Showing 100 of total 100 results (show query)
questionnaires:Package with functions to calculate components and sums for LCBC questionnaires
Creates summaries and factorials of answers to questionnaires.
Maintained by Athanasia Mo Mowinckel. Last updated 2 years ago.
71.6 match 3 stars 4.63 score 13 scriptstmatta
lsasim:Functions to Facilitate the Simulation of Large Scale Assessment Data
Provides functions to simulate data from large-scale educational assessments, including background questionnaire data and cognitive item responses that adhere to a multiple-matrix sampled design. The theoretical foundation can be found on Matta, T.H., Rutkowski, L., Rutkowski, D. et al. (2018) <doi:10.1186/s40536-018-0068-8>.
Maintained by Waldir Leoncio. Last updated 2 months ago.
15.3 match 6 stars 6.41 score 18 scriptsraybaser
PROscorer:Functions to Score Commonly-Used Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures and Other Psychometric Instruments
An extensible repository of accurate, up-to-date functions to score commonly used patient-reported outcome (PRO), quality of life (QOL), and other psychometric and psychological measures. 'PROscorer', together with the 'PROscorerTools' package, is a system to facilitate the incorporation of PRO measures into research studies and clinical settings in a scientifically rigorous and reproducible manner. These packages and their vignettes are intended to help establish and promote best practices for scoring PRO and PRO-like measures in research. The 'PROscorer' Instrument Descriptions vignette contains descriptions of each instrument scored by 'PROscorer', complete with references. These instrument descriptions are suitable for inclusion in formal study protocol documents, grant proposals, and manuscript Method sections. Each 'PROscorer' function is composed of helper functions from the 'PROscorerTools' package, and users are encouraged to contribute new functions to 'PROscorer'. More scoring functions are currently in development and will be added in future updates.
Maintained by Ray Baser. Last updated 5 months ago.
17.0 match 4 stars 4.75 score 14 scriptsmmiche
esmprep:Data Preparation During and After the Use of the Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM)
Support in preparing a raw ESM dataset for statistical analysis. Preparation includes the handling of errors (mostly due to technological reasons) and the generating of new variables that are necessary and/or helpful in meeting the conditions when statistically analyzing ESM data. The functions in 'esmprep' are meant to hierarchically lead from bottom, i.e. the raw (separated) ESM dataset(s), to top, i.e. a single ESM dataset ready for statistical analysis. This hierarchy evolved out of my personal experience in working with ESM data.
Maintained by Marcel Michรฉ. Last updated 6 years ago.
19.4 match 4 stars 3.99 score 49 scriptsoccupationmeasurement
occupationMeasurement:Interactively Measure Occupations in Interviews and Beyond
Perform interactive occupation coding during interviews as described in Peycheva, D., Sakshaug, J., Calderwood, L. (2021) <doi:10.2478/jos-2021-0042> and Schierholz, M., Gensicke, M., Tschersich, N., Kreuter, F. (2018) <doi:10.1111/rssa.12297>. Generate suggestions for occupational categories based on free text input, with pre-trained machine learning models in German and a ready-to-use shiny application provided for quick and easy data collection.
Maintained by Jan Simson. Last updated 7 months ago.
13.5 match 3 stars 5.18 score 17 scriptseasystats
performance:Assessment of Regression Models Performance
Utilities for computing measures to assess model quality, which are not directly provided by R's 'base' or 'stats' packages. These include e.g. measures like r-squared, intraclass correlation coefficient (Nakagawa, Johnson & Schielzeth (2017) <doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0213>), root mean squared error or functions to check models for overdispersion, singularity or zero-inflation and more. Functions apply to a large variety of regression models, including generalized linear models, mixed effects models and Bayesian models. References: Lรผdecke et al. (2021) <doi:10.21105/joss.03139>.
Maintained by Daniel Lรผdecke. Last updated 19 days ago.
4.0 match 1.1k stars 16.17 score 4.3k scripts 47 dependentsstatismike
stenR:Standardization of Raw Discrete Questionnaire Scores
An user-friendly framework to preprocess raw item scores of questionnaires into factors or scores and standardize them. Standardization can be made either by their normalization in representative sample, or by import of premade scoring table.
Maintained by Michal Kosinski. Last updated 3 years ago.
15.3 match 4.00 score 5 scriptsipeagit
censobr:Download Data from Brazil's Population Census
Easy access to data from Brazil's population censuses. The package provides a simple and efficient way to download and read the data sets and the documentation of all the population censuses taken in and after 1960 in the country. The package is built on top of the 'Arrow' platform <>, which allows users to work with larger-than-memory census data using 'dplyr' familiar functions. <>.
Maintained by Rafael H. M. Pereira. Last updated 17 days ago.
6.8 match 39 stars 8.38 score 79 scriptsfrankiecho
ahpsurvey:Analytic Hierarchy Process for Survey Data
The Analytic Hierarchy Process is a versatile multi-criteria decision-making tool introduced by Saaty (1987) <doi:10.1016/0270-0255(87)90473-8> that allows decision-makers to weigh attributes and evaluate alternatives presented to them. This package provides a consistent methodology for researchers to reformat data and run analytic hierarchy process in R on data that are formatted using the survey data entry mode. It is optimized for performing the analytic hierarchy process with many decision-makers, and provides tools and options for researchers to aggregate individual preferences and test multiple options. It also allows researchers to quantify, visualize and correct for inconsistency in the decision-maker's comparisons.
Maintained by Frankie Cho. Last updated 4 years ago.
10.0 match 14 stars 5.28 score 27 scriptsrevelle
psychTools:Tools to Accompany the 'psych' Package for Psychological Research
Support functions, data sets, and vignettes for the 'psych' package. Contains several of the biggest data sets for the 'psych' package as well as four vignettes. A few helper functions for file manipulation are included as well. For more information, see the <> web page.
