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timeR:Time Your Codes
Provides a 'timeR' class that makes timing codes easier. One can create 'timeR' objects and use them to record all timings, and extract recordings as data frame for later use.
Maintained by Yifu Yan. Last updated 5 years ago.
80.3 match 7 stars 5.53 score 97 scriptspoissonconsulting
timer:R6 Timer
A simple timer as an R6 class. The timer has four functions: start(), stop(), reset() and elapsed(). The elapsed() function returns the elapsed wall clock time (as opposed to CPU time) as an object of class lubridate::Duration.
Maintained by Joe Thorley. Last updated 3 months ago.
70.9 match 5.32 score 97 scripts 3 dependentspoissonconsulting
hmstimer:'hms' Based Timer
Tracks elapsed clock time using a `hms::hms()` scalar. It was was originally developed to time Bayesian model runs. It should not be used to estimate how long extremely fast code takes to execute as the package code adds a small time cost.
Maintained by Joe Thorley. Last updated 2 months ago.
51.5 match 2 stars 5.35 score 4 scripts 1 dependentsgadenbuie
countdown:A Countdown Timer for HTML Presentations, Documents, and Web Apps
A simple countdown timer for slides and HTML documents written in 'R Markdown' or 'Quarto'. Integrates fully into 'Shiny' apps. Countdown to something amazing.
Maintained by Garrick Aden-Buie. Last updated 12 months ago.
16.7 match 152 stars 7.74 score 2.4k scriptsrstudio
shiny:Web Application Framework for R
Makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R. Automatic "reactive" binding between inputs and outputs and extensive prebuilt widgets make it possible to build beautiful, responsive, and powerful applications with minimal effort.
Maintained by Winston Chang. Last updated 6 days ago.
3.3 match 5.5k stars 21.31 score 108k scripts 1.8k dependentslrberge
stringmagic:Character String Operations and Interpolation, Magic Edition
Performs complex string operations compactly and efficiently. Supports string interpolation jointly with over 50 string operations. Also enhances regular string functions (like grep() and co). See an introduction at <>.
Maintained by Laurent R Berge. Last updated 8 months ago.
5.1 match 15 stars 10.56 score 37 scripts 33 dependentsbrry
berryFunctions:Function Collection Related to Plotting and Hydrology
Draw horizontal histograms, color scattered points by 3rd dimension, enhance date- and log-axis plots, zoom in X11 graphics, trace errors and warnings, use the unit hydrograph in a linear storage cascade, convert lists to data.frames and arrays, fit multiple functions.
Maintained by Berry Boessenkool. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.6 match 13 stars 9.43 score 350 scripts 16 dependentsberrij
rcpptimer:'Rcpp' Tic-Toc Timer with 'OpenMP' Support
Provides 'Rcpp' bindings for 'cpptimer', a simple tic-toc timer class for benchmarking 'C++' code <>. It's not just simple, it's blazing fast! This sleek tic-toc timer class supports overlapping timers as well as 'OpenMP' parallelism <>. It boasts a nanosecond-level time resolution. We did not find any overhead of the timer itself at this resolution. Results (with summary statistics) are automatically passed back to 'R' as a data frame.
Maintained by Jonathan Berrisch. Last updated 6 months ago.
9.6 match 5.18 score 1 scripts 1 dependentscoolbutuseless
governor:Speed Limiter to Control Rate of Execution of Loops
It can be necessary to limit the rate of execution of a loop or repeated function call e.g. to show or gather data only at particular intervals. This package includes two methods for limiting this execution rate; speed governors and timers. A speed governor will insert pauses during execution to meet a user-specified loop time. Timers are alarm clocks which will indicate whether a certain time has passed. These mechanisms are implemented in 'C' to minimize processing overhead.
Maintained by Mike Cheng. Last updated 3 months ago.
