Jennison, Christopher and Turnbull, Bruce W., 2000, "Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials" ISBN: 0-8493-0316-8.
Maintained by Keaven Anderson. Last updated 11 days ago.
13.9 match 51 stars 13.05 score 338 scripts 5 dependentsineelhere
clintrialx:Connect and Work with Clinical Trials Data Sources
Are you spending too much time fetching and managing clinical trial data? Struggling with complex queries and bulk data extraction? What if you could simplify this process with just a few lines of code? Introducing 'clintrialx' - Fetch clinical trial data from sources like '' <> and the 'Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative - Access to Aggregate Content of' database <>, supporting pagination and bulk downloads. Also, you can generate HTML reports based on the data obtained from the sources!
Maintained by Indraneel Chakraborty. Last updated 4 days ago.
31.2 match 15 stars 5.76 score 11 scriptsmatteo21q
dani:Design and Analysis of Non-Inferiority Trials
Provides tools to help with the design and analysis of non-inferiority trials. These include functions for doing sample size calculations and for analysing non-inferiority trials, using a variety of outcome types and population-level sumamry measures. It also features functions to make trials more resilient by using the concept of non-inferiority frontiers, as described in Quartagno et al. (2019) <arXiv:1905.00241>. Finally it includes function to design and analyse MAMS-ROCI (aka DURATIONS) trials.
Maintained by Matteo Quartagno. Last updated 7 months ago.
32.3 match 2 stars 5.33 score 27 scriptsinsightsengineering
tern:Create Common TLGs Used in Clinical Trials
Table, Listings, and Graphs (TLG) library for common outputs used in clinical trials.
Maintained by Joe Zhu. Last updated 2 months ago.
13.6 match 79 stars 12.62 score 186 scripts 9 dependentsbrockk
trialr:Clinical Trial Designs in 'rstan'
A collection of clinical trial designs and methods, implemented in 'rstan' and R, including: the Continual Reassessment Method by O'Quigley et al. (1990) <doi:10.2307/2531628>; EffTox by Thall & Cook (2004) <doi:10.1111/j.0006-341X.2004.00218.x>; the two-parameter logistic method of Neuenschwander, Branson & Sponer (2008) <doi:10.1002/sim.3230>; and the Augmented Binary method by Wason & Seaman (2013) <doi:10.1002/sim.5867>; and more. We provide functions to aid model-fitting and analysis. The 'rstan' implementations may also serve as a cookbook to anyone looking to extend or embellish these models. We hope that this package encourages the use of Bayesian methods in clinical trials. There is a preponderance of early phase trial designs because this is where Bayesian methods are used most. If there is a method you would like implemented, please get in touch.
Maintained by Kristian Brock. Last updated 1 years ago.
19.3 match 41 stars 8.55 score 106 scripts 3 dependentsinceptdk
adaptr:Adaptive Trial Simulator
Package that simulates adaptive (multi-arm, multi-stage) clinical trials using adaptive stopping, adaptive arm dropping, and/or adaptive randomisation. Developed as part of the INCEPT (Intensive Care Platform Trial) project (<>), primarily supported by a grant from Sygeforsikringen "danmark" (<>).
Maintained by Anders Granholm. Last updated 11 months ago.
29.6 match 13 stars 5.44 score 14 scriptsmerck
simtrial:Clinical Trial Simulation
Provides some basic routines for simulating a clinical trial. The primary intent is to provide some tools to generate trial simulations for trials with time to event outcomes. Piecewise exponential failure rates and piecewise constant enrollment rates are the underlying mechanism used to simulate a broad range of scenarios such as those presented in Lin et al. (2020) <doi:10.1080/19466315.2019.1697738>. However, the basic generation of data is done using pipes to allow maximum flexibility for users to meet different needs.
Maintained by Yujie Zhao. Last updated 2 days ago.
17.6 match 21 stars 9.16 score 52 scriptstherneau
survival:Survival Analysis
Contains the core survival analysis routines, including definition of Surv objects, Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen (multi-state) curves, Cox models, and parametric accelerated failure time models.
Maintained by Terry M Therneau. Last updated 3 months ago.
7.5 match 400 stars 20.43 score 29k scripts 3.9k dependentsdifm-brain
ofpetrial:Design on-Farm Precision Field Agronomic Trials
A comprehensive system for designing and implementing on-farm precision field agronomic trials. You provide field data, tell 'ofpetrial' how to design a trial, and get readily-usable trial design files and a report checks the validity and reliability of the trial design.
Maintained by Taro Mieno. Last updated 3 months ago.
27.7 match 3 stars 5.49 score 23 scriptsgpaux
Mediana:Clinical Trial Simulations
Provides a general framework for clinical trial simulations based on the Clinical Scenario Evaluation (CSE) approach. The package supports a broad class of data models (including clinical trials with continuous, binary, survival-type and count-type endpoints as well as multivariate outcomes that are based on combinations of different endpoints), analysis strategies and commonly used evaluation criteria.
Maintained by Gautier Paux. Last updated 4 years ago.
23.2 match 28 stars 6.52 score 39 scriptsannaseffernick
BEAMR:Bootstrap Evaluation of Association Matrices
A bootstrap-based approach to integrate multiple forms of high dimensional genomic data with multiple clinical endpoints. This method is used to find clinically meaningful groups of genomic features, such as genes or pathways. A manuscript describing this method is in preparation.
Maintained by Anna Eames Seffernick. Last updated 8 months ago.
37.4 match 5 stars 4.00 score 1 scriptslbau7
basksim:Simulation-Based Calculation of Basket Trial Operating Characteristics
Provides a unified syntax for the simulation-based comparison of different single-stage basket trial designs with a binary endpoint and equal sample sizes in all baskets. Methods include the designs by Baumann et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2309.06988>, Fujikawa et al. (2020) <doi:10.1002/bimj.201800404>, Berry et al. (2020) <doi:10.1177/1740774513497539>, Neuenschwander et al. (2016) <doi:10.1002/pst.1730> and Psioda et al. (2021) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxz014>. For the latter three designs, the functions are mostly wrappers for functions provided by the packages 'bhmbasket' and 'bmabasket'.
Maintained by Lukas Baumann. Last updated 11 months ago.
42.6 match 1 stars 3.45 score 19 scriptsgermaine86
eefAnalytics:Robust Analytical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions using Randomised Controlled Trials Designs
Analysing data from evaluations of educational interventions using a randomised controlled trial design. Various analytical tools to perform sensitivity analysis using different methods are supported (e.g. frequentist models with bootstrapping and permutations options, Bayesian models). The included commands can be used for simple randomised trials, cluster randomised trials and multisite trials. The methods can also be used more widely beyond education trials. This package can be used to evaluate other intervention designs using Frequentist and Bayesian multilevel models.
Maintained by Germaine Uwimpuhwe. Last updated 5 months ago.
39.2 match 3.58 score 19 scriptsdjnavarro
jaysire:Build jsPsych Experiments in R
The jaysire package allows the user to build browser based behavioral experiments within R by providing an interface to the jsPsych javascript library.
Maintained by Danielle Navarro. Last updated 4 years ago.
32.7 match 45 stars 4.26 score 27 scriptsinsightsengineering
teal:Exploratory Web Apps for Analyzing Clinical Trials Data
A 'shiny' based interactive exploration framework for analyzing clinical trials data. 'teal' currently provides a dynamic filtering facility and different data viewers. 'teal' 'shiny' applications are built using standard 'shiny' modules.
Maintained by Dawid Kaledkowski. Last updated 20 days ago.
10.9 match 197 stars 12.68 score 176 scripts 5 dependentsrstudio
gt:Easily Create Presentation-Ready Display Tables
Build display tables from tabular data with an easy-to-use set of functions. With its progressive approach, we can construct display tables with a cohesive set of table parts. Table values can be formatted using any of the included formatting functions. Footnotes and cell styles can be precisely added through a location targeting system. The way in which 'gt' handles things for you means that you don't often have to worry about the fine details.
Maintained by Richard Iannone. Last updated 11 days ago.
7.0 match 2.1k stars 18.36 score 20k scripts 112 dependentscran
epiR:Tools for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data
Tools for the analysis of epidemiological and surveillance data. Contains functions for directly and indirectly adjusting measures of disease frequency, quantifying measures of association on the basis of single or multiple strata of count data presented in a contingency table, computation of confidence intervals around incidence risk and incidence rate estimates and sample size calculations for cross-sectional, case-control and cohort studies. Surveillance tools include functions to calculate an appropriate sample size for 1- and 2-stage representative freedom surveys, functions to estimate surveillance system sensitivity and functions to support scenario tree modelling analyses.
Maintained by Mark Stevenson. Last updated 2 months ago.
15.0 match 10 stars 8.18 score 10 dependentsopenintrostat
openintro:Datasets and Supplemental Functions from 'OpenIntro' Textbooks and Labs
Supplemental functions and data for 'OpenIntro' resources, which includes open-source textbooks and resources for introductory statistics (<>). The package contains datasets used in our open-source textbooks along with custom plotting functions for reproducing book figures. Note that many functions and examples include color transparency; some plotting elements may not show up properly (or at all) when run in some versions of Windows operating system.
Maintained by Mine รetinkaya-Rundel. Last updated 2 months ago.
10.6 match 240 stars 11.39 score 6.0k scriptsgraemeleehickey
bayesDP:Implementation of the Bayesian Discount Prior Approach for Clinical Trials
Functions for data augmentation using the Bayesian discount prior method for single arm and two-arm clinical trials, as described in Haddad et al. (2017) <doi:10.1080/10543406.2017.1300907>. The discount power prior methodology was developed in collaboration with the The Medical Device Innovation Consortium (MDIC) Computer Modeling & Simulation Working Group.
Maintained by Graeme L. Hickey. Last updated 3 months ago.
20.2 match 5.56 score 20 scripts 1 dependentskaneplusplus
preference:2-Stage Preference Trial Design and Analysis
Design and analyze two-stage randomized trials with a continuous outcome measure. The package contains functions to compute the required sample size needed to detect a given preference, treatment, and selection effect; alternatively, the package contains functions that can report the study power given a fixed sample size. Finally, analysis functions are provided to test each effect using either summary data (i.e. means, variances) or raw study data. <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.c02> <doi:10.1002/sim.7830>
Maintained by Michael Kane. Last updated 5 years ago.
34.1 match 3 stars 3.22 score 11 scriptsbiometris
statgenSTA:Single Trial Analysis (STA) of Field Trials
Phenotypic analysis of field trials using mixed models with and without spatial components. One of a series of statistical genetic packages for streamlining the analysis of typical plant breeding experiments developed by Biometris. Some functions have been created to be used in conjunction with the R package 'asreml' for the 'ASReml' software, which can be obtained upon purchase from 'VSN' international (<>).
Maintained by Bart-Jan van Rossum. Last updated 5 months ago.
17.0 match 4 stars 6.30 score 14 scripts 3 dependentsthomasasmith
CRTspat:Workflow for Cluster Randomised Trials with Spillover
Design, workflow and statistical analysis of Cluster Randomised Trials of (health) interventions where there may be spillover between the arms (see <>).
Maintained by Thomas Smith. Last updated 21 days ago.
