Showing 57 of total 57 results (show query)
jfa:Statistical Methods for Auditing
Provides statistical methods for auditing as implemented in JASP for Audit (Derks et al., 2021 <doi:10.21105/joss.02733>). First, the package makes it easy for an auditor to plan a statistical sample, select the sample from the population, and evaluate the misstatement in the sample compliant with international auditing standards. Second, the package provides statistical methods for auditing data, including tests of digit distributions and repeated values. Finally, the package includes methods for auditing algorithms on the aspect of fairness and bias. Next to classical statistical methodology, the package implements Bayesian equivalents of these methods whose statistical underpinnings are described in Derks et al. (2021) <doi:10.1111/ijau.12240>, Derks et al. (2024) <doi:10.2308/AJPT-2021-086>, Derks et al. (2022) <doi:10.31234/> Derks et al. (2024) <doi:10.31234/>, and Derks et al. (2025) <doi:10.31234/>.
Maintained by Koen Derks. Last updated 3 days ago.
82.8 match 8 stars 6.69 score 17 scriptsmodeloriented
auditor:Model Audit - Verification, Validation, and Error Analysis
Provides an easy to use unified interface for creating validation plots for any model. The 'auditor' helps to avoid repetitive work consisting of writing code needed to create residual plots. This visualizations allow to asses and compare the goodness of fit, performance, and similarity of models.
Maintained by Alicja Gosiewska. Last updated 1 years ago.
22.9 match 58 stars 8.76 score 94 scripts 2 dependentslmiratrix
elec:Collection of Functions for Statistical Election Audits
This is a bizarre collection of functions written to do various sorts of statistical election audits. There are also functions to generate simulated voting data, and simulated "truth" so as to do simulations to check characteristics of these methods.
Maintained by Luke Mirarix. Last updated 3 years ago.
68.2 match 2.30 score 20 scriptsrmi-pacta
pacta.portfolio.audit:Functions for Calculating Audit Statistics for PACTA on Capital Transition Monitor
These utils include functions that facilitate calculation of useful audit statistics for PACTA on Capital Transition Monitor.
Maintained by CJ Yetman. Last updated 3 months ago.
40.2 match 1 stars 3.71 score 5 scripts 1 dependentsjumpingrivers
audit.base:Base package for Posit Checks
Base package for sharing classes between posit audit packages. Unlikely to be useful as is.
Maintained by Jumping Rivers. Last updated 26 days ago.
40.1 match 3.38 score 1 scripts 2 dependentsjumpingrivers
audit.connect:Posit Connect Health Check
Posit Connect Health Check. Deploys various content types to assess whether Connect is functioning correctly.
Maintained by Jumping Rivers. Last updated 1 months ago.
39.4 match 2.70 score 1 scriptslhdjung
scrutiny:Error Detection in Science
Test published summary statistics for consistency (Brown and Heathers, 2017, <doi:10.1177/1948550616673876>; Allard, 2018, <>; Heathers and Brown, 2019, <>). The package also provides infrastructure for implementing new error detection techniques.
Maintained by Lukas Jung. Last updated 6 months ago.
13.6 match 8 stars 6.52 score 38 scriptsropensci
epair:EPA Data Helper for R
Aid the user in making queries to the EPA API site found at This package combines API calling methods from various web scraping packages with specific strings to retrieve data from the EPA API. It also contains easy to use loaded variables that help a user navigate services offered by the API and aid the user in determining the appropriate way to make a an API call.
Maintained by G.L. Orozco-Mulfinger. Last updated 3 years ago.
16.8 match 7 stars 4.89 score 11 scriptsposit-dev
connectapi:Utilities for Interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server API
Provides a helpful 'R6' class and methods for interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server API along with some meaningful utility functions for regular tasks. API documentation varies by 'Posit Connect' installation and version, but the latest documentation is also hosted publicly at <>.
Maintained by Toph Allen. Last updated 6 days ago.
7.8 match 47 stars 10.48 score 252 scripts 1 dependentssonatype-nexus-community
oysteR:Scans R Projects for Vulnerable Third Party Dependencies
Collects a list of your third party R packages, and scans them with the 'OSS' Index provided by 'Sonatype', reporting back on any vulnerabilities that are found in the third party packages you use.
Maintained by Colin Gillespie. Last updated 4 years ago.
12.7 match 40 stars 6.08 score 6 scriptsjumpingrivers
audit.workbench:RStudio/Workbench User Acceptance Tests
Testing whether data scientists can do what they expect in Posit Workbench.
