Showing 52 of total 52 results (show query)
whitebox:'WhiteboxTools' R Frontend
An R frontend for the 'WhiteboxTools' library, which is an advanced geospatial data analysis platform developed by Prof. John Lindsay at the University of Guelph's Geomorphometry and Hydrogeomatics Research Group. 'WhiteboxTools' can be used to perform common geographical information systems (GIS) analysis operations, such as cost-distance analysis, distance buffering, and raster reclassification. Remote sensing and image processing tasks include image enhancement (e.g. panchromatic sharpening, contrast adjustments), image mosaicing, numerous filtering operations, simple classification (k-means), and common image transformations. 'WhiteboxTools' also contains advanced tooling for spatial hydrological analysis (e.g. flow-accumulation, watershed delineation, stream network analysis, sink removal), terrain analysis (e.g. common terrain indices such as slope, curvatures, wetness index, hillshading; hypsometric analysis; multi-scale topographic position analysis), and LiDAR data processing. Suggested citation: Lindsay (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.07.003>.
Maintained by Andrew Brown. Last updated 5 months ago.
8.8 match 173 stars 9.65 score 203 scripts 2 dependentsjsugarelli
pointr:Working Comfortably with Pointers and Shortcuts to R Objects
R has no built-in pointer functionality. The 'pointr' package fills this gap and lets you create pointers to R objects, including subsets of dataframes. This makes your R code more readable and maintainable.
Maintained by Joachim Zuckarelli. Last updated 4 years ago.
16.0 match 8 stars 4.31 score 17 scripts 1 dependentscran
pointRes:Analyzing Pointer Years and Components of Resilience
Functions to calculate and plot event and pointer years as well as resilience indices. Designed for dendroecological applications, but also suitable to analyze patterns in other ecological time series.
Maintained by Marieke van der Maaten-Theunissen. Last updated 2 years ago.
24.9 match 1 stars 2.53 score 17 scriptstiledb-inc
tiledb:Modern Database Engine for Complex Data Based on Multi-Dimensional Arrays
The modern database 'TileDB' introduces a powerful on-disk format for storing and accessing any complex data based on multi-dimensional arrays. It supports dense and sparse arrays, dataframes and key-values stores, cloud storage ('S3', 'GCS', 'Azure'), chunked arrays, multiple compression, encryption and checksum filters, uses a fully multi-threaded implementation, supports parallel I/O, data versioning ('time travel'), metadata and groups. It is implemented as an embeddable cross-platform C++ library with APIs from several languages, and integrations. This package provides the R support.
Maintained by Isaiah Norton. Last updated 3 days ago.
5.1 match 107 stars 11.96 score 306 scripts 4 dependentsnlmixr2
rxode2:Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models
Facilities for running simulations from ordinary differential equation ('ODE') models, such as pharmacometrics and other compartmental models. A compilation manager translates the ODE model into C, compiles it, and dynamically loads the object code into R for improved computational efficiency. An event table object facilitates the specification of complex dosing regimens (optional) and sampling schedules. NB: The use of this package requires both C and Fortran compilers, for details on their use with R please see Section 6.3, Appendix A, and Appendix D in the "R Administration and Installation" manual. Also the code is mostly released under GPL. The 'VODE' and 'LSODA' are in the public domain. The information is available in the inst/COPYRIGHTS.
Maintained by Matthew L. Fidler. Last updated 29 days ago.
5.4 match 39 stars 11.16 score 220 scripts 13 dependentsopendendro
dplR:Dendrochronology Program Library in R
Perform tree-ring analyses such as detrending, chronology building, and cross dating. Read and write standard file formats used in dendrochronology.
Maintained by Andy Bunn. Last updated 18 days ago.
5.0 match 39 stars 11.71 score 546 scripts 26 dependentsbioc
matter:Out-of-core statistical computing and signal processing
Toolbox for larger-than-memory scientific computing and visualization, providing efficient out-of-core data structures using files or shared memory, for dense and sparse vectors, matrices, and arrays, with applications to nonuniformly sampled signals and images.