7.9 match 8 stars 5.42 score 11 scriptspkr-pkr
NNbenchmark:Datasets and Functions to Benchmark Neural Network Packages
Datasets and functions to benchmark (convergence, speed, ease of use) R packages dedicated to regression with neural networks (no classification in this version). The templates for the tested packages are available in the R, R Markdown and HTML formats at <> and <>. The submitted article to the R-Journal can be read at <>.
Maintained by Patrice Kiener. Last updated 1 years ago.
8.0 match 5 stars 5.33 score 283 scriptsandrewhooker
PopED:Population (and Individual) Optimal Experimental Design
Optimal experimental designs for both population and individual studies based on nonlinear mixed-effect models. Often this is based on a computation of the Fisher Information Matrix. This package was developed for pharmacometric problems, and examples and predefined models are available for these types of systems. The methods are described in Nyberg et al. (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2012.05.005>, and Foracchia et al. (2004) <doi:10.1016/S0169-2607(03)00073-7>.
Maintained by Andrew C. Hooker. Last updated 6 months ago.
4.0 match 33 stars 9.58 score 300 scripts 1 dependentsralmond
EIEvent:Evidence Identification Event Processing Engine
Extracts observables from a sequence of events. Uses a prolog-like rule language to do the extraction, written in JSON.
Maintained by Russell Almond. Last updated 1 years ago.
17.2 match 2.00 score 2 scriptsr-lib
bit:Classes and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections
Provided are classes for boolean and skewed boolean vectors, fast boolean methods, fast unique and non-unique integer sorting, fast set operations on sorted and unsorted sets of integers, and foundations for ff (range index, compression, chunked processing).
Maintained by Michael Chirico. Last updated 21 days ago.
2.3 match 12 stars 15.15 score 131 scripts 3.2k dependentsdatabio
simpleCache:Simply Caching R Objects
Provides intuitive functions for caching R objects, encouraging reproducible, restartable, and distributed R analysis. The user selects a location to store caches, and then provides nothing more than a cache name and instructions (R code) for how to produce the R object. Also provides some advanced options like environment assignments, recreating or reloading caches, and cluster compute bindings (using the 'batchtools' package) making it flexible enough for use in large-scale data analysis projects.
Maintained by Nathan Sheffield. Last updated 4 years ago.
4.0 match 34 stars 7.51 score 70 scripts 1 dependentsjeromeecoac
seewave:Sound Analysis and Synthesis
Functions for analysing, manipulating, displaying, editing and synthesizing time waves (particularly sound). This package processes time analysis (oscillograms and envelopes), spectral content, resonance quality factor, entropy, cross correlation and autocorrelation, zero-crossing, dominant frequency, analytic signal, frequency coherence, 2D and 3D spectrograms and many other analyses. See Sueur et al. (2008) <doi:10.1080/09524622.2008.9753600> and Sueur (2018) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-77647-7>.
Maintained by Jerome Sueur. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.3 match 18 stars 8.88 score 880 scripts 23 dependentspsolymos
pbapply:Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
A lightweight package that adds progress bar to vectorized R functions ('*apply'). The implementation can easily be added to functions where showing the progress is useful (e.g. bootstrap). The type and style of the progress bar (with percentages or remaining time) can be set through options. Supports several parallel processing backends including future.
Maintained by Peter Solymos. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.0 match 158 stars 14.30 score 3.7k scripts 656 dependentsjoshuaulrich
microbenchmark:Accurate Timing Functions
Provides infrastructure to accurately measure and compare the execution time of R expressions.
Maintained by Joshua M. Ulrich. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 99 stars 15.43 score 7.0k scripts 964 dependentshwborchers
pracma:Practical Numerical Math Functions
Provides a large number of functions from numerical analysis and linear algebra, numerical optimization, differential equations, time series, plus some well-known special mathematical functions. Uses 'MATLAB' function names where appropriate to simplify porting.
