Showing 44 of total 44 results (show query)
agridat:Agricultural Datasets
Datasets from books, papers, and websites related to agriculture. Example graphics and analyses are included. Data come from small-plot trials, multi-environment trials, uniformity trials, yield monitors, and more.
Maintained by Kevin Wright. Last updated 1 months ago.
34.5 match 126 stars 10.78 score 1.7k scripts 1 dependentstroyhill
NitrogenUptake2016:Data and Source Code From: Nitrogen Uptake and Allocation Estimates for Spartina Alterniflora and Distichlis Spicata
Contains data, code, and figures from Hill et al. 2018a (Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology; <DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.07.006>) and Hill et al. 2018b (Data In Brief <DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.09.133>). Datasets document plant allometry, stem heights, nutrient and stable isotope content, and sediment denitrification enzyme assays. The data and analysis offer an examination of nitrogen uptake and allocation in two salt marsh plant species.
Maintained by Troy D. Hill. Last updated 6 years ago.
19.7 match 1 stars 4.15 score 14 scriptscran
sorcering:Soil Organic Carbon and CN Ratio Driven Nitrogen Modelling Framework
Can be used to model the fate of soil organic carbon and soil organic nitrogen and to calculate N mineralisation rates. Provides a framework that numerically solves differential equations of soil organic carbon models based on first-order kinetics and extends these models to include the nitrogen component. The name 'sorcering' is an acronym for 'Soil ORganic Carbon & CN Ratio drIven Nitrogen modellinG framework'.
Maintained by Marc Scherstjanoi. Last updated 5 months ago.
26.2 match 2.30 scoresollano
forestmangr:Forest Mensuration and Management
Processing forest inventory data with methods such as simple random sampling, stratified random sampling and systematic sampling. There are also functions for yield and growth predictions and model fitting, linear and nonlinear grouped data fitting, and statistical tests. References: Kershaw Jr., Ducey, Beers and Husch (2016). <doi:10.1002/9781118902028>.
Maintained by Sollano Rabelo Braga. Last updated 4 months ago.
7.0 match 17 stars 7.97 score 378 scriptsagrocares
OBIC:Calculate the Open Bodem Index (OBI) Score
The Open Bodem Index (OBI) is a method to evaluate the quality of soils of agricultural fields in The Netherlands and the sustainability of the current agricultural practices. The OBI score is based on four main criteria: chemical, physical, biological and management, which consist of more than 21 indicators. By providing results of a soil analysis and management info the 'OBIC' package can be use to calculate he scores, indicators and derivatives that are used by the OBI. More information about the Open Bodem Index can be found at <>.
Maintained by Sven Verweij. Last updated 6 months ago.
7.3 match 11 stars 6.82 score 20 scriptsadeverse
ade4:Analysis of Ecological Data: Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences
Tools for multivariate data analysis. Several methods are provided for the analysis (i.e., ordination) of one-table (e.g., principal component analysis, correspondence analysis), two-table (e.g., coinertia analysis, redundancy analysis), three-table (e.g., RLQ analysis) and K-table (e.g., STATIS, multiple coinertia analysis). The philosophy of the package is described in Dray and Dufour (2007) <doi:10.18637/jss.v022.i04>.
Maintained by Aurélie Siberchicot. Last updated 15 days ago.
3.3 match 39 stars 14.96 score 2.2k scripts 256 dependentsr-forge
robustbase:Basic Robust Statistics
"Essential" Robust Statistics. Tools allowing to analyze data with robust methods. This includes regression methodology including model selections and multivariate statistics where we strive to cover the book "Robust Statistics, Theory and Methods" by 'Maronna, Martin and Yohai'; Wiley 2006.
Maintained by Martin Maechler. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.4 match 13.33 score 1.7k scripts 480 dependentsalexkowa
EnvStats:Package for Environmental Statistics, Including US EPA Guidance
Graphical and statistical analyses of environmental data, with focus on analyzing chemical concentrations and physical parameters, usually in the context of mandated environmental monitoring. Major environmental statistical methods found in the literature and regulatory guidance documents, with extensive help that explains what these methods do, how to use them, and where to find them in the literature. Numerous built-in data sets from regulatory guidance documents and environmental statistics literature. Includes scripts reproducing analyses presented in the book "EnvStats: An R Package for Environmental Statistics" (Millard, 2013, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-8455-4, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-8456-1>).