Maintained by William Revelle. Last updated 12 months ago.
8.4 match 5.89 score 178 scripts 5 dependentsmskcc-epi-bio
PROscorerTools:Tools to Score Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and Other Psychometric Measures
Provides a reliable and flexible toolbox to score patient-reported outcome (PRO), Quality of Life (QOL), and other psychometric measures. The guiding philosophy is that scoring errors can be eliminated by using a limited number of well-tested, well-behaved functions to score PRO-like measures. The workhorse of the package is the 'scoreScale' function, which can be used to score most single-scale measures. It can reverse code items that need to be reversed before scoring and pro-rate scores for missing item data. Currently, three different types of scores can be output: summed item scores, mean item scores, and scores scaled to range from 0 to 100. The 'PROscorerTools' functions can be used to write new functions that score more complex measures. In fact, 'PROscorerTools' functions are the building blocks of the scoring functions in the 'PROscorer' package (which is a repository of functions that score specific commonly-used instruments). Users are encouraged to use 'PROscorerTools' to write scoring functions for their favorite PRO-like instruments, and to submit these functions for inclusion in 'PROscorer' (a tutorial vignette will be added soon). The long-term vision for the 'PROscorerTools' and 'PROscorer' packages is to provide an easy-to-use system to facilitate the incorporation of PRO measures into research studies in a scientifically rigorous and reproducible manner. These packages and their vignettes are intended to help establish and promote "best practices" for scoring and describing PRO-like measures in research.
Maintained by Ray Baser. Last updated 1 years ago.
10.0 match 2 stars 4.73 score 18 scripts 1 dependentsjackdunnnz
iai:Interface to 'Interpretable AI' Modules
An interface to the algorithms of 'Interpretable AI' <> from the R programming language. 'Interpretable AI' provides various modules, including 'Optimal Trees' for classification, regression, prescription and survival analysis, 'Optimal Imputation' for missing data imputation and outlier detection, and 'Optimal Feature Selection' for exact sparse regression. The 'iai' package is an open-source project. The 'Interpretable AI' software modules are proprietary products, but free academic and evaluation licenses are available.
Maintained by Jack Dunn. Last updated 5 months ago.
23.6 match 1 stars 2.00 score 7 scriptspmair78
smacof:Multidimensional Scaling
Implements the following approaches for multidimensional scaling (MDS) based on stress minimization using majorization (smacof): ratio/interval/ordinal/spline MDS on symmetric dissimilarity matrices, MDS with external constraints on the configuration, individual differences scaling (idioscal, indscal), MDS with spherical restrictions, and ratio/interval/ordinal/spline unfolding (circular restrictions, row-conditional). Various tools and extensions like jackknife MDS, bootstrap MDS, permutation tests, MDS biplots, gravity models, unidimensional scaling, drift vectors (asymmetric MDS), classical scaling, and Procrustes are implemented as well.
Maintained by Patrick Mair. Last updated 5 months ago.
6.0 match 5 stars 7.86 score 152 scripts 24 dependentspharmaverse
admiral:ADaM in R Asset Library
A toolbox for programming Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) compliant Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets in R. ADaM datasets are a mandatory part of any New Drug or Biologics License Application submitted to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Analysis derivations are implemented in accordance with the "Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide" (CDISC Analysis Data Model Team, 2021, <>).
Maintained by Ben Straub. Last updated 5 days ago.
3.3 match 236 stars 13.89 score 486 scripts 4 dependentsconst-ae
mixdir:Cluster High Dimensional Categorical Datasets
Scalable Bayesian clustering of categorical datasets. The package implements a hierarchical Dirichlet (Process) mixture of multinomial distributions. It is thus a probabilistic latent class model (LCM) and can be used to reduce the dimensionality of hierarchical data and cluster individuals into latent classes. It can automatically infer an appropriate number of latent classes or find k classes, as defined by the user. The model is based on a paper by Dunson and Xing (2009) <doi:10.1198/jasa.2009.tm08439>, but implements a scalable variational inference algorithm so that it is applicable to large datasets. It is described and tested in the accompanying paper by Ahlmann-Eltze and Yau (2018) <doi:10.1109/DSAA.2018.00068>.
Maintained by Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.0 match 14 stars 4.19 score 22 scriptsmelff
memisc:Management of Survey Data and Presentation of Analysis Results
An infrastructure for the management of survey data including value labels, definable missing values, recoding of variables, production of code books, and import of (subsets of) 'SPSS' and 'Stata' files is provided. Further, the package allows to produce tables and data frames of arbitrary descriptive statistics and (almost) publication-ready tables of regression model estimates, which can be exported to 'LaTeX' and HTML.
Maintained by Martin Elff. Last updated 12 days ago.
3.3 match 46 stars 12.34 score 1.2k scripts 13 dependentsbrentkaplan
beezdiscounting:Behavioral Economic Easy Discounting
Facilitates some of the analyses performed in studies of behavioral economic discounting. The package supports scoring of the 27-Item Monetary Choice Questionnaire (see Kaplan et al., 2016; <doi:10.1007/s40614-016-0070-9>), calculating k values (Mazur's simple hyperbolic and exponential) using nonlinear regression, calculating various Area Under the Curve (AUC) measures, plotting regression curves for both fit-to-group and two-stage approaches, checking for unsystematic discounting (Johnson & Bickel, 2008; <doi:10.1037/1064-1297.16.3.264>) and scoring of the minute discounting task (see Koffarnus & Bickel, 2014; <doi:10.1037/a0035973>) using the Qualtrics 5-trial discounting template (see the Qualtrics Minute Discounting User Guide; <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.26495.79527>), which is also available as a .qsf file in this package.
