Showing 52 of total 52 results (show query)
footprint:Calculate Air Travel Emissions
A handy tool to calculate carbon footprints from air travel based on three-letter International Air Transport Association (IATA) airport codes or latitude and longitude. footprint first calculates the great-circle distance between departure and arrival destinations. It then uses the Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) greenhouse gas conversion factors for business air travel to estimate the carbon footprint. These conversion factors consider trip length, flight class (e.g. economy, business), and emissions metric (e.g. carbon dioxide equivalent, methane).
Maintained by Anthony Schmidt. Last updated 8 months ago.
58.9 match 15 stars 5.48 score 10 scriptsbioc
CARNIVAL:A CAusal Reasoning tool for Network Identification (from gene expression data) using Integer VALue programming
An upgraded causal reasoning tool from Melas et al in R with updated assignments of TFs' weights from PROGENy scores. Optimization parameters can be freely adjusted and multiple solutions can be obtained and aggregated.
Maintained by Attila Gabor. Last updated 5 months ago.
12.8 match 57 stars 9.03 score 90 scripts 1 dependentsstuart-lab
Signac:Analysis of Single-Cell Chromatin Data
A framework for the analysis and exploration of single-cell chromatin data. The 'Signac' package contains functions for quantifying single-cell chromatin data, computing per-cell quality control metrics, dimension reduction and normalization, visualization, and DNA sequence motif analysis. Reference: Stuart et al. (2021) <doi:10.1038/s41592-021-01282-5>.
Maintained by Tim Stuart. Last updated 7 months ago.
9.1 match 349 stars 12.19 score 3.7k scripts 1 dependentsbioc
SingleMoleculeFootprinting:Analysis tools for Single Molecule Footprinting (SMF) data
SingleMoleculeFootprinting provides functions to analyze Single Molecule Footprinting (SMF) data. Following the workflow exemplified in its vignette, the user will be able to perform basic data analysis of SMF data with minimal coding effort. Starting from an aligned bam file, we show how to perform quality controls over sequencing libraries, extract methylation information at the single molecule level accounting for the two possible kind of SMF experiments (single enzyme or double enzyme), classify single molecules based on their patterns of molecular occupancy, plot SMF information at a given genomic location.
Maintained by Guido Barzaghi. Last updated 27 days ago.
14.8 match 2 stars 6.43 score 27 scriptsrspatial
geodata:Download Geographic Data
Functions for downloading of geographic data for use in spatial analysis and mapping. The package facilitates access to climate, crops, elevation, land use, soil, species occurrence, accessibility, administrative boundaries and other data.
Maintained by Robert J. Hijmans. Last updated 1 months ago.
5.6 match 162 stars 10.75 score 1.5k scripts 7 dependentsbnprks
BPCells:Single Cell Counts Matrices to PCA
> Efficient operations for single cell ATAC-seq fragments and RNA counts matrices. Interoperable with standard file formats, and introduces efficient bit-packed formats that allow large storage savings and increased read speeds.
Maintained by Benjamin Parks. Last updated 1 months ago.
7.1 match 184 stars 7.48 score 172 scriptsbioc
ORFik:Open Reading Frames in Genomics
R package for analysis of transcript and translation features through manipulation of sequence data and NGS data like Ribo-Seq, RNA-Seq, TCP-Seq and CAGE. It is generalized in the sense that any transcript region can be analysed, as the name hints to it was made with investigation of ribosomal patterns over Open Reading Frames (ORFs) as it's primary use case. ORFik is extremely fast through use of C++, data.table and GenomicRanges. Package allows to reassign starts of the transcripts with the use of CAGE-Seq data, automatic shifting of RiboSeq reads, finding of Open Reading Frames for whole genomes and much more.
Maintained by Haakon Tjeldnes. Last updated 27 days ago.