Maintained by Kylie A. Bemis. Last updated 3 months ago.
6.0 match 57 stars 9.52 score 64 scripts 2 dependentspachadotdev
cpp11armadillo:An 'Armadillo' Interface
Provides function declarations and inline function definitions that facilitate communication between R and the 'Armadillo' 'C++' library for linear algebra and scientific computing. This implementation is detailed in Vargas Sepulveda and Schneider Malamud (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.11074>.
Maintained by Mauricio Vargas Sepulveda. Last updated 25 days ago.
6.0 match 9 stars 9.14 score 1 scripts 16 dependentssgsokol
rmumps:Wrapper for MUMPS Library
Some basic features of 'MUMPS' (Multifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver) are wrapped in a class whose methods can be used for sequentially solving a sparse linear system (symmetric or not) with one or many right hand sides (dense or sparse). There is a possibility to do separately symbolic analysis, LU (or LDL^t) factorization and system solving. Third part ordering libraries are included and can be used: 'PORD', 'METIS', 'SCOTCH'. 'MUMPS' method was first described in Amestoy et al. (2001) <doi:10.1137/S0895479899358194> and Amestoy et al. (2006) <doi:10.1016/j.parco.2005.07.004>.
Maintained by Serguei Sokol. Last updated 8 months ago.
7.8 match 10 stars 5.18 score 17 scripts 2 dependentspaulnorthrop
rust:Ratio-of-Uniforms Simulation with Transformation
Uses the generalized ratio-of-uniforms (RU) method to simulate from univariate and (low-dimensional) multivariate continuous distributions. The user specifies the log-density, up to an additive constant. The RU algorithm is applied after relocation of mode of the density to zero, and the user can choose a tuning parameter r. For details see Wakefield, Gelfand and Smith (1991) <DOI:10.1007/BF01889987>, Efficient generation of random variates via the ratio-of-uniforms method, Statistics and Computing (1991) 1, 129-133. A Box-Cox variable transformation can be used to make the input density suitable for the RU method and to improve efficiency. In the multivariate case rotation of axes can also be used to improve efficiency. From version 1.2.0 the 'Rcpp' package <> can be used to improve efficiency.
Maintained by Paul J. Northrop. Last updated 7 months ago.
5.3 match 7.13 score 36 scripts 7 dependentsmikejohnson51
Find, subset, and retrive geospatial data by AOI.
Maintained by Mike Johnson. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.6 match 187 stars 8.74 score 156 scripts 1 dependentscoolbutuseless
callme:Easily Compile and Call Inline 'C' Functions
Compile inline 'C' code and easily call with automatically generated wrapper functions. By allowing user-defined headers and compilation flags (preprocessor, compiler and linking flags) the user can configure optimization options and linking to third party libraries. Multiple functions may be defined in a single block of code - which may be defined in a string or a path to a source file.
Maintained by Mike Cheng. Last updated 27 days ago.
4.3 match 20 stars 6.95 score 21 scriptsecor
geotopbricks:An R Plug-in for the Distributed Hydrological Model GEOtop
It analyzes raster maps and other information as input/output files from the Hydrological Distributed Model GEOtop. It contains functions and methods to import maps and other keywords from geotop.inpts file. Some examples with simulation cases of GEOtop 2.x/3.x are presented in the package. Any information about the GEOtop Distributed Hydrological Model source code is available on Technical details about the model are available in Endrizzi et al (2014) <>.