Maintained by Brent A. Kaplan. Last updated 2 months ago.
10.4 match 2 stars 3.78 score 4 scriptsneuropsychology
psycho:Efficient and Publishing-Oriented Workflow for Psychological Science
The main goal of the psycho package is to provide tools for psychologists, neuropsychologists and neuroscientists, to facilitate and speed up the time spent on data analysis. It aims at supporting best practices and tools to format the output of statistical methods to directly paste them into a manuscript, ensuring statistical reporting standardization and conformity.
Maintained by Dominique Makowski. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.4 match 149 stars 10.86 score 628 scripts 5 dependentsjulianfaraway
faraway:Datasets and Functions for Books by Julian Faraway
Books are "Linear Models with R" published 1st Ed. August 2004, 2nd Ed. July 2014, 3rd Ed. February 2025 by CRC press, ISBN 9781439887332, and "Extending the Linear Model with R" published by CRC press in 1st Ed. December 2005 and 2nd Ed. March 2016, ISBN 9781584884248 and "Practical Regression and ANOVA in R" contributed documentation on CRAN (now very dated).
Maintained by Julian Faraway. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.8 match 29 stars 9.43 score 1.7k scripts 1 dependentsalexanderrobitzsch
CDM:Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling
Functions for cognitive diagnosis modeling and multidimensional item response modeling for dichotomous and polytomous item responses. This package enables the estimation of the DINA and DINO model (Junker & Sijtsma, 2001, <doi:10.1177/01466210122032064>), the multiple group (polytomous) GDINA model (de la Torre, 2011, <doi:10.1007/s11336-011-9207-7>), the multiple choice DINA model (de la Torre, 2009, <doi:10.1177/0146621608320523>), the general diagnostic model (GDM; von Davier, 2008, <doi:10.1348/000711007X193957>), the structured latent class model (SLCA; Formann, 1992, <doi:10.1080/01621459.1992.10475229>) and regularized latent class analysis (Chen, Li, Liu, & Ying, 2017, <doi:10.1007/s11336-016-9545-6>). See George, Robitzsch, Kiefer, Gross, and Uenlue (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v074.i02> or Robitzsch and George (2019, <doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05584-4_26>) for further details on estimation and the package structure. For tutorials on how to use the CDM package see George and Robitzsch (2015, <doi:10.20982/tqmp.11.3.p189>) as well as Ravand and Robitzsch (2015).
Maintained by Alexander Robitzsch. Last updated 9 months ago.
4.0 match 22 stars 8.76 score 138 scripts 28 dependentspharmaverse
pharmaversesdtm:SDTM Test Data for the 'Pharmaverse' Family of Packages
A set of Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) datasets from the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) pilot project used for testing and developing Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets inside the pharmaverse family of packages. SDTM dataset specifications are described in the CDISC SDTM implementation guide, accessible by creating a free account on <>.
Maintained by Edoardo Mancini. Last updated 3 days ago.
4.5 match 15 stars 7.40 score 143 scriptsrsparapa
BART:Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) provide flexible nonparametric modeling of covariates for continuous, binary, categorical and time-to-event outcomes. For more information see Sparapani, Spanbauer and McCulloch <doi:10.18637/jss.v097.i01>.
Maintained by Rodney Sparapani. Last updated 9 months ago.
3.6 match 14 stars 8.06 score 474 scripts 10 dependentsstats-uoa
s20x:Functions for University of Auckland Course STATS 201/208 Data Analysis
A set of functions used in teaching STATS 201/208 Data Analysis at the University of Auckland. The functions are designed to make parts of R more accessible to a large undergraduate population who are mostly not statistics majors.
Maintained by James Curran. Last updated 2 years ago.
4.5 match 3 stars 6.40 score 211 scripts 3 dependentsdata-edu
tidyLPA:Easily Carry Out Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) Using Open-Source or Commercial Software
Easily carry out latent profile analysis ("LPA"), determine the correct number of classes based on best practices, and tabulate and plot the results. Provides functionality to estimate commonly-specified models with free means, variances, and covariances for each profile. Follows a tidy approach, in that output is in the form of a data frame that can subsequently be computed on. Models can be estimated using the free open source 'R' packages 'Mclust' and 'OpenMx', or using the commercial program 'MPlus', via the 'MplusAutomation' package.
Maintained by Joshua M Rosenberg. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.3 match 57 stars 8.71 score 121 scriptsbms63
admiral.test:Test Data for the 'admiral' Package
A set of Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) datasets from the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) pilot project used for testing and developing Analysis Data Model (ADaM) derivations inside the 'admiral' package.
Maintained by Ben Straub. Last updated 2 years ago.
9.0 match 3.19 score 310 scriptspharmaverse
admiralophtha:ADaM in R Asset Library - Ophthalmology
Aids the programming of Clinical Data Standards Interchange Consortium (CDISC) compliant Ophthalmology Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets in R. ADaM datasets are a mandatory part of any New Drug or Biologics License Application submitted to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Analysis derivations are implemented in accordance with the "Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide" (CDISC Analysis Data Model Team, 2021, <>).
Maintained by Edoardo Mancini. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.6 match 15 stars 7.94 score 10 scriptsthothorn
HSAUR3:A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (3rd Edition)
Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the third edition of the book ''A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R'' (Torsten Hothorn and Brian S. Everitt, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2014). The first chapter of the book, which is entitled ''An Introduction to R'', is completely included in this package, for all other chapters, a vignette containing all data analyses is available. In addition, Sweave source code for slides of selected chapters is included in this package (see HSAUR3/inst/slides). The publishers web page is '<>'.
Maintained by Torsten Hothorn. Last updated 7 months ago.