16.2 match 4 stars 6.54 score 24 scriptsralmond
CPTtools:Tools for Creating Conditional Probability Tables
Provides support parameterized tables for Bayesian networks, particularly the IRT-like DiBello tables. Also, provides some tools for visualing the networks.
Maintained by Russell Almond. Last updated 3 months ago.
20.6 match 1 stars 5.05 score 21 scripts 4 dependentspharmaverse
admiral:ADaM in R Asset Library
A toolbox for programming Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) compliant Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets in R. ADaM datasets are a mandatory part of any New Drug or Biologics License Application submitted to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Analysis derivations are implemented in accordance with the "Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide" (CDISC Analysis Data Model Team, 2021, <>).
Maintained by Ben Straub. Last updated 4 days ago.
7.5 match 236 stars 13.89 score 486 scripts 4 dependentsel-meyer
CohortPlat:Simulation of Cohort Platform Trials for Combination Treatments
A collection of functions dedicated to simulating staggered entry platform trials whereby the treatment under investigation is a combination of two active compounds. In order to obtain approval for this combination therapy, superiority of the combination over the two active compounds and superiority of the two active compounds over placebo need to be demonstrated. A more detailed description of the design can be found in Meyer et al. <DOI:10.1002/pst.2194> and a manual in Meyer et al. <arXiv:2202.02182>.
Maintained by Elias Laurin Meyer. Last updated 1 years ago.
28.0 match 3.70 score 3 scriptsbrentkaplan
beezdiscounting:Behavioral Economic Easy Discounting
Facilitates some of the analyses performed in studies of behavioral economic discounting. The package supports scoring of the 27-Item Monetary Choice Questionnaire (see Kaplan et al., 2016; <doi:10.1007/s40614-016-0070-9>), calculating k values (Mazur's simple hyperbolic and exponential) using nonlinear regression, calculating various Area Under the Curve (AUC) measures, plotting regression curves for both fit-to-group and two-stage approaches, checking for unsystematic discounting (Johnson & Bickel, 2008; <doi:10.1037/1064-1297.16.3.264>) and scoring of the minute discounting task (see Koffarnus & Bickel, 2014; <doi:10.1037/a0035973>) using the Qualtrics 5-trial discounting template (see the Qualtrics Minute Discounting User Guide; <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.26495.79527>), which is also available as a .qsf file in this package.
Maintained by Brent A. Kaplan. Last updated 2 months ago.
27.1 match 2 stars 3.78 score 4 scriptsjrmccombs
RHPCBenchmark:Benchmarks for High-Performance Computing Environments
Microbenchmarks for determining the run time performance of aspects of the R programming environment and packages relevant to high-performance computation. The benchmarks are divided into three categories: dense matrix linear algebra kernels, sparse matrix linear algebra kernels, and machine learning functionality.
Maintained by James McCombs. Last updated 8 years ago.
33.3 match 3.02 score 21 scriptsmelodyaowen
crt2power:Designing Cluster-Randomized Trials with Two Continuous Co-Primary Outcomes
Provides methods for powering cluster-randomized trials with two continuous co-primary outcomes using five key design techniques. Includes functions for calculating required sample size and statistical power. For more details on methodology, see Owen et al. (2025) <doi:10.1002/sim.70015>, Yang et al. (2022) <doi:10.1111/biom.13692>, Pocock et al. (1987) <doi:10.2307/2531989>, Vickerstaff et al. (2019) <doi:10.1186/s12874-019-0754-4>, and Li et al. (2020) <doi:10.1111/biom.13212>.
Maintained by Melody Owen. Last updated 2 days ago.
27.2 match 3.60 score 2 scriptsicarda-git
QBMS:Query the Breeding Management System(s)
This R package assists breeders in linking data systems with their analytic pipelines, a crucial step in digitizing breeding processes. It supports querying and retrieving phenotypic and genotypic data from systems like 'EBS' <>, 'BMS' <>, 'BreedBase' <>, and 'GIGWA' <> (using 'BrAPI' <> calls). Extra helper functions support environmental data sources, including 'TerraClimate' <> and 'FAO' 'HWSDv2' <> soil database.
Maintained by Khaled Al-Shamaa. Last updated 6 months ago.
12.3 match 8 stars 7.85 score 33 scripts 1 dependentspowerandsamplesize
powertools:Power and Sample Size Tools
Power and sample size calculations for a variety of study designs and outcomes. Methods include t tests, ANOVA (including tests for interactions, simple effects and contrasts), proportions, categorical data (chi-square tests and proportional odds), linear, logistic and Poisson regression, alternative and coprimary endpoints, power for confidence intervals, correlation coefficient tests, cluster randomized trials, individually randomized group treatment trials, multisite trials, treatment-by-covariate interaction effects and nonparametric tests of location. Utilities are provided for computing various effect sizes. Companion package to the book "Power and Sample Size in R", Crespi (2025, ISBN:9781138591622).
Maintained by Catherine M. Crespi. Last updated 4 days ago.
26.3 match 3.65 score 9 scriptselilillyco
rfacts:R Interface to 'FACTS' on Unix-Like Systems
The 'rfacts' package is an R interface to the Fixed and Adaptive Clinical Trial Simulator ('FACTS') on Unix-like systems. It programmatically invokes 'FACTS' to run clinical trial simulations, and it aggregates simulation output data into tidy data frames. These capabilities provide end-to-end automation for large-scale simulation pipelines, and they enhance computational reproducibility. For more information on 'FACTS' itself, please visit <>.
Maintained by William Michael Landau. Last updated 3 years ago.
19.0 match 7 stars 5.02 score 10 scriptssterniii3
drugdevelopR:Utility-Based Optimal Phase II/III Drug Development Planning
Plan optimal sample size allocation and go/no-go decision rules for phase II/III drug development programs with time-to-event, binary or normally distributed endpoints when assuming fixed treatment effects or a prior distribution for the treatment effect, using methods from Kirchner et al. (2016) <doi:10.1002/sim.6624> and Preussler (2020). Optimal is in the sense of maximal expected utility, where the utility is a function taking into account the expected cost and benefit of the program. It is possible to extend to more complex settings with bias correction (Preussler S et al. (2020) <doi:10.1186/s12874-020-01093-w>), multiple phase III trials (Preussler et al. (2019) <doi:10.1002/bimj.201700241>), multi-arm trials (Preussler et al. (2019) <doi:10.1080/19466315.2019.1702092>), and multiple endpoints (Kieser et al. (2018) <doi:10.1002/pst.1861>).
Maintained by Lukas D. Sauer. Last updated 2 months ago.
14.3 match 3 stars 6.39 score 15 scriptsinsightsengineering
chevron:Standard TLGs for Clinical Trials Reporting
Provide standard tables, listings, and graphs (TLGs) libraries used in clinical trials. This package implements a structure to reformat the data with 'dunlin', create reporting tables using 'rtables' and 'tern' with standardized input arguments to enable quick generation of standard outputs. In addition, it also provides comprehensive data checks and script generation functionality.
Maintained by Joe Zhu. Last updated 24 days ago.
11.0 match 12 stars 8.24 score 12 scriptsinsightsengineering
simIDM:Simulating Oncology Trials using an Illness-Death Model
Based on the illness-death model a large number of clinical trials with oncology endpoints progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) can be simulated, see Meller, Beyersmann and Rufibach (2019) <doi:10.1002/sim.8295>. The simulation set-up allows for random and event-driven censoring, an arbitrary number of treatment arms, staggered study entry and drop-out. Exponentially, Weibull and piecewise exponentially distributed survival times can be generated. The correlation between PFS and OS can be calculated.
Maintained by Alexandra Erdmann. Last updated 1 years ago.
14.1 match 13 stars 6.26 score 9 scriptstpatni719
gsMAMS:Group Sequential Designs of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Trials
It provides functions to generate operating characteristics and to calculate Sequential Conditional Probability Ratio Tests(SCPRT) efficacy and futility boundary values along with sample/event size of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage(MAMS) trials for different outcomes. The package is based on Jianrong Wu, Yimei Li, Liang Zhu (2023) <doi:10.1002/sim.9682>, Jianrong Wu, Yimei Li (2023) "Group Sequential Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Survival Trial Design with Treatment Selection"(Manuscript accepted for publication) and Jianrong Wu, Yimei Li, Shengping Yang (2023) "Group Sequential Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Trial Design with Ordinal Endpoints"(In preparation).
Maintained by Tushar Patni. Last updated 10 months ago.
19.0 match 4.60 score 8 scriptsstan-dev
rstanarm:Bayesian Applied Regression Modeling via Stan
Estimates previously compiled regression models using the 'rstan' package, which provides the R interface to the Stan C++ library for Bayesian estimation. Users specify models via the customary R syntax with a formula and data.frame plus some additional arguments for priors.
Maintained by Ben Goodrich. Last updated 9 months ago.
5.6 match 393 stars 15.68 score 5.0k scripts 13 dependentsboehringer-ingelheim
BPrinStratTTE:Causal Effects in Principal Strata Defined by Antidrug Antibodies
Bayesian models to estimate causal effects of biological treatments on time-to-event endpoints in clinical trials with principal strata defined by the occurrence of antidrug antibodies. The methodology is based on Frangakis and Rubin (2002) <doi:10.1111/j.0006-341x.2002.00021.x> and Imbens and Rubin (1997) <doi:10.1214/aos/1034276631>, and here adapted to a specific time-to-event setting.
Maintained by Christian Stock. Last updated 11 months ago.
27.2 match 3.18 scorecran
iAdapt:Two-Stage Adaptive Dose-Finding Clinical Trial Design
Simulate and implement early phase two-stage adaptive dose-finding design for binary and quasi-continuous toxicity endpoints. See Chiuzan et al. (2018) for further reading <DOI:10.1080/19466315.2018.1462727>.
Maintained by Alyssa Vanderbeek. Last updated 4 years ago.
27.1 match 3.18 score 7 scriptsbnaras
ASSISTant:Adaptive Subgroup Selection in Group Sequential Trials
Clinical trial design for subgroup selection in three-stage group sequential trial. Includes facilities for design, exploration and analysis of such trials. An implementation of the initial DEFUSE-3 trial is also provided as a vignette.
Maintained by Balasubramanian Narasimhan. Last updated 5 years ago.
18.6 match 4.54 score 23 scriptsinsightsengineering
teal.modules.clinical:'teal' Modules for Standard Clinical Outputs
Provides user-friendly tools for creating and customizing clinical trial reports. By leveraging the 'teal' framework, this package provides 'teal' modules to easily create an interactive panel that allows for seamless adjustments to data presentation, thereby streamlining the creation of detailed and accurate reports.
Maintained by Dawid Kaledkowski. Last updated 16 days ago.
8.0 match 34 stars 10.25 score 149 scriptsveseshan
clinfun:Clinical Trial Design and Data Analysis Functions
Utilities to make your clinical collaborations easier if not fun. It contains functions for designing studies such as Simon 2-stage and group sequential designs and for data analysis such as Jonckheere-Terpstra test and estimating survival quantiles.
Maintained by Venkatraman E. Seshan. Last updated 1 years ago.
