Showing 20 of total 20 results (show query)
PKNCA:Perform Pharmacokinetic Non-Compartmental Analysis
Compute standard Non-Compartmental Analysis (NCA) parameters for typical pharmacokinetic analyses and summarize them.
Maintained by Bill Denney. Last updated 16 days ago.
48.0 match 73 stars 12.61 score 214 scripts 4 dependentsjohn-harrold
ruminate:A Pharmacometrics Data Transformation and Analysis Tool
Exploration of pharmacometrics data involves both general tools (transformation and plotting) and specific techniques (non-compartmental analysis). This kind of exploration is generally accomplished by utilizing different packages. The purpose of 'ruminate' is to create a 'shiny' interface to make these tools more broadly available while creating reproducible results.
Maintained by John Harrold. Last updated 6 days ago.
19.1 match 2 stars 7.06 score 84 scriptsjohn-harrold
ubiquity:PKPD, PBPK, and Systems Pharmacology Modeling Tools
Complete work flow for the analysis of pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic (PKPD), physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) and systems pharmacology models including: creation of ordinary differential equation-based models, pooled parameter estimation, individual/population based simulations, rule-based simulations for clinical trial design and modeling assays, deployment with a customizable 'Shiny' app, and non-compartmental analysis. System-specific analysis templates can be generated and each element includes integrated reporting with 'PowerPoint' and 'Word'.
Maintained by John Harrold. Last updated 16 days ago.
16.1 match 13 stars 7.14 score 33 scriptscran
ncappc:NCA Calculations and Population Model Diagnosis
A flexible tool that can perform (i) traditional non-compartmental analysis (NCA) and (ii) Simulation-based posterior predictive checks for population pharmacokinetic (PK) and/or pharmacodynamic (PKPD) models using NCA metrics.
Maintained by Andrew C. Hooker. Last updated 7 years ago.
42.2 match 2.70 scorepharmaverse
admiral:ADaM in R Asset Library
A toolbox for programming Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) compliant Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets in R. ADaM datasets are a mandatory part of any New Drug or Biologics License Application submitted to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Analysis derivations are implemented in accordance with the "Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide" (CDISC Analysis Data Model Team, 2021, <>).
Maintained by Ben Straub. Last updated 4 days ago.
4.1 match 236 stars 13.89 score 486 scripts 4 dependentshuismanj
qpNCA:Noncompartmental Pharmacokinetic Analysis by qPharmetra
Computes noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters for drug concentration profiles. For each profile, data imputations and adjustments are made as necessary and basic parameters are estimated. Supports single dose, multi-dose, and multi-subject data. Supports steady-state calculations and various routes of drug administration. See ?qpNCA and vignettes. Methodology follows Rowland and Tozer (2011, ISBN:978-0-683-07404-8), Gabrielsson and Weiner (1997, ISBN:978-91-9765-100-4), and Gibaldi and Perrier (1982, ISBN:978-0824710422).
Maintained by Jan Huisman. Last updated 4 years ago.
13.0 match 3.83 score 34 scriptsjfwambaugh
invivoPKfit:Fits Toxicokinetic Models to In Vivo PK Data Sets
Takes in vivo toxicokinetic concentration-time data and fits parameters of 1-compartment and 2-compartment models for each chemical. These methods are described in detail in "Informatics for Toxicokinetics" (submitted).
Maintained by John Wambaugh. Last updated 2 months ago.
13.8 match 2.60 score 4 scriptscran
pkr:Pharmacokinetics in R
Conduct a noncompartmental analysis as closely as possible to the most widely used commercial software. Some features are 1) CDISC SDTM terms 2) Automatic slope selection with the same criterion of WinNonlin(R) 3) Supporting both 'linear-up linear-down' and 'linear-up log-down' method 4) Interval(partial) AUCs with 'linear' or 'log' interpolation method * Reference: Gabrielsson J, Weiner D. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis - Concepts and Applications. 5th ed. 2016. (ISBN:9198299107).
Maintained by Kyun-Seop Bae. Last updated 3 years ago.
22.5 match 1.52 score 33 scriptsinsightrx
clinPK:Clinical Pharmacokinetics Toolkit
Provides equations commonly used in clinical pharmacokinetics and clinical pharmacology, such as equations for dose individualization, compartmental pharmacokinetics, drug exposure, anthropomorphic calculations, clinical chemistry, and conversion of common clinical parameters. Where possible and relevant, it provides multiple published and peer-reviewed equations within the respective R function.
Maintained by Ron Keizer. Last updated 2 months ago.
5.1 match 30 stars 6.72 score 55 scriptsnovartis
xgxr:Exploratory Graphics for Pharmacometrics
Supports a structured approach for exploring PKPD data <>. It also contains helper functions for enabling the modeler to follow best R practices (by appending the program name, figure name location, and draft status to each plot). In addition, it enables the modeler to follow best graphical practices (by providing a theme that reduces chart ink, and by providing time-scale, log-scale, and reverse-log-transform-scale functions for more readable axes). Finally, it provides some data checking and summarizing functions for rapidly exploring pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PKPD) datasets.
