Showing 54 of total 54 results (show query)
deposits:A universal client for depositing and accessing research data anywhere
A universal client for depositing and accessing research data anywhere. Currently supported services are zenodo and figshare.
Maintained by Mark Padgham. Last updated 7 months ago.
94.7 match 39 stars 6.21 score 8 scripts 2 dependentseblondel
zen4R:Interface to 'Zenodo' REST API
Provides an Interface to 'Zenodo' (<>) REST API, including management of depositions, attribution of DOIs by 'Zenodo' and upload and download of files.
Maintained by Emmanuel Blondel. Last updated 20 days ago.
31.0 match 46 stars 8.41 score 76 scripts 1 dependentsiqss
dataverse:Client for Dataverse 4+ Repositories
Provides access to Dataverse APIs <> (versions 4-5), enabling data search, retrieval, and deposit. For Dataverse versions <= 3.0, use the archived 'dvn' package <>.
Maintained by Shiro Kuriwaki. Last updated 5 months ago.
8.0 match 61 stars 9.98 score 217 scripts 4 dependentsalanarnholt
BSDA:Basic Statistics and Data Analysis
Data sets for book "Basic Statistics and Data Analysis" by Larry J. Kitchens.
Maintained by Alan T. Arnholt. Last updated 2 years ago.
6.6 match 7 stars 9.11 score 1.3k scripts 6 dependentsusepa
spmodel:Spatial Statistical Modeling and Prediction
Fit, summarize, and predict for a variety of spatial statistical models applied to point-referenced and areal (lattice) data. Parameters are estimated using various methods. Additional modeling features include anisotropy, non-spatial random effects, partition factors, big data approaches, and more. Model-fit statistics are used to summarize, visualize, and compare models. Predictions at unobserved locations are readily obtainable. For additional details, see Dumelle et al. (2023) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0282524>.
Maintained by Michael Dumelle. Last updated 7 days ago.
7.0 match 15 stars 7.66 score 112 scripts 3 dependentsrfsaldanha
zendown:Access Files from 'Zenodo' Deposits
Access, download and locally cache files deposited on 'Zenodo' <>.
Maintained by Raphael Saldanha. Last updated 5 months ago.
13.1 match 1 stars 4.11 score 17 scripts 1 dependentsgarciadejalon
TreeDep:Air Pollution Removal by Dry Deposition on Trees
The model estimates air pollution removal by dry deposition on trees. It also estimates or uses hourly values for aerodynamic resistance, boundary layer resistance, canopy resistance, stomatal resistance, cuticular resistance, mesophyll resistance, soil resistance, friction velocity and deposition velocity. It also allows plotting graphical results for a specific time period. The pollutants are nitrogen dioxide, ozone, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Baldocchi D (1994) <doi:10.1093/treephys/14.7-8-9.1069>. Farquhar GD, von Caemmerer S, Berry JA (1980) Planta 149: 78-90. Hirabayashi S, Kroll CN, Nowak DJ (2015) i-Tree Eco Dry Deposition Model. Nowak DJ, Crane DE, Stevens JC (2006) <doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2006.01.007>. US EPA (1999) PCRAMMET User's Guide. EPA-454/B-96-001. Weiss A, Norman JM (1985) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 34: 205—213.
Maintained by Silvestre Garcia de Jalon. Last updated 6 years ago.
29.9 match 1.69 score 49 scriptsr-forge
Sleuth3:Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (3rd Ed)"
Data sets from Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2013), "The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (3rd ed)", Cengage Learning.
Maintained by Berwin A Turlach. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.5 match 6.38 score 522 scriptsspatstat for 'spatstat' Family
Contains all the datasets for the 'spatstat' family of packages.
Maintained by Adrian Baddeley. Last updated 3 days ago.
4.0 match 6 stars 11.07 score 186 scripts 228 dependentsniklashohmann
DAIME:Effects of Changing Deposition Rates
Reverse and model the effects of changing deposition rates on geological data and rates. Based on Hohmann (2018) <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.23372.51841> .
Maintained by Niklas Hohmann. Last updated 5 years ago.