Maintained by Alexander Kowarik. Last updated 20 days ago.
3.4 match 26 stars 12.80 score 2.4k scripts 46 dependentsksawicka
spup:Spatial Uncertainty Propagation Analysis
Uncertainty propagation analysis in spatial environmental modelling following methodology described in Heuvelink et al. (2007) <doi:10.1080/13658810601063951> and Brown and Heuvelink (2007) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.06.015>. The package provides functions for examining the uncertainty propagation starting from input data and model parameters, via the environmental model onto model outputs. The functions include uncertainty model specification, stochastic simulation and propagation of uncertainty using Monte Carlo (MC) techniques. Uncertain variables are described by probability distributions. Both numerical and categorical data types are handled. Spatial auto-correlation within an attribute and cross-correlation between attributes is accommodated for. The MC realizations may be used as input to the environmental models called from R, or externally.
Maintained by Kasia Sawicka. Last updated 1 years ago.
6.5 match 9 stars 6.31 score 57 scriptswviechtb
metadat:Meta-Analysis Datasets
A collection of meta-analysis datasets for teaching purposes, illustrating/testing meta-analytic methods, and validating published analyses.
Maintained by Wolfgang Viechtbauer. Last updated 5 days ago.
3.8 match 30 stars 10.54 score 65 scripts 93 dependentsjulianfaraway
faraway:Datasets and Functions for Books by Julian Faraway
Books are "Linear Models with R" published 1st Ed. August 2004, 2nd Ed. July 2014, 3rd Ed. February 2025 by CRC press, ISBN 9781439887332, and "Extending the Linear Model with R" published by CRC press in 1st Ed. December 2005 and 2nd Ed. March 2016, ISBN 9781584884248 and "Practical Regression and ANOVA in R" contributed documentation on CRAN (now very dated).
Maintained by Julian Faraway. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.8 match 29 stars 9.43 score 1.7k scripts 1 dependentsfriendly
candisc:Visualizing Generalized Canonical Discriminant and Canonical Correlation Analysis
Functions for computing and visualizing generalized canonical discriminant analyses and canonical correlation analysis for a multivariate linear model. Traditional canonical discriminant analysis is restricted to a one-way 'MANOVA' design and is equivalent to canonical correlation analysis between a set of quantitative response variables and a set of dummy variables coded from the factor variable. The 'candisc' package generalizes this to higher-way 'MANOVA' designs for all factors in a multivariate linear model, computing canonical scores and vectors for each term. The graphic functions provide low-rank (1D, 2D, 3D) visualizations of terms in an 'mlm' via the 'plot.candisc' and 'heplot.candisc' methods. Related plots are now provided for canonical correlation analysis when all predictors are quantitative.
Maintained by Michael Friendly. Last updated 11 months ago.
3.6 match 15 stars 8.86 score 221 scripts 3 dependentsfemiguez
nlraa:Nonlinear Regression for Agricultural Applications
Additional nonlinear regression functions using self-start (SS) algorithms. One of the functions is the Beta growth function proposed by Yin et al. (2003) <doi:10.1093/aob/mcg029>. There are several other functions with breakpoints (e.g. linear-plateau, plateau-linear, exponential-plateau, plateau-exponential, quadratic-plateau, plateau-quadratic and bilinear), a non-rectangular hyperbola and a bell-shaped curve. Twenty eight (28) new self-start (SS) functions in total. This package also supports the publication 'Nonlinear regression Models and applications in agricultural research' by Archontoulis and Miguez (2015) <doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0506>, a book chapter with similar material <doi:10.2134/appliedstatistics.2016.0003.c15> and a publication by Oddi et. al. (2019) in Ecology and Evolution <doi:10.1002/ece3.5543>. The function 'nlsLMList' uses 'nlsLM' for fitting, but it is otherwise almost identical to 'nlme::nlsList'.In addition, this release of the package provides functions for conducting simulations for 'nlme' and 'gnls' objects as well as bootstrapping. These functions are intended to work with the modeling framework of the 'nlme' package. It also provides four vignettes with extended examples.
