Showing 106 of total 106 results (show query)
Rcpp:Seamless R and C++ Integration
The 'Rcpp' package provides R functions as well as C++ classes which offer a seamless integration of R and C++. Many R data types and objects can be mapped back and forth to C++ equivalents which facilitates both writing of new code as well as easier integration of third-party libraries. Documentation about 'Rcpp' is provided by several vignettes included in this package, via the 'Rcpp Gallery' site at <>, the paper by Eddelbuettel and Francois (2011, <doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i08>), the book by Eddelbuettel (2013, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6868-4>) and the paper by Eddelbuettel and Balamuta (2018, <doi:10.1080/00031305.2017.1375990>); see 'citation("Rcpp")' for details.
Maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel. Last updated 2 days ago.
755 stars 22.62 score 11k scripts 13k dependentsbioc
Biostrings:Efficient manipulation of biological strings
Memory efficient string containers, string matching algorithms, and other utilities, for fast manipulation of large biological sequences or sets of sequences.
Maintained by Hervé Pagès. Last updated 1 months ago.
62 stars 17.77 score 8.6k scripts 1.2k dependentsr-forge
Matrix:Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods
A rich hierarchy of sparse and dense matrix classes, including general, symmetric, triangular, and diagonal matrices with numeric, logical, or pattern entries. Efficient methods for operating on such matrices, often wrapping the 'BLAS', 'LAPACK', and 'SuiteSparse' libraries.
Maintained by Martin Maechler. Last updated 19 days ago.
1 stars 17.23 score 33k scripts 12k dependentsbioc
Biobase:Biobase: Base functions for Bioconductor
Functions that are needed by many other packages or which replace R functions.
Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.
9 stars 16.45 score 6.6k scripts 1.8k dependentsbioc
AnnotationDbi:Manipulation of SQLite-based annotations in Bioconductor
Implements a user-friendly interface for querying SQLite-based annotation data packages.
Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.
9 stars 15.05 score 3.6k scripts 769 dependentsmhahsler
arules:Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
Provides the infrastructure for representing, manipulating and analyzing transaction data and patterns (frequent itemsets and association rules). Also provides C implementations of the association mining algorithms Apriori and Eclat. Hahsler, Gruen and Hornik (2005) <doi:10.18637/jss.v014.i15>.
Maintained by Michael Hahsler. Last updated 2 months ago.
194 stars 13.99 score 3.3k scripts 28 dependentsbioc
Gviz:Plotting data and annotation information along genomic coordinates
Genomic data analyses requires integrated visualization of known genomic information and new experimental data. Gviz uses the biomaRt and the rtracklayer packages to perform live annotation queries to Ensembl and UCSC and translates this to e.g. gene/transcript structures in viewports of the grid graphics package. This results in genomic information plotted together with your data.
Maintained by Robert Ivanek. Last updated 5 months ago.
79 stars 13.08 score 1.4k scripts 48 dependentsbioc
iSEE:Interactive SummarizedExperiment Explorer
Create an interactive Shiny-based graphical user interface for exploring data stored in SummarizedExperiment objects, including row- and column-level metadata. The interface supports transmission of selections between plots and tables, code tracking, interactive tours, interactive or programmatic initialization, preservation of app state, and extensibility to new panel types via S4 classes. Special attention is given to single-cell data in a SingleCellExperiment object with visualization of dimensionality reduction results.
Maintained by Kevin Rue-Albrecht. Last updated 22 days ago.
225 stars 12.86 score 380 scripts 9 dependentsbioc
minfi:Analyze Illumina Infinium DNA methylation arrays
Tools to analyze & visualize Illumina Infinium methylation arrays.
Maintained by Kasper Daniel Hansen. Last updated 4 months ago.
60 stars 12.82 score 996 scripts 27 dependentsbioc
rtracklayer:R interface to genome annotation files and the UCSC genome browser
Extensible framework for interacting with multiple genome browsers (currently UCSC built-in) and manipulating annotation tracks in various formats (currently GFF, BED, bedGraph, BED15, WIG, BigWig and 2bit built-in). The user may export/import tracks to/from the supported browsers, as well as query and modify the browser state, such as the current viewport.
Maintained by Michael Lawrence. Last updated 3 days ago.
12.66 score 6.7k scripts 480 dependentsthibautjombart
adegenet:Exploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data
Toolset for the exploration of genetic and genomic data. Adegenet provides formal (S4) classes for storing and handling various genetic data, including genetic markers with varying ploidy and hierarchical population structure ('genind' class), alleles counts by populations ('genpop'), and genome-wide SNP data ('genlight'). It also implements original multivariate methods (DAPC, sPCA), graphics, statistical tests, simulation tools, distance and similarity measures, and several spatial methods. A range of both empirical and simulated datasets is also provided to illustrate various methods.
Maintained by Zhian N. Kamvar. Last updated 2 months ago.
182 stars 12.60 score 1.9k scripts 29 dependentsmelff
memisc:Management of Survey Data and Presentation of Analysis Results
An infrastructure for the management of survey data including value labels, definable missing values, recoding of variables, production of code books, and import of (subsets of) 'SPSS' and 'Stata' files is provided. Further, the package allows to produce tables and data frames of arbitrary descriptive statistics and (almost) publication-ready tables of regression model estimates, which can be exported to 'LaTeX' and HTML.
