Showing 73 of total 73 results (show query)
verification:Weather Forecast Verification Utilities
Utilities for verifying discrete, continuous and probabilistic forecasts, and forecasts expressed as parametric distributions are included.
Maintained by Eric Gilleland. Last updated 4 months ago.
57.1 match 3 stars 4.19 score 6 dependentscran
SpatialVx:Spatial Forecast Verification
Spatial forecast verification refers to verifying weather forecasts when the verification set (forecast and observations) is on a spatial field, usually a high-resolution gridded spatial field. Most of the functions here require the forecast and observed fields to be gridded and on the same grid. For a thorough review of most of the methods in this package, please see Gilleland et al. (2009) <doi: 10.1175/2009WAF2222269.1> and for a tutorial on some of the main functions available here, see Gilleland (2022) <doi: 10.5065/4px3-5a05>.
Maintained by Eric Gilleland. Last updated 4 months ago.
86.0 match 1 stars 1.83 score 68 scriptsrstudio
pointblank:Data Validation and Organization of Metadata for Local and Remote Tables
Validate data in data frames, 'tibble' objects, 'Spark' 'DataFrames', and database tables. Validation pipelines can be made using easily-readable, consecutive validation steps. Upon execution of the validation plan, several reporting options are available. User-defined thresholds for failure rates allow for the determination of appropriate reporting actions. Many other workflows are available including an information management workflow, where the aim is to record, collect, and generate useful information on data tables.
Maintained by Richard Iannone. Last updated 11 days ago.
7.5 match 932 stars 10.59 score 284 scriptsjonasbhend
easyVerification:Ensemble Forecast Verification for Large Data Sets
Set of tools to simplify application of atomic forecast verification metrics for (comparative) verification of ensemble forecasts to large data sets. The forecast metrics are imported from the 'SpecsVerification' package, and additional forecast metrics are provided with this package. Alternatively, new user-defined forecast scores can be implemented using the example scores provided and applied using the functionality of this package.
Maintained by Jonas Bhend. Last updated 2 years ago.
11.8 match 1 stars 6.04 score 61 scripts 4 dependentsjpmml
r2pmml:Convert R Models to PMML
R wrapper for the JPMML-R library <>, which converts R models to Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML).
Maintained by Villu Ruusmann. Last updated 14 days ago.
8.9 match 74 stars 6.29 score 35 scriptsinsightsengineering Model for 'teal' Applications
Provides a 'teal_data' class as a unified data model for 'teal' applications focusing on reproducibility and relational data.
Maintained by Dawid Kaledkowski. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.0 match 11 stars 9.93 score 44 scripts 8 dependentsdavzim
dataverifyr:A Lightweight, Flexible, and Fast Data Validation Package that Can Handle All Sizes of Data
Allows you to define rules which can be used to verify a given dataset. The package acts as a thin wrapper around more powerful data packages such as 'dplyr', 'data.table', 'arrow', and 'DBI' ('SQL'), which do the heavy lifting.
Maintained by David Zimmermann-Kollenda. Last updated 1 years ago.
11.8 match 27 stars 4.13 score 7 scriptsjsilve24
fido:Bayesian Multinomial Logistic Normal Regression
Provides methods for fitting and inspection of Bayesian Multinomial Logistic Normal Models using MAP estimation and Laplace Approximation as developed in Silverman et. Al. (2022) <>. Key functionality is implemented in C++ for scalability. 'fido' replaces the previous package 'stray'.
Maintained by Justin Silverman. Last updated 20 days ago.
5.4 match 20 stars 8.31 score 103 scriptscynkra
dm:Relational Data Models
Provides tools for working with multiple related tables, stored as data frames or in a relational database. Multiple tables (data and metadata) are stored in a compound object, which can then be manipulated with a pipe-friendly syntax.
