Showing 28 of total 28 results (show query)
opendataes:Interact with the API to download public data from all of Spain
Easily interact with the API from to download data over 19,000 files from all different provinces of Spain.
Maintained by Jorge Cimentada. Last updated 4 years ago.
53.7 match 20 stars 3.60 score 9 scriptsopenml
OpenML:Open Machine Learning and Open Data Platform
We provide an R interface to '' which is an online machine learning platform where researchers can access open data, download and upload data sets, share their machine learning tasks and experiments and organize them online to work and collaborate with other researchers. The R interface allows to query for data sets with specific properties, and allows the downloading and uploading of data sets, tasks, flows and runs. See <> for more information.
Maintained by Giuseppe Casalicchio. Last updated 10 months ago.
11.0 match 97 stars 11.04 score 7.1k scriptsmalaria-atlas-project
malariaAtlas:An R Interface to Open-Access Malaria Data, Hosted by the 'Malaria Atlas Project'
A suite of tools to allow you to download all publicly available parasite rate survey points, mosquito occurrence points and raster surfaces from the 'Malaria Atlas Project' <> servers as well as utility functions for plotting the downloaded data.
Maintained by Mauricio van den Berg. Last updated 8 months ago.
11.0 match 44 stars 9.10 score 118 scripts 3 dependentsedwindj
cbsodataR:Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Open Data API Client
The data and meta data from Statistics Netherlands (<>) can be browsed and downloaded. The client uses the open data API of Statistics Netherlands.
Maintained by Edwin de Jonge. Last updated 5 months ago.
12.8 match 33 stars 7.23 score 173 scriptsnik01010
openbankeR:R Client for Querying the UK 'Open Banking' ('Open Data') API
Creates a client with queries for the UK 'Open Banking' ('Open Data') API. API wrapper around <>.
Maintained by Nik Lilovski. Last updated 3 years ago.
19.0 match 6 stars 4.48 score 6 scriptsmine-cetinkaya-rundel
ukbabynames:UK Baby Names Data
Full listing of UK baby names occurring more than three times per year between 1974 and 2020, and rankings of baby name popularity by decade from 1904 to 1994.
Maintained by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel. Last updated 3 years ago.
11.0 match 21 stars 5.03 score 34 scriptsdenironyx
overturemapsr:Download Overture Maps Data in R
Overture Maps offers free and open geospatial map data sourced from various providers and standardized to a common schema. This tool allows you to download Overture Maps data for a specific region of interest and convert it to several different file formats. For more information, visit <>.
Maintained by Dennis Irorere. Last updated 28 days ago.
11.0 match 15 stars 4.80 score 14 scriptsomarbenites
cropdatape:Open Data of Agricultural Production of Crops of Peru
Provides peruvian agricultural production data from the Agriculture Minestry of Peru (MINAGRI). The first version includes 6 crops: rice, quinoa, potato, sweet potato, tomato and wheat; all of them across 24 departments. Initially, in excel files which has been transformed and assembled using tidy data principles, i.e. each variable is in a column, each observation is a row and each value is in a cell. The variables variables are sowing and harvest area per crop, yield, production and price per plot, every one year, from 2004 to 2014.
Maintained by Omar Benites-Alfaro. Last updated 6 years ago.
11.0 match 1 stars 4.30 score 2 scriptszumbov2
swissparl:Interface to the Webservices of the Swiss Parliament
Retrieves the most important data on parliamentary activities of the Swiss Federal Assembly via an open, machine-readable interface (see <>).
Maintained by David Zumbach. Last updated 3 years ago.
11.0 match 33 stars 4.22 score 1 scriptsflyaflya
causact:Fast, Easy, and Visual Bayesian Inference
Accelerate Bayesian analytics workflows in 'R' through interactive modelling, visualization, and inference. Define probabilistic graphical models using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) as a unifying language for business stakeholders, statisticians, and programmers. This package relies on interfacing with the 'numpyro' python package.