Maintained by Emanuele Cordano. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.6 match 4 stars 4.83 score 112 scriptspaulnorthrop
itp:The Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) Root-Finding Algorithm
Implements the Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) root-finding algorithm developed by Oliveira and Takahashi (2021) <doi:10.1145/3423597>. The user provides the function, from the real numbers to the real numbers, and an interval with the property that the values of the function at its endpoints have different signs. If the function is continuous over this interval then the ITP method estimates the value at which the function is equal to zero. If the function is discontinuous then a point of discontinuity at which the function changes sign may be found. The function can be supplied using either an R function or an external pointer to a C++ function. Tuning parameters of the ITP algorithm can be set by the user. Default values are set based on arguments in Oliveira and Takahashi (2021).
Maintained by Paul J. Northrop. Last updated 9 months ago.
5.2 match 12 stars 5.08 score 8 scriptsjohncoene
echarts4r:Create Interactive Graphs with 'Echarts JavaScript' Version 5
Easily create interactive charts by leveraging the 'Echarts Javascript' library which includes 36 chart types, themes, 'Shiny' proxies and animations.
Maintained by David Munoz Tord. Last updated 2 days ago.
2.3 match 603 stars 11.45 score 1.3k scripts 11 dependentsmrc-ide
dust:Iterate Multiple Realisations of Stochastic Models
An Engine for simulation of stochastic models. Includes support for running stochastic models in parallel, either with shared or varying parameters. Simulations are run efficiently in compiled code and can be run with a fraction of simulated states returned to R, allowing control over memory usage. Support is provided for building bootstrap particle filter for performing Sequential Monte Carlo (e.g., Gordon et al. 1993 <doi:10.1049/ip-f-2.1993.0015>). The core of the simulation engine is the 'xoshiro256**' algorithm (Blackman and Vigna <arXiv:1805.01407>), and the package is further described in FitzJohn et al 2021 <doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.16466.2>.
Maintained by Rich FitzJohn. Last updated 6 months ago.
3.3 match 18 stars 7.84 score 60 scripts 3 dependentssnoweye
pbdMPI:R Interface to MPI for HPC Clusters (Programming with Big Data Project)
A simplified, efficient, interface to MPI for HPC clusters. It is a derivation and rethinking of the Rmpi package. pbdMPI embraces the prevalent parallel programming style on HPC clusters. Beyond the interface, a collection of functions for global work with distributed data and resource-independent RNG reproducibility is included. It is based on S4 classes and methods.
Maintained by Wei-Chen Chen. Last updated 6 months ago.
3.5 match 2 stars 7.11 score 179 scripts 3 dependentscarlos-alberto-silva
ICESat2VegR:NASA's Ice, Cloud, and Elevation Satellite (ICESat-2) Data Analysis for Land and Vegetation Applications
Set of tools for downloading, reading, visualizing, processing and exporting NASA's ICESat-2 ATL03 (Global Geolocated Photon Data) and ATL08 (Land and Vegetation Height) products for Land and Vegetation Applications.
Maintained by Caio Hamamura. Last updated 6 months ago.
5.3 match 11 stars 4.57 score 21 scriptsbraunm
sparseHessianFD:Numerical Estimation of Sparse Hessians
Estimates Hessian of a scalar-valued function, and returns it in a sparse Matrix format. The sparsity pattern must be known in advance. The algorithm is especially efficient for hierarchical models with a large number of heterogeneous units. See Braun, M. (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v082.i10>.
Maintained by Michael Braun. Last updated 2 years ago.
6.2 match 3.70 score 3 scriptsapache
adbcdrivermanager:'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') Driver Manager
Provides a developer-facing interface to 'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') for the purposes of driver development, driver testing, and building high-level database interfaces for users. 'ADBC' <> is an API standard for database access libraries that uses 'Arrow' for result sets and query parameters.
Maintained by Dewey Dunnington. Last updated 1 days ago.
1.9 match 417 stars 11.44 score 73 scripts 6 dependentsapache
nanoarrow:Interface to the 'nanoarrow' 'C' Library
Provides an 'R' interface to the 'nanoarrow' 'C' library and the 'Apache Arrow' application binary interface. Functions to import and export 'ArrowArray', 'ArrowSchema', and 'ArrowArrayStream' 'C' structures to and from 'R' objects are provided alongside helpers to facilitate zero-copy data transfer among 'R' bindings to libraries implementing the 'Arrow' 'C' data interface.