10.2 match 5 stars 7.86 score 124 scripts 8 dependentsgraemeleehickey
goldilocks:Goldilocks Adaptive Trial Designs for Time-to-Event Endpoints
Implements the Goldilocks adaptive trial design for a time to event outcome using a piecewise exponential model and conjugate Gamma prior distributions. The method closely follows the article by Broglio and colleagues <doi:10.1080/10543406.2014.888569>, which allows users to explore the operating characteristics of different trial designs.
Maintained by Graeme L. Hickey. Last updated 2 months ago.
16.1 match 7 stars 4.85 score 4 scriptsrcarragh
c212:Methods for Detecting Safety Signals in Clinical Trials Using Body-Systems (System Organ Classes)
Provides a self-contained set of methods to aid clinical trial safety investigators, statisticians and researchers, in the early detection of adverse events using groupings by body-system or system organ class. This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK) (EPSRC) [award reference 1521741] and Frontier Science (Scotland) Ltd. The package title c212 is in reference to the original Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK) funded project which was named CASE 2/12.
Maintained by Raymond Carragher. Last updated 4 months ago.
19.1 match 4.06 score 57 scriptshiggi13425
medicaldata:Data Package for Medical Datasets
Provides access to well-documented medical datasets for teaching. Featuring several from the Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences website <>, a few reconstructed datasets of historical significance in medical research, some reformatted and extended from existing R packages, and some data donations.
Maintained by Peter Higgins. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.4 match 48 stars 7.43 score 317 scriptsgraemeleehickey
joineR:Joint Modelling of Repeated Measurements and Time-to-Event Data
Analysis of repeated measurements and time-to-event data via random effects joint models. Fits the joint models proposed by Henderson and colleagues <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/1.4.465> (single event time) and by Williamson and colleagues (2008) <doi:10.1002/sim.3451> (competing risks events time) to a single continuous repeated measure. The time-to-event data is modelled using a (cause-specific) Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-varying covariates. The longitudinal outcome is modelled using a linear mixed effects model. The association is captured by a latent Gaussian process. The model is estimated using am Expectation Maximization algorithm. Some plotting functions and the variogram are also included. This project is funded by the Medical Research Council (Grant numbers G0400615 and MR/M013227/1).
Maintained by Graeme L. Hickey. Last updated 3 months ago.
11.1 match 18 stars 6.87 score 69 scriptsgasparrini
mixmeta:An Extended Mixed-Effects Framework for Meta-Analysis
A collection of functions to perform various meta-analytical models through a unified mixed-effects framework, including standard univariate fixed and random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression, and non-standard extensions such as multivariate, multilevel, longitudinal, and dose-response models.
Maintained by Antonio Gasparrini. Last updated 3 years ago.
10.9 match 13 stars 6.96 score 63 scripts 13 dependentsfriendly
HistData:Data Sets from the History of Statistics and Data Visualization
The 'HistData' package provides a collection of small data sets that are interesting and important in the history of statistics and data visualization. The goal of the package is to make these available, both for instructional use and for historical research. Some of these present interesting challenges for graphics or analysis in R.
Maintained by Michael Friendly. Last updated 10 months ago.
8.3 match 63 stars 9.19 score 732 scripts 2 dependentsmerck Events Analysis Using 'metalite'
Analyzes adverse events in clinical trials using the 'metalite' data structure. The package simplifies the workflow to create production-ready tables, listings, and figures discussed in the adverse events analysis chapters of "R for Clinical Study Reports and Submission" by Zhang et al. (2022) <>.
Maintained by Yujie Zhao. Last updated 1 months ago.
8.0 match 18 stars 9.45 score 31 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
RImmPort:RImmPort: Enabling Ready-for-analysis Immunology Research Data
The RImmPort package simplifies access to ImmPort data for analysis in the R environment. It provides a standards-based interface to the ImmPort study data that is in a proprietary format.
Maintained by Zicheng Hu. Last updated 5 months ago.
17.2 match 4.33 score 27 scriptsjohn-harrold
ruminate:A Pharmacometrics Data Transformation and Analysis Tool
Exploration of pharmacometrics data involves both general tools (transformation and plotting) and specific techniques (non-compartmental analysis). This kind of exploration is generally accomplished by utilizing different packages. The purpose of 'ruminate' is to create a 'shiny' interface to make these tools more broadly available while creating reproducible results.
Maintained by John Harrold. Last updated 6 days ago.
10.5 match 2 stars 7.06 score 84 scriptsbatss-dev
BATSS:Bayesian Adaptive Trial Simulator Software (BATSS) for Generalised Linear Models
Defines operating characteristics of Bayesian Adaptive Trials considering a generalised linear model response via Monte Carlo simulations of Bayesian GLM fitted via integrated Laplace approximations (INLA).
Maintained by Dominique-Laurent Couturier. Last updated 6 months ago.
17.8 match 2 stars 4.15 scorejohnnyzhz
WebPower:Basic and Advanced Statistical Power Analysis
This is a collection of tools for conducting both basic and advanced statistical power analysis including correlation, proportion, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, linear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regression, mediation analysis, longitudinal data analysis, structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling. It also serves as the engine for conducting power analysis online at <>.
Maintained by Zhiyong Zhang. Last updated 6 months ago.
13.3 match 8 stars 5.52 score 128 scriptseagerai
kerastuneR:Interface to 'Keras Tuner'
'Keras Tuner' <> is a hypertuning framework made for humans. It aims at making the life of AI practitioners, hypertuner algorithm creators and model designers as simple as possible by providing them with a clean and easy to use API for hypertuning. 'Keras Tuner' makes moving from a base model to a hypertuned one quick and easy by only requiring you to change a few lines of code.
Maintained by Turgut Abdullayev. Last updated 11 months ago.
11.0 match 34 stars 6.61 score 48 scriptsbxc147
Epi:Statistical Analysis in Epidemiology
Functions for demographic and epidemiological analysis in the Lexis diagram, i.e. register and cohort follow-up data. In particular representation, manipulation, rate estimation and simulation for multistate data - the Lexis suite of functions, which includes interfaces to 'mstate', 'etm' and 'cmprsk' packages. Contains functions for Age-Period-Cohort and Lee-Carter modeling and a function for interval censored data and some useful functions for tabulation and plotting, as well as a number of epidemiological data sets.
Maintained by Bendix Carstensen. Last updated 2 months ago.
7.2 match 4 stars 9.65 score 708 scripts 11 dependentsel-meyer
cats:Cohort Platform Trial Simulation
Cohort plAtform Trial Simulation whereby every cohort consists of two arms, control and experimental treatment. Endpoints are co-primary binary endpoints and decisions are made using either Bayesian or frequentist decision rules. Realistic trial trajectories are simulated and the operating characteristics of the designs are calculated.
Maintained by Elias Laurin Meyer. Last updated 1 years ago.
24.4 match 2.85 score 14 scriptsapariciojohan
agriutilities:Utilities for Data Analysis in Agriculture
Utilities designed to make the analysis of field trials easier and more accessible for everyone working in plant breeding. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for conducting single and multi-environmental trial analysis, with minimal coding required. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, 'agriutilities' will help you quickly and easily carry out complex analyses with confidence. With built-in functions for fitting Linear Mixed Models, 'agriutilities' is the ideal choice for anyone who wants to save time and focus on interpreting their results. Some of the functions require the R package 'asreml' for the 'ASReml' software, this can be obtained upon purchase from 'VSN' international <>.
Maintained by Johan Aparicio. Last updated 2 months ago.
9.2 match 18 stars 7.46 score 88 scripts 1 dependentsjulianfaraway
faraway:Datasets and Functions for Books by Julian Faraway
Books are "Linear Models with R" published 1st Ed. August 2004, 2nd Ed. July 2014, 3rd Ed. February 2025 by CRC press, ISBN 9781439887332, and "Extending the Linear Model with R" published by CRC press in 1st Ed. December 2005 and 2nd Ed. March 2016, ISBN 9781584884248 and "Practical Regression and ANOVA in R" contributed documentation on CRAN (now very dated).
Maintained by Julian Faraway. Last updated 1 months ago.
7.2 match 29 stars 9.43 score 1.7k scripts 1 dependentsmerck
metalite:ADaM Metadata Structure
A metadata structure for clinical data analysis and reporting based on Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets. The package simplifies clinical analysis and reporting tool development by defining standardized inputs, outputs, and workflow. The package can be used to create analysis and reporting planning grid, mock table, and validated analysis and reporting results based on consistent inputs.
Maintained by Yujie Zhao. Last updated 7 months ago.
7.5 match 15 stars 9.01 score 57 scripts 5 dependentscran
flexmix:Flexible Mixture Modeling
A general framework for finite mixtures of regression models using the EM algorithm is implemented. The E-step and all data handling are provided, while the M-step can be supplied by the user to easily define new models. Existing drivers implement mixtures of standard linear models, generalized linear models and model-based clustering.
Maintained by Bettina Gruen. Last updated 16 days ago.
8.3 match 5 stars 8.19 score 113 dependentsopenpharma
crmPack:Object-Oriented Implementation of CRM Designs
Implements a wide range of model-based dose escalation designs, ranging from classical and modern continual reassessment methods (CRMs) based on dose-limiting toxicity endpoints to dual-endpoint designs taking into account a biomarker/efficacy outcome. The focus is on Bayesian inference, making it very easy to setup a new design with its own JAGS code. However, it is also possible to implement 3+3 designs for comparison or models with non-Bayesian estimation. The whole package is written in a modular form in the S4 class system, making it very flexible for adaptation to new models, escalation or stopping rules. Further details are presented in Sabanes Bove et al. (2019) <doi:10.18637/jss.v089.i10>.
Maintained by Daniel Sabanes Bove. Last updated 2 months ago.
8.6 match 21 stars 7.79 score 208 scriptsgraemeleehickey
adaptDiag:Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Diagnostic Trials
Simulate clinical trials for diagnostic test devices and evaluate the operating characteristics under an adaptive design with futility assessment determined via the posterior predictive probabilities.
Maintained by Graeme L. Hickey. Last updated 3 months ago.
14.6 match 4 stars 4.60 score 5 scriptsgraemeleehickey
joineRML:Joint Modelling of Multivariate Longitudinal Data and Time-to-Event Outcomes
Fits the joint model proposed by Henderson and colleagues (2000) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/1.4.465>, but extended to the case of multiple continuous longitudinal measures. The time-to-event data is modelled using a Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-varying covariates. The multiple longitudinal outcomes are modelled using a multivariate version of the Laird and Ware linear mixed model. The association is captured by a multivariate latent Gaussian process. The model is estimated using a Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization algorithm. This project was funded by the Medical Research Council (Grant number MR/M013227/1).
Maintained by Graeme L. Hickey. Last updated 1 months ago.
7.5 match 30 stars 8.93 score 146 scripts 1 dependentslightbluetitan
MedDataSets:Comprehensive Medical, Disease, Treatment, and Drug Datasets
Provides an extensive collection of datasets related to medicine, diseases, treatments, drugs, and public health. This package covers topics such as drug effectiveness, vaccine trials, survival rates, infectious disease outbreaks, and medical treatments. The included datasets span various health conditions, including AIDS, cancer, bacterial infections, and COVID-19, along with information on pharmaceuticals and vaccines. These datasets are sourced from the R ecosystem and other R packages, remaining unaltered to ensure data integrity. This package serves as a valuable resource for researchers, analysts, and healthcare professionals interested in conducting medical and public health data analysis in R.