Maintained by Hans W. Borchers. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.0 match 29 stars 12.34 score 6.6k scripts 931 dependentsyihui
litedown:A Lightweight Version of R Markdown
Render R Markdown to Markdown (without using 'knitr'), and Markdown to lightweight HTML or 'LaTeX' documents with the 'commonmark' package (instead of 'Pandoc'). Some missing Markdown features in 'commonmark' are also supported, such as raw HTML or 'LaTeX' blocks, 'LaTeX' math, superscripts, subscripts, footnotes, element attributes, and appendices, but not all 'Pandoc' Markdown features are (or will be) supported. With additional JavaScript and CSS, you can also create HTML slides and articles. This package can be viewed as a trimmed-down version of R Markdown and 'knitr'. It does not aim at rich Markdown features or a large variety of output formats (the primary formats are HTML and 'LaTeX'). Book and website projects of multiple input documents are also supported.
Maintained by Yihui Xie. Last updated 12 days ago.
2.2 match 201 stars 10.58 score 16 scripts 4 dependentsinsileco
inSilecoMisc:inSileco Miscellaneous Functions
A set of miscellaneous R functions written by our inSileco group.
Maintained by Kevin Cazelles. Last updated 3 years ago.
5.6 match 4 stars 3.30 score 4 scriptssnoweye
pbdMPI:R Interface to MPI for HPC Clusters (Programming with Big Data Project)
A simplified, efficient, interface to MPI for HPC clusters. It is a derivation and rethinking of the Rmpi package. pbdMPI embraces the prevalent parallel programming style on HPC clusters. Beyond the interface, a collection of functions for global work with distributed data and resource-independent RNG reproducibility is included. It is based on S4 classes and methods.
Maintained by Wei-Chen Chen. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.3 match 2 stars 7.11 score 179 scripts 3 dependentspsychbruce
bruceR:Broadly Useful Convenient and Efficient R Functions
Broadly useful convenient and efficient R functions that bring users concise and elegant R data analyses. This package includes easy-to-use functions for (1) basic R programming (e.g., set working directory to the path of currently opened file; import/export data from/to files in any format; print tables to Microsoft Word); (2) multivariate computation (e.g., compute scale sums/means/... with reverse scoring); (3) reliability analyses and factor analyses; (4) descriptive statistics and correlation analyses; (5) t-test, multi-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), simple-effect analysis, and post-hoc multiple comparison; (6) tidy report of statistical models (to R Console and Microsoft Word); (7) mediation and moderation analyses (PROCESS); and (8) additional toolbox for statistics and graphics.
Maintained by Han-Wu-Shuang Bao. Last updated 2 days ago.
1.9 match 176 stars 8.16 score 316 scripts 3 dependentsr-alpha-act
R.AlphA.Home:Feel at Home using R, Thanks to Shortcuts Functions Making it Simple
A collection of personal functions designed to simplify and streamline common R programming tasks. This package provides reusable tools and shortcuts for frequently used calculations and workflows.
Maintained by Raphaël Flambard. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.3 match 3.93 scoremaciekbanas
shinyTimer:Customizable Timer for 'shiny' Applications
Provides a customizable timer widget for 'shiny' applications. Key features include countdown and count-up mode, multiple display formats (including simple seconds, minutes-seconds, hours-minutes-seconds, and minutes-seconds-centiseconds), ability to pause, resume, and reset the timer. 'shinytimer' widget can be particularly useful for creating interactive and time-sensitive applications, tracking session times, setting time limits for tasks or quizzes, and more.
Maintained by Maciej Banas. Last updated 24 days ago.
3.9 match 3.30 scoregwidgets3
gWidgets2:Rewrite of gWidgets API for Simplified GUI Construction
Re-implementation of the 'gWidgets' API. The API is defined in this package. A second, toolkit-specific package is required to use it. At this point only 'gWidgets2tcltk' is viable.
Maintained by John Verzani. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.0 match 3 stars 6.00 score 78 scripts 9 dependentsskranz
shinyChatQuiz:Shiny app for online lecture support with chat and quizzes
Shiny app for online lecture support with chat and quizzes
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 4 years ago.