4.9 match 33 stars 10.63 score 115 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
ATACseqQC:ATAC-seq Quality Control
ATAC-seq, an assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing, is a rapid and sensitive method for chromatin accessibility analysis. It was developed as an alternative method to MNase-seq, FAIRE-seq and DNAse-seq. Comparing to the other methods, ATAC-seq requires less amount of the biological samples and time to process. In the process of analyzing several ATAC-seq dataset produced in our labs, we learned some of the unique aspects of the quality assessment for ATAC-seq data.To help users to quickly assess whether their ATAC-seq experiment is successful, we developed ATACseqQC package partially following the guideline published in Nature Method 2013 (Greenleaf et al.), including diagnostic plot of fragment size distribution, proportion of mitochondria reads, nucleosome positioning pattern, and CTCF or other Transcript Factor footprints.
Maintained by Jianhong Ou. Last updated 2 months ago.
7.2 match 7.12 score 146 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
riboSeqR:Analysis of sequencing data from ribosome profiling experiments
Plotting functions, frameshift detection and parsing of sequencing data from ribosome profiling experiments.
Maintained by Samuel Granjeaud. Last updated 5 months ago.
10.1 match 1 stars 4.25 score 14 scriptsopengeos
whitebox:'WhiteboxTools' R Frontend
An R frontend for the 'WhiteboxTools' library, which is an advanced geospatial data analysis platform developed by Prof. John Lindsay at the University of Guelph's Geomorphometry and Hydrogeomatics Research Group. 'WhiteboxTools' can be used to perform common geographical information systems (GIS) analysis operations, such as cost-distance analysis, distance buffering, and raster reclassification. Remote sensing and image processing tasks include image enhancement (e.g. panchromatic sharpening, contrast adjustments), image mosaicing, numerous filtering operations, simple classification (k-means), and common image transformations. 'WhiteboxTools' also contains advanced tooling for spatial hydrological analysis (e.g. flow-accumulation, watershed delineation, stream network analysis, sink removal), terrain analysis (e.g. common terrain indices such as slope, curvatures, wetness index, hillshading; hypsometric analysis; multi-scale topographic position analysis), and LiDAR data processing. Suggested citation: Lindsay (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.07.003>.
Maintained by Andrew Brown. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.3 match 173 stars 9.65 score 203 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
VplotR:Set of tools to make V-plots and compute footprint profiles
The pattern of digestion and protection from DNA nucleases such as DNAse I, micrococcal nuclease, and Tn5 transposase can be used to infer the location of associated proteins. This package contains useful functions to analyze patterns of paired-end sequencing fragment density. VplotR facilitates the generation of V-plots and footprint profiles over single or aggregated genomic loci of interest.
Maintained by Jacques Serizay. Last updated 5 months ago.
7.0 match 10 stars 5.64 score 11 scriptsmichaeldorman
starsExtra:Miscellaneous Functions for Working with 'stars' Rasters
Miscellaneous functions for working with 'stars' objects, mainly single-band rasters. Currently includes functions for: (1) focal filtering, (2) detrending of Digital Elevation Models, (3) calculating flow length, (4) calculating the Convergence Index, (5) calculating topographic aspect and topographic slope.
Maintained by Michael Dorman. Last updated 1 years ago.
6.0 match 25 stars 6.53 score 45 scripts 2 dependentstelfer
pressuRe:Imports, Processes, and Visualizes Biomechanical Pressure Data
Allows biomechanical pressure data from a range of systems to be imported and processed in a reproducible manner. Automatic and manual tools are included to let the user define regions (masks) to be analyzed. Also includes functions for visualizing and animating pressure data. Example methods are described in Shi et al., (2022) <doi:10.1038/s41598-022-19814-0>, Lee et al., (2014) <doi:10.1186/1757-1146-7-18>, van der Zward et al., (2014) <doi:10.1186/1757-1146-7-20>, Najafi et al., (2010) <doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2009.09.003>, Cavanagh and Rodgers (1987) <doi:10.1016/0021-9290(87)90255-7>.