Maintained by Renzo Caceres Rossi. Last updated 5 months ago.
11.4 match 8 stars 5.68 score 60 scriptssamhforbes
eyetrackingR:Eye-Tracking Data Analysis
Addresses tasks along the pipeline from raw data to analysis and visualization for eye-tracking data. Offers several popular types of analyses, including linear and growth curve time analyses, onset-contingent reaction time analyses, as well as several non-parametric bootstrapping approaches. For references to the approach see Mirman, Dixon & Magnuson (2008) <doi:10.1016/j.jml.2007.11.006>, and Barr (2008) <doi:10.1016/j.jml.2007.09.002>.
Maintained by Samuel Forbes. Last updated 2 years ago.
8.2 match 22 stars 7.84 score 60 scriptscrwerner
FieldSimR:Simulation of Plot Errors and Phenotypes in Plant Breeding Field Trials
Simulates plot data in multi-environment field trials with one or more traits. Its core function generates plot errors that capture spatial trend, random error (noise), and extraneous variation, which are combined at a user-defined ratio. Phenotypes can be generated by combining the plot errors with simulated genetic values that capture genotype-by-environment (GxE) interaction using wrapper functions for the R package `AlphaSimR`.
Maintained by Christian Werner. Last updated 2 days ago.
9.1 match 9 stars 7.13 score 62 scriptsprise6
aVirtualTwins:Adaptation of Virtual Twins Method from Jared Foster
Research of subgroups in random clinical trials with binary outcome and two treatments groups. This is an adaptation of the Jared Foster method (<>).
Maintained by Francois Vieille. Last updated 7 years ago.
14.3 match 4 stars 4.51 score 16 scriptstomdingbiostat
ClinTrialPredict:Predicting and Simulating Clinical Trial with Time-to-Event Endpoint
Predict the course of clinical trial with a time-to-event endpoint for both two-arm and single-arm design. Each of the four primary study design parameters (the expected number of observed events, the number of subjects enrolled, the observation time, and the censoring parameter) can be derived analytically given the other three parameters. And the simulation datasets can be generated based on the design settings.
Maintained by Yang Ding. Last updated 4 months ago.
15.3 match 1 stars 4.18 scorewiesenfa
BDP2:Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Phase II Trials with Binary Endpoint
Tools and workflow to choose design parameters in Bayesian adaptive single-arm phase II trial designs with binary endpoint (response, success) with possible stopping for efficacy and futility at interim analyses. Also contains routines to determine and visualize operating characteristics. See Kopp-Schneider et al. (2018) <doi:10.1002/bimj.201700209>.
Maintained by Manuel Wiesenfarth. Last updated 4 years ago.
16.0 match 1 stars 3.93 score 17 scriptsdeepayan
lattice:Trellis Graphics for R
A powerful and elegant high-level data visualization system inspired by Trellis graphics, with an emphasis on multivariate data. Lattice is sufficient for typical graphics needs, and is also flexible enough to handle most nonstandard requirements. See ?Lattice for an introduction.
Maintained by Deepayan Sarkar. Last updated 11 months ago.
3.6 match 68 stars 17.33 score 27k scripts 13k dependentsjessicaweiss
swimplot:Tools for Creating Swimmers Plots using 'ggplot2'
Used for creating swimmers plots with functions to customize the bars, add points, add lines, add text, and add arrows.
Maintained by Jessica Weiss. Last updated 4 years ago.
15.8 match 2 stars 3.76 score 29 scriptscran
epiDisplay:Epidemiological Data Display Package
Package for data exploration and result presentation. Full 'epicalc' package with data management functions is available at '<>'.
Maintained by Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong. Last updated 3 years ago.
10.8 match 1 stars 5.44 score 758 scripts 2 dependentsopenpharma
simaerep:Find Clinical Trial Sites Under-Reporting Adverse Events
Monitoring of Adverse Event (AE) reporting in clinical trials is important for patient safety. Sites that are under-reporting AEs can be detected using Bootstrap-based simulations that simulate overall AE reporting. Based on the simulation an AE under-reporting probability is assigned to each site in a given trial (Koneswarakantha 2021 <doi:10.1007/s40264-020-01011-5>).
Maintained by Bjoern Koneswarakantha. Last updated 2 months ago.
11.1 match 22 stars 5.22 score 25 scriptseasystats
effectsize:Indices of Effect Size
Provide utilities to work with indices of effect size for a wide variety of models and hypothesis tests (see list of supported models using the function 'insight::supported_models()'), allowing computation of and conversion between indices such as Cohen's d, r, odds, etc. References: Ben-Shachar et al. (2020) <doi:10.21105/joss.02815>.
Maintained by Mattan S. Ben-Shachar. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.5 match 344 stars 16.38 score 1.8k scripts 29 dependentsduolajiang
RCTrep:Validation of Estimates of Treatment Effects in Observational Data
Validates estimates of (conditional) average treatment effects obtained using observational data by a) making it easy to obtain and visualize estimates derived using a large variety of methods (G-computation, inverse propensity score weighting, etc.), and b) ensuring that estimates are easily compared to a gold standard (i.e., estimates derived from randomized controlled trials). 'RCTrep' offers a generic protocol for treatment effect validation based on four simple steps, namely, set-selection, estimation, diagnosis, and validation. 'RCTrep' provides a simple dashboard to review the obtained results. The validation approach is introduced by Shen, L., Geleijnse, G. and Kaptein, M. (2023) <doi:10.21203/>.
Maintained by Lingjie Shen. Last updated 2 years ago.
11.6 match 8 stars 4.68 score 12 scriptsmassimoaria
dimensionsR:Gathering Bibliographic Records from 'Digital Science Dimensions' Using 'DSL' API
A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from 'Digital Science Dimensions' using 'DSL' API <>.
Maintained by Massimo Aria. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.5 match 42 stars 7.23 score 7 scripts 3 dependentsdistancedevelopment
mrds:Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling
Animal abundance estimation via conventional, multiple covariate and mark-recapture distance sampling (CDS/MCDS/MRDS). Detection function fitting is performed via maximum likelihood. Also included are diagnostics and plotting for fitted detection functions. Abundance estimation is via a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator.
Maintained by Laura Marshall. Last updated 2 months ago.
6.7 match 4 stars 8.05 score 78 scripts 7 dependentsbiometris
statgenGxE:Genotype by Environment (GxE) Analysis
Analysis of multi environment data of plant breeding experiments following the analyses described in Malosetti, Ribaut, and van Eeuwijk (2013), <doi:10.3389/fphys.2013.00044>. One of a series of statistical genetic packages for streamlining the analysis of typical plant breeding experiments developed by Biometris. Some functions have been created to be used in conjunction with the R package 'asreml' for the 'ASReml' software, which can be obtained upon purchase from 'VSN' international (<>).
Maintained by Bart-Jan van Rossum. Last updated 6 months ago.
9.7 match 10 stars 5.53 score 17 scriptsalexander-pastukhov
saccadr:Extract Saccades via an Ensemble of Methods Approach
A modular and extendable approach to extract (micro)saccades from gaze samples via an ensemble of methods. Although there is an agreement about a general definition of a saccade, the more specific details are harder to agree upon. Therefore, there are numerous algorithms that extract saccades based on various heuristics, which differ in the assumptions about velocity, acceleration, etc. The package uses three methods (Engbert and Kliegl (2003) <doi:10.1016/S0042-6989(03)00084-1>, Otero-Millan et al. (2014)<doi:10.1167/14.2.18>, and Nystrรถm and Holmqvist (2010) <doi:10.3758/BRM.42.1.188>) to label individual samples and then applies a majority vote approach to identify saccades. The package includes three methods but can be extended via custom functions. It also uses a modular approach to compute velocity and acceleration from noisy samples. Finally, you can obtain methods votes per gaze sample instead of saccades.
Maintained by Alexander Pastukhov. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.9 match 4 stars 4.90 score 8 scriptsboehringer-ingelheim
tipmap:Tipping Point Analysis for Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing
Tipping point analysis for clinical trials that employ Bayesian dynamic borrowing via robust meta-analytic predictive (MAP) priors. Further functions facilitate expert elicitation of a primary weight of the informative component of the robust MAP prior and computation of operating characteristics. Intended use is the planning, analysis and interpretation of extrapolation studies in pediatric drug development, but applicability is generally wider.
Maintained by Christian Stock. Last updated 12 months ago.
12.2 match 2 stars 4.38 score 12 scriptsgunhanb
MetaStan:Bayesian Meta-Analysis via 'Stan'
Performs Bayesian meta-analysis, meta-regression and model-based meta-analysis using 'Stan'. Includes binomial-normal hierarchical models and option to use weakly informative priors for the heterogeneity parameter and the treatment effect parameter which are described in Guenhan, Roever, and Friede (2020) <doi:10.1002/jrsm.1370>.
Maintained by Burak Kuersad Guenhan. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.5 match 8 stars 5.08 score 7 scriptscran
nlme:Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
Fit and compare Gaussian linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models.
Maintained by R Core Team. Last updated 2 months ago.
4.0 match 6 stars 13.00 score 13k scripts 8.7k dependentsannelyng
RTSA:'Trial Sequential Analysis' for Error Control and Inference in Sequential Meta-Analyses
Frequentist sequential meta-analysis based on 'Trial Sequential Analysis' (TSA) in programmed in Java by the Copenhagen Trial Unit (CTU). The primary function is the calculation of group sequential designs for meta-analysis to be used for planning and analysis of both prospective and retrospective sequential meta-analyses to preserve type-I-error control under sequential testing. 'RTSA' includes tools for sample size and trial size calculation for meta-analysis and core meta-analyses methods such as fixed-effect and random-effects models and forest plots. TSA is described in Wetterslev et. al (2008) <doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2007.03.013>. The methods for deriving the group sequential designs are based on Jennison and Turnbull (1999, ISBN:9780849303166).
Maintained by Anne Lyngholm Soerensen. Last updated 7 months ago.
15.4 match 1 stars 3.32 score 21 scriptsjohnaponte
survobj:Objects to Simulate Survival Times
Generate objects that simulate survival times. Random values for the distributions are generated using the method described by Bender (2003) <> and Leemis (1987) in Operations Research, 35(6), 892โ894.
Maintained by Aponte John. Last updated 7 months ago.
10.8 match 1 stars 4.74 score 11 scriptsmerck
pkglite:Compact Package Representations
A tool, grammar, and standard to represent and exchange R package source code as text files. Converts one or more source packages to a text file and restores the package structures from the file.
Maintained by Nan Xiao. Last updated 4 months ago.
7.5 match 29 stars 6.75 score 12 scriptsdtkaplan
LSTbook:Data and Software for "Lessons in Statistical Thinking"
"Lessons in Statistical Thinking" D.T. Kaplan (2014) <> is a textbook for a first or second course in statistics that embraces data wrangling, causal reasoning, modeling, statistical adjustment, and simulation. 'LSTbook' supports the student-centered, tidy, pipeline-oriented computing style featured in the book.
Maintained by Daniel Kaplan. Last updated 14 hours ago.