Maintained by Martin Elff. Last updated 23 days ago.
46 stars 12.34 score 1.2k scripts 13 dependentstomoakin
RPostgreSQL:R Interface to the 'PostgreSQL' Database System
Database interface and 'PostgreSQL' driver for 'R'. This package provides a Database Interface 'DBI' compliant driver for 'R' to access 'PostgreSQL' database systems. In order to build and install this package from source, 'PostgreSQL' itself must be present your system to provide 'PostgreSQL' functionality via its libraries and header files. These files are provided as 'postgresql-devel' package under some Linux distributions. On 'macOS' and 'Microsoft Windows' system the attached 'libpq' library source will be used.
Maintained by Tomoaki Nishiyama. Last updated 8 hours ago.
66 stars 12.11 score 4.5k scripts 19 dependentsbioc
graph:graph: A package to handle graph data structures
A package that implements some simple graph handling capabilities.
Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 9 days ago.
11.86 score 764 scripts 339 dependentsr-forge
coin:Conditional Inference Procedures in a Permutation Test Framework
Conditional inference procedures for the general independence problem including two-sample, K-sample (non-parametric ANOVA), correlation, censored, ordered and multivariate problems described in <doi:10.18637/jss.v028.i08>.
Maintained by Torsten Hothorn. Last updated 9 months ago.
11.70 score 1.6k scripts 73 dependentsbioc
annotate:Annotation for microarrays
Using R enviroments for annotation.
Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.
11.41 score 812 scripts 239 dependentspredictiveecology
SpaDES.core:Core Utilities for Developing and Running Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Models
Provides the core framework for a discrete event system to implement a complete data-to-decisions, reproducible workflow. The core components facilitate the development of modular pieces, and enable the user to include additional functionality by running user-built modules. Includes conditional scheduling, restart after interruption, packaging of reusable modules, tools for developing arbitrary automated workflows, automated interweaving of modules of different temporal resolution, and tools for visualizing and understanding the within-project dependencies. The suggested package 'NLMR' can be installed from the repository (<>).
Maintained by Eliot J B McIntire. Last updated 1 months ago.
10 stars 10.61 score 142 scripts 6 dependentsbioc
flowCore:flowCore: Basic structures for flow cytometry data
Provides S4 data structures and basic functions to deal with flow cytometry data.
Maintained by Mike Jiang. Last updated 5 months ago.
10.34 score 1.7k scripts 59 dependentsbioc
Cardinal:A mass spectrometry imaging toolbox for statistical analysis
Implements statistical & computational tools for analyzing mass spectrometry imaging datasets, including methods for efficient pre-processing, spatial segmentation, and classification.
Maintained by Kylie Ariel Bemis. Last updated 3 months ago.
48 stars 10.32 score 200 scriptsbioc
GSEABase:Gene set enrichment data structures and methods
This package provides classes and methods to support Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA).
Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 2 months ago.
10.27 score 1.5k scripts 77 dependentsbioc
EDASeq:Exploratory Data Analysis and Normalization for RNA-Seq
Numerical and graphical summaries of RNA-Seq read data. Within-lane normalization procedures to adjust for GC-content effect (or other gene-level effects) on read counts: loess robust local regression, global-scaling, and full-quantile normalization (Risso et al., 2011). Between-lane normalization procedures to adjust for distributional differences between lanes (e.g., sequencing depth): global-scaling and full-quantile normalization (Bullard et al., 2010).
Maintained by Davide Risso. Last updated 5 months ago.
5 stars 10.24 score 594 scripts 9 dependentsdataoneorg
dataone:R Interface to the DataONE REST API
Provides read and write access to data and metadata from the DataONE network <> of data repositories. Each DataONE repository implements a consistent repository application programming interface. Users call methods in R to access these remote repository functions, such as methods to query the metadata catalog, get access to metadata for particular data packages, and read the data objects from the data repository. Users can also insert and update data objects on repositories that support these methods.
Maintained by Matthew B. Jones. Last updated 3 years ago.
36 stars 9.93 score 472 scripts 3 dependentsedzer
intervals:Tools for Working with Points and Intervals
Tools for working with and comparing sets of points and intervals.
Maintained by Edzer Pebesma. Last updated 7 months ago.
11 stars 9.50 score 122 scripts 98 dependentsbioc
snpStats:SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods
Classes and statistical methods for large SNP association studies. This extends the earlier snpMatrix package, allowing for uncertainty in genotypes.
Maintained by David Clayton. Last updated 5 months ago.
9.48 score 674 scripts 20 dependentsbioc
topGO:Enrichment Analysis for Gene Ontology
topGO package provides tools for testing GO terms while accounting for the topology of the GO graph. Different test statistics and different methods for eliminating local similarities and dependencies between GO terms can be implemented and applied.
Maintained by Adrian Alexa. Last updated 5 months ago.
8.96 score 2.0k scripts 20 dependentsr-forge
distr:Object Oriented Implementation of Distributions
S4-classes and methods for distributions.
Maintained by Peter Ruckdeschel. Last updated 2 months ago.