Maintained by Jumping Rivers. Last updated 25 days ago.
37.5 match 2.00 scorealsguimaraes
MUS:Monetary Unit Sampling and Estimation Methods, Widely Used in Auditing
Sampling and evaluation methods to apply Monetary Unit Sampling (or in older literature Dollar Unit Sampling) during an audit of financial statements.
Maintained by Henning Prömpers. Last updated 6 years ago.
16.0 match 5 stars 4.60 score 16 scriptsbjw34032
oro.nifti:Rigorous - 'NIfTI' + 'ANALYZE' + 'AFNI' : Input / Output
Functions for the input/output and visualization of medical imaging data that follow either the 'ANALYZE', 'NIfTI' or 'AFNI' formats. This package is part of the Rigorous Analytics bundle.
Maintained by Brandon Whitcher. Last updated 7 months ago.
8.1 match 2 stars 7.70 score 764 scripts 38 dependentsjustinmshea
wooldridge:115 Data Sets from "Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 7e" by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
Students learning both econometrics and R may find the introduction to both challenging. The wooldridge data package aims to lighten the task by efficiently loading any data set found in the text with a single command. Data sets have been compressed to a fraction of their original size. Documentation files contain page numbers, the original source, time of publication, and notes from the author suggesting avenues for further analysis and research. If one needs an introduction to R model syntax, a vignette contains solutions to examples from chapters of the text. Data sets are from the 7th edition (Wooldridge 2020, ISBN-13 978-1-337-55886-0), and are backwards compatible with all previous versions of the text.
Maintained by Justin M. Shea. Last updated 4 months ago.
6.6 match 203 stars 9.38 score 1.4k scriptsrstudio
shinytest2:Testing for Shiny Applications
Automated unit testing of Shiny applications through a headless 'Chromium' browser.
Maintained by Barret Schloerke. Last updated 1 months ago.
4.7 match 108 stars 12.08 score 704 scripts 1 dependentscran
audit:Bounds for Accounting Populations
Find an upper bound for the total amount of overstatement of assets in a set of accounts, or estimate the amount of sales tax owed on a collection of transactions (Meeden and Sargent, 2007, <doi:10.1080/03610920701386802>).
Maintained by Glen Meeden. Last updated 4 years ago.
55.0 match 1.00 scoreropensci
ruODK:An R Client for the ODK Central API
Access and tidy up data from the 'ODK Central' API. 'ODK Central' is a clearinghouse for digitally captured data using ODK <>. It manages user accounts and permissions, stores form definitions, and allows data collection clients like 'ODK Collect' to connect to it for form download and submission upload. The 'ODK Central' API is documented at <>.
Maintained by Florian W. Mayer. Last updated 4 months ago.
7.0 match 42 stars 7.73 score 57 scripts 1 dependentsfleverest
elections.dtree:Ranked Voting Election Audits with Dirichlet-Trees
Perform ballot-polling Bayesian audits for ranked voting elections using Dirichlet-tree prior distributions. Everest et al. (2022) <arXiv:2206.14605>, <arXiv:2209.03881>.
Maintained by Floyd Everest. Last updated 2 years ago.
13.4 match 6 stars 3.48 score 3 scriptsropensci
EDIutils:An API Client for the Environmental Data Initiative Repository
A client for the Environmental Data Initiative repository REST API. The 'EDI' data repository <> is for publication and reuse of ecological data with emphasis on metadata accuracy and completeness. It is built upon the 'PASTA+' software stack <> and was developed in collaboration with the US 'LTER' Network <>. 'EDIutils' includes functions to search and access existing data, evaluate and upload new data, and assist other data management tasks common to repository users.
Maintained by Colin Smith. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.2 match 10 stars 6.47 score 117 scriptsdickoa
robotoolbox:Client for the 'KoboToolbox' API
Suite of utilities for accessing and manipulating data from the 'KoboToolbox' API. 'KoboToolbox' is a robust platform designed for field data collection in various disciplines. This package aims to simplify the process of fetching and handling data from the API. Detailed documentation for the 'KoboToolbox' API can be found at <>.
Maintained by Ahmadou Dicko. Last updated 3 months ago.
7.7 match 5.86 score 48 scriptscumulocity-iot
pmml:Generate PMML for Various Models
The Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) is an XML-based language which provides a way for applications to define machine learning, statistical and data mining models and to share models between PMML compliant applications. More information about the PMML industry standard and the Data Mining Group can be found at <>. The generated PMML can be imported into any PMML consuming application, such as Zementis Predictive Analytics products. The package isofor (used for anomaly detection) can be installed with devtools::install_github("gravesee/isofor").