8.0 match 4 stars 6.29 score 27 scriptssidiwang
snSMART:Small N Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial Methods
Consolidated data simulation, sample size calculation and analysis functions for several snSMART (small sample sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trial) designs under one library. See Wei, B., Braun, T.M., Tamura, R.N. and Kidwell, K.M. "A Bayesian analysis of small n sequential multiple assignment randomized trials (snSMARTs)." (2018) Statistics in medicine, 37(26), pp.3723-3732 <doi:10.1002/sim.7900>.
Maintained by Michael Kleinsasser. Last updated 5 months ago.
12.7 match 1 stars 3.90 score 3 scriptssimnph
SimNPH:Simulate Non-Proportional Hazards
A toolkit for simulation studies concerning time-to-event endpoints with non-proportional hazards. 'SimNPH' encompasses functions for simulating time-to-event data in various scenarios, simulating different trial designs like fixed-followup, event-driven, and group sequential designs. The package provides functions to calculate the true values of common summary statistics for the implemented scenarios and offers common analysis methods for time-to-event data. Helper functions for running simulations with the 'SimDesign' package and for aggregating and presenting the results are also included. Results of the conducted simulation study are available in the paper: "A Comparison of Statistical Methods for Time-To-Event Analyses in Randomized Controlled Trials Under Non-Proportional Hazards", Klinglmรผller et al. (2025) <doi:10.1002/sim.70019>.
Maintained by Tobias Fellinger. Last updated 12 days ago.
7.4 match 6 stars 6.63 score 43 scriptsmikejseo
bnma:Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis using 'JAGS'
Network meta-analyses using Bayesian framework following Dias et al. (2013) <DOI:10.1177/0272989X12458724>. Based on the data input, creates prior, model file, and initial values needed to run models in 'rjags'. Able to handle binomial, normal and multinomial arm-level data. Can handle multi-arm trials and includes methods to incorporate covariate and baseline risk effects. Includes standard diagnostics and visualization tools to evaluate the results.
Maintained by Michael Seo. Last updated 1 years ago.
10.6 match 7 stars 4.54 score 7 scriptslbau7
baskexact:Analytical Calculation of Basket Trial Operating Characteristics
Analytically calculates the operating characteristics of single-stage and two-stage basket trials with equal sample sizes using the power prior design by Baumann et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2309.06988> and the design by Fujikawa et al. (2020) <doi:10.1002/bimj.201800404>.
Maintained by Lukas Baumann. Last updated 7 months ago.
9.2 match 2 stars 5.22 score 11 scriptszabore
ppseq:Design Clinical Trials using Sequential Predictive Probability Monitoring
Functions are available to calibrate designs over a range of posterior and predictive thresholds, to plot the various design options, and to obtain the operating characteristics of optimal accuracy and optimal efficiency designs.
Maintained by Emily C. Zabor. Last updated 6 months ago.
7.7 match 5 stars 6.23 score 28 scriptsericsleifer
factorial2x2:Design and Analysis of a 2x2 Factorial Trial
Used for the design and analysis of a 2x2 factorial trial for a time-to-event endpoint. It performs power calculations and significance testing as well as providing estimates of the relevant hazard ratios and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Important reference papers include Slud EV. (1994) <> Lin DY, Gong J, Gallo P, Bunn PH, Couper D. (2016) <DOI:10.1111/biom.12507> Leifer ES, Troendle JF, Kolecki A, Follmann DA. (2020) <>.
Maintained by Eric Leifer. Last updated 5 years ago.
17.1 match 2.70 scorer-forge
Sleuth2:Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (2nd Ed)"
Data sets from Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2002), "The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (2nd ed)", Duxbury.
Maintained by Berwin A Turlach. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.8 match 5.70 score 191 scriptsel-meyer
airship:Visualization of Simulated Datasets with Multiple Simulation Input Dimensions
Plots simulation results of clinical trials. Its main feature is allowing users to simultaneously investigate the impact of several simulation input dimensions through dynamic filtering of the simulation results. A more detailed description of the app can be found in Meyer et al. <DOI:10.1016/j.softx.2023.101347> or the vignettes on 'GitHub'.
Maintained by Elias Laurin Meyer. Last updated 3 months ago.
8.0 match 3 stars 5.48 score 2 scriptsboehringer-ingelheim
BayesianMCPMod:Simulate, Evaluate, and Analyze Dose Finding Trials with Bayesian MCPMod
Bayesian MCPMod (Fleischer et al. (2022) <doi:10.1002/pst.2193>) is an innovative method that improves the traditional MCPMod by systematically incorporating historical data, such as previous placebo group data. This R package offers functions for simulating, analyzing, and evaluating Bayesian MCPMod trials with normally distributed endpoints. It enables the assessment of trial designs incorporating historical data across various true dose-response relationships and sample sizes. Robust mixture prior distributions, such as those derived with the Meta-Analytic-Predictive approach (Schmidli et al. (2014) <doi:10.1111/biom.12242>), can be specified for each dose group. Resulting mixture posterior distributions are used in the Bayesian Multiple Comparison Procedure and modeling steps. The modeling step also includes a weighted model averaging approach (Pinheiro et al. (2014) <doi:10.1002/sim.6052>). Estimated dose-response relationships can be bootstrapped and visualized.
Maintained by Stephan Wojciekowski. Last updated 8 days ago.
6.3 match 9 stars 6.94 score 4 scriptsoptimal-learning-lab
LKT:Logistic Knowledge Tracing
Computes Logistic Knowledge Tracing ('LKT') which is a general method for tracking human learning in an educational software system. Please see Pavlik, Eglington, and Harrel-Williams (2021) <>. 'LKT' is a method to compute features of student data that are used as predictors of subsequent performance. 'LKT' allows great flexibility in the choice of predictive components and features computed for these predictive components. The system is built on top of 'LiblineaR', which enables extremely fast solutions compared to base glm() in R.
Maintained by Philip I. Pavlik Jr.. Last updated 9 months ago.
7.5 match 12 stars 5.84 score 29 scriptssinnweja
smartDesign:Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial Design
SMART trial design, as described by He, J., McClish, D., Sabo, R. (2021) <doi:10.1080/19466315.2021.1883472>, includes multiple stages of randomization, where participants are randomized to an initial treatment in the first stage and then subsequently re-randomized between treatments in the following stage.
Maintained by Jason Sinnwell. Last updated 1 years ago.
14.5 match 3.00 score 1 scriptstaylor-arnold
ctrialsgov:Query Data from U.S. National Library of Medicine's Clinical Trials Database
Tools to create and query database from the U.S. National Library of Medicine's Clinical Trials database <>. Functions provide access a variety of techniques for searching the data using range queries, categorical filtering, and by searching for full-text keywords. Minimal graphical tools are also provided for interactively exploring the constructed data.
Maintained by Taylor Arnold. Last updated 3 years ago.
12.4 match 3.46 score 29 scriptslmaowisc
rmt:Restricted Mean Time in Favor of Treatment
Contains inferential and graphical routines for comparing two treatment arms in terms of the restricted mean time in favor of treatment.
Maintained by Lu Mao. Last updated 3 months ago.
9.8 match 4.34 score 22 scriptsweberse2
OncoBayes2:Bayesian Logistic Regression for Oncology Dose-Escalation Trials
Bayesian logistic regression model with optional EXchangeability-NonEXchangeability parameter modelling for flexible borrowing from historical or concurrent data-sources. The safety model can guide dose-escalation decisions for adaptive oncology Phase I dose-escalation trials which involve an arbitrary number of drugs. Please refer to Neuenschwander et al. (2008) <doi:10.1002/sim.3230> and Neuenschwander et al. (2016) <doi:10.1080/19466315.2016.1174149> for details on the methodology.
Maintained by Sebastian Weber. Last updated 14 days ago.
19.7 match 2.18 score 15 scriptsinsightsengineering
rtables:Reporting Tables
Reporting tables often have structure that goes beyond simple rectangular data. The 'rtables' package provides a framework for declaring complex multi-level tabulations and then applying them to data. This framework models both tabulation and the resulting tables as hierarchical, tree-like objects which support sibling sub-tables, arbitrary splitting or grouping of data in row and column dimensions, cells containing multiple values, and the concept of contextual summary computations. A convenient pipe-able interface is provided for declaring table layouts and the corresponding computations, and then applying them to data.
Maintained by Joe Zhu. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.1 match 232 stars 13.65 score 238 scripts 17 dependentsopenpharma
DoseFinding:Planning and Analyzing Dose Finding Experiments
The DoseFinding package provides functions for the design and analysis of dose-finding experiments (with focus on pharmaceutical Phase II clinical trials). It provides functions for: multiple contrast tests, fitting non-linear dose-response models (using Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation), calculating optimal designs and an implementation of the MCPMod methodology (Pinheiro et al. (2014) <doi:10.1002/sim.6052>).
Maintained by Marius Thomas. Last updated 4 days ago.
3.9 match 8 stars 10.32 score 98 scripts 10 dependentsgenentech
psborrow2:Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing Analysis and Simulation
Bayesian dynamic borrowing is an approach to incorporating external data to supplement a randomized, controlled trial analysis in which external data are incorporated in a dynamic way (e.g., based on similarity of outcomes); see Viele 2013 <doi:10.1002/pst.1589> for an overview. This package implements the hierarchical commensurate prior approach to dynamic borrowing as described in Hobbes 2011 <doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01564.x>. There are three main functionalities. First, 'psborrow2' provides a user-friendly interface for applying dynamic borrowing on the study results handles the Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling on behalf of the user. Second, 'psborrow2' provides a simulation framework to compare different borrowing parameters (e.g. full borrowing, no borrowing, dynamic borrowing) and other trial and borrowing characteristics (e.g. sample size, covariates) in a unified way. Third, 'psborrow2' provides a set of functions to generate data for simulation studies, and also allows the user to specify their own data generation process. This package is designed to use the sampling functions from 'cmdstanr' which can be installed from <>.
Maintained by Matt Secrest. Last updated 1 months ago.
5.0 match 18 stars 7.87 score 16 scriptsmxrodriguezuvigo
SpATS:Spatial Analysis of Field Trials with Splines
Analysis of field trial experiments by modelling spatial trends using two-dimensional Penalised spline (P-spline) models.
Maintained by Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez. Last updated 5 months ago.
7.1 match 8 stars 5.54 score 96 scripts 9 dependentsopenpharma
beeca:Binary Endpoint Estimation with Covariate Adjustment
Performs estimation of marginal treatment effects for binary outcomes when using logistic regression working models with covariate adjustment (see discussions in Magirr et al (2024) <>). Implements the variance estimators of Ge et al (2011) <doi:10.1177/009286151104500409> and Ye et al (2023) <doi:10.1080/24754269.2023.2205802>.
Maintained by Alex Przybylski. Last updated 4 months ago.
7.2 match 6 stars 5.48 score 8 scriptsropensci
workloopR:Analysis of Work Loops and Other Data from Muscle Physiology Experiments
Functions for the import, transformation, and analysis of data from muscle physiology experiments. The work loop technique is used to evaluate the mechanical work and power output of muscle. Josephson (1985) <doi:10.1242/jeb.114.1.493> modernized the technique for application in comparative biomechanics. Although our initial motivation was to provide functions to analyze work loop experiment data, as we developed the package we incorporated the ability to analyze data from experiments that are often complementary to work loops. There are currently three supported experiment types: work loops, simple twitches, and tetanus trials. Data can be imported directly from .ddf files or via an object constructor function. Through either method, data can then be cleaned or transformed via methods typically used in studies of muscle physiology. Data can then be analyzed to determine the timing and magnitude of force development and relaxation (for isometric trials) or the magnitude of work, net power, and instantaneous power among other things (for work loops). Although we do not provide plotting functions, all resultant objects are designed to be friendly to visualization via either base-R plotting or 'tidyverse' functions. This package has been peer-reviewed by rOpenSci (v. 1.1.0).