Maintained by Scott Telfer. Last updated 6 days ago.
8.5 match 2 stars 4.41 scoremapme-initiative
mapme.biodiversity:Efficient Monitoring of Global Biodiversity Portfolios
Biodiversity areas, especially primary forest, serve a multitude of functions for local economy, regional functionality of the ecosystems as well as the global health of our planet. Recently, adverse changes in human land use practices and climatic responses to increased greenhouse gas emissions, put these biodiversity areas under a variety of different threats. The present package helps to analyse a number of biodiversity indicators based on freely available geographical datasets. It supports computational efficient routines that allow the analysis of potentially global biodiversity portfolios. The primary use case of the package is to support evidence based reporting of an organization's effort to protect biodiversity areas under threat and to identify regions were intervention is most duly needed.
Maintained by Darius A. Görgen. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.6 match 35 stars 9.24 score 287 scriptsbioc
BiFET:Bias-free Footprint Enrichment Test
BiFET identifies TFs whose footprints are over-represented in target regions compared to background regions after correcting for the bias arising from the imbalance in read counts and GC contents between the target and background regions. For a given TF k, BiFET tests the null hypothesis that the target regions have the same probability of having footprints for the TF k as the background regions while correcting for the read count and GC content bias. For this, we use the number of target regions with footprints for TF k, t_k as a test statistic and calculate the p-value as the probability of observing t_k or more target regions with footprints under the null hypothesis.
Maintained by Ahrim Youn. Last updated 5 months ago.
6.8 match 4.00 score 4 scriptsbioc
dinoR:Differential NOMe-seq analysis
dinoR tests for significant differences in NOMe-seq footprints between two conditions, using genomic regions of interest (ROI) centered around a landmark, for example a transcription factor (TF) motif. This package takes NOMe-seq data (GCH methylation/protection) in the form of a Ranged Summarized Experiment as input. dinoR can be used to group sequencing fragments into 3 or 5 categories representing characteristic footprints (TF bound, nculeosome bound, open chromatin), plot the percentage of fragments in each category in a heatmap, or averaged across different ROI groups, for example, containing a common TF motif. It is designed to compare footprints between two sample groups, using edgeR's quasi-likelihood methods on the total fragment counts per ROI, sample, and footprint category.
Maintained by Michaela Schwaiger. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.5 match 4.18 score 7 scriptsneonscience
neonUtilities:Utilities for Working with NEON Data
NEON data packages can be accessed through the NEON Data Portal <> or through the NEON Data API (see <> for documentation). Data delivered from the Data Portal are provided as monthly zip files packaged within a parent zip file, while individual files can be accessed from the API. This package provides tools that aid in discovering, downloading, and reformatting data prior to use in analyses. This includes downloading data via the API, merging data tables by type, and converting formats. For more information, see the readme file at <>.
Maintained by Claire Lunch. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.7 match 57 stars 10.66 score 944 scripts 15 dependentsbioc
RiboDiPA:Differential pattern analysis for Ribo-seq data
This package performs differential pattern analysis for Ribo-seq data. It identifies genes with significantly different patterns in the ribosome footprint between two conditions. RiboDiPA contains five major components including bam file processing, P-site mapping, data binning, differential pattern analysis and footprint visualization.
Maintained by Ji-Ping Wang. Last updated 3 months ago.
4.1 match 4.30 score 1 scriptsbioc
RNAmodR:Detection of post-transcriptional modifications in high throughput sequencing data
RNAmodR provides classes and workflows for loading/aggregation data from high througput sequencing aimed at detecting post-transcriptional modifications through analysis of specific patterns. In addition, utilities are provided to validate and visualize the results. The RNAmodR package provides a core functionality from which specific analysis strategies can be easily implemented as a seperate package.
Maintained by Felix G.M. Ernst. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.7 match 3 stars 6.51 score 9 scripts 3 dependentspharmar
riskmetric:Risk Metrics to Evaluating R Packages
Facilities for assessing R packages against a number of metrics to help quantify their robustness.
