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geodist:Fast, Dependency-Free Geodesic Distance Calculations
Dependency-free, ultra fast calculation of geodesic distances. Includes the reference nanometre-accuracy geodesic distances of Karney (2013) <doi:10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z>, as used by the 'sf' package, as well as Haversine and Vincenty distances. Default distance measure is the "Mapbox cheap ruler" which is generally more accurate than Haversine or Vincenty for distances out to a few hundred kilometres, and is considerably faster. The main function accepts one or two inputs in almost any generic rectangular form, and returns either matrices of pairwise distances, or vectors of sequential distances.
Maintained by Mark Padgham. Last updated 4 months ago.
69.0 match 95 stars 11.34 score 251 scripts 33 dependentsstatnmap
GeoDist:Constrained distance calculation and associated geotools
This package allows the calculation of distances that are constrained by frontiers, islands, mountains, ... These distances are then implemented in classical geotools like kriging with a modified version of geoR functions.
Maintained by Sébastien Rochette. Last updated 5 years ago.
55.0 match 7 stars 4.94 score 251 scriptscran
sna:Tools for Social Network Analysis
A range of tools for social network analysis, including node and graph-level indices, structural distance and covariance methods, structural equivalence detection, network regression, random graph generation, and 2D/3D network visualization.
Maintained by Carter T. Butts. Last updated 6 months ago.
7.3 match 8 stars 6.78 score 94 dependentspachadotdev
cepiigeodist:CEPII's GeoDist datasets in R
Provides data on countries and their main city or agglomeration and the different distance measures and dummy variables indicating whether two countries are contiguous, share a common language or a colonial relationship. The reference article for these datasets is Mayer and Zignago (2011).
Maintained by Mauricio Vargas. Last updated 2 years ago.
13.1 match 3 stars 3.54 score 23 scriptshannameyer
CAST:'caret' Applications for Spatial-Temporal Models
Supporting functionality to run 'caret' with spatial or spatial-temporal data. 'caret' is a frequently used package for model training and prediction using machine learning. CAST includes functions to improve spatial or spatial-temporal modelling tasks using 'caret'. It includes the newly suggested 'Nearest neighbor distance matching' cross-validation to estimate the performance of spatial prediction models and allows for spatial variable selection to selects suitable predictor variables in view to their contribution to the spatial model performance. CAST further includes functionality to estimate the (spatial) area of applicability of prediction models. Methods are described in Meyer et al. (2018) <doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.12.001>; Meyer et al. (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.108815>; Meyer and Pebesma (2021) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13650>; Milà et al. (2022) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13851>; Meyer and Pebesma (2022) <doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29838-9>; Linnenbrink et al. (2023) <doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1308>; Schumacher et al. (2024) <doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-2730>. The package is described in detail in Meyer et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.06978>.
Maintained by Hanna Meyer. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.3 match 114 stars 11.97 score 298 scripts 1 dependentsrspatial
dismo:Species Distribution Modeling
Methods for species distribution modeling, that is, predicting the environmental similarity of any site to that of the locations of known occurrences of a species.
Maintained by Robert J. Hijmans. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.3 match 26 stars 11.88 score 2.8k scripts 21 dependentsarni-magnusson
gmt:Interface Between GMT Map-Making Software and R
Interface between the 'GMT' map-making software and R, enabling the user to manipulate geographic data within R and call GMT commands to draw and annotate maps in postscript format. The gmt package is about interactive data analysis, rapidly visualizing subsets and summaries of geographic data, while performing statistical analysis in the R console.
Maintained by Arni Magnusson. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.3 match 1 stars 4.97 score 52 scripts 1 dependentsomega1x
pipenostics:Diagnostics, Reliability and Predictive Maintenance of Pipeline Systems
Functions that represent some useful empirical and data-driven models for heat loss, corrosion diagnostics, and predictive maintenance of pipeline systems. The package is designed for engineers who are involved in exploratory or routine calculations. Methods are described in Timashev et al. (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25307-7>, A.C.Reddy (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2017.07.081>, Minenergo (2008) <>, Minenergo (2005) <>, Xing LU. (2014) <doi:10.1080/23744731.2016.1258371>.
Maintained by Yuri Possokhov. Last updated 10 months ago.
3.3 match 2 stars 4.73 score 108 scriptscnrakt
haplotypes:Manipulating DNA Sequences and Estimating Unambiguous Haplotype Network with Statistical Parsimony
Provides S4 classes and methods for reading and manipulating aligned DNA sequences, supporting an indel coding methods (only simple indel coding method is available in the current version), showing base substitutions and indels, calculating absolute pairwise distances between DNA sequences, and collapses identical DNA sequences into haplotypes or inferring haplotypes using user provided absolute pairwise character difference matrix. This package also includes S4 classes and methods for estimating genealogical relationships among haplotypes using statistical parsimony and plotting parsimony networks.
Maintained by Caner Aktas. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.3 match 1 stars 3.43 score 54 scriptsksbakar
spTimer:Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Modelling
Fits, spatially predicts and temporally forecasts large amounts of space-time data using [1] Bayesian Gaussian Process (GP) Models, [2] Bayesian Auto-Regressive (AR) Models, and [3] Bayesian Gaussian Predictive Processes (GPP) based AR Models for spatio-temporal big-n problems. Bakar and Sahu (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v063.i15>.
Maintained by K. Shuvo Bakar. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.3 match 2 stars 2.90 score 66 scripts 2 dependentsjfrench
gear:Geostatistical Analysis in R
Implements common geostatistical methods in a clean, straightforward, efficient manner. The methods are discussed in Schabenberger and Gotway (2004, <ISBN:9781584883227>) and Waller and Gotway (2004, <ISBN:9780471387718>).
Maintained by Joshua French. Last updated 5 years ago.
3.3 match 1.43 score 27 scriptstrackage
traipse:Shared Tools for Tracking Data
A collection of commonly used tools for animal movement and other tracking data. Variously distance, angle, bearing, distance-to, bearing-to and speed are provided for geographic data that can be used directly or within 'tidyverse' syntax. Distances and bearings are calculated using modern geodesic methods as provided by Charles F. F. Karney (2013) <doi:10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z> via the 'geodist' and 'geosphere' packages.
Maintained by Michael Sumner. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 18 stars 4.73 score 7 scripts 2 dependents