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gh:'GitHub' 'API'
Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API'.
Maintained by Gábor Csárdi. Last updated 2 months ago.
224 stars 15.55 score 444 scripts 401 dependentsropensci
gistr:Work with 'GitHub' 'Gists'
Work with 'GitHub' 'gists' from 'R' (e.g., <>, <>). A 'gist' is simply one or more files with code/text/images/etc. This package allows the user to create new 'gists', update 'gists' with new files, rename files, delete files, get and delete 'gists', star and 'un-star' 'gists', fork 'gists', open a 'gist' in your default browser, get embed code for a 'gist', list 'gist' 'commits', and get rate limit information when 'authenticated'. Some requests require authentication and some do not. 'Gists' website: <>.
Maintained by Scott Chamberlain. Last updated 2 years ago.
httphttpsapiweb-servicesgithubgithub apigistgistscodescriptsnippetapi-wrappergithub-apigithub-gist
104 stars 8.28 score 42 scripts 2 dependentsemilyriederer
projmgr:Task Tracking and Project Management with GitHub
Provides programmatic access to 'GitHub' API with a focus on project management. Key functionality includes setting up issues and milestones from R objects or 'YAML' configurations, querying outstanding or completed tasks, and generating progress updates in tables, charts, and RMarkdown reports. Useful for those using 'GitHub' in personal, professional, or academic settings with an emphasis on streamlining the workflow of data analysis projects.
Maintained by Emily Riederer. Last updated 1 years ago.
124 stars 6.81 score 34 scripts 5 dependentsmatt-dray
ghdump:Clone Or Download All Repos For A GitHub User
Clone all of a GitHub user's repositories, or download them as zip files to a specified location and optionally unzip them. Intended for archiving or setting up a new computer.
Maintained by Matt Dray. Last updated 2 years ago.
4 stars 2.30 score 1 scripts