Showing 200 of total 280 results (show query)


bayesm:Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics

Covers many important models used in marketing and micro-econometrics applications. The package includes: Bayes Regression (univariate or multivariate dep var), Bayes Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR), Binary and Ordinal Probit, Multinomial Logit (MNL) and Multinomial Probit (MNP), Multivariate Probit, Negative Binomial (Poisson) Regression, Multivariate Mixtures of Normals (including clustering), Dirichlet Process Prior Density Estimation with normal base, Hierarchical Linear Models with normal prior and covariates, Hierarchical Linear Models with a mixture of normals prior and covariates, Hierarchical Multinomial Logits with a mixture of normals prior and covariates, Hierarchical Multinomial Logits with a Dirichlet Process prior and covariates, Hierarchical Negative Binomial Regression Models, Bayesian analysis of choice-based conjoint data, Bayesian treatment of linear instrumental variables models, Analysis of Multivariate Ordinal survey data with scale usage heterogeneity (as in Rossi et al, JASA (01)), Bayesian Analysis of Aggregate Random Coefficient Logit Models as in BLP (see Jiang, Manchanda, Rossi 2009) For further reference, consult our book, Bayesian Statistics and Marketing by Rossi, Allenby and McCulloch (Wiley first edition 2005 and second forthcoming) and Bayesian Non- and Semi-Parametric Methods and Applications (Princeton U Press 2014).

Maintained by Peter Rossi. Last updated 1 years ago.


23.4 match 20 stars 8.20 score 322 scripts 43 dependents


bsvars:Bayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressive Models

Provides fast and efficient procedures for Bayesian analysis of Structural Vector Autoregressions. This package estimates a wide range of models, including homo-, heteroskedastic, and non-normal specifications. Structural models can be identified by adjustable exclusion restrictions, time-varying volatility, or non-normality. They all include a flexible three-level equation-specific local-global hierarchical prior distribution for the estimated level of shrinkage for autoregressive and structural parameters. Additionally, the package facilitates predictive and structural analyses such as impulse responses, forecast error variance and historical decompositions, forecasting, verification of heteroskedasticity, non-normality, and hypotheses on autoregressive parameters, as well as analyses of structural shocks, volatilities, and fitted values. Beautiful plots, informative summary functions, and extensive documentation including the vignette by Woลบniak (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2410.15090> complement all this. The implemented techniques align closely with those presented in Lรผtkepohl, Shang, Uzeda, & Woลบniak (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.11057>, Lรผtkepohl & Woลบniak (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2020.103862>, and Song & Woลบniak (2021) <doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.174>. The 'bsvars' package is aligned regarding objects, workflows, and code structure with the R package 'bsvarSIGNs' by Wang & Woลบniak (2024) <doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.bsvarSIGNs>, and they constitute an integrated toolset.

Maintained by Tomasz Woลบniak. Last updated 1 months ago.


18.0 match 46 stars 7.67 score 32 scripts 1 dependents


fabMix:Overfitting Bayesian Mixtures of Factor Analyzers with Parsimonious Covariance and Unknown Number of Components

Model-based clustering of multivariate continuous data using Bayesian mixtures of factor analyzers (Papastamoulis (2019) <DOI:10.1007/s11222-019-09891-z> (2018) <DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2018.03.007>). The number of clusters is estimated using overfitting mixture models (Rousseau and Mengersen (2011) <DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2011.00781.x>): suitable prior assumptions ensure that asymptotically the extra components will have zero posterior weight, therefore, the inference is based on the ``alive'' components. A Gibbs sampler is implemented in order to (approximately) sample from the posterior distribution of the overfitting mixture. A prior parallel tempering scheme is also available, which allows to run multiple parallel chains with different prior distributions on the mixture weights. These chains run in parallel and can swap states using a Metropolis-Hastings move. Eight different parameterizations give rise to parsimonious representations of the covariance per cluster (following Mc Nicholas and Murphy (2008) <DOI:10.1007/s11222-008-9056-0>). The model parameterization and number of factors is selected according to the Bayesian Information Criterion. Identifiability issues related to label switching are dealt by post-processing the simulated output with the Equivalence Classes Representatives algorithm (Papastamoulis and Iliopoulos (2010) <DOI:10.1198/jcgs.2010.09008>, Papastamoulis (2016) <DOI:10.18637/jss.v069.c01>).

Maintained by Panagiotis Papastamoulis. Last updated 1 years ago.


21.9 match 2.09 score 41 scripts 1 dependents


kwb.monitoring:Functions Used Within Different Kwb Monitoring Projects

Functions used within different KWB projects dealing with monitoring data.

Maintained by Hauke Sonnenberg. Last updated 6 years ago.


11.3 match 3.78 score 3 scripts 4 dependents


rjags:Bayesian Graphical Models using MCMC

Interface to the JAGS MCMC library.

Maintained by Martyn Plummer. Last updated 7 months ago.