Maintained by Eli Miller. Last updated 9 days ago.
1.8 match 167 stars 8.89 score 43 scriptsadrientaudiere
greenAlgoR:Compute ecological footprint in R
This package computes ecological footprint in R (based on [green-algorithms]( greenAlgoR also made it simple to compute ecological footprint of \{[targets](\} pipelines.
Maintained by Adrien Taudière. Last updated 4 months ago.
7.3 match 1 stars 2.18 score 1 scriptsbioc
GRaNIE:GRaNIE: Reconstruction cell type specific gene regulatory networks including enhancers using single-cell or bulk chromatin accessibility and RNA-seq data
Genetic variants associated with diseases often affect non-coding regions, thus likely having a regulatory role. To understand the effects of genetic variants in these regulatory regions, identifying genes that are modulated by specific regulatory elements (REs) is crucial. The effect of gene regulatory elements, such as enhancers, is often cell-type specific, likely because the combinations of transcription factors (TFs) that are regulating a given enhancer have cell-type specific activity. This TF activity can be quantified with existing tools such as diffTF and captures differences in binding of a TF in open chromatin regions. Collectively, this forms a gene regulatory network (GRN) with cell-type and data-specific TF-RE and RE-gene links. Here, we reconstruct such a GRN using single-cell or bulk RNAseq and open chromatin (e.g., using ATACseq or ChIPseq for open chromatin marks) and optionally (Capture) Hi-C data. Our network contains different types of links, connecting TFs to regulatory elements, the latter of which is connected to genes in the vicinity or within the same chromatin domain (TAD). We use a statistical framework to assign empirical FDRs and weights to all links using a permutation-based approach.
Maintained by Christian Arnold. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.6 match 5.40 score 24 scriptscran Only: Searching for Footprints of Selection using Haplotype Homozygosity Based Tests
Contains example data for the 'rehh' package.
Maintained by Mathieu Gautier. Last updated 8 years ago.
4.4 match 3.06 score 19 scripts 2 dependentsphilips-software
latrend:A Framework for Clustering Longitudinal Data
A framework for clustering longitudinal datasets in a standardized way. The package provides an interface to existing R packages for clustering longitudinal univariate trajectories, facilitating reproducible and transparent analyses. Additionally, standard tools are provided to support cluster analyses, including repeated estimation, model validation, and model assessment. The interface enables users to compare results between methods, and to implement and evaluate new methods with ease. The 'akmedoids' package is available from <>.
Maintained by Niek Den Teuling. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.8 match 30 stars 6.77 score 26 scriptsbrownag
rgeedim:Search, Composite, and Download 'Google Earth Engine' Imagery with the 'Python' Module 'geedim'
Search, composite, and download 'Google Earth Engine' imagery with 'reticulate' bindings for the 'Python' module 'geedim' by Dugal Harris. Read the 'geedim' documentation here: <>. Wrapper functions are provided to make it more convenient to use 'geedim' to download images larger than the 'Google Earth Engine' size limit <>. By default the "High Volume" API endpoint <> is used to download data and this URL can be customized during initialization of the package.
Maintained by Andrew Brown. Last updated 23 days ago.
1.9 match 48 stars 5.81 score 27 scriptsbioc
esATAC:An Easy-to-use Systematic pipeline for ATACseq data analysis
This package provides a framework and complete preset pipeline for quantification and analysis of ATAC-seq Reads. It covers raw sequencing reads preprocessing (FASTQ files), reads alignment (Rbowtie2), aligned reads file operations (SAM, BAM, and BED files), peak calling (F-seq), genome annotations (Motif, GO, SNP analysis) and quality control report. The package is managed by dataflow graph. It is easy for user to pass variables seamlessly between processes and understand the workflow. Users can process FASTQ files through end-to-end preset pipeline which produces a pretty HTML report for quality control and preliminary statistical results, or customize workflow starting from any intermediate stages with esATAC functions easily and flexibly.