Maintained by Vikram B. Baliga. Last updated 8 months ago.
6.6 match 3 stars 5.92 score 46 scriptsubcxzhang
DesignCTPB:Design Clinical Trials with Potential Biomarker Effect
Applying 'CUDA' 'GPUs' via 'Numba' for optimal clinical design. It allows the user to utilize a 'reticulate' 'Python' environment and run intensive Monte Carlo simulation to get the optimal cutoff for the clinical design with potential biomarker effect, which can guide the realistic clinical trials.
Maintained by Yitao Lu. Last updated 4 years ago.
10.4 match 1 stars 3.70 score 5 scriptshturner
gnm:Generalized Nonlinear Models
Functions to specify and fit generalized nonlinear models, including models with multiplicative interaction terms such as the UNIDIFF model from sociology and the AMMI model from crop science, and many others. Over-parameterized representations of models are used throughout; functions are provided for inference on estimable parameter combinations, as well as standard methods for diagnostics etc.
Maintained by Heather Turner. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.6 match 16 stars 10.51 score 290 scripts 21 dependentsagrdatasci
ClimMobTools:API Client for the 'ClimMob' Platform
API client for 'ClimMob', an open source software for decentralized large-N trials with the 'tricot' approach <>. Developed by van Etten et al. (2019) <doi:10.1017/S0014479716000739>, it turns the research paradigm on its head; instead of a few researchers designing complicated trials to compare several technologies in search of the best solutions for the target environment, it enables many participants to carry out reasonably simple experiments that taken together can offer even more information. 'ClimMobTools' enables project managers to deep explore and analyse their 'ClimMob' data in R.
Maintained by Kauรช de Sousa. Last updated 2 months ago.
7.4 match 4 stars 5.08 score 3 scriptsawconway
spiritR:Template for Clinical Trial Protocol
Contains an R Markdown template for a clinical trial protocol adhering to the SPIRIT statement. The SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items for Interventional Trials) statement outlines recommendations for a minimum set of elements to be addressed in a clinical trial protocol. Also contains functions to create a xml document from the template and upload it to<> for trial registration.
Maintained by Aaron Conway. Last updated 6 years ago.
9.4 match 2 stars 4.00 score 2 scriptssafetygraphics
safetyGraphics:Interactive Graphics for Monitoring Clinical Trial Safety
A framework for evaluation of clinical trial safety. Users can interactively explore their data using the included 'Shiny' application.
Maintained by Jeremy Wildfire. Last updated 2 years ago.
4.6 match 98 stars 8.18 score 111 scriptsbyzheng
expDB:Database for Experiment Dataset
A 'SQLite' database is designed to store all information of experiment-based data including metadata, experiment design, managements, phenotypic values and climate records. The dataset can be imported from an 'Excel' file.
Maintained by Bangyou Zheng. Last updated 1 years ago.
13.8 match 2.70 score 4 scriptsthlytras
miniMeta:Web Application to Run Meta-Analyses
Shiny web application to run meta-analyses. Essentially a graphical front-end to package 'meta' for R. Can be useful as an educational tool, and for quickly analyzing and sharing meta-analyses. Provides output to quickly fill in GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations) Summary-of-Findings tables. Importantly, it allows further processing of the results inside R, in case more specific analyses are needed.
Maintained by Theodore Lytras. Last updated 9 months ago.
7.9 match 5 stars 4.70 score 3 scriptsmetinbulus
PowerUpR:Power Analysis Tools for Multilevel Randomized Experiments
Includes tools to calculate statistical power, minimum detectable effect size (MDES), MDES difference (MDESD), and minimum required sample size for various multilevel randomized experiments with continuous outcomes. Some of the functions can assist with planning multilevel randomized experiments sensetive to detect multilevel moderation (2-1-1, 2-1-2, 2-2-1, and 2-2-2 designs) and multilevel mediation (2-1-1, 2-2-1, 3-1-1, 3-2-1, and 3-3-1 designs). See 'PowerUp!' Excel series at <>.
Maintained by Metin Bulus. Last updated 4 years ago.
7.8 match 2 stars 4.68 score 24 scriptsisidorogu
RCT:Assign Treatments, Power Calculations, Balances, Impact Evaluation of Experiments
Assists in the whole process of designing and evaluating Randomized Control Trials. Robust treatment assignment by strata/blocks, that handles misfits; Power calculations of the minimum detectable treatment effect or minimum populations; Balance tables of T-test of covariates; Balance Regression: (treatment ~ all x variables) with F-test of null model; Impact_evaluation: Impact evaluation regressions. This function gives you the option to include control_vars, fixed effect variables, cluster variables (for robust SE), multiple endogenous variables and multiple heterogeneous variables (to test treatment effect heterogeneity) summary_statistics: Function that creates a summary statistics table with statistics rank observations in n groups: Creates a factor variable with n groups. Each group has a min and max label attach to each category. Athey, Susan, and Guido W. Imbens (2017) <arXiv:1607.00698>.
Maintained by Isidoro Garcia-Urquieta. Last updated 1 years ago.
6.4 match 6 stars 5.68 score 23 scriptsinsightsengineering
rlistings:Clinical Trial Style Data Readout Listings
Listings are often part of the submission of clinical trial data in regulatory settings. We provide a framework for the specific formatting features often used when displaying large datasets in that context.
Maintained by Joe Zhu. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.4 match 28 stars 10.49 score 44 scripts 9 dependentsgasparrini
dlnm:Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models
Collection of functions for distributed lag linear and non-linear models.
Maintained by Antonio Gasparrini. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.5 match 77 stars 10.30 score 392 scripts 6 dependentspharmaverse
ggsurvfit:Flexible Time-to-Event Figures
Ease the creation of time-to-event (i.e. survival) endpoint figures. The modular functions create figures ready for publication. Each of the functions that add to or modify the figure are written as proper 'ggplot2' geoms or stat methods, allowing the functions from this package to be combined with any function or customization from 'ggplot2' and other 'ggplot2' extension packages.
Maintained by Daniel D. Sjoberg. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.4 match 76 stars 10.50 score 640 scripts 2 dependentscran
randomizeR:Randomization for Clinical Trials
This tool enables the user to choose a randomization procedure based on sound scientific criteria. It comprises the generation of randomization sequences as well the assessment of randomization procedures based on carefully selected criteria. Furthermore, 'randomizeR' provides a function for the comparison of randomization procedures.
Maintained by Ralf-Dieter Hilgers. Last updated 1 years ago.
10.6 match 2 stars 3.38 score 1 dependentsmerck
r2rtf:Easily Create Production-Ready Rich Text Format (RTF) Tables and Figures
Create production-ready Rich Text Format (RTF) tables and figures with flexible format.
Maintained by Benjamin Wang. Last updated 5 days ago.
3.3 match 78 stars 10.82 score 171 scripts 10 dependentsdrj001
wgaim:Whole Genome Average Interval Mapping for QTL Detection and Estimation using ASReml-R
A computationally efficient whole genome approach to detecting and estimating significant QTL in linkage maps using the flexible linear mixed modelling functionality of ASReml-R.
Maintained by Julian Taylor. Last updated 7 months ago.
6.9 match 2 stars 5.20 score 16 scriptsraybaser
PROscorer:Functions to Score Commonly-Used Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures and Other Psychometric Instruments
An extensible repository of accurate, up-to-date functions to score commonly used patient-reported outcome (PRO), quality of life (QOL), and other psychometric and psychological measures. 'PROscorer', together with the 'PROscorerTools' package, is a system to facilitate the incorporation of PRO measures into research studies and clinical settings in a scientifically rigorous and reproducible manner. These packages and their vignettes are intended to help establish and promote best practices for scoring PRO and PRO-like measures in research. The 'PROscorer' Instrument Descriptions vignette contains descriptions of each instrument scored by 'PROscorer', complete with references. These instrument descriptions are suitable for inclusion in formal study protocol documents, grant proposals, and manuscript Method sections. Each 'PROscorer' function is composed of helper functions from the 'PROscorerTools' package, and users are encouraged to contribute new functions to 'PROscorer'. More scoring functions are currently in development and will be added in future updates.
Maintained by Ray Baser. Last updated 5 months ago.
7.5 match 4 stars 4.75 score 14 scriptsdardisco
survMisc:Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Data
A collection of functions to help in the analysis of right-censored survival data. These extend the methods available in package:survival.
Maintained by Chris Dardis. Last updated 5 years ago.
3.8 match 1 stars 9.49 score 218 scripts 55 dependentsmskcc-epi-bio
PROscorerTools:Tools to Score Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and Other Psychometric Measures
Provides a reliable and flexible toolbox to score patient-reported outcome (PRO), Quality of Life (QOL), and other psychometric measures. The guiding philosophy is that scoring errors can be eliminated by using a limited number of well-tested, well-behaved functions to score PRO-like measures. The workhorse of the package is the 'scoreScale' function, which can be used to score most single-scale measures. It can reverse code items that need to be reversed before scoring and pro-rate scores for missing item data. Currently, three different types of scores can be output: summed item scores, mean item scores, and scores scaled to range from 0 to 100. The 'PROscorerTools' functions can be used to write new functions that score more complex measures. In fact, 'PROscorerTools' functions are the building blocks of the scoring functions in the 'PROscorer' package (which is a repository of functions that score specific commonly-used instruments). Users are encouraged to use 'PROscorerTools' to write scoring functions for their favorite PRO-like instruments, and to submit these functions for inclusion in 'PROscorer' (a tutorial vignette will be added soon). The long-term vision for the 'PROscorerTools' and 'PROscorer' packages is to provide an easy-to-use system to facilitate the incorporation of PRO measures into research studies in a scientifically rigorous and reproducible manner. These packages and their vignettes are intended to help establish and promote "best practices" for scoring and describing PRO-like measures in research.
Maintained by Ray Baser. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.5 match 2 stars 4.73 score 18 scripts 1 dependentsctu-bern
accrualPlot:Accrual Plots and Predictions for Clinical Trials
Tracking accrual in clinical trials is important for trial success. If accrual is too slow, the trial will take too long and be too expensive. If accrual is much faster than expected, time sensitive tasks such as the writing of statistical analysis plans might need to be rushed. 'accrualPlot' provides functions to aid the tracking of accrual and predict when a trial will reach it's intended sample size.
Maintained by Lukas Bรผtikofer. Last updated 7 months ago.
7.0 match 3 stars 5.01 score 17 scriptsinsightsengineering
rbmi:Reference Based Multiple Imputation
Implements standard and reference based multiple imputation methods for continuous longitudinal endpoints (Gower-Page et al. (2022) <doi:10.21105/joss.04251>). In particular, this package supports deterministic conditional mean imputation and jackknifing as described in Wolbers et al. (2022) <doi:10.1002/pst.2234>, Bayesian multiple imputation as described in Carpenter et al. (2013) <doi:10.1080/10543406.2013.834911>, and bootstrapped maximum likelihood imputation as described in von Hippel and Bartlett (2021) <doi: 10.1214/20-STS793>.