Maintained by Fernando Miguez. Last updated 10 months ago.
3.8 match 23 stars 8.19 score 112 scripts 2 dependentstbep-tech
tbeptools:Data and Indicators for the Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Several functions are provided for working with Tampa Bay Estuary Program data and indicators, including the water quality report card, tidal creek assessments, Tampa Bay Nekton Index, Tampa Bay Benthic Index, seagrass transect data, habitat report card, and fecal indicator bacteria. Additional functions are provided for miscellaneous tasks, such as reference library curation.
Maintained by Marcus Beck. Last updated 12 days ago.
3.8 match 10 stars 7.86 score 133 scriptsbriencj
dae:Functions Useful in the Design and ANOVA of Experiments
The content falls into the following groupings: (i) Data, (ii) Factor manipulation functions, (iii) Design functions, (iv) ANOVA functions, (v) Matrix functions, (vi) Projector and canonical efficiency functions, and (vii) Miscellaneous functions. There is a vignette describing how to use the design functions for randomizing and assessing designs available as a vignette called 'DesignNotes'. The ANOVA functions facilitate the extraction of information when the 'Error' function has been used in the call to 'aov'. The package 'dae' can also be installed from <>.
Maintained by Chris Brien. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.4 match 1 stars 8.62 score 356 scripts 7 dependentsekstroem
MESS:Miscellaneous Esoteric Statistical Scripts
A mixed collection of useful and semi-useful diverse statistical functions, some of which may even be referenced in The R Primer book. See Ekstrøm, C. T. (2016). The R Primer. 2nd edition. Chapman & Hall.
Maintained by Claus Thorn Ekstrøm. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.8 match 4 stars 7.69 score 328 scripts 13 dependentskenaho1
asbio:A Collection of Statistical Tools for Biologists
Contains functions from: Aho, K. (2014) Foundational and Applied Statistics for Biologists using R. CRC/Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL, ISBN: 978-1-4398-7338-0.
Maintained by Ken Aho. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.6 match 5 stars 7.32 score 310 scripts 3 dependentsr-forge
Sleuth2:Data Sets from Ramsey and Schafer's "Statistical Sleuth (2nd Ed)"
Data sets from Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2002), "The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (2nd ed)", Duxbury.
Maintained by Berwin A Turlach. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.5 match 5.70 score 191 scriptsbappa10085
SoilTesting:Organic Carbon and Plant Available Nutrient Contents in Soil
Testing of soil for the contents of organic carbon, and available macro- and micro-nutrients is a crucial part of soil fertility assessment. This package computes some routinely tested soil properties viz. organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), available N, mineral N, available phosphorus (P), available potassium (K), available iron (Fe), available zinc (Zn), available manganese (Mn), available copper (Cu), and available nickel (Ni) in soil based on laboratory analysis data obtained by most commonly followed protocols. Besides, it can also draw standard curves based on absorption/emission vs. concentration data, and give out unknown concentrations from absorption/emission readings.
Maintained by Bappa Das. Last updated 1 years ago.
9.0 match 2.70 score 1 scriptsrobertwbuchkowski
soilfoodwebs:Soil Food Web Analysis
Analyzing soil food webs or any food web measured at equilibrium. The package calculates carbon and nitrogen fluxes and stability properties using methods described by Hunt et al. (1987) <doi:10.1007/BF00260580>, de Ruiter et al. (1995) <doi:10.1126/science.269.5228.1257>, Holtkamp et al. (2011) <doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2010.10.004>, and Buchkowski and Lindo (2021) <doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13706>. The package can also manipulate the structure of the food web as well as simulate food webs away from equilibrium and run decomposition experiments.
Maintained by Robert Buchkowski. Last updated 11 months ago.
5.1 match 5 stars 4.40 score 4 scriptsmiddleton-lab
abd:The Analysis of Biological Data
The abd package contains data sets and sample code for The Analysis of Biological Data by Michael Whitlock and Dolph Schluter (2009; Roberts & Company Publishers).
Maintained by Kevin M. Middleton. Last updated 11 months ago.