5.6 match 1 stars 1.70 score 1 scriptstraitecoevo
plant:A Package for Modelling Forest Trait Ecology and Evolution
Solves trait, size and patch structured model from (Falster et al. 2016) using either method of characteristics or as stochastic, finite-sized population.
Maintained by Daniel Falster. Last updated 23 days ago.
1.6 match 53 stars 5.87 scoreadrian-bowman
rpanel:Simple Interactive Controls for R using the 'tcltk' Package
A set of functions to build simple GUI controls for R functions. These are built on the 'tcltk' package. Uses could include changing a parameter on a graph by animating it with a slider or a "doublebutton", up to more sophisticated control panels. Some functions for specific graphical tasks, referred to as 'cartoons', are provided.
Maintained by Adrian Bowman. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.3 match 1 stars 4.24 score 157 scripts 9 dependentscran
matlab:'MATLAB' Emulation Package
Emulate 'MATLAB' code using 'R'.
Maintained by P. Roebuck. Last updated 9 months ago.
2.0 match 4.09 score 19 dependentsdatawookie
clockify:A Wrapper for the 'Clockify' API
A wrapper for the Clockify API <>, making it possible to query, insert and update time keeping data.
Maintained by Andrew B. Collier. Last updated 10 months ago.
1.9 match 1 stars 3.65 score 6 scriptsartemklevtsov
benchr:High Precise Measurement of R Expressions Execution Time
Provides infrastructure to accurately measure and compare the execution time of R expressions.
Maintained by Artem Klevtsov. Last updated 5 years ago.
2.0 match 3.08 score 24 scriptspaithiov909
aznyan:An 'Utanet' Scraper and Utilities
Scrape lyrics from 'Utanet' website.
Maintained by Akiru Kato. Last updated 11 months ago.
3.0 match 2.00 score 1 scriptsksbakar
spTimer:Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Modelling
Fits, spatially predicts and temporally forecasts large amounts of space-time data using [1] Bayesian Gaussian Process (GP) Models, [2] Bayesian Auto-Regressive (AR) Models, and [3] Bayesian Gaussian Predictive Processes (GPP) based AR Models for spatio-temporal big-n problems. Bakar and Sahu (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v063.i15>.
Maintained by K. Shuvo Bakar. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.0 match 2 stars 2.90 score 66 scripts 2 dependentsobreschkow
docore:Utility Functions for Scientific Coding
Basic routines used in scientific coding, such as timing routines, vector/array handing functions and I/O support routines.
Maintained by Danail Obreschkow. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.5 match 1.00 scoreksbakar
spTDyn:Spatially Varying and Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Linear Models
Fits, spatially predicts, and temporally forecasts space-time data using Gaussian Process (GP): (1) spatially varying coefficient process models and (2) spatio-temporal dynamic linear models. Bakar et al., (2016). Bakar et al., (2015).
Maintained by K. Shuvo Bakar. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.0 match 1 stars 1.82 score 22 scripts 1 dependentsnicholasjcooper
NCmisc:Miscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions and Scripts
A set of handy functions. Includes a versatile one line progress bar, one line function timer with detailed output, time delay function, text histogram, object preview, CRAN package search, simpler package installer, Linux command install check, a flexible Mode function, top function, simulation of correlated data, and more.
Maintained by Nicholas Cooper. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 3.87 score 172 scripts 5 dependentstidylab
decorators:Extend the Behaviour of a Function without Explicitly Modifying it
A decorator is a function that receives a function, extends its behaviour, and returned the altered function. Any caller that uses the decorated function uses the same interface as it were the original, undecorated function. Decorators serve two primary uses: (1) Enhancing the response of a function as it sends data to a second component; (2) Supporting multiple optional behaviours. An example of the first use is a timer decorator that runs a function, outputs its execution time on the console, and returns the original function's result. An example of the second use is input type validation decorator that during running time tests whether the caller has passed input arguments of a particular class. Decorators can reduce execution time, say by memoization, or reduce bugs by adding defensive programming routines.
Maintained by Harel Lustiger. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 12 stars 3.78 score 1 scripts