8.77 score 327 scripts 32 dependentsropensci
datapack:A Flexible Container to Transport and Manipulate Data and Associated Resources
Provides a flexible container to transport and manipulate complex sets of data. These data may consist of multiple data files and associated meta data and ancillary files. Individual data objects have associated system level meta data, and data files are linked together using the OAI-ORE standard resource map which describes the relationships between the files. The OAI- ORE standard is described at <>. Data packages can be serialized and transported as structured files that have been created following the BagIt specification. The BagIt specification is described at <>.
Maintained by Matthew B. Jones. Last updated 3 years ago.
43 stars 8.55 score 195 scripts 4 dependentstomasfryda
h2o:R Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform
R interface for 'H2O', the scalable open source machine learning platform that offers parallelized implementations of many supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Gradient Boosting Machines (including XGBoost), Random Forests, Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning), Stacked Ensembles, Naive Bayes, Generalized Additive Models (GAM), ANOVA GLM, Cox Proportional Hazards, K-Means, PCA, ModelSelection, Word2Vec, as well as a fully automatic machine learning algorithm (H2O AutoML).
Maintained by Tomas Fryda. Last updated 1 years ago.
3 stars 8.20 score 7.8k scripts 11 dependentscran
flexmix:Flexible Mixture Modeling
A general framework for finite mixtures of regression models using the EM algorithm is implemented. The E-step and all data handling are provided, while the M-step can be supplied by the user to easily define new models. Existing drivers implement mixtures of standard linear models, generalized linear models and model-based clustering.
Maintained by Bettina Gruen. Last updated 28 days ago.
5 stars 8.19 score 113 dependentsbioc
Category:Category Analysis
A collection of tools for performing category (gene set enrichment) analysis.
Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.
7.93 score 183 scripts 16 dependentscran
timeSeries:Financial Time Series Objects (Rmetrics)
'S4' classes and various tools for financial time series: Basic functions such as scaling and sorting, subsetting, mathematical operations and statistical functions.
Maintained by Georgi N. Boshnakov. Last updated 6 months ago.
2 stars 7.89 score 146 dependentsropensci
redland:RDF Library Bindings in R
Provides methods to parse, query and serialize information stored in the Resource Description Framework (RDF). RDF is described at <>. This package supports RDF by implementing an R interface to the Redland RDF C library, described at <>. In brief, RDF provides a structured graph consisting of Statements composed of Subject, Predicate, and Object Nodes.
Maintained by Matthew B. Jones. Last updated 1 years ago.
16 stars 7.76 score 98 scripts 13 dependentscran
timeDate:Rmetrics - Chronological and Calendar Objects
The 'timeDate' class fulfils the conventions of the ISO 8601 standard as well as of the ANSI C and POSIX standards. Beyond these standards it provides the "Financial Center" concept which allows to handle data records collected in different time zones and mix them up to have always the proper time stamps with respect to your personal financial center, or alternatively to the GMT reference time. It can thus also handle time stamps from historical data records from the same time zone, even if the financial centers changed day light saving times at different calendar dates.
Maintained by Georgi N. Boshnakov. Last updated 6 months ago.
1 stars 7.37 score 713 dependentsdatastorm-open
rAmCharts:JavaScript Charts Tool
Provides an R interface for using 'AmCharts' Library. Based on 'htmlwidgets', it provides a global architecture to generate 'JavaScript' source code for charts. Most of classes in the library have their equivalent in R with S4 classes; for those classes, not all properties have been referenced but can easily be added in the constructors. Complex properties (e.g. 'JavaScript' object) can be passed as named list. See examples at <> and <> for more information about the library. The package includes the free version of 'AmCharts' Library. Its only limitation is a small link to the web site displayed on your charts. If you enjoy this library, do not hesitate to refer to this page <> to purchase a licence, and thus support its creators and get a period of Priority Support. See also <> for more information about 'AmCharts' company.
Maintained by Benoit Thieurmel. Last updated 2 months ago.
49 stars 7.17 score 153 scripts 4 dependentsbioc
iSEEu:iSEE Universe
iSEEu (the iSEE universe) contains diverse functionality to extend the usage of the iSEE package, including additional classes for the panels, or modes allowing easy configuration of iSEE applications.
Maintained by Kevin Rue-Albrecht. Last updated 5 months ago.
9 stars 7.15 score 35 scripts 1 dependentsyuimaproject
yuima:The YUIMA Project Package for SDEs
Simulation and Inference for SDEs and Other Stochastic Processes.
Maintained by Stefano M. Iacus. Last updated 2 days ago.
9 stars 7.02 score 92 scripts 2 dependentsunuran
Runuran:R Interface to the 'UNU.RAN' Random Variate Generators
Interface to the 'UNU.RAN' library for Universal Non-Uniform RANdom variate generators. Thus it allows to build non-uniform random number generators from quite arbitrary distributions. In particular, it provides an algorithm for fast numerical inversion for distribution with given density function. In addition, the package contains densities, distribution functions and quantiles from a couple of distributions.
Maintained by Josef Leydold. Last updated 6 months ago.
6.87 score 180 scripts 8 dependentsbioc
RnBeads facilitates comprehensive analysis of various types of DNA methylation data at the genome scale.