11.0 match 3.00 scorerobjhyndman
fma:Data Sets from "Forecasting: Methods and Applications" by Makridakis, Wheelwright & Hyndman (1998)
All data sets from "Forecasting: methods and applications" by Makridakis, Wheelwright & Hyndman (Wiley, 3rd ed., 1998) <>.
Maintained by Rob Hyndman. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.8 match 19 stars 8.74 score 336 scripts 2 dependentsmaarten14c
clam:Classical Age-Depth Modelling of Cores from Deposits
Performs 'classical' age-depth modelling of dated sediment deposits - prior to applying more sophisticated techniques such as Bayesian age-depth modelling. Any radiocarbon dated depths are calibrated. Age-depth models are constructed by sampling repeatedly from the dated levels, each time drawing age-depth curves. Model types include linear interpolation, linear or polynomial regression, and a range of splines. See Blaauw (2010) <doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2010.01.002>.
Maintained by Maarten Blaauw. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.1 match 3 stars 5.80 score 28 scriptsmindthegap-erc
admtools:Estimate and Manipulate Age-Depth Models
Estimate age-depth models from stratigraphic and sedimentological data, and transform data between the time and stratigraphic domain.
Maintained by Niklas Hohmann. Last updated 3 months ago.
4.0 match 4 stars 7.01 score 34 scripts 1 dependentsiembry
ie2miscdata:Irucka Embry's Miscellaneous USGS Data Collection
A collection of Irucka Embry's miscellaneous USGS data sets (USGS Parameter codes with fixed values, USGS global time zone codes, and US Air Force Global Engineering Weather Data). Irucka created these data sets while a Cherokee Nation Technology Solutions (CNTS) United States Geological Survey (USGS) Contractor and/or USGS employee.
Maintained by Irucka Embry. Last updated 2 years ago.
7.0 match 4.00 scorerfsaldanha
zenstats:Statistics from 'Zenodo' Deposits
Fetch statistics about views, downloads and data volume from 'Zenodo' deposits. The package collects a 'Zenodo' (<>) deposit file information, respecting the website scrapping policies.
Maintained by Raphael Saldanha. Last updated 10 months ago.
7.8 match 3.40 score 4 scriptsbioc
ChIPseeker:ChIPseeker for ChIP peak Annotation, Comparison, and Visualization
This package implements functions to retrieve the nearest genes around the peak, annotate genomic region of the peak, statstical methods for estimate the significance of overlap among ChIP peak data sets, and incorporate GEO database for user to compare the own dataset with those deposited in database. The comparison can be used to infer cooperative regulation and thus can be used to generate hypotheses. Several visualization functions are implemented to summarize the coverage of the peak experiment, average profile and heatmap of peaks binding to TSS regions, genomic annotation, distance to TSS, and overlap of peaks or genes.
Maintained by Guangchuang Yu. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.7 match 234 stars 13.02 score 1.6k scripts 5 dependentssebastien-plutniak
archeofrag:Spatial Analysis in Archaeology from Refitting Fragments
Methods to analyse spatial units in archaeology from the relationships between refitting fragmented objects scattered in these units (e.g. stratigraphic layers). Graphs are used to model archaeological observations. The package is mainly based on the 'igraph' package for graph analysis. Functions can: 1) create, manipulate, and simulate fragmentation graphs, 2) measure the cohesion and admixture of archaeological spatial units, and 3) characterise the topology of a specific set of refitting relationships. Empirical datasets are provided as examples. Documentation about 'archeofrag' is provided by the vignette included in this package, by the accompanying scientific papers: Plutniak (2021, Journal of Archaeological Science, <doi:10.1016/j.jas.2021.105501>) and Plutniak (2022, Journal of Open Source Software, <doi:10.21105/joss.04335>). This package is complemented by a companion GUI application available at <>.
Maintained by Sebastien Plutniak. Last updated 1 days ago.
3.3 match 20 stars 6.43 score 10 scripts 1 dependentsecohealthalliance
ohcleandat:One Health Data Cleaning and Quality Checking Package
This package provides useful functions to orchestrate analytics and data cleaning pipelines for One Health projects.
