Showing 122 of total 122 results (show query)


vegan:Community Ecology Package

Ordination methods, diversity analysis and other functions for community and vegetation ecologists.

Maintained by Jari Oksanen. Last updated 16 days ago.


11.6 match 472 stars 19.41 score 15k scripts 440 dependents


phenofit:Extract Remote Sensing Vegetation Phenology

The merits of 'TIMESAT' and 'phenopix' are adopted. Besides, a simple and growing season dividing method and a practical snow elimination method based on Whittaker were proposed. 7 curve fitting methods and 4 phenology extraction methods were provided. Parameters boundary are considered for every curve fitting methods according to their ecological meaning. And 'optimx' is used to select best optimization method for different curve fitting methods. Reference: Kong, D., (2020). R package: A state-of-the-art Vegetation Phenology extraction package, phenofit version 0.3.1, <doi:10.5281/zenodo.5150204>; Kong, D., Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Chen, J., & Gu, X. (2020). Photoperiod Explains the Asynchronization Between Vegetation Carbon Phenology and Vegetation Greenness Phenology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(8), e2020JG005636. <doi:10.1029/2020JG005636>; Kong, D., Zhang, Y., Gu, X., & Wang, D. (2019). A robust method for reconstructing global MODIS EVI time series on the Google Earth Engine. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 155, 13–24; Zhang, Q., Kong, D., Shi, P., Singh, V.P., Sun, P., 2018. Vegetation phenology on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its response to climate change (1982–2013). Agric. For. Meteorol. 248, 408–417. <doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.10.026>.

Maintained by Dongdong Kong. Last updated 1 months ago.


7.0 match 78 stars 7.71 score 332 scripts


flora:Tools for Interacting with the Brazilian Flora 2020

Tools to quickly compile taxonomic and distribution data from the Brazilian Flora 2020.

Maintained by Gustavo Carvalho. Last updated 1 years ago.

3.5 match 29 stars 5.37 score 54 scripts 1 dependents


natto:An Extreme 'vegan' Package of Experimental Code

Random code that is too experimental or too weird to be included in the vegan package.

Maintained by Jari Oksanen. Last updated 28 days ago.

3.5 match 8 stars 4.68 score 1 scripts


LandWebUtils:Helper functions for the LandWeb project

Additional utilities for LandWeb analyses.

Maintained by Alex M Chubaty. Last updated 1 months ago.


5.3 match 2 stars 2.60 score 2 scripts


LST:Land Surface Temperature Retrieval for Landsat 8

Calculates Land Surface Temperature from Landsat band 10 and 11. Revision of the Single-Channel Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval From Landsat Thermal-Infrared Data. Jimenez-Munoz JC, Cristobal J, Sobrino JA, et al (2009). <doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2008.2007125>. Land surface temperature retrieval from LANDSAT TM 5. Sobrino JA, Jiménez-Muñoz JC, Paolini L (2004). <doi:10.1016/j.rse.2004.02.003>. Surface temperature estimation in Singhbhum Shear Zone of India using Landsat-7 ETM+ thermal infrared data. Srivastava PK, Majumdar TJ, Bhattacharya AK (2009). <doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2009.01.023>. Mapping land surface emissivity from NDVI: Application to European, African, and South American areas. Valor E (1996). <doi:10.1016/0034-4257(96)00039-9>. On the relationship between thermal emissivity and the normalized difference vegetation index for natural surfaces. Van de Griend AA, Owe M (1993). <doi:10.1080/01431169308904400>. Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 TIRS—Comparison between Radiative Transfer Equation-Based Method, Split Window Algorithm and Single Channel Method. Yu X, Guo X, Wu Z (2014). <doi:10.3390/rs6109829>. Calibration and Validation of land surface temperature for Landsat8-TIRS sensor. Land product validation and evolution. Skoković D, Sobrino JA, Jimenez-Munoz JC, Soria G, Julien Y, Mattar C, Cristóbal J. (2014).

Maintained by Bappa Das. Last updated 4 months ago.

3.7 match 3.70 score 9 scripts


vegetools:Tools for vegetation analysis

By now, just tools to calculate vegetation cover from field transects data.

Maintained by Francisco Rodriguez-Sanchez. Last updated 5 years ago.

5.6 match 1.70 score


usefulFuns:Useful functions for my modules and packages

A few functions and wrappers around useful code.

Maintained by Tati Micheletti. Last updated 4 months ago.

3.4 match 1.70 score 1 scripts


knfi:Analysis of Korean National Forest Inventory Database

Understanding the current status of forest resources is essential for monitoring changes in forest ecosystems and generating related statistics. In South Korea, the National Forest Inventory (NFI) surveys over 4,500 sample plots nationwide every five years and records 70 items, including forest stand, forest resource, and forest vegetation surveys. Many researchers use NFI as the primary data for research, such as biomass estimation or analyzing the importance value of each species over time and space, depending on the research purpose. However, the large volume of accumulated forest survey data from across the country can make it challenging to manage and utilize such a vast dataset. To address this issue, we developed an R package that efficiently handles large-scale NFI data across time and space. The package offers a comprehensive workflow for NFI data analysis. It starts with data processing, where read_nfi() function reconstructs NFI data according to the researcher's needs while performing basic integrity checks for data quality.Following this, the package provides analytical tools that operate on the verified data. These include functions like summary_nfi() for summary statistics, diversity_nfi() for biodiversity analysis, iv_nfi() for calculating species importance value, and biomass_nfi() and cwd_biomass_nfi() for biomass estimation. Finally, for visualization, the tsvis_nfi() function generates graphs and maps, allowing users to visualize forest ecosystem changes across various spatial and temporal scales. This integrated approach and its specialized functions can enhance the efficiency of processing and analyzing NFI data, providing researchers with insights into forest ecosystems. The NFI Excel files (.xlsx) are not included in the R package and must be downloaded separately. Users can access these NFI Excel files by visiting the Korea Forest Service Forestry Statistics Platform <> to download the annual NFI Excel files, which are bundled in .zip archives. Please note that this website is only available in Korean, and direct download links can be found in the notes section of the read_nfi() function.

Maintained by Sinyoung Park. Last updated 3 months ago.


0.5 match 1 stars 4.48 score 2 scripts