Maintained by Fabian Mueller. Last updated 2 months ago.
6.85 score 169 scripts 1 dependentsdgerlanc
portfolio:Analysing Equity Portfolios
Classes for analysing and implementing equity portfolios, including routines for generating tradelists and calculating exposures to user-specified risk factors.
Maintained by Daniel Gerlanc. Last updated 7 months ago.
16 stars 6.71 score 106 scriptssapfluxnet
sapfluxnetr:Working with 'Sapfluxnet' Project Data
Access, modify, aggregate and plot data from the 'Sapfluxnet' project (<>), the first global database of sap flow measurements.
Maintained by Victor Granda. Last updated 2 years ago.
25 stars 6.57 score 49 scriptsthothorn
modeltools:Tools and Classes for Statistical Models
A collection of tools to deal with statistical models. The functionality is experimental and the user interface is likely to change in the future. The documentation is rather terse, but packages `coin' and `party' have some working examples. However, if you find the implemented ideas interesting we would be very interested in a discussion of this proposal. Contributions are more than welcome!
Maintained by Torsten Hothorn. Last updated 5 years ago.
6.56 score 84 scripts 254 dependentsthibautjombart
apex:Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data
Toolkit for the analysis of multiple gene data (Jombart et al. 2017) <doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12567>. 'apex' implements the new S4 classes 'multidna', 'multiphyDat' and associated methods to handle aligned DNA sequences from multiple genes.
Maintained by Klaus Schliep. Last updated 1 years ago.
5 stars 6.40 score 54 scriptsbioc
oligoClasses:Classes for high-throughput arrays supported by oligo and crlmm
This package contains class definitions, validity checks, and initialization methods for classes used by the oligo and crlmm packages.
Maintained by Benilton Carvalho. Last updated 5 months ago.
5.85 score 93 scripts 17 dependentslimengbinggz
ddtlcm:Latent Class Analysis with Dirichlet Diffusion Tree Process Prior
Implements a Bayesian algorithm for overcoming weak separation in Bayesian latent class analysis. Reference: Li et al. (2023) <arXiv:2306.04700>.
Maintained by Mengbing Li. Last updated 8 months ago.
6 stars 5.73 score 8 scriptsbioc
rcellminer:rcellminer: Molecular Profiles, Drug Response, and Chemical Structures for the NCI-60 Cell Lines
The NCI-60 cancer cell line panel has been used over the course of several decades as an anti-cancer drug screen. This panel was developed as part of the Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP, of the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI). Thousands of compounds have been tested on the NCI-60, which have been extensively characterized by many platforms for gene and protein expression, copy number, mutation, and others (Reinhold, et al., 2012). The purpose of the CellMiner project ( cellminer) has been to integrate data from multiple platforms used to analyze the NCI-60 and to provide a powerful suite of tools for exploration of NCI-60 data.
Maintained by Augustin Luna. Last updated 5 months ago.
5.71 score 113 scriptsbioc
iSEEde:iSEE extension for panels related to differential expression analysis
This package contains diverse functionality to extend the usage of the iSEE package, including additional classes for the panels or modes facilitating the analysis of differential expression results. This package does not perform differential expression. Instead, it provides methods to embed precomputed differential expression results in a SummarizedExperiment object, in a manner that is compatible with interactive visualisation in iSEE applications.
Maintained by Kevin Rue-Albrecht. Last updated 5 months ago.
1 stars 5.38 score 15 scriptsbioc
iSEEhex:iSEE extension for summarising data points in hexagonal bins
This package provides panels summarising data points in hexagonal bins for `iSEE`. It is part of `iSEEu`, the iSEE universe of panels that extend the `iSEE` package.
Maintained by Kevin Rue-Albrecht. Last updated 5 months ago.
5.38 score 7 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
DelayedRandomArray:Delayed Arrays of Random Values
Implements a DelayedArray of random values where the realization of the sampled values is delayed until they are needed. Reproducible sampling within any subarray is achieved by chunking where each chunk is initialized with a different random seed and stream. The usual distributions in the stats package are supported, along with scalar, vector and arrays for the parameters.
Maintained by Aaron Lun. Last updated 3 months ago.
5.26 score 6 scripts 1 dependentsvblesius
RHRT:Heart Rate Turbulence Analysis
Methods to scan RR interval data for Premature Ventricular Complexes (PVCs) and parameterise and plot the resulting Heart Rate Turbulence (HRT). The methodology of HRT analysis is based on the original publication by Schmidt et al. <doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(98)08428-1> and extended with suggestions from <doi:10.1088/1361-6579/ab98b3>.
Maintained by Valeria Blesius. Last updated 4 months ago.
4 stars 5.20 score 20 scriptsparksw3
fitode:Tools for Ordinary Differential Equations Model Fitting
Methods and functions for fitting ordinary differential equations (ODE) model in 'R'. Sensitivity equations are used to compute the gradients of ODE trajectories with respect to underlying parameters, which in turn allows for more stable fitting. Other fitting methods, such as MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo), are also available.
Maintained by Sang Woo Park. Last updated 1 months ago.