2.3 match 7 stars 9.60 score 4.0k scripts 165 dependents


BASiCS:Bayesian Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing data

Single-cell mRNA sequencing can uncover novel cell-to-cell heterogeneity in gene expression levels in seemingly homogeneous populations of cells. However, these experiments are prone to high levels of technical noise, creating new challenges for identifying genes that show genuine heterogeneous expression within the population of cells under study. BASiCS (Bayesian Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing data) is an integrated Bayesian hierarchical model to perform statistical analyses of single-cell RNA sequencing datasets in the context of supervised experiments (where the groups of cells of interest are known a priori, e.g. experimental conditions or cell types). BASiCS performs built-in data normalisation (global scaling) and technical noise quantification (based on spike-in genes). BASiCS provides an intuitive detection criterion for highly (or lowly) variable genes within a single group of cells. Additionally, BASiCS can compare gene expression patterns between two or more pre-specified groups of cells. Unlike traditional differential expression tools, BASiCS quantifies changes in expression that lie beyond comparisons of means, also allowing the study of changes in cell-to-cell heterogeneity. The latter can be quantified via a biological over-dispersion parameter that measures the excess of variability that is observed with respect to Poisson sampling noise, after normalisation and technical noise removal. Due to the strong mean/over-dispersion confounding that is typically observed for scRNA-seq datasets, BASiCS also tests for changes in residual over-dispersion, defined by residual values with respect to a global mean/over-dispersion trend.

Maintained by Catalina Vallejos. Last updated 5 months ago.


2.0 match 83 stars 10.26 score 368 scripts 1 dependents


brokenstick:Broken Stick Model for Irregular Longitudinal Data

Data on multiple individuals through time are often sampled at times that differ between persons. Irregular observation times can severely complicate the statistical analysis of the data. The broken stick model approximates each subjectโ€™s trajectory by one or more connected line segments. The times at which segments connect (breakpoints) are identical for all subjects and under control of the user. A well-fitting broken stick model effectively transforms individual measurements made at irregular times into regular trajectories with common observation times. Specification of the model requires three variables: time, measurement and subject. The model is a special case of the linear mixed model, with time as a linear B-spline and subject as the grouping factor. The main assumptions are: subjects are exchangeable, trajectories between consecutive breakpoints are straight, random effects follow a multivariate normal distribution, and unobserved data are missing at random. The package contains functions for fitting the broken stick model to data, for predicting curves in new data and for plotting broken stick estimates. The package supports two optimization methods, and includes options to structure the variance-covariance matrix of the random effects. The analyst may use the software to smooth growth curves by a series of connected straight lines, to align irregularly observed curves to a common time grid, to create synthetic curves at a user-specified set of breakpoints, to estimate the time-to-time correlation matrix and to predict future observations. See <doi:10.18637/jss.v106.i07> for additional documentation on background, methodology and applications.

Maintained by Stef van Buuren. Last updated 2 years ago.


3.5 match 9 stars 5.33 score 12 scripts


CoTiMA:Continuous Time Meta-Analysis ('CoTiMA')

The 'CoTiMA' package performs meta-analyses of correlation matrices of repeatedly measured variables taken from studies that used different time intervals. Different time intervals between measurement occasions impose problems for meta-analyses because the effects (e.g. cross-lagged effects) cannot be simply aggregated, for example, by means of common fixed or random effects analysis. However, continuous time math, which is applied in 'CoTiMA', can be used to extrapolate or intrapolate the results from all studies to any desired time lag. By this, effects obtained in studies that used different time intervals can be meta-analyzed. 'CoTiMA' fits models to empirical data using the structural equation model (SEM) package 'ctsem', the effects specified in a SEM are related to parameters that are not directly included in the model (i.e., continuous time parameters; together, they represent the continuous time structural equation model, CTSEM). Statistical model comparisons and significance tests are then performed on the continuous time parameter estimates. 'CoTiMA' also allows analysis of publication bias (Egger's test, PET-PEESE estimates, zcurve analysis etc.) and analysis of statistical power (post hoc power, required sample sizes). See Dormann, C., Guthier, C., & Cortina, J. M. (2019) <doi:10.1177/1094428119847277>. and Guthier, C., Dormann, C., & Voelkle, M. C. (2020) <doi:10.1037/bul0000304>.

Maintained by Markus Homberg. Last updated 2 months ago.

3.3 match 4 stars 5.28 score


poems:Pattern-Oriented Ensemble Modeling System

A framework of interoperable R6 classes (Chang, 2020, <>) for building ensembles of viable models via the pattern-oriented modeling (POM) approach (Grimm et al.,2005, <doi:10.1126/science.1116681>). The package includes classes for encapsulating and generating model parameters, and managing the POM workflow. The workflow includes: model setup; generating model parameters via Latin hyper-cube sampling (Iman & Conover, 1980, <doi:10.1080/03610928008827996>); running multiple sampled model simulations; collating summary results; and validating and selecting an ensemble of models that best match known patterns. By default, model validation and selection utilizes an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach (Beaumont et al., 2002, <doi:10.1093/genetics/162.4.2025>), although alternative user-defined functionality could be employed. The package includes a spatially explicit demographic population model simulation engine, which incorporates default functionality for density dependence, correlated environmental stochasticity, stage-based transitions, and distance-based dispersal. The user may customize the simulator by defining functionality for translocations, harvesting, mortality, and other processes, as well as defining the sequence order for the simulator processes. The framework could also be adapted for use with other model simulators by utilizing its extendable (inheritable) base classes.