Maintained by Kirill Müller. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.0 match 511 stars 14.81 score 410 scripts 8 dependentsmunterfi
eRTG3D:Empirically Informed Random Trajectory Generation in 3-D
Creates realistic random trajectories in a 3-D space between two given fix points, so-called conditional empirical random walks (CERWs). The trajectory generation is based on empirical distribution functions extracted from observed trajectories (training data) and thus reflects the geometrical movement characteristics of the mover. A digital elevation model (DEM), representing the Earth's surface, and a background layer of probabilities (e.g. food sources, uplift potential, waterbodies, etc.) can be used to influence the trajectories. Unterfinger M (2018). "3-D Trajectory Simulation in Movement Ecology: Conditional Empirical Random Walk". Master's thesis, University of Zurich. <>. Technitis G, Weibel R, Kranstauber B, Safi K (2016). "An algorithm for empirically informed random trajectory generation between two endpoints". GIScience 2016: Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 9, online. <doi:10.5167/uzh-130652>.
Maintained by Merlin Unterfinger. Last updated 3 years ago.
7.6 match 6 stars 5.71 score 19 scriptsropensci
epair:EPA Data Helper for R
Aid the user in making queries to the EPA API site found at This package combines API calling methods from various web scraping packages with specific strings to retrieve data from the EPA API. It also contains easy to use loaded variables that help a user navigate services offered by the API and aid the user in determining the appropriate way to make a an API call.
Maintained by G.L. Orozco-Mulfinger. Last updated 3 years ago.
8.4 match 7 stars 4.89 score 11 scriptssilvadenisson
electionsBR:R Functions to Download and Clean Brazilian Electoral Data
Offers a set of functions to easily download and clean Brazilian electoral data from the Superior Electoral Court and 'CepespData' websites. Among other features, the package retrieves data on local and federal elections for all positions (city councilor, mayor, state deputy, federal deputy, governor, and president) aggregated by state, city, and electoral zones.
Maintained by Denisson Silva. Last updated 4 months ago.
5.3 match 65 stars 7.54 score 66 scriptsrobinhankin
stokes:The Exterior Calculus
Provides functionality for working with tensors, alternating forms, wedge products, Stokes's theorem, and related concepts from the exterior calculus. Uses 'disordR' discipline (Hankin, 2022, <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.03856>). The canonical reference would be M. Spivak (1965, ISBN:0-8053-9021-9) "Calculus on Manifolds". To cite the package in publications please use Hankin (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.17008>.
Maintained by Robin K. S. Hankin. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.3 match 3 stars 6.62 scorecomputationalstylistics
stylo:Stylometric Multivariate Analyses
Supervised and unsupervised multivariate methods, supplemented by GUI and some visualizations, to perform various analyses in the field of computational stylistics, authorship attribution, etc. For further reference, see Eder et al. (2016), <>. You are also encouraged to visit the Computational Stylistics Group's website <>, where a reasonable amount of information about the package and related projects are provided.
Maintained by Maciej Eder. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.4 match 187 stars 8.58 score 462 scriptskwb-r
kwb.hantush:Calculation of Groundwater Mounding Beneath an Infiltration Basin
Calculation groundwater mounding beneath an infiltration basin based on the Hantush (1967) equation (<doi:10.1029/WR003i001p00227>). The correct implementation is shown with a verification example based on a USGS report (page 25, <>).
Maintained by Michael Rustler. Last updated 5 years ago.
9.0 match 3.00 score 10 scriptscran
s2dv:A Set of Common Tools for Seasonal to Decadal Verification
The advanced version of package 's2dverification'. It is intended for 'seasonal to decadal' (s2d) climate forecast verification, but it can also be used in other kinds of forecasts or general climate analysis. This package is specially designed for the comparison between the experimental and observational datasets. The functionality of the included functions covers from data retrieval, data post-processing, skill scores against observation, to visualization. Compared to 's2dverification', 's2dv' is more compatible with the package 'startR', able to use multiple cores for computation and handle multi-dimensional arrays with a higher flexibility. The CDO version used in development is 1.9.8.
Maintained by Ariadna Batalla. Last updated 5 months ago.