6 stars 5.01 score 34 scriptsbioc
iSEEpathways:iSEE extension for panels related to pathway analysis
This package contains diverse functionality to extend the usage of the iSEE package, including additional classes for the panels or modes facilitating the analysis of pathway analysis results. This package does not perform pathway analysis. Instead, it provides methods to embed precomputed pathway analysis results in a SummarizedExperiment object, in a manner that is compatible with interactive visualisation in iSEE applications.
Maintained by Kevin Rue-Albrecht. Last updated 5 months ago.
1 stars 4.95 score 10 scriptskorap
RKorAPClient:'KorAP' Web Service Client Package
A client package that makes the 'KorAP' web service API accessible from R. The corpus analysis platform 'KorAP' has been developed as a scientific tool to make potentially large, stratified and multiply annotated corpora, such as the 'German Reference Corpus DeReKo' or the 'Corpus of the Contemporary Romanian Language CoRoLa', accessible for linguists to let them verify hypotheses and to find interesting patterns in real language use. The 'RKorAPClient' package provides access to 'KorAP' and the corpora behind it for user-created R code, as a programmatic alternative to the 'KorAP' web user-interface. You can learn more about 'KorAP' and use it directly on 'DeReKo' at <>.
Maintained by Marc Kupietz. Last updated 27 days ago.
6 stars 4.81 score 30 scriptsbioc
ClusterSignificance:The ClusterSignificance package provides tools to assess if class clusters in dimensionality reduced data representations have a separation different from permuted data
The ClusterSignificance package provides tools to assess if class clusters in dimensionality reduced data representations have a separation different from permuted data. The term class clusters here refers to, clusters of points representing known classes in the data. This is particularly useful to determine if a subset of the variables, e.g. genes in a specific pathway, alone can separate samples into these established classes. ClusterSignificance accomplishes this by, projecting all points onto a one dimensional line. Cluster separations are then scored and the probability of the seen separation being due to chance is evaluated using a permutation method.
Maintained by Jason T Serviss. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.78 score 4 scriptstpetzoldt
simecol:Simulation of Ecological (and Other) Dynamic Systems
An object oriented framework to simulate ecological (and other) dynamic systems. It can be used for differential equations, individual-based (or agent-based) and other models as well. It supports structuring of simulation scenarios (to avoid copy and paste) and aims to improve readability and re-usability of code.
Maintained by Thomas Petzoldt. Last updated 8 months ago.
4.76 score 190 scriptsbioc
frma:Frozen RMA and Barcode
Preprocessing and analysis for single microarrays and microarray batches.
Maintained by Matthew N. McCall. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.72 score 87 scripts 1 dependentsrdinnager
slimr:Create, Run and Post-Process 'SLiM' Population Genetics Forward Simulations
Lets you write 'SLiM' scripts (population genomics simulation) using your favourite R IDE, using a syntax as close as possible to the original 'SLiM' language. It offer many tools to manipulate those scripts, as well as run them in the 'SLiM' software from R, as well as capture and post-process their output, after or even during a simulation.
Maintained by Russell Dinnage. Last updated 5 months ago.
8 stars 4.70 score 42 scriptserossiter
catSurv:Computerized Adaptive Testing for Survey Research
Provides methods of computerized adaptive testing for survey researchers. See Montgomery and Rossiter (2020) <doi:10.1093/jssam/smz027>. Includes functionality for data fit with the classic item response methods including the latent trait model, Birnbaum`s three parameter model, the graded response, and the generalized partial credit model. Additionally, includes several ability parameter estimation and item selection routines. During item selection, all calculations are done in compiled C++ code.
Maintained by Erin Rossiter. Last updated 11 months ago.
12 stars 4.68 score 3 scriptsbioc
meshr:Tools for conducting enrichment analysis of MeSH
A set of annotation maps describing the entire MeSH assembled using data from MeSH.
Maintained by Koki Tsuyuzaki. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.56 score 9 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
ChIPanalyser:ChIPanalyser: Predicting Transcription Factor Binding Sites
ChIPanalyser is a package to predict and understand TF binding by utilizing a statistical thermodynamic model. The model incorporates 4 main factors thought to drive TF binding: Chromatin State, Binding energy, Number of bound molecules and a scaling factor modulating TF binding affinity. Taken together, ChIPanalyser produces ChIP-like profiles that closely mimic the patterns seens in real ChIP-seq data.
Maintained by Patrick C.N. Martin. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.38 score 12 scriptsbioc
geNetClassifier:Classify diseases and build associated gene networks using gene expression profiles
Comprehensive package to automatically train and validate a multi-class SVM classifier based on gene expression data. Provides transparent selection of gene markers, their coexpression networks, and an interface to query the classifier.
Maintained by Sara Aibar. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.38 score 1 scripts 2 dependentsre2simlab
ViSiElse:A Visual Tool for Behavior Analysis over Time
A graphical R package designed to visualize behavioral observations over time. Based on raw time data extracted from video recorded sessions of experimental observations, ViSiElse grants a global overview of a process by combining the visualization of multiple actions timestamps for all participants in a single graph. Individuals and/or group behavior can easily be assessed. Supplementary features allow users to further inspect their data by adding summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, quantile or statistical test) and/or time constraints to assess the accuracy of the realized actions.