Maintained by Zheng Wei. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.7 match 23 stars 6.11 score 3 scriptscran
molaR:Dental Surface Complexity Measurement Tools
Surface topography calculations of Dirichlet's normal energy, relief index, surface slope, and orientation patch count for teeth using scans of enamel caps. Importantly, for the relief index and orientation patch count calculations to work, the scanned tooth files must be oriented with the occlusal plane parallel to the x and y axes, and perpendicular to the z axis. The files should also be simplified, and smoothed in some other software prior to uploading into R.
Maintained by James D. Pampush. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.7 match 1 stars 2.68 score 16 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
coMET:coMET: visualisation of regional epigenome-wide association scan (EWAS) results and DNA co-methylation patterns
Visualisation of EWAS results in a genomic region. In addition to phenotype-association P-values, coMET also generates plots of co-methylation patterns and provides a series of annotation tracks. It can be used to other omic-wide association scans as lon:g as the data can be translated to genomic level and for any species.
Maintained by Tiphaine Martin. Last updated 2 days ago.
1.6 match 4.41 score 17 scriptsbioc
Spectra:Spectra Infrastructure for Mass Spectrometry Data
The Spectra package defines an efficient infrastructure for storing and handling mass spectrometry spectra and functionality to subset, process, visualize and compare spectra data. It provides different implementations (backends) to store mass spectrometry data. These comprise backends tuned for fast data access and processing and backends for very large data sets ensuring a small memory footprint.
Maintained by RforMassSpectrometry Package Maintainer. Last updated 9 days ago.
0.5 match 41 stars 13.01 score 254 scripts 35 dependentsbioc
ribor:An R Interface for Ribo Files
The ribor package provides an R Interface for .ribo files. It provides functionality to read the .ribo file, which is of HDF5 format, and performs common analyses on its contents.
Maintained by Michael Geng. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.3 match 4.51 score 32 scriptsnicholasjcooper
NCmisc:Miscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions and Scripts
A set of handy functions. Includes a versatile one line progress bar, one line function timer with detailed output, time delay function, text histogram, object preview, CRAN package search, simpler package installer, Linux command install check, a flexible Mode function, top function, simulation of correlated data, and more.
Maintained by Nicholas Cooper. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.6 match 3.86 score 172 scripts 5 dependentstxwri
SELECTRdata:Download and Format Spatially Explicit Load Enrichment Calculation Tool ('SELECT') Data
Provides convienence functions for downloading raster and tabular data used by Spatially Explicit Load Enrichment Calculation Tool ('SELECT') to characterize landscape based pollutant sources (<>). Methodology based on Teague et al. (2009) <doi:10.13031/2013.27788>.
Maintained by Michael Schramm. Last updated 11 days ago.
2.0 match 2.40 scoreices-tools-prod
icesVMS:Link to the ICES Vessel Monitoring System and Logbook Database Web Services
Links to the ICES Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook database web services <> to allow users to download summaries and data products.
Maintained by Colin Millar. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.8 match 2 stars 2.66 score 46 scriptsbioc
mistyR:Multiview Intercellular SpaTial modeling framework
mistyR is an implementation of the Multiview Intercellular SpaTialmodeling framework (MISTy). MISTy is an explainable machine learning framework for knowledge extraction and analysis of single-cell, highly multiplexed, spatially resolved data. MISTy facilitates an in-depth understanding of marker interactions by profiling the intra- and intercellular relationships. MISTy is a flexible framework able to process a custom number of views. Each of these views can describe a different spatial context, i.e., define a relationship among the observed expressions of the markers, such as intracellular regulation or paracrine regulation, but also, the views can also capture cell-type specific relationships, capture relations between functional footprints or focus on relations between different anatomical regions. Each MISTy view is considered as a potential source of variability in the measured marker expressions. Each MISTy view is then analyzed for its contribution to the total expression of each marker and is explained in terms of the interactions with other measurements that led to the observed contribution.