Maintained by Isaac Gravestock. Last updated 23 days ago.
4.0 match 18 stars 8.78 score 33 scripts 1 dependentscran
YEAB:Analyze Data from Analysis of Behavior Experiments
Analyze data from behavioral experiments conducted using 'MED-PC' software developed by Med Associates Inc. Includes functions to fit exponential and hyperbolic models for delay discounting tasks, exponential mixtures for inter-response times, and Gaussian plus ramp models for peak procedure data, among others. For more details, refer to Alcala et al. (2023) <doi:10.31234/>.
Maintained by Emmanuel Alcala. Last updated 1 months ago.
8.6 match 4.00 scorealenxav
NAM:Nested Association Mapping
Designed for association studies in nested association mapping (NAM) panels, experimental and random panels. The method is described by Xavier et al. (2015) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv448>. It includes tools for genome-wide associations of multiple populations, marker quality control, population genetics analysis, genome-wide prediction, solving mixed models and finding variance components through likelihood and Bayesian methods.
Maintained by Alencar Xavier. Last updated 5 years ago.
6.0 match 2 stars 5.72 score 44 scripts 1 dependentswviechtb
metadat:Meta-Analysis Datasets
A collection of meta-analysis datasets for teaching purposes, illustrating/testing meta-analytic methods, and validating published analyses.
Maintained by Wolfgang Viechtbauer. Last updated 2 days ago.
3.3 match 30 stars 10.54 score 65 scripts 93 dependentsbbecker-bayer
interim:Scheduling Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials
Allows the simulation of the recruitment and both the event and treatment phase of a clinical trial. Based on these simulations, the timing of interim analyses can be assessed.
Maintained by Bastian Becker. Last updated 6 years ago.
23.0 match 1.48 score 7 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
randPack:Randomization routines for Clinical Trials
A suite of classes and functions for randomizing patients in clinical trials.
Maintained by Robert Gentleman. Last updated 5 months ago.
10.2 match 3.30 score 5 scriptsarminstroebel
atable:Create Tables for Reporting Clinical Trials
Create Tables for Reporting Clinical Trials. Calculates descriptive statistics and hypothesis tests, arranges the results in a table ready for reporting with LaTeX, HTML or Word.
Maintained by Armin Strรถbel. Last updated 4 years ago.
7.1 match 9 stars 4.74 score 41 scriptsweiliang
powerSurvEpi:Power and Sample Size Calculation for Survival Analysis of Epidemiological Studies
Functions to calculate power and sample size for testing main effect or interaction effect in the survival analysis of epidemiological studies (non-randomized studies), taking into account the correlation between the covariate of the interest and other covariates. Some calculations also take into account the competing risks and stratified analysis. This package also includes a set of functions to calculate power and sample size for testing main effect in the survival analysis of randomized clinical trials and conditional logistic regression for nested case-control study.
Maintained by Weiliang Qiu. Last updated 4 years ago.
9.0 match 3.72 score 77 scripts 2 dependentspharmaverse
pharmaversesdtm:SDTM Test Data for the 'Pharmaverse' Family of Packages
A set of Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) datasets from the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) pilot project used for testing and developing Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets inside the pharmaverse family of packages. SDTM dataset specifications are described in the CDISC SDTM implementation guide, accessible by creating a free account on <>.
Maintained by Edoardo Mancini. Last updated 2 days ago.
4.5 match 15 stars 7.40 score 143 scriptsemeyers
NeuroDecodeR:Decode Information from Neural Activity
Neural decoding is method of analyzing neural data that uses a pattern classifiers to predict experimental conditions based on neural activity. 'NeuroDecodeR' is a system of objects that makes it easy to run neural decoding analyses. For more information on neural decoding see Meyers & Kreiman (2011) <doi:10.7551/mitpress/8404.003.0024>.
Maintained by Ethan Meyers. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.1 match 12 stars 6.49 score 17 scriptspletschm
aldvmm:Adjusted Limited Dependent Variable Mixture Models
The goal of the package 'aldvmm' is to fit adjusted limited dependent variable mixture models of health state utilities. Adjusted limited dependent variable mixture models are finite mixtures of normal distributions with an accumulation of density mass at the limits, and a gap between 100% quality of life and the next smaller utility value. The package 'aldvmm' uses the likelihood and expected value functions proposed by Hernandez Alava and Wailoo (2015) <doi:10.1177/1536867X1501500307> using normal component distributions and a multinomial logit model of probabilities of component membership.
Maintained by Mark Pletscher. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.5 match 5 stars 4.40 score 2 scriptsdmphillippo
multinma:Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis of Individual and Aggregate Data
Network meta-analysis and network meta-regression models for aggregate data, individual patient data, and mixtures of both individual and aggregate data using multilevel network meta-regression as described by Phillippo et al. (2020) <doi:10.1111/rssa.12579>. Models are estimated in a Bayesian framework using 'Stan'.
Maintained by David M. Phillippo. Last updated 2 days ago.
3.6 match 35 stars 9.11 score 163 scriptshojsgaard
geepack:Generalized Estimating Equation Package
Generalized estimating equations solver for parameters in mean, scale, and correlation structures, through mean link, scale link, and correlation link. Can also handle clustered categorical responses. See e.g. Halekoh and Hรธjsgaard, (2005, <doi:10.18637/jss.v015.i02>), for details.
Maintained by Sรธren Hรธjsgaard. Last updated 7 months ago.
3.4 match 1 stars 9.59 score 1.7k scripts 43 dependentsoptad
adoptr:Adaptive Optimal Two-Stage Designs
Optimize one or two-arm, two-stage designs for clinical trials with respect to several implemented objective criteria or custom objectives. Optimization under uncertainty and conditional (given stage-one outcome) constraints are supported. See Pilz et al. (2019) <doi:10.1002/sim.8291> and Kunzmann et al. (2021) <doi:10.18637/jss.v098.i09> for details.
Maintained by Maximilian Pilz. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.5 match 1 stars 7.09 score 39 scripts 1 dependentspharmaverse
datacutr:SDTM Datacut
Supports the process of applying a cut to Standard Data Tabulation Model (SDTM), as part of the analysis of specific points in time of the data, normally as part of investigation into clinical trials. The functions support different approaches of cutting to the different domains of SDTM normally observed.
Maintained by Tim Barnett. Last updated 1 months ago.
4.3 match 14 stars 7.48 score 11 scriptsfanglu-chen
CARM:Covariate-Adjusted Adaptive Randomization via Mahalanobis-Distance
In randomized controlled trial (RCT), balancing covariate is often one of the most important concern. CARM package provides functions to balance the covariates and generate allocation sequence by covariate-adjusted Adaptive Randomization via Mahalanobis-distance (ARM) for RCT. About what ARM is and how it works please see Y. Qin, Y. Li, W. Ma, H. Yang, and F. Hu (2022). "Adaptive randomization via Mahalanobis distance" Statistica Sinica. <doi:10.5705/ss.202020.0440>. In addition, the package is also suitable for the randomization process of multi-arm trials. For details, please see Yang H, Qin Y, Wang F, et al. (2023). "Balancing covariates in multi-arm trials via adaptive randomization" Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.<doi:10.1016/j.csda.2022.107642>.
Maintained by Fanglu Chen. Last updated 8 months ago.
8.4 match 5 stars 3.70 scoreflavjack
inti:Tools and Statistical Procedures in Plant Science
The 'inti' package is part of the 'inkaverse' project for developing different procedures and tools used in plant science and experimental designs. The mean aim of the package is to support researchers during the planning of experiments and data collection (tarpuy()), data analysis and graphics (yupana()) , and technical writing. Learn more about the 'inkaverse' project at <>.
Maintained by Flavio Lozano-Isla. Last updated 19 hours ago.
3.8 match 5 stars 8.27 score 193 scriptscran
coxme:Mixed Effects Cox Models
Fit Cox proportional hazards models containing both fixed and random effects. The random effects can have a general form, of which familial interactions (a "kinship" matrix) is a particular special case. Note that the simplest case of a mixed effects Cox model, i.e. a single random per-group intercept, is also called a "frailty" model. The approach is based on Ripatti and Palmgren, Biometrics 2002.
Maintained by Terry M. Therneau. Last updated 7 months ago.
3.5 match 2 stars 8.78 score 562 scripts 15 dependentsalanarnholt
BSDA:Basic Statistics and Data Analysis
Data sets for book "Basic Statistics and Data Analysis" by Larry J. Kitchens.
Maintained by Alan T. Arnholt. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.3 match 7 stars 9.11 score 1.3k scripts 6 dependentsyqzhong7
AIPW:Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting
The 'AIPW' package implements the augmented inverse probability weighting, a doubly robust estimator, for average causal effect estimation with user-defined stacked machine learning algorithms. To cite the 'AIPW' package, please use: "Yongqi Zhong, Edward H. Kennedy, Lisa M. Bodnar, Ashley I. Naimi (2021). AIPW: An R Package for Augmented Inverse Probability Weighted Estimation of Average Causal Effects. American Journal of Epidemiology. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwab207". Visit: <> for more information.
Maintained by Yongqi Zhong. Last updated 6 months ago.
4.0 match 24 stars 7.35 score 31 scripts 1 dependentskogalur
randomForestSRC:Fast Unified Random Forests for Survival, Regression, and Classification (RF-SRC)
Fast OpenMP parallel computing of Breiman's random forests for univariate, multivariate, unsupervised, survival, competing risks, class imbalanced classification and quantile regression. New Mahalanobis splitting for correlated outcomes. Extreme random forests and randomized splitting. Suite of imputation methods for missing data. Fast random forests using subsampling. Confidence regions and standard errors for variable importance. New improved holdout importance. Case-specific importance. Minimal depth variable importance. Visualize trees on your Safari or Google Chrome browser. Anonymous random forests for data privacy.
Maintained by Udaya B. Kogalur. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.6 match 10 stars 7.90 score 1.2k scripts 12 dependentsjamescbell
gestate:Generalised Survival Trial Assessment Tool Environment
Provides tools to assist planning and monitoring of time-to-event trials under complicated censoring assumptions and/or non-proportional hazards. There are three main components: The first is analytic calculation of predicted time-to-event trial properties, providing estimates of expected hazard ratio, event numbers and power under different analysis methods. The second is simulation, allowing stochastic estimation of these same properties. Thirdly, it provides parametric event prediction using blinded trial data, including creation of prediction intervals. Methods are based upon numerical integration and a flexible object-orientated structure for defining event, censoring and recruitment distributions (Curves).
Maintained by James Bell. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.9 match 2 stars 2.60 score 8 scriptsdivdyn
divDyn:Diversity Dynamics using Fossil Sampling Data
Functions to describe sampling and diversity dynamics of fossil occurrence datasets (e.g. from the Paleobiology Database). The package includes methods to calculate range- and occurrence-based metrics of taxonomic richness, extinction and origination rates, along with traditional sampling measures. A powerful subsampling tool is also included that implements frequently used sampling standardization methods in a multiple bin-framework. The plotting of time series and the occurrence data can be simplified by the functions incorporated in the package, as well as other calculations, such as environmental affinities and extinction selectivity testing. Details can be found in: Kocsis, A.T.; Reddin, C.J.; Alroy, J. and Kiessling, W. (2019) <doi:10.1101/423780>.