Maintained by Collin Schwantes. Last updated 8 days ago.
4.3 match 1 stars 4.88 score 5 scriptsfishr-core-team
FSAdata:Data to Support Fish Stock Assessment ('FSA') Package
The datasets to support the Fish Stock Assessment ('FSA') package.
Maintained by Derek Ogle. Last updated 2 years ago.
3.4 match 13 stars 5.67 score 285 scriptsr-lum
Luminescence:Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis
A collection of various R functions for the purpose of Luminescence dating data analysis. This includes, amongst others, data import, export, application of age models, curve deconvolution, sequence analysis and plotting of equivalent dose distributions.
Maintained by Sebastian Kreutzer. Last updated 1 hours ago.
1.6 match 15 stars 10.74 score 178 scripts 8 dependentstbates
umx:Structural Equation Modeling and Twin Modeling in R
Quickly create, run, and report structural equation models, and twin models. See '?umx' for help, and umx_open_CRAN_page("umx") for NEWS. Timothy C. Bates, Michael C. Neale, Hermine H. Maes, (2019). umx: A library for Structural Equation and Twin Modelling in R. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22, 27-41. <doi:10.1017/thg.2019.2>.
Maintained by Timothy C. Bates. Last updated 5 days ago.
1.7 match 44 stars 9.45 score 472 scriptsbioc
sesame:SEnsible Step-wise Analysis of DNA MEthylation BeadChips
Tools For analyzing Illumina Infinium DNA methylation arrays. SeSAMe provides utilities to support analyses of multiple generations of Infinium DNA methylation BeadChips, including preprocessing, quality control, visualization and inference. SeSAMe features accurate detection calling, intelligent inference of ethnicity, sex and advanced quality control routines.
Maintained by Wanding Zhou. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.7 match 69 stars 9.08 score 258 scripts 1 dependentsoblarquez
GCD:Global Charcoal Database
Contains the Global Charcoal database data. Data include charcoal series (age, depth, charcoal quantity, associated units and methods) and information on sedimentary sites (localisation, depositional environment, biome, etc.) as well as publications informations. Since 4.0.0 the GCD mirrors the online SQL database at <>.
Maintained by Olivier Blarquez. Last updated 4 years ago.
5.0 match 1 stars 2.98 score 12 scriptsnmecsys
BETS:Brazilian Economic Time Series
It provides access to and information about the most important Brazilian economic time series - from the Getulio Vargas Foundation <>, the Central Bank of Brazil <> and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics <>. It also presents tools for managing, analysing (e.g. generating dynamic reports with a complete analysis of a series) and exporting these time series.
Maintained by Talitha Speranza. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.8 match 38 stars 7.82 score 108 scriptsmarshalllab
MGDrivE:Mosquito Gene Drive Explorer
Provides a model designed to be a reliable testbed where various gene drive interventions for mosquito-borne diseases control. It is being developed to accommodate the use of various mosquito-specific gene drive systems within a population dynamics framework that allows migration of individuals between patches in landscape. Previous work developing the population dynamics can be found in Deredec et al. (2001) <doi:10.1073/pnas.1110717108> and Hancock & Godfray (2007) <doi:10.1186/1475-2875-6-98>, and extensions to accommodate CRISPR homing dynamics in Marshall et al. (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02744-7>.
Maintained by Héctor Manuel Sánchez Castellanos. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.6 match 6 stars 7.06 score 61 scriptsstevencarlislewalker
SASmixed:Data sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models"
Data sets and sample lmer analyses corresponding to the examples in Littell, Milliken, Stroup and Wolfinger (1996), "SAS System for Mixed Models", SAS Institute.
Maintained by Steven Walker. Last updated 11 years ago.
3.5 match 2.68 score 32 scriptsjranke
pfm:Utilities for Pesticide Fate Modelling
Utilities for simple calculations of predicted environmental concentrations ('PEC' values) and for dealing with data from some FOCUS pesticide fate modelling software packages.