Maintained by Dewey Dunnington. Last updated 23 hours ago.
1.8 match 183 stars 11.79 score 37 scripts 27 dependentskonrad1991
ast2ast:Translates an R Function to a C++ Function
Enable translation of a tiny subset of R to C++. The user has to define a R function which gets translated. For a full list of possible functions check the documentation. After translation an R function is returned which is a shallow wrapper around the C++ code. Alternatively an external pointer to the C++ function is returned to the user. The intention of the package is to generate fast functions which can be used as ode-system or during optimization.
Maintained by Krämer Konrad. Last updated 3 months ago.
2.8 match 34 stars 6.91 score 11 scripts 2 dependentsjhorzek
lessSEM:Non-Smooth Regularization for Structural Equation Models
Provides regularized structural equation modeling (regularized SEM) with non-smooth penalty functions (e.g., lasso) building on 'lavaan'. The package is heavily inspired by the ['regsem'](<>) and ['lslx'](<>) packages.
Maintained by Jannik H. Orzek. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.4 match 7 stars 7.19 score 223 scriptscynkra
constructive:Display Idiomatic Code to Construct Most R Objects
Prints code that can be used to recreate R objects. In a sense it is similar to 'base::dput()' or 'base::deparse()' but 'constructive' strives to use idiomatic constructors.
Maintained by Antoine Fabri. Last updated 1 days ago.
1.9 match 137 stars 8.63 score 20 scriptsnlmixr2
lbfgsb3c:Limited Memory BFGS Minimizer with Bounds on Parameters with optim() 'C' Interface
Interfacing to Nocedal et al. L-BFGS-B.3.0 (See <>) limited memory BFGS minimizer with bounds on parameters. This is a fork of 'lbfgsb3'. This registers a 'R' compatible 'C' interface to L-BFGS-B.3.0 that uses the same function types and optimization as the optim() function (see writing 'R' extensions and source for details). This package also adds more stopping criteria as well as allowing the adjustment of more tolerances.
Maintained by Matthew L Fidler. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.0 match 7.30 score 17 scripts 16 dependentsmarshalllab
MGDrivE:Mosquito Gene Drive Explorer
Provides a model designed to be a reliable testbed where various gene drive interventions for mosquito-borne diseases control. It is being developed to accommodate the use of various mosquito-specific gene drive systems within a population dynamics framework that allows migration of individuals between patches in landscape. Previous work developing the population dynamics can be found in Deredec et al. (2001) <doi:10.1073/pnas.1110717108> and Hancock & Godfray (2007) <doi:10.1186/1475-2875-6-98>, and extensions to accommodate CRISPR homing dynamics in Marshall et al. (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02744-7>.
Maintained by Héctor Manuel Sánchez Castellanos. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.0 match 6 stars 7.06 score 61 scriptsdavidchall
ipaddress:Data Analysis for IP Addresses and Networks
Classes and functions for working with IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and networks, inspired by the Python 'ipaddress' module. Offers full support for both IPv4 and IPv6 (Internet Protocol versions 4 and 6) address spaces. It is specifically designed to work well with the 'tidyverse'.
Maintained by David Hall. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.0 match 32 stars 7.02 score 27 scripts 2 dependentspaulnorthrop
revdbayes:Ratio-of-Uniforms Sampling for Bayesian Extreme Value Analysis
Provides functions for the Bayesian analysis of extreme value models. The 'rust' package <> is used to simulate a random sample from the required posterior distribution. The functionality of 'revdbayes' is similar to the 'evdbayes' package <>, which uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo ('MCMC') methods for posterior simulation. In addition, there are functions for making inferences about the extremal index, using the models for threshold inter-exceedance times of Suveges and Davison (2010) <doi:10.1214/09-AOAS292> and Holesovsky and Fusek (2020) <doi:10.1007/s10687-020-00374-3>. Also provided are d,p,q,r functions for the Generalised Extreme Value ('GEV') and Generalised Pareto ('GP') distributions that deal appropriately with cases where the shape parameter is very close to zero.