13.5 match 1.95 score 3 dependentsropensci
slopes:Calculate Slopes of Roads, Rivers and Trajectories
Functions and example data to support research into the slope (also known as longitudinal gradient or steepness) of linear geographic entities such as roads <doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0147-x> and rivers <doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.06.066>. The package was initially developed to calculate the steepness of street segments but can be used to calculate steepness of any linear feature that can be represented as LINESTRING geometries in the 'sf' class system. The package takes two main types of input data for slope calculation: vector geographic objects representing linear features, and raster geographic objects with elevation values (which can be downloaded using functionality in the package) representing a continuous terrain surface. Where no raster object is provided the package attempts to download elevation data using the 'ceramic' package.
Maintained by Robin Lovelace. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.8 match 70 stars 6.91 score 39 scriptsmodeloriented
auditor:Model Audit - Verification, Validation, and Error Analysis
Provides an easy to use unified interface for creating validation plots for any model. The 'auditor' helps to avoid repetitive work consisting of writing code needed to create residual plots. This visualizations allow to asses and compare the goodness of fit, performance, and similarity of models.
Maintained by Alicja Gosiewska. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.9 match 58 stars 8.76 score 94 scripts 2 dependentsshikokuchuo
ichimoku:Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies
An implementation of 'Ichimoku Kinko Hyo', also commonly known as 'cloud charts'. Static and interactive visualizations with tools for creating, backtesting and development of quantitative 'ichimoku' strategies. As described in Sasaki (1996, ISBN:4925152009), the technique is a refinement on candlestick charting, originating from Japan and now in widespread use in technical analysis worldwide. Translating as 'one-glance equilibrium chart', it allows the price action and market structure of financial securities to be determined 'at-a-glance'. Incorporates an interface with the OANDA fxTrade API <> for retrieving historical and live streaming price data for major currencies, metals, commodities, government bonds and stock indices.
Maintained by Charlie Gao. Last updated 3 days ago.
3.0 match 31 stars 7.73 score 34 scriptssieste
SpecsVerification:Forecast Verification Routines for Ensemble Forecasts of Weather and Climate
A collection of forecast verification routines developed for the SPECS FP7 project. The emphasis is on comparative verification of ensemble forecasts of weather and climate.
Maintained by Stefan Siegert. Last updated 5 years ago.
7.2 match 1 stars 3.12 score 44 scripts 5 dependentsrandy3k
otp:One Time Password Generation and Verification
Generating and validating One-time Password based on Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HOTP) and Time Based One-time Password (TOTP) according to RFC 4226 <> and RFC 6238 <>.
Maintained by Randy Lai. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.8 match 18 stars 4.73 score 3 scripts 2 dependentstomba-io
tomba:Official R Library for Tomba Email Finder
Email Finder R Client Library. Search emails are based on the website You give one domain name and it returns all the email addresses found on the internet. Email Finder generates or retrieves the most likely email address from a domain name, a first name and a last name. Email verify checks the deliverability of a given email address, verifies if it has been found in our database, and returns their sources.
Maintained by Abedrahim Ben rebia. Last updated 2 years ago.
7.5 match 2.70 scorekeaven
gsDesign:Group Sequential Design
Derives group sequential clinical trial designs and describes their properties. Particular focus on time-to-event, binary, and continuous outcomes. Largely based on methods described in Jennison, Christopher and Turnbull, Bruce W., 2000, "Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials" ISBN: 0-8493-0316-8.
Maintained by Keaven Anderson. Last updated 13 days ago.
1.5 match 51 stars 13.05 score 338 scripts 5 dependentsrobinhankin
jordan:A Suite of Routines for Working with Jordan Algebras
A Jordan algebra is an algebraic object originally designed to study observables in quantum mechanics. Jordan algebras are commutative but non-associative; they satisfy the Jordan identity. The package follows the ideas and notation of K. McCrimmon (2004, ISBN:0-387-95447-3) "A Taste of Jordan Algebras". To cite the package in publications, please use Hankin (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.06062>.
Maintained by Robin K. S. Hankin. Last updated 8 months ago.
4.0 match 4.60 score 2 scriptsgojiplus
tuber:Client for the YouTube API
Get comments posted on YouTube videos, information on how many times a video has been liked, search for videos with particular content, and much more. You can also scrape captions from a few videos. To learn more about the YouTube API, see <>.
