Showing 11 of total 11 results (show query)
FSA:Simple Fisheries Stock Assessment Methods
A variety of simple fish stock assessment methods.
Maintained by Derek H. Ogle. Last updated 2 months ago.
69 stars 11.16 score 1.7k scripts 6 dependentsropensci
rfishbase:R Interface to 'FishBase'
A programmatic interface to 'FishBase', re-written based on an accompanying 'RESTful' API. Access tables describing over 30,000 species of fish, their biology, ecology, morphology, and more. This package also supports experimental access to 'SeaLifeBase' data, which contains nearly 200,000 species records for all types of aquatic life not covered by 'FishBase.'
Maintained by Carl Boettiger. Last updated 3 months ago.
116 stars 10.11 score 764 scripts 2 dependentsropensci
worrms:World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) Client
Client for World Register of Marine Species (<>). Includes functions for each of the API methods, including searching for names by name, date and common names, searching using external identifiers, fetching synonyms, as well as fetching taxonomic children and taxonomic classification.
Maintained by Bart Vanhoorne.. Last updated 1 years ago.
27 stars 10.04 score 372 scripts 27 dependentstokami
TropFishR:Tropical Fisheries Analysis
A compilation of fish stock assessment methods for the analysis of length-frequency data in the context of data-poor fisheries. Includes methods and examples included in the FAO Manual by P. Sparre and S.C. Venema (1998), "Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment" (<>), as well as other more recent methods.
Maintained by Tobias K. Mildenberger. Last updated 5 months ago.
25 stars 7.56 score 149 scriptsfishr-core-team
FSAdata:Data to Support Fish Stock Assessment ('FSA') Package
The datasets to support the Fish Stock Assessment ('FSA') package.
Maintained by Derek Ogle. Last updated 2 years ago.
13 stars 5.67 score 285 scriptsmhpob
otndo:Understand your OTN data
This package provides functions to summarize the various type of OTN-style data.
Maintained by Michael OBrien. Last updated 21 days ago.
4 stars 4.92 score 6 scripts 1 dependentspoissonconsulting
fishbc:Fishes of British Columbia
Provides raw and curated data on the codes, classification and conservation status of freshwater fishes in British Columbia. Marine fishes will be added in a future release.
Maintained by Evan Amies-Galonski. Last updated 2 months ago.
5 stars 4.65 score 2 scriptsfishr-core-team
RFishBC:Back-Calculation of Fish Length
Helps fisheries scientists collect measurements from calcified structures and back-calculate estimated lengths at previous ages using standard procedures and models. This is intended to replace much of the functionality provided by the now out-dated 'fishBC' software (<>).
Maintained by Derek H. Ogle. Last updated 1 years ago.
13 stars 4.26 score 28 scriptsinbo
etn:Access Data from the European Tracking Network
Package with functions to access and process data from the European Tracking Network hosted by VLIZ.
Maintained by Pieter Huybrechts. Last updated 2 months ago.
8 stars 4.15 score 14 scriptsmhpob
matos:Interface with the Mid-Atlantic Acoustic Telemetry Observing System (MATOS)
This package provides HTML-scaping functions to interact with the MATOS website (, allowing aggregation of data and the downloading and posting of files.
Maintained by Michael OBrien. Last updated 3 months ago.
3 stars 4.13 score 9 scriptspoissonconsulting
klexdatr:Kootenay Lake Exploitation Study Data
Six relational 'tibbles' from the Kootenay Lake Large Trout Exploitation study. The study which ran from 2008 to 2014 caught, tagged and released large Rainbow Trout and Bull Trout in Kootenay Lake by boat angling. The fish were tagged with internal acoustic tags and/or high reward external tags and subsequently detected by an acoustic receiver array as well as reported by anglers. The data are analysed by Thorley and Andrusak (1994) <doi:10.7717/peerj.2874> to estimate the natural and fishing mortality of both species.
Maintained by Joe Thorley. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.30 score 7 scripts