4.0 match 6 stars 6.72 score 120 scripts 2 dependentsg-corbelli
persval:Computing Personal Values Scores
Compute personal values scores from various questionnaires based on the theoretical constructs proposed by professor Shalom H. Schwartz. Designed for researchers and practitioners in psychology, sociology, and related fields, the package facilitates the quantification of different dimensions related to personal values from survey data. It incorporates the recommended statistical adjustment to enhance the accuracy and interpretation of the results. Note: The package 'persval' is independently developed based on the personal values theoretical framework, and is not directly endorsed by professor Schwartz.
Maintained by Giuseppe Corbelli. Last updated 7 months ago.
8.0 match 2 stars 3.30 scoreecohealthalliance
ohcleandat:One Health Data Cleaning and Quality Checking Package
This package provides useful functions to orchestrate analytics and data cleaning pipelines for One Health projects.
Maintained by Collin Schwantes. Last updated 6 days ago.
5.4 match 1 stars 4.88 score 5 scriptsropensci
mctq:Munich ChronoType Questionnaire Tools
A complete toolkit for processing the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) in its three versions: standard, micro, and shift. The MCTQ is a quantitative and validated tool used to assess chronotypes based on individuals' sleep behavior. It was originally presented by Till Roenneberg, Anna Wirz-Justice, and Martha Merrow in 2003 (2003, <doi:10.1177/0748730402239679>).
Maintained by Daniel Vartanian. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.6 match 12 stars 6.85 score 28 scriptsthothorn
HSAUR:A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (1st Edition)
Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the book ''A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R'' (Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006). The first chapter of the book, which is entitled ''An Introduction to R'', is completely included in this package, for all other chapters, a vignette containing all data analyses is available.
Maintained by Torsten Hothorn. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.0 match 6.07 score 253 scripts 5 dependentsgongcastro
bvq:Barcelona Vocabulary Questionnaire Database and Helper Functions
Download, clean, and process the Barcelona Vocabulary Questionnaire (BVQ) data. BVQ is a vocabulary inventory developed for assesing the vocabulary of Catalan-Spanish bilinguals infants from the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Spain). This package includes functions to download the data from formr servers, and return the processed data in multiple formats.
Maintained by Gonzalo Garcia-Castro. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.3 match 1 stars 4.26 score 8 scriptsthothorn
HSAUR2:A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition)
Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the second edition of the book ''A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R'' (Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008). The first chapter of the book, which is entitled ''An Introduction to R'', is completely included in this package, for all other chapters, a vignette containing all data analyses is available. In addition, the package contains Sweave code for producing slides for selected chapters (see HSAUR2/inst/slides).
Maintained by Torsten Hothorn. Last updated 2 years ago.
4.0 match 5.51 score 181 scripts 1 dependentsokgreece
gginference:Visualise the Results of Inferential Statistics using 'ggplot2'
Visualise the results of F test to compare two variances, Student's t-test, test of equal or given proportions, Pearson's chi-squared test for count data and test for association/correlation between paired samples.
Maintained by Kleanthis Koupidis. Last updated 2 years ago.
4.5 match 13 stars 4.44 score 42 scriptsbioc
RImmPort:RImmPort: Enabling Ready-for-analysis Immunology Research Data
The RImmPort package simplifies access to ImmPort data for analysis in the R environment. It provides a standards-based interface to the ImmPort study data that is in a proprietary format.
Maintained by Zicheng Hu. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.3 match 4.33 score 27 scriptsmyaseen208
PakPMICS2014Ch:Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Child Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
Provides data set and functions for exploration of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 Child questionnaire data for Punjab, Pakistan.
Maintained by Muhammad Yaseen. Last updated 7 years ago.
6.5 match 1 stars 2.70 score 1 scriptsmyaseen208
PakPMICS2014HH:Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
Provides data set and function for exploration of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 Household questionnaire data for Punjab, Pakistan.
Maintained by Muhammad Yaseen. Last updated 7 years ago.
6.5 match 2.70 score 1 scriptsmyaseen208
PakPMICS2014Wm:Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Women Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
Provides data set and function for exploration of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 Women (age 15-49 years) questionnaire data for Punjab, Pakistan.
Maintained by Muhammad Yaseen. Last updated 7 years ago.
6.5 match 2.70 score 1 scriptsmyaseen208
PakPMICS2014HL:Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Listing Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
Provides data set and function for exploration of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 Household Listing questionnaire data for Punjab, Pakistan.
Maintained by Muhammad Yaseen. Last updated 7 years ago.
6.5 match 2.70 score 1 scriptsmichael-cw
susographql:Comprehensive Interface to the Survey Solutions 'GraphQL' API
Provides a complete suite of tools for interacting with the Survey Solutions 'GraphQL' API <>. This package encompasses all currently available queries and mutations, including the latest features for map uploads. It is built on the modern 'httr2' package, offering a streamlined and efficient interface without relying on external 'GraphQL' client packages. In addition to core API functionalities, the package includes a range of helper functions designed to facilitate the use of available query filters.
Maintained by Michael Wild. Last updated 1 years ago.
6.3 match 2.70 score 4 scriptscellmapslab
longmixr:Longitudinal Consensus Clustering with 'flexmix'
An adaption of the consensus clustering approach from 'ConsensusClusterPlus' for longitudinal data. The longitudinal data is clustered with flexible mixture models from 'flexmix', while the consensus matrices are hierarchically clustered as in 'ConsensusClusterPlus'. By using the flexibility from 'flexmix' and 'FactoMineR', one can use mixed data types for the clustering.
Maintained by Jonas Hagenberg. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.0 match 3 stars 4.18 score 7 scriptsinsightsengineering Random ADaM Datasets
A set of functions to create random Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets and cached dataset. ADaM dataset specifications are described by the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) Analysis Data Model Team.
