Showing 11 of total 11 results (show query)
tsibble:Tidy Temporal Data Frames and Tools
Provides a 'tbl_ts' class (the 'tsibble') for temporal data in an data- and model-oriented format. The 'tsibble' provides tools to easily manipulate and analyse temporal data, such as filling in time gaps and aggregating over calendar periods.
Maintained by Earo Wang. Last updated 2 months ago.
96.3 match 538 stars 14.47 score 4.4k scripts 42 dependentstidyverts
tsibbledata:Diverse Datasets for 'tsibble'
Provides diverse datasets in the 'tsibble' data structure. These datasets are useful for learning and demonstrating how tidy temporal data can tidied, visualised, and forecasted.
Maintained by Mitchell OHara-Wild. Last updated 4 months ago.
13.9 match 25 stars 8.44 score 740 scripts 2 dependentshuizezhang-sherry
cubble:A Vector Spatio-Temporal Data Structure for Data Analysis
A spatiotemperal data object in a relational data structure to separate the recording of time variant/ invariant variables. See the Journal of Statistical Software reference: <doi:10.18637/jss.v110.i07>.
Maintained by H. Sherry Zhang. Last updated 5 months ago.
11.4 match 57 stars 9.07 score 83 scriptsr-lib
slider:Sliding Window Functions
Provides type-stable rolling window functions over any R data type. Cumulative and expanding windows are also supported. For more advanced usage, an index can be used as a secondary vector that defines how sliding windows are to be created.
Maintained by Davis Vaughan. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.8 match 302 stars 13.92 score 848 scripts 99 dependentsearowang
tsibbletalk:Interactive Graphics for Tsibble Objects
A shared tsibble data easily communicates between htmlwidgets on both client and server sides, powered by 'crosstalk'. A shiny module is provided to visually explore periodic/aperiodic temporal patterns.
Maintained by Earo Wang. Last updated 1 years ago.
10.4 match 28 stars 4.89 score 28 scriptsnjtierney
brolgar:Browse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in R
Provides a framework of tools to summarise, visualise, and explore longitudinal data. It builds upon the tidy time series data frames used in the 'tsibble' package, and is designed to integrate within the 'tidyverse', and 'tidyverts' (for time series) ecosystems. The methods implemented include calculating features for understanding longitudinal data, including calculating summary statistics such as quantiles, medians, and numeric ranges, sampling individual series, identifying individual series representative of a group, and extending the facet system in 'ggplot2' to facilitate exploration of samples of data. These methods are fully described in the paper "brolgar: An R package to Browse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in R", Nicholas Tierney, Dianne Cook, Tania Prvan (2020) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2022-023>.
Maintained by Nicholas Tierney. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.3 match 109 stars 8.73 score 141 scriptstidyverts
fabletools:Core Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Framework
Provides tools, helpers and data structures for developing models and time series functions for 'fable' and extension packages. These tools support a consistent and tidy interface for time series modelling and analysis.
Maintained by Mitchell OHara-Wild. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.9 match 91 stars 12.18 score 396 scripts 18 dependentsykang
gratis:Generating Time Series with Diverse and Controllable Characteristics
Generates synthetic time series based on various univariate time series models including MAR and ARIMA processes. Kang, Y., Hyndman, R.J., Li, F.(2020) <doi:10.1002/sam.11461>.
Maintained by Feng Li. Last updated 11 months ago.
1.7 match 76 stars 6.98 score 25 scriptsropensci
tsbox:Class-Agnostic Time Series
Time series toolkit with identical behavior for all time series classes: 'ts','xts', 'data.frame', 'data.table', 'tibble', 'zoo', 'timeSeries', 'tsibble', 'tis' or 'irts'. Also converts reliably between these classes.
Maintained by Christoph Sax. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.5 match 150 stars 10.61 score 496 scripts 4 dependentsnjtierney
yahtsee:Yet Another Hierachical Time Series Extension and Expansion
An opinionated approach to building hierarchical time series models in R using INLA and inlabru.
Maintained by Nicholas Tierney. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.5 match 2 stars 3.00 score 8 scriptsnixtla
nixtlar:A Software Development Kit for 'Nixtla''s 'TimeGPT'
A Software Development Kit for working with 'Nixtla''s 'TimeGPT', a foundation model for time series forecasting. 'API' is an acronym for 'application programming interface'; this package allows users to interact with 'TimeGPT' via the 'API'. You can set and validate 'API' keys and generate forecasts via 'API' calls. It is compatible with 'tsibble' and base R. For more details visit <>.
Maintained by Mariana Menchero. Last updated 28 days ago.
0.5 match 30 stars 8.16 score 38 scripts