Maintained by Elodie Garnier. Last updated 5 years ago.
2 stars 4.34 score 11 scriptsbioc
MEDME:Modelling Experimental Data from MeDIP Enrichment
MEDME allows the prediction of absolute and relative methylation levels based on measures obtained by MeDIP-microarray experiments
Maintained by Mattia Pelizzola. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.30 score 2 scriptsbioc
OSAT:OSAT: Optimal Sample Assignment Tool
A sizable genomics study such as microarray often involves the use of multiple batches (groups) of experiment due to practical complication. To minimize batch effects, a careful experiment design should ensure the even distribution of biological groups and confounding factors across batches. OSAT (Optimal Sample Assignment Tool) is developed to facilitate the allocation of collected samples to different batches. With minimum steps, it produces setup that optimizes the even distribution of samples in groups of biological interest into different batches, reducing the confounding or correlation between batches and the biological variables of interest. It can also optimize the even distribution of confounding factors across batches. Our tool can handle challenging instances where incomplete and unbalanced sample collections are involved as well as ideal balanced RCBD. OSAT provides a number of predefined layout for some of the most commonly used genomics platform. Related paper can be find at .
Maintained by Li Yan. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.30 score 3 scriptsbioc
XDE:XDE: a Bayesian hierarchical model for cross-study analysis of differential gene expression
Multi-level model for cross-study detection of differential gene expression.
Maintained by Robert Scharpf. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.20 score 10 scriptsbioc
XNAString:Efficient Manipulation of Modified Oligonucleotide Sequences
The XNAString package allows for description of base sequences and associated chemical modifications in a single object. XNAString is able to capture single stranded, as well as double stranded molecules. Chemical modifications are represented as independent strings associated with different features of the molecules (base sequence, sugar sequence, backbone sequence, modifications) and can be read or written to a HELM notation. It also enables secondary structure prediction using RNAfold from ViennaRNA. XNAString is designed to be efficient representation of nucleic-acid based therapeutics, therefore it stores information about target sequences and provides interface for matching and alignment functions from Biostrings and pwalign packages.
Maintained by Marianna Plucinska. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.18 score 4 scriptsr-forge
distrSim:Simulation Classes Based on Package 'distr'
S4-classes for setting up a coherent framework for simulation within the distr family of packages.
Maintained by Peter Ruckdeschel. Last updated 2 months ago.
4.16 score 7 scripts 3 dependentsgeobosh
mcompanion:Objects and Methods for Multi-Companion Matrices
Provides a class for multi-companion matrices with methods for arithmetic and factorization. A method for generation of multi-companion matrices with prespecified spectral properties is provided, as well as some utilities for periodically correlated and multivariate time series models. See Boshnakov (2002) <doi:10.1016/S0024-3795(01)00475-X> and Boshnakov & Iqelan (2009) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9892.2009.00617.x>.
Maintained by Georgi N. Boshnakov. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.05 score 37 scripts 2 dependentsstefanodamato
FVDDPpkg:Implement Fleming-Viot-Dependent Dirichlet Processes
A Bayesian Nonparametric model for the study of time-evolving frequencies, which has become renowned in the study of population genetics. The model consists of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in which the latent signal is a distribution-valued stochastic process that takes the form of a finite mixture of Dirichlet Processes, indexed by vectors that count how many times each value is observed in the population. The package implements methodologies presented in Ascolani, Lijoi and Ruggiero (2021) <doi:10.1214/20-BA1206> and Ascolani, Lijoi and Ruggiero (2023) <doi:10.3150/22-BEJ1504> that make it possible to study the process at the time of data collection or to predict its evolution in future or in the past.
Maintained by Stefano Damato. Last updated 9 months ago.
4.00 score 1 scriptsbioc
CGHbase:CGHbase: Base functions and classes for arrayCGH data analysis.
Contains functions and classes that are needed by arrayCGH packages.
Maintained by Mark van de Wiel. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.98 score 3 scripts 8 dependentsmolevolepid
SEEPS:Sequence evolution and epidemiological process simulator
A modular, modern simulation suite and toolkit for simulating transmission networks, phylogenies, and evolutionary pairwise distance matrices under different models and assumptions for viral/sequence evolution. While intially developed for HIV, SEEPS offers modular utilities for custom workflows for extension beyond HIV.
Maintained by Michael Kupperman. Last updated 2 months ago.
1 stars 3.95 score 6 scriptsquantgen
LinkedMatrix:Column-Linked and Row-Linked Matrices
A class that links matrix-like objects (nodes) by rows or by columns while behaving similarly to a base R matrix. Very large matrices are supported if the nodes are file-backed matrices.
Maintained by Alexander Grueneberg. Last updated 5 years ago.
2 stars 3.92 score 14 scripts 2 dependentsmikeasilva
simplegraphdb:A Simple Graph Database
This is a graph database in 'SQLite'. It is inspired by Denis Papathanasiou's Python simple-graph project on 'GitHub'.
Maintained by Michael Silva. Last updated 4 years ago.