3.6 match 6 stars 5.53 score 182 scripts 1 dependentsmatthieu-bruneaux
isotracer:Isotopic Tracer Analysis Using MCMC
Implements Bayesian models to analyze data from tracer addition experiments. The implemented method was originally described in the article "A New Method to Reconstruct Quantitative Food Webs and Nutrient Flows from Isotope Tracer Addition Experiments" by López-Sepulcre et al. (2020) <doi:10.1086/708546>.
Maintained by Matthieu Bruneaux. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.3 match 5.92 score 60 scriptscran
OrgMassSpecR:Organic Mass Spectrometry
Organic/biological mass spectrometry data analysis.
Maintained by Nathan Dodder. Last updated 8 years ago.
5.1 match 3.68 score 2 dependentssgs2000
ClustMC:Cluster-Based Multiple Comparisons
Multiple comparison techniques are typically applied following an F test from an ANOVA to decide which means are significantly different from one another. As an alternative to traditional methods, cluster analysis can be performed to group the means of different treatments into non-overlapping clusters. Treatments in different groups are considered statistically different. Several approaches have been proposed, with varying clustering methods and cut-off criteria. This package implements cluster-based multiple comparisons tests and also provides a visual representation in the form of a dendrogram. Di Rienzo, J. A., Guzman, A. W., & Casanoves, F. (2002) <>. Bautista, M. G., Smith, D. W., & Steiner, R. L. (1997) <doi:10.2307/1400402>.
Maintained by Santiago Garcia Sanchez. Last updated 7 months ago.
3.6 match 4.90 score 6 scriptstsutatsuta
WARN:Weaning Age Reconstruction with Nitrogen Isotope Analysis
This estimates precise weaning ages for a given skeletal population by analyzing the stable nitrogen isotope ratios of them. Bone collagen turnover rates estimated anew and the approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) were adopted in this package.
Maintained by Takumi Tsutaya. Last updated 8 months ago.
5.2 match 3.30 score 10 scriptsa-roshani
ntsDatasets:Neutrosophic Data Sets
Provides a collection of datasets related to neutrosophic sets for statistical modeling and analysis.
Maintained by Amin Roshani. Last updated 8 months ago.
3.8 match 1 stars 3.78 scorewenlong-liu
usfertilizer:County-Level Estimates of Fertilizer Application in USA
Compiled and cleaned the county-level estimates of fertilizer, nitrogen and phosphorus, from 1945 to 2012 in United States of America (USA). The commercial fertilizer data were originally generated by USGS based on the sales data of commercial fertilizer. The manure data were estimated based on county-level population data of livestock, poultry, and other animals. See the user manual for detailed data sources and cleaning methods. 'usfertilizer' utilized the tidyverse to clean the original data and provide user-friendly dataframe. Please note that USGS does not endorse this package. Also data from 1986 is not available for now.
Maintained by Wenlong Liu. Last updated 7 years ago.
2.7 match 11 stars 4.34 score 1 scriptspeterkdunn
GLMsData:Generalized Linear Model Data Sets
Data sets from the book Generalized Linear Models with Examples in R by Dunn and Smyth.
Maintained by Peter K. Dunn. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.5 match 2.61 score 220 scriptsicra
ediblecity:Modeling Urban Agriculture at City Scale
The purpose of this package is to estimate the potential of urban agriculture to contribute to addressing several urban challenges at the city-scale. Within this aim, we selected 8 indicators directly related to one or several urban challenges. Also, a function is provided to compute new scenarios of urban agriculture. Methods are described by Pueyo-Ros, Comas & Corominas (2023) <doi:10.12688/openreseurope.16054.1>.
Maintained by Josep Pueyo-Ros. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.1 match 3.70 score 10 scriptspik-piam
mrcommons:MadRat commons Input Data Library
Provides useful functions and a common structure to all the input data required to run models like MAgPIE and REMIND of model input data.
Maintained by Jan Philipp Dietrich. Last updated 15 hours ago.
1.7 match 1 stars 6.69 score 16 scripts 15 dependentstmieno2
r.spatial.workshop.datasets:Collection of spatial datasets
This packages provides spatial datasets in various format. They are used for demonstrating spatial operations and map creation using R spatial pacakges (e.g., sf, terra, tmap).
