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pyramidi:Generate and Manipulate Midi Data in R Data Frames
Import the python libraries miditapyr and mido to read in midi file data in pandas DataFrames. These can then be imported in R via reticulate. The event-based midi data is widened to facilitate the manipulation and plotting of note-based structures as in music21. The data frame format allows for an easy implementation of many music data manipulations.
Maintained by Urs Wilke. Last updated 1 years ago.
24.2 match 8 stars 3.33 score 27 scriptsleonawicz
tabr:Music Notation Syntax, Manipulation, Analysis and Transcription in R
Provides a music notation syntax and a collection of music programming functions for generating, manipulating, organizing, and analyzing musical information in R. Music syntax can be entered directly in character strings, for example to quickly transcribe short pieces of music. The package contains functions for directly performing various mathematical, logical and organizational operations and musical transformations on special object classes that facilitate working with music data and notation. The same music data can be organized in tidy data frames for a familiar and powerful approach to the analysis of large amounts of structured music data. Functions are available for mapping seamlessly between these formats and their representations of musical information. The package also provides an API to 'LilyPond' (<>) for transcribing musical representations in R into tablature ("tabs") and sheet music. 'LilyPond' is open source music engraving software for generating high quality sheet music based on markup syntax. The package generates 'LilyPond' files from R code and can pass them to the 'LilyPond' command line interface to be rendered into sheet music PDF files or inserted into R markdown documents. The package offers nominal MIDI file output support in conjunction with rendering sheet music. The package can read MIDI files and attempts to structure the MIDI data to integrate as best as possible with the data structures and functionality found throughout the package.
Maintained by Matthew Leonawicz. Last updated 6 months ago.
6.5 match 132 stars 7.87 score 94 scriptsropensci
fluidsynth:Read and Play Digital Music (MIDI)
Bindings to 'libfluidsynth' to parse and synthesize MIDI files. It can read MIDI into a data frame, play it on the local audio device, or convert into an audio file.
Maintained by Jeroen Ooms. Last updated 5 months ago.
5.7 match 11 stars 4.82 score 9 scripts 1 dependentsr-forge
tuneR:Analysis of Music and Speech
Analyze music and speech, extract features like MFCCs, handle wave files and their representation in various ways, read mp3, read midi, perform steps of a transcription, ... Also contains functions ported from the 'rastamat' 'Matlab' package.
Maintained by Uwe Ligges. Last updated 11 months ago.
2.5 match 7.84 score 1.1k scripts 44 dependentsflujoo
gm:Create Music with Ease
Provides a simple and intuitive high-level language for music representation. Generates and embeds music scores and audio files in 'RStudio', 'R Markdown' documents, and R 'Jupyter Notebooks'. Internally, uses 'MusicXML' <> to represent music, and 'MuseScore' <> to convert 'MusicXML'.
Maintained by Renfei Mao. Last updated 8 months ago.
1.3 match 207 stars 8.06 score 35 scripts