Maintained by Gaurav Sood. Last updated 8 months ago.
2.0 match 184 stars 8.99 score 206 scriptsrobinhankin
elliptic:Weierstrass and Jacobi Elliptic Functions
A suite of elliptic and related functions including Weierstrass and Jacobi forms. Also includes various tools for manipulating and visualizing complex functions.
Maintained by Robin K. S. Hankin. Last updated 13 days ago.
1.7 match 3 stars 9.31 score 54 scripts 79 dependentss-u
PKI:Public Key Infrastucture for R Based on the X.509 Standard
Public Key Infrastucture functions such as verifying certificates, RSA encription and signing which can be used to build PKI infrastructure and perform cryptographic tasks.
Maintained by Simon Urbanek. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 18 stars 8.52 score 63 scripts 8 dependentsnkehrein
lemna:Lemna Ecotox Effect Model
The reference implementation of model equations and default parameters for the toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TKTD) model of the Lemna (duckweed) aquatic plant. Lemna is a standard test macrophyte used in ecotox effect studies. The model was described and published by the SETAC Europe Interest Group Effect Modeling. It is a refined description of the Lemna TKTD model published by Schmitt et al. (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.01.017>.
Maintained by Nils Kehrein. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.8 match 1 stars 4.00 score 4 scriptskwstat
agridat:Agricultural Datasets
Datasets from books, papers, and websites related to agriculture. Example graphics and analyses are included. Data come from small-plot trials, multi-environment trials, uniformity trials, yield monitors, and more.
Maintained by Kevin Wright. Last updated 29 days ago.
1.3 match 125 stars 11.02 score 1.7k scripts 2 dependentsbriandconnelly
pushoverr:Send Push Notifications using 'Pushover'
Send push notifications to mobile devices or the desktop using 'Pushover' <>. These notifications can display things such as results, job status, plots, or any other text or numeric data.
Maintained by Brian Connelly. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.0 match 71 stars 6.29 score 55 scriptsposit-dev
connectapi:Utilities for Interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server API
Provides a helpful 'R6' class and methods for interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server API along with some meaningful utility functions for regular tasks. API documentation varies by 'Posit Connect' installation and version, but the latest documentation is also hosted publicly at <>.
Maintained by Toph Allen. Last updated 4 days ago.
1.2 match 47 stars 10.48 score 252 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
omicsPrint:Cross omic genetic fingerprinting
omicsPrint provides functionality for cross omic genetic fingerprinting, for example, to verify sample relationships between multiple omics data types, i.e. genomic, transcriptomic and epigenetic (DNA methylation).
Maintained by Davy Cats. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.3 match 5.20 score 32 scriptsthemains
virustotal:R Client for the VirusTotal API
Use VirusTotal, a Google service that analyzes files and URLs for viruses, worms, trojans etc., provides category of the content hosted by a domain from a variety of prominent services, provides passive DNS information, among other things. See <> for more information.
Maintained by Gaurav Sood. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.0 match 11 stars 5.47 score 18 scripts 1 dependentsglobalecologylab
poems:Pattern-Oriented Ensemble Modeling System
A framework of interoperable R6 classes (Chang, 2020, <>) for building ensembles of viable models via the pattern-oriented modeling (POM) approach (Grimm et al.,2005, <doi:10.1126/science.1116681>). The package includes classes for encapsulating and generating model parameters, and managing the POM workflow. The workflow includes: model setup; generating model parameters via Latin hyper-cube sampling (Iman & Conover, 1980, <doi:10.1080/03610928008827996>); running multiple sampled model simulations; collating summary results; and validating and selecting an ensemble of models that best match known patterns. By default, model validation and selection utilizes an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach (Beaumont et al., 2002, <doi:10.1093/genetics/162.4.2025>), although alternative user-defined functionality could be employed. The package includes a spatially explicit demographic population model simulation engine, which incorporates default functionality for density dependence, correlated environmental stochasticity, stage-based transitions, and distance-based dispersal. The user may customize the simulator by defining functionality for translocations, harvesting, mortality, and other processes, as well as defining the sequence order for the simulator processes. The framework could also be adapted for use with other model simulators by utilizing its extendable (inheritable) base classes.