Maintained by Joe Zhu. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.9 match 33 stars 8.60 score 52 scriptsjrosen48
prcr:Person-Centered Analysis
Provides an easy-to-use yet adaptable set of tools to conduct person-center analysis using a two-step clustering procedure. As described in Bergman and El-Khouri (1999) <DOI:10.1002/(SICI)1521-4036(199910)41:6%3C753::AID-BIMJ753%3E3.0.CO;2-K>, hierarchical clustering is performed to determine the initial partition for the subsequent k-means clustering procedure.
Maintained by Joshua M Rosenberg. Last updated 5 years ago.
3.3 match 5 stars 4.65 score 18 scriptsbecarioprecario
RGIFT:Create Quizzes in GIFT Format
Implementation of some functions to create quizzes in the GIFT format. This format is used by several Virtual Learning Environments such as Moodle.
Maintained by Virgilio Gรณmez-Rubio. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.7 match 3.23 score 17 scriptspaytonjjones
networktree:Recursive Partitioning of Network Models
Network trees recursively partition the data with respect to covariates. Two network tree algorithms are available: model-based trees based on a multivariate normal model and nonparametric trees based on covariance structures. After partitioning, correlation-based networks (psychometric networks) can be fit on the partitioned data. For details see Jones, Mair, Simon, & Zeileis (2020) <doi:10.1007/s11336-020-09731-4>.
Maintained by Payton Jones. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.8 match 13 stars 3.85 score 11 scriptscran
support.CEs:Basic Functions for Supporting an Implementation of Choice Experiments
Provides basic functions that support an implementation of (discrete) choice experiments (CEs). CEs is a question-based survey method measuring people's preferences for goods/services and their characteristics. Refer to Louviere et al. (2000) <doi:10.1017/CBO9780511753831> for details on CEs, and Aizaki (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v050.c02> for the package.
Maintained by Hideo Aizaki. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.7 match 3 stars 3.06 score 4 dependentsagdamsbo
stRoke:Clinical Stroke Research
A collection of tools for clinical trial data management and analysis in research and teaching. The package is mainly collected for personal use, but any use beyond that is encouraged. This package has migrated functions from 'agdamsbo/daDoctoR', and new functions has been added. Version follows months and year. See NEWS/Changelog for release notes. This package includes sampled data from the TALOS trial (Kraglund et al (2018) <doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.020067>). The win_prob() function is based on work by Zou et al (2022) <doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.037744>. The age_calc() function is based on work by Becker (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.i02>.
Maintained by Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.4 match 4.18 score 7 scriptstmsalab
edmdata:Data Sets for Psychometric Modeling
Collection of data sets from various assessments that can be used to evaluate psychometric models. These data sets have been analyzed in the following papers that introduced new methodology as part of the application section: Jimenez, A., Balamuta, J. J., & Culpepper, S. A. (2023) <doi:10.1111/bmsp.12307>, Culpepper, S. A., & Balamuta, J. J. (2021) <doi:10.1080/00273171.2021.1985949>, Yinghan Chen et al. (2021) <doi:10.1007/s11336-021-09750-9>, Yinyin Chen et al. (2020) <doi:10.1007/s11336-019-09693-2>, Culpepper, S. A. (2019a) <doi:10.1007/s11336-019-09683-4>, Culpepper, S. A. (2019b) <doi:10.1007/s11336-018-9643-8>, Culpepper, S. A., & Chen, Y. (2019) <doi:10.3102/1076998618791306>, Culpepper, S. A., & Balamuta, J. J. (2017) <doi:10.1007/s11336-015-9484-7>, and Culpepper, S. A. (2015) <doi:10.3102/1076998615595403>.
Maintained by James Joseph Balamuta. Last updated 6 months ago.
3.2 match 5 stars 4.18 score 7 scripts 1 dependentspharmaverse
sdtmchecks:Data Quality Checks for Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) Datasets
A series of checks to identify common issues in Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) datasets. These checks are intended to be generalizable, actionable, and meaningful for analysis.
Maintained by Will Harris. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.8 match 21 stars 7.66 score 15 scriptspmair78
MPsychoR:Modern Psychometrics with R
Supplementary materials and datasets for the book "Modern Psychometrics With R" (Mair, 2018, Springer useR! series).
Maintained by Patrick Mair. Last updated 5 years ago.
7.1 match 1.73 score 54 scriptsmaria-pro
esem:Exploratory Structural Equiation Modeling ESEM
The package is developed to support the tutorial on using ESEM with LSAC dataset. The package uses "tidyverse","psych","lavaan","semPlot" package and provide additional functions to conduct ESEM. The package provides general functions to complete ESEM, including esem_c(), creation of target matrix if it is used make_target(), generation of CFA model syntax esem_cfa_syntax(). A sample data is provided. the package include a sample of SDQ LSAC data in sdq_lsac. The package vignette presents the tutorial demonstrating the use of ESEM on SDQ LSAC data
Maintained by Maria Prokofieva. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.3 match 3 stars 3.48 score 6 scriptsddisab01
quest:Prepare Questionnaire Data for Analysis
Offers a suite of functions to prepare questionnaire data for analysis (perhaps other types of data as well). By data preparation, I mean data analytic tasks to get your raw data ready for statistical modeling (e.g., regression). There are functions to investigate missing data, reshape data, validate responses, recode variables, score questionnaires, center variables, aggregate by groups, shift scores (i.e., leads or lags), etc. It provides functions for both single level and multilevel (i.e., grouped) data. With a few exceptions (e.g., ncases()), functions without an "s" at the end of their primary word (e.g., center_by()) act on atomic vectors, while functions with an "s" at the end of their primary word (e.g., centers_by()) act on multiple columns of a data.frame.