Maintained by Jovan Tanevski. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.5 match 51 stars 7.87 score 160 scriptsmingzehuang
latentcor:Fast Computation of Latent Correlations for Mixed Data
The first stand-alone R package for computation of latent correlation that takes into account all variable types (continuous/binary/ordinal/zero-inflated), comes with an optimized memory footprint, and is computationally efficient, essentially making latent correlation estimation almost as fast as rank-based correlation estimation. The estimation is based on latent copula Gaussian models. For continuous/binary types, see Fan, J., Liu, H., Ning, Y., and Zou, H. (2017). For ternary type, see Quan X., Booth J.G. and Wells M.T. (2018) <arXiv:1809.06255>. For truncated type or zero-inflated type, see Yoon G., Carroll R.J. and Gaynanova I. (2020) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asaa007>. For approximation method of computation, see Yoon G., Müller C.L. and Gaynanova I. (2021) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2021.1882468>. The latter method uses multi-linear interpolation originally implemented in the R package <>.
Maintained by Mingze Huang. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 16 stars 6.65 score 46 scripts 1 dependentsclandere
AnaCoDa:Analysis of Codon Data under Stationarity using a Bayesian Framework
Is a collection of models to analyze genome scale codon data using a Bayesian framework. Provides visualization routines and checkpointing for model fittings. Currently published models to analyze gene data for selection on codon usage based on Ribosome Overhead Cost (ROC) are: ROC (Gilchrist et al. (2015) <doi:10.1093/gbe/evv087>), and ROC with phi (Wallace & Drummond (2013) <doi:10.1093/molbev/mst051>). In addition 'AnaCoDa' contains three currently unpublished models. The FONSE (First order approximation On NonSense Error) model analyzes gene data for selection on codon usage against of nonsense error rates. The PA (PAusing time) and PANSE (PAusing time + NonSense Error) models use ribosome footprinting data to analyze estimate ribosome pausing times with and without nonsense error rate from ribosome footprinting data.
Maintained by Cedric Landerer. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.8 match 1 stars 4.00 score 100 scriptsbioc
MsBackendSql:SQL-based Mass Spectrometry Data Backend
SQL-based mass spectrometry (MS) data backend supporting also storange and handling of very large data sets. Objects from this package are supposed to be used with the Spectra Bioconductor package. Through the MsBackendSql with its minimal memory footprint, this package thus provides an alternative MS data representation for very large or remote MS data sets.
Maintained by Johannes Rainer. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 4 stars 5.46 score 16 scriptsbioc
ribosomeProfilingQC:Ribosome Profiling Quality Control
Ribo-Seq (also named ribosome profiling or footprinting) measures translatome (unlike RNA-Seq, which sequences the transcriptome) by direct quantification of the ribosome-protected fragments (RPFs). This package provides the tools for quality assessment of ribosome profiling. In addition, it can preprocess Ribo-Seq data for subsequent differential analysis.
Maintained by Jianhong Ou. Last updated 1 months ago.
0.5 match 4.88 score 17 scriptskkulma
intensegRid:R Wrapper for the Carbon Intensity API
Electricity is not made equal and it vary in its carbon footprint (or carbon intensity) depending on its source. This package enables to access and query data provided by the Carbon Intensity API (<>). National Grid’s Carbon Intensity API provides an indicative trend of regional carbon intensity of the electricity system in Great Britain.
Maintained by Kasia Kulma. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 9 stars 4.65 score 7 scriptsbioc
methodical:Discovering genomic regions where methylation is strongly associated with transcriptional activity
DNA methylation is generally considered to be associated with transcriptional silencing. However, comprehensive, genome-wide investigation of this relationship requires the evaluation of potentially millions of correlation values between the methylation of individual genomic loci and expression of associated transcripts in a relatively large numbers of samples. Methodical makes this process quick and easy while keeping a low memory footprint. It also provides a novel method for identifying regions where a number of methylation sites are consistently strongly associated with transcriptional expression. In addition, Methodical enables housing DNA methylation data from diverse sources (e.g. WGBS, RRBS and methylation arrays) with a common framework, lifting over DNA methylation data between different genome builds and creating base-resolution plots of the association between DNA methylation and transcriptional activity at transcriptional start sites.
