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minimap:Create Tile Grid Maps

Create tile grid maps, which are like choropleth maps except each region is represented with equal visual space.

Maintained by Sean Kross. Last updated 9 years ago.

13.1 match 18 stars 5.30 score 22 scripts


sageR:Applied Statistics for Economics and Management with R

Datasets and functions for the book "Statistiques pour l’économie et la gestion", "Théorie et applications en entreprise", F. Bertrand, Ch. Derquenne, G. Dufrénot, F. Jawadi and M. Maumy, C. Borsenberger editor, (2021, ISBN:9782807319448, De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve). The first chapter of the book is dedicated to an introduction to statistics and their world. The second chapter deals with univariate exploratory statistics and graphics. The third chapter deals with bivariate and multivariate exploratory statistics and graphics. The fourth chapter is dedicated to data exploration with Principal Component Analysis. The fifth chapter is dedicated to data exploration with Correspondance Analysis. The sixth chapter is dedicated to data exploration with Multiple Correspondance Analysis. The seventh chapter is dedicated to data exploration with automatic clustering. The eighth chapter is dedicated to an introduction to probability theory and classical probability distributions. The ninth chapter is dedicated to an estimation theory, one-sample and two-sample tests. The tenth chapter is dedicated to an Gaussian linear model. The eleventh chapter is dedicated to an introduction to time series. The twelfth chapter is dedicated to an introduction to probit and logit models. Various example datasets are shipped with the package as well as some new functions.

Maintained by Frederic Bertrand. Last updated 2 years ago.

13.1 match 2 stars 4.18 score 15 scripts


CSHShydRology:Canadian Hydrological Analyses

A collection of user submitted functions to aid in the analysis of hydrological data.

Maintained by Kevin Shook. Last updated 3 years ago.

8.7 match 4 stars 5.26 score 23 scripts


COVID19:COVID-19 Data Hub

Unified datasets for a better understanding of COVID-19.

Maintained by Emanuele Guidotti. Last updated 28 days ago.


3.3 match 252 stars 11.08 score 265 scripts


Ecdat:Data Sets for Econometrics

Data sets for econometrics, including political science.

Maintained by Spencer Graves. Last updated 4 months ago.

3.6 match 2 stars 7.25 score 740 scripts 3 dependents


outbreaks:A Collection of Disease Outbreak Data

Empirical or simulated disease outbreak data, provided either as RData or as text files.

Maintained by Finlay Campbell. Last updated 2 years ago.

3.5 match 51 stars 6.70 score 282 scripts


MTS:All-Purpose Toolkit for Analyzing Multivariate Time Series (MTS) and Estimating Multivariate Volatility Models

Multivariate Time Series (MTS) is a general package for analyzing multivariate linear time series and estimating multivariate volatility models. It also handles factor models, constrained factor models, asymptotic principal component analysis commonly used in finance and econometrics, and principal volatility component analysis. (a) For the multivariate linear time series analysis, the package performs model specification, estimation, model checking, and prediction for many widely used models, including vector AR models, vector MA models, vector ARMA models, seasonal vector ARMA models, VAR models with exogenous variables, multivariate regression models with time series errors, augmented VAR models, and Error-correction VAR models for co-integrated time series. For model specification, the package performs structural specification to overcome the difficulties of identifiability of VARMA models. The methods used for structural specification include Kronecker indices and Scalar Component Models. (b) For multivariate volatility modeling, the MTS package handles several commonly used models, including multivariate exponentially weighted moving-average volatility, Cholesky decomposition volatility models, dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) models, copula-based volatility models, and low-dimensional BEKK models. The package also considers multiple tests for conditional heteroscedasticity, including rank-based statistics. (c) Finally, the MTS package also performs forecasting using diffusion index , transfer function analysis, Bayesian estimation of VAR models, and multivariate time series analysis with missing values.Users can also use the package to simulate VARMA models, to compute impulse response functions of a fitted VARMA model, and to calculate theoretical cross-covariance matrices of a given VARMA model.

Maintained by Ruey S. Tsay. Last updated 3 years ago.


3.3 match 6 stars 6.52 score 272 scripts 6 dependents


NetLogoR:Build and Run Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Models

Build and run spatially explicit agent-based models using only the R platform. 'NetLogoR' follows the same framework as the 'NetLogo' software (Wilensky (1999) <>) and is a translation in R of the structure and functions of 'NetLogo'. 'NetLogoR' provides new R classes to define model agents and functions to implement spatially explicit agent-based models in the R environment. This package allows benefiting of the fast and easy coding phase from the highly developed 'NetLogo' framework, coupled with the versatility, power and massive resources of the R software. Examples of two models from the NetLogo software repository (Ants <>) and Wolf-Sheep-Predation (<>), and a third, Butterfly, from Railsback and Grimm (2012) <>, all written using 'NetLogoR' are available. The 'NetLogo' code of the original version of these models is provided alongside. A programming guide inspired from the 'NetLogo' Programming Guide (<>) and a dictionary of 'NetLogo' primitives (<>) equivalences are also available. NOTE: To increment 'time', these functions can use a for loop or can be integrated with a discrete event simulator, such as 'SpaDES' (<>). The suggested package 'fastshp' can be installed with 'install.packages("fastshp", repos = ("<>"), type = "source")'.

Maintained by Eliot J B McIntire. Last updated 4 months ago.

2.4 match 38 stars 6.94 score 19 scripts


SpaDES.project:Project Templates Using 'SpaDES'

Quickly setup a 'SpaDES' project directories and add modules using templates.

Maintained by Eliot J B McIntire. Last updated 2 days ago.

1.3 match 3 stars 6.66 score 21 scripts


MicroDatosEs:Utilities for Official Spanish Microdata

Provides utilities for reading and processing microdata from Spanish official statistics with R.

Maintained by Carlos J. Gil Bellosta. Last updated 1 years ago.

1.6 match 13 stars 4.04 score 17 scripts


LandWebUtils:Helper functions for the LandWeb project

Additional utilities for LandWeb analyses.

Maintained by Alex M Chubaty. Last updated 1 months ago.


2.4 match 2 stars 2.60 score 2 scripts


ssdtests:Tests for ssdtools

Tests for ssdtools package.

Maintained by Joe Thorley. Last updated 12 days ago.

1.5 match 3.60 score 2 scripts


pedev:Predictive Ecology Development Tools

Miscellaneous development tools developed by the Predictive Ecology Group (<>).

Maintained by Eliot J B McIntire. Last updated 4 months ago.

2.4 match 1 stars 1.70 score