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govinfoR:A 'GovInfo' API Wrapper
Access data provided by the United States Government Publishing Office (GPO) 'GovInfo' API (<>).
Maintained by William Blackerby. Last updated 1 years ago.
16.8 match 1 stars 2.70 score 2 scriptsgamlss-dev
gamlss.dist:Distributions for Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
A set of distributions which can be used for modelling the response variables in Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape, Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005), <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9876.2005.00510.x>. The distributions can be continuous, discrete or mixed distributions. Extra distributions can be created, by transforming, any continuous distribution defined on the real line, to a distribution defined on ranges 0 to infinity or 0 to 1, by using a 'log' or a 'logit' transformation respectively.
Maintained by Mikis Stasinopoulos. Last updated 22 days ago.
3.3 match 4 stars 10.50 score 346 scripts 71 dependentsbioc
DominoEffect:Identification and Annotation of Protein Hotspot Residues
The functions support identification and annotation of hotspot residues in proteins. These are individual amino acids that accumulate mutations at a much higher rate than their surrounding regions.
Maintained by Marija Buljan. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.0 match 3.48 score 1 scripts