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OlinkAnalyze:Facilitate Analysis of Proteomic Data from Olink
A collection of functions to facilitate analysis of proteomic data from Olink, primarily NPX data that has been exported from Olink Software. The functions also work on QUANT data from Olink by log- transforming the QUANT data. The functions are focused on reading data, facilitating data wrangling and quality control analysis, performing statistical analysis and generating figures to visualize the results of the statistical analysis. The goal of this package is to help users extract biological insights from proteomic data run on the Olink platform.
Maintained by Kathleen Nevola. Last updated 19 days ago.
79.8 match 104 stars 9.72 score 61 scriptsjinghuazhao
pQTLdata:A Collection of Proteome Panels and Metadata
It aggregates protein panel data and metadata for protein quantitative trait locus (pQTL) analysis using 'pQTLtools' (<>). The package includes data from affinity-based panels such as 'Olink' (<>) and 'SomaScan' (<>), as well as mass spectrometry-based panels from 'CellCarta' (<>), 'Seer' (<>) and 'SWATH-MS' (<doi:10.15252/msb.20178126>). The metadata encompasses updated annotations and publication details.
Maintained by Jing Hua Zhao. Last updated 12 hours ago.
14.5 match 2 stars 5.15 scorebioc
autonomics:Unified Statistical Modeling of Omics Data
This package unifies access to Statistal Modeling of Omics Data. Across linear modeling engines (lm, lme, lmer, limma, and wilcoxon). Across coding systems (treatment, difference, deviation, etc). Across model formulae (with/without intercept, random effect, interaction or nesting). Across omics platforms (microarray, rnaseq, msproteomics, affinity proteomics, metabolomics). Across projection methods (pca, pls, sma, lda, spls, opls). Across clustering methods (hclust, pam, cmeans). It provides a fast enrichment analysis implementation. And an intuitive contrastogram visualisation to summarize contrast effects in complex designs.
Maintained by Aditya Bhagwat. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.0 match 5.95 score 5 scripts