Maintained by Paul J. Northrop. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 4 stars 7.62 score 58 scripts 4 dependentszhanxw
seqminer:Efficiently Read Sequence Data (VCF Format, BCF Format, METAL Format and BGEN Format) into R
Integrate sequencing data (Variant call format, e.g. VCF or BCF) or meta-analysis results in R. This package can help you (1) read VCF/BCF/BGEN files by chromosomal ranges (e.g. 1:100-200); (2) read RareMETAL summary statistics files; (3) read tables from a tabix-indexed files; (4) annotate VCF/BCF files; (5) create customized workflow based on Makefile.
Maintained by Xiaowei Zhan. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.5 match 30 stars 8.29 score 111 scripts 6 dependentsuscbiostats
aphylo:Statistical Inference and Prediction of Annotations in Phylogenetic Trees
Implements a parsimonious evolutionary model to analyze and predict gene-functional annotations in phylogenetic trees as described in Vega Yon et al. (2021) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007948>. Focusing on computational efficiency, 'aphylo' makes it possible to estimate pooled phylogenetic models, including thousands (hundreds) of annotations (trees) in the same run. The package also provides the tools for visualization of annotated phylogenies, calculation of posterior probabilities (prediction) and goodness-of-fit assessment featured in Vega Yon et al. (2021).
Maintained by George Vega Yon. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 6 stars 5.49 score 104 scriptscrowding
memo:In-Memory Caching of Repeated Computations (Memoization)
A simple in-memory, LRU cache that can be wrapped around any function to memoize it. The cache is keyed on a hash of the input data (using 'digest') or on pointer equivalence.
Maintained by Peter Meilstrup. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 13 stars 5.26 score 28 scriptsjonasfoe
isnullptr:Check if an 'externalptr' is a Null Pointer
Check if an 'externalptr' is a null pointer. R does currently not have a native function for that purpose. This package contains a C function that returns TRUE in case of a null pointer.
Maintained by Jonas Förster. Last updated 8 months ago.
5.8 match 2.00 score 2 scriptseddelbuettel
naarma:Connect nanoarrow with (Rcpp)Armadillo
The nanoarrow package offers C-level functionality to work with Arrow object, along with a small amount of C++ integration. This package uses it to interact with Armadillo objects. Some auxiliary testing facility from the nanoarrow package is included here as well.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 3 months ago.
5.8 match 2.00 score 4 scriptspolar-fhir
fhircrackr:Handling HL7 FHIR® Resources in R
Useful tools for conveniently downloading FHIR resources in xml format and converting them to R data.frames. The package uses FHIR-search to download bundles from a FHIR server, provides functions to save and read xml-files containing such bundles and allows flattening the bundles to data.frames using XPath expressions. FHIR® is the registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7. Use of the FHIR trademark does not constitute endorsement of this product by HL7.
Maintained by Julia Palm. Last updated 11 days ago.
1.5 match 33 stars 7.63 score 46 scriptsbrodieg
vetr:Trust, but Verify
Declarative template-based framework for verifying that objects meet structural requirements, and auto-composing error messages when they do not.
Maintained by Brodie Gaslam. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.5 match 79 stars 7.50 score 67 scripts 1 dependentsr-spatial
leafem:'leaflet' Extensions for 'mapview'
Provides extensions for packages 'leaflet' & 'mapdeck', many of which are used by package 'mapview'. Focus is on functionality readily available in Geographic Information Systems such as 'Quantum GIS'. Includes functions to display coordinates of mouse pointer position, query image values via mouse pointer and zoom-to-layer buttons. Additionally, provides a feature type agnostic function to add points, lines, polygons to a map.