Maintained by Taro Mieno. Last updated 6 months ago.
3.6 match 2.96 score 23 scriptspecanproject
PEcAn.priors:PEcAn Functions Used to Estimate Priors from Data
Functions to estimate priors from data.
Maintained by David LeBauer. Last updated 19 hours ago.
1.0 match 216 stars 9.93 score 13 scripts 6 dependentsstevencarlislewalker
SASmixed:Data sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models"
Data sets and sample lmer analyses corresponding to the examples in Littell, Milliken, Stroup and Wolfinger (1996), "SAS System for Mixed Models", SAS Institute.
Maintained by Steven Walker. Last updated 11 years ago.
3.8 match 2.68 score 32 scriptsoli-heller
SoilManageR:Calculate Soil Management Indicators for Agricultural Practice Assessment
Calculate numerical agricultural soil management indicators from on a management timeline of an arable field. Currently, indicators for carbon (C) input into the soil system, soil tillage intensity rating (STIR), number of soil cover and living plant cover days, N fertilization and livestock intensity, and plant diversity are implemented. The functions can also be used independently of the management timeline to calculate some indicators. The package contains tables with reference information for the functions, as well as a '*.xlsx' template to collect the management data.
Maintained by Olivier Heller. Last updated 4 hours ago.
2.0 match 4.85 score 4 scriptspik-piam
mrvalidnitrogen:madrat data preparation for validation purposes of nitrogen budgets
Package contains routines to prepare data for validation exercises.
Maintained by Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.9 match 2.18 score 1 scriptscost-fp1304-profound
ProfoundData:Downloading and Exploring Data from the PROFOUND Database
Provides an R interface for the PROFOUND database <doi:10.5880/PIK.2019.008>. The PROFOUND database contains a wide range of data to evaluate vegetation models and simulate climate impacts at the forest stand scale. It includes 9 forest sites across Europe, and provides for them a site description as well as soil, climate, CO2, Nitrogen deposition, tree-level, forest stand-level and remote sensing data. Moreover, for a subset of 5 sites, also time series of carbon fluxes, energy balances and soil water are available.
Maintained by Florian Hartig. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.5 match 9 stars 5.58 score 14 scriptsjeroenpullens
NUCOMBog:NUtrient Cycling and COMpetition Model Undisturbed Open Bog Ecosystems in a Temperate to Sub-Boreal Climate
Modelling the vegetation, carbon, nitrogen and water dynamics of undisturbed open bog ecosystems in a temperate to sub-boreal climate. The executable of the model can downloaded from <>.
Maintained by J.W.M. Pullens. Last updated 7 years ago.
0.5 match 1 stars 3.36 score 46 scriptscran
SwissAir:Air Quality Data of Switzerland for One Year in 30 Min Resolution
Ozone, NOx (= Sum of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide), nitrogen monoxide, ambient temperature, dew point, wind speed and wind direction at 3 sites around lake of Lucerne in Central Switzerland in 30 min time resolution for year 2004.
Maintained by Christoph Hofer. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.0 match 1 stars 1.00 scoregarciadejalon
TreeDep:Air Pollution Removal by Dry Deposition on Trees
The model estimates air pollution removal by dry deposition on trees. It also estimates or uses hourly values for aerodynamic resistance, boundary layer resistance, canopy resistance, stomatal resistance, cuticular resistance, mesophyll resistance, soil resistance, friction velocity and deposition velocity. It also allows plotting graphical results for a specific time period. The pollutants are nitrogen dioxide, ozone, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Baldocchi D (1994) <doi:10.1093/treephys/14.7-8-9.1069>. Farquhar GD, von Caemmerer S, Berry JA (1980) Planta 149: 78-90. Hirabayashi S, Kroll CN, Nowak DJ (2015) i-Tree Eco Dry Deposition Model. Nowak DJ, Crane DE, Stevens JC (2006) <doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2006.01.007>. US EPA (1999) PCRAMMET User's Guide. EPA-454/B-96-001. Weiss A, Norman JM (1985) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 34: 205—213.
Maintained by Silvestre Garcia de Jalon. Last updated 6 years ago.
0.5 match 1.69 score 49 scripts