Maintained by Dmitriy Bolotov. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.8 match 20 stars 7.98 score 560 scripts 1 dependentsjonthegeek
fecapi:'OpenFEC' 'API' Client
A client to interact with the 'OpenFEC' 'API' at <>. The 'OpenFEC' 'API' provides programmatic access to campaign finance data stored by the Federal Election Commission.
Maintained by Jon Harmon. Last updated 11 months ago.
9.6 match 3 stars 2.48 score 1 scriptsmsperlin
GetDFPData:Reading Annual Financial Reports from Bovespa's DFP, FRE and FCA System
Reads annual financial reports including assets, liabilities, dividends history, stockholder composition and much more from Bovespa's DFP, FRE and FCA systems <>. These are web based interfaces for all financial reports of companies traded at Bovespa. The package is specially designed for large scale data importation, keeping a tabular (long) structure for easier processing.
Maintained by Marcelo Perlin. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.9 match 33 stars 6.06 score 69 scriptspaws-r
paws:Amazon Web Services Software Development Kit
Interface to Amazon Web Services <>, including storage, database, and compute services, such as 'Simple Storage Service' ('S3'), 'DynamoDB' 'NoSQL' database, and 'Lambda' functions-as-a-service.
Maintained by Dyfan Jones. Last updated 6 days ago.
2.0 match 332 stars 11.25 score 177 scripts 12 dependentscran
PracTools:Designing and Weighting Survey Samples
Functions and datasets to support Valliant, Dever, and Kreuter (2018), <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-93632-1>, "Practical Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples". Contains functions for sample size calculation for survey samples using stratified or clustered one-, two-, and three-stage sample designs, and single-stage audit sample designs. Functions are included that will group geographic units accounting for distances apart and measures of size. Other functions compute variance components for multistage designs and sample sizes in two-phase designs. A number of example data sets are included.
Maintained by Richard Valliant. Last updated 9 months ago.
4.1 match 1 stars 4.48 score 101 scripts 1 dependentspaws-r'Amazon Web Services' Management & Governance Services
Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' management and governance services, including 'CloudWatch' application and infrastructure monitoring, 'Auto Scaling' for automatically scaling resources, and more <>.
Maintained by Dyfan Jones. Last updated 6 days ago.
2.0 match 332 stars 9.09 score 1 scripts 15 dependentsgjwgit
rattle:Graphical User Interface for Data Science in R
The R Analytic Tool To Learn Easily (Rattle) provides a collection of utilities functions for the data scientist. A Gnome (RGtk2) based graphical interface is included with the aim to provide a simple and intuitive introduction to R for data science, allowing a user to quickly load data from a CSV file (or via ODBC), transform and explore the data, build and evaluate models, and export models as PMML (predictive modelling markup language) or as scores. A key aspect of the GUI is that all R commands are logged and commented through the log tab. This can be saved as a standalone R script file and as an aid for the user to learn R or to copy-and-paste directly into R itself. Note that RGtk2 and cairoDevice have been archived on CRAN. See <> for installation instructions.
Maintained by Graham Williams. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.0 match 16 stars 8.48 score 3.0k scripts 3 dependentsjohnasher
transplantr:Audit and Research Functions for Transplantation
A set of vectorised functions to calculate medical equations used in transplantation, focused mainly on transplantation of abdominal organs. These functions include donor and recipient risk indices as used by NHS Blood & Transplant, OPTN/UNOS and Eurotransplant, tools for quantifying HLA mismatches, functions for calculating estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a function to calculate the APRI (AST to platelet ratio) score used in initial screening of suitability to receive a transplant from a hepatitis C seropositive donor and some biochemical unit converter functions. All functions are designed to work with either US or international units. References for the equations are provided in the vignettes and function documentation.
Maintained by John Asher. Last updated 5 years ago.
3.1 match 2 stars 5.05 score 28 scriptsjohncoene
packer:An Opinionated Framework for Using 'JavaScript'
Enforces good practice and provides convenience functions to make work with 'JavaScript' not just easier but also scalable. It is a robust wrapper to 'NPM', 'yarn', and 'webpack' that enables to compartmentalize 'JavaScript' code, leverage 'NPM' and 'yarn' packages, include 'TypeScript', 'React', or 'Vue' in web applications, and much more.
Maintained by John Coene. Last updated 8 months ago.