Maintained by July Pilowsky. Last updated 22 days ago.
1.3 match 10 stars 8.05 score 59 scripts 2 dependentsropensci
SymbiotaR2:Downloading Data from Symbiota2 Portals into R
Download data from Symbiota2 portals using Symbiota's API. Covers the Checklists, Collections, Crowdsource, Exsiccati, Glossary, ImageProcessor, Key, Media, Occurrence, Reference, Taxa, Traits, and UserRoles API families. Each Symbiota2 portal owner can load their own plugins (and modified code), and so this package may not cover every possible API endpoint from a given Symbiota2 instance.
Maintained by Austin Koontz. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.0 match 2 stars 3.30 score 4 scriptscran
SeaVal:Validation of Seasonal Weather Forecasts
Provides tools for processing and evaluating seasonal weather forecasts, with an emphasis on tercile forecasts. We follow the World Meteorological Organization's "Guidance on Verification of Operational Seasonal Climate Forecasts", S.J.Mason (2018, ISBN: 978-92-63-11220-0, URL: <>). The development was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 869730 (CONFER). A comprehensive online tutorial is available at <>.
Maintained by Claudio Heinrich-Mertsching. Last updated 9 months ago.
5.8 match 1.70 scoreepiverse-trace
cleanepi:Clean and Standardize Epidemiological Data
Cleaning and standardizing tabular data package, tailored specifically for curating epidemiological data. It streamlines various data cleaning tasks that are typically expected when working with datasets in epidemiology. It returns the processed data in the same format, and generates a comprehensive report detailing the outcomes of each cleaning task.
Maintained by Karim Mané. Last updated 4 days ago.
1.2 match 9 stars 7.44 score 19 scriptsalexchristensen
SemNetCleaner:An Automated Cleaning Tool for Semantic and Linguistic Data
Implements several functions that automates the cleaning and spell-checking of text data. Also converges, finalizes, removes plurals and continuous strings, and puts text data in binary format for semantic network analysis. Uses the 'SemNetDictionaries' package to make the cleaning process more accurate, efficient, and reproducible.
Maintained by Alexander P. Christensen. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.3 match 10 stars 6.16 score 48 scripts 1 dependentsmerck
gMCPLite:Lightweight Graph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures
A lightweight fork of 'gMCP' with functions for graphical described multiple test procedures introduced in Bretz et al. (2009) <doi:10.1002/sim.3495> and Bretz et al. (2011) <doi:10.1002/bimj.201000239>. Implements a flexible function using 'ggplot2' to create multiplicity graph visualizations. Contains instructions of multiplicity graph and graphical testing for group sequential design, described in Maurer and Bretz (2013) <doi:10.1080/19466315.2013.807748>, with necessary unit testing using 'testthat'.
Maintained by Nan Xiao. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.3 match 11 stars 5.79 score 14 scriptscran
valection:Sampler for Verification Studies
A binding for the 'valection' program which offers various ways to sample the outputs of competing algorithms or parameterizations, and fairly assess their performance against each other. The 'valection' C library is required to use this package and can be downloaded from: <>. Cooper CI, et al; Valection: Design Optimization for Validation and Verification Studies; Biorxiv 2018; <doi:10.1101/254839>.
Maintained by Paul C. Boutros. Last updated 7 years ago.
3.8 match 2.00 scoresoodoku
aws.alexa:Client for the Amazon Alexa Web Information Services API
Use the Amazon Alexa Web Information Services API to find information about domains, including the kind of content that they carry, how popular are they---rank and traffic history, sites linking to them, among other things. See <> for more information.
Maintained by Gaurav Sood. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.0 match 3.65 score 9 scripts 1 dependentsjiefei-wang
aws.ecx:Communicating with AWS EC2 and ECS using AWS REST APIs
Providing the functions for communicating with Amazon Web Services(AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2) and Elastic Container Service(ECS). The functions will have the prefix 'ecs_' or 'ec2_' depending on the class of the API. The request will be sent via the REST API and the parameters are given by the function argument. The credentials can be set via 'aws_set_credentials'. The EC2 documentation can be found at <> and ECS can be found at <>.