Maintained by David Disabato. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.8 match 1.98 score 12 scriptsnutriverse
riycf:Utilities for Calculating Infant and Young Child Feeding Indicators
This package aims to generate updated indicators to assess infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices at the individual under 2 years old children level. The indicators were developed using the technical guideline from the Indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices: definitions and measurement methods <>.
Maintained by Nicholus Tint Zaw. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.1 match 2 stars 3.60 scorecran
score:A Package to Score Behavioral Questionnaires
Provides routines for scoring behavioral questionnaires. Includes scoring procedures for the 'International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)' <>. Compares physical functional performance to the age- and gender-specific normal ranges.
Maintained by Jaejoon Song. Last updated 10 years ago.
5.6 match 1 stars 1.95 scoremrc-ide
epireview:Tools to update and summarise the latest pathogen data from the Pathogen Epidemiology Review Group (PERG)
Contains the latest open access pathogen data from the Pathogen Epidemiology Review Group (PERG). Tools are available to update pathogen databases with new peer-reviewed data as it becomes available, and to summarise the latest data using tables and figures.
Maintained by Sangeeta Bhatia. Last updated 3 days ago.
1.6 match 30 stars 6.76 score 6 scriptstyee001
VGAMdata:Data Supporting the 'VGAM' Package
Mainly data sets to accompany the VGAM package and the book "Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models: With an Implementation in R" (Yee, 2015) <DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-2818-7>. These are used to illustrate vector generalized linear and additive models (VGLMs/VGAMs), and associated models (Reduced-Rank VGLMs, Quadratic RR-VGLMs, Row-Column Interaction Models, and constrained and unconstrained ordination models in ecology). This package now contains some old VGAM family functions which have been replaced by newer ones (often because they are now special cases).
Maintained by Thomas Yee. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.6 match 1 stars 2.94 score 95 scripts 1 dependentsbdsegal
matrixStrucTest:Tests of Matrix Structure for Construct Validation
Tests for block-diagonal structure in symmetric matrices (e.g. correlation matrices) under the null hypothesis of exchangeable off-diagonal elements. As described in Segal et al. (2019), these tests can be useful for construct validation either by themselves or as a complement to confirmatory factor analysis. Monte Carlo methods are used to approximate the permutation p-value with Hubert's Gamma (Hubert, 1976) and a t-statistic. This package also implements the chi-squared statistic described by Steiger (1980). Please see Segal, et al. (2019) <doi:10.1007/s11336-018-9647-4> for more information.
Maintained by Brian D. Segal. Last updated 6 years ago.
3.8 match 2.81 score 13 scriptshanmingwu1103
dataSDA:Data Sets for Symbolic Data Analysis
Collects a diverse range of symbolic data and offers a comprehensive set of functions that facilitate the conversion of traditional data into the symbolic data format.
Maintained by Han-Ming Wu. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.6 match 2.70 score 2 scriptskjhealy
gssrdoc:Document General Social Survey Variable
The General Social Survey (GSS) is a long-running, mostly annual survey of US households. It is administered by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). This package contains the a tibble with information on the survey variables, together with every variable documented as an R help page. For more information on the GSS see \url{}.
Maintained by Kieran Healy. Last updated 11 months ago.
4.1 match 2.28 score 38 scriptscsgillespie
rtypeform:Interface to 'typeform' Results
An R interface to the 'typeform' <> application program interface. Also provides functions for downloading your results.
Maintained by Colin Gillespie. Last updated 1 months ago.
2.0 match 15 stars 4.65 scorejarathomas
CrossVA:Verbal Autopsy Data Transformation for InSilicoVA and InterVA5 Algorithms
Enables transformation of Verbal Autopsy data collected with the WHO 2016 questionnaire (versions 1.4.1 & 1.5.1) or the WHO 2014 questionnaire for automated coding of Cause of Death using the InSilicoVA (data.type = "WHO2016") and InterVA5 algorithms. Previous versions of this package supported user-supplied mappings (via the map_records function), but this functionality has been removed. This package is made available by WHO and the Bloomberg Data for Health Initiative.
Maintained by Jason Thomas. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.2 match 1 stars 2.88 score 15 scriptsrapidsurveys
oldr:An Implementation of Rapid Assessment Method for Older People
An implementation of the Rapid Assessment Method for Older People or RAM-OP <>. It provides various functions that allow the user to design and plan the assessment and analyse the collected data. RAM-OP provides accurate and reliable estimates of the needs of older people.
Maintained by Ernest Guevarra. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.6 match 2 stars 5.00 score 4 scriptsprabhanjan-tattar
RSADBE:Data related to the book "R Statistical Application Development by Example"
The package contains all the data sets related to the book written by the maintainer of the package.
Maintained by Prabhanjan Tattar. Last updated 12 years ago.
4.0 match 1 stars 1.96 score 92 scriptscran
cluster.datasets:Cluster Analysis Data Sets
A collection of data sets for teaching cluster analysis.
Maintained by Frederick Novomestky. Last updated 11 years ago.
3.8 match 2.00 scorethinkr-open
fakir:Generate Fake Datasets for Prototyping and Teaching
Create fake datasets that can be used for prototyping and teaching. This package provides a set of functions to generate fake data for a variety of data types, such as dates, addresses, and names. It can be used for prototyping (notably in 'shiny') or as a tool to teach data manipulation and data visualization.
Maintained by Colin Fay. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.2 match 133 stars 6.24 score 26 scriptscran
foodquotient:Food Quotient and Nutrient Analysis for HSFFQ
Aids in analysing data from a food frequency questionnaire known as the Harvard Service Food Frequency Questionnaire (HSFFQ). Functions from this package use answers from the HSFFQ to generate estimates of daily consumed micronutrients, calories, macronutrients on an individual level. The package also calculates food quotients on individual and group levels. Foodquotient calculation is an often tedious step in the calculation of total human energy expenditure (TEE) using the doubly labeled water method, which is the gold standard for measuring TEE.
