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ritalic:Interface to the ITALIC Database of Lichen Biodiversity
A programmatic interface to the Web Service methods provided by ITALIC (<>). ITALIC is a database of lichen data in Italy and bordering European countries. 'ritalic' includes functions for retrieving information about lichen scientific names, geographic distribution, ecological data, morpho-functional traits and identification keys. More information about the data is available at <>. The API documentation is available at <>.
Maintained by Matteo Conti. Last updated 16 days ago.
36.1 match 2 stars 4.04 score 6 scriptsvegandevs
vegan:Community Ecology Package
Ordination methods, diversity analysis and other functions for community and vegetation ecologists.
Maintained by Jari Oksanen. Last updated 17 days ago.
5.6 match 472 stars 19.41 score 15k scripts 440 dependentsjillbo1000
EZtune:Tunes AdaBoost, Elastic Net, Support Vector Machines, and Gradient Boosting Machines
Contains two functions that are intended to make tuning supervised learning methods easy. The eztune function uses a genetic algorithm or Hooke-Jeeves optimizer to find the best set of tuning parameters. The user can choose the optimizer, the learning method, and if optimization will be based on accuracy obtained through validation error, cross validation, or resubstitution. The function eztune_cv will compute a cross validated error rate. The purpose of eztune_cv is to provide a cross validated accuracy or MSE when resubstitution or validation data are used for optimization because error measures from both approaches can be misleading.
Maintained by Jill Lundell. Last updated 3 years ago.
10.2 match 4.76 score 38 scripts 1 dependentsjarioksa
twinspan:Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis
Classification of biological communities based on splitting first axis of Correspondence Analysis for the current subset of the data, and finding species that best indicate the splits. The method is particularly popular in vegetation science.
Maintained by Jari Oksanen. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.5 match 7 stars 4.10 score 18 scriptscran
ADER:Data Analysis in Ecology
Data sets used in Cayuela and De la Cruz (2022, ISBN:978-84-8476-833-3).
Maintained by Marcelino De la Cruz. Last updated 1 years ago.
4.0 match 1.00 score