Maintained by Adam Fleischhacker. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.1 match 45 stars 7.15 score 52 scriptsstatistikat
STATcubeR:R Interface for the 'STATcube' REST API and Open Government Data
Import data from the 'STATcube' REST API or from the open data portal of Statistics Austria. This package includes a client for API requests as well as parsing utilities for data which originates from 'STATcube'. Documentation about 'STATcubeR' is provided by several vignettes included in the package as well as on the public 'pkgdown' page at <>.
Maintained by Bernhard Meindl. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.6 match 18 stars 5.03 score 9 scriptscran
osdatahub:Easier Interaction with the Ordnance Survey Data Hub
Ordnance Survey ('OS') is the national mapping agency for Great Britain and produces a large variety of mapping and geospatial products. Much of OS's data is available via the OS Data Hub <>, a platform that hosts both free and premium data products. 'osdatahub' provides a user-friendly way to access, query, and download these data.
Maintained by Chris Jochem. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.7 match 3.45 score 14 scriptsfrancisbarton
mapirosa:Access OS OpenData APIs From R
A package to enable accessing basemap tiles from the [OS Maps API](, initially. Access to other OS (Ordnance Survey) Data Hub APIs may follow. The primary motivation for this project was to find a map tile service that supplies tiles in the British National Grid (27700) CRS, unlike the usual web mapping standard CRS of 3857. The name of the package is an intentional corruption of the Spanish word mariposa 🦋.
Maintained by Fran Barton. Last updated 6 months ago.
3.0 match 3 stars 2.48 score 2 scriptsusepa
elevatr:Access Elevation Data from Various APIs
Several web services are available that provide access to elevation data. This package provides access to many of those services and returns elevation data either as an 'sf' simple features object from point elevation services or as a 'raster' object from raster elevation services. In future versions, 'elevatr' will drop support for 'raster' and will instead return 'terra' objects. Currently, the package supports access to the Amazon Web Services Terrain Tiles <>, the Open Topography Global Datasets API <>, and the USGS Elevation Point Query Service <>.
Maintained by Jeffrey Hollister. Last updated 6 months ago.
0.5 match 206 stars 11.11 score 1.3k scripts 3 dependentsropenspain
spanishoddata:Get Spanish Origin-Destination Data
Gain seamless access to origin-destination (OD) data from the Spanish Ministry of Transport, hosted at <>. This package simplifies the management of these large datasets by providing tools to download zone boundaries, handle associated origin-destination data, and process it efficiently with the 'duckdb' database interface. Local caching minimizes repeated downloads, streamlining workflows for researchers and analysts. Extensive documentation is available at <>, offering guides on creating static and dynamic mobility flow visualizations and transforming large datasets into analysis-ready formats.
Maintained by Egor Kotov. Last updated 6 days ago.
0.5 match 35 stars 7.89 score 14 scriptsropensci
eia:API Wrapper for U.S. Energy Information Administration ('EIA') Open Data
Provides API access to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration ('EIA') <>. Use of the EIA's API and this package requires a free API key obtainable at <>. This package includes functions for searching the EIA data directory and returning time series and geoset time series datasets. Datasets returned by these functions are provided by default in a tidy format, or alternatively, in more raw formats. It also offers helper functions for working with EIA date strings and time formats and for inspecting different summaries of series metadata. The package also provides control over API key storage and caching of API request results.
Maintained by Matthew Hoff. Last updated 8 months ago.
0.5 match 47 stars 7.30 score 35 scriptshypertidy
ceramic:Download Online Imagery Tiles
Download imagery tiles to a standard cache and load the data into raster objects. Facilities for 'AWS' terrain <> terrain and 'Mapbox' <> servers are provided.
Maintained by Michael Sumner. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 92 stars 6.44 score 121 scriptsramikrispin
EIAapi:Query Data from the 'EIA' API
Provides a function to query and extract data from the 'US Energy Information Administration' ('EIA') API V2 <>. The 'EIA' API provides a variety of information, in a time series format, about the energy sector in the US. The API is open, free, and requires an access key and registration at <>.
Maintained by Rami Krispin. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.8 match 10 stars 4.04 score 22 scriptsjustincally
VicmapR:Access Victorian Spatial Data Through Web File Services (WFS)
Easily interfaces R to spatial datasets available through the Victorian Government's WFS (Web Feature Service): <>, which allows users to read in 'sf' data from these sources. VicmapR uses the lazy querying approach and code developed by Teucher et al. (2021) for the 'bcdata' R package <doi:10.21105/joss.02927>.