Maintained by July Pilowsky. Last updated 21 days ago.


1.8 match 10 stars 8.05 score 59 scripts 2 dependents


bsvarSIGNs:Bayesian SVARs with Sign, Zero, and Narrative Restrictions

Implements state-of-the-art algorithms for the Bayesian analysis of Structural Vector Autoregressions (SVARs) identified by sign, zero, and narrative restrictions. The core model is based on a flexible Vector Autoregression with estimated hyper-parameters of the Minnesota prior and the dummy observation priors as in Giannone, Lenza, Primiceri (2015) <doi:10.1162/REST_a_00483>. The sign restrictions are implemented employing the methods proposed by Rubio-Ramรญrez, Waggoner & Zha (2010) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-937X.2009.00578.x>, while identification through sign and zero restrictions follows the approach developed by Arias, Rubio-Ramรญrez, & Waggoner (2018) <doi:10.3982/ECTA14468>. Furthermore, our tool provides algorithms for identification via sign and narrative restrictions, in line with the methods introduced by Antolรญn-Dรญaz and Rubio-Ramรญrez (2018) <doi:10.1257/aer.20161852>. Users can also estimate a model with sign, zero, and narrative restrictions imposed at once. The package facilitates predictive and structural analyses using impulse responses, forecast error variance and historical decompositions, forecasting and conditional forecasting, as well as analyses of structural shocks and fitted values. All this is complemented by colourful plots, user-friendly summary functions, and comprehensive documentation including the vignette by Wang & Woลบniak (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2501.16711>. The 'bsvarSIGNs' package is aligned regarding objects, workflows, and code structure with the R package 'bsvars' by Woลบniak (2024) <doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.bsvars>, and they constitute an integrated toolset. It was granted the Di Cook Open-Source Statistical Software Award by the Statistical Society of Australia in 2024.

Maintained by Xiaolei Wang. Last updated 2 months ago.


1.6 match 13 stars 6.21 score 10 scripts


LaplacesDemon:Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference

Provides a complete environment for Bayesian inference using a variety of different samplers (see ?LaplacesDemon for an overview).

Maintained by Henrik Singmann. Last updated 12 months ago.

0.5 match 93 stars 13.45 score 1.8k scripts 60 dependents


kwb.kuras:Interface to KURAS database

Interface to KURAS database.

Maintained by Hauke Sonnenberg. Last updated 3 years ago.


3.6 match 1.70 score


RaschSampler:Rasch Sampler

MCMC based sampling of binary matrices with fixed margins as used in exact Rasch model tests.

Maintained by Patrick Mair. Last updated 1 years ago.


5.8 match 1.04 score 11 scripts


httk:High-Throughput Toxicokinetics

Pre-made models that can be rapidly tailored to various chemicals and species using chemical-specific in vitro data and physiological information. These tools allow incorporation of chemical toxicokinetics ("TK") and in vitro-in vivo extrapolation ("IVIVE") into bioinformatics, as described by Pearce et al. (2017) (<doi:10.18637/jss.v079.i04>). Chemical-specific in vitro data characterizing toxicokinetics have been obtained from relatively high-throughput experiments. The chemical-independent ("generic") physiologically-based ("PBTK") and empirical (for example, one compartment) "TK" models included here can be parameterized with in vitro data or in silico predictions which are provided for thousands of chemicals, multiple exposure routes, and various species. High throughput toxicokinetics ("HTTK") is the combination of in vitro data and generic models. We establish the expected accuracy of HTTK for chemicals without in vivo data through statistical evaluation of HTTK predictions for chemicals where in vivo data do exist. The models are systems of ordinary differential equations that are developed in MCSim and solved using compiled (C-based) code for speed. A Monte Carlo sampler is included for simulating human biological variability (Ring et al., 2017 <doi:10.1016/j.envint.2017.06.004>) and propagating parameter uncertainty (Wambaugh et al., 2019 <doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfz205>). Empirically calibrated methods are included for predicting tissue:plasma partition coefficients and volume of distribution (Pearce et al., 2017 <doi:10.1007/s10928-017-9548-7>). These functions and data provide a set of tools for using IVIVE to convert concentrations from high-throughput screening experiments (for example, Tox21, ToxCast) to real-world exposures via reverse dosimetry (also known as "RTK") (Wetmore et al., 2015 <doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfv171>).

Maintained by John Wambaugh. Last updated 1 months ago.


0.5 match 27 stars 10.22 score 307 scripts 1 dependents


kwb.logger:Functions to read measurement data from logger files

Functions to read measurement data from logger files.

Maintained by Hauke Sonnenberg. Last updated 3 years ago.


1.8 match 1 stars 2.78 score 1 scripts 4 dependents