Maintained by Richard Heery. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 4.65 score 14 scriptsrformassspectrometry
Chromatograms:Infrastructure for Chromatographic Mass Spectrometry Data
The Chromatograms packages defines a efficient infrastructure for storing and handling of chromatographic mass spectrometry data. It provides different implementations of *backends* to store and represent the data. Such backends can be optimized for small memory footprint or fast data access/processing. A lazy evaluation queue and chunk-wise processing capabilities ensure efficient analysis of also very large data sets.
Maintained by Philippine Louail. Last updated 26 days ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 4.15 score 3 scriptsbioc
ATACseqTFEA:Transcription Factor Enrichment Analysis for ATAC-seq
Assay for Transpose-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing (ATAC-seq) is a technique to assess genome-wide chromatin accessibility by probing open chromatin with hyperactive mutant Tn5 Transposase that inserts sequencing adapters into open regions of the genome. ATACseqTFEA is an improvement of the current computational method that detects differential activity of transcription factors (TFs). ATACseqTFEA not only uses the difference of open region information, but also (or emphasizes) the difference of TFs footprints (cutting sites or insertion sites). ATACseqTFEA provides an easy, rigorous way to broadly assess TF activity changes between two conditions.
Maintained by Jianhong Ou. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 4.18 score 4 scriptskurtis-s
overture:Tools for Writing MCMC
Simplifies MCMC setup by automatically looping through sampling functions and saving the results. Reduces the memory footprint of running MCMC and saves samples to disk as the chain runs. Allows samples from the chain to be analyzed while the MCMC is still running. Provides functions for commonly performed operations such as calculating Metropolis acceptance ratios and creating adaptive Metropolis samplers. References: Roberts and Rosenthal (2009) <doi:10.1198/jcgs.2009.06134>.
Maintained by Kurtis Shuler. Last updated 6 years ago.
0.5 match 3 stars 3.18 score 7 scriptsamscausality
FlexRL:A Flexible Model for Record Linkage
Implementation of the Stochastic Expectation Maximisation (StEM) approach to Record Linkage described in the paper by K. Robach, S. L. van der Pas, M. A. van de Wiel and M. H. Hof (2024, <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2407.06835>); see 'citation("FlexRL")' for details. This is a record linkage method, for finding the common set of records among 2 data sources based on Partially Identifying Variables (PIVs) available in both sources. It includes modelling of dynamic Partially Identifying Variables (e.g. postal code) that may evolve over time and registration errors (missing values and mistakes in the registration). Low memory footprint.
Maintained by Kayané ROBACH. Last updated 3 months ago.
0.5 match 2.70 score 3 scriptsmaiermarc
purge:Purge Training Data from Models
Enables the removal of training data from fitted R models while retaining predict functionality. The purged models are more portable as their memory footprints do not scale with the training sample size.
Maintained by Marc Maier. Last updated 8 years ago.
0.5 match 2.48 score 6 scriptsikrylovmsu
albatross:PARAFAC Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices
Perform parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC: Hitchcock, 1927) <doi:10.1002/sapm192761164> on fluorescence excitation-emission matrices: handle scattering signal and inner filter effect, scale the dataset, fit the model; perform split-half validation or jack-knifing. Modified approaches such as Whittaker interpolation, randomised split-half, and fluorescence and scattering model estimation are also available. The package has a low dependency footprint and has been tested on a wide range of R versions.
Maintained by Ivan Krylov. Last updated 10 months ago.
0.5 match 1.18 score 15 scripts