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stencilaschema:Bindings for Stencila Schema
Provides R bindings for the Stencila Schema <>. This package is primarily aimed at R developers wanting to programmatically generate, or modify, executable documents.
Maintained by Nokome Bentley. Last updated 3 years ago.
11.0 match 17 stars 4.93 score 2 scriptsjohncoene
packer:An Opinionated Framework for Using 'JavaScript'
Enforces good practice and provides convenience functions to make work with 'JavaScript' not just easier but also scalable. It is a robust wrapper to 'NPM', 'yarn', and 'webpack' that enables to compartmentalize 'JavaScript' code, leverage 'NPM' and 'yarn' packages, include 'TypeScript', 'React', or 'Vue' in web applications, and much more.
Maintained by John Coene. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.5 match 148 stars 6.25 score 1 scripts 2 dependentsmrc-ide
odin:ODE Generation and Integration
Generate systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE) and integrate them, using a domain specific language (DSL). The DSL uses R's syntax, but compiles to C in order to efficiently solve the system. A solver is not provided, but instead interfaces to the packages 'deSolve' and 'dde' are generated. With these, while solving the differential equations, no allocations are done and the calculations remain entirely in compiled code. Alternatively, a model can be transpiled to R for use in contexts where a C compiler is not present. After compilation, models can be inspected to return information about parameters and outputs, or intermediate values after calculations. 'odin' is not targeted at any particular domain and is suitable for any system that can be expressed primarily as mathematical expressions. Additional support is provided for working with delays (delay differential equations, DDE), using interpolated functions during interpolation, and for integrating quantities that represent arrays.
Maintained by Rich FitzJohn. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.5 match 106 stars 9.74 score 290 scripts 3 dependentsmrc-ide
hintr:R API for calling naomi district level HIV model
R API for calling naomi district level HIV model.
Maintained by Robert Ashton. Last updated 6 days ago.
1.2 match 2 stars 5.80 score 2 scripts 1 dependentsflowmapblue
flowmapblue:Flow Map Rendering
Create interactive flow maps using 'FlowmapBlue' 'TypeScript' library <>, which is a free tool for representing aggregated numbers of movements between geographic locations as flow maps. It is used to visualize urban mobility, commuting behavior, bus, subway and air travels, bicycle sharing, human and bird migration, refugee flows, freight transportation, trade, supply chains, scientific collaboration, epidemiological and historical data and many other topics. The package allows to either create standalone flow maps in form of 'htmlwidgets' and save them in 'HTML' files, or integrate flow maps into 'Shiny' applications.
Maintained by Egor Kotov. Last updated 16 days ago.
0.5 match 57 stars 6.70 score 22 scriptsprocess-analytics
bpmnVisualizationR:Visualize Process Execution Data on 'BPMN' Diagrams
To visualize the execution data of the processes on 'BPMN' (Business Process Model and Notation) diagrams, using overlays, style customization and interactions, with the 'bpmn-visualization' 'TypeScript' library.
Maintained by Celine Souchet. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 16 stars 5.60 score 3 scriptsstla
prettifyAddins:'RStudio' Addins to Prettify 'JavaScript', 'C++', 'Python', and More
Provides 'RStudio' addins to prettify 'HTML', 'CSS', 'SCSS', 'JavaScript', 'JSX', 'Markdown', 'C(++)', 'LaTeX', 'Python', 'Julia', 'XML', 'Java', 'JSON', 'Ruby', and to reindent 'C(++)', 'Fortran', 'Java', 'Julia', 'Python', 'SAS', 'Scala', 'Shell', 'SQL' and "TypeScript". Two kinds of addins are provided: 'Prettify' and 'Indent'. The 'Indent' addins only reindent the code, while the 'Prettify' addins also modify the code, e.g. trailing semi-colons are added to 'JavaScript' code when they are missing.
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 21 stars 4.38 score 23 scriptsstla
shinyMonacoEditor:The 'Monaco' Editor in 'Shiny'
A 'Shiny' app including the 'Monaco' editor. The 'Monaco' editor is the code editor which powers 'VS Code'. It is particularly well developed for 'JavaScript'. In addition to the 'Monaco' editor features, the app provides prettifiers and minifiers for multiple languages, 'SCSS' and 'TypeScript' compilers, code checking for 'C' and 'C++' (requires 'cppcheck').
Maintained by Stéphane Laurent. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.5 match 15 stars 3.88 score