2.3 match 148 stars 6.25 score 1 scripts 2 dependentsvimc
vaultr:Vault Client for Secrets and Sensitive Data
Provides an interface to a 'HashiCorp' vault server over its http API (typically these are self-hosted; see <>). This allows for secure storage and retrieval of secrets over a network, such as tokens, passwords and certificates. Authentication with vault is supported through several backends including user name/password and authentication via 'GitHub'.
Maintained by Rich FitzJohn. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.0 match 24 stars 6.78 score 2 scripts 1 dependentsbenrwoodard
cjar:R Client for 'Customer Journey Analytics' ('CJA') API
Connect and pull data from the 'CJA' API, which powers 'CJA Workspace' <>. The package was developed with the analyst in mind and will continue to be developed with the guiding principles of iterative, repeatable, timely analysis. New features are actively being developed and we value your feedback and contribution to the process.
Maintained by Ben Woodard. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.9 match 2 stars 3.30 score 5 scriptscraig-parylo
cvdprevent:Wrapper for the 'CVD Prevent' Application Programming Interface
Provides an R wrapper to the 'CVD Prevent' application programming interface (API). Users can make API requests through built-in R functions. The Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Audit (CVDPREVENT) is an England-wide primary care audit that automatically extracts routinely held GP health data. <>.
Maintained by Craig Parylo. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.4 match 3 stars 5.02 score 4 scriptshimesgroup
raqs:Interface to the US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) API
Offers functions for fetching JSON data from the US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) API with options to comply with the API rate limits. See <> for details of the AQS API.
Maintained by Jaehyun Joo. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.5 match 3.18 score 4 scripts 1 dependentsmarce10
dynaSpec:Dynamic Spectrogram Visualizations
A set of tools to generate dynamic spectrogram visualizations in video format.
Maintained by Marcelo Araya-Salas. Last updated 19 days ago.
1.7 match 23 stars 5.50 score 34 scriptsneonira
wyz.code.offensiveProgramming:Wizardry Code Offensive Programming
Allows to turn standard R code into offensive programming code. Provides code instrumentation to ease this change and tools to assist and accelerate code production and tuning while using offensive programming code technics. Should improve code robustness and quality. Function calls can be easily verified on-demand or in batch mode to assess parameter types and length conformities. Should improve coders productivity as offensive programming reduces the code size due to reduced number of controls all along the call chain. Should speed up processing as many checks will be reduced to one single check.
Maintained by Fabien Gelineau. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.0 match 2.95 score 4 scripts 3 dependentsjonlinca
galvanizer:Interface to Galvanize 'Highbond' Internal Audit Software
An R interface to the Galvanize 'Highbond' API <>.
Maintained by Jonathan Lin. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.9 match 2 stars 3.00 score 2 scriptsoskarhansson
strvalidator:Process Control and Validation of Forensic STR Kits
An open source platform for validation and process control. Tools to analyze data from internal validation of forensic short tandem repeat (STR) kits are provided. The tools are developed to provide the necessary data to conform with guidelines for internal validation issued by the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) DNA Working Group, and the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM). A front-end graphical user interface is provided. More information about each function can be found in the respective help documentation.
Maintained by Oskar Hansson. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.0 match 5 stars 4.29 score 13 scriptskjhealy
gssrdoc:Document General Social Survey Variable
The General Social Survey (GSS) is a long-running, mostly annual survey of US households. It is administered by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). This package contains the a tibble with information on the survey variables, together with every variable documented as an R help page. For more information on the GSS see \url{}.
Maintained by Kieran Healy. Last updated 11 months ago.
3.6 match 2.28 score 38 scriptsriksrevisjonen
pioneeR:Productivity and Efficiency Analysis using DEA
Measure productivity and efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Available methods include DEA under different technology assumptions, bootstrapping of efficiency scores and calculation of the Malmquist productivity index. Analyses can be performed either in the console or with the provided 'shiny' app. See Banker, R.; Charnes, A.; Cooper, W.W. (1984) <doi:10.1287/mnsc.30.9.1078>, Färe, R.; Grosskopf, S. (1996) <doi:10.1007/978-94-009-1816-0>.
Maintained by Ove Haugland Jakobsen. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.6 match 7 stars 5.09 score 5 scriptsbrunomssmelo
RcextTools:Analytical Procedures in Support of Brazilian Public Sector External Auditing
Set of analytical procedures based on advanced data analysis in support of Brazil's public sector external control activity.
Maintained by Bruno Melo. Last updated 8 years ago.