7 stars 3.75 score 16 scriptsgeobosh
StableEstim:Estimate the Four Parameters of Stable Laws using Different Methods
Estimate the four parameters of stable laws using maximum likelihood method, generalised method of moments with finite and continuum number of points, iterative Koutrouvelis regression and Kogon-McCulloch method. The asymptotic properties of the estimators (covariance matrix, confidence intervals) are also provided.
Maintained by Georgi N. Boshnakov. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.73 score 18 scripts 2 dependentsbiometris
isatabr:Implementation for the ISA Abstract Model
ISA is a metadata framework to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments. In isatabr methods for reading, modifying and writing of files in the ISA-Tab format are implemented. It also contains methods for processing assay data.
Maintained by Bart-Jan van Rossum. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.70 score 2 scriptsmlindsk
jti:Junction Tree Inference
Minimal and memory efficient implementation of the junction tree algorithm using the Lauritzen-Spiegelhalter scheme; S. L. Lauritzen and D. J. Spiegelhalter (1988) <>.
Maintained by Mads Lindskou. Last updated 3 years ago.
1 stars 3.70 score 8 scriptsmoshejasper
kindisperse:Simulate and Estimate Close-Kin Dispersal Kernels
Functions for simulating and estimating kinship-related dispersal. Based on the methods described in M. Jasper, T.L. Schmidt., N.W. Ahmad, S.P. Sinkins & A.A. Hoffmann (2019) <doi:10.1111/1755-0998.13043> "A genomic approach to inferring kinship reveals limited intergenerational dispersal in the yellow fever mosquito". Assumes an additive variance model of dispersal in two dimensions, compatible with Wright's neighbourhood area. Simple and composite dispersal simulations are supplied, as well as the functions needed to estimate parent-offspring dispersal for simulated or empirical data, and to undertake sampling design for future field studies of dispersal. For ease of use an integrated Shiny app is also included.
Maintained by Moshe-Elijah Jasper. Last updated 5 months ago.
1 stars 3.70 score 5 scriptsr-forge
distrTEst:Estimation and Testing Classes Based on Package 'distr'
Evaluation (S4-)classes based on package distr for evaluating procedures (estimators/tests) at data/simulation in a unified way.
Maintained by Peter Ruckdeschel. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.68 score 3 scripts 1 dependentsr-forge
RobExtremes:Optimally Robust Estimation for Extreme Value Distributions
Optimally robust estimation for extreme value distributions using S4 classes and methods (based on packages 'distr', 'distrEx', 'distrMod', 'RobAStBase', and 'ROptEst'); the underlying theoretic results can be found in Ruckdeschel and Horbenko, (2013 and 2012), \doi{10.1080/02331888.2011.628022} and \doi{10.1007/s00184-011-0366-4}.
Maintained by Peter Ruckdeschel. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.67 score 39 scriptsbioc
KCsmart:Multi sample aCGH analysis package using kernel convolution
Multi sample aCGH analysis package using kernel convolution
Maintained by Jorma de Ronde. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.60 score 1 scriptsbioc
chopsticks:The 'snp.matrix' and 'X.snp.matrix' Classes
Implements classes and methods for large-scale SNP association studies
Maintained by Hin-Tak Leung. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.48 score 5 scriptsluciu5
trade:Tools for Trade Practitioners
A collection of tools for trade practitioners, including the ability to calibrate different consumer demand systems and simulate the effects of tariffs and quotas under different competitive regimes. These tools are derived from Anderson et al. (2001) <doi:10.1016/S0047-2727(00)00085-2> and Froeb et al. (2003) <doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(02)00166-5>.
Maintained by Charles Taragin. Last updated 3 years ago.
1 stars 3.48 score 6 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
hypergraph:A package providing hypergraph data structures
A package that implements some simple capabilities for representing and manipulating hypergraphs.
Maintained by Bioconductor Package Maintainer. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.38 score 2 scripts 4 dependentsevolecolgroup
geoGraph:Walking through the geographic space using graphs
Classes and methods for spatial graphs interfaced with support for GIS shapefiles.
Maintained by Andrea Manica. Last updated 21 days ago.
4 stars 3.30 score 2 scriptssergioventurini
dmbc:Model Based Clustering of Binary Dissimilarity Measurements
Functions for fitting a Bayesian model for grouping binary dissimilarity matrices in homogeneous clusters. Currently, it includes methods only for binary data (<doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i16>).
Maintained by Sergio Venturini. Last updated 6 months ago.
2 stars 3.30 score 4 scriptsbioc
Rmagpie:MicroArray Gene-expression-based Program In Error rate estimation
Microarray Classification is designed for both biologists and statisticians. It offers the ability to train a classifier on a labelled microarray dataset and to then use that classifier to predict the class of new observations. A range of modern classifiers are available, including support vector machines (SVMs), nearest shrunken centroids (NSCs)... Advanced methods are provided to estimate the predictive error rate and to report the subset of genes which appear essential in discriminating between classes.
Maintained by Camille Maumet. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.30 score 1 scriptspredictiveecology
SpaDES.experiment:Simulation Experiments Within The SpaDES Ecosystem
Tools to do simulation experiments within the SpaDES ecosystem. This includes replication, parameter sweeps, scenario analysis, pattern oriented modeling, and simulation experiments. The package introduces a new object class, the simLists, which is an environment that contains many simList class objects. This package also includes tools to do post hoc analyses of such simLists objects.