Maintained by Jiefei Wang. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.7 match 1 stars 4.18 score 2 scriptstoduckhanh
bcROCsurface:Bias-Corrected Methods for Estimating the ROC Surface of Continuous Diagnostic Tests
The bias-corrected estimation methods for the receiver operating characteristics ROC surface and the volume under ROC surfaces (VUS) under missing at random (MAR) assumption.
Maintained by Duc-Khanh To. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.0 match 3.45 score 14 scriptsgvegayon
googlePublicData:Working with Google's 'Public Data Explorer' DSPL Metadata Files
Provides a collection of functions to set up 'Google Public Data Explorer' <> data visualization tool with your own data, building automatically the corresponding DataSet Publishing Language file, or DSPL (XML), metadata file jointly with the CSV files. All zip-up and ready to be published in 'Public Data Explorer'.
Maintained by George Vega Yon. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.9 match 8 stars 3.60 score 10 scriptsdkneis
rodeo:A Code Generator for ODE-Based Models
Provides an R6 class and several utility methods to facilitate the implementation of models based on ordinary differential equations. The heart of the package is a code generator that creates compiled 'Fortran' (or 'R') code which can be passed to a numerical solver. There is direct support for solvers contained in packages 'deSolve' and 'rootSolve'.
Maintained by David Kneis. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.2 match 7 stars 5.53 score 24 scriptscran
ternvis:Visualisation, Verification and Calibration of Ternary Probabilistic Forecasts
A suite of functions for visualising ternary probabilistic forecasts, as discussed in the paper by Jupp (2012) <doi:10.1098/rsta.2011.0350>.
Maintained by Tim Jupp. Last updated 6 years ago.
6.5 match 1 stars 1.00 scorecran
CLSIEP15:Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) EP15-A3 Calculations
Calculations of "EP15-A3 document. A manual for user verification of precision and estimation of bias" CLSI (2014, ISBN:1-56238-966-1).
Maintained by Claucio Antonio Rank Filho. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.4 match 2.70 scorebfifield
hettx:Fisherian and Neymanian Methods for Detecting and Measuring Treatment Effect Variation
Implements methods developed by Ding, Feller, and Miratrix (2016) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12124> <arXiv:1412.5000>, and Ding, Feller, and Miratrix (2018) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2017.1407322> <arXiv:1605.06566> for testing whether there is unexplained variation in treatment effects across observations, and for characterizing the extent of the explained and unexplained variation in treatment effects. The package includes wrapper functions implementing the proposed methods, as well as helper functions for analyzing and visualizing the results of the test.
Maintained by Ben Fifield. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.2 match 10 stars 5.32 score 21 scriptscrparedes
masscor:Mass Measurement Corrections
Mass measurement corrections and uncertainties using calibration data, as recommended by EURAMET's guideline No. 18 (2015) ISBN:978-3-942992-40-4 . The package provides classes, functions, and methods for storing information contained in calibration certificates and converting balance readings to both conventional mass and real mass. For the latter, the Magnitude of the Air Buoyancy Correction factor employs models (such as the CIMP-2007 formula revised by Picard, Davis, Gläser, and Fujii (2008) <doi:10.1088/0026-1394/45/2/004>) to estimate the local air density using measured environmental conditions.
Maintained by Cristhian Paredes. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.7 match 3.70 score 8 scriptscran
evalR:Evaluation of Unverified Code
The purpose of this package is to generate trees and validate unverified code. Trees are made by parsing a statement into a verification tree data structure. This will make it easy to port the statement into another language. Safe statement evaluations are done by executing the verification trees.
Maintained by Trevor Olsen. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.3 match 2.70 score 1 scriptshimesgroup
raqs:Interface to the US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) API
Offers functions for fetching JSON data from the US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) API with options to comply with the API rate limits. See <> for details of the AQS API.