Maintained by Tim Appelhans. Last updated 17 days ago.
0.8 match 108 stars 12.36 score 704 scripts 53 dependentsforestry-labs
Rforestry:Random Forests, Linear Trees, and Gradient Boosting for Inference and Interpretability
Provides fast implementations of Honest Random Forests, Gradient Boosting, and Linear Random Forests, with an emphasis on inference and interpretability. Additionally contains methods for variable importance, out-of-bag prediction, regression monotonicity, and several methods for missing data imputation.
Maintained by Theo Saarinen. Last updated 4 days ago.
1.7 match 5.57 score 82 scripts 1 dependentsnlmixr2
n1qn1:Port of the 'Scilab' 'n1qn1' Module for Unconstrained BFGS Optimization
Provides 'Scilab' 'n1qn1'. This takes more memory than traditional L-BFGS. The n1qn1 routine is useful since it allows prespecification of a Hessian. If the Hessian is near enough the truth in optimization it can speed up the optimization problem. The algorithm is described in the 'Scilab' optimization documentation located at <>. This version uses manually modified code from 'f2c' to make this a C only binary.
Maintained by Matthew Fidler. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 1 stars 4.26 score 4 scripts 10 dependentstalgalili
heatmaply:Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly' and 'ggplot2'
Create interactive cluster 'heatmaps' that can be saved as a stand- alone HTML file, embedded in 'R Markdown' documents or in a 'Shiny' app, and available in the 'RStudio' viewer pane. Hover the mouse pointer over a cell to show details or drag a rectangle to zoom. A 'heatmap' is a popular graphical method for visualizing high-dimensional data, in which a table of numbers are encoded as a grid of colored cells. The rows and columns of the matrix are ordered to highlight patterns and are often accompanied by 'dendrograms'. 'Heatmaps' are used in many fields for visualizing observations, correlations, missing values patterns, and more. Interactive 'heatmaps' allow the inspection of specific value by hovering the mouse over a cell, as well as zooming into a region of the 'heatmap' by dragging a rectangle around the relevant area. This work is based on the 'ggplot2' and 'plotly.js' engine. It produces similar 'heatmaps' to 'heatmap.2' with the advantage of speed ('plotly.js' is able to handle larger size matrix), the ability to zoom from the 'dendrogram' panes, and the placing of factor variables in the sides of the 'heatmap'.
Maintained by Tal Galili. Last updated 8 months ago.
0.5 match 386 stars 14.21 score 2.0k scripts 45 dependentsboennecd
mdgc:Missing Data Imputation Using Gaussian Copulas
Provides functions to impute missing values using Gaussian copulas for mixed data types as described by Christoffersen et al. (2021) <arXiv:2102.02642>. The method is related to Hoff (2007) <doi:10.1214/07-AOAS107> and Zhao and Udell (2019) <arXiv:1910.12845> but differs by making a direct approximation of the log marginal likelihood using an extended version of the Fortran code created by Genz and Bretz (2002) <doi:10.1198/106186002394> in addition to also support multinomial variables.
Maintained by Benjamin Christoffersen. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.7 match 10 stars 3.78 score 12 scriptsbioc
XVector:Foundation of external vector representation and manipulation in Bioconductor
Provides memory efficient S4 classes for storing sequences "externally" (e.g. behind an R external pointer, or on disk).
Maintained by Hervé Pagès. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 11.36 score 67 scripts 1.7k dependentsaidenlab
strawr:Fast Implementation of Reading/Dump for .hic Files
API for fast data extraction for .hic files that provides programmatic access to the matrices. It doesn't store the pointer data for all the matrices, only the one queried, and currently we are only supporting matrices (not vectors).
Maintained by Neva Cherniavsky Durand. Last updated 12 months ago.