Maintained by Adam T. Kocsis. Last updated 4 months ago.
4.3 match 11 stars 6.48 score 137 scriptsmlr-org
mlr3proba:Probabilistic Supervised Learning for 'mlr3'
Provides extensions for probabilistic supervised learning for 'mlr3'. This includes extending the regression task to probabilistic and interval regression, adding a survival task, and other specialized models, predictions, and measures.
Maintained by John Zobolas. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.6 match 135 stars 7.78 score 246 scriptsbgcarlisle
cthist:Clinical Trial Registry History
Retrieves historical versions of clinical trial registry entries from <>. Package functionality and implementation for v 1.0.0 is documented in Carlisle (2022) <DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0270909>.
Maintained by Benjamin Gregory Carlisle. Last updated 8 months ago.
6.8 match 8 stars 4.08 score 6 scriptsrsparapa
BART:Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) provide flexible nonparametric modeling of covariates for continuous, binary, categorical and time-to-event outcomes. For more information see Sparapani, Spanbauer and McCulloch <doi:10.18637/jss.v097.i01>.
Maintained by Rodney Sparapani. Last updated 9 months ago.
3.5 match 14 stars 7.96 score 474 scripts 10 dependentsgiabaio
survHE:Survival Analysis in Health Economic Evaluation
Contains a suite of functions for survival analysis in health economics. These can be used to run survival models under a frequentist (based on maximum likelihood) or a Bayesian approach (both based on Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation or Hamiltonian Monte Carlo). To run the Bayesian models, the user needs to install additional modules (packages), i.e. 'survHEinla' and 'survHEhmc'. These can be installed using 'remotes::install_github' from their GitHub repositories: (<> and <> respectively). 'survHEinla' is based on the package INLA, which is available for download at <>. The user can specify a set of parametric models using a common notation and select the preferred mode of inference. The results can also be post-processed to produce probabilistic sensitivity analysis and can be used to export the output to an Excel file (e.g. for a Markov model, as often done by modellers and practitioners). <doi:10.18637/jss.v095.i14>.
Maintained by Gianluca Baio. Last updated 9 days ago.
4.0 match 42 stars 6.88 score 2 dependentsadayim
consort:Create Consort Diagram
To make it easy to create CONSORT diagrams for the transparent reporting of participant allocation in randomized, controlled clinical trials. This is done by creating a standardized disposition data, and using this data as the source for the creation a standard CONSORT diagram. Human effort by supplying text labels on the node can also be achieved.
Maintained by Alim Dayim. Last updated 1 months ago.
4.1 match 32 stars 6.62 score 59 scriptsvictor-navarro
calmr:Canonical Associative Learning Models and their Representations
Implementations of canonical associative learning models, with tools to run experiment simulations, estimate model parameters, and compare model representations. Experiments and results are represented using S4 classes and methods.
Maintained by Victor Navarro. Last updated 9 months ago.
4.3 match 3 stars 6.40 score 17 scriptsnlmixr2
rxode2:Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models
Facilities for running simulations from ordinary differential equation ('ODE') models, such as pharmacometrics and other compartmental models. A compilation manager translates the ODE model into C, compiles it, and dynamically loads the object code into R for improved computational efficiency. An event table object facilitates the specification of complex dosing regimens (optional) and sampling schedules. NB: The use of this package requires both C and Fortran compilers, for details on their use with R please see Section 6.3, Appendix A, and Appendix D in the "R Administration and Installation" manual. Also the code is mostly released under GPL. The 'VODE' and 'LSODA' are in the public domain. The information is available in the inst/COPYRIGHTS.
Maintained by Matthew L. Fidler. Last updated 30 days ago.
2.4 match 39 stars 11.16 score 220 scripts 13 dependentscran
GCalcium:A Data Manipulation and Analysis Package for Calcium Indicator Data
Provides shortcuts in extracting useful data points and summarizing waveform data. It is optimized for speed to work efficiently with large data sets so you can get to the analysis phase more quickly. It also utilizes a user-friendly format for use by both beginners and seasoned R users.
Maintained by Andrew Tamalunas. Last updated 6 years ago.
9.3 match 2.90 score 16 scriptsjwbowers
RItools:Randomization Inference Tools
Tools for randomization-based inference. Current focus is on the d^2 omnibus test of differences of means following Hansen and Bowers (2008) <doi:10.1214/08-STS254> . This test is useful for assessing balance in matched observational studies or for analysis of outcomes in block-randomized experiments.
Maintained by Jake Bowers. Last updated 10 months ago.
7.0 match 3.84 score 196 scriptsthothorn
exactRankTests:Exact Distributions for Rank and Permutation Tests
Computes exact conditional p-values and quantiles using an implementation of the Shift-Algorithm by Streitberg & Roehmel.
Maintained by Torsten Hothorn. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.8 match 1 stars 7.13 score 276 scripts 65 dependentsdominicmagirr
nphRCT:Non-Proportional Hazards in Randomized Controlled Trials
Perform a stratified weighted log-rank test in a randomized controlled trial. Tests can be visualized as a difference in average score on the two treatment arms. These methods are described in Magirr and Burman (2018) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1807.11097>, Magirr (2020) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2007.04767>, and Magirr and Jimenez (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2201.10445>.
Maintained by Dominic Magirr. Last updated 9 months ago.
6.4 match 4.16 score 24 scripts 1 dependentspaulojus
geoR:Analysis of Geostatistical Data
Geostatistical analysis including variogram-based, likelihood-based and Bayesian methods. Software companion for Diggle and Ribeiro (2007) <doi:10.1007/978-0-387-48536-2>.
Maintained by Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.5 match 10 stars 7.57 score 1.8k scripts 12 dependentsjackmwolf
tehtuner:Fit and Tune Models to Detect Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
Implements methods to fit Virtual Twins models (Foster et al. (2011) <doi:10.1002/sim.4322>) for identifying subgroups with differential effects in the context of clinical trials while controlling the probability of falsely detecting a differential effect when the conditional average treatment effect is uniform across the study population using parameter selection methods proposed in Wolf et al. (2022) <doi:10.1177/17407745221095855>.
Maintained by Jack Wolf. Last updated 2 years ago.
8.0 match 4 stars 3.30 score 6 scriptsolssol
idem:Inference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Death and Missingness
In randomized studies involving severely ill patients, functional outcomes are often unobserved due to missed clinic visits, premature withdrawal or death. It is well known that if these unobserved functional outcomes are not handled properly, biased treatment comparisons can be produced. In this package, we implement a procedure for comparing treatments that is based on the composite endpoint of both the functional outcome and survival. The procedure was proposed in Wang et al. (2016) <DOI:10.1111/biom.12594> and Wang et al. (2020) <DOI:10.18637/jss.v093.i12>. It considers missing data imputation with different sensitivity analysis strategies to handle the unobserved functional outcomes not due to death.
Maintained by Chenguang Wang. Last updated 2 years ago.
7.5 match 3.51 score 16 scriptsgasparrini
mvmeta:Multivariate and Univariate Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
Collection of functions to perform fixed and random-effects multivariate and univariate meta-analysis and meta-regression.
Maintained by Antonio Gasparrini. Last updated 5 years ago.
3.6 match 6 stars 7.29 score 151 scripts 10 dependentspharmaverse
logrx:A Logging Utility Focus on Clinical Trial Programming Workflows
A utility to facilitate the logging and review of R programs in clinical trial programming workflows.
Maintained by Nathan Kosiba. Last updated 10 days ago.
3.4 match 41 stars 7.60 score 15 scriptshermitz9
BayesAT:Bayesian Adaptive Trial
Bayesian adaptive trial algorithm implements multiple-stage interim analysis. Package includes data generating function, and Bayesian hypothesis testing function.
Maintained by Yuan Zhong. Last updated 1 months ago.
8.6 match 3.00 scoreglsnow
blockrand:Randomization for Block Random Clinical Trials
Create randomizations for block random clinical trials. Can also produce a pdf file of randomization cards.
Maintained by Greg Snow. Last updated 5 years ago.
7.1 match 2 stars 3.60 score 67 scripts 1 dependentsr-forge
Sleuth3:Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (3rd Ed)"
Data sets from Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2013), "The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (3rd ed)", Cengage Learning.
Maintained by Berwin A Turlach. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.0 match 6.38 score 522 scriptsresplab
predtools:Prediction Model Tools
Provides additional functions for evaluating predictive models, including plotting calibration curves and model-based Receiver Operating Characteristic (mROC) based on Sadatsafavi et al (2021) <arXiv:2003.00316>.
Maintained by Amin Adibi. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.8 match 9 stars 6.74 score 77 scriptscran
agricolae:Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
Original idea was presented in the thesis "A statistical analysis tool for agricultural research" to obtain the degree of Master on science, National Engineering University (UNI), Lima-Peru. Some experimental data for the examples come from the CIP and others research. Agricolae offers extensive functionality on experimental design especially for agricultural and plant breeding experiments, which can also be useful for other purposes. It supports planning of lattice, Alpha, Cyclic, Complete Block, Latin Square, Graeco-Latin Squares, augmented block, factorial, split and strip plot designs. There are also various analysis facilities for experimental data, e.g. treatment comparison procedures and several non-parametric tests comparison, biodiversity indexes and consensus cluster.
Maintained by Felipe de Mendiburu. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.6 match 7 stars 7.01 score 15 dependentsnbarrowman
vtree:Display Information About Nested Subsets of a Data Frame
A tool for calculating and drawing "variable trees". Variable trees display information about nested subsets of a data frame.
Maintained by Nick Barrowman. Last updated 13 hours ago.
3.5 match 76 stars 7.09 score 65 scriptsapariciojohan
flexFitR:Flexible Non-Linear Least Square Model Fitting
Provides tools for flexible non-linear least squares model fitting using general-purpose optimization techniques. The package supports a variety of optimization algorithms, including those provided by the 'optimx' package, making it suitable for handling complex non-linear models. Features include parallel processing support via the 'future' and 'foreach' packages, comprehensive model diagnostics, and visualization capabilities. Implements methods described in Nash and Varadhan (2011, <doi:10.18637/jss.v043.i09>).
Maintained by Johan Aparicio. Last updated 8 days ago.
3.5 match 2 stars 7.09 score 77 scriptsmarvels2031
PWEALL:Design and Monitoring of Survival Trials Accounting for Complex Situations
Calculates various functions needed for design and monitoring survival trials accounting for complex situations such as delayed treatment effect, treatment crossover, non-uniform accrual, and different censoring distributions between groups. The event time distribution is assumed to be piecewise exponential (PWE) distribution and the entry time is assumed to be piecewise uniform distribution. As compared with Version 1.2.1, two more types of hybrid crossover are added. A bug is corrected in the function "pwecx" that calculates the crossover-adjusted survival, distribution, density, hazard and cumulative hazard functions. Also, to generate the crossover-adjusted event time random variable, a more efficient algorithm is used and the output includes crossover indicators.
Maintained by Xiaodong Luo. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.2 match 2.42 score 44 scripts 2 dependents