Maintained by Andrew Stein. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.4 match 13 stars 7.76 score 105 scripts 5 dependentstjaki
PK:Basic Non-Compartmental Pharmacokinetics
Estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters using non-compartmental theory.
Maintained by Thomas Jaki. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.1 match 2.59 score 13 scripts 1 dependentsrcurtin
mlpack:'Rcpp' Integration for the 'mlpack' Library
A fast, flexible machine learning library, written in C++, that aims to provide fast, extensible implementations of cutting-edge machine learning algorithms. See also Curtin et al. (2023) <doi:10.21105/joss.05026>.
Maintained by Ryan Curtin. Last updated 3 months ago.
5.2 match 3.71 score 20 scripts 8 dependentslightbluetitan
crimedatasets:A Comprehensive Collection of Crime-Related Datasets
A comprehensive collection of datasets exclusively focused on crimes, criminal activities, and related topics. This package serves as a valuable resource for researchers, analysts, and students interested in crime analysis, criminology, social and economic studies related to criminal behavior. Datasets span global and local contexts, with a mix of tabular and spatial data.
Maintained by Renzo Caceres Rossi. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.4 match 8 stars 4.90 score 3 scriptssooahnshin
aihuman:Experimental Evaluation of Algorithm-Assisted Human Decision-Making
Provides statistical methods for analyzing experimental evaluation of the causal impacts of algorithmic recommendations on human decisions developed by Imai, Jiang, Greiner, Halen, and Shin (2023) <doi:10.1093/jrsssa/qnad010> and Ben-Michael, Greiner, Huang, Imai, Jiang, and Shin (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2403.12108>. The data used for this paper, and made available here, are interim, based on only half of the observations in the study and (for those observations) only half of the study follow-up period. We use them only to illustrate methods, not to draw substantive conclusions.
Maintained by Sooahn Shin. Last updated 3 months ago.
3.4 match 2 stars 4.60 score 8 scriptscran
NonCompart:Noncompartmental Analysis for Pharmacokinetic Data
Conduct a noncompartmental analysis with industrial strength. Some features are 1) Use of CDISC SDTM terms 2) Automatic or manual slope selection 3) Supporting both 'linear-up linear-down' and 'linear-up log-down' method 4) Interval(partial) AUCs with 'linear' or 'log' interpolation method * Reference: Gabrielsson J, Weiner D. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis - Concepts and Applications. 5th ed. 2016. (ISBN:9198299107).
Maintained by Kyun-Seop Bae. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.9 match 1 stars 2.26 score 60 scripts 1 dependentscertara
mbbe:Model Based Bio-Equivalence
Uses several Nonlinear Mixed effect (NONMEM) models (as NONMEM control files) to perform bootstrap model averaging and Monte Carlo Simulation for Model Based Bio-Equivalence (MBBE). Power is returned as the fraction of the simulations with successful bioequivalence (BE) test, for maximum concentration (Cmax), Area under the curve to the last observed value (AUClast) and Area under the curve extrapolate to infinity (AUCinf). See Hooker, A. (2020) Improved bioequivalence assessment through model-informed and model-based strategies <>.
Maintained by Mark Sale. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.8 match 4.30 score 3 scriptscran
ncar:Noncompartmental Analysis for Pharmacokinetic Report
Conduct a noncompartmental analysis with industrial strength. Some features are 1) CDISC SDTM terms 2) Automatic or manual slope selection 3) Supporting both 'linear-up linear-down' and 'linear-up log-down' method 4) Interval(partial) AUCs with 'linear' or 'log' interpolation method 5) Produce pdf, rtf, text report files. * Reference: Gabrielsson J, Weiner D. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis - Concepts and Applications. 5th ed. 2016. (ISBN:9198299107).
Maintained by Kyun-Seop Bae. Last updated 1 years ago.
7.4 match 1 stars 1.00 scoreericksuhel
Planesmuestra:Functions for Calculating Dodge Romig, MIL STD 105E and MIL STD 414 Acceptance Sampling Plan
Calculates an acceptance sampling plan, (sample size and acceptance number) based in MIL STD 105E, Dodge Romig and MIL STD 414 tables and procedures. The arguments for each function are related to lot size, inspection level and quality level. The specific plan operating curve (OC), is calculated by the binomial distribution.
Maintained by Erick Marroquin. Last updated 8 years ago.
2.0 match 1.20 score 16 scriptsphilipdelff
NMcalc:Basic Calculations for PK/PD Modeling
Essentials for PK/PD (pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics) such as area under the curve, (geometric) coefficient of variation, and other calculations that are not part of base R. This is not a noncompartmental analysis (NCA) package.
Maintained by Philip Delff. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.5 match 3 stars 3.95 score 5 scripts 1 dependents