Showing 11 of total 11 results (show query)
ndjson:Wicked-Fast Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') Reader
Streaming 'JSON' ('ndjson') has one 'JSON' record per-line and many modern 'ndjson' files contain large numbers of records. These constructs may not be columnar in nature, but it is often useful to read in these files and "flatten" the structure out to enable working with the data in an R 'data.frame'-like context. Functions are provided that make it possible to read in plain 'ndjson' files or compressed ('gz') 'ndjson' files and either validate the format of the records or create "flat" 'data.table' structures from them.
Maintained by Bob Rudis. Last updated 2 years ago.
75.4 match 57 stars 7.88 score 125 scripts 7 dependentsmtmorgan
rjsoncons:Query, Pivot, Patch, and Validate 'JSON' and 'NDJSON'
Functions to query (filter or transform), pivot (convert from array-of-objects to object-of-arrays, for easy import as 'R' data frame), search, patch (edit), and validate (against 'JSON Schema') 'JSON' and 'NDJSON' strings, files, or URLs. Query and pivot support 'JSONpointer', 'JSONpath' or 'JMESpath' expressions. The implementation uses the 'jsoncons' <> header-only library; the library is easily linked to other packages for direct access to 'C++' functionality not implemented here.
Maintained by Martin Morgan. Last updated 6 months ago.
16.8 match 9 stars 7.08 score 8 scripts 9 dependentscoolbutuseless
yyjsonr:Fast 'JSON', 'NDJSON' and 'GeoJSON' Parser and Generator
A fast 'JSON' parser, generator and validator which converts 'JSON', 'NDJSON' (Newline Delimited 'JSON') and 'GeoJSON' (Geographic 'JSON') data to/from R objects. The standard R data types are supported (e.g. logical, numeric, integer) with configurable handling of NULL and NA values. Data frames, atomic vectors and lists are all supported as data containers translated to/from 'JSON'. 'GeoJSON' data is read in as 'simple features' objects. This implementation wraps the 'yyjson' 'C' library which is available from <>.
Maintained by Mike Cheng. Last updated 4 months ago.
10.4 match 147 stars 9.56 score 22 scripts 9 dependentsrpolars
polars:Lightning-Fast 'DataFrame' Library
Lightning-fast 'DataFrame' library written in 'Rust'. Convert R data to 'Polars' data and vice versa. Perform fast, lazy, larger-than-memory and optimized data queries. 'Polars' is interoperable with the package 'arrow', as both are based on the 'Apache Arrow' Columnar Format.
Maintained by Soren Welling. Last updated 5 days ago.
6.0 match 499 stars 12.01 score 1.0k scripts 2 dependentsryapric
loggit:Modern Logging for the R Ecosystem
An effortless 'ndjson' (newline-delimited 'JSON') logger, with two primary log-writing interfaces. It provides a set of wrappings for base R's message(), warning(), and stop() functions that maintain identical functionality, but also log the handler message to an 'ndjson' log file. 'loggit' also exports its internal 'loggit()' function for powerful and configurable custom logging. No change in existing code is necessary to use this package, and should only require additions to fully leverage the power of the logging system. 'loggit' also provides a log reader for reading an 'ndjson' log file into a data frame, log rotation, and live echo of the 'ndjson' log messages to terminal 'stdout' for log capture by external systems (like containers). 'loggit' is ideal for Shiny apps, data pipelines, modeling work flows, and more. Please see the vignettes for detailed example use cases.
Maintained by Ryan Price. Last updated 3 years ago.
6.6 match 39 stars 7.35 score 38 scripts 5 dependentscran
jsonify:Convert Between 'R' Objects and Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
Conversions between 'R' objects and Javascript Object Notation (JSON) using the 'rapidjsonr' library <>.
Maintained by David Cooley. Last updated 2 years ago.
6.0 match 1 stars 7.72 score 81 scripts 131 dependentsetiennebacher
tidypolars:Get the Power of Polars with the Syntax of the Tidyverse
Polars is a cross-language tool for manipulating very large data. However, one drawback is that the R implementation has a syntax that will look odd to many R users who are not used to Python syntax. The objective of tidypolars is to improve the ease-of-use of Polars in R by providing tidyverse syntax to polars.
Maintained by Etienne Bacher. Last updated 7 days ago.
5.5 match 198 stars 7.86 score 30 scriptseitsupi
neopolars:R Bindings for the 'polars' Rust Library
Lightning-fast 'DataFrame' library written in 'Rust'. Convert R data to 'Polars' data and vice versa. Perform fast, lazy, larger-than-memory and optimized data queries. 'Polars' is interoperable with the package 'arrow', as both are based on the 'Apache Arrow' Columnar Format.
Maintained by Tatsuya Shima. Last updated 9 hours ago.
5.3 match 40 stars 4.87 score 1 scriptscran
pathling:A Library for using 'Pathling'
R API for 'Pathling', a tool for querying and transforming electronic health record data that is represented using the 'Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources' (FHIR) standard - see <>.
Maintained by "Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO". Last updated 10 months ago.
3.7 match 1.70 score 10 scriptsmeo265
loggit2:Easy-to-Use, Dependencyless Logger
An easy-to-use 'ndjson' (newline-delimited 'JSON') logger. It provides a set of wrappers for base R's message(), warning(), and stop() functions that maintain identical functionality, but also log the handler message to an 'ndjson' log file. No change in existing code is necessary to use this package, and only a few additional adjustments are needed to fully utilize its potential.
Maintained by Matthias Ollech. Last updated 9 days ago.
0.8 match 2 stars 5.75 score 1 scriptsddotta
parquetize:Convert Files to Parquet Format
Collection of functions to get files in parquet format. Parquet is a columnar storage file format <>. The files to convert can be of several formats ("csv", "RData", "rds", "RSQLite", "json", "ndjson", "SAS", "SPSS"...).
Maintained by Damien Dotta. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.5 match 69 stars 7.65 score 27 scripts 1 dependents