Maintained by Kate Pogue. Last updated 2 years ago.
4.3 match 1.70 scorebarnzilla
capl:Compute and Visualize CAPL-2 Scores and Interpretations
A toolkit for computing and visualizing CAPL-2 (Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy, Second Edition; <>) scores and interpretations from raw data.
Maintained by Joel Barnes. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.7 match 2 stars 4.00 score 2 scriptsmicbtz
fsia:Import and Analysis of OMR Data from FormScanner
Import data of tests and questionnaires from FormScanner. FormScanner is an open source software that converts scanned images to data using optical mark recognition (OMR) and it can be downloaded from <>. The spreadsheet file created by FormScanner is imported in a convenient format to perform the analyses provided by the package. These analyses include the conversion of multiple responses to binary (correct/incorrect) data, the computation of the number of corrected responses for each subject or item, scoring using weights,the computation and the graphical representation of the frequencies of the responses to each item and the report of the responses of a few subjects.
Maintained by Michela Battauz. Last updated 8 years ago.
5.0 match 1 stars 1.18 score 15 scriptsbioc
fobitools:Tools for Manipulating the FOBI Ontology
A set of tools for interacting with the Food-Biomarker Ontology (FOBI). A collection of basic manipulation tools for biological significance analysis, graphs, and text mining strategies for annotating nutritional data.
Maintained by Pol Castellano-Escuder. Last updated 4 months ago.
1.1 match 1 stars 5.08 score 5 scriptscran
autoRasch:Semi-Automated Rasch Analysis
Performs Rasch analysis (semi-)automatically, which has been shown to be comparable with the standard Rasch analysis (Feri Wijayanto et al. (2021) <doi:10.1111/bmsp.12218>, Feri Wijayanto et al. (2022) <doi:10.3758/s13428-022-01947-9>, Feri Wijayanto et al. (2022) <doi:10.1177/01466216221125178>).
Maintained by Feri Wijayanto. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.7 match 3.00 scorephilchalmers
mirtCAT:Computerized Adaptive Testing with Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Provides tools to generate HTML interfaces for adaptive and non-adaptive tests using the shiny package (Chalmers (2016) <doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i05>). Suitable for applying unidimensional and multidimensional computerized adaptive tests (CAT) using item response theory methodology and for creating simple questionnaires forms to collect response data directly in R. Additionally, optimal test designs (e.g., "shadow testing") are supported for tests that contain a large number of item selection constraints. Finally, package contains tools useful for performing Monte Carlo simulations for studying test item banks.
Maintained by Phil Chalmers. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.5 match 95 stars 9.41 score 62 scripts 3 dependentscran
support.BWS2:Tools for Case 2 Best-Worst Scaling
Provides three basic functions that support an implementation of Case 2 (profile case) best-worst scaling. The first is to convert an orthogonal main-effect design into questions, the second is to create a dataset suitable for analysis, and the third is to calculate count-based scores. For details, see Aizaki and Fogarty (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.jocm.2019.100171>.
Maintained by Hideo Aizaki. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.3 match 1.99 score 1 dependentscran
support.BWS:Tools for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling
Provides basic functions that support an implementation of object case (Case 1) best-worst scaling: a function for converting a two-level orthogonal main-effect design/balanced incomplete block design into questions; two functions for creating a data set suitable for analysis; a function for calculating count-based scores; a function for calculating shares of preference; and a function for generating artificial responses to questions. See Louviere et al. (2015) <doi:10.1017/CBO9781107337855> for details on best-worst scaling, and Aizaki and Fogarty (2023) <doi:10.1016/j.jocm.2022.100394> for the package.
Maintained by Hideo Aizaki. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.3 match 1 stars 1.95 score 1 dependentsmanel01
TestScorer:GUI for Entering Test Items and Obtaining Raw and Transformed Scores
GUI for entering test items and obtaining raw and transformed scores. The results are shown on the console and can be saved to a tabular text file for further statistical analysis. The user can define his own tests and scoring procedures through a GUI.
Maintained by Manel Salamero. Last updated 9 years ago.
3.7 match 1.00 score 1 scriptskatilingban
ppitables:Lookup Tables to Generate Poverty Likelihoods and Rates using the Poverty Probability Index (PPI)
The Poverty Probability Index (PPI) is a poverty measurement tool for organizations and businesses with a mission to serve the poor. The PPI is statistically-sound, yet simple to use: the answers to 10 questions about a household's characteristics and asset ownership are scored to compute the likelihood that the household is living below the poverty line - or above by only a narrow margin. This package contains country-specific lookup data tables used as reference to determine the poverty likelihood of a household based on their score from the country-specific PPI questionnaire. These lookup tables have been extracted from documentation of the PPI found at <> and managed by Innovations for Poverty Action <>.
Maintained by Ernest Guevarra. Last updated 4 days ago.
0.5 match 6 stars 6.43 score 89 scriptstpronk
splithalfr:Estimate Split-Half Reliabilities
Estimates split-half reliabilities for scoring algorithms of cognitive tasks and questionnaires. The 'splithalfr' supports researcher-provided scoring algorithms, with six vignettes illustrating how on included datasets. The package provides four splitting methods (first-second, odd-even, permutated, Monte Carlo), the option to stratify splits by task design, a number of reliability coefficients, and the option to sub-sample data.