Maintained by Justin Cally. Last updated 6 months ago.
0.5 match 17 stars 6.14 score 18 scriptsmountainmath
VancouvR:Access the 'City of Vancouver' Open Data API
Wrapper around the 'City of Vancouver' Open Data API <> to simplify and standardize access to 'City of Vancouver' open data. Functionality to list the data catalogue and access data and geographic records.
Maintained by Jens von Bergmann. Last updated 9 months ago.
0.5 match 19 stars 5.98 score 25 scriptsramikrispin
covid19sf:The Covid19 San Francisco Dataset
Provides a verity of summary tables of the Covid19 cases in San Francisco. Data source: San Francisco, Department of Public Health - Population Health Division <>.
Maintained by Rami Krispin. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 12 stars 5.16 score 12 scriptsgonzalo1985
aws.wrfsmn:Data Processing of SMN Hi-Res Weather Forecast from 'AWS'
Exploration of Weather Research & Forecasting ('WRF') Model data of Servicio Meteorologico Nacional (SMN) from Amazon Web Services (<>) cloud. The package provides the possibility of data downloading, processing and correction methods. It also has map management and series exploration of available meteorological variables of 'WRF' forecast.
Maintained by Gonzalo Diaz. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 4.48 score 4 scriptscovid19r
covid19swiss:COVID-19 Cases in Switzerland and Principality of Liechtenstein
Provides a daily summary of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Switzerland cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein. Data source: Specialist Unit for Open Government Data Canton of Zurich <>.
Maintained by Rami Krispin. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.5 match 4.00 score 8 scriptsmakhgal-ganbold
NSO1212:National Statistical Office of Mongolia's Open Data API Handler
National Statistical Office of Mongolia (NSO) is the national statistical service and an organization of Mongolian government. NSO provides open access to official data via its API <>. The package NSO1212 has functions for accessing the API service. The functions are compatible with the API v2.0 and get data sets and its detailed informations from the API.
Maintained by Makhgal Ganbold. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 7 stars 3.54 score 6 scriptsftschurr
DyMEP:Dynamic Multi Environment Phenology-Model
Mechanistically models/predicts the phenology (macro-phases) of 10 crop plants (trained on a big dataset over 80 years derived from the German weather service (DWD) <>). Can be applied for remote sensing purposes, dynamically check the best subset of available covariates for the given dataset and crop.
Maintained by Flavian Tschurr. Last updated 11 months ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 3.18 scorehrbrmstr
ropendata:Query and Download 'Rapid7' 'Cybersecurity' Data Sets
'Rapid7' collects 'cybersecurity' data and makes it available via their 'Open Data' <> portal which has an API. Tools are provided to assist in querying for available data sets and downloading any data set authorized to a free, registered account.
Maintained by Bob Rudis. Last updated 6 years ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 2.00 score 7 scriptscran
beyondWhittle:Bayesian Spectral Inference for Time Series
Implementations of Bayesian parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric procedures for univariate and multivariate time series. The package is based on the methods presented in C. Kirch et al (2018) <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>, A. Meier (2018) <> and Y. Tang et al (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.11561>. It was supported by DFG grants KI 1443/3-1 and KI 1443/3-2.
Maintained by Renate Meyer. Last updated 4 months ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 1.68 score 12 scriptslorenaricciotti
PublicWorksFinanceIT:Soil Defense Investments in Italy: Data Retrieval, Analysis, Visualization
Facilitates the retrieval and analysis of financial data related to public works in Italy, focusing on soil defense investments. It extracts data from 'OpenCoesione', 'OpenBDAP', and the 'ReNDiS' database, eliminating the need for direct access to these platforms. The package boasts a user-friendly design, featuring real time updates and a set of functions tailored for data retrieval and visualization. See the webpages for further information <>, <>, and <>.
Maintained by Lorena Ricciotti. Last updated 3 months ago.
0.5 match 1.30 score