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tmap:Thematic Maps
Thematic maps are geographical maps in which spatial data distributions are visualized. This package offers a flexible, layer-based, and easy to use approach to create thematic maps, such as choropleths and bubble maps.
Maintained by Martijn Tennekes. Last updated 3 days ago.
879 stars 16.25 score 13k scripts 24 dependentsropengov
giscoR:Download Map Data from GISCO API - Eurostat
Tools to download data from the GISCO (Geographic Information System of the Commission) Eurostat database <>. Global and European map data available. This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by Eurostat.
Maintained by Diego Hernangómez. Last updated 5 days ago.
75 stars 10.70 score 424 scripts 5 dependentsriatelab
cartography:Thematic Cartography
Create and integrate maps in your R workflow. This package helps to design cartographic representations such as proportional symbols, choropleth, typology, flows or discontinuities maps. It also offers several features that improve the graphic presentation of maps, for instance, map palettes, layout elements (scale, north arrow, title...), labels or legends. See Giraud and Lambert (2017) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57336-6_13>.
Maintained by Timothée Giraud. Last updated 2 years ago.
399 stars 10.47 score 460 scripts 2 dependents