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imguR:'' API Client Package
A complete API client for the image hosting service '', including the an 'imgur' graphics device, enabling the easy upload and sharing of plots.
Maintained by Thomas J. Leeper. Last updated 7 years ago.
19.3 match 16 stars 5.89 score 46 scripts 7 dependentswjakethompson
taylor:Lyrics and Song Data for Taylor Swift's Discography
A comprehensive resource for data on Taylor Swift songs. Data is included for all officially released studio albums, extended plays (EPs), and individual singles are included. Data comes from 'Genius' (lyrics) and 'Spotify' (song characteristics). Additional functions are included for easily creating data visualizations with color palettes inspired by Taylor Swift's album covers.
Maintained by W. Jake Thompson. Last updated 2 months ago.
12.8 match 45 stars 8.79 score 105 scriptscharlie86
spotifyr:R Wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web API
An R wrapper for pulling data from the 'Spotify' Web API <> in bulk, or post items on a 'Spotify' user's playlist.
Maintained by Daniel Antal. Last updated 5 months ago.
8.7 match 374 stars 8.54 score 936 scriptsdreamrs
toastui:Interactive Tables, Calendars and Charts for the Web
Create interactive tables, calendars and charts with 'TOAST UI' <> libraries to integrate in 'shiny' applications or 'rmarkdown' 'HTML' documents.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 19 days ago.
7.0 match 86 stars 10.03 score 144 scripts 8 dependentsewenme
geniusr:Tools for Working with the 'Genius' API
Provides tools to interact nicely with the 'Genius' API <>. Search hosted content, extract associated metadata and retrieve lyrics with ease.
Maintained by Ewen Henderson. Last updated 3 years ago.
11.0 match 50 stars 6.02 score 104 scriptsmaxgreil
JamendoR:Access to 'Jamendo' API
Provides an interface to 'Jamendo' API <>. Pull audio, features and other information for a given 'Jamendo' user (including yourself!) or enter an artist's -, album's -, or track's name and retrieve the available information in seconds.
Maintained by Maximilian Greil. Last updated 1 years ago.
20.0 match 2 stars 3.00 score 1 scriptsalbertoalmuinha
DSpoty:Get 'Spotify' API Multiple Information
'DSpoty' R package allows you to retrieve 'Spotify' API Information such as artists, albums, tracks, features tracks, recommendations or related artists. This package allows you to search all the information by name and also includes a distance based algorithm to find similar songs. More information: <> .
Maintained by Alberto Almuiña. Last updated 5 years ago.
15.5 match 4 stars 3.30 scorejohnmackintosh
rockthemes:Colour palettes based on classic rock album covers
Colour palettes, scales and fills based on classic rock album covers.
Maintained by John MacKintosh. Last updated 1 years ago.
12.6 match 35 stars 4.02 score 7 scriptstroyhernandez
tinyspotifyr:Tinyverse R Wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web API
An R wrapper for the 'Spotify' Web API <>.
Maintained by Troy Hernandez. Last updated 1 years ago.
8.4 match 13 stars 4.81 score 5 scriptsdstanley4
apaTables:Create American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables
A common task faced by researchers is the creation of APA style (i.e., American Psychological Association style) tables from statistical output. In R a large number of function calls are often needed to obtain all of the desired information for a single APA style table. As well, the process of manually creating APA style tables in a word processor is prone to transcription errors. This package creates Word files (.doc files) and latex code containing APA style tables for several types of analyses. Using this package minimizes transcription errors and reduces the number commands needed by the user.
Maintained by David Stanley. Last updated 6 months ago.
4.0 match 60 stars 7.85 score 438 scriptsr-music
vagalumeR:Access to the 'Vagalume' API
Provides access to the 'Vagalume' API <>. The data extracted is basically lyrics of songs and information about artists/bands.
Maintained by Bruna Wundervald. Last updated 6 years ago.
5.0 match 19 stars 4.62 score 22 scriptscran
spotidy:Providing Convenience Functions to Connect R with the Spotify API
Providing convenience functions to connect R with the 'Spotify' application programming interface ('API'). At first it aims to help setting up the OAuth2.0 Authentication flow. The default output of the get_*() functions is tidy, but optionally the functions could return the raw response from the 'API' as well. The search_*() and get_*() functions can be combined. See the vignette for more information and examples and the official Spotify for Developers website <> for information about the Web 'API'.
Maintained by Lennard van Wanrooij. Last updated 4 years ago.
10.1 match 2.00 scoresjentsch
jmvReadWrite:Read and Write 'jamovi' Files ('.omv')
The free and open a statistical spreadsheet 'jamovi' (<>) aims to make statistical analyses easy and intuitive. 'jamovi' produces syntax that can directly be used in R (in connection with the R-package 'jmv'). Having import / export routines for the data files 'jamovi' produces ('.omv') permits an easy transfer of data and analyses between 'jamovi' and R.
Maintained by Sebastian Jentschke. Last updated 4 days ago.
3.3 match 5 stars 6.09 score 32 scriptsjverzani
UsingR:Data Sets, Etc. for the Text "Using R for Introductory Statistics", Second Edition
A collection of data sets to accompany the textbook "Using R for Introductory Statistics," second edition.
Maintained by John Verzani. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.8 match 1 stars 4.97 score 1.4k scriptsjohnmackintosh
metallicaRt:Colour palettes based on Metallica studio album covers
Colour palettes based on Metallica studio album covers.
Maintained by John MacKintosh. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.2 match 19 stars 2.98 score 3 scriptsjohnmackintosh
popthemes:colour palettes from some 90s pop album covers
colour palettes based on pop album and single covers. Contains a mix of sequential and qualitative palettes.
Maintained by John MacKintosh. Last updated 4 years ago.
5.2 match 14 stars 2.85 score 4 scriptstiagomendesdantas
Rspotify:Access to Spotify API
Provides an interface to the Spotify API <>.
Maintained by Tiago Mendes Dantas. Last updated 7 years ago.
5.9 match 1.85 score 71 scriptsasteves
tayloRswift:Color Palettes Generated by Taylor Swift Albums
For when your colors absolutely should not be excluded from the narrative.
Maintained by Alex Stephenson. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.9 match 2.70 scorekenjisato
juicedown:'juice' + 'markdown': Convert 'R Markdown' into 'HTML' with Inline Styles
A convenience tool to create 'HTML' with inline styles using 'juicyjuice' and 'markdown' packages. It is particularly useful when working on a content management system (CMS) whose code editor eliminates style and link tags. The main use case of the package is the learning management system, 'Moodle'. Additional helper functions for teaching purposes are provided. Learn more about 'juicedown' at <>.
Maintained by Kenji Sato. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.0 match 2.70 score 4 scriptsobrienjoey
spRingsteen:All Things Data and Springsteen
An R data package containing setlists from all Bruce Springsteen concerts over 1973-2021. Also includes all his song details such as lyrics and albums. Data extracted from: <>.
Maintained by Joey OBrien. Last updated 1 years ago.
0.5 match 2.70 score 1 scripts