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HexAeroR:A package to determine used airports, runways, taxiways and stands based on available flight coordinates.
HexAeroR is a EUROCONTROL R package designed for aviation professionals and data analysts. It allows for the determination of used airports, runways, taxiways, and stands based on available (ADS-B) flight trajectory coordinates. This tool aims to enhance aviation data analysis, facilitating the extraction of milestones for performance analysis.
Maintained by Quinten Goens. Last updated 1 years ago.
14.2 match 2.00 score 2 scriptsprcwiek
pmetar:Processing METAR Weather Reports
Allows to download current and historical METAR weather reports extract and parse basic parameters and present main weather information. Current reports are downloaded from Aviation Weather Center <> and historical reports from Iowa Environmental Mesonet web page of Iowa State University ASOS-AWOS-METAR <>.
Maintained by Pawel Cwiek. Last updated 16 days ago.
3.4 match 9 stars 5.13 score 6 scripts