Maintained by Johannes Ranke. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.3 match 1 stars 2.74 score 11 scriptsbioc
methodical:Discovering genomic regions where methylation is strongly associated with transcriptional activity
DNA methylation is generally considered to be associated with transcriptional silencing. However, comprehensive, genome-wide investigation of this relationship requires the evaluation of potentially millions of correlation values between the methylation of individual genomic loci and expression of associated transcripts in a relatively large numbers of samples. Methodical makes this process quick and easy while keeping a low memory footprint. It also provides a novel method for identifying regions where a number of methylation sites are consistently strongly associated with transcriptional expression. In addition, Methodical enables housing DNA methylation data from diverse sources (e.g. WGBS, RRBS and methylation arrays) with a common framework, lifting over DNA methylation data between different genome builds and creating base-resolution plots of the association between DNA methylation and transcriptional activity at transcriptional start sites.
Maintained by Richard Heery. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.7 match 4.65 score 14 scriptssandrinepavoine
adiv:Analysis of Diversity
Functions, data sets and examples for the calculation of various indices of biodiversity including species, functional and phylogenetic diversity. Part of the indices are expressed in terms of equivalent numbers of species. The package also provides ways to partition biodiversity across spatial or temporal scales (alpha, beta, gamma diversities). In addition to the quantification of biodiversity, ordination approaches are available which rely on diversity indices and allow the detailed identification of species, functional or phylogenetic differences between communities.
Maintained by Sandrine Pavoine. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.3 match 1 stars 2.28 score 63 scriptsphaegeli
sarp.snowprofile:Snow Profile Analysis for Snowpack and Avalanche Research
Analysis and plotting tools for snow profile data produced from manual snowpack observations and physical snowpack models. The functions in this package support snowpack and avalanche research by reading various formats of data (including CAAML, SMET, generic csv, and outputs from the snow cover model SNOWPACK), manipulate the data, and produce graphics such as stratigraphy and time series profiles. Package developed by the Simon Fraser University Avalanche Research Program <>. Graphics apply visualization concepts from Horton, Nowak, and Haegeli (2020, <doi:10.5194/nhess-20-1557-2020>).
Maintained by Pascal Haegeli. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.8 match 3.48 score 4 scripts 2 dependentsropensci
ReLTER:An Interface for the eLTER Community
ReLTER provides access to DEIMS-SDR (, and allows interaction with data and software implemented by eLTER Research Infrastructure (RI) thus improving data sharing among European LTER projects. ReLTER uses the R language to access and interact with the DEIMS-SDR archive of information shared by the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network. This package grew within eLTER H2020 as a major project that will help advance the development of European Long-Term Ecosystem Research Infrastructures (eLTER RI - The ReLTER package functions in particular allow to: - retrieve the information about entities (e.g. sites, datasets, and activities) shared by DEIMS-SDR (see e.g. get_site_info function); - interact with the [ODSEurope]( starting with the dataset shared by [DEIMS-SDR]( (see e.g. [get_site_ODS]( function); - use the eLTER site informations to download and crop geospatial data from other platforms (see e.g. get_site_ODS function); - improve the quality of the dataset (see e.g. get_id_worms). Functions currently implemented are derived from discussions of the needs among the eLTER users community. The ReLTER package will continue to follow the progress of eLTER-RI and evolve, adding new tools and improvements as required.
Maintained by Alessandro Oggioni. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.8 match 12 stars 3.38 score 4 scriptsestedeahora
guri:~!gurí_: Unified Format Manager for Research Journals
~gurí_ (Gestor Unificado de formatos para Revistas de Investigación / Unified Format Manager for Research Journals) facilitates the generation of final documents for scientific journals from documents obtained in the 'proofreading' stage. The proposal seeks to solve the difficulties of some academic journals in generating final documents in different formats in a consistent way and without generating duplicated processes. It also takes into account that many scientific journals use docx documents as the basis of their workflows.
Maintained by Pablo Santiago Serrati. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.8 match 2 stars 3.04 score 4 scriptskwb-r
kwb.fcr:Fertilizer chemical risk assessment
This risk assessment is based on the TGD on risk assessment by the European Comission. Possible Endpoints are soil organisms, groundwater organisms and human health via food consumption.Every variable can be entered as probability distribution to include uncertainties or site specific variations.