0.5 match 67 stars 8.23 score 49 scripts 11 dependentsr-prof
procmaps:Portable Address Space Mapping
Portable '/proc/self/maps' as a data frame. Determine which library or other region is mapped to a specific address of a process. -- R packages can contain native code, compiled to shared libraries at build or installation time. When loaded, each shared library occupies a portion of the address space of the main process. When only a machine instruction pointer is available (e.g. from a backtrace during error inspection or profiling), the address space map determines which library this instruction pointer corresponds to.
Maintained by Kirill Müller. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.8 match 3 stars 5.18 score 3 scripts 1 dependentsthk686
strider:Strided Iterator and Range
The strided iterator adapts multidimensional buffers to work with the C++ standard library and range-based for-loops. Given a pointer or iterator into a multidimensional data buffer, one can generate an iterator range using make_strided to construct strided versions of the standard library's begin and end. For constructing range-based for-loops, a strided_range class is provided. These help authors to avoid integer-based indexing, which in some cases can impede algorithm performance and introduce indexing errors. This library exists primarily to expose the header file to other R projects.
Maintained by Tim Keitt. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.5 match 4 stars 4.34 score 11 scriptsshikokuchuo
sakura:Extension to R Serialization
Extends the functionality of R serialization by augmenting the built-in reference hook system. This enhanced implementation allows an integrated single-pass operation that combines R serialization with third-party serialization methods. Facilitates the serialization of even complex R objects, which contain non-system reference objects, such as those accessed via external pointers, to enable their use in parallel and distributed computing.
Maintained by Charlie Gao. Last updated 12 days ago.
0.5 match 12 stars 4.26 scorehongyuanjia
rdyncall:Improved Foreign Function Interface and Dynamic Bindings to C Libraries
Provides a cross-platform framework for dynamic binding of C libraries using a flexible Foreign Function Interface ('FFI'). The FFI supports almost all fundamental C types, multiple calling conventions, symbolic access to foreign C 'struct'/'union' data types and wrapping of R functions as C callback function pointers. Dynamic bindings to shared C libraries are data-driven by cross-platform binding specification using a compact plain text format; an initial repository of bindings to a couple of common C libraries ('OpenGL', 'SDL2', 'Expat', 'glew', 'CUDA', 'OpenCL', 'ODE', 'R') comes with the package. The package includes a variety of technology demos and OS-specific notes for installation of shared libraries.
Maintained by Hongyuan Jia. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 6 stars 3.84 score 23 scriptslandroni
RcmdrPlugin.Export:Export R Output to LaTeX or HTML
Export Rcmdr output to LaTeX or HTML code. The plug-in was originally intended to facilitate exporting Rcmdr output to formats other than ASCII text and to provide R novices with an easy-to-use, easy-to-access reference on exporting R objects to formats suited for printed output. The package documentation contains several pointers on creating reports, either by using conventional word processors or LaTeX/LyX.
Maintained by Liviu Andronic. Last updated 9 years ago.
0.5 match 2.70 score 3 scriptslouissirugue
directotree:Creates an Interactive Tree Structure of a Directory
Represents the content of a directory as an interactive collapsible tree. Offers the possibility to assign a text (e.g., a 'Readme.txt') to each folder (represented as a clickable node), so that when the user hovers the pointer over a node, the corresponding text is displayed as a tooltip.
Maintained by Louis Sirugue. Last updated 6 years ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 2.30 score 1 scriptscran
spectralGP:Approximate Gaussian Processes Using the Fourier Basis
Routines for creating, manipulating, and performing Bayesian inference about Gaussian processes in one and two dimensions using the Fourier basis approximation: simulation and plotting of processes, calculation of coefficient variances, calculation of process density, coefficient proposals (for use in MCMC). It uses R environments to store GP objects as references/pointers.
Maintained by Chris Paciorek. Last updated 10 years ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 1.65 score 45 scripts