Maintained by Thomas Pronk. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 5 stars 5.86 score 41 scriptsasunlubiano
FuzzyStatTra:Statistical Methods for Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers
The aim of the package is to provide some basic functions for doing statistics with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. In particular, the package contains several functions for simulating trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, as well as for calculating some central tendency measures (mean and two types of median), some scale measures (variance, ADD, MDD, Sn, Qn, Tn and some M-estimators) and one diversity index and one inequality index. Moreover, functions for calculating the 1-norm distance, the mid/spr distance and the (phi,theta)-wabl/ldev/rdev distance between fuzzy numbers are included, and a function to calculate the value phi-wabl given a sample of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
Maintained by Asun Lubiano. Last updated 8 years ago.
1.8 match 1.51 score 32 scriptsatanubhattacharjee
QoLMiss:Scales Score Calculation from Quality of Life Data
There are three functions: qol, miss_qol and miss_patient takes input of the data set containing the answers of QOL questionnaire. It will compute the three types of domain based scale scores: Global, Functional, and Symptoms. In case of missing data, the miss_qol and miss_patient functions will make the required changes and then calculate the domain-wise scale scores. Finally, provide an output replacing the question columns with the domain-based scale scores in the original data set.
Maintained by Atanu Bhattacharjee. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.2 match 1.00 scoreecuris
SARP.moodle:XML Output Functions for Easy Creation of Moodle Questions
Provides a set of basic functions for creating Moodle XML output files suited for importing questions in Moodle (a learning management system, see <> for more information).
Maintained by Emmanuel Curis. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.8 match 1.20 score 16 scriptsavdrark
mokken:Conducts Mokken Scale Analysis
Contains functions for performing Mokken scale analysis on test and questionnaire data. It includes an automated item selection algorithm, and various checks of model assumptions.
Maintained by L. Andries van der Ark. Last updated 9 months ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 3.45 score 68 scriptsjorgetendeiro
PerFit:Person Fit
Several person-fit statistics (PFSs; Meijer and Sijtsma, 2001, <doi:10.1177/01466210122031957>) are offered. These statistics allow assessing whether individual response patterns to tests or questionnaires are (im)plausible given the other respondents in the sample or given a specified item response theory model. Some PFSs apply to dichotomous data, such as the likelihood-based PFSs (lz, lz*) and the group-based PFSs (personal biserial correlation, caution index, (normed) number of Guttman errors, agreement/disagreement/dependability statistics, U3, ZU3, NCI, Ht). PFSs suitable to polytomous data include extensions of lz, U3, and (normed) number of Guttman errors.
Maintained by Jorge N. Tendeiro. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 3.36 score 46 scriptsmarcschwartz
BI:Blinding Assessment Indexes for Randomized, Controlled, Clinical Trials
Generate the James Blinding Index, as described in James et al (1996) <> and the Bang Blinding Index, as described in Bang et al (2004) <>. These are measures to assess whether or not satisfactory blinding has been maintained in a randomized, controlled, clinical trial. These can be generated for trial subjects, research coordinators and principal investigators, based upon standardized questionnaires that have been administered, to assess whether or not they can correctly guess to which treatment arm (e.g. placebo or treatment) subjects were assigned at randomization.
Maintained by Marc Schwartz. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 3.34 score 11 scriptsjamesramsay5
TestGardener:Information Analysis for Test and Rating Scale Data
Develop, evaluate, and score multiple choice examinations, psychological scales, questionnaires, and similar types of data involving sequences of choices among one or more sets of answers. This version of the package should be considered as brand new. Almost all of the functions have been changed, including their argument list. See the file NEWS.Rd in the Inst folder for more information. Using the package does not require any formal statistical knowledge beyond what would be provided by a first course in statistics in a social science department. There the user would encounter the concept of probability and how it is used to model data and make decisions, and would become familiar with basic mathematical and statistical notation. Most of the output is in graphical form.
Maintained by James Ramsay. Last updated 12 months ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 2.70 score 5 scriptsnshuerta
IMPACT:The Impact of Items
Implement a multivariate analysis of the impact of items to identify a bias in the questionnaire validation of Likert-type scale variables. The items requires considering a null value (category doesn't have tendency). Offering frequency, importance and impact of the items.
Maintained by Nery Sofia Huerta-Pacheco. Last updated 8 years ago.
0.5 match 2.00 score 9 scriptsstijnbpeeters
MHQoL:Mental Health Quality of Life Toolkit
Transforms, calculates, and presents results from the Mental Health Quality of Life Questionnaire (MHQoL), a measure of health-related quality of life for individuals with mental health conditions. Provides scoring functions, summary statistics, and visualization tools to facilitate interpretation. For more details see van Krugten et al.(2022) <doi:10.1007/s11136-021-02935-w>.
Maintained by Stijn Peeters. Last updated 6 days ago.
0.5 match 2.00 scorecran
CCTpack:Consensus Analysis, Model-Based Clustering, and Cultural Consensus Theory Applications
Consensus analysis, model-based clustering, and cultural consensus theory applications to response data (e.g. questionnaires). The models are applied using hierarchical Bayesian inference. The current package version supports binary, ordinal, and continuous data formats.
Maintained by Royce Anders. Last updated 7 years ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 1.32 score 21 scriptsomtarful
harmonydata:R Library for 'Harmony'
'Harmony' is a tool using AI which allows you to compare items from questionnaires and identify similar content. You can try 'Harmony' at <> and you can read our blog at <> or at <>. Documentation at <>.
Maintained by Omar Hassoun. Last updated 9 days ago.
0.5 match 1.20 score 16 scriptsmaxwellhong
PsyControl:CUSUM Person Fit Statistics
Person fit statistics based on Quality Control measures are provided for questionnaires and tests given a specified IRT model. Statistics based on Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) charts are provided. Options are given for banks with polytomous and dichotomous data.
Maintained by Maxwell Hong. Last updated 8 years ago.
0.5 match 1.00 score 2 scripts