2.8 match 2.70 score 9 scriptsframverse
framrsquared:FRAM Database Interface
A convenient tool for interfacing with FRAM access databases in R environments.
Maintained by Ty Garber. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.5 match 6 stars 5.06 score 9 scriptstverbeke
SDaA:Sampling: Design and Analysis
Functions and Datasets from Lohr, S. (1999), Sampling: Design and Analysis, Duxbury.
Maintained by Tobias Verbeke. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.5 match 2.15 score 14 scriptsalex-danilin
serpstatr:'Serpstat' API Wrapper
The primary goal of 'Serpstat' API <> is to reduce manual SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) tasks. You can automate your keywords research or competitors analysis with this API wrapper.
Maintained by Alex Danilin. Last updated 7 months ago.
4.0 match 1.70 score 2 scriptschoi-phd
maat:Multiple Administrations Adaptive Testing
Provides an extension of the shadow-test approach to computerized adaptive testing (CAT) implemented in the 'TestDesign' package for the assessment framework involving multiple tests administered periodically throughout the year. This framework is referred to as the Multiple Administrations Adaptive Testing (MAAT) and supports multiple item pools vertically scaled and multiple phases (stages) of CAT within each test. Between phases and tests, transitioning from one item pool (and associated constraints) to another is allowed as deemed necessary to enhance the quality of measurement.
Maintained by Seung W. Choi. Last updated 10 months ago.
1.5 match 4.00 score 5 scriptsepicentre-msf
redcap:R Utilities For REDCap
R utilities for interacting with the REDCap API.
Maintained by Patrick Barks. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.7 match 7 stars 3.45 score 5 scriptsmike-lawrence
ez:Easy Analysis and Visualization of Factorial Experiments
Facilitates easy analysis of factorial experiments, including purely within-Ss designs (a.k.a. "repeated measures"), purely between-Ss designs, and mixed within-and-between-Ss designs. The functions in this package aim to provide simple, intuitive and consistent specification of data analysis and visualization. Visualization functions also include design visualization for pre-analysis data auditing, and correlation matrix visualization. Finally, this package includes functions for non-parametric analysis, including permutation tests and bootstrap resampling. The bootstrap function obtains predictions either by cell means or by more advanced/powerful mixed effects models, yielding predictions and confidence intervals that may be easily visualized at any level of the experiment's design.
Maintained by Michael A. Lawrence. Last updated 8 years ago.
0.5 match 53 stars 10.28 score 2.7k scripts 12 dependentsinbo
n2kanalysis:Generic Functions to Analyse Data from the 'Natura 2000' Monitoring
All generic functions and classes for the analysis for the 'Natura 2000' monitoring. The classes contain all required data and definitions to fit the model without the need to access other sources. Potentially they might need access to one or more parent objects. An aggregation object might for example need the result of an imputation object. The actual definition of the analysis, using these generic function and classes, is defined in dedictated analysis R packages for every monitoring scheme. For example 'abvanalysis' and 'watervogelanalysis'.
Maintained by Thierry Onkelinx. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.5 match 1 stars 3.18 score 7 scriptsskranz
repgame:Solve discounted repeated games with monetary transfers
Solve discounted repeated games with monetary transfers using the fast Algorithms develeoped by Goldluecke and Kranz (JET, 2013)
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 7 years ago.
2.0 match 2 stars 2.00 score 3 scriptscpenn-usgs
HyMETT:Hydrologic Model Evaluation and Time-Series Tools
Facilitates the analysis and evaluation of hydrologic model output and time-series data with functions focused on comparison of modeled (simulated) and observed data, period-of-record statistics, and trends.
Maintained by Colin Penn. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 2.00 scorekaiaragaki
blotbench:Easy, reproducible Westen blot editing
blotbench includes a rudimentary visual image editor that helps you write reproducible, declarative, auditable code for editing western blots. Additionally, it provides tools for easily producing annotated, publication-ready images quickly.
Maintained by Kai Aragaki. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 3.00 score 2 scriptscran
oncrawlR:Machine Learning for S.E.O
Measures different aspects of page content, structure and performance for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Aspects covered include HTML tags used in SEO, duplicate and near-duplicate content, structured data, on-site linking structure and popularity transfer, and many other amazing things. This package can be used to generate a real, full SEO audit report, which serves to detect errors or inefficiencies on a page that can be corrected in order to optimise its performance on search engines.
Maintained by Vincent Terrasi. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.5 match 1.70 score 1 scripts