Maintained by Malte Zamzow. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.7 match 3.00 score 2 scriptsyboulag
cTOST:Finite Sample Correction of the Two One-Sided Tests in the Univariate Framework
A system containing easy-to-use tools to compute the bioequivalence assessment in the univariate framework using the methods proposed in Boulaguiem et al. (2023) <doi:10.1101/2023.03.11.532179>.
Maintained by Younes Boulaguiem. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.1 match 4.48 score 4 scriptsosavchuk
npregderiv:Nonparametric Estimation of the Derivatives of a Regression Function
Estimating the first and second derivatives of a regression function by the method of Wang and Lin (2015) <>.
Maintained by Olga Savchuk. Last updated 5 years ago.
4.8 match 1.00 scoreuzh-peg
dmdScheme:Domain Specific MetaData Scheme
Forms the core for developing own domain specific metadata schemes. It contains the basic functionality needed for all metadata schemes based on the 'dmdScheme'. See R.M. Krug and O.L. Petchey (2019) <DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3581970>.
Maintained by Rainer M. Krug. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.7 match 2 stars 2.78 score 15 scriptsabbvie-external
OmicNavigator:Open-Source Software for 'Omic' Data Analysis and Visualization
A tool for interactive exploration of the results from 'omics' experiments to facilitate novel discoveries from high-throughput biology. The software includes R functions for the 'bioinformatician' to deposit study metadata and the outputs from statistical analyses (e.g. differential expression, enrichment). These results are then exported to an interactive JavaScript dashboard that can be interrogated on the user's local machine or deployed online to be explored by collaborators. The dashboard includes 'sortable' tables, interactive plots including network visualization, and fine-grained filtering based on statistical significance.
Maintained by John Blischak. Last updated 6 days ago.
0.5 match 34 stars 7.68 score 31 scriptscboettig
contentid:An Interface for Content-Based Identifiers
An interface for creating, registering, and resolving content-based identifiers for data management. Content-based identifiers rely on the 'cryptographic' hashes to refer to the files they identify, thus, anyone possessing the file can compute the identifier using a well-known standard algorithm, such as 'SHA256'. By registering a URL at which the content is accessible to a public archive (such as Hash Archive) or depositing data in a scientific repository such 'Zenodo', 'DataONE' or 'SoftwareHeritage', the content identifier can serve many functions typically associated with A Digital Object Identifier ('DOI'). Unlike location-based identifiers like 'DOIs', content-based identifiers permit the same content to be registered in many locations.
Maintained by Carl Boettiger. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 46 stars 7.59 score 108 scripts 3 dependentscran
RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat:R Commander Plugin for Teaching Statistical Methods
R Commander plugin for teaching statistical methods. It adds a new menu for making easier the teaching of the main concepts about the main statistical methods.
Maintained by Manuel A. Mosquera Rodríguez. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.8 match 1.00 scoremaarten14c
rbacon:Age-Depth Modelling using Bayesian Statistics
An approach to age-depth modelling that uses Bayesian statistics to reconstruct accumulation histories for deposits, through combining radiocarbon and other dates with prior information on accumulation rates and their variability. See Blaauw & Christen (2011).
Maintained by Maarten Blaauw. Last updated 29 days ago.
0.5 match 7 stars 6.75 score 57 scripts 1 dependentscost-fp1304-profound
ProfoundData:Downloading and Exploring Data from the PROFOUND Database
Provides an R interface for the PROFOUND database <doi:10.5880/PIK.2019.008>. The PROFOUND database contains a wide range of data to evaluate vegetation models and simulate climate impacts at the forest stand scale. It includes 9 forest sites across Europe, and provides for them a site description as well as soil, climate, CO2, Nitrogen deposition, tree-level, forest stand-level and remote sensing data. Moreover, for a subset of 5 sites, also time series of carbon fluxes, energy balances and soil water are available.