Maintained by Jaehyun Joo. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.7 match 3.18 score 4 scripts 1 dependentscran
ensembleBMA:Probabilistic Forecasting using Ensembles and Bayesian Model Averaging
Bayesian Model Averaging to create probabilistic forecasts from ensemble forecasts and weather observations <>.
Maintained by Chris Fraley. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.0 match 3 stars 2.58 score 42 scripts 1 dependentss6sebusc
sad:Verify the Scale, Anisotropy and Direction of Weather Forecasts
Implementation of the wavelet-based spatial verification method of Buschow and Friederichs "SAD: Verifying the Scale, Anisotropy and Direction of precipitation forecasts" (2020, submitted to QJRMS). Forecasts and Observations are transformed by a decimated or redundant dual-tree complex wavelet transform to analyze the spatial scale, degree of anisotropy and preferred direction in each field. These structural attributes are compared by a series of scores. An experimental algorithm for the correction of these errors is included as well.
Maintained by Sebastian Buschow. Last updated 4 years ago.
4.4 match 1.00 scorebsvars
bsvars:Bayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressive Models
Provides fast and efficient procedures for Bayesian analysis of Structural Vector Autoregressions. This package estimates a wide range of models, including homo-, heteroskedastic, and non-normal specifications. Structural models can be identified by adjustable exclusion restrictions, time-varying volatility, or non-normality. They all include a flexible three-level equation-specific local-global hierarchical prior distribution for the estimated level of shrinkage for autoregressive and structural parameters. Additionally, the package facilitates predictive and structural analyses such as impulse responses, forecast error variance and historical decompositions, forecasting, verification of heteroskedasticity, non-normality, and hypotheses on autoregressive parameters, as well as analyses of structural shocks, volatilities, and fitted values. Beautiful plots, informative summary functions, and extensive documentation including the vignette by Woźniak (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2410.15090> complement all this. The implemented techniques align closely with those presented in Lütkepohl, Shang, Uzeda, & Woźniak (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.11057>, Lütkepohl & Woźniak (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2020.103862>, and Song & Woźniak (2021) <doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.174>. The 'bsvars' package is aligned regarding objects, workflows, and code structure with the R package 'bsvarSIGNs' by Wang & Woźniak (2024) <doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.bsvarSIGNs>, and they constitute an integrated toolset.
Maintained by Tomasz Woźniak. Last updated 1 months ago.
0.5 match 46 stars 7.67 score 32 scripts 1 dependentscrp2a
Al2O3AnalysisApp:'Shiny' Application for the Analysis of Al2O3:C Chips Measurements
A 'shiny' application providing an exhanced graphical user interface to the function analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement() from the R package 'Luminescence'.
Maintained by Archéosciences Bordeaux. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.3 match 1 stars 1.70 score 3 scriptsleef-uzh
LEEF:Data Package Containing Only Data and Data Information
Setup package for the LEEF pipeline which loads / installs all necessary packages and functions to run the pipeline.
Maintained by Rainer M. Krug. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.2 match 2.95 scoremaxtailt
extremeIndex:Forecast Verification for Extreme Events
An index measuring the amount of information brought by forecasts for extreme events, subject to calibration, is computed. This index is originally designed for weather or climate forecasts, but it may be used in other forecasting contexts. This is the implementation of the index in Taillardat et al. (2019) <arXiv:1905.04022>.
Maintained by Maxime Taillardat. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.1 match 1 stars 1.00 scoremthrun
AdaptGauss:Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
Multimodal distributions can be modelled as a mixture of components. The model is derived using the Pareto Density Estimation (PDE) for an estimation of the pdf. PDE has been designed in particular to identify groups/classes in a dataset. Precise limits for the classes can be calculated using the theorem of Bayes. Verification of the model is possible by QQ plot, Chi-squared test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The package is based on the publication of Ultsch, A., Thrun, M.C., Hansen-Goos, O., Lotsch, J. (2015) <DOI:10.3390/ijms161025897>.
