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biotools:Tools for Biometry and Applied Statistics in Agricultural Science
Tools designed to perform and evaluate cluster analysis (including Tocher's algorithm), discriminant analysis and path analysis (standard and under collinearity), as well as some useful miscellaneous tools for dealing with sample size and optimum plot size calculations. A test for seed sample heterogeneity is now available. Mantel's permutation test can be found in this package. A new approach for calculating its power is implemented. biotools also contains tests for genetic covariance components. Heuristic approaches for performing non-parametric spatial predictions of generic response variables and spatial gene diversity are implemented.
Maintained by Anderson Rodrigo da Silva. Last updated 3 years ago.
20.8 match 2 stars 7.11 score 161 scripts 1 dependentscran
MultivariateAnalysis:Pacote Para Analise Multivariada
Package with multivariate analysis methodologies for experiment evaluation. The package estimates dissimilarity measures, builds dendrograms, obtains MANOVA, principal components, canonical variables, etc. (Pacote com metodologias de analise multivariada para avaliação de experimentos. O pacote estima medidas de dissimilaridade, construi de dendogramas, obtem a MANOVA, componentes principais, variaveis canonicas, etc.)
Maintained by Alcinei Mistico Azevedo. Last updated 11 months ago.
5.6 match 2.95 scorer-forge
anacor:Simple and Canonical Correspondence Analysis
Performs simple and canonical CA (covariates on rows/columns) on a two-way frequency table (with missings) by means of SVD. Different scaling methods (standard, centroid, Benzecri, Goodman) as well as various plots including confidence ellipsoids are provided.
Maintained by Patrick Mair. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.6 match 3.40 score 21 scripts