Maintained by Florian Hartig. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.5 match 9 stars 5.58 score 14 scriptscb4ds
DGEobj:Differential Gene Expression (DGE) Analysis Results Data Object
Provides a flexible container to manage and annotate Differential Gene Expression (DGE) analysis results (Smythe et. al (2015) <doi:10.1093/nar/gkv007>). The DGEobj has data slots for row (gene), col (samples), assays (matrix n-rows by m-samples dimensions) and metadata (not keyed to row, col, or assays). A set of accessory functions to deposit, query and retrieve subsets of a data workflow has been provided. Attributes are used to capture metadata such as species and gene model, including reproducibility information such that a 3rd party can access a DGEobj history to see how each data object was created or modified. Since the DGEobj is customizable and extensible it is not limited to RNA-seq analysis types of workflows -- it can accommodate nearly any data analysis workflow that starts from a matrix of assays (rows) by samples (columns).
Maintained by Connie Brett. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 5.60 score 33 scripts 2 dependentsbioc book data
'' is a companion package for the "Orchestrating Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis" (OSTA) with Bioconductor online book. Throughout OSTA, we rely on a set of publicly available datasets that cover different sequencing- and imaging-based platforms, such as Visium, Visium HD, Xenium (10x Genomics) and CosMx (NanoString). In addition, we rely on scRNA-seq (Chromium) data for tasks, e.g., spot deconvolution and label transfer (i.e., supervised clustering). These data been deposited in an Open Storage Framework (OSF) repository, and can be queried and downloaded using functions from the 'osfr' package. For convenience, we have implemented '' to query and retrieve data from our OSF node, and cache retrieved Zip archives using 'BiocFileCache'.
Maintained by Yixing E. Dong. Last updated 22 days ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 5.00 scorechronosphere-info
chronosphere:Evolving Earth System Variables
The implemented functions allow the query, download, and import of remotely-stored and version-controlled data items. The inherent meta-database maps data files and import code to programming classes and allows access to these items via files deposited in public repositories. The purpose of the project is to increase reproducibility and establish version tracking of results from (paleo)environmental/ecological research.
Maintained by Adam T. Kocsis. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 6 stars 4.53 score 56 scriptsmaarten14c
rplum:Bayesian Age-Depth Modelling of Cores Dated by Pb-210
An approach to age-depth modelling that uses Bayesian statistics to reconstruct accumulation histories for 210Pb-dated deposits using prior information. It can combine 210Pb, radiocarbon, and other dates in the chronologies. See Aquino et al. (2018) <doi:10.1007/s13253-018-0328-7>. Note that parts of the code underlying 'rplum' are derived from the 'rbacon' package by the same authors, and there remains a degree of overlap between the two packages.
Maintained by Maarten Blaauw. Last updated 3 months ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 3.94 score 11 scriptstbep-tech
tbeploads:Calculate Loading Data to Tampa Bay
Loading data from major sources to Tampa Bay are calculated on a monthly or annual basis. Major sources include domestic point source (reuse, end of pipe), industrial point source, material losses, non-point sources (MS4), atmospheric deposition, and groundwater.
Maintained by Marcus Beck. Last updated 7 months ago.
0.5 match 3.81 score 3 scriptsvisbanking
fdicdata:Accessing FDIC Bank Data
A system provides a set of functions for working with data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), including retrieving financial data for FDIC-insured institutions and accessing the data taxonomy.
Maintained by Ugur Dar. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 9 stars 3.65 score 3 scriptsbioc
GEOsubmission:Prepares microarray data for submission to GEO
Helps to easily submit a microarray dataset and the associated sample information to GEO by preparing a single file for upload (direct deposit).
Maintained by Alexandre Kuhn. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.5 match 3.30 score 2 scriptsthomasgredig
angstromATE:Imports Log Files from Angstrom Engineering Thermal Evaporator
Opens and imports log files from Angstrom Engineering Thermal Evaporator and extracts basic characteristics, such as base pressure, time of the evaporation. It can visualize the deposition observables for review.
Maintained by Thomas Gredig. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 3.18 score 2 scripts