Showing 106 of total 106 results (show query)


Biobase:Biobase: Base functions for Bioconductor

Functions that are needed by many other packages or which replace R functions.

Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.


9 stars 16.45 score 6.6k scripts 1.8k dependents


graph:graph: A package to handle graph data structures

A package that implements some simple graph handling capabilities.

Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 9 days ago.


11.86 score 764 scripts 339 dependents


annotate:Annotation for microarrays

Using R enviroments for annotation.

Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.


11.41 score 812 scripts 239 dependents


intervals:Tools for Working with Points and Intervals

Tools for working with and comparing sets of points and intervals.

Maintained by Edzer Pebesma. Last updated 7 months ago.


11 stars 9.50 score 122 scripts 98 dependents


distr:Object Oriented Implementation of Distributions

S4-classes and methods for distributions.

Maintained by Peter Ruckdeschel. Last updated 2 months ago.

8.77 score 327 scripts 32 dependents


Category:Category Analysis

A collection of tools for performing category (gene set enrichment) analysis.

Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.


7.93 score 183 scripts 16 dependents


yuima:The YUIMA Project Package for SDEs

Simulation and Inference for SDEs and Other Stochastic Processes.

Maintained by Stefano M. Iacus. Last updated 2 days ago.


9 stars 7.02 score 92 scripts 2 dependents


NetLogoR:Build and Run Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Models

Build and run spatially explicit agent-based models using only the R platform. 'NetLogoR' follows the same framework as the 'NetLogo' software (Wilensky (1999) <>) and is a translation in R of the structure and functions of 'NetLogo'. 'NetLogoR' provides new R classes to define model agents and functions to implement spatially explicit agent-based models in the R environment. This package allows benefiting of the fast and easy coding phase from the highly developed 'NetLogo' framework, coupled with the versatility, power and massive resources of the R software. Examples of two models from the NetLogo software repository (Ants <>) and Wolf-Sheep-Predation (<>), and a third, Butterfly, from Railsback and Grimm (2012) <>, all written using 'NetLogoR' are available. The 'NetLogo' code of the original version of these models is provided alongside. A programming guide inspired from the 'NetLogo' Programming Guide (<>) and a dictionary of 'NetLogo' primitives (<>) equivalences are also available. NOTE: To increment 'time', these functions can use a for loop or can be integrated with a discrete event simulator, such as 'SpaDES' (<>). The suggested package 'fastshp' can be installed with 'install.packages("fastshp", repos = ("<>"), type = "source")'.

Maintained by Eliot J B McIntire. Last updated 4 months ago.

40 stars 6.96 score 19 scripts


frma:Frozen RMA and Barcode

Preprocessing and analysis for single microarrays and microarray batches.

Maintained by Matthew N. McCall. Last updated 5 months ago.


4.72 score 87 scripts 1 dependents


distrSim:Simulation Classes Based on Package 'distr'

S4-classes for setting up a coherent framework for simulation within the distr family of packages.

Maintained by Peter Ruckdeschel. Last updated 2 months ago.

4.16 score 7 scripts 3 dependents


geoGraph:Walking through the geographic space using graphs

Classes and methods for spatial graphs interfaced with support for GIS shapefiles.

Maintained by Andrea Manica. Last updated 21 days ago.

4 stars 3.30 score 2 scripts


rstream:Streams of Random Numbers

Unified object oriented interface for multiple independent streams of random numbers from different sources.

Maintained by Josef Leydold. Last updated 2 years ago.

2.69 score 54 scripts 3 dependents