Maintained by Eliot J B McIntire. Last updated 4 months ago.
1 stars 3.30 score 2 scriptsbioc
spkTools:Methods for Spike-in Arrays
The package contains functions that can be used to compare expression measures on different array platforms.
Maintained by Matthew N McCall. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.30 score 1 scriptsgillian-earthscope
IRISSeismic:Classes and Methods for Seismic Data Analysis
Provides classes and methods for seismic data analysis. The base classes and methods are inspired by the python code found in the 'ObsPy' python toolbox <>. Additional classes and methods support data returned by web services provided by EarthScope. <>.
Maintained by Gillian Sharer. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.18 score 50 scripts 1 dependentsmbeauvai
AFM:Atomic Force Microscope Image Analysis
Provides Atomic Force Microscope images analysis such as Gaussian mixes identification, Power Spectral Density, roughness against lengthscale, experimental variogram and variogram models, fractal dimension and scale, 2D network analysis. The AFM images can be exported to STL format for 3D printing.
Maintained by Mathieu Beauvais. Last updated 4 years ago.
1 stars 2.96 score 92 scriptsbioc
Rtreemix:Rtreemix: Mutagenetic trees mixture models.
Rtreemix is a package that offers an environment for estimating the mutagenetic trees mixture models from cross-sectional data and using them for various predictions. It includes functions for fitting the trees mixture models, likelihood computations, model comparisons, waiting time estimations, stability analysis, etc.
Maintained by Jasmina Bogojeska. Last updated 1 months ago.
2.86 score 12 scriptsiame-researchcenter
PFIM:Population Fisher Information Matrix
Evaluate or optimize designs for nonlinear mixed effects models using the Fisher Information matrix. Methods used in the package refer to Mentré F, Mallet A, Baccar D (1997) <doi:10.1093/biomet/84.2.429>, Retout S, Comets E, Samson A, Mentré F (2007) <doi:10.1002/sim.2910>, Bazzoli C, Retout S, Mentré F (2009) <doi:10.1002/sim.3573>, Le Nagard H, Chao L, Tenaillon O (2011) <doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-326>, Combes FP, Retout S, Frey N, Mentré F (2013) <doi:10.1007/s11095-013-1079-3> and Seurat J, Tang Y, Mentré F, Nguyen TT (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106126>.
Maintained by Romain Leroux. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.78 score 9 scriptsgeobosh
mixAR:Mixture Autoregressive Models
Model time series using mixture autoregressive (MAR) models. Implemented are frequentist (EM) and Bayesian methods for estimation, prediction and model evaluation. See Wong and Li (2002) <doi:10.1111/1467-9868.00222>, Boshnakov (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2009.04.009>), and the extensive references in the documentation.
Maintained by Georgi N. Boshnakov. Last updated 5 months ago.
1 stars 2.70 score 6 scriptsmichael-scholz-dev
clickstream:Analyzes Clickstreams Based on Markov Chains
A set of tools to read, analyze and write lists of click sequences on websites (i.e., clickstream). A click can be represented by a number, character or string. Clickstreams can be modeled as zero- (only computes occurrence probabilities), first- or higher-order Markov chains.
Maintained by Michael Scholz. Last updated 2 years ago.
12 stars 2.69 score 41 scriptsjleydold
rstream:Streams of Random Numbers
Unified object oriented interface for multiple independent streams of random numbers from different sources.
Maintained by Josef Leydold. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.69 score 54 scripts 3 dependentscran
arulesSequences:Mining Frequent Sequences
Add-on for arules to handle and mine frequent sequences. Provides interfaces to the C++ implementation of cSPADE by Mohammed J. Zaki.
Maintained by Christian Buchta. Last updated 7 months ago.
12 stars 2.63 scoreandreasdominik
som.nn:Topological k-NN Classifier Based on Self-Organising Maps
A topological version of k-NN: An abstract model is build as 2-dimensional self-organising map. Samples of unknown class are predicted by mapping them on the SOM and analysing class membership of neurons in the neighbourhood.
Maintained by Andreas Dominik. Last updated 12 months ago.
2.40 score 28 scriptsshixinrui
SubpathwayLNCE:Identify Signal Subpathways Competitively Regulated by LncRNAs Based on ceRNA Theory
Identify dysfunctional subpathways competitively regulated by lncRNAs through integrating lncRNA-mRNA expression profile and pathway topologies.
Maintained by Xinrui Shi. Last updated 9 years ago.
statisticssupathwayslncrnasenrichment analysiscerna
2.00 score 2 scriptsquinsun
smoke:Small Molecule Octet/BLI Kinetics Experiment
Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI) is a technology to determine the binding kinetics between biomolecules. BLI signals are small and noisy when small molecules are investigated as ligands (analytes). We develop this package to process and analyze the BLI data acquired on Octet Red96 from Fortebio more accurately. Sun Q., Li X., et al (2020) <doi:10.1038/s41467-019-14238-3>. In this new version, we organize the BLI experiment data and analysis methods into a S4 class with self-explaining structure.
Maintained by Qingan Sun. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.00 score