Maintained by Michael Thrun. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 6.12 score 25 scripts 5 dependentstscnlab
LightLogR:Process Data from Wearable Light Loggers and Optical Radiation Dosimeters
Import, processing, validation, and visualization of personal light exposure measurement data from wearable devices. The package implements features such as the import of data and metadata files, conversion of common file formats, validation of light logging data, verification of crucial metadata, calculation of common parameters, and semi-automated analysis and visualization.
Maintained by Johannes Zauner. Last updated 26 days ago.
0.5 match 12 stars 5.91 score 28 scriptscran
RcppHMM:Rcpp Hidden Markov Model
Collection of functions to evaluate sequences, decode hidden states and estimate parameters from a single or multiple sequences of a discrete time Hidden Markov Model. The observed values can be modeled by a multinomial distribution for categorical/labeled emissions, a mixture of Gaussians for continuous data and also a mixture of Poissons for discrete values. It includes functions for random initialization, simulation, backward or forward sequence evaluation, Viterbi or forward-backward decoding and parameter estimation using an Expectation-Maximization approach.
Maintained by Roberto A. Cardenas-Ovando. Last updated 7 years ago.
2.0 match 1 stars 1.34 score 22 scriptsbiagolini
GenTag:Generate Color Tag Sequences
Implement a coherent and flexible protocol for animal color tagging. 'GenTag' provides a simple computational routine with low CPU usage to create color sequences for animal tag. First, a single-color tag sequence is created from an algorithm selected by the user, followed by verification of the combination uniqueness. Three methods to produce color tag sequences are provided. Users can modify the main function core to allow a wide range of applications.
Maintained by Carlos Biagolini-Jr.. Last updated 6 years ago.
0.5 match 3.70 scoredragosmg
rocnp:Work with Romanian Personal Numeric Codes PNC / CNP
A set of tools for working with Romanian personal numeric codes. The core is a validation function which applies several verification criteria to assess the validity of numeric codes. This is accompanied by functionality for extracting the different components of a personal numeric code. A personal numeric code is issued to all Romanian residents either at birth or when they obtain a residence permit.
Maintained by Dragoș Moldovan-Grünfeld. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 2.70 score 2 scriptsdominikkukacka
emailvalidation:Client for the '' E-Mail Validation API
An R client for the '' e-mail verification API. The API requires registration of an API key. Basic features are free, some require a paid subscription. You can find the full API documentation at <> .
Maintained by Dominik Kukacka. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 2.00 scorecran
afc:Generalized Discrimination Score
This is an implementation of the Generalized Discrimination Score (also known as Two Alternatives Forced Choice Score, 2AFC) for various representations of forecasts and verifying observations. The Generalized Discrimination Score is a generic forecast verification framework which can be applied to any of the following verification contexts: dichotomous, polychotomous (ordinal and nominal), continuous, probabilistic, and ensemble. A comprehensive description of the Generalized Discrimination Score, including all equations used in this package, is provided by Mason and Weigel (2009) <doi:10.1175/MWR-D-10-05069.1>.
Maintained by Jonas Bhend. Last updated 8 years ago.
0.8 match 1.00 scorejulienboehm
pam:Fast and Efficient Processing of PAM Data
Processing Chlorophyll Fluorescence & P700 Absorbance data generated by WALZ hardware. Four models are provided for the regression of Pi curves, which can be compared with each other in order to select the most suitable model for the data set. Control plots ensure the successful verification of each regression. Bundled output of alpha, ETRmax, Ik etc. enables fast and reliable further processing of the data.
Maintained by Julien Böhm. Last updated 21 days ago.
0.5 match 1.30 score 4 scriptscran
rasclass:Supervised Raster Image Classification
Software to perform supervised and pixel based raster image classification. It has been designed to facilitate land-cover analysis. Five classification algorithms can be used: Maximum Likelihood Classification, Multinomial Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, Random Forests and Support Vector Machines. The output includes the classified raster and standard classification accuracy assessment such as the accuracy matrix, the overall accuracy and the kappa coefficient. An option for in-sample verification is available.
Maintained by Daniel Wiesmann. Last updated 9 years ago.
0.5 match 2 stars 1.30 score